carm el-by-th e-sea. cal. safety, 9ine jieedka - the carmel pine cone · 2015. 2. 19. · june 12,...

Post on 15-Mar-2021






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S fr e Y e a r , $ 1.5 © I550ED EUERY THURSDAY cbe coW5cenr*D evoted to the interests o f Carm el-by-the-Sea, Pebb le Beach, Carmel Highlands, Carmel V a lley

J U N E 12, 1919 C A R M E L - B Y - T H E - S E A . C A L . V O L . V , N U M . 19

Safety, Service and j Satisfaction

are looped together in the | ahairs o f this bank. You | eta open an account with | lu ll confidence as to the | -safely o f your money. If * there is any service we j can render within the | bounds o f good banking, | We stand ready to give it.

4 per cent interest paid on savings accounts-

9ine Jieedka


Bank of Monterey Monterey Sav. BankS a m p b u i l d i n gv J U I I I C M A N A G E M E N T

A n o t h e r DriveThe Red Cross will “ carry on ”

Seeing the need, there can be no doubt of that.

It will l,e necessary to raise unds for the work. Washington eaaquarters have decided that ere must be auother drive iu N o ­

vember. Meauwhile plans are be " t Perfected for extending Red rosa activities in the direction of

nome service, while still meeting e nepds left over from the war.

series of conferences have just ®lo«ed, that were held in San Tj.®nolaco> Los Angeles, Tucson,

.w»i.0e,nX a"d Reno, to put the .jTS*® Program of the American P if» 'i033 l,ei ° re t Ire workers

een hundred enthusiastic dele­gates carried back to individualwide f ra a f,esl* unpetus to the W'dest possible service.

The I oad IS Goodto REDWOOD IN N

Mill Creek, 18 miles down i . ^ 0ast’ south of Carmel C OTHr ^ H O R S E S - m e a l s s e r J ^ 5 a l j t o m o b i l eSERVICE, 'N EVERYTHING

St rawberry FestiTaiTa,ftpr'>oon, from 3 to 5, the

the Ca’rn.eJ Festival " i“i 9 StrawberryWautl, 0,1 . church lawn.

tl»e churchrmittinK ! otl,erwise. '■>

th^AuvU ' 15 the iMitial endeavor of ‘he exn 'mry totra!se f,l»ds toward hoped mll8<“9 ° , the church. it isth,ir a 'n'i . -V atte” d aud 'end

State Controller J. S. Chambers and wife, w lio have been guests of Mrs. E. K . de Sabla and Miss Phyllis Korb, liave returned to Sacramento. Duriug their visit they motored to several neighbor­ing cities .

The Carmel Dairy Depot, which was sold about a month ago. hns again come into the proprietorship of P. \V. McDonald, and costom- ers w ill be given the old satisfac­tory service.

M ilner Cannon is here from Palo A lto for the summer. H e will take part in the Western Drama Society plays in August.

Beginning this morning a n d continuing for seven days there will be fine abalone and mussel tides. Reduce the high cost of eating.

How those boys grew in the ser­vice. Jimmie Lawson is home, taller and more manly- looking than when he joined the Navy-.

Professor A , P. Lange and fam ­ily are occupying their cottage here. They came down from Ber­keley last week to be here all sum­mer.

Horton Denny was here for a day or two last week. H e is now a member of a government survey­ing party, and expects to be em ­ployed on the Coast H ighw ay when work begins.

Every pew was occnpied at A ll Saints service last Sunday morn­ing. Rev. G. M . Dorwart w ill again conduct the service this com ing Sunday at 4 p. nr,.

Miss Stella Danielson, for three years principal o f Sunset School, has been elected to a position inRev. E. H . Moloney, well knowu

here, who"enlisted in the Canadian Taft. She will teach one grade, army, has returned to his home near Watsonville. On his journeywest he stopped off at Hamilton Ohio, to attend the wedding of his daughter, Kathleen.

Another little W olter in Carmsl Valley. H e arrived on June 3 at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolter. The V a liev raises some­thing besides fruit and vegetables and hay.

