buddhism attachments cause suffering. buddhism is… a philosophy, religion, and spiritual practice...

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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BuddhismAttachments cause suffering

Buddhism Is…

A philosophy, religion, and spiritual practice followed by more than 350 million people

Based on the teachings of the Buddha

Non-theistic: Buddha is not divine (a God) he is just a revered teacher

Buddhism Is…

Dates back to 542 BCE, making it 2555 years old.

An off-shoot of Hinduism.

A path of balance rather than extremism.

Began in India and spread and diversified throughout the Far East.

The Spread of Buddhism500s BCE – 600 CE

This map shows how Buddhism spread from India throughout Asia. Buddhism began in northeastern India, the birthplace of Buddha, and from there spread along trade routes. By the first century it had reached China. From there it traveled to Korea and on to Japan around 600 CE. Buddhism also took hold in Tibet during the 600s.


Where are Buddhists Today?

Goal of Buddhism

Enlightenment and Nirvana- Defined by the Buddha as the end of suffering in this lifetime and all future lifetimes. It also meant freedom, joy and inner peace.

Buddhism Differs from Hinduism:

Buddhism rejects…

The ancient Vedic texts (Vedas)

The Caste system

The Hindu deities (gods)

Siddhartha Gautama- The Buddha

Born in 560 BCE in northeastern India (modern day Nepal) to a Hindu family of warrior caste - Shakya Clan

At the age of 29 he abandoned his family and home and became an ascetic.


Siddhartha Gautama- The Buddha

Lived a life of austerity and starvation for 6 years.

Realized this was not the way to attain Enlightenment.

Developed the “middle way” and achieved Nirvana.

What happened to Siddhartha Gautama that changed him?

Early life of luxury rendered him incapable of critical perception of reality.

He left this life behind and his encounters lead to life-changing realizations:

1. He sees an elderly person and realizes that everything decays.

2. He sees an invalid and realizes that everything suffers.

3. He sees a corpse and realizes that everything perishes.

4. He sees an ascetic and realizes that detachment from worldly things is possible.

Four Noble Truths

1. Life is suffering (not satisfactory)

2. Self-centered attachment is the root of suffering

3. Suffering can be ended

4. There is a path by which to end suffering-

The Middle Way/Eightfold Path

Eight-fold Path / Middle Way

Wisdom:1. Right views2. Right thoughts/Intentions

Morality:3. Right speech4. Right action5. Right livelihood

Concentration:6. Right effort7. Right concentration8. Right mindfulness

Five Precepts

1.Do not kill2.Do not steal3.Do not misuse sex4.Do not lie5.Do not use intoxicants

Sacred Texts• The Tripitaka or Tipitaka

• Means: tri, "three" + pitaka, "baskets"

• The teachings of Buddha were not written during his lifetime.

• Teachings were preserved orally and written down about 400 years later.

Dalai Lama-A Buddhist Leader

“Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn't anyone who doesn't

appreciate kindness and compassion." His Holiness the Dalai Lama, from "Kindness, Clarity, and Insight”

The Dalai Lama is not chosen he is found

He is not chosen, he is found. The current Dalai Lama is a reincarnation of the previous Dalai Lama. He was born two years after his last incarnation ended. Senior Tibetan monks receive information during meditation which helps them track down the new Dalai Lama. They have a secret set of criteria which they use to determine whether the child they have tracked down is the Dalai Lama. Although, familiarity with the possessions of the previous Dalai Lama is considered the main sign of the reincarnation. The search for the reincarnation typically requires a few years.

The current Dalai Lama is called Tenzin Gyasto


Religion by the Numbers






What did the Buddha Teach?

From Sanskrit Buddha means, “one who has awakened” to true nature of reality

When asked what he taught, the Buddha said: “I teach suffering and the end of suffering.”

When asked if he was divine or human, the Buddha said: “I am awake.”

When asked to summarize his teaching, the Buddha said: “To avoid evil; to do good; to cleanse one’s mind.”

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