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VOL. X.—NO. 21. M A R U A R E T V I L L E , N . Y., F R I D A Y , A P R I L 29. 1904, W H O L E NO., 4 78 .



On Saturday LaBt A Harmonious Ses­s ion-Sena to r Jothan P. Allds


At tho Senatorial Oonveuflou of Uio Twenty-sixth District, helu a t t he Walton H O U S P , Walton, ou Saturday, April 'i'i, the following delegates were p r e s e n t :

Sullivan County— Hurry J. Tyler , Alonij) A. Calkin, Mutt Docket; Sol­omon Hoyos, L. W. Hones, Rober t L. Jones .

Ohenango CJouuly — John H. Smi th , John H. O'Brien, Julien Scott , P i ed Ames, Heury Delcvan, Richard Carter.

Delaware Ciuuty—Delos Axled, J . H. Hl t t , M. E. Combs, Alex Hllson, Charles W. Graham, William T. Black, Ja ines Robinson.

L W. Hones was elected chair inau and J . H. Hi t t was chosen secretary.

T h e Hon. Mr. Allds was unanimously renominated for senator.

Mr. A lids, after being Introduced to the convention, responded with the following speech, which proved to be •very in teres t ­ing from the beginning to the end :

Gentlemen of Uio Convention:

I t la iny desire Hist of all to express to you, and through you to the republicans of t h e counties which you represent , my full appreciation of the honor which you have seen fit this day to accord me, To be aga in returned from this s t roug re­publican constituency without a single word of dissent lu any county is an ei -dorsement and vote of confidence < f which any man may well be proud.

And I desire upon this .occasion to tit like an accounting to you UB one of t h e par ty ' s representatives of the work done In the legislature. Last year t he affalis of t h e S ta te govi rnmeut were adminis­tered with economy and in addit ion there to tax laws were so modified as to make due provision for the constant ly In­creasing cost of the Slate government . The number of our poor and unfor tunate citizens who must be cared for a t public expense is constantly increaBlug. Out­side of t he various charitable Inst i tut ions the dependent Insane Increases constant ly by over 500 per annum. In addition tiro public l ibraiies of the d ' s t i lc t s and the demands of our common schools require each year Increasing im­propr ia t ions and all the mat ters which


JANM M K 1 N 8 T H T WATttUtiUltX,

lu the twilight of Thursday evening, April 21. l'Mi, the friends watching by the bedside of Mrs. Edward P. Water-bury, saw t h a t she had passed beyond t h e sunset. Mrs. Waterbury had been III Tor five months. At the last a bald­ening of the ar ter ies was the cause of groat suffering. She was tenderly oared for by her only surviving daughter , Miss Sarah M. Waleibuiy . Mrs. Waterbury was truly a home-maker, Her loving earn sheltered lier own family and reached out to many others . She hud a keen in­sight of character and a quick HHJSO of humor, She had an untiring devotion to her friends.

The service held a t her late home, !)B Chestnut etreel, Albany, last Sabbath af­ternoon, was a loving iouni'>u of those who had been encouraged and sustained by her kindness and her " good deeds which she did." The breath of the Eis -ter lilies and of the violet cross that cov­ers her grave Is not more fragrant than t i e sweet memory of J a n e McKeulstry Waterbury.



Interesting Littlcbits That Mirror Doings of Seven Days in the

Pearl of the Catskills.


Mileage books to rent. K. M. Dolametei


came beforo the leglslaluio of 11)03 were wisely and properly settled. During the present session If no other aot stood to the credi t of ihe legislature for I ho year 1904, the solution of the unification of the two educational departments alone would reflect unending credit ou the legislature.. I t Is a subjoot which It has been at­tempted to set t le for the past 10 years and by reason of the divergent views, and much bit terness of opinion held by the friends both, of the Regents and.of Uio Super intendent of Public Ins t ruct ion, It has beon surrounded by seemingly un-sunuountab lo difficulties, but I believe tha t all of the best educators of the State believe t h a t the solution reached by the present legislature was wise and judi­cious and o;io whloh it few years will show was carefully formulated; and through i t all the men who are respon­sible for t h e solution of t h a t question had|ln mind as a guiding pt iuclple that the common school system of this S ta te Is a t the basis of all good government, nutl t h a t whatever Inteifercfl with the contin­uance of t he present common school sys­tem must give way.

