catalog sarang kopi october 2012

Post on 04-Feb-2018






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  • 7/21/2019 Catalog Sarang Kopi October 2012


    Dear Customer,

    Secangkir Kopi atau Teh di pagi hari, terasa sangat nikmat sebelum Anda memulai aktifitas yang padat. Tradisi

    Ngopi atau Minum Teh ini juga ditemukan di hampir semua negara di belahan bumi ini, dengan berbagai

    cara yang khas dan berbeda.

    Sarang Kopi ingin mencoba menghadirkan nikmatnya suasana Ngopi dan Minum Teh di rumah dengan

    kualitas yang tinggi, melalui produk Premium Class Black Coffee dan Premium Taste Tea and Caffe LatteExperience.

    Sarang Kopi sendiri memiliki konsep yang sangat praktis. Anda tinggal pesan by SMS atau TLP, transfer, lalu

    produk akan sampai ke rumah Anda dalam waktu beberapa hari saja (tergantung jarak). Anda tidak perlu lagi

    bermacet-macet an dan Anda juga tidak perlu khawatir bila Anda berada di luar kota atau luar pulau

    sekalipun, karena armada pengiriman tetap bisa menjangkaunya.

    Best Regards

    Sarang Kop

    Operational Hours

    Monday to Friday : 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m

    Saturdays : 9:00 a.m.12:00 p.m

    (We Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

    Customer Care

    Pin BB : 2889560b

    Phone : 0813-9414-8272

    Email :

  • 7/21/2019 Catalog Sarang Kopi October 2012


    How To Order :

    Pemesanan dapat dilakukan Via SMS / TLP ke 021-9222-0907, atau anda dapat menghubungi agen regional

    kami yang terdekat dari tempat anda.

    Format Pemesanan :

    - Nama :

    - Alamat :

    - No Hp :

    - Pesanan Anda :

    Kami akan segera kalkulasi pesanan anda berikut ongkos kirim ke tempat anda.

    Silahkan transfer total pembayaran pesanan anda via :

    - Rek BCA : 008.0807.066 a.n Hendry

    - Rek Mandiri : 132.000.7240.642 a.n Hendry

    Harap konfirmasi kepada kami setelah anda transfer, agar pesanan anda dapat segera kami proses.

    Pesanan anda akan kami kirim via JNE paling lambat 1x24 jam setelah dana kami terima (kec. Hari Minggu

    dan Hari Libur Nasional).

    *Jika ada yang ingin ditanyakan, silahkan untuk menghubungi Customer Care kami.

  • 7/21/2019 Catalog Sarang Kopi October 2012


    Anda juga dapat memesan produk-produk dari Sarang Kopi langsung ke Agen Regional kami yang terdekat

    dari tempat anda.


    HERMANHP : 0813-9815-5040

    PIN BB : 228AC8F6


    WILDANHP : 0813-1206-2974

    PIN BB : 2196CE39


    NIKE / BENNIEHP : 0821-1920-7999 / 022-7270-755

    PIN BB : 21EF690A


    SINNA SHOLIHHP : 0813-1732-0609

    PIN BB : 28C2CC56


    JOYCE THERESIAHP : 0818-6637-17

    PIN BB : 31446722


    AGUS SURANATAHP : 0856-7366-690 / 0812-8200-454


    WILLIAMHP : 0857-6157-4866

    PIN BB : 2108CD16


    SONNYHP : 0899-6262-777

    PIN BB : 2823005B


    DENNYHP : 0898-3881-048

    PIN BB : 223FB9B6


    EFENDI SHP : 0813-6974-8042

    PIN BB : 29F10ABA


    ALFREDOHP : 0813-9363-0991

    PIN BB : 2A3A0BC1


    HENDRA GUNAWANHP : 0852-8820-8090

    PIN BB : 2172F274


    KNJ PERFUME / YEHUDA TANGPENHP : 031-3324-1608

    PIN BB : 3135C542


    Wa2n Shop / Lady MariskaHP : 0817-3335-00 / 021-4154 1689

    PIN BB : 22BADC9D

  • 7/21/2019 Catalog Sarang Kopi October 2012


    Indonesias Premium Class Black Coffee

    Bel Canto Coffee is about more than making coffee, we are about commitment. A

    commitment that every sip of a cup of Bel Canto Coffee will reflect our passion for the art

    of roasting coffee.

