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Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 161

A Help Araceli’s baby sister learn about the holidays. Read each of her statementsand write a) for cierto or b) for falso. Write a true statement on the line tocorrect the statements that are false.

1. El Día del Padre siempre vemos fuegos artificiales en el parque.

2. Voy a recibir regalos en la Navidad.

3. Nos reunimos y comemos mucho el Día de Acción de Gracias.

4. La Nochevieja vamos a una fiesta.

5. Vamos a mandar unas tarjetas para el Día de los Enamorados.

B Hernán and Laura are discussing the holidays. Put their conversation in the mostlogical order using the letters a, b, c, d, and e. Start with the letter a.

6. Pensamos pasarla con mis abuelos, como siempre. ¿Y tú?

7. Estuvo a todo dar. Nos reunimos a comer con mis primos.

8. Hola, Hernán. ¿Qué tal estuvo el Día de Acción de Gracias?

9. ¡Yo pienso abrir muchos regalos!

10. ¿Qué planes tienen para la Navidad?

Nombre Clase Fecha


Vocabulario 1





C Answer the questions according to the pictures. Tell how you, your family,and friends are going to celebrate each holiday.

11. ¿Cómo va a celebrar tu familia el Día de la Independencia?

12. ¿Qué planes tienen para la Nochevieja?

13. ¿Qué hace tu hermana el Día de los Enamorados?

14. ¿Qué planes tienen tus padres para el Día de la Madre?

15. ¿Qué vas a hacer para la Semana Santa?

D Raúl wrote a paragraph describing his family’s Christmas Eve traditions.Complete his paragraph with the correct vocabulary words.

La noche antes de la Navidad es la (16) . Nos

reunimos para (17) la casa y el árbol (tree). Mi

madre (18) a toda la familia a comer en casa. Como

siempre, el año pasado estuvo a (19) . Todos nosotros

(20) la Nochebuena con música y comida.

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11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 163

A Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentence about Sonia’s New Year’s Eve.

1. El año pasado yo _____ con mis amigos para la Nochevieja.a. salimos b. salieron c. salí

2. Mi hermana _____ una invitación a una fiesta grande.a. recibir b. recibimos c. recibió

3. Olga y yo _____ con Ángela para decorar su casa.a. nos reunimos b. se reunieron c. se reunió

4. En la calle Ángela y Olga _____ fuegos artificiales.a. vimos b. vieron c. vi

5. Luego, nosotras _____ a la casa de Ángela.a. volvió b. volvimos c. volviste

B Write sentences using verbs in the preterite tense to say what everyone did atLaura’s party last weekend.

6. Nosotros / decorar la casa de Laura

7. Laura / bailar toda la noche

8. Carlos y Óscar / jugar videojuegos

9. Tú / volver a casa temprano

10. Yo / pasar una noche fenomenal

Nombre Clase Fecha


Gramática 1





C Use pensar or pensar que in the present tense to complete Rafael’s conversationwith Pilar.

Rafael Hola, Pilar. Yo (11) hacer una fiesta el sábado.

¿Puedes venir?

Pilar Ay, Rafa, yo (12) es el cumpleaños de mi


Rafael ¿Qué (13) hacer ustedes para celebrar?

Pilar Mi familia (14) festejar con una cena.

Lo siento, pero (15) no puedo ir a tu fiesta.

D Marisol is the opposite of her family and friends. Complete each sentence abouthow everyone celebrated Valentine’s Day using the correct preterite form of theverb in boldface.

16. Yo no celebré el Día de los Enamorados, pero mi amiga Elisa


17. Yo no mandé tarjetas a nadie, pero Elisa y Elena


18. Yo no salí, pero tú


19. Yo comí en casa, pero mis padres


20. Mi hermana vio la televisión, pero yo


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EscuchemosA Listen to Pablo’s statements about the holidays. After each statement check the

appropriate box to indicate if each holiday event ya ocurrió (has already happened)or va a ocurrir (is going to happen).

ya ocurrió va a ocurrir






LeamosB Read the poem Celia wrote about holiday traditions in her family. Then, write

a) for cierto or b) for falso.

Los días festivos

Todas las fiestas me gusta celebrar,porque siempre lo pasamos a todo dar.

Festejamos Navidad con la familia,y hasta (even) invitamos a la tía Emilia.La Semana Santa pensamos ir a misa,

¡después al restaurante para comer pizza!Fuimos a un picnic el Día de la Independencia.

Para mi familia, ¡celebrar es una ciencia!

6. Celia prefiere pasar la Navidad sola.

7. La familia tiene planes para ir a la iglesia en Semana Santa.

8. Celia va a preparar la pizza para la Semana Santa.

9. Celia y su familia pasaron el Día de la Independencia en el parque.

10. El día festivo preferido de Celia es la Navidad.

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Aplicación 1





EscribamosC Write a paragraph to describe your favorite holiday celebration. Say what you

usually do and with whom. Then, describe how you celebrated last year. Say whatyou did, what you ate and drank, and mention something special that happened.

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A Bruno, an exchange student, is asking Gloria to help with his party, but he can’tremember what everything is called. Match each word to its description.

1. En esta tarjeta puedes ver la hora y el lugar de la fiesta.

2. Es para colgar en el jardín, para los niños.

3. Son las personas que vienen a la fiesta.

4. Pienso servir esto para beber.

5. Mis padres no saben nada de los preparativos.

B Each of these people is celebrating a different event. Choose the most logicalanswer to complete each statement.

