by: jonathan lee. vocab. wordstax policies indulgences 100 200 300

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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 This used to be pardons for sins. What were indulgences?


By: Jonathan Lee

Vocab. Words Tax Policies


100 100 100

200 200 200

300 300 300

This used to be pardons for sins.

What were indulgences?

This was a religious movement that began in the 1500s to reform the Catholic Church.

What was the Reformation?

This was the idea that God had long ago determined who would gain salvation.

What is predestination?

This was used to pay for construction of the lavish church and a rich lifestyle for the pope.

What was the money from taxes used for?

Many people opposed this because it imposed heavy taxes.

What were the ways Church raised money?

These people opposed the political power of the Church.

Who were the rulers?

Luther wrote this list because he was angered with the sale of indulgences which later weakened the Catholic Church.

What were the 95 These?

This person said that God’s forgiveness couldn’t be bought to show his anger against the indulgences.

Who was Martin Luther?

Priests promised this when people bought indulgences.

What is the forgiveness of sins?

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