i,:: ifii 'i v ip |f§i 'fpfiif s)3®:%? catskill mountain...

WBBB HBHHMHHHHH w i SK HHM ,;„;'',," i, ifiii 'v ip |f§i 'fpfiif :: '":i Wi-fl S)3®:%? SaS9BgBffl)ffllMW«WWTO*flWlwW»WfWW»wi« iwiwwniniw^imi)HaBfl|M CATSIOLL JMLOUKTAi^' NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTO&EK 9, 1908. V CATSKILL MOUNTAIN NEWS. W. H. EEL1.S, Editor and Publisher. TMRMiS: CMSB JDOIA.AB l'KK YBAil, I'MjiiUle iu AIIVIUMIW. rlT3-.ijif.iHBI> KVIOIT I'lUDAT. [ llnt-ered. July 10, tm, a" scconrl-ellitis matter 1 Marpiretville, K- V., art. (if LBft).] In ifbe post ofiloe a. Cnhgie.HK of Mm eh REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. For Member of Assembly. HON. JAMES U. 00 WAN of Hub.nl For County Clerk. WJJXIAM X. BLACK of Bovlua. For Sheriff. JOHN W. GIBBON oi Meredith. For Coroners. ]>n. T. h. CRAIG of Davenport. I>K. 0. T. BUNDY of Deposit »B. 8. 3. WHITE oi Franklin. Republican Town Ticket. For Supervisor. JAMES W- KITTLE. For Town Clerk. THOMAS WINTER. For Justices of the Peace. WILLIAM GEAY. W. SMITH DICKSON. AUGUSTUS H. TODD. For Commissioner of Highways. GEORGE H. LASHER. For Overseer of the Poor. S. KNICKERBOCKER. For Assessors. GEORGE 1>. KEATOR. GEORGE H. FULLER. JOHN T. ARCHIBALD. For Collector. EDWIN C. JONES. For Constables. CHARLES E. MILLER. R. h. GAVKTT. JEROME E. DICKSON. J. D. BROWN. GEORGE DUTCH KB. AL-CURA SOLVENT E>JSMIIV<•.« j.ufl ijiiM.lii.v eemteriiB Htcmeamildd mid wliil* urnvplfrom |/tie JC idne.ve Wifl bladder, BIOPJW trlic tptpuse juiiti (•li.ictim.v ColUOdup to tlieaeforeign bodiiw unci at'too HVIIUIK. 1,1K: una of the surgeon's knife, (talcum Solvent prevents the IITIIIIIIIOII pfjjtcwe mid grave]by dio- BolvlpgliliOTiriciii'lcliiiid cmr.vuig IU ull'l.liriuiKli liheuiiliirnl (ilmmiolR, fli in. pui'if.viug Hi'-' BSlm.il, luid eon-eel 1 n>j 1 llano uric acid ucuiclrUoni on.uesUiimtuli whii'.h produce uric acid poisoning, Gout, KbeuroutlMn, Noiirulght, ami JHII Kiflic.nl lioudiiolioEi of women. Oulcura Solvent IS A UEW MEDICINE. 11 espnls gall utoimti,giving n timtlt.li; notion totlie Liver, relieves the pnin of ISiliiuis Colic .mid eurn.sCoiiiitiniil.ioii of t h e Bovreln. Dr. Diivid Iteniiedy hue Bald of it, "(taleum Solvent in the outcome of my long eicpurloiioci IIB II J'li.ysir.iiin mid Surgeon nod I consider this lUsoovury Ike greatest achievement of uiy lire." ttn^uoiUonp able teiBtJnionlnip neat on request. H.Oti bottle n|, nil druggists. DAVID KENNEDY, op KENWE K& N , .. v . Sportsmen. lion. DiHOOVERED BY P R CIRCULATION. JUUY 3,1902 THIS WEEK 399 975 The crop of caucuses this year has been good If green corn was a failure! ^ . Friendship Is a partneishlp of luter- osts.—Reflestions of a Bachelor. Mmturcd. "So you met the usual fate," said the ni.ni who sneers. "You wenl into Wall street intending to be a bull or n bear and hurt yourself merely a iamb." "No," was the answer. ."I'm not. a lamb. I've been on the losing side per- sistently for years. I'm a sheep."—Ex- change. HI. SuritrUe. Mr*. T.—What are you making those grimaces iu the glass for, my dear? Mr. T.—I'm trying to practice a look of astonisbnaent. Some of my friends are going to make me a present to- night, and I am supposed to know uotlilng about It James Chamberlain would like to cor- respond with all parties in want of a wind- mill, puinp, water motor, gas or heat.lug plant. 34t7 Foil SAMC.