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Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

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© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd


Provide Leadership Across the Organisation

ISBN: 978-1-74238-

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1Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Table of Contents 2 Legend3 Qualification Pathways4 Qualification Rules5 Introduction7 BSBMGT605B/01 Communicate Organisational Mission and Goals Key Points

Clarify objectives, values and standards in accordance with organisation’s strategic direction

Establish linkages between organisational objectives, values and standards and the responsibilities of relevant groups and individuals

Ensure media and language used is appropriate to individuals and group circumstances

State clear expectations of internal groups and individuals and explain in a manner which builds commitment to the organisation

Address expectations of the organisation

Investigate incidents promptly and communicate results clearly to relevant groups and individuals

15 ‘True’ or ‘False’ Quiz

17 BSBMGT605B/02 Influence Groups and Individuals Key Points

Build trust, confidence and respect of diverse groups and individuals, through positive role modelling, and effective communication and consultation

Embrace, resource and effectively implement improvements to organisational and workplace culture

Demonstrate understanding of the global environment and new technology in work activities

Ensure actions convey flexibility and adaptability to change and accessibility

Ensure consultation and participation in decision making occurs with relevant groups and individuals where appropriate

Ensure decision making takes into account needs and expectations of both internal and external groups

Ensure decision making occurs in accordance with risk management plans for all options, and within appropriate timeframes

Ensure that the organisation is represented positively in the media and community

29 ‘True’ or ‘False’ Quiz

31 BSBMGT605B/03 Build and Support Teams Key Points

Assign accountabilities and responsibilities to teams consistent with their competencies and operational plans

Ensure teams are resourced to allow them to achieve their objectives

Empower teams and individuals through effective delegation and support for their initiatives

Create and maintain a positive work environment

Encourage teams and individuals to develop innovative approaches to the performance of work

39 ‘True’ or ‘False’ Quiz

2 Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd


This symbol indicates the beginning of new content. The bold title matches the content of the competency and they will help you to find the section to reference for your assessment activities.

Activity: Whenever you see this symbol, there is an activity to carry out which has been designed to help reinforce the learning about the topic and take some action.

This symbol is used at the end of a section to indicate the summary key points of the previous section.

This symbol is used to indicate an answer to the Candidate’s questions or notes to assist the Facilitator.

Use considered risk taking in your ‘grey’ area

...and others will follow you!

41 BSBMGT605B/04 Demonstrate Personal and Professional Competence Key Points

Model ethical conduct in all areas of work and encourage others to adopt business ethics

Adapt appropriate interpersonal and leadership styles to meet particular circumstances and situations

Set and achieve personal objectives and work program outcomes

Ensure self performance and professional competence is continuously improved through engagement in a range of professional development activities

Participate regularly in industry / professional networks and groups

53 ‘True’ or ‘False’ Quiz

54 Summary55 Bibliography57 Assessment Pack

3Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

“There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it’s easy”. Source Unknown

This unit of competency is provided to meet the requirements of BSB07 Business Services Training Package although it can be used in a range of different qualifications. The BSB07 Business Services Training Package does not state how a qualification is to be achieved. Rather, Registered Training Organisations are required to use the qualification rules to ensure the needs of the learner and business customer are met. This is to be achieved through the development of effective learning programs delivered in an order that meets the stated needs of nominated Candidates and business customers.

Qualification Pathways

4 Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Qualification requirements include core and elective units. The unit mix is determined by specific unit of competency requirements which are stated in the qualification description. Registered Training Organisations then work with learners and business customers to select elective units relevant to the work outcome, local industry requirements and the qualification level.

All vocational education qualifications must lead to a work outcome. BSB07 Business Services Training Package qualifications allow for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to vary programs to meet:

Specific needs of a business or group of businesses.

Skill needs of a locality or a particular industry application of business skills.

Maximum employability of a group of students or an individual.

When packaging a qualification elective units are to be selected from an equivalent level qualification unless otherwise stated.

Qualification Rules

“You’re either part of the solution or part

of the problem.”Eldridge Cleaver

5Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd


“Whether as an individual, or as part of

a group, real progress depends on entering whole-heartedly into

the process and being motivated to make you a

more deeply satisfiedhuman being.”

Source Unknown

This unit of competency is about being able to provide leadership in your workplace. It will help you with the skills you need to demonstrate competency for the unit BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership across the Organisation. This is one of the units that make up the Advanced Diplomas in Business.

