calendar 2013 hus forbi

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Hus Forbi Year Calendar 2013: Portraits and stories from Svenstrupgaard in Northern Jutland - a reception center for homeless people.


Helga C. Theilgaard

THE ROOTLESSPostscript by Preben Brandt


At the beginning of the winter of 2008, I walked through the streets

and parks of Copenhagen. Visited homeless shelters, drop-in centres

and reception centres to find the faces I wanted to photograph among

the homeless. It turned into meetings with people living on the edge of

life. People who are moving, raw, eccentric, hard, loving and vulnerable.

To seek out the homeless is an attempt to move closer to a reality that

I might prefer not to know of, but still draws me in. I recognize the fear

of the homeless regarding the lives they might never have; their lone-

liness, and the feeling of being left out. To live life on the streets re-

quires greater effort and strength than I had originally thought.

From the beginning, I chose a clear framework for the project: The in-

dividuals should all be placed in the studio in front of a white back-

ground and the lighting should be neutral in order not to take focus

from the individual person. The portraits have been taken with Polar-

oid negative film on an old Linnhoff camera, five attempts for each.

Working within a number of limitations sharpens my focus and deep-

ens my concentration. I choose what I see and what I show. I create a

space in which the meeting takes place.

I like to watch. To study a person for the first time. How he or she

moves, reacts and stands.

Many of the homeless were under the influence when they were

photographed. This makes it difficult to control the shoot, so I chose to

do the opposite: Use the coincidences that occur along the way.

I stand beside the camera when I photograph them. I look at them

through the viewfinder, but try to maintain the contact and encapsul-

ate the feeling I have of them after the meeting on the street. I ima-

gine the picture I am to take, but I know that I have no real control over

the final result. Only a feeling of what will work.

There is only the homeless person and me. There is nothing between


I ask them not to move after I have adjusted focus. Then I wait with

my finger on the shutter button.

It gets quiet.

Some remain still, others moves their upper body impatiently in a

sudden movement, a look. The body, starting to sag.

I watch. And wait.

Wait for the moment something authentic occurs. An intimacy. And

the finger presses down the shutter button.

Helga C. Theilgaard, december 2009


This photobook is dedicated to: Johan

Grethe Larsen, age 61

Grethe Larsen grew up in Vejle and after her confirmation, she work in

an artist group that travelled around Europe. When she was 18, she fell

head over heels in love with a man with whom she had two sons and

they were married for 13 years before she found out that her husband

betrayed her. They were divorced and Grethe got a job in a sewing fact-

ory, where she sustained a bad work injury. Later, her house burned

down, she became homeless and went to Copenhagen, where she lives

in a women’s shelter in Hvidovre.


Patrick Zimmerman, age 22

Patrick Zimmerman was born in Ishøj and became a painter in 2004.

There were problems at home and his parents threw him out when

they believed he was old enough to take care of himself. Patrick lived

with different friends and later in a reception centre, where he lived for

a year and found a girlfriend.

He now lives in Kirkens Korshær’s shelter in Hillerødgade in Copen-

hagen, is an hashish addict and finds it difficult to get on with his life.


Søren Pedersen, age 59

Søren Pedersen grew up in a family of artists on Bornholm. When he

was 19 years old, he went to Paris where he met a music group which

he became manager for. Later, he travelled around the world as a dock

worker, cook and waiter. He found a girlfriend and had two children in

the early ’70s.The couple later split. Søren was never good with money

and spends more than he earns. Therefore, he was not able to pay his

rent one day and ended up on the street.


Finn Majlund, age 43

Finn Majlund was born and raised in Frederikshavn.

At the age of 12, he asked to be sent to a children’s home because his

mother beat him. He needed safety after having lived alone with her

for a few years after his parents’ divorce. Later, his father died of can-

cer and his mother of a cerebral haemorrhage.

Finn began drinking in earnest as a 14-year-old and after finishing

school, he tried to survive with different jobs. After four years in the

army and a turn in prison for robbery, he became a trained floor fitter

in 1989. He travelled to Norway, but instead he got a job in a carnival

and returned to Denmark as a vagabond.

Today, Finn is living as an alcoholic on the streets of Odense.


Amanda Oline Rosendahl, age 14

Amanda Oline Rosendahl was born in Copenhagen, but moved to Lan-

geland when she was five years old with her mother and her new hus-

band. She was often home alone because her mother was working in

a pub. Because Amanda’s father was manic-depressive, she could not

live with him and therefore moved to Odense with her father’s girl-

friend. She dropped out of school because her everyday life and not

having enough money to live on had become too much for her.