And no t only has this question been wisely and well settled, but lu addition there to Increased appropriations have boon grouted for the purpose of the com­mon schools , ahd as a roBult of numer­ous pet i t ions from tho rural sections of t h e Sta te , additional provision has been m a d e for t h e maintenance of the distr ict Bohool l ibraries, to the end that not only tl»Q school children but also the parents who reside within these districts should have it good homo library, so tha t good reading could bo enjoyed by tho farmer lu tho rura l school district as well as tho more for tunate oltlssen who resides In tho Village whore by public and private mu-hlllcenoe public libraries have beon es­tablished. No t content with these pro­visions for education, tho representa­t ives of the rura l districts bunded them­selves toge ther and forced through an unwilling legis la ture a suitable appro-prjatlon for tho establishment, of a col­lage of agr icul ture , so that when tho boy from tho farm deolt'od to acquire more of education than could be obtained In t h e common school district, ho might bo able to a t tend tin InstItulIon of learning, whoro Instead of bolug oduoaloil away from tho furui u m l made dlseallslloil with h i s home surroundings, ho might bo eduotttod so as to beoomo a butter farmer and a bettor oltlswii and rol.urn again to t he sumo suiroundlngii from whloh ho wont to uoliego, and by vi r tue of hla education bo u, better elllsion In IIIB communi ty , content with his life work.

I n response to the demands from Now York Olty, reasonable provision has boon nmilo to expedi te tho trial of lawsuits in t h a t olty and tho Important bills reaom-ineuulutl by t he laws delay oommiaalon h a v e boou uont to tho Governor and In o u r relat ions with our Metropolitan. (I'loudn t h e r e has boon only ono suhjoot of BOIIOUB difference. Tho desire of tho olty members to pnsa a law whluli should free from .futuro taxation tho loan made by the money louder, was defeated by tho untitle] effort of t he rural representatives

Continued oil imuoml |muu,

The Margaretvllle Juniors received their new suits Thursday.

The Margaretvllle Baseball Club re­organized Thursday eveulug. H. O. V ui IUMII (-l.uitini was chosen manager and Professor Countryman, captain.

F, L. Blanchard, one of the best of the local ball players of Oueouta, goes to Klugstou to join t he baseball team of tbo Hudson River League lor the sea-eon. He reports on April 'Mi, but the seuson does not commence until May 12.

George Scott, ths Downsvllle whirl­wind, loft lust week to j 'In the Blngham-tou baseball t enn . This Is Scott 's sec­ond year In tho hex for the Blufe03. He has been living lu Hobart di i r lugtho win­ter, having employment with tho Shef­field Partus -Slawson Decker Company.

Hobart will have another fast team in the Held again the coming season. Snook, last year's crack catcher, wbl return to piny with the team. Lynn O'Connor, one of the best pitchers Hobar t has ever had, Is there studying law with his father and he has commenced to limber up for the season. Weeks, the well-known third baseman, Hume, the crack second base­man, Dales, the center fielder, and Grant the loft fielder, are lb Hobar t - and ready to play, Other men who will probably play are Foot, Clark and legalist


L Roy Joukius visited friends a t Lew-beach over Sunday.

Albert Baruhar tof Mountain Lake was lu town on Friday, '

A. P. Tompkins U eugaged hauling wood for H. J. Neldlg.

William Kllqulst of Mouutalu Lake was in town Saturday and Sunday.

William Tracy of Delhi w a s a weloome caller at E. Dawson's over Sunday. | | H . J . Neldlg returned from his work a t Southlngton, Conn , last Monday,

E. 0. Hunt, E. A. VanKuron and II. Miller wore a t Shavortowu on Sunday.

The Misses Alllo Whitney and Carrie DuMond called ou friends In Brooklyn on Suuday.

Edward Dawson, one o f o u r m e o h a u -ICP, Is erecting a largo house a t Mount­ain Lake.

Dennio Davidson and Miss Kate Bry­a n t made a qtilolc trip to Shitvertown one day last week.

Miss OaiTlo DuMond, who has beon working a t John Boise's lu Shavertowu, lo home visiting her mother.

Quite a number of young poople of Bhuvertown attended the surprise party a t H. J . Noldlg's Inst Tuesday ovonlng. All roport a pleasant time.