This manual is broken up into four distinct sections. They are:

1. Communicate Organisational Mission and Goals.

2. Influence Groups and Individuals.

3. Build and Support Teams.

4. Demonstrate Personal and Professional Competence.

At the conclusion of this training you will be asked to complete an Assessment Pack for this unit of competency. The information contained in this resource will assist you to complete this task.

On competent completion of the assessment, you will have demonstrated your ability to provide leadership across an organisation with particular regard to communication, teamwork and representation.

6 Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

7Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Key Points Section 1 As a Manager, you must ensure that the organisation’s objectives, values and

standards are all described clearly and communicated to all staff members, so that they can be sure of the organisation’s strategic direction.

Your organisation must determine the links between these objectives and those responsible for meeting the objectives.

All language and media used must be appropriate to the message being delivered.

Delivering on organisational needs is an important contribution.

Management of incidents is crucial to the successful function and quality improvement areas of an organisation.

PART 1: Communicate Organisational Mission and Goals

8 Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Part 1: Communicate Organisational Mission and Goals

As a leader within an organisation it is crucial that you understand how to communicate your organisation’s mission and goals to those around you. In this section we will examine this process in detail.

Vision and Mission Statements We will begin by looking at developing the organisational mission and vision.

The Development of a Mission Statement

At its most basic the mission statement describes the overall purpose of the organisation. If the organisation elects to develop a vision statement before developing the mission statement, ask “Why does the organisation exist - what is its purpose?” This purpose is often the same as the mission.

A mission statement varies slightly to your vision statement. The mission statement outlines the ways in which your organisation as a whole is going to work towards achieving your vision. Your mission statement should describe the organisation in terms of: what it does, who it does it for, and how it does it.

When writing a mission statement, include: An outline of what the organisation is, what it aims to do, who your target audience is and how it does that work.

The aim of the mission statement is to:

Communicate what you do and how you do it

Provide a focus for any work that you do – including your strategic planning.

It is quite unusual for a mission statement to change over time, however if your organisation undergoes a significant change in some way, then you will need to change your mission statement to reflect that change. So, it is useful to revisit your mission statement whenever you are reviewing your strategic plan, as this is the time when you will gain the most insight into how your organisation is changing.

Ultimately, the mission statement is an overall guiding principle that allows you to provide context to your work and your strategic planning as a whole.

The Development of a Values Statement

We now know our vision and our mission. It is time to begin writing the values statement. A values statement outlines any values that underpin the work you do. These are generally shared by all members of your organisation and help you in the forming of relationships within and external to the organisation as a whole. They outline:

9Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Part 1: Communicate Organisational Mission and Goals

What you think is the right thing to do

What you think is the right way to deal with people

What you think is the right way to deal with the world at large.

The values that you outline for your organisation, put simply, allow you as an organisation to grow and become the organisation that you ultimately want to be. Think about the value statement of Google “Do no evil”, this guiding principle allows everything they do to be measured by asking a simple question – “if we do this would we be seen as evil?”.

It can be very difficult trying to distil your values into a few simple sentences, but they do allow you to have an important guide when you are making important workplace decisions. When you are making decisions, always think back to your values in order to judge what would be seen as doing the right thing.

The Development of a Vision Statement

The vision statement of an organisation is where it all begins. It is the building block of your strategic planning and allows you to answer the important questions with regards to the strategic planning… Will any plan allow us to contribute to our overall vision?

10 Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Part 1: Communicate Organisational Mission and Goals

The Mission, Vision and Values are the structure under which the expectations of the organisation are stated. They must be clear and easily understood to allow teams to comply and meet the expectation stated therein.

It is the role of Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders to convey these concepts to their teams and for appropriate stretch goals to be set. The goals need to be clear, concise and measurable. They should present a challenge but be attainable with stretch.

This communication will focus and galvanise teams. It provides direction and motivation and all team members know precisely whether they meet the expectations of the organisation and to what extent.

“All Leadership is influence.” John C. Maxwell

11Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Part 1: Communicate Organisational Mission and Goals

Organisational Needs As we previously stated, the Mission, Vision and Values of an organisation are the compass for the teams within that organisation. Let’s look at some of the more common needs of organisations:

Management of the environment

Occupational Health and Safety

Product safety


Values and ethics.

There are many more potential expectations within an organisation. You need to look closely at your organisation’s details and discuss with your managers and team how you contribute and how you can increase or improve your contribution.