G ra d u a tion m idd ies, sk irts and dresses a t H o lm a n ’s- Ernest Hemm ings was a week

end visitor at the P ine Cone office. He may forego his trip to England, as he has a position in the adver­tising department of the Bulletin. Laurence Harthorn also came and went.

Miss Edith Lu tz is here from Santa Rosa, aud is occupying Lei cottage with a friend from East.

Mrs. C. F . Hoffman o f Oakland, who comes ollen to Carmel, is registered at Pine Inn with her sou. They returned recently from Washington, D. C.

Mrs. 11. W. Morse and her two two daughters arrived from Trona, San Bernardino county, last Sun day. They again have the Clani- pett house. It is hot in the desert now anti Carm el’s cool breezes make a hit with lliese folks. Subscribe fo r any newspaper

at C a rm e l H eirs Co- Mrs. P. Ii. Gordon, a prominent

member of the Garret and Garden Players and -much interested in Carm el’s summer plays, is occupy­ing one of the T iltou cottages. She w ill be here several months

Lieutenant Arg’yle Campbell is publicity officer with the contin­gent ot army men on tour iu tlie interest of recruiting. They were in Monterey last week.

There was a de ligh tfu l home dance at the Crilevs, Carmel H igh lands, last F riday _ evening.‘ Y.number, motored down from here

Mrs. Cooper and her son, W m C. Cooper,' have .arrived from the East. The yoiiilg mku-will devote much time to botanical research while here, as well as interesting himself in the Western Drama plays. ~

You are p ro te c te d b y a $10,000 accident bond when you travel In Carmel Garage S ta g e s W e are responsible.

F irem e n ’s Dance J u n e 20. Mr. and Mrs. Lym an Grimes

the | are here for the balance of the month. They would remain longer but for the fact that Mrs. Grimes (Barbara Nachtribe) is to lecture at the University of California summer session.

O u r Congressman, Hugh S. Hersman, has been made a mem­ber of the Committee on Public Lands. Quite an important signment for a new man.

Rev.’ W. G. W hite got in on the noon stage Tuesday, com ing here from Bakersfield. He w ill remain the week out.

Dave Machado, who has been nine mouths at Camp Lewis, has been Tiohbrably discharged. He came home this week, aud already is busy on the farm.

I f y ou read it in the P in e Cone "you m ay sa fe ly repeat it.

For Summer— G R A S S R H G S R A G R U S


Climax pumitu^e Co.T h e B ig S tore in M on terey on Franklin Street

Several patterfis o f Inlaid Linoleum to close out at low prices

C arm el’s P)ig Cheerfu l

Sto re Carmel Valley Fresh Fruits n Vegetables

now arrivingNew England Bak­ery Pies, Cakes, Rolls, French Pastry

dailyHaas’ Fresh Candies 25c., 50c., $1 Bxs.

$ i r t f t i t j ’ e

That F ire A la r mEverybody is Interested in tlie

Cuminuuity Dance to be held at the new Carmel Garage a week from tomorrow night.

Tickets should sell Jilte the pro­verbial hot cakes, considering the object to which the funds raised ar? to be devoted,

quip ) Dej

and quicker to respond to alarms should provided. An alarm signal is needed. Everyone should in ­vest 50 cents in a ticket.

A liy equipment which will make the F ire Department, more efficient

Del Monte LaundryWill do your

Rough Dry1 Launchybetter and cheaper than it can be done at home. Try them and see for yourself. All laundry called for and delivered by leaving word at the office of the agentb, J. W . Hand & Son

The Manning cottage m north Carmel, recently purchased by the Greeuslades, is rented for June to Mrs . Patherick aud mother o f Sausajito. in July and August the place will be occupied by Miss Hadden, sister o f the County Librarian.

