carles mireia & valeria british isles timeline.ppt

Post on 11-Jul-2015






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6000 B.C - 800 B.C.

In this era ancient

mysteries like

Stonehenge and the

stone ring at Avebury

were built Stonehenge

is believed to have

been built in about 2500

B.C. but the first works

at the site were

registered at about

3100 B.C. The stone

ring in Avebury is the

largest stone circle

which is near Silbury

Hill, the tallest man-

made hill in the whole


800 B.C. - 43 A.C.

In the Iron Age lots of

crafting was made with iron

and it was a big trading

material. The Celts settled

down from the east at

britain at 800 B.C. until the

Romans came in the next

era. They had their religion

with their priests, called

druids, and they even

buried their dead in bogs

which now we can examine

to know more about them.

A famous body from the

bogs is the “Lindow Man”,

a man who was mudered

mysteriously in the first

century A.C.

43 A.C. - 410 A.C.

Roman Britain started in

43 A.C. when Emperor

Claudius conquered

Britain again from the

Celts but this time he

stayed because in 55

B.C. Caesar also

conquered it but he

didn’t take it as a land of

his own. Londinium was

the capital and most

cities that are ended in -

cester, -caster or -

chester were also

Roman cities. They built

roads to connect these

cities, like Watling

Street. They didn’t

control Scotland so they

built a wall to protect


410 A.C - 1066 A.C.

The Anglo-saxons arrived

in Britain after the

Romans left and gave

roots to the land and

language. They divided

the country into five

different kingdoms:

Northumbria, Mercia,

Wessex, Kent and Anglia.

In 597 Chrstianity was

introduced and accepted

in the land. In the 800s

Vikings arrived and they

attacked Britain from the

north and got ahold of the

North-west of Scotland. At

that time Wessex became

the most important


1066 A.C. - 1154 A.C.

In 1066 a Duke in

Normandy said that

he was the true king

of Britain and he

invaded it. He

succeded and killed

the Saxon king

Harold in the battle

of Hastings. With this

change of kings new

castles and

cathedrals and

French became the

official language for

about 300 years.

They also introduced

the feudal system

that then was going

to be used all over


1485 A.C. - 1603 A.C.

Henry Tudor was the first

Tudor king of England and

he created the “Tudor Rose”

that joined both the red and

white roses of Lancaster and

York. He had six wives and

because the Pope didn’t

want to give him another

divorce from Catherine of

Aragon he joined the

Protestant religion with other

countries that were also

rebelling against christian

church. Two of his

daughter’s reigned, Mary

and Elizabeth. Mary

changed the religion back to

Catholicism but when she

died Elizabeth changed it

again to Protestant. During

her reign the Golden Age


1603 A.C. - 1714 A.C.

On the 4th of November

1605, in a plot to kill

King James I, 20 barrels

of gunpower were

hidden under parliament

but Guy Fawkes, the

criminal, got caught in

the act that night. The

Civil War started

because Charles I

wanted to rule alone

and wanted to abolish

the parliament and

eventually Charles I was

beheaded. A plague of

a disease and a great

fire terrified London in

1664 and 1666 and

parts of London had to

be rebuilt like St. Paul’s


1714 A.C. - 1837 A.C.

King George I was the king

that started the Georgian Age

because of the loss of Queen

Anne. After him followed

George II, George III, and

George IV. During King

George III’s reign the British

Empire lost the colonies in

America because of the

American War of

Independence but they

colonized Australia and there

was rising British power in

India. The first Prime Minister

was Robert Walpole in 1727.

The Union Jack was created

because of the union of

Ireland to Britain and Britain

was in war with France for

the control of the sea. The

industrial revolution also

started in the Georgian Age.

1837 A.C. - 1901 A.C.

Queen Victoria started her

reign at the age of eighteen

in 1834. She fell in love with

Albert, a German prince who

died in 1861. She then

reigned by herself and did

many great things. She

prohibited child labour, she

extended the English railway

all the way through Britain

and parts of Africa and Asia

became part of the British

Empire. In spite of her good

deeds, she had many Irish

deaths because of the

“Great Potato Famine”, most

Irish people’s money

depended on their potato

harvesting but in 1845

through 1849 about one

million Irish died because of

a disease in potatoes that

killed them.

1901 A.C. - 2000 A.C.

During the 20th century

Britain has had many

kings and queens and

also many wars including

two world wars. The

population grew by 20

millions from 40 and the

life expectancy grew 30

more years. Ireland

became independent in

the Irish War of

Independence that

started in 1919 and

ended in 1929. Although

many Irish were Catholic

the Protestants in the

north stayed as part of

the UK. Margaret

Thatcher was the first

women Prime Minister in

history and she made

many changes in the


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