Amanda has returned to Copenhagen and lives in different places

around the city. At the time being, in a tent in the park ‘The Blue Gar-

den’ in Åboulevarden in Copenhagen. Here, she feels free and there is

nothing to tie her down.


Erik Rosenlund Jensen, age 58

Erik Rosenlund Jensen is from Middelfart and became a skilled carpen-

ter at the age of 15. He married and had two children. When he was 26,

he bet his friends that he could become a member of the army special

forces. He applied for admission and got in. Erik was later stationed in

Afghanistan, where he by mistake shot a father and his child. Erik re-

turned to Denmark and tried to resume his family life and work as car-

penters. But the experiences continued to mark him.

When he was 50, he finally got divorced, gave everything he had to

his children and began living on the street.


Jesper Andersen, age 19

Jesper Andersen was born in Odense. His childhood was marked by his

parents’ alcoholism and that he practically took care of himself from

the age of six. When he was 13, he was placed into a foster family after

his parents’ divorce and his mother died. He did not finish school and

also dropped out of the production school. For a short while, Jesper

lived with his brother, but after that he lived on the streets. He found

‘Gaderummet’, a group home and drop-in centre in Copenhagen,

where he has lived for a year and a half. (The place has now closed)


Gheorghe Dumitrache, age 32

Gheorghe Dumitrache is from Buzau in Romania.The family home was

destroyed by a natural disaster, so the family moved around and lived

with friends and family. He has three children, whom he cannot pro-

vide for, so he is in Denmark to find a permanent job and a place to live.

Gheorghe sleeps in different parks in Copenhagen.


Maria Thomassen, age 36

Maria Thomassen grew up on Vesterbro in Copenhagen. She lived alone

with her mother, who was an alcoholic, and Maria started smoking

hashish as 13-year-old. She was sent to boarding school in West Jut-

land, got a degree in office administration and after that, she got a flat.

But she got bored, returned to Copenhagen and became a drug addict

at the age of 21. She met Lee, with whom she found peace and a kind

of safety.

In 1998, she was diagnosed HIV-positive, and lived on the streets of

Copenhagen with her belongings in two baby carriages until 2009,

when she got her own flat.


Dennis Patrick Knudsen, age 44

Dennis Patrick Knudsen was born in Nyboder in Copenhagen.

His father beat both him and his mother. When he was 19, he had

had enough and threatened to kill his father if he continued. The

family disowned him and Dennis went into the military for 3 years.

When he was returned, the love of his life had found another. Dennis

ended up on the street, homeless and has been for 25 years.


Michael Boserup, age 35

Michael Boserup grew up in a foster family on Djursland and had a

good childhood. He never got an education, but travelled around in

Denmark for a few years where he also found a girlfriend. They were

together for a long time, but finally broke up. It was not a conscious de-

cision that he came to live on the street, it just slowly happened.

Michael was homeless for 13 years, but in 2008, he was diagnosed

with sclerosis and is now living in a care home in Odense.


Anni Kærsholm Frederiksen, age 62

Anni Kærsholm Frederiksen used to be a doctor’s wife with a large

house, cars and three children, but when her loneliness became too

much, she began drinking for comfort. Problems and disagreements

with her husband could no longer be hidden and they were divorced

after 32 years of marriage. Shortly after, Anni had a cerebral haemor-

rhage and when she was discharged, she did not get any support. She

began drinking again. She could not pay the rent and ended up losing

her flat and had to stay overnight in a shelter, where she was raped.

Anni now has her own flat.


Dion Christiansen, age 25

Dion Christiansen is from Glostrup.

He grew up with a sick mother and lived mainly with a foster family.

Dion’s mother died when he was 11 years old. After that, he had it dif-

ficult in school, but when he, as a 17-year-old, was accepted to the film

and theatre school Holberg, his life changed – he began to feel success.

At the age of 19, Dion went travelling, but when he returned he had

a hard time settling down again. He did not have a place to live and

began living on the street. He was later hospitalised due to a drug-

induced psychosis and spent the next couple of years recovering.

Dion then rented a room, but was thrown out and has lived on the

streets these last years.