CarefulT h orou gh

A ccu ratein our eye examination and fit­ting o f glasses. If you break your glasses, w e can duplicate

'• them

Hare - Harkins OpticalC O M P A N Y

Makers of Perfect Glasses ,qB— , , 317 A L V A R A D O , M O N T E R E Y


S to ry of ‘ ‘R o b in H o o d ”

By Divid Prince Good Morning. >930: What have

you in store for us? Here is our friend John Bidwell White, robed in a :oft leather coat which he tells me was made of the hide of Molly, the faihtful steed of Gallatin Powers, who presented it to him on obtaining his aeroplane license, also wearing a full brown beard; John says is handy to keep his face warm, also for company.He likes to hear the wind singing through his whiskers, when the pass­enger list is light and he grows lonely crossing the high mountains on his hourly trips between New York and Carmel.

, Last night I saw a light flash across the sky. As I deciphered the message I was astonished and delighted to learn of the daring aquatic feat of Miss Juanita Pepper- She had dived from the ferry building in San Fran­cisco into the bay and swam so rapidly under the water that her long black tresses were not even wet when she arrived at Yerba Buena She is destined to be the greatest diver the world has ever known.

My messenger has iust banded me an jnvi• ation to attend the dedication of the Institute for the care and eure of distressed .kittens, dogs and birds. Dr. Elizabeth Greene is head surgeon. With her advanced methods she is able to mend the broken wings of sea gulls, while still flying. She can perfect oerfectly new bark for a dog by ad­ministering the sap from any tree while the dog is waiting for his day She can convince people it is their duty to adopt all stray kittens She lias the most extensive iine of work in 1 liip a rticu la r of any jiving surgeon.

Pardon me one moment, my friends, the wireless telephone is calling, long distance. “ Yes, this is Carmel, yes, this is Prince, the prophet. Miss Helen Hicks, certainly; 1 know her very well.” The message is from the American ConsuT at the New Hebrides, laving that all the wild men in that •vast country have teen converted by Missionary Helen 'Hicks. H er origin­al method o f giving to the native, in place of taking everything from him has done the work. She has saved hi soul by administering unlimited quantities of Aunt Jemima’s fcoi cakes, real maple syrup and singing "How ore you going to keep them down on the farm?” which they like much bet­ter than “ Wash me and 1 will be whiter than snow.”

From present indications Miss Alice Greene will capture all the gold medals and bronze Plaques by paint ing portraits of her friends as she re­members them in Sunset School. As the fashions have changed slightly since those days Miss Greene is con­sidered the most unique artist c f this age. She stands st the head c f the new world-famous school of Fine Arts in the great city of Carmel by the Sea.

L is rumored that Mademoiselle Phyllis Overstreet is building a huge omdooor theatre on the east slope of Iter beautiful estate at Point Lobos, each year her summer school of dramatic Art and Dancing is becoming mote, and more popular. This, in ad- (1 it ion to her private motion picture studio, makes her the most popular artist on the stage today. She ij al­ways accompanied on her walks by her dog Laddie III, great grandson of Laddie the I.

the “Country Gentletpan” has a most interesting and complimentary article this week concerning the splen­did output from the finest model dairy in California- A woman manages this magnificent ranch and knbws more about real cream and milk than any woman in America today. Under the name of Miss Addie Machado many ait'ties are written upon rhe Import­ant subjects of butter, cream and milk. She is also considered an ex­pert in climbing barbed wire fences on short notices.

Manv smiling faces have passed through the doors of Sunset School and many more will pass. For none do I see a brighter future or more successful life than for the Class of 1919 For Miss Danielson, who has stood by through all the fair and stnrmy weather. I wish only the best the world has to 'give.

For this honor which has been bestowed upon me 1 thank you all.

If you read it in the PineCone you may safely repeat it.


Fine progress is being made for the splendid presentation of “ Robin Hood” at the Forest Theatre on Thursday and Friday, July 3 and 4. Garnet Holme

busy assemblying the cast, which will be announced shortly. The chil­dren’s play, “ Prince Happy Heart,” is in rehearsal

Robin Hood is a name which stirs enthusiasm in every lover o f the mountains. He is the greatest out-of- door hero in history on account of his romantic career of kindly deeds to the lowly and poor beneath the great oaks of Sherwood Forest.

Mr. Alfred Noyes has written a great pastoral drama around the loves of Maid Marian and the noble outlaw. Into this he has woven a thread of fantasy through the comings and go­ings cf Oheron and Titania.