The manner in which you deal with incidents is an opportunity to contribute.

IncidentsMost organisational values care for their workers as well as quality of their product. Incidents are described by the Macquarie Dictionary as “an event or occurrence – something unimportant that happens in connection with something else”.

Incidents in the workplace may include an emergency response, environmental event such as emissions, noise etc, product failure or a workplace accident and they may be unimportant, however they must be reported to ensure that there are no ramifications in the short or longer term.

When there is an incident, it must be reported to initiate investigation and determination as to whether action must be taken or not.

Why Investigate?

When you are attempting to investigate incidents, the main outcomes of this should be:

Determining a cause so that you can prevent the incidents from reoccurring in the future

Identifying any new hazards that exist in the area.

12 Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Part 1: Communicate Organisational Mission and Goals

Incidents cause considerable costs to any organisation in terms of:

Disruption to work



Loss of reputation

Loss of earnings.

Which means that we must ensure that all incidents are properly investigated so that we can minimise these costs and look for ways to improve the overall systems to prevent the incidents from occuring in the future?

In order for any investigation to be effective, it is important that it takes place as soon as possible after the incident, so that you can be sure that the information you obtain is as accurate as possible. The longer the time between the incident and the investigation, the less likely it will be that you will find a cause.

Some further important factors that need to be considered include:

Ensuring that your investigator is objective and does not have any interest in the results of the investigation. The investigation needs to be undertaken with an open mind and including an individual with an interest in the outcome is likely to lead to ineffective results.

Ensure that open ended questions are used in the investigation and ensure that those involved are not lead into providing information that the investigator wants to hear.

Investigations attempt to find a cause, but not apportion blame. Try not to make others feel like you are trying to find someone to blame, but rather you are trying to find ways to make the processes better.

It can be quite difficult to get people to change – rather it is much easier to attempt to find ways to make the environment in which people are working change than it is to get the people themselves to change.

Investigations need to change processes, procedures and outcomes rather than the people themselves.

Try to avoid emotion in your investigation procedure. Stay objective and look for causes.

Let’s think of an example. Let’s say you work in a warehouse and you find that a large amount of material has been poorly stacked and it falls over. You may seek the cause and find that it is poor stacking technique. However, the cause is likely to be more than just this:

13Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Part 1: Communicate Organisational Mission and Goals

The shelf may not be the correct type.

The materials may be better shelved in a different way.

The staff may not be properly trained.

The procedures for stacking may be inadequate.

There could be a need for better equipment or more training.

In order to conduct an investigation

1. Start by making sure everyone is okay and safe.

2. Take control of the scene by erecting barriers around the scene and making sure no one can get in.

3. Begin investigating the cause as soon as possible. You may like to start interviewing the staff involved immediately.

4. Make sure that the staff involved can be assured of their privacy so they can speak openly about the investigation.

5. Check with the witnesses their version of events so you can be assured that you have the information correct.

6. Be positive and don’t make the witnesses think they might be in trouble.

7. Look for ways to take action right away to resolve the issue.

8. Report on the investigation.

9. Ensure that there is follow-up on the action taken to ensure that it is correct.

What sort of questions could you ask in your investigation?

Who was involved?

Who witnessed the event?

What materials were involved?

What processes were involved?

Was there any defect present?

Where did the event occur?

What exact time did it occur?

What shift was working?

What time in the shift did it occur?

What sequence of events occurred?

How did this differ from what you might expect?

What direct causes can you find?

What indirect causes can you find?

What can you do to prevent it from happening again?

14 Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Part 1: Communicate Organisational Mission and Goals

Activity OneA large fire has just erupted in your organisation; two (2) people were killed. After the emergency services have been called, what actions should you take with regard to crisis communications?

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15Candidate Resource BSBMGT605B Provide Leadership Across the Organisation© Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Part 1: Communicate Organisational Mission and Goals

Section 1 - ‘True’ or ‘False’ Quiz

Please tick True False

Values represent the core priorities in the organisation’s culture.

Communication is a one-way process.

Information exists in the mind of the sender.

A vision statement states an organisation’s purpose.

Context is the way the message is delivered.

Noise must be physical to be a barrier to communication.

Communication channels should be adapted to the message and audience.

Listening and hearing are the same thing.

Never try and anticipate questions asked by the media.

Consultation is dialogue leading to a decision.

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