    Bel Canto Single OriginEast Timor Arabica - Ground

    Characteristic : Medium Body, Aromatic, with Sweet Herbal Note.Jenis : 100% Arabica Coffee.Netto :250gram.Packing :One Way Valve (Made In Washington, USA).

    Price : Rp 61.000,-

    Bel Canto Single OriginWamena Papua Arabica - Ground

    Characteristic : well balanced body, earthy with bittersweet honey.Jenis : 100% Arabica Coffee.Netto :250gram.Packing :One Way Valve (Made In Washington, USA).

    Price : Rp 67.000,-

    Bel Canto Single OriginSumatra Blue Lintong - Ground

    Characteristic : Full-Bodied, Soft Acidity, Hints of Fresh Herbs & Spices.Jenis : 100% Arabica Coffee.Netto :250gram.Packing :One Way Valve (Made In Washington, USA).

    Price : Rp 62.500,-

    Bel Canto Single OriginSulawesi Toraja Kalossi - Ground

    Characteristic : Well Balanced of Deep Body with Pleasant Dark Chocolate Note.Jenis : 100% Arabica Coffee.Netto :250gram.Packing :One Way Valve (Made In Washington, USA).

    Price : Rp 62.500,-

  • 7/21/2019 Catalog Sarang Kopi October 2012


    Bel CantoGood Morning Breakfast Blend (BC GMB)Ground

    Characteristic : Medium Body, Low Acidity, with Sweet Elegant Caramel Notes.Jenis :Blend Coffee.Netto :250gram.Packing :One Way Valve (Made In Washington, USA).

    Price : Rp 60.000,-Bel CantoKopi Kampoeng Robusta - Ground

    Characteristic : Intense Deep Body with Long Bittersweet Finish.Jenis : 100% Special Aged Robusta Coffee.Netto :250gram.Packing :One Way Valve (Made In Washington, USA).

    Price : Rp 53.500,-

    Bel Canto Single OriginAceh Gayo (Sumatra Gayo Highland) - Ground

    Characteristic : Medium Smooth Body, Sweet & Spicy.Jenis : 100% Arabica Coffee.Netto :250gram.Packing :One Way Valve (Made In Washington, USA).

    Price : Rp 61.000,-

    Bel Canto Single Origin

    Sumatra Sidikalang - Ground

    Characteristic : Medium deep body, aromatic & sweet spicy.Jenis : 100% Arabica Coffee.Netto :250gram.Packing :One Way Valve (Made In Washington, USA).

    Price : Rp 61.000,-

    Bel Canto Single OriginSumatra Mandheling - Ground

    Characteristic : Deep Full Body, Earthy with Bittersweet Chocolate.Jenis : 100% Arabica Coffee.Netto :250gram.Packing :One Way Valve (Made In Washington, USA).

    Price : Rp 61.000,-

  • 7/21/2019 Catalog Sarang Kopi October 2012


    Bel Canto Single OriginJava Arabica - Ground

    Characteristic : Medium Body, Aromatic with Sweet Spicy Note.Jenis : 100% Arabica Coffee.Netto :250gram.Packing :One Way Valve (Made In Washington, USA).

    Price : Rp 64.500,-

    Bel CantoEspresso Golden Crema - Ground

    Characteristic : Deep full-bodied, Earthy, Syrupy, Elegant Sweet Caramel, & Velvety.Jenis : Blend Coffee.Netto :250gram.Packing :One Way Valve (Made In Washington, USA).

    Price : Rp 60.000,-

    Bel Canto Single OriginBali Kintamani - Ground

    Characteristic : Smooth Body, Fruity with Bittersweet Chocolate Notes.Jenis : 100% Arabica Coffee.Netto :250gram.Packing :One Way Valve (Made In Washington, USA).

    Price : Rp 61.000,-

  • 7/21/2019 Catalog Sarang Kopi October 2012


    Esprecielo Tea Latte

    Premium Taste Experience

    Caffe Te Latte is coffee, tea, and milk thatblended in a single serve. This varian is veryunique. It smells coffee, taste like a cappuccino,but have a strong tea aftertaste. Just try it, and

    enjoy a unique sensation in your mouth !

