casc eu project presentation may 15th web tools

Post on 15-May-2015






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CASC web communicationsDave HarteEconomic Development ManagerDigital Birmingham


Bringing together the web elements

How the web is changing

New ways to engage users

Social Media tools for the project

How the web is changing

“all those websites created for kids are a waste – we’re all on social media networks”

Birmingham teenager

How the web is changing

Cognitive surplus

Imagine what we could create if we watched less TV:

– Wikipedia = 100 million hours. – TV watching = 200 billion hours

Cognitive Surplus

The stuff we have left over when we’ve served life’s basic needs.

We’ve wasted our cognitive surplus watching television

Users want to produce / share / operate

“Here’s what 4 year olds know - a screen that ships without a mouse ships broken”

Cognitive Surplus

is about users rather than technology

is about utilising the energy of users to create new resources

is not something we can ‘build a website’ for.

“Someone working alone, with really cheap tools, has a reasonable hope of carving out enough of the cognitive surplus, enough of the desire to participate, enough of the collective goodwill of the citizens.…

….to create a resource you couldn't have imagined existing even five years ago.” (Shirky)


Live mapping of snowfall using a nation of twitter users.


Tweet the first half of your postcode, and rate the amount of snow that is falling out of ten

(0/10 for nothing, 5/10 for steady snow and 10/10 for arctic blizzard conditions)

#uksnow B9 0/10

Informing citizens about their elected officials

Ease of access to data

The web is changing

• No longer just about information dissemination or interactivity

• Services based on collating user information & data

• Services developed out of ‘official’ data

• Social Media

Social Media

“all those websites created for kids are a waste – we’re all on social networks”

Using Social Media

To facilitate project organisation

To connect to your target group

Project blog or social media network?


Pulls in content from other social media:




Any RSS feed

Connecting to audiences

Research source/tables: DIUS

Connecting to audiences

• For young people social Media works across class / income boundaries

• Younger you are more likely you are to use comments as main mode of engagement

• One in four young people have blogged

Research source/tables: DIUS

Connecting to audiences

Research source/tables: DIUS

Research source/tables: DIUS

Connecting to audiences

• For all users going online is increasingly a social experience, not just a solitary one

• Young people are much bigger users of multimedia content online: podcasts, music, video

• Every day, half of younger teens use IM, a third visit YouTube and a quarter use social networking sites


• How about a project social media network to administer the project?

• How do we rethink engagement through the web using web 2.0 and social media?

• How do we make sure we fully understand who we’re trying to engage?

WP1: Baseline StudyIdentify models for engaging public in science

Birmingham to co-ordinate prospectus of initiatives in partner cities. Enable partners to select study visits.

Milestone: Project blog

WP2: Tools for building a scientific culture

What is the role for new media to be able to develop European-wide science in society initiatives?

Visits recorded on project blog (video/audio podcasts, images, text)

Canvasing views on science through a multimedia website. ‘Text-based’ activity for younger people.

Milestone: Project blog, multimedia website

WP3: Targeting hard-to-reach groups

Collaboration between schoolchildren in consortium cities

Delivered in an online format

Milestone: website for school research

WP4: Changing behavioursImproving scientific awareness. Role of knowledge workers in SMEs to ‘demystify’ science for members of the public.

Subpackage 1: To find the best outlet for this kind of activity…..providing more accessible information on the internet

A networked approach to engaging SMEs?

WP6: Dissemination

Milestone: final project website making use of web 2.0 technology

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