brief history of oda bultum university · brief history of oda bultum university oda bultum...

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Oda Bultum University (OBU) is one of public higher learning institutions in Ethiopia, established in

November, 2015 by decree No.322/2014 of the Council of Ministers of the Federal Democratic Republic

of Ethiopia. The University is located in Chiro town in West Hararghe zone of Oromia Regional State. It

is located at 325 km southeast of Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia.

As a public higher learning institution, Oda Bultum University has set itself core responsibilities with a

focus on producing ethical, competent qualified graduates, conducting problem solving researches, and

giving demand driven community services. The University has now six Colleges, two institutes and one

school; it has regular, extension, Special Bega undergraduate programs. At present there are 32 regular,

5extension, 3 Special Bega undergraduate programs in the university. The University has more than 300

academic and 500 administrative staff members.

Oda Bultum University is undertaking researches and community service activities in various fields to

make its own contribution to a sustainable economic, social and political development of the country. The

University is planning and working on to initiate relevant postgraduate (M.Sc. /MA) programs.

Mission of Oda Bultum University

The mission of Oda Bultum University is to produce competent graduates, undertake problem

solving researches, and provide demand-driven and transformative community services.

Vision of Oda Bultum University

Oda Bultum University strives to be the leading center of excellence in the country and East

Africa in agro-industry and land resources by 2035.


Pursuit of truth and freedom to express truth

Reputability by accomplished mission

Academic excellence and cooperative partnership

Institutional freedom and Accountability

Inclusive governance and rule of law

Justice and equity

Fighting corruption

Delivery of swift and quality service

Economic use of resource and effective property administration

Giving thanks to grateful persons

Democracy and cultural diversity


Like other higher institutions of Ethiopia , OBU is assigned to :

Engage on teaching learning activities;

Carry out need based and problem solving research ;

Deliver need based and problem solving community services.

1, Teaching learning activities

Academic Units

College of Agriculture

College of Agro Industry

College of natural resource and environmental science

College of Business and Economics

College of Natural and Computational Science

College of Social Science and Humanity

Institute of Technology

Institute of land Administration

School of Law

Current students in Regular Programs

College/institute 1 st


2 nd



year 4th


College of Agriculture

198 112 111 94 257 772

College of Natural and Computational Science 151 92 91 - - 334

College of natural resource and

environmental science

163 93 95 60 118 529

College of Business and Economics

199 121 123 - - 443

College of Social Science and Humanity

168 - - - - 168

College of Agro Industry

77 - - - - 77

Institute of Technology 194 57 96 - - 347

Institute of land Adminstration

81 32 - 40 - - 153

School of Law

37 - - - - - 37

Total 1268 507 516 40 154 375 2860

Student in extension program

Center Department # program Student number

Chiro Five Evening & Weekend 1004

Badessa Three Weekend 179

Hirna Two Weekend 336

Metahara Two Weekend 50

Total 1569

2011 graduates: 710 regular + 268 extension = 978

2, Research Activities In terms of researches undertaken the following efforts have been made so far:

Research capacity building activities:

