business life magazine - high flying adored

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  • 8/8/2019 Business Life Magazine - High Flying Adored


    46 December 2010/January 2011

    Im not a a airprs. I d like he

    queueig, siig arud, geig herded

    he plae kwig wheher yuare gig be sa ex see wh

    was yak he whle igh, r wh has

    quesiable persal hygiee. the he

    edless wai r yur case, ly r i behe las e rudle rud he carusel.

    Eve i busiess r frs class, while is

    a lile re civilised, yu sill have e

    he lie, ad yu als have y whe he

    schedule says s, whe yu wa g.Is hardly surprisig, he, ha privae

    aviai is ejyig sehig a purple

    Its no longer just celebrities, executives and multi-millionaires who use private jets:the whole industry is becoming more fexible and aordable, as Nick Kirby discovers

    pach. As Gle Heaves, maagig

    Direcr Syergy Aviai, a privaeaircra ad charer aagee

    cpay, pis u: Whe yu ca

    drive sraigh up he plae; bard 15

    iues bere ake-; y whe yu

    wa, he airpr yu wa; have heplae yursel, r be i he cpay

    clleagues, rieds r aily; ake ay

    luggage yu wa; ad ge a he

    her ed a waiig car ad labrius cuss checks is wder

    peple are geig ured he

    beefs gig privae.

    the beefs, as Heaves pis heu, are prey clear, bu a ajr e (a

    by-prduc s he abve) is ie

    saved. As Judih mre, maagig

    Direcr Lile Blue, a privae aviai

    ebers club says: oe y ldclleagues used say ha privae jes are

    a ie achie: hey give yu ie back.Ad shes wrg. n ly d yu

    sped less ie a he airpr, bu yigprivaely ca ge yu sraigh he airpr

    yu eed wihu ay ie-csuig

    rasers. I se cases i ca ge yu

    clser yur desiai ha he aihubs as yu ca lad a airprs

    available sadard jes because he

    shrer ruways. As Peer Leia,maagig Direcr air axi service

    Blik, says: We ca y re ha 600

    airprs acrss Weser Eurpe ale all

    yu eed is 3,000 ee ruway.tie is key i days busiess wrld.

    Iagie ha ur busiess peple eed

    ge r he Chael Islads Zurich r

    a eeig ad back i he sae day.

    Scheduled ighs r Jersey ake iipssible d his i e day, s

    ly are yu gig have say

    verigh, he likelihd is ha yu are

    gig have g via Ld. S has

    ur peple, ravellig scheduled (wih allha queueig ad rasers), sayig i a

    hel ad he all hse ighs back? n

    haks Ill hp a privae je, be herei less ha w hurs, have y eeig

    ad y he. De.

    Ad whas re, depedig he

    privae igh yu ake, he cs ca be uch re ha scheduled ighs,

    plus verigh say, plus eals ad s .

    Bu well ge ha a lile laer.

    Buy your ownS, i yu wa y privaely, wha are

    he pis? As michael Rapley, maagigDirecr PRoAIR, a Jersey-based

    cpay specialisig i aircra sales,

    aagee ad charers, explais: Fr

    hse wh have he ey, here isurigh r racial wership. Fr

    idividual busiess ad persal use,buyig a blck hurs r bkig ighs

    a ad hc basis are ppular.Fr hse idividuals ad cpaies

    csiderig buyig heir w je, he

    chice is saggerig, ad i akes sese

    ask yursel a ew basic quesis bere

    yu sar. Hw e are yu gig be

    yig, hw ay passegers are yu

    likely be carryig ad wha rage dyu wa he je have? Fr urbs

    ad ligh jes up heavier jes, he prices

    will vary r arud 2 illi up 30

    illi r re depedig wheher

    yu are buyig ew r used. Ad hehere are all he exras.

    oce yu w he plae, explais

    Gle Heaves, here is isurace,

    cpliace ad safg yu eed crewaer all. the accuig side ca be

    cplex, wih hadlig ees, airpr ees,

    air rafc crl, uel ad s . Is

    surprisig ha ay wers chse

    use frs ha specialise i aircraaagee versee heir jes.

    Wha ay peple igh realise is

    ay idividuals r busiesses ha w

    plaes allw he be charered byher frs ad idividuals a ad hc

    basis, s hey ca recup se he cs.

    Sharing the airo curse, r ay i s busiesses ad idividuals wh wish

    use privae jes ge arud, he cs

    urigh wership is always

    jusifable: eiher hey are siply

    gig use i eugh r because sharehlder pressure uecessary

    busiess expeses. A ar re ardable

    pi r ay is racial wership.