6. Beatriz celebra su cumpleaños y lleva un vestido blanco y bonito.Ella celebra _____.a. el aniversario b. la quinceañera c. la graduación

7. Emilio terminó de estudiar en el colegio. Su familia celebra _____.a. su graduación b. el día de su santo c. su quinceañera

8. Mamá compró muchos _____ para llenar la piñata.a. tomates b. dulces c. huevos

9. Rosa va a servir _____, un plato especial de la República Dominicana.a. los pasteles en hoja b. los dulces c. las papitas

10. Para comer, Elena sirve _____ a sus invitados.a. piñatas b. flores c. empanadas

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Vocabulario 2





a. la invitaciónb. los invitadosc. la fiesta sorpresad. el ponchee. la piñata

C The Rodríguez family is preparing a party. Fill in the blanks with the appropriateverb in its infinitive form to describe what everyone is going to do.

11. Jorge va a las invitaciones por correo electrónico.

12. Emilia y Luis necesitan las decoraciones en la sala.

13. La señora Rodríguez va a las fotos de su semanaen la República Dominicana.

14. Mariana habla mucho. Ella piensa con los amigostoda la noche.

15. Pablo es muy gracioso. Le encanta muchos chistes.

D Write a response to each of Alejandra’s statements or questions to create a logicalconversation.

16. —Hola, ¡qué gusto verte!

17. —¿Qué hay de nuevo?

18. —¿Está todo listo para la fiesta?

19. —Te presento a mis padres.

20. —Chao, te llamo más tarde.

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A Complete this conversation that you overheard at a party with the personal a orthe correct present tense forms of conocer.

Mariana ¡Qué gusto verte, Ramón! ¿Tú (1) a mi

prima Lucía?

Ramón No, no la (2) .

Mariana Ramón, te presento (3) Lucía. Ella es

de San Juan.

Ramón Tanto gusto, Lucía. ¿Mariana, invitaste (4)


Mariana Sí, lo invité, pero va a ayudar (5) primo

de Andrés. Va a llegar tarde.

B Rewrite these sentences using direct object pronouns to say whom you invited or plan to invite to each event.

6. Invité a tía Felisa a la graduación.

7. Quiero invitar a ustedes a la boda de mi prima.

8. Invitamos a mis primos a la fiesta de cumpleaños.

9. Invité a mis amigas a la fiesta sorpresa.

10. Pienso invitar al profesor Aguilera a celebrar el aniversario de mis padres.

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Gramática 2





C Use the present progressive to write what everyone is doing right now according to each picture.

11. Javier .

12. Los jóvenes .

13. Yo .

14. Tú .

15. Nosotros .

D Write affirmative answers for the following questions. Use direct object pronounsin your answers.

16. ¿Estás decorando la casa?

17. ¿Están haciendo los preparativos ustedes?

18. ¿Hernán está mandando las invitaciones?

19. ¿Tus padres nos están llamando?

20. ¿Alicia está sirviendo las empanadas?

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11. 12.

13. 14. 15.

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EscuchemosA Listen to each of the conversations and decide what each one is about.

1. a. preparing for a partyb. saying that you are familiar with a placec. talking about last year’s party

2. a. preparing a partyb. saying goodbyec. introducing someone

3. a. saying that you know someoneb. preparing a partyc. saying what someone is doing right now

4. a. saying that you know someone b. saying that you are familiar with a placec. saying goodbye to someone

5. a. introducing someoneb. saying goodbyec. saying what is happening right now

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Aplicación 2





B Read the following article. Then write sí beside each sentence that indicatessomething you should do according to the article, or no if you should not do it.

6. Tu fiesta es el 11 de mayo. Manda las invitaciones el 8 de mayo.

7. Es importante preparar comida.

8. Debes presentar los invitados a tus amigos.

9. Pon música cuando todos están charlando. Deben bailar más.

10. Tus padres piensan enseñar muchas fotos de la familia.

EscribamosC Imagine that you are at your five-year-old cousin’s birthday party. Using the

present progressive, describe what the following people are doing right now.

11. Tú:

12. Tu primo de cinco años:

13. Tú y tu primo:

14. Los invitados de cinco años:

15. Tu padre y tu tío:

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Una fiesta fenomenal Para hacer una fiesta perfecta, debes hacer muchospreparativos. Primero, manda las invitaciones una semana antes de la celebración. Las puedes mandar por correo pero es más fácil mandarlaspor correo electrónico. Es bonito colgar decoraciones, pero los entremesesson más importantes. Por lo menos (At least) sirve ponche y unas galletas. En la fiesta, si (if) un invitado no conoce a tus amigos, preséntalos.Pon música con mucho ritmo (rhythm) cuando los invitados no están charlando. Siempre es divertido bailar. Diles a tus padres que los invitadosno quieren ver sus fotos y que no deben enseñarlas. ¡Buena suerte!

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A Read the letter that Enrique wrote to his friend Fernando. Use context clues tochoose the correct definition for the words in boldface.