A Questionable Death. A young woman 17 years of ago, named

Elosslo Mcintosh, died a t Sidney ou last Monday and Dr, McKlnuon, who had at­tended her, refused to sign the death cer­tificate until after an autopsy. Tho re­su l t of the autopsy remains undetermined pending a fuitlior examination. The oaeo has caused many rumors to bo clr-oulated in Sidney. The young woman's llfti was Insured for 03,000 In the New York Life Insurance Company.

Died at the Hospital.

Monroe Dutuhor, for years a woll-known farmer at Mlddlcilold Center, died

a t tho Blnghamtou hospital ou Satur­day last, agod l i t .years , He was con­voyed to the hospital about two weeks ago and his doollue was vury rapid. His wife died about two years ago, Tho do-oBUBod was a son of the late John Dutuhor, who, for years, melded ou tho oast side or Olaogo Lake. Ho lenvos several broth­ers and sIsLors residing about Coopers-

town. , ....

Stamford Firemen,

Tho lourtl lire department and tho ultl-r.onfl of Stamford are gotllug ready to ou-tortaln tho Dolnwnro County Firemen nt t ha t place lu oouvoutlon ou Juno 8, to bo followed tho next day by ft tournament . About 1,00b Itromon from all parts of the eotmty ate expected to bB there on t h a t day and the event promises to bo one of tho most Btiuoossful In tho history of tho County AoBooIatloii.

pot t llintn'-HuUBo on upper Main St. For particulars luqulro of A, J . HAMMAN | I »

•r«kii The Outalciu^MaunUlu M«w«- | i .»

Swart street has boon cleared of stones. Dr. Telford is Ihe possessor of a horse. Tho rain of Wednesday will have a

tendency to help vegetal ion.

Much interest ing correspondence Is unavoidably left ou t this week.

Prices for potatoes continue so high tha t the demand has fallen off.

Koru's adv. this week offers more spe­cials. Every shopper reads It.

M. LIou Bruce was elected one of the commissioners to the Presbytery.

A new fence, connecting the property of M. H. Dean and J . H. Searlee, is erected.

Mrs. Will Delamater has rented rooms of M l s s J e n u l e H . Searlcs for dressmak­ing purposes.

The Anderson livery Is again man­aged by Will Anderson, who knows what to do every time.

The Downsvllle Concert Band has been engaged to furnish music three days at, tho Delhi fair this year.

Je rome Dickson, who has been seri­ously ill for the pas t two weeks, Is slowly recovering under t he care of Dr. Telford.

J u n e 20 Rev. J a m e s Bruce, D. D., of Andes will have been pastor of tho United Presbyterian Church In that village for 10 years.

Special sale of ladles' fancy cuffs and collars to match. T h e usual price Is 40 cents set. Our price for Saturday only 10 cents set at Hubert's.

Attorney Ralph 8. Ives Is somewhat of a fisherman. Ou Monday he had tho strength nod good luck to laud a t rout t ha t weighed one pound and 14 ounces,

Huysliam arrived a t the Riverside Hotel with his carload of horses this morning. The horses are looklug lino. Now, if you wish a good horse at a very reasonable price, you can got one.

Friday, May (>, has beon desiguated a s Arbor Day by the Sta te Department of Public Instruction, which has nlso Issued i ts annual Arbor Day pamphlet giving programmes for school exercises.

George W. Wheeler of Deposit, Miss Lucy A. Waterbury from Brooklyn aud Miss Mary Waterbury of Mirgaretvlllo at tended the funeral of Mrs. Edward P, Waterbury a t Albany last Sunday.

1'JLIO NiiWH is surely a Hue medium for you to lot pooplo know what you have for sale. Attorney M. H. Dean adver­tised In It a unfo for sale. The safe was sold to Eugene H. Bouton lu Prattsvllle.

Mis. Henriet ta Adee, who Is in her 81th year, wiillo fishing ou Thursday of last week uonrtheooverod bridge, caught a t rout ti Inches in length. She has sot a pattern that will not bo Imitated by our youthful sportsmen. What would Isaac Walton of old Bay'r

Next Tuesday ovonlng at tbo enter­tainment to be held a t the Presbyterian Church Mr. Kuohu will give several Irish aud Gorman sketches lu a dialect tha t will not fall to please jotl,' even though you might not be of a humor­ous turn of mind. Hi s monoluge and drollery work uauuot fall to attract , He will also give some vocal SOIOB of the medium and higher order.