    As he ae iplies, here yu buy araci a plae, guaraeeig yu a

    uber hurs i he air depedig he size he raci yu buy. neJes

    pieered he ccep racialwership, ad is currely he glbal

    leader i his area wih he larges ad

    s diverse ee ay siilar perar.

    As Eily Willias, Direcr Sales aneJes Eurpe, explais: Fracial


    December 2010/January 201

    The Cessna Citation Mustang.

    Top: the Global 5000

    HigH flying adored

  • 8/8/2019 Business Life Magazine - High Flying Adored


    48 December 2010/January 2011

    wership is grea r busiess leaders ad

    idividuals wh eed y privaely bud ravel eugh jusiy he expese

    a whle plae ad igh crew heir

    w, ad hse wh eed access

    uliple aircra a he sae ie.neJes Eurpe wers ca have a

    share i a aircra sarig a 1/32d a

    je (25 hurs a year), wih prices sarig

    r $125,000 r a 25-hur share i a

    ligh je. Ad, as Eily iplies, yu are resriced he plae ha yu ives

    i, yu ca upgrade a larger je r

    dwgrade a saller je i required.

    Fracial wership des dead acie, hwever, ad ca vary

    depedig he ype plae bu yu

    are geerally lkig a a w year

    iiu a he very leas.tha said, a large uber neJes

    passegers acually buy re ha a basic

    raci i a aircra ad i sill ces i

    cheaper ha urigh wership. Wheyu buy a je, yure buyig 800 hurs

    peial igh ie a year ad all he

    assciaed aieace ad aageecss, which ca ru i illis

    eurs, Eily explais. the averageneJes Eurpe cuser speds less ha

    700,000 a year which is a very sall

    prpri he cs purchasig a

    whle je. this akes he serviceaccessible a wider audiece.

    Its on the cardsI racial wership is a ardablepi, he bkig blcks ie

    a airlie culd be a idea. Ideed, se

    cpaies, such as neJes, er bh

    prgraes i rder give clies rechice. the preise is a siple e: yu

    buy a cerai uber hurs (say 50 a

    a ie) a plae yur chice.

    As michael Rapley explais: Whe

    yu buy hurs, yu have a uprcie. Say yu buy 50 hurs i

    advace, we have ake he ey

    upr, ad ver he curse he ex

    18 r 24 hs yu use i up. nrallywhe peple buy hurs hey ed base

    i a regular ype igh hey kw

    ha here are always gig be ur

    passegers yig a regular rue. I heyare gig eed e plae e week

    ad a diere plae he ex week,

    he buyig blck hurs igh be

    he righ pi r he.Ideed, his pi is wihu is

    prbles. Yu ca be resriced yig

    a se plae u a desigaed airpr,r isace, ad have pay re i yu

    wa g a diere rue. Shuldhe aircra ecuer bad weaher, i

    ay be rced diver r siply ake

    lger ge is desiai which

    ay well ce he hurs yurcard. Als, akig i accu he

    sewha vlaile aure he airliebusiess i rece years, yu culd pay

    yur cash up r ly r he cpay

    g dw he pa. Ad i yu have

    shelled u 125,000, yu are gig be a happy buy. tha said, buyig

    blcks ie wrks r ay peple

    because he ceraiy ha i gives

    he, ad i ca wrk u cheaper habuyig a re ad hc basis.

    Taxis and bargainsI igh be hard believe i, bu here is

    a budge ed privae aviai yu

    sill ge all he beefs yigprivaely, bu wihu ay upr

    cie. Welce he wrld

    he ad hc air-axi service.

    the priciple culd be sipler.

    these days we are used bkig aigh lie ad he headig i a

    aer days, s why shuld privae

    aviai be ay diere? As Peer

    Leia a Blik says: We are sr heEasyJe privae jes. Yu ca g lie

    r phe us up ad bk a igh re place aher a a price ha is

    raspare. thugh has where hesiilariy eds as yu ge he plae

    yursel ad p qualiy persal service.

    the abiliy siply bk a privae

    igh a aer days r eve hurs bere yu eed y wihu havig a

    You board 15 minutes before take-off, have the plane to yourself, you can

    take any luggage you want and you get off at the other end to a waiting car

    Blinks Cessna Citation Mustangs.

    Right: the exterior (top), and interior

    (below) of a Beechcraft King Air 200


  • 8/8/2019 Business Life Magazine - High Flying Adored


    December 2010/January 20150 December 2010/January 2011

    upr facial cie is prvig

    very ppular r ay busiess peple

    ad idividuals. As Syergys GleHeaves pis u: Arud 90 per ce

    ur charers are ad hc.

    S wha ca yu expec pay?

