bryces homework powerpoint

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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By Bryce BaliffBlock A

Students have had to give up extra curricular activities.

Parents often have to re-teach themselves subjects to help their child study.

Homework is a social justice issue.

“Homework is of little benefit to students,” according to authors of a newly released study by Linda Cameron and Lee Bartel.

The amount of homework students are getting is interfering with family time and causing stress.

“Almost 90% of students are stressed over homework,” according to a study done by MetLife Insurance Company.

Students who do their homework perform significantly better than those who don’t.

Without homework teachers can’t cover necessary course work.

“When the expectations from federal and state government ramped up, the big push was for rigor,” says Wheaton Superintendent, Brian Harris.

“Ten minutes multiplied by the child’s grade is a good limit on homework,” says Duke professor Harris Cooper.

“Limits are being placed on homework so students can spend more time with their families,” according to LA Unified.

“The nations second largest school system, LA Unified, is making it so homework only counts for 10% of a student’s grade.”

“Nearly 90% of students reported feeling stressed over homework” says MetLife Insurance Company studies.

“Seventy-Seven percent students agreed that if teachers assigned homework on different days they would complete more assignments” according to MetLife Insurance Company studies.

Almostno time

About ½hour

About 1hour

About 1½ hours

About 2hours

About 2½ hours

About 3hours

More than3 hours


3 20 35 19 14 5 4 1


11 12 24 19 22 5 4 1

Socializingwith family

4 18 40 15 12 4 4 3

Playingwith friends

25 25 26 13 2 1 0 0

From a study conducted by Kravolek and Buell

Percentage of Parents Reporting on the Time Students Spend on Homework andOther Activities

Building models can teach how to use one’s body and mind together.

“Studies show that reading with children every day helps boost their academic success,” according to Linda Cameron of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.

Many experts agree that extracurricular activities are good for children’s development

A doctor who helps a person become mentally healthy

Prescribes drugs to a person for their treatment

Prevents, reduces, or eliminates symptoms of a mental illness

High school diploma

Bachelor degree in Pre-Medicine

PhD degree in Psychiatry with a specialty in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Optional 1-2 year residency program

The starting salary is approximately $95,000 per year.

The average salary is approximately $172,000 per year.

The potential salary is $300,000 per year.

By 2016 the demand for the job will increase by 20%

Doctors are in high demand

Atholton High School

Allied Health Career Academy

-Must sustain a C average or higher

-Pre-requisite is Biology 1

University of California, San Diego

The instate and out of state residents tuition is $52,221 per year

Bachelor Degree in Pre-Med at University of California School of Medicine

PhD in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry from University of California School of Medicine

4 years

1 year residency

Donated food to the less fortunate through Food on the 15th

Through church organizations, cooked and served food to the homeless

Built and repaired homes for the Appalachia Service Project

Served as a valet at the Omni Hotel in Baltimore

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