Farmers field day visiting integrated agribusiness

Farmers field day visiting Mango Farm

Farmer’s field day visiting Nursery Site

Farmers field day visiting apiculture farm

3, Community Engagement Activities

Community Engagements implemented in 2009 E.C

1 Capacity Building on Land Information Systems to Experts in West Hararghe Zone

2 Small Scale Poultry Production Technology Transferring to Women in Chiro Woreda

3 Training on Enhancing Bio-intensive Production through “Fodder shed Technology System” to

Farmers in West Hararghe

4 Technology Village creation Through Renewable Energy to Farmers in Habro Woreda

5 Planning, Financial Management and Related Issues to Micro and Small Scale Enterprises in West

Hararghe Zone

6 Promoting Skills of Science Teachers for Improving Educational Quality in West Hararghe Zone

7 Improving Food Grain Postharvest Handling & Storage System to Tullo Woreda Farmers

8 Small Scale Dairy Technology Transferring to Women in Chiro Woreda

9 Capacity Building on LATEX Mathematics Application Software to Mathematics Teachers in West

Hararghe Zone

10 Training on Leadership and Management Skills and Integrated Budget and Expenditure System to

Chiro TVET Staff

11 Improving Households Agro forestry Practices Through Capacity Building and Improved fruit tree

Distribution to Tullo Woreda Farmers

12 Practical based Queen Rearing (Honey bee colony multiplication) Technology Transferring to Coffee

Producer Beekeeper in 9 Zones of Oromia Regional Sate

Training delivered on LATEX Mathematic application software for

Mathematic teachers in West Hararghe Zone

Training delivered on LATEX Mathematic application software for Mathematic

teachers in West Hararghe Zone

Beekeeping Training Delivered by OBU at Arsi Robe area

Some of Community Engagements implemented in 2010 E.C

1 Provision of Training on MATLAB/Octave software for West Hararghe Zone Techers

2 Training on Laboratory Equipment Utilization and safty for Elementary and High school Teachers

3 Kaizen Enterprunership, Enterprize developmentand Professional Ethics for Technical and Vocational

Training Offices of West Hrarghe Zone

4 Training on Auditing and and bookeeping to west Hararghe Experts at Hirna Town

5 An Integrated Agro forestry Based Natural resource Conservation at Nole Watershed, Tullo District,

West Hararghe

6 Provision of Training on Forest inventory and GIS to West Hararge Zone Forest Enterprise Experts

7 Improved shelf life of fruit and vegetable using evaporative cooling technology

8 Hygine in Meat production For butcheries and Meat handlers Meat West harghe

9 Capacitating Small and Micro Enterprise Contractors of West Hararghe zone Twords Contract

Adminstration and Unit Cost Analysis of Construction Projects

10 Training on Urban Claster and Land Conflict Resolution Mechanisms for West Hararghe Land

adminstration Experts

11 Capacity Building on Post harvest Loss Reductions of Perishable and Stored Crop, Pesticides use and

Its Implications on The Environment at West Hararghe Zone

12 Provision of training on awareness creation and Enterprenuerships to the increasing street girls in

Chiro twon

13 Provion of training on ICT based Data base managements to experts of west Hararghe zone

14 Capacity building on Creativity, Inovation and Enterprenurshipsto West Hararghe zone TVET college


15 Development and Implementation of Chiro town wast disposed area Greening for youth job creation

Provision of TOT on ICT based Data Management to all woreda Social

security experts

Improving the livelihoods of smallholder women farmers of Chiro Woreda

through introduction of improved poultry production systems

While those 30 women receiving 300 poultry with 7 portable poultry

house and three months poultry feed interviewed to reflect their feeling

to in Chiro Woreda

Poultry house technology implementation site selection and input distribution

on community’s farm yard

Provision of practical based dairy processing trainings to small holder


Distribution of grafted mango and Avocado seedlings on farmers


Monitoring and Evaluation of the performance of the distributed

multipurpose fruit tree seedlings, in Gagawo Dingate

Evaluation of the distributed seedlings after 2 years

Chiro town waste disposal site greenery project

Community Engagements implemented in 2011 E.C

1 Distribution of used materials to TEVT , schools

2 distributed exercise book, pen and pencil for 840 displaced school children in Miésso

3 Capacity building Training provided for 40 land administration experts from all

districts and zonal office on the title land cadastral surveying

4 Training provide for 30 zonal audit experts on the financial auditing

5 Capacity building training for 40 women entrepreneurs engaged in Micro and Small

Enterprises in West Hararghe Zone.

6 Delivering business consultancy service and establishing 5 model enterprises in West

Hararghe zone particularly in Chiro and Hirna towns.

7 Creating job opportunities for 12 unemployed youths in Chiro town by building and

distributing 4 shoes shine boys’ shades.

8 Skill gap training to 40 Zonal planning and economic development expertise

9 Offered scholarship to five Chiro Woreda Agricultural experts and five to staffs and


distributed exercise book, pen and pencil for 840 displaced school children in


Project Cycle Management capacity building training to 40 experts of West

Hararghe Zone plan and Economic Development Office.

Compiled by Foreign andPublic Relations Directorate

March,27,2019 G.C

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