As the play opens, the wicked Prince John is ill-treating the serfs, and attempting to wrest Maid Matian from her lover, Robin Hood. His e f­forts are defeated; but Queen Eleanor, who has an evil passion for Robin Hood, is more successful. The situa­tion is desperate until the great King Richard, returning from the Crusades, rescues the lovers. Robin Hood mar­ries Maid Marian, and all goes well until the death of King Richard, when lohn, now becomes King, with Queen Eleanor’s help, pursues the ill-fated lovers to their death.

One of the most picturesque char­acters is the half-witied clown. “ Shadow-of-a-Leaf,” who, beaause of his infirmity, knows the secrets of the fairies, secrets which he must not di­vulge on oain of losing his immortal soul, 'Ey betraying what he has learn­ed from the all-knowing fairies, he makes this supreme sacrifice, in an effort to save Robin Hood from destruction by King John.

a r e ------

a t x x x T v x x x x x x r g Y y r s x x x x : Ed

A Game for

High Stakes!

Billy Stanw ay, A m eri­

can ranch er, loved the

p re tty y o u n g grand­

daughter of a wealthy

old Spanish overlord

of a neighboring estate

sufficiently to gam ble

every chance for her

affection an d the good

will of th e grandee on

the roll of the

W hen th e old Senor

was mysteriously ab­

ducted an d his captors

d e m a n d e d a h e a v y

ransom for his return,

Billy’s native instinct

told him th at things

were no t just as they

seem ed, bu t th e end

justified th e desperate

chance h e took.

You will enjoy every install­

ment of the splendid new

serial we have arranged to

give you. Don’t fail to read it

By Alice Greene We, the Graduating Class of Sunset

School of the year Nineteen Hundred Nineteen, of the age of ninety-three years, not including the sixteen years of our teacher, which must not be counted in this sum total, however much the honor may be due her for the great brilliancy and distinction en­joyed by us; now being of resounding and exposing mind and misery, and not acting under any school regula­tion, menace, fraud, undue influenza, of any person, or non-person vhatso- which; do make, publish and declare this our last bill and statement in the manner following, that is to say;

First: We declare that we are un­married, so far as we know-

Second: We give and bequeath to the future teacher a plan— of David Prince’s dome. We note that the plan has nothing in it, but we do not intend to say the same of the dome.

Third: We give and bequeath Phyllis’ sweet disposition to the South- wind and we hereby exhort said South wind to only make good use of it.

Fourth: We give and bequeath John Bidwell White’s message to nobody, upon the express condition that it be taken away and never returned. Said John Bidwell White has endeavored to put this across, by means of sundry mumblings and rumblings that lead to a seat in the corner.

F ifth : W’e give and bequeath Addie’s giggle to any teacher who cannot see a joke.

Sixth: We give and bequeath fifty shares of Helen Hicks’ industry, value untold to Did Greene.

Seventh: We give and bequeath Juanita’s uift for communication to the Secret Service of the United

Eighth: We give and bequeath all the trash read, or that ever will be read by Bettie Greene, to the ash-man; and we further bequeath the sum of one hundred mills for the transporta­tion of said trash to the dump.

Ninth: We give and bequeath the fire from Alice Greene’s tongue, to the janitor cf Sunset School, for the next year’s fuel supply. It is mcst neces­sary to caution the janitor not to open the Draught.

$e s A wanted fo r thf* ^ years; w i l l 1%

reasonable interest. Respordf ble Carmel business peopWreal estate security to close sg estate; prefer to borrow « home. P. 0. Box 74, or Pi%, Cone office. £

S ix - roofseeReal Bargain -

lots, each 40x100; n ea r cent# of town; garage, fru it tree* chickens. W ill se ll furnish* or unfurnished, including hf piano. Inquire P in e Cone of

F o r S a le C0- '. ;S 1by-the-Sea.— Three bedrooms.;® vants’ room, garage, w orkshop.* rary, large living room , d in ing '5* kitchen, bathroom, ex tra to ile t^ * stairs, large grounds, lawn, electric lights, p r iva te gas F gtunfurnished; close in . Pine Cone office.


