broken vow episode 11

Post on 13-Oct-2015






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    Roberto tries to do his mother a favor. Since Rebecca is back and Melissa is married to Felix, he is forced to work out his relationship with Rebecca.

    Now that Ofelia shows her true character, Melissa is faced with another problem.

    BODY 1


  • 00:00:32 00:00:34 Roberto Why did you follow me here?

    00:00:39 00:00:50Rebecca You left me like a fool waiting for you in America. You

    promised me that we would fix our problem. Then I just found out that youre here in the Philippines.

    00:00:53 00:00:55 Roberto I want to be alone!00:00:57 00:00:59 Rebecca To be alone?

    00:01:02 00:01:12Rebecca What about me? Am I not important to you anymore?

    Roberto, Im your wife!

    00:01:14 00:01:21Ofelia Dont belittle yourself, Felix! Melissa was the lucky one

    because you chose her.

    00:01:22 00:01:32Felix Amorcita, if you did something in the past which might

    ruin your relationship with your husband, would you tell him about it?

    00:01:34 00:01:48Ofelia Honesty is important to married people. If you love her,

    then tell her. And if your wife loves you, shell forgive you because youre her husband.

    00:01:50 00:01:52 Felix What if that mistake is unforgivable?

    00:01:52 00:02:14

    Ofelia Is it true that you cannot forgive someone? But forgiveness is a choice. Whats important is that you didnt cheat and you didnt lie to her. You honor them with your honesty even if it hurts! Hold on, Felix. What is this mistake?

    00:02:17 00:02:26Felix Amorcita, you didnt raise me to be a liar. And I dont

    want to keep on fooling myself - and the person I love the most - forever.

    00:02:51 00:02:57 Felix VO My Lord! Give me the strength to tell Melissa the truth.

    00:03:09 00:03:14 Melissa What happened to you, Felix? You look very scared.

    00:03:20 00:03:34 Felix Melissa, I love you so much. But I dont want to lose you. There were things I did in the past that I regret.

    00:03:36 00:04:34 Melissa Felix, whatever it is, it is done. Lets not discuss the past because we shouldnt worry about it anymore. I want to focus on whats more important now. Its not easy to forget, but Ill try to move on this time. So, Im hoping youll help me again because Ill help myself again. When I found out that the person who raped me was dead, I was relieved. Because of him, I didnt become a good wife to you. Felix, I promise you. From now on, Ill show you how much I love you.

    00:04:35 00:04:44 Felix Melissa You havent known me that much. I dont deserve someone like you.

    00:04:45 00:04:55 Melissa What are you saying? Why are you saying that? Dont you love me anymore?

    00:04:55 00:05:09 Felix Melissa I love you so much, Melissa. But its been hard for me. You dont know what Im going through.

    00:05:11 00:05:16 Melissa What is it, Felix? Was it because I neglected you?

    00:05:19 00:05:35 Melissa Felix, dont leave me! I promise I wont hurt you anymore. I cant live without you! Felix!

    00:05:50 00:06:09 Amor Melissa, you dont know what Felix is going through right now. Maybe its been hard for him since youve been together. But it doesnt mean that he can live without you in his life.

    00:06:11 00:06:32 Melissa Mom, hes been patient for five years. Maybe he cant

  • BODY 2

  • 00:10:08 00:10:20 Kenneth Looks like youve been traumatized as well, not just Melissa. You know what? Its time for you to move on.

    00:10:22 00:10:52 Kenneth VO Help each other so you can live like a happy couple. I think its a blessing in disguise that the person she believed to be her rapist died. Its like fate did it so Melissa wont find the truth. Because sometimes, you have to think of yourselves, too. No matter what happened, whatever mistakes youve made, you guys still deserve to be happy with each other. Right?

    00:11:08 00:11:11 Felix Im sorry if I went out.

    00:11:21 00:11:30 Melissa Its already a big deal that youre right in front of me. Thank you for not leaving me.

    00:11:32 00:11:34 Felix Melissa, you know I wont do that to you.

    00:11:47 00:11:52 Felix Melissa. Melissa, its enough. Its enough.

    00:11:53 00:11:55 Melissa Why dont you like it?

    00:11:55 00:11:56 Felix Melissa.

    00:11:58 00:12:00 Melissa Let me make it up to you, Felix.

    00:12:01 00:12:16 Felix Melissa, I dont want to oblige you because you need to make it up to me. You dont have any shortcomings, Melissa. I dont want to ask you something youre not ready to give me yet.

    00:12:25 00:12:46 Melissa Im still having a hard time getting close to you, Felix. But Im not obliging myself. Im doing this because this is all I can do for everything youve done for me.

    00:12:52 00:12:56 Melissa Let me show you how much I love you.

