by sydney rhodenizer water purification in slaughterhouses using berkey water purifiers

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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  • BY SYDNEY RHODENIZER Water Purification in Slaughterhouses using Berkey water Purifiers
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  • Nepal Nepal is located in South Asia, bordering China and India A population of 27 million people An area of 147,181 square kilometres Highest elevations in the world The climate regions and topography of Nepal vary greatly Five climate zones that are dependent upon the altitude of the region.
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  • Land Region Nepal is also divided into three main geographical regions; lowland plains, the hill region, the mountain region. Land runs in the east-west direction and river flow from north to south. graphy-of-nepal.html
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  • Government The government of Nepal functions as a federal republic with a political system of multiple parties, and is similar to Canada with many different levels of government. The current Prime Minister is Sushil Koirala elects-prime-minister/
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  • Abattoirs There are currently 60 unhygienic abattoirs in the Kathmandu Valley area The city of Kathmandu is currently starting to build a new abattoir 19 kilometres from the city
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  • Berkey Water Purifiers The Crown Berkey water purifier comes from Conscious Water a Canadian distributor of Berkey gravity water purifiers. It can hold enough water for 40-150 people which is equivalent to six gallons of purified water at a time Conscious water operates out of Collingwood Ontario, it is run from a home office and an off-site warehouse. water-purifier-and-options/#
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  • How Berkey Works Water is poured into the upper chamber Gravity draws this water through the purification elements Contaminates are captured and within theses micro-porous elements, are separated from the water Purified water collects in the lower chamber where it can be drawn through the spout. Berkey water filtration elements are cleanable and can be used over and over again for up to 5 years.
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  • Adaptations The way the Berkey is built, is for it to stay stationary when filled, the spout would need to be adapted for a hose connection To keep water pressure constant there would need to be another adaption for it to intake water via a tap or hose connection.
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  • Benefits Canada It would create Canadian jobs in the large manufacture warehouses and jobs when shipping it to Nepal. It would also show the importance of safe drinking water, and the importance of it being used on meat and during processing. road-sign-find-vacancy-jobs-image21770928
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  • Benefits to Nepal Importing the water purifiers to Nepal would benefit slaughterhouses because it would purify the water being used to clean the facility and on the carcasses. Polluted water can cause the meat to become infected with microorganism that are harmful for consumers.
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  • Transportation The Crown Berkey would be shipped from Conscious Waters warehouse using Canada Post via International Parcel- Air or International Parcel- Surface. request-for-doctors-note-a-good-idea/ Number?execution=e1s1
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  • Cost To purchase the product: $349.00 two filters-$448.00 for four filters Shipping: $141.21- $280.91 (Canada Post) Adaptations: unknown Man-Carrying-Big-Bag-Of-Money-With-Dollar-Sign
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  • Cost The costs of the Berkey's would possibly need to be done as loans or grants from the Nepalese government to the owners of the abattoir, as the cost of one Berkey would cost too much for the slaughter houses and may force them to shut down, but if the government were to work with the slaughter houses it would cut cost, and make it more beneficial for the operators and consumers.
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  • Conclusion The water purifiers can also be used outside of slaughterhouses to give citizens healthy water to drink. Importing the purifier would lower the risk of disease and infection transmission, it would change the health of the country as a whole. substance-produces-clean-drinking-water-inexpensively-and- sustainably/
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  • Sydney Rhodenizer University of Guelph in partnership with the IDRC CIFSF and DFAIT Faculty Sponsor: Prof. Manish Raizada ( Total Presentation Time: 4minutes 58sec. For further information: A detailed written evaluation of this export idea is posted on this website :
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  • References [Berkey] Anonymous. (2014). About us. Retrieved Oct. 1, 2014, from [Berkey] Anonymous. (2014). Crown berkey water purifier and options. Retrieved Oct. 3, 2014, from purifier-and-options/ purifier-and-options/ Canada Post. (2014). Cost. Retrieved 11/02, 2014, from [Food and Environment] Anonymous. (2012). Major issues about the safety of meat in nepal. Retrieved Oct. 3, 2014, from issues-about-safety-of-meat-in.html issues-about-safety-of-meat-in.html Government of Nepal. (2014). Home office of the prime minister and council of minister. Retrieved 11/02, 2014, from [Karobar] Anonymous. (Aug. 2014). Preparation for abattoir in Dhading. Retrieved Oct. 3, 2014, from Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific. (2013). Abattoir development; options and designs for hygienic basic and medium-sized abattoirs; slaughterhouses for red-meat animals in APHCA-member countries. Retrieved Oct. 4, 2014, from

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