H n r C P For h ire . For,- 1tails address

latin Powers, Carm el.

I n « t r in g , form'^ snake, amethystfting. Reward i f return^. F. R. Bechdolt, P . O. Box*,':

(tthp tEmpurin1LA D IE S OUTFITTERS J

A fine stock o f e a r ly spl^f needs now o n hand



Alvarado st. Monk1*


For Information As to Property In and About C A R M E L

A T a le o f aF i r s t A t t e *4

V D D U E *

C a rm e l | D eve lo p m en t

C o m p a n y}7niiiiiiiiic]iiimiiiiiiomiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiuiiic

Victory has been won, but it must be paid for. Every person la asked to do his share. No one is asked to give— oniy to lend. Buy War Savings Stamps.

Peter Hanna a n d his P w ife (they are n ew ly -w ed s ) ll moved from the G a rd n e r , cd*1 to Sunshine c o t ta g e , aud bousewarinigg th e youuK ® tried her hand at b ak in g . itial cake. Th e good -u n tu re1' 1 baud, not caring to b e aloue*1 first culinary effort, feast, ih’ his U ncle Bob and A u n t Lk i

It was a choco la te cake, huh still has his dou b ts . H e ate. slices, aud eu co u ra ged by that lie i9 s till a l iv e , the- p bride, with A u n t L i ’ l ’ e h*!f gam e to fry it a ga in .

Buy you r M e a t at Ho^

Carmel Meat MaiBranch New M o n te re y M*1


i m m m m s x x x I e D


B e n L e id ig Hardware, household Goods, A,gent Floret

and Perfection Stoves, Hotpoint AppliancdHeadquarters fo r Hunting and Fishing o u tfits


ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY, ioTf, Entered as seaond-class matter Feb ruary JO, 1918, at the post office at

.Carmel, California, under Harch 3, 1870.

the Act ol

tV. L. OVERSTREET, Editor and Publisher PHONE OOtt >V 1

Official Paper of the City

c a b m e l-b y t iT e -s ea , c a l 7J U N E 12, 1919

C a r m e l S tu d io s PROFESSIONAL CARDS

M. De N E A L E M ORGAN Lincoln st. near Ocean ave.

Oils, Tempera (water colors), Monotypes

Visitors Welcome — Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday, 2 to 5


Underwood Apts, MontereyK egn lu rh on rs , 12, 2 to5

Others by appo in tm en t Phone 179 J

W E E K L Y G R E E T IN GI f there is one ’word in the English

language th a t ca n be called the watch­word o f the century that word is

“ Service.” — A. D. Thumeau.

L est W e fo rg e t

. Around a certain old cathedral in France fifty thousand American lads lie buried. It 's too many to bring home— far too many dead. So it Las bseu decided to erect a hospital close by, iu their memory, constructing it with the stone and brick of the ruined Cathedral cf Rheims.

In memory of her dead Califor­nia is to have three beds iu that hospital, at a cost o f 16000 each. One bed is already paid for. This county is to have one bed. Next Week s Pine Cone will present something interesting concerning this to occur iu Carmel on Friday, July I ] ,



Bet. 9th and 10th, on Dolores


13th Ave., bet. Monte Verde and Lincoln

J . E . Li H C K , M . D .

Office at Carmel -by - the - Sea Pharmacy, Carmel, Cal.

D r. A . iVl. D e e b oLicensed

Chiropodist and Masseure Hotel Del Monte

Will be in Carmel every Satur­day tpid Sunday

Make appointments at Pine Cone office


Christian Science ServicesSunday, I I A .M .

Sunday School, 9:45 A. M.H ednesday, 8 P. M.

Church Edifice —Monte Verde Street, one block north o f Ocean Avenue


Sunday School 10 A.M.