    Price : Rp 39.500,-

    - 1 Box Contains 9 Sachets.- Net 9 x 24 Grams.

    AFFAIRSA Controversial Story of Caffe Te Latte

    Affairs, A Controversial Story of Caffe Te Latte

    In this beguilling story, Esprecielo tells a controversial affair of three

    different characters in the land of Caffe Te Latte : the bold and darkCoffee, the gentle, luscious Milk and the pungent but sensual Tea.It all begins with the sweetness of their friendship, follows by acomplicated and scandalous affair but ends in a perfect harmony.


    "Like a real affair, you sip it a little, then a little more. You won'tstop. Especially while it's HOT. Hey, we're talking about this tea !"

    Jiewa Kusumo - FnB Reviewer,

    "A fatal attraction blend in an unforgettable harmony"Kafi Kurnia - Indonesia's Marketing Guru and Author of AntiMarketing

    "Feel right from the first sip"Toni Wahid , Indonesia's no 1 coffee blog

    Caffe Te Latte is coffee, tea, and milk thatblended in a single serve. This varian is veryunique. It smells coffee, taste like a cappuccino,but have a strong tea aftertaste. Just try it, andenjoy a unique sensation in your mouth !

    Price : Rp 52.000,-

    - 1 Bag Contains 14 Sachets.- Net 14 x 24 Grams.


    A Controversial Story of Caffe Te Latte

    Affairs, A Controversial Story of Caffe Te Latte

    In this beguilling story, Esprecielo tells a controversial affair of three

    different characters in the land of Caffe Te Latte : the bold and darkCoffee, the gentle, luscious Milk and the pungent but sensual Tea.It all begins with the sweetness of their friendship, follows by acomplicated and scandalous affair but ends in a perfect harmony.


    "Like a real affair, you sip it a little, then a little more. You won'tstop. Especially while it's HOT. Hey, we're talking about this tea !"Jiewa Kusumo - FnB Reviewer,

    "A fatal attraction blend in an unforgettable harmony"Kafi Kurnia - Indonesia's Marketing Guru and Author of AntiMarketing

    "Feel right from the first sip"Toni Wahid , Indonesia's no 1 coffee blog
  • 7/21/2019 Catalog Sarang Kopi October 2012


    Ceylon Red Au Lait / Red Tea Latte with acreamy smooth foam on the surface. If you loveMalaysian "Teh Tarik" or Thailand "Thai TeaLatte", you'll love this "Romance" for sure.

    Price : Rp 39.500,-

    - 1 Box Contains 9 Sachets.- Net 9 x 24 Grams.

    ROMANCEA Passionate Story of Ceylon Red Au Lait

    Romance, A Passionate Story of Ceylon Red Au Lait

    Sweet, tender, and romantic, this Esprecielos new blockbuster

    features two completely different characters : the rich but gentleMilkwho falls in love unexpectedly with his lifetime bestfriend, the

    bold and sensual Ceylon Red Tea. Together, they will find strength,meet challenges, face lifes adventures and open their hearts. In thesmall town of Ceylon Red Au Lait, author Esprecielo traces theirunforgettable romantic journey, full of sweet tender love - as thetwo of them discover the bond that will last a lifetime.


    "Distinctive, sinfully delicious !"Toni Wahid , Indonesia's no 1 coffee blog

    "A long kiss of floral spells.. True magic to the last drop."Kafi Kurnia - Indonesia's Marketing Guru and Author of AntiMarketing

    "Smooth milky flavor. Lovely Aroma. Not overwhelming, becauseyou want it to be long lasting."Jiewa Kusumo - FnB Reviewer,

    Matcha Au Lait is Green Tea Latte with a milky-mellow foam on the surface. It's smooth texturegive you a very rich experience in your mouth.

    Price : Rp 39.500,-

    - 1 Box Contains 9 Sachets.- Net 9 x 24 Grams.

    ALLUREAn Enticing Story of Matcha Au Lait

    ALLURE, An Enticing Story of Matcha Au Lait

    First comes Matcha, a classic and enticing Japanese green tea. Thentheres Milk, the sweet tender and fresh delicate flavor. Over thecourse of one amazing, unforgettable, ultimately life-changing

    blend, the house at Matcha Au Lait fills with sweet luxury andtenderness, and, always, inviting aroma and taste.