Herman Rotormund received a dis­patch on Wednesday morning stating tha t Mrs. Froderhik Lu tao f Sherwood Park, Youkera, died of cancer on Tues­day.. Mrs. LulK, who was a slstor of Mrs. Rolormiind, wus well known here and had many acquaintances, having passed several Hummers lu Margaretvllle, She was a lady who was very much loved and respected by her in t imate friends.

The entertainment which was to be given nt the Presbyterian Church ou Fri­day of thin woolc, will t ake place on Tues­day of next week, beginning at 8 p. m. sharp. George Kuohu will give some of his Very laughable and most enjoyable recitations and will slug. Therowlllalso bo a l l teraty and musical programme. Refreshments will bo served by tho Indies In tho vestry, A good t ime may bo ex-pootod. Admission 2D oonts, Including refreshments,


Weekly Record of Those Who Come and Go as Noted by "The News"


—Mrs. Eleauoi Eellsiii recovering from the giip.

—Miss Jessie Hill returned home Tues­day evening.

—Burr Hubboll of Kelly Corners was In town Wednesday.

—J. H. Gladstone ami wife spent Tues­day at Pine Hill.

- - Jack Keator of Uuion Giove was In town on Monday.

j ' —E, A. Marks of Belleayre was in town on business Monday.

—Carl Hadrup of Griffin Corners was In IOWD last Saturday.

—William-Mimgle and wife have spent a, few days lu Andes this week.

—J. H. Hlt t went to the Senatorial Convention held at Walton Friday.

— G. M. Parker Is in Oneonta, on busi • uess connected with his feed store.

—Attorney A, O. Fentou went to Dry Brook on legal business last Saturday.

— H. A. Tubbs of Griffin Corners was a pleasant caller In this village Saturday,

—N. R. Oaborn was at Dry Brook this week t ry ing his luck a t fishing for t rout

—Miss Katharine Swart entertained a number of her friends last Friday even­ing.

—Orlando Wyun has recovered from his recent Illness and Is able to be out again.

—Attorney Ifalph Ives of Rqxbury speut the Sabbath with Margaiotvlllo friends.

—Mr. D a r t of Grand Gorge wasamoug the out of town callersovei Saturday and Sunday.

—Graut DeSllva of Arena was shak­ing bauds with his friends in town on Monday.

—Attorney aud Mrs. M. It Dean weio out of town visitors over Saturday aud Sunday.

—Mi', and Mis. Willarn S. Thompson of Hobai t were Margaretvllle visitors las' Friday.

— Mrs. E L. O'C.JUnor went to New York on Tuesday and will bo absent a few days.

—Samuel P. Ives went to Oooperetown ou Tuesday to attend thef j . P. Presby­tery convention.

—Leo Ackerly returned from Now York on Tuesday after enjoying himself for a few days of pleasure.

—Mrs. H. K. Dean of Delhi, mother of Attorney M. H. Doan, spent a few days In town dur ing the week.

—Miss Mary Waterbury wont to Albany last Sat urdriy to attend the funeral of her auut, Mis. E. P. Waterbury,

— Rev. P , D. Abrams of Franklin is visiting his sou, Rev. George R. Abrams, at the Methodist parsonage.

--Supervisor James S. Kit t le went to Kelly Corners ou Monday and on Tues­day be was callod to Dry Brook on busi­ness.

—Mr. and Mrs Joseph Sllbert and daughter , Nanuette, arrived a t their home ou Monday, after spending a week lu New York.

—W. R. Aokorly relumed from the Beu-verklll on Friday lookinghaleaud hearty, Mr. aud Mrs. Ackerly expoct lobe absent during the summer.

—Mr. and Mrs, Herman Rotermuud were aalled to New York on Wednesday ou account of tho death of Mrs. Roler-mund's sister, Mrs. Luhs.




Thousand Autos Expected to Tako Part.