    00:13:14 00:13:16 Roberto Why are you still here?

    00:13:17 00:13:26 Rebecca This house is not a beer house, Roberto! My God! Did you come here just to get drunk?

    00:13:26 00:13:33 Roberto Are you here to lecture me? Why didnt you do it over the phone? You could have saved your ticket fare!

    00:13:33 00:13:37 Rebecca Roberto, dont talk to me like that. Im here to save our marriage.

    00:13:39 00:13:44 Roberto Stop it! You know theres nothing to save because its not worth it!

    00:13:45 00:13:53 Rebecca Im doing everything for us to reconcile! And you? Are you even trying?

    00:13:54 00:14:11 Roberto Thats why I went away! I want to be alone! So that I can prepare and gain energy to bear you! And our useless relationship! Since you want to trap me in this marriage, I might as well be prepared!

    00:14:19 00:14:36 Rebecca Fine Im sorry. Can we stop fighting? I just arrived and were already fighting again. Cant we have a day without a fight?

    00:14:50 00:14:52 Rebecca Is that possible?

    00:15:10 00:15:13 Rebecca Dont you really like me?

    00:15:19 00:15:21 Rebecca Roberto, what are you doing?

    00:15:21 00:15:23 Roberto

  • BODY 3

  • 00:17:30 00:17:32 Eva Yes! Its done!

    00:17:32 00:17:35 Melissa Wow! My daughter is so great!

    00:17:39 00:17:41 Melissa There, do it, too

    00:17:39 00:17:43 Ofelia Melissa, can I talk to you?

    00:17:46 00:17:48 Melissa Yes, Amorcita.

    00:17:53 00:17:54 Ofelia Felix.

    00:17:57 00:18:24 Ofelia Ive heard you talking with the policemen last night. And Felix admitted what happened. Im very sorry, but I want you to know that whatever happened in the past is of no issue to me. Melissa, Im accepting you now.

    00:18:28 00:18:30 Melissa Thank you, Amorcita.

    00:18:31 00:18:36 Felix Amorcita, thank you very much for accepting Melissa.

    00:18:37 00:18:41 Ofelia Of course! You love her, right? And shes family now.

    00:18:43 00:18:49 Ofelia And, Eva, was she the result?

    00:18:51 00:19:08 Melissa She doesnt know what happened. She doesnt know that shes the result of me being raped. She doesnt need to know because she treats Felix like her real father.

    00:19:13 00:19:15 Ofelia Well. Well

    00:19:16 00:19:20 Regina What? Melissa is a rape victim?

    00:19:21 00:19:39 Ofelia Oh, Regina! If I only have a heart problem, Im sure Ill have a heart attack! I just cant believe it! Of all the women, he had to choose Melissa! Someone who was used by a scary man.

    00:19:42 00:19:45 Regina Where did he meet Melissa? Do you know it?

    00:19:46 00:20:06 Ofelia In some God-forsaken country! I really dont know and I dont care! I really didnt want to know! What could he have seen in that woman? Im sure she was flirty thats why she was raped! Didnt Felix think that he might get infected from her? Its like he picked up a lollipop in the mud and swallowed it.

    00:20:07 00:20:17 Regina Youre so mean, Ofelia! Maybe youve forgotten that Felixs mother is also a rape victim?

    00:20:18 00:20:24 Ofelia Felixs mother was raped because of her flirty attitude. She deserved it.

    00:20:26 00:20:39 Regina I hope her soul goes to heaven. Dont you think that Felix liked Melissa because of pity, because his mother is a rape victim?

    00:20:39 00:20:43 Ofelia Regina! I dont care if Felix easily feels pity for worthless people!

    00:20:45 00:20:53 Ofelia Even if Felix loves that woman, I will never accept a dirty woman like Melissa into our family. Never!

    00:20:54 00:20:56 Regina Thats too much!

    00:21:19 00:21:22 Eva Wow! This is delicious!

    00:21:31 00:21:34 Eva Hello, Amorcita! Would you like some?

  • BODY 4

  • 00:24:49 00:25:04 Ofelia Who was talking to Eva earlier? The childs crying because one of you told her that shes a rapists daughter. Tell the truth now. Who did it?

    00:25:11 00:25:24 Ofelia You, Marie, I know you like to gossip and you dont have patience with children. Tell the truth now. If you dont, all of you will lose your jobs.

    00:25:29 00:25:36 Ofelia I clearly see on your face that youre guilty. I know youre the one who humiliated the child thats why she cried.

    00:25:37 00:25:40 Ofelia What? Tell the truth! Admit it!

    00:25:42 00:25:45 Marie Im the one who did it. Im sorry, maam. It will never happen again.