Saturdays 2 to 5



Santa Lucia and Camino Real

Saturday, 2 to 5

FUR NITU RE at Rudolph’s NewMonterey

La PI ay a A n iv a ls

Massenet’s Opera

“ T H A I S ”(Music and Story)

Sydney Francis H o b e n

Friday, June 20, at 3:30


t i c k e t s ONE DO LLAR

at the Book Shop


Paintings on Exhibition

at the

BOOK SHOP Ocean Avenue

D a y -ligh t H igh and T id e s at Carm el

L o w

I OW Ft. HlSH Ft.12 5 :0 I a - 0 .3 11:58 a 4 413 5 :37 a — 0.4 12:42 p 4 514 6 :12 a - 0 5 1 :24 p 4 015 6 :47 a - 0.6 2:05 P 4 616 7 •23 a - 0 4 2:43 p 4 717 8 00 a - 0.2 3:21 P 4.818 8 38 a - 0 1 3 :58 P 5 0

Youngsters DanceThe graduates of the class of

1918 of Sunset School and their friends held a celebration dance at the home o f the Greene’s last Sat­urday evening. Am ong those in attendance were :

Louise and David Prince, Janett and Langley Howard, Juanita and Alice .Pepper, Fay and Franklin Murphy, Miriam and John White, Addie aud Nancy Machado, Betty,

_ , Alice, Apne and Patrickson Greene,Poitland, Ore — Mr and Mrs W Philip and James Wilson, Margaret

I T E M S o f i n t e r e s t .

‘ 'The best laid plans, etc.” Sew . a parties are figuring on becotn I ST tlm nmdovn ~


! l ? ,tlle owners of the Greavee-• n n,1 ProBerty, scheduled to be ■ n.1! today, a U


P R E S C R IP T IO N S C A R E F U L L Y C O H P O U N D E l)

Liong & G F c tte rD R U G G IS T S

246 A lv a ra d o H on te rey

A Montgomery, Nan afid Richard Montgomery, M r and Mrs B B Goodman.

New York Mrs Aaron P Ordway, Rev and Mrs'Johnston, Mrs Frances Poliak, Franklin Poliak, the Misses Poliak.

Winnemucca- Mrs W H Abel.Stanford Un iv— Dr and Mrs L R

Abrams, Margaret Abrams.Milpitas — Mrs Geo Abel.San Jose — Miss W A Minahan,

Mr and Mrs VV H Roman.San Francisco— Mr and Mrs J W

Nightingale, Miss C Hardman, Mrs H G Sibley and son, Mrs M Shores, Mrs M E Deutch, MiSs M E H ow ­ard, Mrs and Miss Meyers, Mrs and Miss McLure, John W Powers, W W Thayer, Thos Allan.

Oakland — Mrs J W Stetson, Ed-! ward Stetson, Laura W Harlow, Mrs I J C McCandless.

Klute, Camille Russell, Ruth Pudan, Virginia Brinton, InezdeVene, Jean Taylor, Shellie Hartliorn, Constance Heron, Helen Willard, Helen Hicks, Phyllis Overstreet, Kenneth Goold, Gordon Greene, Thomas Hoouer, Mrs. Philip Wilson, Mrs. Opal Heron, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman.

WEDGEW OOD Stoves and Ranges, Rudolph’s, New


W hiff' Sew ing M achines, any style, J'•J/.O.AO, a t H o lm a n ’s

EX CLUSIVE AG ENT on Monterey Peninsula


OUTFITSBest and lightest outfit made


Pacific Grove, California

For Churcli and LibraryMiss Eliza M cKn igh t is to lec

ture at the Carmel Church nexthaVP I n ('.umber of deals Monday evening for the benefit of some f t f 11 beudiug, a n d — well the Carmel L ibrary and of the pointed gOIIlg t0 be (lHaT' I church.

' | Miss M cKn igh t will speak onis Carmel Bird Club meets at work of the hospitals and canteens

MS: , ))e (d Min. E. A K luegei. i in France. She was with Dr. 0 C'Ock tomorrow afternoon. Blake’s hospital in France

Hon. Edward J. Sullivan, on I *1®° " ’itb the canteen.Admission 25 cents.