I t Is expected tha t tit least 1,000 aulo-inoblles will tulto part lu tbo run 10 the World's fair at Bt, Louis uext July. The touring committee of tho American Auto­mobile Association of which Augustus post or New York Is chairman, has ar­ranged four s imul taneous fours from va­rious cities, all mooting a t St. Do ids, August 10, whluli Is SI. Louis Day, Vicinity auto men will be Interested In the following sohodulo regarding tho Now York nialli soollou: Leave Now York Olty Tueeilay, July IM, with night Ulops a t Kingston (01 miles)! Delhi (71 miles)! Blnghamtou (7lT miles)! Hath (101 miles); Buffalo (lad) mllos; for the rest on Sunday, July Hi. MHoage, Now York to Buffalo, IflH.

ICortrlght Ahonil. Peter Browor tho vetorau school toucher

of Kortrlglit was excused from Inst i tute last woelt ou tho ground of Inability to stand tho Stamford olltuato aud returned on Thursday. Mr, Browor hint taught VH tonne find IB very anxious lo bo re­tired ou it life ponslon for past Burvlues rendered,

Tito Rov, Mr. Ackcrman Preached, So much has boon said and publlshi d

regarding the troubles at the Delhi Meth­odist Church that tlioro was naturally some curiosity to see and hear tho now pastor, the Rov. Mr, Aokorman, last Sun­day. Tho ohuroh was opened a t tho usual hour aud a fulr oongregat'on ap­peared, al though most of the -leading mombers of tho church wore absent. There was no choir to load the singing, al though the organist, who rooolves a salary, was a t hor post. Those who wore present seem to have boon woll pleased with tbo minister and with his sormon. Mr. Aukorraau Is u pleueitnt and Intelligent gentlemen, who regrets tha t ciroumstauoes, over which lie had no control, have placed him lu tho trying and unpleasant position hi which ho lluds himself, but hu suyB Hint bis lustruotluns are to remain a t Delhi aud do his duly as pastor of tho church, and this ho In­tends to do.

Lights and Shadows of Life on Farm and in Hamlet Portrayed by

Ready Pens.


Charles Hewitt wus called to Otego on business Monday.

Richard Borden is the uew n igh t watch lu the U.\fc D. yards.

P. Rose of Pruttkvllle made a visit in this place over Sunday.

S. Koru is making repairs t o t h e i u -t e i l o r o f h i s residence. Hr i lQ bridge company are t h e nucleus Of the town this week.

Mrs. John Clark of Belleayre was In (own Tuesday ou business.

Oharles McKeown has opened a barber shop lu the Cole hotel parlors.

Olaire Cowan of Kingston s p e n t the Sabbath with his parents here.

Benjamin Akerly is engaged a t carpen­ter work on the Summit this week.

Mrs. H. Fuller Is outer ta ioiog her sister from Fltiechmnnu this week.

Mr. OharleB Reyiuer of the Korn store will take a needed rost for a m o n t h .

Warren Reside, who is paint ing lu Bo-vliia, visited his family last Fr iday .

The time of the Sunday school has been changed from 1 o'clock to 10 a. m.

George But ts of Plelsohmann was a busluess caller lu town Fi iday evening.

George Whipple lias moved in to one of tho Smith cottages ou Railroad avenue.

S. Koru has disposed of his Brooklyn property already. Ho sold it to Frank Oliver.

Prank Hoorubeek, the feed man , un­loaded several cars of feod the fore part of tho week.

J . P. Murphy, the celobarted art ist , arrived lu town ou Friday and is at, his summer borne.

Joseph,, Redmond left town on Monday for Onoontu, where ho has employment lu tho car shops.

V. Cook Is the uew and obliging clerk a t the Korn store. Verne, you have the ways and manners of an ideal clerk.

E. L. Fields, another of our popular a r t i s t s , arrived In town on Tuesday to dwell among "God 's First Temples ."

Rev, A. H, Soudder was making pus-'toral culls Wednesday afternoon aud led t he prayer meeting lu the church In the • vening.

James Baker left town Sunday morn­ing for Oueouta, his future homo. We are sorry to loso him. Mr. Baker will ongagb In the boot aud shoo business.

Mrs. Prod Morgeudahl has received encounigliig news of tho condition of her husband, who hud lib) tight limb ampu­tated throe weeks ago at tho Klugstou Hospital,

The young people of thlspluce a r e fol­lowing hard the socialities of tho " 100." Johu Dlrnmlok was given a surpr ise on Fi iday bight, Katherlue Flanagan invi­ted her school friends Saturday after-iioi.n to a social t reat aud on Mouday ovonlng Myrtle Settger met with a sur­prise for her 'toon birthday. Miss Bea-gor was presented with a very handsome chair.