Hola, Fernando:Acabo de celebrar mi cumpleaños con una gran fiesta y ¡cómo festejamos! Mispadres inflaron (blew up) un millón de globos, decoraron la casa y prepararon un montón de comida. De antojitos servimos papitas, tamales y tu comidafavorita, tarta de manzana. Miguel contó muchos chistes y todos se rieronmucho. Recibí el regalo que me mandaste. Me encanta. Tú conoces mejor quenadie mis gustos. Escríbeme pronto y cuídate.

Tu mejor amigo, Enrique

1. los globos

2. los antojitos

3. una tarta

4. se rieron

5. los gustos

B Choose the correct answer to complete each statement about Enrique’s party.

6. Enrique celebró su _____.a. graduación b. cumpleaños c. aniversario

7. _____ colgaron las decoraciones.a. Los amigos b. Miguel y Enrique c. Los padres de Enrique

8. Sirvieron _____.a. bebidas b. postre c. tacos

9. Miguel es _____.a. antipático b. tímido c. extrovertido

10. _____ le mandó un regalo a Enrique.a. Fernando b. El tío c. Miguel

C Write a response from Fernando based on Enrique’s letter.

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a. they laughedb. a piec. tastesd. party foode. balloons

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A You are in charge of writing the Web-page content for this year’s school-wideValentine’s Day party. Using full sentences, write a headline inviting people tocome to the celebration. Include the date, time, and place of the event. Name threeparty activities that will be available and three kinds of food that will be served.

B It is December 31st. Write your diary for that day remembering some celebrationsyou had during the year. Describe your sister’s quinceañera party, IndependenceDay, and Thanksgiving Day.

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Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 175

A Match each letter on the map of the Dominican Republic with the name of theplace or area it represents.

1. el Pico Duarte

2. Cabarete

3. Santo Domingo

4. el Parque Nacional de los Haitises

5. el Lago Enriquillo

B Read the following statements about the Dominican Republic, and write a) forcierto or b) for falso.

6. The güira and the tambora are two species of animals found in Lake Enriquillo.

7. Many people visit the Altos de Chavón to windsurf and fish.

8. Yaniqueque is a typical Dominican bread-like food.

9. Homes in the Dominican Republic are usually painted white or gray.

10. Merengue is the national music and dance in the Domincan Republic.

Nombre Clase Fecha














C Read the following clues and write the letter of the word that matches each clue.

11. A traditional Dominican dish of beans and rice.

12. Said Musa creates these using bright colors.

13. Dominican homes are made of this material.

14. Various species of this lizard live on Cabritos Island.

15. People go to Cabarete to do this.

D Write a sentence in English saying something you would do at each of the following places or events in the Dominican Republic.

16. Los Altos de Chavón:

17. El Festival del Merengue:

18. Santo Domingo:

19. un puesto de yaniqueque:

20. Higüey:

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Nombre Clase Fecha







a. iguanab. windsurfc. morod. woode. murals

Vocabulario 1A. (10 points)

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

1. b; Siempre los vemos el Día de laIndependencia.

2. a

3. a

4. a

5. a

B. (5 points)

6. d 7. b 8. a 9. e 10. c

C. (10 points)

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

11. Va a ver fuegos artificiales.

12. Pensamos hacer una fiesta.

13. Ella manda muchas tarjetas.

14. Van a salir a un restaurante.

15. Pienso tener un picnic.

D. (5 points)

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

16. Nochebuena

17. decorar

18. invita

19. todo dar

20. festejamos / celebramos

Gramática 1A. (5 points)

1. c 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. b

B. (10 points)

6. Nosotros decoramos la casa deLaura.

7. Laura bailó toda la noche.

8. Carlos y Óscar jugaron videojuegos.

9. Tú volviste a casa temprano.

10. Yo pasé una noche fenomenal.

C. (10 points)

11. pienso

12. pienso que

13. piensan

14. piensa

15. pienso que

D. (10 points)

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

16. celebró con una fiesta

17. mandaron tarjetas a todos losamigos

18. saliste con Esteban

19. comieron en un restaurante

20. vi una película en el cine

Aplicación 1A. Escuchemos (10 points)

1. ya ocurrió

2. va a ocurrir

3. va a ocurrir

4. ya ocurrió

5. ya ocurrió

B. Leamos (10 points)

6. b 7. a 8. b 9. a 10. b

C. Escribamos (15 points)

Answers will vary. Possible answer:

Me gusta celebrar el Día de Acción deGracias. Siempre almorzamos con misabuelos. El año pasado nos reunimoscon toda la familia. Comimos carne,verduras y postre. Bebimos refrescos.Vimos la televisión. Mi equipo preferidode fútbol americano ganó.

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Vocabulario 2A. (5 points)

1. a 2. e 3. b 4. d 5. c

B. (5 points)

6. b 7. a 8. b 9. a 10. c

C. (10 points)

11. mandar

12. colgar

13. enseñar

14. charlar

15. contar

D. (10 points)

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

16. —Sí, ¡tanto tiempo sin verte!

17. —Lo de siempre.

18. —Sí, anoche compré todo.

19. —Tanto gusto.

20. —Vale. Que te vaya bien.