Lee Høgsberg, age 39

Lee Høgsberg was born in Germany, but was adopted to Denmark when

he was one month old. He was very attached to his mother and when

she died of cancer, he became violent and criminal from pure power-

lessness. He was 14 years old. Lee went sailing for a couple of years, but

when he returned, he fell into the criminal environment again and be-

came a drug addict. For 16 years, he lived alternately on the street and

in prisons. Seven years ago, he was diagnosed HIV-positive, but he is on

medication and gets by with a flat in Emdrup.


Mitzi Julendal, age 22

Mitzi Julendal is from Copenhagen.

She grew up in a family where the father drank and she had to do

the washing and hoovering. As a 9-year-old, she moved in with an old

lady, where she found the love and care she did not receive from her


The lady died of a heart attack and Mitzi was placed with a Christian

foster family, where her friends were not allowed to visit. Later, she was

sent to an independent school, but she soon lost interest in her sur-

roundings when she started taking drugs. In the following years, she

lived in different places, in shelters, in a car and on the street. Today,

she lives in a flat in Copenhagen with her boyfriend.


Rocky, age 4 1/2

Rocky is Johnny Gram’s and Bettina Borregaard’s dog.


Gioacchino Lo Easelo, age 33

Gioacchino Lo Easelo came to Denmark for the first time in 2002 and

worked as a waiter in a restaurant. He lost the job and went back home

to Sicily, but did not find work and therefore returned to Denmark. He

hopes to find a job, but he has not succeeded yet. Gioacchino usually

sleeps in the shelter in Stengade in Copenhagen.


Britta Larsen, age 52

Britta Larsen grew up with five siblings in a working-class home in Fre-

driksberg in Copenhagen. The family was happy despite living under

difficult conditions, but there was never any peace to do homework

and enjoy some quiet time alone. Britta therefore got a position in the

house when she was 15 and afterwards, she worked at the Heidelberg

vinegar factory and later as a casual labourer. She had a son when she

was 21.The father was not of much help and moved, but she managed.

In 1999, she was out of work and went on social security and could not

pay her bank loans or for her flat.

Britta has lived on the street for the last five years.


Peter Bak Dalstrand / Røde orm ‘Red worm’, age 41

Peter Bak Dalstrand is from Ballerup. He worked as a zookeeper for

eight years at the Copenhagen Zoo and lived with his girlfriend and

two children on a large property on Zealand with animals and fields,

but the couple broke up when he was 30.

Peter then began drinking himself to death and living on the street.


John Thomsen, age 39

John Thomsen was born and raised in Frederikshavn. After 9th grade,

he began training to become a skilled iron and steel worker, but he was

bullied and began smoking hashish and taking drugs to forget. After

that, he got by dealing drugs to fund his own use. He lived with friends,

acquaintances and on the street.

John has now decided he wants his life back on track and has for the

last two years lived in the reception centre Svenstrupgård in Aalborg.


Pilar Artero Philpsen, age 15

Pilar Artero Philpsen is from Copenhagen. Pilar is a child of divorce and

has a lot of problems with her family.

In school she felt like an outsider and started to drink, smoke hash-

ish and steal, and her parents could not agree who should take on the

responsibility of her, so Pilar took care of herself.To find some love and

security she went out with different men, and when she found a boy-

friend in 2007, she became pregnant – and had an abortion.

Pilar lived in a tent in the park ‘The Blue Garden’ and on the street,

but now she has a flat.


Lars Sonne, age 49, and Frank Jensen, age 78

Lars Sonne is originally from Greenland, but grew up in Hillerød. After

10th grade, he travelled around in Denmark and had various minor

jobs. He began drinking already as a 12-year-old because he felt rest-

less. Because of his problems with alcohol, Lars has been homeless for

long periods of his life and has never started a family.

Frank Jensen was born on Falster and grew up in Valby. Throughout

his professional life he has been a lorry driver in the Nordic countries.

When he lost his wife, he moved out of his flat and has since lived in

rented rooms, boarding houses and reception centres or been home-

less on the streets.

Both Lars and Frank live in Kirkens Korshær’s shelter in Hillerød-

gade in Copenhagen.


Carol Larsen, age 51

Carol Larsen is Britta Larsen’s younger brother. He lived at home until

he was 21 years old, has never received any education, but has had dif-

ferent warehouse and factories jobs. Carol does not put up with any-

thing and therefore has difficulty getting references from previous

jobs. He became unemployed and got bored when he lacked content

in his life. He began drinking, lost his unemployment benefits and his

flat, and ended up on the street in 2004 where he has managed on his

own ever since.