Sheaves Garnered in Ihe Busy Vineyard by Ihe Master's Sturdy



T h e Rov. Dr. Edwards will preach lu the Presbyterian Church Suuday morn­ing aud evening at the usual hours.

Tho communion of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated a week from Sunday next. May 8, a t 10 :30 In t h e morning.

MicrHomsr M E N T I O N .

Sunday Muy.l Is miss ionary day In the Sunday school.

Rev. George II. Abrams a t the M. E, Ohuroh Sunday morning and evening.

If you wish the conference minutes for 1001 your pastor can supply you with them.

Have you earned your dollar for the expetience meeting;' This meeting will be announcsd soon.

The Epworth League topic for Sunday evening is " Answered Prayers , " Acts, 1, 23-31. Leader, E. S. Hiuckley.

The title for the Sunday school les­son for May 1 Is " Prayer and Piomlse." Golden text, "Ask, aud it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find."

The cradle rolls lu our Sunday schools should be reported lu t he conference mlutites. Tho largest cradle roll known has H8U names enrolled.

George P. Kuohu was highly appreci­ated at the M. E. Church last Sunday morning and eveulug. His tenor solos wereliuo. Come again, Mr. Kuehn.

The ladles' prayer circle will meet at the home of Mrs. t ' l iaiies Outsell, Sr., ou Tuesday afternoon uext week at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Charles Bouton is the appointed leader.



Groono County Man Cunfossas. Hero Is the way a Grooue County man

confessed a t ft revival. Ho had boon pressed to repent, and dually got up and Bitld! " D e a r friends, I fool the Spirit moving In me to talk and tell what it bad man I have been, but I can't do It While the grand Jury is In session." " T h e Lord will forgive," slum tod tho preacher. " I guess that 's i ighl ,"sa ld tho nouilonl, i' but tho Lord ain' t ou tho grand jury,"

Lost on Arm, Eye and Ear. Joseph Ptitohai.'t), a farmer, who to-

eldoB lu Bo|l&fll7'iiour tho village of Rom-sen, a shorft iun« ago lost an arm by hav­ing it untight lu a threshing mauhiiio and later he lost mi eyo by having It punc­tured with a null. Ho wnn again unfor­tunately iilllloteil last week by tbo loss of an oar, wliloh WIIB bitten off by a horsui

Take TUB Ni«vn and do It u,uloh.


Adelbort Adoo callod ou friends In Rox-

bury Saturday. , Georgo Sunford of Hubboll Hill was

secu on our streets Wednesday.

Rev. D, M. McClelbin aud wife called ou friends In Weaver Hollow recently.

The Y. P. 0, U. will meet a t the resi­dence of E D. Reynolds' Sabbath even­ing.

Sylvester Yaple aud daughter, l u a , left for their homo lu Bingltamton las t Monday.

This Is Oliver Dlokpous harvest, H e Is selling his last year's crop of bay for $18 per ton.

John Cower of Roxbury purchased 15 pigs of David Adoo recently, paying $2,75 each Tor them.

Mr. aud Mrs, J. T. Archibald went to Ikivhift Center Monday afternoon to soo Mr. Archibald's sister, Mrs, Marga re t Swuri, who la seriously III.

O. S, Faulkner Is having tlie Inferior of Ida store pointed and Is making o the r Improvements whloh add muoh lo t h e appearance of his property.

Mrs, Dollluh (Hlrns, who has boon so­liciting funds to have tho It, 8, Archi­bald burying ground put In u moro de­sirable condition, IUJH aoonrod tho Ser­vians of Peter MnNiilr of Duvluu, who, with two helpers ho has employed. Is put t ing t he grounds lit good sbiipo.

Horse Sale. I will bo In Mitrgarotvlllo a t tho Rlvoi-

shhi Hotel barns ou April UB with a carload of horses, I will make It an object for you to uouio there to buy ou account of burn room and feed, The less my oxpnrimiH the cheaper f can Bull. I don't wniit the oiirth, Those are no auo-tlon rliig-ltormio, Part of thorn wo raised, l am no Jooltey, Kvery horse will bo roprosoiitiid iiH he Is, Hiiinombur piano and ditto, April UH, until further notlue, When J oiui't soil i will bo prepared la movu, W, J. HvmiAw,

Goat and hiirnoaa fur sale. W, W, llim.lrlx, Margiiretvlllo, N, Y,

Pint BAtiU - Early vegetable plants a t tho Mtiudoivbruok Purui. 20

•I'Mlrn Tho CftUklll MouuuUU NMf»~*t.W,

Gleanings of a Week from the Notebook of a Lively and Wideawake


J. L. Ha,sbrouck lost one of his horses recently.

Dr. G a i l comes out with a fine new road horse.