    00:25:45 00:25:50 Ofelia That surely wont happen again because Im sending you back to your province. Youre fired! Go away!

    00:25:54 00:25:58 Ofelia You see, Melissa? I will never do such a thing to a kid.

    00:26:01 00:26:03 Melissa Im sorry, Amorcita.

    00:26:04 00:26:07 Ofelia Thats okay. Ill go ahead.

    00:26:15 00:26:29 Felix All of you. You know what happened to Melissa. But shes my wife now and shes living here. If you cant respect her and Eva, you can leave now. Do you understand?

    00:26:30 00:26:31 Luisa Yes.

    00:26:33 00:26:36 Felix Alright. Go back to work.

    00:26:41 00:26:50 Melissa Felix, Im so sorry. I feel so ashamed for what I did to Amorcita because I blamed her.

    00:26:51 00:26:59 Felix You dont have to worry about Amorcita. You dont have to worry. No one can disrespect you in this house.

    00:27:14 00:27:17 Roberto What did Rebecca tell you again?

    00:27:17 00:27:32 Rosanna Shes crying to me last night. Dont you have any feelings for your wife? You knowwhat? I usually dont meddle with a couples life. But from what I saw last night, I have to step in.

    00:27:35 00:27:38 Roberto Nothing changed between us. I dont feel anything for her.

    00:27:40 00:27:47 Rosanna But thats not what I heard from you five years ago when you married her. What happened in America, my son?

    00:27:48 00:28:17 Roberto Its no use telling, Mom. Im no longer happy. I feel like she stole five years of my life from those five years of being together in America. Mom, I came home to get my life back. I want to be happy again. Not on Rebeccas side.

    00:28:19 00:29:18 Rosanna If its not with your wife, with whom then? With Melissa? Shes married and youre married! She didnt even stay single for you! What are you thinking? Wake up! God doesnt want you to be together! Rebeccas here for you and she loves you so much. Why dont you change your attitude for her? You loved her back then, right? Why dont you bring back that love again? Im not asking you to go crazy for her. Just go back to her. And if you cant do that for your relationship, do it for me. Do it for me, please Fix your relationship with Rebecca. Im begging

  • BODY 5

    BODY 6

    00:33:08 00:33:23 Felix Melissa said that she wants to change. She told me that shes going to forget everything. Now, I feel shes more caring, and shes smiling most of the time. I love her more.

    00:33:24 00:33:28 Kenneth Felix, my friend, things will go smooth for both of you.

    00:33:34 00:33:37 Felix I think I hit the bumper! He suddenly stopped!

    00:33:38 00:33:42 Kenneth Just negotiate with him. I dont think that theres damage. Just talk.

    00:33:49 00:33:52 Felix Im on the right way. You should slow down.

    00:33:54 00:33:59 Melissa Eva, go inside your room. Amorcita and I will talk. Go ahead.

    00:34:01 00:34:05 Ofelia Why did you let her go? Dont you want her to hear that her mothers a loose woman?

    00:34:04 00:34:14 Melissa Im just protecting my daughter! You can humiliate me as long as you want! But not in front of Eva! You shouldnt have taken your anger out on her.

    00:34:15 00:34:37 Ofelia Youre all the same! Squatters in my house! Go away, all of you! But youre going to leave my nephew! Be with the first man you see outside! But you cant use Felix to wash your dirty deeds! Because even if you set your foot on white marble, even if youre eating nice food Listen!

    00:34:34 00:34:39 Melissa Thats enough! Thats enough! Thats enough, please!

    00:34:38 00:34:40 Ofelia Youre still dirty!

    00:34:42 00:35:00 Ofelia Well, well. You look absolutely perfect there. You are in the company of your own kind. A vagrant like you fits that place! Ambitious woman!

  • 00:35:27 00:35:30 Felix Are you stupid? Thats my right of way. You shouldve slowed down!

    00:35:30 00:35:34 Roberto Nothing happened anyway! And youre the one running so fast!

    00:35:36 00:35:43 Roberto By the way, congratulations to you and Melissa. Hows the married life? Are you okay?

    00:35:44 00:35:49 Felix Were okay. Im giving all her needs.

    00:35:51 00:35:57 Roberto Thats my dream for her. I just hope that shes happy after our relationship then.

    00:35:58 00:36:02 Felix Shes happy. I made all her dreams come true.

    00:36:03 00:36:11 Roberto Just keep on doing it. Because once I learn that you hurt Melissa, Ill go back to her. Ill take her away from you.

    00:36:13 00:36:20 Felix What did you say? Youll go back to her if I do something wrong to her? Have you forgotten that youre the one who left her?

    00:36:23 00:36:31 Roberto Until now, I regret it. But if theres any chance that I can get her back, Ill do everything!

