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Newsletter N.47 18/01/2012

The Gernika

Agreement in



Strubell receives a delegation from the Gernika Agreement in the

Parliament of Catalonia

This morning several

representatives of the

Catalan political forces met

with a delegation of the

Gernika Agreement for a

scenario of peace and

democratic solutions in

Euskal Herria. From SI,

attended the deputy from

Girona, Toni Strubell, the

representatives of Joves per

la Independència, Eulàlia

Company and Kevin Sànchez and the responsible of international affair from SI, Jordi

Miró and Conxita Bosch.

Strubell considered the meeting as “historical” due to the great meaning that has

gathering eight political and social forces with the goal of solving the political conflict

between Euskal Herria and the Spanish State and has also reminded the joint claims that

do have the Catalan and the Basque folks and their need to have their own state.

Moreover, Strubell spoke about the severe concern of both nations about “the lack of

democratic quality of the Spanish State” by maintaining special courts, applying the

“Parot Doctrine” or honouring and ex-fascist like Manuel Fraga.

Representatives of the Gernika Agreement in the Parliament of Catalonia with Catalan pro-independence political

representatives 18.01.2012.

Oriol Junqueres.ERC, Jordi Miró.SI, Lorena Lopez la Calle.EA, Pernando Barrena.Abertzale Left, Toni Strubell.SI, Jordi

Salvia.Cup, Pere Aragones.ERC, Igor Urrutikoetxea.LAB, Conxita Bosch.SI, Marc Sallas.Cup, Maider Carrere.GA,Oscar

Matute.Alternativa, Jordi Sole.ERC, Kevin Sanchez.SI, Josu Zalbidea .STEE-EILAS, Rebeca Ubera.Aralar, Jon Garai.Egin

Dezagun Bidea, Carles Riera.Ciemen

The deputy has also emphasized “the need to maintain politics based on productive

concepts such as the seek of an integral solution, the adoption of a common language

between the different forces and the concept of being unilateral against the State”.

The representatives of the Gernika Agreement thanked the support of the Catalan

political forces present at the meeting: SI, ERC and CUP

Supporting Manifest to the Gernika Agreement

Good morning,

The representatives of the political parties Solidaritat Catalana per la Independència,

Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, CUP, who today will appear herewith, wish to

express their support to the objectives of the Gernika Agreement.

We also recognise the joint work done between political parties, trade unions and social

organizations of different cultures and traditions, in order to achieve a scenario of peace

and democratic normalization in Euskal Herria.

We support the demands of the Gernika Agreement and claim for a scenario empty of

any violence for the beginning of talks in order to bring the Basque society to peace.

Similarly, we demand to the Spanish Government to stop repression, to change prison's

policy, to end banning political organizations, as well to release anyone imprisoned for

political activities.

All these measures have to facilitate a scenario of multipartite political dialogue. The

talks among all Basque political parties must serve to reach agreements on the

recognition of Euskal Herria as a nation and their right to freely and democratically

decide their political future.

With the conviction that through the path mapped out in Gernika, the Basque society

will come to peace and democratic standards, we, as representatives of the Catalan

people, want to give the Basque society all our strength and encouragement to persevere

in their attempt, despite all the obstacles and difficulties that up today the Spanish State

is still putting.

Catalan Parliament 18.01.2012

Relacions Polítiques Internacionals de Solidaritat Catalana per la Independència

Catalunya News Edita: Relacions Polítiques

Internacionals de SI Conxita Bosch

Blandine Giraud

Tomàs Callau

Jordi Miró

Ada Vidal (Traducció)

Eugènia Bentanachs (Traducció)

Carles Quintana (Fotografia)

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