    Iagie yu have a eeig i Zurich a2p 7 Deceber a quick search

    e prviders websie gives e a privae

    igh Zurich 7 Deceber 2010 r a

    al 5,399 r ur peple. the sae

    ur peple ca y direc wih Blue Isladr 1,232 bu ha eas arrivig

    he 6h ad yig back he 8h (s yu

    ca add i hel say r ur peple r

    w ighs plus expeses, ad here isly e igh each day). A search

    Expedia gives e re ighs chse

    r bu he cheapes is 1,258 per

    pers ad ha requires a verighsay. Adiedly is a bi a dw ad

    diry exaple, bu i akes he pi.

    Ad he u des ed here yu

    ca ge bucke prices se privae

    ighs, by lkig r epy leg rrepsiiig ighs. Iagie El Jh

    is swaig arud his hel i Caes

    ad has ge back Ld a se

    pi i he uure w his plae iscurrely a Farbrugh, s i has be

    w dw Caes i ie r his

    jurey. o curse, his eas he plae isgig be epy r ha rip, s se

    perars will er bargai prices i.

    A quick lk a he Blik websie ad

    here is a igh r Geeva nice 17 nveber a 15.30 ( lae r yu

    bk i w) r 150. Yes, yu read ha

    righ yu culd have a privae je r

    150, prvidig yu ca y a he se ie.

    Frequent fyersS yig privaely is lger he sle

    preserve uli-gazilliaires, yu jus

    have wrk u which apprach is bes

    r yu, ad i i really is bes r yu. AsEily Willias says: Fr yers r wh

    ie, privacy, cr ad cveiece

    are criical, privae aviai services

    ay be jusifable. Is ipra

    evaluae yur eeds ad chse he sapprpriae pi.

    Aher decisi is wheher d yur

    busiess hrugh a perar r a brker.

    Se clies preer have a direcrelaiship wih a perar, says

    Jaes Leach, Grup markeig maager

    a Air Charer Service, a privae aviai

    brker. Whereas se chse use abrker because he chice hey have

    available. o curse, here are hse ha

    wrk hrugh bh.Hwever yu chse y privaely, i

    akes sese d yur research frs

    leas because he pssibiliy ha

    aviai cpaies culd g bus, as has

    happeed i he pas. I yu are gig par wih a large au ey, yu

    have a righ dead assuraces (as

    uch as is pssible) ha a fr is

    facially sable. Aleraively, checkhw well a perar is backed neJes,

    r isace, has he igh Warre

    Bues Berkshire Hahaway behid i.

    All ha said, i sees ha he arke is he verge akig . may peple

    wuld eve have csidered privae

    jes bere heyre see as exravaga

    ad peple auaically hik is gig

    be very expesive, says Judih mre.Bu re are begiig realise ha i

    is prhibiively expesive, ad ha i

    ca als save he a l ie.

    S ex ie yure hikig headig majrca r he week ad

    wa avid he usual airpr chas,

    hik privae.n

    Nick kirby s Edto-n-chef

    Many people wouldnt even consider private jets before, but more are

    realising that it is not prohibitively expensive, and that it can save them time

    Charles Clarke i n indpndnt non-

    xcutiv dicto wo njoy t digt o

    pivt vition mo o pon tn buin

    figt. h wt to y bout gtting

    wy om t typic ipot xpinc.

    I fy pivty pimiy o oidy.

    My vouit xmp i tt w, miy,

    njoy iing nd w i going to Vbi. T

    tdition wy o gtting t w uuy

    to fy to Gtwic nd tn on to Gnv nd

    tn ndu t-nd---ou tn

    by coc to Vbi. so you v to commit

    t wo o dy. You coud bbvit it bit

    i you mngd to gt on on o t cdud

    figt tt go om Jy dicty to Gnv,

    o on o t pci ct in t iing

    Why I fy privately

    on, but tt not wy poib o

    convnint owing to dmnd, figt tim

    nd qunci.

    so w dcidd w woud go pivty. W fy

    om Jy to m ipot cd sion. T

    figt t 90 minut nd tn it bout

    45-minut txi id to t ot o omting

    tt pviouy coud t wo dy nd

    invovd ugging vy uggg ound,

    o uddn bcom omting tt you do

    by mid-moning.

    Typicy t woud b ou o u, nd t

    biity to iv t t ipot 15 minut bo

    w v nd v ou tu wit u nd b

    t t ct witin t ou i gt.

    I dmit it not cp, but you cn buid

    c o it wn t two o mo o you

    tying to gt t o pc tt int iy ccd

    by dict figt om cdud ci. lt m

    t, toug, it jut on componnt o

    tv. Id nv dm o fying pivty om

    Jy to Gtwic, nd Iv jut got bc om

    singpo nd woudnt dm o uing

    nyting ot tn cdud ci.


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