O. N. Gilllin was a t Margaretvllle ou Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Beardslee spent Sun­day at Denver.

Last Sunday was the first spring-like day of the season.

J . W. Soudder was at Pleischmann on busluess Monday.

I r a and Loron Hubbel l visited relatives at Vega Sunday.

E. Rockfellow Is assist ing W. W. Soud­der en his farm.

Our village merchan t s are doing lively business this spring.

Georgo Dutcher recently sold some fine oows to James McNulty.

Tin Ins loaded with feed continue to arrive a t Halcottvil le daily,

Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hewett visited In Roxbury the first of the week.

Path mas ter Tompkins has had a force of men ropaliing tho roads of late.

J. W. Soudder purchased a fine young horse of George Braudow last week.

Elder Clink conducted services a t Sobobarlo last Sa turday aud Sunday.

W. Truesdell, E. Slawson aud John Slawsou Of Vega were lu town Mouday,

A, Russell of New Kingston wus call-The regular beginners' meeting baa I log on friends a t Halcottvil le Saturday,

D, Doluud recently purchased a pair of Edward O'Connor's choice white pigs,

E. MoQ.uoouo of Arena was a business caller at Halcottville the first of the week.

A church supper a t the home of Kelly Brothers this (Friday) evening. All in­vited.

A. T, Dean and P . Wescott of West Settlement were lu town making calls on Saturday.

0. D. Rowe unloaded a car of soft coal for the Elgin Creamery Company tho first of the week.

Arthur Miller at tended the Starley sale at Now Kingston and brought some cows home with him,

E. Garvey of Long Island has been In town a ! ew days of la te . He hits been a guest ut the Lakeside.

A large number of Invited guests speut a pleasant evening a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Williams ou Friday.

Among the ears recently received by Kelly Brothers was a car of AJax Flukes which were soon disposed of.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sauford and Mr. aud Mrs. E. Hewit t took In the Bights a t Margaretvllle last Thursday.

W. Faulkner uud Rober t Archibald of Now Kingston were a t Halcottville on Mouday making business calls.

Bruce litis accepted a position with the Standard Creamery Company In tholr croainory at Kelly Corners,

N. Harrington has finished his work a t Phoenicia and has commenced the mason work lu W. H. Morse's large house,

Rev. A, H. Soudder arrived In town with his family last Baturduy on the even­ing train uud went to the i r new home,

Rov. M, O. Beuuett preached a t Andes last Suudity. He was In town tho first of the week aud moved his goods toOhar-lottvllle,

M. Oautwell, George Purcell, Scott Uluckloy, George Braudow, W. Reynolds aud Jiiiuos Bouton of Roxbury wore In town Monday,

David Kelly, who has beon paralyzed fin Several years, fell to the floor recently aud broke I lie front bone hi his right log, He Is under tho doufor's euro.

B. B. Hubboll, L. E. Sauford, Dr. and Mrs. Gaul and William Keator attended tho funeral of Conductor John VanDyke at Koxbury, Gould Church, on Friday.

in, J. Halt, L. O, Clark and J. B. Hinck­ley wont to West Fulton to assist lu mov­ing Rev, A, Hi Soudder on Thursday and relumed on Friday. B. Spalding, J, Ad­ams and A, Mattiaa also brought loads for him on Piblay, r e tu rn ing Saturday,

Rov, A, H, Bowlder will at tend Sab­bath school a t Arkvllle n e x t Sabbath morning at, 10 o'clock, l i e will preach UtBt'0 a t I t a. in., and a t Halcnttvlllo a t 7:30 p, in, Hit will bo nt Dry Brook at i o'clock ovory Sunday until further uo-tleo,

boon taken up and the members are ex­pected to altoud the Thursday evening prayer service. Rev, G. B. Abrams is the leader.