Gramática 2A. (5 points)

1. conoces

2. conozco

3. a

4. a

5. al

B. (10 points)

6. La invité a la graduación.

7. Los quiero invitar a la boda de miprima. / Quiero invitarlos a la bodade mi prima.

8. Los invitamos a la fiesta decumpleaños.

9. Las invité a la fiesta sorpresa.

10. Lo pienso invitar a celebrar elaniversario de mis padres. / Piensoinvitarlo a celebrar el aniversario de mis padres.

C. (10 points)

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

11. está levantando pesas

12. están bebiendo café

13. estoy escuchando música

14. estás leyendo

15. estamos abriendo regalos

D. (10 points)

16. Sí, la estoy decorando. / Sí, estoydecorándola.

17. Sí, los estamos haciendo. / Sí,estamos haciéndolos.

18. Sí, las está mandando. / Sí, estámandándolas.

19. Sí, nos están llamando. / Sí, estánllamándonos.

20. Sí, las está sirviendo. / Sí, estásirviéndolas.

Aplicación 2A. Escuchemos (10 points)

1. a 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. b

B. Leamos (10 points)

6. no

7. sí

8. sí

9. no

10. no

C. Escribamos (15 points)

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

11. Estoy comiendo pastel de chocolate.

12. Está abriendo regalos.

13. Estamos charlando con la abuela.

14. Están mirando la piñata.

15. Están contando chistes.

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LecturaA. (10 points):

1. e 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. c

B. (10 points)

6. b 7. c 8. b 9. c 10. a

C. (15 points) Answers will vary. Possible answer:

Hola, Enrique,

Gracias por escribirme. Parece que tufiesta estuvo a todo dar. Pienso que lostamales son muy ricos. ¿Preparó tumamá la tarta de manzana? Siempre laprepara muy bien. Escríbeme pronto.

Tu amigo, Fernando

EscrituraA. (15 points)

Answers will vary. Possible answer:

Vengan a la fiesta del Día de losEnamorados. Vamos a celebrar el 14 de febrero a las tres de la tarde en la cafetería del colegio. Vamos a tenermúsica, baile y juegos de mesa. Vamosa comer papitas, empanadas y muchosdulces deliciosos.

B. (20 points)

Answers will vary. Possible answer:

Este año celebramos muchas fiestas.La quinceañera de mi hermana fue el 2 de abril. Preparamos una fiestasorpresa. El Día de la Independenciahicimos un picnic y vimos los fuegosartificiales. El Día de Acción de Graciaslo pasamos con la familia. Comimosmucho.

GeoculturaA. (5 points)

1. b 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. d

B. (10 points)

6. b 7. b 8. a 9. b 10. a

C. (5 points)

11. c 12. e 13. d 14. a 15. b

D. (10 points)

Answers will vary. Possible answers:

16. I would look at art.

17. I would listen to music and dance.

18. I would go to the Carnival, visit the Palacio Nacional, or eatsancocho.

19. I would buy and eat yaniqueque.

20. I would visit the Basílica deHigüey and look at the arch.

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Aplicación 1EscuchemosA. 1. Yo pasé la Nochevieja en casa. Estuvo a todo dar.

2. Pensamos celebrar el Día de los Enamorados en el restaurante Buen Gusto.

3. Paula y José quieren decorar la casa para la Navidad.

4. Mi abuela fue a la sinagoga todos los días durante Hanukah.

5. Yo mandé una tarjeta a mi abuelo para el Día del Padre.

Aplicación 2 EscuchemosA. 1. —¿Ya terminaste con los preparativos?

—Sí, anoche compré las decoraciones.

2. —Te presento a mis padres.—Tanto gusto. ¡Feliz aniversario!

3. —¿Estás escuchando el disco compacto?—Sí, lo estoy escuchando. Es formidable.

4. —¿Conoces a mi hermana, Lola?—Sí, la conozco.

5. —Chao, te llamo más tarde.—Vale. ¡Que te vaya bien!

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EscuchemosA Listen to what Marco’s family did to celebrate his parents’ anniversary. Choose

the letter of the picture that corresponds to each statement.

a. b.

c. d.

1. 3.

2. 4.

B Listen to each of the conversations. Choose a) if the action has already happened,b) if it is happening right now, or c) if it is going to happen.

5. a. already happened b. happening right now c. going to happen

6. a. already happened b. happening right now c. going to happen

7. a. already happened b. happening right now c. going to happen

8. a. already happened b. happening right now c. going to happen

Nombre Clase Fecha







LeamosC Read the article comparing New Year’s Eve celebrations in the U.S. and in Spain.

Read the following statements and choose a) if a statement is true for the U.S.,b) if it is true for Spain, or c) if it is true for both countries.

La Nochevieja es una celebración divertida en todas las ciudades. Pero las fiestasson muy diferentes en España y en Estados Unidos. En Estados Unidos, los jóvenesse reúnen temprano en las casas de sus amigos, alrededor de (around) las ocho dela noche. Comen y bailan hasta las doce. Poco después, termina la celebración. EnEspaña, los jóvenes cenan en casa con la familia alrededor de las diez de la noche. Lafamilia charla y cuenta chistes hasta las doce. Después de celebrar el Año Nuevocon la familia, los jóvenes españoles salen a la calle a la una de la mañana parareunirse con los amigos. ¡Bailan hasta las cuatro o cinco de la mañana!

9. comer con la familia

10. empezar la fiesta temprano

11. reunirse con amigos en la calle

12. celebrar la Nochevieja con una fiesta

D Read the invitation. Then put the following sentences in chronological order usingthe letters a, b, c, and d. Start with the letter a.