Sabina Lennart, age 45

Sabina Lennart was born in Greenland, but came to Denmark as a 5-

year-old. She lived a chaotic life with her mother and finally ended up

in a children’s home. Sabina dreamt of becoming a dental technician,

but was never given any support and therefore never received an edu-


She had her first child when she was 25 years old and later, she had

four more children with a different man, but ended up alone with all

the children when the man left her. This, she could not cope with and

ended up on the street. The children grew up in different places with

foster families. After five years, Sabina got a flat, but she cannot stand

being there. Therefore, she often sleeps in the shelters around the city.


Michael Eliassen, age 33

Michael Eliassen is originally from Aarhus. When he was 11, he got a

baby sister, and she received all the attention. Michael began drinking

booze and smoking joints. His friend’s father, drug addict and alco-

holic, took care of him and introduced him to that world. He died, and

Michael lost any joy of life and started on heroin. Later, he almost com-

pleted training as a chef, but crime and drugs had too strong a hold on

him. After a turn in prison he met a Christian woman, but her care be-

came too much for him. He has chosen to return to the streets, which

he cannot let go.


Kurt Holm Christensen, age 62

Kurt Holm Christensen has lived his whole life in Copenhagen. For

many years, he worked as a lorry driver and at Carlsberg. He had a wife

and three children, but after 18 years of marriage, he got divorced and

ended up on the street. Both of his legs were amputated due to gan-

grene after suffering a blood clot in 1993.

Kurt lived on the street for 15 years and died in 2008.


Lillian Thelin, age 45

Lillian Thelin grew up on Amager with her parents. When her mother

died, her father could not cope with the children, so she and her sisters

went to stay in a boarding house for a few years. She found a man from

Greenland and had a daughter with him. The daughter was removed

from their home when she was four and a half months old because

there was too much drinking, rowing and noise.They were also thrown

out of their flat and lived on the street for a while.

Lillian lost her husband a few years ago and now lives in flat in Syd-

havnen in Copenhagen.


Palle Larsen, age 49

Palle Larsen was born and raised in Copenhagen.

When he was 14 years old, Palle’s parents got divorced. He did not

want to choose which of the parents to live with, so instead he left

home and went to live with friends and in shelters. Palle has been an

alcoholic for many years, but was trained as radio mechanic and sailed

with EAC. In 2000, he served a prison sentence and after he was re-

leased, he lived on the street for six and a half years.

Although he now lives in subsidised housing in Valby, he often re-

turns to the street environment and stay overnight.


Johnny Gram, age 40, and Bettina Borregaard, age 28

Johnny Gram grew up in Tåstrup with a single, alcoholic mother the

first ten years of his life.The problems at home became so serious that

he ran away when he was 15 and lived on the street for two years. He

started smoking hashish and taking hard drugs, and he also went to

prison several times for theft.Ten years ago, he went into a methadone

treatment program, met his girlfriend Bettina and now works various

minor jobs.

Bettina Borregaard grew up in Copenhagen and has always felt like

the black sheep of the family. She had a good upbringing, but she was

tired of school, bored and began smoking hashish. Later, she was in-

troduced to heroin and became addicted. She lived a turbulent life, but

when she was 25, she decided to stop and get help. She met Johnny in

a substance abuse centre and has been with him ever since.

Bettina and Johnny have lived with Bettina’s mother several times

and on the streets of Copenhagen, but are now living in Gørlev, where

they have found a flat.


The Homeless are not just numbers

By Preben Brandt, Dr.Med.

Chairman of the board of project UDENFOR, Project OUTSIDE

& The Danish Council for Socially Marginalized Groups

If being homeless was just a question of lacking accomodation, it

should bed something that could be resolved in a rich welfare society

such as ours. Especially, if the only thing distinctive about homeless-

ness was that there were not enough dwellings for the average citizen.

But that is not how it is either.

Homelessness is something that happens to other people. Those,

who are not part of the average and ordinary. Those who do not feel at

home in society, though they are still a part of it and cannot just es-

cape, they are the homeless. Most of them do not have housing at their

disposal, although some do. Others sleep at friend’s houses here and

there, whatever happens to turn up, yet others use shelters as housing

and overnight accomodation and some choose to live day and night on

the street.

Those who are homeles do not feel at home themselves. But we do

not think they belong either – at least not with the way they are and

behave. Therefore, we want to make them normal, good citizens who

behave like the majority.

There is really nothing wrong with that, because being homeless it

is not a good life. And yet, something does not ring right. It is not only

the homeless with all their problems we have to consider.We also have

to look at ourselves and see our judgemental attitude, our readiness to

stigmatise and our demands for uniformity.