Tho subject of the morning sermon at the M. E. Ohuroh will bo " Paul ' s Por­t ra i t of Christ." Subject of the eveulug Sermon " S o m e Lessons from Belshais-sar 's Feas t . "

Tho Lidiea ' Aid Society will meet at the homo of Mrs. George H. Hewi t t uext Wednesday at 'J o'clock p. in. You are cordially invited to bo present. This Is the regular monthly meeting.

The reception hold lu the ladles ' par­lors Wednesday evening in honor of our pastor and his family was a very pleas­ant affair. The social fea ture was no­ticeably marked, Refreshments wore served and all report a very pleasant evening,


Items of Interest Regarding Teachers and Scholars.

School closes this year ou Juno 20,

Old Dame Nature will have to pu t ou a night force If BIIO has her green coat aud violet perfuuio around in t ime for Arbor Day, May ti.

Practical lessons lu angling, baseball taetlcB and the gentle a r t of playing " hookey " would ijulto satisfy tho uver-ago boy nowudaya

Sometime .dur ing the lust week of school a i'ew of our gifted elocutionists will battle for honors in a prize speaking contobt. Four ptiaes are to be awarded, First aud second ptlsses to the boys, and llret aud second ptixus to tho girls, Later auiiouuoemeuls will bo made.

Evidently the students are obtaining both profit aud enjoyment from tho mag­azines recently obtained for the school, Unfortunately a few of those " practical benevolences" have not appeared of suf-lloleut number to be recognised, Other­wise our stock of uiaga/duo l i terature would be larger,

This (Friday) evening picked speakers from this duitool and tho Roxbury High School will moot In Masonic Hall a t Rox­bury and discuss the following top ic : Resolved, " T h a t thu Unllod Sta tes was justlilod lu adqult'lng tho Phil ippines." Margarotvlllo, for the negative, with Mesui's. George, Graham and Newton us speakers. Be loyal, ye olflaone of Mnr-garutvlllo, aud unci uirago tho boys with your presouoe,


P. B, Garvey was a business caller In town lust week.

Otto Hunt of Areua aalled ou his friend one night recently,

Dou't forgot t i n t ' " Family Affair " a t Ciovesvllle, May 7,

MIHS Kinina SinlUi Is visiting hor par-eats at Delhi ibis witok,

O, P. Ballard made it business trip to Roxbury lust week cue day.

Died, oh Saturday night , tho Infiiii daughter of Mr, and Mrs, C. Krura,

" BillHou"Oilspell 's old hor se , " Whit­ney," died laot Thursday night,

Mr. and Mrs, C, Wilson of Catskill vlullod relatives lu town Sunday aud Monday,

Thu " Old Maid's (Jultvonlloii " will be prtiHiuilod fiuui thu library s tage about

May tin Tho topic for tho Jflpworlh 'League on

Sunday evening Is " Answered Prayers , " Loader, CIIIHMUIC Wilson.

Mrs, Colfax Morrlft and children of llitmilnn ' itro vlnltlun Mrs, Mor i i t t ' s mother, Mrs, B, L, Hu»btouuk.

Tho " Family Affair" will bo proaentod a t thin plaoe on Hiitimlity evening, May 7, lu the suhuol houuu ub Ulovosvlllo,

Montgomery Farm Leased. Mrs. Dull M, BliuiiiiMou and Georgo

Montgomery are living <|idofly at tho Montgomery hnmofltoad farm. Georgo la about tint strnots of tint village dally ami inluglits freely lu the social pastimes of the young people, but Mrs. Slmousoii Sieldolfl uuiui'S to tint village. Mm wnii uiMii|iliitely worn out by the uuros and anxlelloH id thu tt'lnl tn111 hor friends nuy nlio Is roHl.litg uud a t tending simply to the ordinary duties of home lire, The Montgomery farm IIIIH bonu routed to Frank Moudoie, a Itrolhnr of Henry, Ofi-mor and Oinnr Moiulnrit, who llgurnd no

prominently In tho » from beginning lo end.

for t ies lot ring ItoiiHimlii the Cafuldlls In rout for Hut Hiiuiiiinr HIIIIHOII will be furnhiliml i!p|illniiiifi! by uiblroMMlug L, D. H, Haulier, HI!II Mnre.y avenue, Brooklyn, Tunas i Usual t'ominlaiiluu tor routing,


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