brian bedoyapresdp 12

Post on 03-Sep-2014






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my awesome presentation


Cars By

Brian BedoyaDigital Photography

This is BMW. I took this shot in our schools parking lot.


This is a blue BMW it’s pretty small. It’s pretty close to but it’s a nice car.

FordI took this shot of a white ford in the back of the

school parking lot.

A shot of a red Mustang and i took this in the back parking lot. Hidden around the corner.

This a cool car. It’s a gray Dodge Challenger. I like this car because it is a sport car and i like those types of cars.

This was shot taken in the front parking lot. It is a white Ram. It is very big and roomy.

Facts . Ram trucks were established as a division of chrysler in


. It was a spin off of Dodge. The company said that the RAM

brand will focus on ‘’real truck customers’’.

I really like this car it was taken also in the school’s front lot. It is a dark blue Mustang.

Facts .The mustang prototype was debuted on october 7,


at the watkins glen race track in New York.

. The mustang was premiered on April 17, 1964 at New

York's World Fair.

. The first Mustang off the assembly line was sold

( by mistake) to an airplane pilot.

This a shot taken of a red Ram. It was taken in the front of the school.I think it’s pretty roomy and looks cool.

This is a shot of a black ford Camaro. I took this in a parking lot Banning.

Facts .The Camaro was born on september 29, 1966

. The camaro first name was to be the panther but later

changed there minds.

. Believe it or not , 1967 Camaro’s were to run on 13 tires,

This is a shot of a Grey Ford Camaro. I really like the black lines upon the hood of the car. I think it makes the car more sports looking.

A white 2012 Ford Camaro is the car that i really want. And after school ends i will work in the summer and save until i have enough to buy it.

This is a shot of a 2012 camaro. This specific one has a black top upon the car.

I really like this one it’s pretty cool looking. It’s also a camaro. I really like the ted on the front and inside.

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