13. Rosalinda y Rodrigo abren los regalos.

14. La familia Volente y la familia Álvarez van a la misa.

15. Todos van a bailar.

16. Los invitados asisten a la boda.

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La familia de Rosalinda Volente


La familia de Rodrigo Álvarez

los invita a celebrar la boda de estos dos jóvenes enamorados.La boda es el 4 de junio a las tres

de la tarde en la iglesia San Juan en Santo Domingo.

Todos los invitados pueden ir a la misa

con las dos familias a las dos de la tarde.

Después de la boda servimos entremeses

y cena en el Hotel Ruiz. Después,

la banda va a tocar hasta las 10:00.

(Rosalinda y Rodrigo van a abrir

los regalos el día 5 de junio

en casa, no en la fiesta.)

CulturaE Read the following statements about the Dominican Republic, and write a) for

cierto or b) for falso.

17. Merengue is a fluffy bread-like food.

18. Pasteles en hoja are served during the Christmas season.

19. During Carnaval people dress up in brightly-colored, horned masks.

20. Soccer is the national sport in the Dominican Republic.

VocabularioF Match the letter of the holiday with the appropriate description of how people


21. Toda la familia abre regalos.

22. Los hijos hacen algo especial para su papá.

23. Todos se visten de rojo, azul y blanco.Salen a ver fuegos artificiales.

24. Todos festejan a la medianoche.

25. Hombres y mujeres cenan en restaurantesrománticos.

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a. el Día del Padreb. la Navidadc. el Día de la

Independenciad. el Día de los

Enamoradose. la Nochevieja

VocabularioG Write the name of each special party according to the description.

26. Hoy Ángela tiene quince años. Ella celebra un cumpleaños especial.

Celebra su .

27. Alberto no sabe nada de su fiesta de cumpleaños. Su familia va a hacer

una .

28. Eduardo no tiene que ir al colegio más. Él celebra su .

29. Hoy Jaime tiene cinco años. Es su .

30. Ana lleva un vestido largo y blanco. Está con Miguel en la iglesia. Es la

celebración de su .

H Write the correct word to complete each sentence about these parties.

31. Mamá compró decoraciones. Necesita(decorar / colgar) la casa.

32. Elena tiene que (mandar / celebrar) las invitaciones.

33. Yo voy a (abrir / invitar) los regalos después de comer.

34. Vamos al jardín para (festejar / ver) fuegosartificiales.

35. Para comer, vamos a (tener / festejar) un picnic.

36. Enrique es gracioso. Él va a (charlar /contar)chistes.

37. Mis padres piensan (abrir / enseñar) las fotos de la Navidad.

38. Lili quiere (invitar / hacer) los preparativos parala fiesta.

39. Los jóvenes van a (charlar / terminar) toda la noche.

40. Mi padre va a (colgar / contar) la piñata en el patio.

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Nombre Clase Fecha






GramáticaI Write the correct preterite form of the verbs in parentheses to say what everyone

did at the party.

41. Juan (ver) fuegos artificiales.

42. Alberto y yo (charlar) con amigos.

43. Muchas personas (ir) a la fiesta.

44. Tú (volver) a casa temprano.

45. Yo (bailar) toda la noche.

J Complete the conversation using pensar, conocer, and personal a.

—Hola, Ramón. Yo no (46) a tu amiga. ¿Quién es?

—Hola, Emilio. Te presento (47) Lucero.

—Tanto gusto.

—¿Qué van a hacer para la Navidad?

—Nosotros (48) pasarla en casa de mis tíos. Tú no

los (49) , ¿verdad?

—Pienso que conozco (50) tu tío Eduardo. Nos

presentaste el año pasado.

K Use the present progressive to write what everyone is doing right now.

51. Sergio está en la cama.

52. Estás en un restaurante.

53. Tengo audífonos.

54. Paco tiene un peine.

55. Emilio está en el baño.

56. Tenemos libros en las manos.

57. Marcia tiene un bolígrafo y una tarjeta.

58. Tus hermanas tienen decoraciones.

59. Hernán y Antonio están en la tienda.

60. Tengo el cepillo de dientes.

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EscribamosL You’re at a party with your cousin Valeria. Write a conversation in which you

ask your friend Jorge if he knows her. When he says he doesn’t, introduce her.Jorge says he has to go, but that he’ll call you later. Tell him to take care.

M Look at the picture and describe the party. Say what you think the celebration is and describe any preparations that were made for the party. Use the presentprogressive to name three activities that the guests are doing now.

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Nombre Clase Fecha

Score Sheet: Examen


9Circle the letter that matches the most appropriate response.


Leamos Cultura


A1. a b c d

2. a b c d

3. a b c d

4. a b c d

B5. a b c

6. a b c

7. a b c

8. a b c

C9. a b c

10. a b c

11. a b c

12. a b c

D13. a b c d

14. a b c d

15. a b c d

16. a b c d

E17. a b

18. a b

19. a b

20. a b






F21. a b c d e

22. a b c d e

23. a b c d e

24. a b c d e

25. a b c d e




















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Answer Key: Examen

Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 325


9Circle the letter that matches the most appropriate response.


Leamos Cultura


A1. a b c d

2. a b c d

3. a b c d

4. a b c d

B5. a b c

6. a b c

7. a b c

8. a b c

C9. a b c

10. a b c

11. a b c

12. a b c

D13. a b c d

14. a b c d

15. a b c d

16. a b c d

E17. a b

18. a b

19. a b

20. a b






F21. a b c d e

22. a b c d e

23. a b c d e

24. a b c d e

25. a b c d e





30. boda



fiesta sorpresa










40. colgar













EscribamosL Answers will vary. Possible answer:—Hola Jorge, ¿conoces a mi prima Valeria?