    "An eastern seduction charms the inner peace"Kafi Kurnia - Indonesia's Marketing Guru and Author of AntiMarketing

    "Delicious green tea in your very own living room"Ferry Tenka - Owner of Disdus (

    "Amazing experience.. Enjoy the explosion in your mouth!"Donna Oriza - Newscaster and Programme Producer, PAS Fm
  • 7/21/2019 Catalog Sarang Kopi October 2012


    Esprecielo Caffe Latte

    Premium Class Instant Caffe Latte

    Price : Rp 24.000,-

    - 1 Box Contains 5 Sachets.- Net 5 x 23 Grams.

    IRISH COFFEESoft and Warm Instant Caffe Latte

    ESPRECIELO IRISH COFFEE brings you soft, smooth-creamy flavor with warm finishevery sip.Specially blended from premium coffee beans and finest natural ingrediethis is a unique light-bodied instant coffee mix that you can certainly drink with ease

    ESPRECIELO IRISH COFFEE is a perfect drink for everyone, even for novice coffeedrinkers.Esprecielo Irish Coffee packs an authentic luscious experience that is sure warm your spirits and delight your taste buds.


    Price : Rp 52.000,-

    - 1 Bag Contains 14 Sachets.- Net 14 x 23 Grams.

    IRISH COFFEE - ECONOMIC BAGSoft and Warm Instant Caffe Latte

    ESPRECIELO IRISH COFFEE brings you soft, smooth-creamy flavor with warm finishevery sip.Specially blended from premium coffee beans and finest natural ingrediethis is a unique light-bodied instant coffee mix that you can certainly drink with ease

    ESPRECIELO IRISH COFFEE is a perfect drink for everyone, even for novice coffee

    drinkers.Esprecielo Irish Coffee packs an authentic luscious experience that is sure warm your spirits and delight your taste buds.


    Price : Rp 24.000,-

    - 1 Box Contains 5 Sachets.- Net 5 x 23 Grams.


    Smooth and Delicate Instant Caffe Latte

    ESPRECIELO CAFFEE d CHOCO pleases the palate with its irresistible, delicatechocolate flavor and creamy-smooth texture.Combining tasty flavors of coffee witsavory real chocolate, Esprecielo Caffee d Choco creates a truly indulgent taste


    ESPRECIELO CAFFEE d CHOCO is the perfect drink to sit back and relax with.Take a

    sip of this blend and treat yourself to its wonderful luscious flavor.


  • 7/21/2019 Catalog Sarang Kopi October 2012


    Price : Rp 24.000,-

    - 1 Box Contains 5 Sachets.- Net 5 x 23 Grams.

    DOPPIO LATTEStrong and Rich Instant Caffe Latte

    ESPRECIELO DOPPIO LATTE has distinctively rich and full-flavored taste, which isperfect to brighten your morning.Take a sip of this fragrant blend and wake up to ifresh aromas and invigo-rating flavors.

    ESPRECIELO DOPPIO LATTE is just what you need to begin your day. Complementedwith extra Theaninethat is scientifically proven to reduce stress.This unique blenddefinitely an ideal choice for every coffee lover.


    Price : Rp 52.000,-- 1 Bag Contains 14 Sachets.- Net 14 x 23 Grams.


    Strong and Rich Instant Caffe Latte

    ESPRECIELO DOPPIO LATTE has distinctively rich and full-flavored taste, which isperfect to brighten your morning.Take a sip of this fragrant blend and wake up to ifresh aromas and invigo-rating flavors.

    ESPRECIELO DOPPIO LATTE is just what you need to begin your day. Complementedwith extra Theaninethat is scientifically proven to reduce stress.This unique blenddefinitely an ideal choice for every coffee lover.


    Price : Rp 24.000,-

    - 1 Box Contains 5 Sachets.- Net 5 x 23 Grams.

    RUSSIAN COFFEEIntense and Unique Taste Instant Caffe Latte

    ESPRECIELO RUSSIAN COFFEE blends a full-bodied, intense whisky aroma with a somellow irish cream.Have a sip of this instant caffe latte and be surprised at the

    complexity of its taste.