If these people are excluded – and they are – we must be the ones

doing the exclusion. And we are.

It is often the number of homeless people you focus on, but homeless-

ness is not just numbers.There are people behind those numbers. Real

people, living people. People who live a life. A life that is often so dif-


ferent that it can be difficult to understand what it is that makes some

people able to or even choose to live in this way.

And the will to choose we must not take from them. If the require-

ments for opening the door to a shelter are so high for a person that he

does not want to meet them – or he knows that he will not be able to

meet them – the choice to sleep on a piece of cardboard on the pave-

ment may be a bad one, but still the best choice. If a person knows that

the housing regulations that apply in a building, where he is offered a

home are such that it will be difficult for him to comply. And he knows

that already from the time he moves in, he will be looked at with scep-

ticism or even dislike from the other residents. Then maybe staying in

a shelter may seem like a bad choice, but it may well still be the best


On any day of the year, there are between 5,000 and 6,000 homeless

people in Denmark who do not have their own housing. One out of

every thousand of us is evicted, both literally and socially. Annually, it

is about three times that.

The majority are men. Many are without housing for a shorter period

of time, while others live this way for many years, some even through

their entire adult life. For many, homes come and go along the way,

while the feeling of not belonging continues, independent of whether

life is lived with or without a home.

This does not mean that having a home is irrelevant. No one,

whether homeless or not will assert that. A dwelling to be homeless in

is always better than being homeless with endless temporary shelters,

if the framework and conditions for living in the dwelling are equi-

valent to the needs and opportunities. Who has not as a child built a

hideout and thus created a sanctuary where we could hide away with

our thoughts and away prying eyes? The hideout, the home we need,

regardless of who we are. Also, if like a houseless homeless person you

only have the public space as a habitat. That is where you built your

hideout. It may be a makeshift bed in the thicket of a particularly good

bush, it may be a small shelter made of plastic cover or it may be a very

small hut built of collected wood and camouflaged in vegetation.

Until the beginning of the 1980s, the vast majority of the homeless

were older men with lifelong excessive alcohol consumption. In the

following years, this picture changed. More and more young people be-

came homeless and among them also a growing number of women.To-

day, one in four homeless people is under the age of 30, and the major-

ity is between 35-50 years of age. Every fifth homeless person is female.

It is no longer enough to be able to work an unskilled job, while at the

same time, be unstable with respect to keeping that job. The poor, but

cheap accommodation, whether it is a small flat or a rented room, is

not so easy to find either and the more individualised society places

higher demands on the individual’s ability to cope with the strain


The opportunities for coping alone are not evenly spread. One does

not become homeless out of the blue or by some random incident.

There is more, much more to it. The vast majority of young homeless

people have a story to tell which is neither pleasant for them to re-

member or for us to hear. It is a story that for most goes back to child-

hood. A story about not having received what it takes to be able to live

a normal, safe and good childhood. Regardless whether it be diffi-

culties that arise from circumstances of the child itself or from the

child’s surroundings, they will along with materially and socially de-

prived backgrounds help lay the foundation for future homelessness.

Some will of course overcome neglect and defeat upon defeat through

childhood, but the risk increases along with the extent of the neglect

and lack of options in the child’s family. A very large part of homeless-

ness must be seen in this light.

Very few of us go through life without experiencing defeat, conflicts,

humiliations and sorrows at some point in time. But for homeless

people it is not simply something that is experienced in few times of

crisis. These are the conditions of everyday life.

The homeless person need not be abuser. Need never have committed

anything criminal. He or she may be both physically and mentally

healthy, and have friends and family that they have close contact to.

However, only the very, very few that are in this situation – it is more

a theoretical possibility than a reality. On the contrary, the fact is that

66 67

one of the many contributory sources for homelessness and sub-

sequent consequences of homelessness is alcohol abuse, drug abuse,

mental illness, physical diseases, crime, prostitution, lack contact with

family, and poverty.

When such problems become a part of a person’s life, it is always a

significant strain on to the individual and their circle of acquaintances.

When the problems are lifelong and part of a massive social margin-

alization, they become a social disability.

Being homeless is a hard life.

It wears on the body, which ages prematurely. Diseases will increase

the risk of dying of old age, but at an age, when others have yet to

reach retirement. The elderly, worn homeless person does not fit in a

care home and has difficulties coping in a home of his own. The lone-

liness is absolute. The risk of dying in solitude without friends and

without family is great.