F r e '- :L f,? m Los.-U'geiesSullivan, on

...igeles to San 1 for P ^j Httend tll(! “ Johnson-here ' ea!dei|b ’ conference, stopped the nr'' • llf sd:,Y. Mr. Sullivan is will ( ’ n1111, J°hnson man, and lie Finer- ■ C0l|ference that thePaper 'S U'e ori*ffn« l Johnson

Hnd Mrs. Etl Romandia () "o n i.n iig the death, on Sun K,..:1 . their year-oldbuti „ l 1— child. The

a I took place on Tuesday.

S WniommiiniiaiiiHnuiiinimniiiinriiuMmMiiciHniniMHi.

p c l i w e n i n g e r ’s 1I G n o C E H Y

i Best Goods I Fresh Goods 1 Right Prices I


OF ARTunder auspices

Arts and Craft3 Club

SIXTH SEASON 1919 July 7 to August 30

lClasses in


M. DeNeale Morgan, Instr.Residence and Studio:

Lincoln st. near Ocean ave.

Further information ou application

AnInspiration To Thrift

One of the greatest inspirations to be thrifty and prosper­ous is an account in the First National Bank of Monterey— it promotes regular deposits, it will give you great satitfac- tion to know that you h a v e a fund for any time when you need cash quickly.4 per cent paid on Interest Accounts



U nder U. S. G o v e rn ­m ent Supervis ion

Syduey^Francis Hoben, the d isj tiuguislied Australian concers p i­anist, and dramatic reader, who is attracting large audiences iu his present series of opera recitals in Peninsula homes, w ill g ive a re­cital of Massenet’s beautiful opera “ Thais,’! on Friday afternoon, June 20, at Arts and Crafts Hall.

Mr. Hober sits at the piano and gives both music and story, f ie has just returned from a trip to Canada and the Fast.

P A IN L E S S D E N T IS R YD R . KLEISER, located between

the Arm y Y . M. C. A. and Long & Gretter’s Drug Store. High

class dentistry at reasonable price.

Crowns, fillings, bridges; teeth

extracted absolutely without pain; plates that fit. No cocaine, gas or

dangerous drugs used. Specialist

in painless dentistry. 244 Alvarado street, Monterey. Phone 105.

M en’s and Boys’ Furnishings ;at H olm an’s. Pine Cone advertising pays.




For Sale ? e w f o r dtouring car*

used only six weeks, run less than 500 miles, Owner leaving;

1 price $525. Rask cottage or P. O. Box 166, Carmel.

Commissioner’s Sa

Convenience, comfort and economyW herever you g o — city, country, mountains,

seashore — there you will find Pearl Oil, the Standard Oil C om p a n y ’s kerosene. Gives the con­venience of gas without the dust and dirt of coal o r wood. Easy to handle.

W ith a good oil cookstove you will cook in comfort all year ’round. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts— economically. Lights at the touch of a match. N o waiting for fires to come up, no un­necessary work, no waste. Concentrates a steady heat on the cooking—leaving the kitchen cool and comfortable.

Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special • process which removes the impurities. It is clean burning.

Pearl O il is for sale in bulk by dealers every­where. It is the same high-quality kerosene as the Pearl O il sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by buying in bulk. Order by name— Pearl OiL

W e recommend New Perfection and Puritan O il C ook stoves

( K E R O S E N E )


S T A N D A R D O I L C O M P A N Y( C A L I F O R N I A )

B . F . M 1 N G E S . S p e c ia l A g e n t , M o n t e r e y

m (lie Superior Court o f the o f Californ ia, in and f o r the - o f M onterey.

M ONTEREY SA V IN G S BANK. Corporation, Plaintiff, v s . TH T. GREAVES, E M ILY F. GRE his w ife , JESSIE M. T A Y L O R , DOE, R ICH ARD R O E and -J STYLES, and W. F. T A Y L fendnnts.