—No, no la conozco.

—Jorge, te presento Valeria.

—Tanto gusto. Bueno, tengo que irme. Te llamo más tarde. Chao.


M Answers will vary. Possible answer:En esta fiesta los jóvenes celebran la graduación. Colgaron decoraciones y

prepararon entremeses. Los invitados están bailando, comiendo y charlando.

Una joven está tocando la guitarra y los invitados la están escuchando.






45. bailé








50. a





Answers will vary. K Possible answers:










60. Me estoy lavando los dientes.

Están comprando.

Están decorando.

Está escribiendo.

Estamos leyendo.

Se está bañando.

Se está peinando.

Estoy escuchando música.

Estás comiendo.

Está durmiendo.





Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 326



A. 1. Para el aniversario de mis padres toda la familia se reunió en casa.

2. Mis padres recibieron muchos regalos.

3. Después fuimos a cenar a un restaurante.

4. Yo comí un pastel de chocolate para el postre.

B. 5. —¿Estás decorando la casa?—Sí. Estoy colgando las decoraciones en la sala.

6. —Mandaste las invitaciones, ¿verdad?—Yo las mandé la semana pasada.

7. —¿Vas a traer tus discos compactos a la fiesta?—No tengo muchos, pero voy a traerlos todos.

8. —¿Estás charlando con alguien?—Sí. Está Elisa y estamos charlando sobre la fiesta.

Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 327




InterviewA Respond to the following questions in Spanish.

1. ¿Qué vas a hacer el Día de la Independencia?

2. ¿Dónde pasaste el Día de Acción de Gracias el año pasado?

3. ¿Qué tal estuvo tu cumpleaños?

4. ¿Conoces a todos los profesores del colegio?

5. ¿Qué estás haciendo ahora?

Role-PlayB Act out the following situation with a partner.

Imagine that you’re in charge of preparing a graduation party for your brother orsister. Say what you’re planning to do for the party. Ask your friend what he or sheis doing and ask for help with the preparations.


Nombre Clase Fecha





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COMPREHENSION (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(ability to understand auralcues and respond appropriately)

COMPREHENSIBILITY (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(ability to communicate ideasand be understood)

ACCURACY (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(ability to use structures andvocabulary correctly)

FLUENCY (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(ability to communicate clearlyand smoothly)

EFFORT (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(inclusion of details beyond theminimum requirements)

Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 381

Use the drawings to describe what is happening for Leonora’s birthday.

Nombre Clase Fecha





1 2

3 4

Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 393

Written ActivityTASK Students create a scrapbook to show how holidays are celebrated in their family.

PURPOSE talking about past holidays; talking about plans

ACTIVITY On a large piece of paper have students design a scrapbook page to showhow they celebrate five different holidays. Ask them to create original illustrations or bring photos or other items from home. Below each holiday item, students shouldwrite one or two sentences to describe the item or illustration and how it representsthe holiday tradition. They should write another sentence stating how they plan tocelebrate the holiday in the coming year.

MATERIALS 11� x 17� plain white paper, pen or pencil, colored pencils or markers,cards, photos from home, scissors, and glue

Oral ActivityTASK Students act out a scene in which one student asks a family member how aparty went last year.

PURPOSE discussing past events; talking about what someone is doing right now;talking about what you plan to do

ACTIVITY Have students work in pairs to act out the following scene. Two siblingsare preparing for a family reunion (hanging decorations, writing cards, dressing in aspecific way). The younger sibling asks the older what he or she is doing and whetherhe or she did that for the last reunion the family had. The older sibling tells him orher what the family did the last time they had a party, and what they are planning todo this year.

MATERIALS (optional) audio or video recording equipment





Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 405

Vocabulario 1/Gramática 1ORAL ASSESSMENT Have students act out a conversation in which two friends are discussing their Independence Day traditions. One student asks the other what he or she usually does to celebrate. The other student says that his or her familyusually goes to the country to have a picnic. The first student tells how his or herfamily goes to the city to watch fireworks and eat at a restaurant. They discuss which tradition they like best.

WRITTEN ASSESSMENT Have students write a paragraph describing how they celebrated their birthday last year. If students had a party, have them say what they did, what they ate, and how the party was in general. Then, have students sayhow they plan on celebrating their birthday this year.

Vocabulario 2/Gramática 2ORAL ASSESSMENT Have groups of four students create a party scene in which one student needs to introduce another to his or her friends. The teenager asks thefriends if they know the guest. Since no one knows the guest, he or she must be introduced to the group. After the introduction, the group talks about what they aredoing right now at the party. Finally, one friend must go and everyone says goodbye.

WRITTEN ASSESSMENT Have students write a conversation in which a parent asks a son or daughter whom he or she invited to the graduation party. The parent asks ifthe student invited five specific people or groups of people. Students must use directobject pronouns in each reply.

RepasoORAL ASSESSMENT Have three students act out a humorous scene in which twostudents are discussing the preparations for a surprise party. As they are asking eachother what has already been done, the third student overhears them and asks whatthey are doing. The other two students must try to cover up what they are doing,because the party is for the third student. They create humorous excuses about whatthey are doing.





Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 204

Rubric for Evaluating Written and Oral Tests and Assignments



CONTENT (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(inclusion of all required information)

COMPREHENSIBILITY (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(ability to communicate ideas)ACCURACY (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(ability to use structures andvocabulary correctly)

ORGANIZATION (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(ability to organize information)

EFFORT (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(inclusion of details beyond theminimum requirements)

COMPREHENSION (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(ability to understand verbalcues and respond appropriately)

COMPREHENSIBILITY (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(ability to communicate ideasand be understood)

ACCURACY (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(ability to use structures andvocabulary correctly)

FLUENCY (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(ability to communicate clearlyand smoothly)

EFFORT (POOR) 1 2 3 4 (EXCELLENT)(inclusion of details beyond theminimum requirements)

Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 360






Speakerconsistently usesthe appropriatestructures andvocabularynecessary tocommunicate.


Listener understands all of what thespeaker is trying to communicate.


Speaker useslanguagecorrectly,includinggrammar andword order.


Speaker speaksclearly withouthesitation.Pronunciation and intonation seem natural.

Generally complete

Speaker usually uses theappropriatestructures andvocabularynecessary tocommunicate.

Usually comprehensible

Listenerunderstands most of what thespeaker is tryingto communicate.

Usually accurate

Speaker usuallyuses languagecorrectly,includinggrammar andword order.

Moderately fluent

Speaker has few problems with hesitation,pronunciation, and intonation.

Somewhat complete

Speakersometimes usesthe appropriatestructures andvocabularynecessary tocommunicate.

Sometimes comprehensible

Listenerunderstands less than half ofwhat the speakeris trying tocommunicate.

Sometimes accurate

Speakersometimes uses languagecorrectly.

Somewhat fluent

Speaker has some problems with hesitation,pronunciation, and intonation.


Speaker uses few of theappropriatestructures andvocabularynecessary tocommunicate.

Seldom comprehensible

Listenerunderstands little of what the speaker is trying tocommunicate.

Seldom accurate

Speaker seldomuses languagecorrectly.

Not fluent

Speaker hesitatesfrequently andstruggles withpronunciation and intonation.

Oral Rubric A • Presentational Communication

Use the following criteria to evaluate oral assignments in which only one student is speaking.

Content Comprehensibility Accuracy Fluency

Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 361

Oral Rubric B • Interpersonal Communication

Use the following criteria to evaluate oral assignments in which two or more students are speaking.

Content Comprehension Comprehensibility Accuracy Fluency






Speakerconsistentlyuses theappropriatestructures andvocabularynecessary tocommunicate.


Speakerunderstandsall of what is said to himor her.


Listener understands all of what the speaker is trying tocommunicate.


Speaker useslanguagecorrectly,includinggrammar andword order.


Speaker speaks clearlywithouthesitation.Pronunciationand intonationseem natural.

Somewhat complete

Speakersometimesuses theappropriatestructures andvocabularynecessary tocommunicate.


Speakerunderstandssome of what is said to him or her.

Sometimes comprehensible

Listenerunderstands less than half of what thespeaker is trying tocommunicate.

Sometimes accurate

Speakersometimesuses languagecorrectly.

Somewhat fluent

Speaker has someproblems withhesitation,pronunciation,and intonation.

Generally complete

Speakerusually uses theappropriatestructures andvocabularynecessary tocommunicate.


Speakerunderstandsmost of what is said to him or her.

Usually comprehensible

Listenerunderstandsmost of whatthe speaker is trying tocommunicate.

Usually accurate

Speakerusually useslanguagecorrectly,includinggrammar andword order.

Moderately fluent

Speaker has fewproblems withhesitation,pronunciation,and intonation.


Speaker uses few of theappropriatestructures andvocabularynecessary tocommunicate.


Speakerunderstandslittle of what is said to him or her.

Seldom comprehensible

Listenerunderstandslittle of whatthe speaker is trying tocommunicate.

Seldom accurate

Speakerseldom useslanguagecorrectly.

Not fluent

Speakerhesitatesfrequently andstruggles withpronunciationand intonation.

Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 362

Nombre Clase Fecha


Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Some particularly good aspects of this item are _____________________________________





Some areas that could be improved are _____________________________________________





To improve your speaking, I recommend ___________________________________________





Additional Comments _____________________________________________________________






Oral Progress Report

Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 363

Written Rubric A

Use the following criteria to evaluate written assignments.






4 3 2 1Complete Generally Somewhat Incomplete

complete complete

Writer uses the appropriate functions and vocabulary for the topic.

Comprehensible Usually Sometimes Seldomcomprehensible comprehensible comprehensible

Reader can understand all of what the writer is trying to communicate.

Accurate Usually Sometimes Seldomaccurate accurate accurate

Writer uses grammar, spelling,word order, and punctuation correctly.

Well-organized Generally Somewhat Poorlywell-organized organized organized

Presentation is logical and effective.

Excellent Good Moderate Minimaleffort effort effort effort

Writer exceeds the requirements of the assignment and has put care and effort into the process.

Writer usuallyuses the appropriate functions andvocabulary forthe topic.

Writer uses few of the appropriate functions andvocabulary forthe topic.

Writer uses none of theappropriate functions andvocabulary for the topic.

Presentation isgenerally logicaland effective with a few minor problems.