There is he, who for years, has lived on the streets, driven out there

by psychotic ideas of persecution and plots. He is over 70 years, walks

around with his belongings and sleeps in a park all year round. His

body is healthy and well. A strong survivor and absorbed with watch-

ing the lives others live around him.

His solitude is of a different kind, but no lesser kind – and we are no

less powerless in the face of it.

Then there is she, who began drinking alcohol at the age of 12 and

who had started abusing heroin already at the age of 15. At the same

time, she had to procure money to buy drugs which she did through

prostitution and trafficking of illegal substances. Of course, there was

no time or opportunity for education. When she was around the age of

20, the unobtrusive but painful psychosis began, where voices directed

her and mocked her. Other diseases followed after this. A series of spe-

cialised and effective treatment offers did not work.

Like many other homeless people, her chances for a long life were

small. She died at the age of 36.

It ended this badly for many reasons, not least because she grew up

with repeated stays at children’s homes, with severe neglect when she

was at home – and in a society that did not quite know what to do for

such a child. And later, not what to do for such an adult either.

It is first and foremost in the big city you will notice the homeless.

That does not mean that homelessness does not exist in the me-

dium-sized provincial city, the small town or the village. And in all

places, the homeless person falls victim to the same problems and the

same stigmatisation. Stigmatisation gives the right to exclude. He will

be deemed dirty and seen as a threat. Could his behaviour be conta-

gious, only through the power of example, they wonder. He does not

look neat and tidy either there on the bench at the city market. It is

offensive to watch. And it is disturbing. He may very well be looking

to steal or trick something out of them which he should obtain in an

honest manner. He begs, when the money is spent and that, many do

not like. If he was offered a place to live, his behaviour in that place

would be just as unwelcome.

It is not an easy matter to be homeless, neither in the big city or the

small community.

Being homeless means that you probably have many wounds to the

soul and body and have social limitations in relation to what the ma-

jority sees as a normal way of life.

But being homeless does not mean that you are not also a whole per-


It does not mean that you do not have friends, interests and know-


It does not mean that you do not have free choice.

It does not mean that you cannot be happy.

It does not mean that you cannot love another person. Or that you do

not need to be loved.

It would be quite wrong to romanticise homelessness.

And just as wrong only to see homelessness as misery.

Homeless people are just as strong as they are weak, and should be

respected for the people they are. They are entitled to be offered help.

And to be allowed to live a different life. In this duality lies the chal-

lenge for understanding homelessness.

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Special Thanks

Thanks to the many foundations, sponsors and partners who have be-

lieved in the project and supported the publication of this book and as-

sociated exhibition.

I especially thank the homeless who have made themselves availa-

ble for this project. Thanks to Holger Henriksen, Joanna Din Mitchew,

Michael Espensen’s Morgencafeen on Blågårdsplads, Lotte Albrecht-

sen, Martin Skriver Nielsen and Peter Bich, Michael Elmkjær Madsen,

Lars Schwander, Anders Petersen, Preben Brandt, Lars Tordendahl, Stig

Fog, Michael Trinskjær, Astrid Bjørg Mortensen, Thorstein Theilgaard,

Lotte Kirkeby Hansen, Jannie Rosenberg Bendsen, Johanna Maj Thor-

ning, Elisabeth and Hans Theilgaard, Teddy Petersen and last but least

my patient husband and partner Thomas Jæger.

I also thank Henrik Pedersen, Stig Tarnow, Heidi Riel, Jaku-Lina Nielsen,

Jannie og Kirsten Hotellet, Kaj from Klippen, Steen Viggo Jensen, Dieter

Sebelin, Jan LP, Kaj Skjøldstrup, Heinz Wolff, Erik Hansen, Bodil Larsen,

Per Weise, Benny Sørensen, Erik Pedersen, Stine og Daniel, Helen Jen-

sen, Thor Johansen, Jesper Jørgensen, Claus Hesselberg Grove, Jacob

Ørum, Christian Christiansen, Mads Elling, Jesper Nørgaard Pagh, Gert

Meins, Max Wagner Jensen, Stephen Dixen, Niels Bo Christensen, Helle

Faust, Inge Lise Nielsen, Pernille Madsen and Henriette Tost, Søren Rud,

Thomas Tolstrup, Gitte Mortensen and Christian Dølpher.

Project Manager and fundraiser Joanna Din Mitchew


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