Notice of F o rec lo su re aud Commissioner's Office, C

of MontereY, State o f C alifo tl L niler and by v irtu e o f an

of Sale and Decree o f F o and Sale issued out o f the Court of tlie State o f C u lifo and lor the C om ity o f Me on the Etli day o f M a y , A , 1 in the above-entitled action, in the. M onterey S a v iir g s corporation, t-h e a b ove .-— plaintiff, obtained a Judgment Decree of F orec losu re and against Thomas T . G reaves ,F. Greaves, Jessie M . T a y ‘\\ 1 . Tavlor, on th e 1stMay, A D. 1919,. fo r tbe ■5401C» in G o ld C o in United States, w h ich iuCJiMP teieat, costs and cou n se l - h,r.i -'ii I Decree w a s , ou

day ;.f M ay, A. D . 1919, in Judgm ent Hook 1 o f tlie. Superior Court, a t p a g e 240JJ of. 1. B. T . K . P R E S T O ^C.'omiinssiimer, d u ly appoint*? the Court in the above-entitlr* tion, am com m an d ed to «f* those certain lots, p ie c e s or or laud situate, ly itig f and 1 the County o f M o n te re y , _ California, a n d particularly scribed as follow s, t o w i t :

Lots N ine (9 ), T e n (10L (11), Tw elve (12), T lr i'r ( and Fourteen (14 ), in HI in Addition N u m b e r Oh*. Carmel - by - the - S e a , County, C a lifo rn ia , accr-.— the map of said a d d it io n cm' the office of tbe C o u n ty B*h of the County o f M ou tereT . 1 of California.

Together w ith t i l l the the tenements, lie i editameBfc appurtenances th e reu n to i ing, or in an yw ise tipped and I lie rents, is su es and tlierei >f.

Pub lic notice is hereby that on Thursday, th e 12th June, 1919, at 1 :00 o 'c l o c k of that day, in fro n t o f the I he Courthouse o f th e G Monterey, ill the C i t y o f - ( lomity of M on ter eyp State o* fornia, J w ill, in obed ience O lder of Sale and D ecree closure and Sa le, s e ll, th* described p ro p erty , o f so thereof as may be uec. raise sufficient m o u e y to said judgm ent, w ith inter** costs, to the h igh es t and IX*,

Dice of DestinyA desperate game of love between a young American rancher and a Mexican that required quick wits and a brave heart.

Our New Serial

It ’s Too Good to Miss!

P IC T U R E S H O W S I N C A R ­

M E L T H I S M O N T H .

June 14—Bennett in “ Desert Wooding” and an Arbuekle comedy.

June 17 — Billy Rhodes in “ Hooplah.”

June 21—Jack Pickford in “ Huck and Tom” and Sennett comedy.

June 24 — Ellen Rubens in “Dinah of the Green Van.”

June 28—Billie B u r k e in “ Land of Promise” and an Arbuekle comedy.

Property Transactions

Latest Records, all makes, at Palace Drug Co., Monterey. Pianos for rent. adv

Deed: Carmel Devp Co. to Margaret P. Taylor. Lots 37 to 43, Block EE, Add. No. 3, Carmel by-the-Sea.

Deed: Del Monte Prop. Co. to Geo. T. Cook and Ethel B. Cook. 2 acres in Lots 64 and 65, Pebble Beach.

Deed: Mrs. T. A. Work etvir to Miss Etta Tilton. Lots 18 and 20. Block 92, Carmel- bv-tlie-Sea.

Deed: Maude N. Arndt to Margaret R.'Church. Lot 15, Blck II, M ap 1, Carmel-by-the

cb-r fur cash, iu G o h t Coin United States. .-

Dated at Salmas Citv, G_ this 5th day o f M ay, A . D. U

B. T . K . P R E S U jConintf^

Hudson, Mur tin & J o rg e r# torneys for Plaintiff.


Patronize Pine Cone advertisersEap-Our wagon makes regularcalls

to Carmel. P H O N E 488.




143 Alvarado st., Monterey

II '. >. !i th ,• t r u th in 0 V* 2 a gee to the b i ty in g ptrHolman's.

T r a i n S c h e d u l *Leave

Monterey 6 15 si.m . 7:45 *8:15 a.m. 11:0’

10:20 a.m. 1:5<>!3:25 p m. 5:06:25 p.m. 8:1?

WermuthLeave O rders

Fisher’s Schw en l Phone 604 W 5 u . S.

P in e Cone advertising!

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