    00:36:1 00:36:34 Kenneth Felix! Felix, thats enough!

    00:36:35 00:36:38 Roberto Be thankful that Melissa loves you.

    00:36:53 00:36:58 Eva Mommy? Did Amorcita hurt you, too?

    00:37:01 00:37:12 Melissa She hasnt accepted us for real. She thinks that were bad people.

    00:37:13 00:37:19 Eva Shes the bad person, Mommy. Why does she hate us?

    00:37:22 00:37:37 Melissa Maybe shes just having a bad day. Just avoid her and dont do anything that she will not like.

    00:37:38 00:37:44 Eva Mommy, she might hurt us again. Lets just leave.

    00:37:45 00:37:49 Melissa We cant leave like that.

    00:37:55 00:37:57 Amor Why?

    00:37:58 00:38:08 Eva Grandmother, tell my mother that we should leave. Amorcita is a bad person. She hurt us.

    00:38:10 00:38:14 Amor Melissa, is it true? Is my granddaughter telling the truth?

    00:38:16 00:38:19 Melissa She hasnt accepted us, mother.

    00:38:25 00:38:33 Regina What? You told her that? You did that to Melissa? You almost killed her!

    00:38:34 00:38:43 Ofelia I wish I can. You know what? Sometimes, its good to hurt these vagrants so they can wake up!

    00:38:45 00:38:51 Regina Ofelia, what about Felix? Im sure hell know it. What if he leaves you?

    00:38:53 00:39:00 Regina See? You cant say anything! Be careful with what you say!

    00:39:01 00:39:07 Melissa Shes worse than the people who humiliated me. Shes just pretending.

    00:39:08 00:39:11 Amy See? Do you see that, mother?

    00:39:12 00:39:24 Amor Eva, dont cry anymore. Just go inside your room. Ill talk to your mother and Amy.

    00:39:35 00:39:44 Amor Tell me, Melissa. What did Ofelia do to you? What did she

  • BODY 7

  • 00:41:02 00:41:04 Eva Thats what you deserve.

    00:41:15 00:41:37 Felix Eva. Eva. Why did you draw Amorcita like that? Thats not good. And whats happening to you, Eva? You lied to me this morning. You said that its Amorcita who scolded you, and yet it was nanny Marie.

    00:41:38 00:41:53 Eva Im not lying, Daddy Felix. She even hurt my ear. She said that Im accusing her and then she fight with my mother. She shouted at her!

    00:41:59 00:42:07 Amy I knew it. My instincts were right. You know what? I can smell that old ladys real character from afar!

    00:42:09 00:42:19 Amor Felix needs to know whats happening in this house, my daughter! He needs to know what Ofelia is doing to you.

    00:42:23 00:42:28 Felix What do I need to know, mother Amor? Is this about what Amorcita is doing?

    00:42:31 00:42:47 Amy Tell him! Tell him what your mother-in-law is doing to you. How she humiliates you and tells you that youre a loose woman in front of the child. Its good that you immediately told Eva to go inside her room. She could have heard the secret weve been hiding for so long.

    00:42:48 00:42:50 Felix Melissa, what happened?

    00:42:50 00:42:53 Melissa Amorcita and I just had an argument.

    00:42:57 00:43:14 Melissa She wants me to leave you because she thinks that Im not right for you. And that Im just using you so I can look clean. You know thats not true, Felix, right?

    00:43:14 00:43:24 Felix I know. Thats why Im surprised that she told you that. Melissa, she knows how important you are to me.

    00:43:28 00:43:50 Melissa Maybe she tried to accept me. But she couldnt take it when she found out that Im a rape victim. What shes saying is true anyway, Felix. Im such an embarrassment to your family.

    00:43:52 00:44:06 Felix Melissa, thats not true. You know that she just found out the truth about you days ago. Yes, she was surprised. She didnt like it. But we already talked. She said she would accept you. And thats what Im seeing now.

    00:44:09 00:44:30 Melissa I cant blame her if she looks at me that way. I know it. I cant change what happened to me, Felix. I want to get it out of my head.

    00:44:34 00:44:43 Felix Melissa, this house will not help you forget your past. We dont belong here.

    00:44:44 00:44:46 Melissa What do you mean?

    00:44:52 00:45:15 Rosanna You know what? I already checked a ticket bound to San Francisco, and then I suddenly saw a sale to Hong Kong! I just thought. Why dont you go there even just for three days? Just you and Roberto. So you can get to know each other again!

    00:45:16 00:45:31 Rebecca All right! Thank you, Mom. Thank you for talking to Roberto and convincing him to go back to San Francisco with me. You were able to convince him.

    00:45:31 00:45:47 Rosanna Because I only want you to be happy. I just want to know what happened in the United States that your relationship turned out that way?


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