    ESPRECIELO RUSSIAN COFFEE is perfect for those who appreciate unique taste and

    sensation. Get lost in the new experience you never expected and find yurself cravfor more.

    With Whisky & Irish Cream Flavor - Definitely CONTAINS NOALCOHOL

  • 7/21/2019 Catalog Sarang Kopi October 2012


    Price : Rp 24.000,-

    - 1 Box Contains 5 Sachets.- Net 5 x 23 Grams.

    CARAMEL MACCHIATOSweet and Delicate Instant Caffe Latte

    ESPRECIELO CARAMEL MACCHIATO brings you the delicate, sweet flavor and aroma

    all that caramely goodness in every sip. Start your day with a cup of its luxurious flaand let its sweetness revive you after a good night's sleep.

    ESPRECIELO CARAMEL MACCHIATO is perfect for everyone, even novice coffeedrinkers. Indulge yourself in its delicate, creamy-smooth texture and deliciously swetaste.

    SWEET DELICACY - with Premium Caramel Flavor

    Price : Rp 52.000,-

    - 1 Bag Contains 14 Sachets.

    - Net 14 x 23 Grams.

    CARAMEL MACCHIATOECONOMIC BAGSweet and Delicate Instant Caffe Latte

    ESPRECIELO CARAMEL MACCHIATO brings you the delicate, sweet flavor and aroma

    all that caramely goodness in every sip. Start your day with a cup of its luxurious flaand let its sweetness revive you after a good night's sleep.

    ESPRECIELO CARAMEL MACCHIATO is perfect for everyone, even novice coffeedrinkers. Indulge yourself in its delicate, creamy-smooth texture and deliciously swetaste.

    SWEET DELICACY - with Premium Caramel Flavor

  • 7/21/2019 Catalog Sarang Kopi October 2012



    Special Coffee Maker KHAS Vietnam (Vietnam Coffee Drip)

    Sekilas tentang Vietnam Coffee Drip :

    Vietnam Coffee Drip : Vietnam Coffee Dripmerupakan alat yang terunik dan masih jarangditemui di Indonesia. Kopi yang dihasilkan punsangat pekat dan aromanya begitu memikat. Parapecinta kopi sejati pasti sangat menyukai minumankopi hasil dari alat ini. Tidak hanya bentuk danhasilnya yang unik, cara kerjanya pun sangat

    menarik. Setelah kopi disimpan di dalam alat ini dan

    dipress sedemikian rupa, kopi harus didiamkan dulu

    selama beberapa menit untuk menunggu tetesan

    pertama. Setelah itu, kopi akan terus menetesperlahan sampai akhirnya jadi secangkir kecil kopi

    yang sangat pekat.

    Price : Rp 75.000,- / Pc

    Bonus : Mini Booklet The Secret Recipes


    How To Use :

    Classic Coffee Dripmerupakan sebuah coffee maker tradisional,yang dapat dipakai di rumah dan dapat dibawa kemana-manasecara mudah dan praktis. Metode yang digunakan adalahdripping (menetes secara perlahan) dan hasilnya adalah secangk

    kecil kopi yang kental, kaya rasa, dan aromatic. Metode Dripseperti ini adalah metode yang dipakai penduduk Vietnam dalam

    meminum kopi sehari-hari. Untuk pecinta kopi susu, maka susu p

    dapat ditambahkan di dasar gelas sesuai selera. Tentunya nikma

    sekali minum secangkir kopi tanpa ampas di waktu santai Anda

    dengan Classic Coffee Drip.

    Why You MUST TRYClassic Coffee Drip :


    Minuman Kopi Anda akan terasa kental, kaya rasa, danaromatic.


    Anda dapat menikmati secangkir kopi tanpa ampas.3.

    Cara penggunaan yang mudah dan praktis, sehingga tidperlu repot setiap Anda ingin menikmati secangkir kopi.


    Mudah untuk dibawa kemanapun Anda pergi, kareringan dan kecil.


    Mudah untuk di-variasi-kan. Anda dapat membuat Latte ala Cafdengan bantuan Juicer biasa.


    Tahan Lamadan tidak mudah rusak.7.

    Terbuat dari bahan stainless, sehingga tidak mudberkarat.


    Aman dan terbuat dari bahan yang Food Grade.9.

    Unik, menarik, dan artistik.

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