brochure clean fish a3 t

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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ICF Group projects content alternative solutions to create healthy food for customer in a socially responsible and sustainable matter.

A global team of experts working in the field of research, innovation, financ-ing, technical implementation, and production management.

Our pool of knowledge and experience in the aquaculture industry is state of the art.

We adopt a global approach to building large capacities. Therefore, we have developed the EEP European expansion plan. In Holland, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Sweden, Estonia, United Kingdom and overseas, we have prepared sites in a five-year projects development to set up new ecological sea food production facilities. The projects are now "ready for go". The financing discussions with investors, funds and banking partners are running.

Our private equity donors achieve above average dividends and stable returns. They are involved in our business model as co-owners with non-voted preferred stocks. For new partners who support our projects with all their heart, there is always a door open.

If you like this theme so excited as us, then give us a call. We are pleased about every new allies for a big goal. It is to give this World sustained, healthy and stable-to-improve Sea Food. The demand is huge and supply gap is getting bigger, if we do nothing now.

”Yes, we can!” is good, “Yes, we do!” is better.

“Yes, we can!” is good, “Yes, we do!” is better.

Food shortage greater threat than scarcity of energy and water

The world food problem is more serious than ever before. For the first time in the history of mankind more than a billion people suffer Worldwide from hunger. In a few years, the situation in several parts of the world is seriously deteriorating. If this decline is not timely recognized, a shortage of food is a bigger threat than shortages of energy and water.  This is what has been said by Albert Jan Maat, president of LTO Netherlands

Growth Fish consumption provides opportunities

The world food production must be doubled in 25 years. The only way to prevent the number of hungry people rising further, says the chairman of Agrit-erra. He called the current situation dramatic and explosive, "Netherlands may as nursery for many seed and innovative agricultural land not stabbing the head in the sand. This also applies to Europe as continent with a temperate climate and great potential of agricultural production."


Since the industrial revolution, humans began to 'abuse' of seas and oceans as garbage largest in the world. We're talking about household waste, driftwood, pesticides, waste from sewage, PCBs, plastics, soil particles, cigarettes, diox-ins, hormones, mercury, lead, cadmium, flame retardants, radioactive discharges, cooling water of nuclear power, oil, persistent organic pollutants, phosphates, nitrates, etc.. On the other hand fish (and shellfish) the intrinsic property of polluting absorb substances from their environment and store in adipose tissue and liver. According to Judith Wouters, president of the Sea First Foundation vzw Belgium, the consumption of fish become a conflict between the nutritional and toxic properties of the fish in question: "The most popular species are usually predatory fish and oily fish. These fish accumulate more toxic substances than lean fish and fish below the food chain. If the fish also comes out of the contaminated area, the chances are great that the toxic prop-erties will consider the nutritional. "

Solution: We build a FISH nursery on land!

We provide clean water without heavy metals and toxins!

We grow in numbers CLEAN BIG FISH!

“Yes, we can!” is good, “Yes, we do!” is better.

Photographs © Design & Promotion by Dizzisit Global Media Group

Pollution - Food shortage - Environment

Substainable Investment In positive change of our world

The Blue RevolutionDizzisit Global Media Group

ICF Group * SRS Socially Responsible & Sustainable Investments * Fundraising * Charity

Central Communication Office Europe * Postbus 62 * 3871 CB Hoevelaken * Netherlands

P: +31(0)33 8200 005 * M: +31(0)62 6074 831 *

ICF Group projects content alternative solutions to create healthy food for customer in a socially responsible and sustainable matter.

A global team of experts working in the field of research, innovation, financ-ing, technical implementation, and production management.

Our pool of knowledge and experience in the aquaculture industry is state of the art.

We adopt a global approach to building large capacities. Therefore, we have developed the EEP European expansion plan. In Holland, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Sweden, Estonia, United Kingdom and overseas, we have prepared sites in a five-year projects development to set up new ecological sea food production facilities. The projects are now "ready for go". The financing discussions with investors, funds and banking partners are running.

Our private equity donors achieve above average dividends and stable returns. They are involved in our business model as co-owners with non-voted preferred stocks. For new partners who support our projects with all their heart, there is always a door open.

If you like this theme so excited as us, then give us a call. We are pleased about every new allies for a big goal. It is to give this World sustained, healthy and stable-to-improve Sea Food. The demand is huge and supply gap is getting bigger, if we do nothing now.

”Yes, we can!” is good, “Yes, we do!” is better.

“Yes, we can!” is good, “Yes, we do!” is better.

Food shortage greater threat than scarcity of energy and water

The world food problem is more serious than ever before. For the first time in the history of mankind more than a billion people suffer Worldwide from hunger. In a few years, the situation in several parts of the world is seriously deteriorating. If this decline is not timely recognized, a shortage of food is a bigger threat than shortages of energy and water.  This is what has been said by Albert Jan Maat, president of LTO Netherlands

Growth Fish consumption provides opportunities

The world food production must be doubled in 25 years. The only way to prevent the number of hungry people rising further, says the chairman of Agrit-erra. He called the current situation dramatic and explosive, "Netherlands may as nursery for many seed and innovative agricultural land not stabbing the head in the sand. This also applies to Europe as continent with a temperate climate and great potential of agricultural production."


Since the industrial revolution, humans began to 'abuse' of seas and oceans as garbage largest in the world. We're talking about household waste, driftwood, pesticides, waste from sewage, PCBs, plastics, soil particles, cigarettes, diox-ins, hormones, mercury, lead, cadmium, flame retardants, radioactive discharges, cooling water of nuclear power, oil, persistent organic pollutants, phosphates, nitrates, etc.. On the other hand fish (and shellfish) the intrinsic property of polluting absorb substances from their environment and store in adipose tissue and liver. According to Judith Wouters, president of the Sea First Foundation vzw Belgium, the consumption of fish become a conflict between the nutritional and toxic properties of the fish in question: "The most popular species are usually predatory fish and oily fish. These fish accumulate more toxic substances than lean fish and fish below the food chain. If the fish also comes out of the contaminated area, the chances are great that the toxic prop-erties will consider the nutritional. "

Solution: We build a FISH nursery on land!

We provide clean water without heavy metals and toxins!

We grow in numbers CLEAN BIG FISH!

“Yes, we can!” is good, “Yes, we do!” is better.

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