canvas mobile app install - nkcs ecampus

Post on 21-Jan-2017






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(instructions for Apple/iOS)Canvas Mobile App

FIND THE CANVAS APP:This is how the Canvas mobile app. appears in the app store on an Apple (iOS) device…

ALLOW NOTIFICATIONS:There will be two screens where you will likely want to allow notifications to come into your phone. The first (this one) is from Canvas…

NOTIFICATIONS PART 2:This is the second notifications screen. You will likely want to allow notifications to come into your phone. This second approval is from your phone itself…

FIND YOUR ACCOUNT:Instead of trying to “find” your school, you should directly enter the district URL as seen in red above…

Enter the following

ENTER THE NKCS URL:Type in the district address for Canvas as seen in red above…

Enter the following

YOUR LOGIN INFO:Here you will enter your NKCS email address and your password for Canvas…

YOUR LOGIN INFO:As is indicated in red above, enter your official NKCS email address, followed by your Canvas password…

Your NKCS email address:[sixdigits]

AUTHORIZE ACCOUNT:Click to authorize the app to allow you access to your Canvas account…

Click here to authorize

SUCCESS!And now you are ready to access your class! Take some extra time to click through all of the options available to you within the app…

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