Presentation is somewhat illogical andconfusing in places.

Presentation lacks logical order andorganization.

Reader canunderstand most of what the writer is trying to communicate.

Reader can understand lessthan half of what the writer is trying to communicate.

Reader can understand little of what the writer is trying to communicate.

Writer usuallyuses grammar,spelling, wordorder and punctuationcorrectly.

Writer has someproblems withlanguage usage.

Writer makes a significant number of errors in language usage.

Writer fulfills all of the requirements ofthe assignment.

Writer fulfills some of the requirements of the assignment.

Writer fulfillsfew of therequirements of the assignment.

Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 364

Nombre Clase Fecha


Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Some particularly good aspects of this item are _____________________________________





Some areas that could be improved are ______________________________________________





To improve your written work, I recommend ________________________________________





Additional Comments _________________________________________________________






Written Progress Report

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Nombre Clase Fecha

Chapter _________

I. Content: Look for the following elements in your partner’s composition. Put acheck next to each category when you finish it.

1. _____ Vocabulary Does the composition use enough new vocabulary from the chapter?Underline all the new vocabulary words you find from this chapter.What additional words do you suggest that your partner try to use?

2. _____ Organization Is the composition organized and easy to follow?Can you find an introduction and a conclusion?

3. _____ Comprehensibility Is the composition clear and easy to understand? Is there a specific part that was hard to understand? Did you understand the author’s meaning?Draw a box around any sections that were particularly hard to understand.

4. _____ Target Functions Ask your teacher what functions and grammar you should focusand Grammar on for this chapter and list them below.

Focus: ___________________________________________

II. Proofreader’s checklist: Circle any errors you find in your partner’s composition,so that your partner can correct his or her errors. See the chart for some examples.

incorrect form of the verb

Adjective–noun agreementSubject–verb agreement



Transition words (if they apply to chapter)


III. Explain your content and grammar suggestions to your partner. Answer anyquestions about your comments.

Peer Editor’s signature: _________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Peer-Editing Rubric

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Nombre Clase Fecha

Item ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter ___________________________

Group Members: _____________________________________________________________







Description of Item: ________________________________________________________________







Personal Contribution: ______________________________________________________________








Please rate your personal contribution to the group’s work.

Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Documentation of Group Work

Student’s Portfolio Checklist

To the Student This form should be used to keep track of the materials you are

including in your portfolio. It is important that you keep this list up-to-date so that

your portfolio will be complete at the end of the assessment period. As you build your

portfolio, try to include pieces of your work that demonstrate progress in your ability

to speak and write in Spanish.

Date Date Placed Type of Item Completed in Portfolio

Item #1

Item #2

Item #3

Item #4

Item #5

Item #6

Item #7

Item #8

Item #9

Item #10

Item #11

Item #12

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Nombre Clase Fecha

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Nombre Clase Fecha

To the Teacher This form should be used to keep track of the materials you expect

your students to keep in their portfolios for the semester. Encourage students to

keep their lists up-to-date so that their portfolios will be complete at the end of

the assessment period.

Date Date Due Type of Item Assigned in Portfolio

Item #1

Item #2

Item #3

Item #4

Item #5

Item #6

Item #7

Item #8

Item #9

Item #10

Item #11

Item #12

Teacher’s Portfolio Checklist

Portfolio Self-Evaluation

Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 369

Nombre Clase Fecha

To the Student Your portfolio consists of selections of your written and oral work.

You should consider all the items in your portfolio as you evaluate your progress. Read

the statements below and mark a box to the right of each statement to show how well

you think your portfolio demonstrates your skills and abilities in Spanish.

Strongly StronglyAgree Agree Disagree Disagree

1. My portfolio contains all of the required items.


2. My portfolio provides evidence of myprogress in speaking and writing Spanish.


3. The items in my portfolio demonstrate that I can communicate my ideas in Spanish.


4. The items in my portfolio demonstrate accurate use of Spanish.


5. The items in my portfolio show that Iunderstand and can use a wide varietyof vocabulary.


6. When creating the items in my portfolio, Itried to use what I have learned in new ways.


7. The items in my portfolio provide an accurate picture of my skills and abilitiesin Spanish.

The item I like best in my portfolio is _______________________________________________

because (please give at least three reasons) __________________________________________







I find my portfolio to be (check one):

Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Portfolio Evaluation

Holt Spanish 1 Assessment ProgramCopyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 370

Nombre Clase Fecha

To the Student I have reviewed the items in your portfolio and want to share with

you my reactions to your work.

Teacher’s signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ________________

Strongly StronglyAgree Agree Disagree Disagree

1. Your portfolio contains all the required items.


2. Your portfolio provides evidence of yourprogress in speaking and writing Spanish.


3. The items in your portfolio demonstrate thatyou can communicate your ideas in Spanish.


4. The items in your portfolio demonstrate accurate use of Spanish.


5. The items in your portfolio show that youunderstand and can use a wide varietyof Spanish vocabulary.


6. The items in your portfolio demonstrate that you have tried to use what you have learned in new ways.


7. The items in your portfolio provide an accurate picture of your skills andabilities in Spanish.

The item I like best in your portfolio is______________________________________________

because _____________________________________________________________________________



One area in which you seem to need improvement is ________________________________


For your next portfolio collection, I would like to suggest ____________________________


I find your portfolio to be (check one):

Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

top related