—Walton and Hanooelc buck- boards. New lot just arrived. Walton buckboards are the bestlu the world. H. B. KELLY. Dr, llanlovfs Remedy For Rheumatism. pasy to take (tablets)--Quick to relieve ""* —Has cured thousands—Will cuie you. Money back If It does uot. SI per box. Write to-day if not at druggists. RUSSIAN BEMEDy: 00., Geneva, N. Y. ttw4 Three times In the history of Middle- town has James W. Kitllo been elected Supervisor. Now let's make It "two pair." *-*-* The charge Is made that the abutments for the Arena bridge are not being put In according to contract. The matter should be investigated. The renomiuation, by acclamation, of Supervisor Hall of Hancock shows that the Bepublicans In that Democratic town are not scared by the howls of the "re- formers." » . •« Exorcises In commemoration of Ihe MOOth b i r t h d a y of Jonathan Edwards, who graduated from Yale in the class of 1720. were held on Monday In Battell Ohapel at New Haven. There seems to be no end to Helen Gould's purpose to do good iu the world. The latest we hear of her is that she Is at the head of a movement to establish a gas plant for Boxbury. , +~~-4 In a Nebraska town two young boys have been arrested for murder. In a souffle that accompanied their attempt to make 5-year-old Frederick Wagoner eat sand the latter's ueok was broken, An Impression prevails that tlio "old boys" who came over from Andes last Suturd'ay to play ball wore not treated with the cordiality they had a right to expect, If this is eo whose fault was HV ___ » • + As a result of Postmaster Hltt'e liber- ality with hie venison Margaretvll le peo- ple have for the past week boon caper- ing about like kangeroos, and the man who now doubts that he shot It Is a base iugrato. •-•-• The Republican Supervisors lu Walton, Hancock, Franklin, Meredith, Roxbury, Andes, Bovlna, Delhi, Kortrlght, Hamdeu and Masonvlllo havo been renominated, and tho other towns havo all put up good aien. It now looks as though the Demo- crats may have two—possibly throe—men un tho board. P'O-OPERATIVf. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF OATSJULL, N. Y. WILL MDNGLE, JB., Aaiwi, UARQ ARETVILLE, - NT T o p M a r k e t and Quick Returns. Established 1871, A H Rc»ctr^ Commission . U. ArjfcJU) , ; Merchant, 141 Reado Street, New York. BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY&GAME. References by Permission—Second Na- tional Bank, Jersey City; H. L. Dean, Pres't Tipton Savings Bank, Tipton, la. ; Edward Updike, Pres't Uulou State Bank of Harvard, Nob.; New York National Exchange Bunk. 18 BargaiiT Counters. Konvoii, the Painter, has opened 5 and 10 Cent Counters in his store on Main street in this village. Hie has a large assort- ment of goods usually' sold in New York 5 and 10 Cent Stores. THE NEW YORK WORLD- Thrice-a-Week Edition. Almost a Dally at the Price of a Weekly The presidential campaign Is over but the world goes on just the same and It Is lull of news. To learn this news, just as it Is- .promptly and Impartially—all that you have to do IK to look in the columns cf the Thrlee-a-Woek Edition of The New York World which comes to the sub- scriber 157 times tlmeB a year. The Thrice-a-Week World's diligence as a publisher of llrst uews has given It circulation wherever the English langu- age Is spoken—and you want it. The Thrice-a-Week World's regulaar subscription price Is only $1.00 per year. We offer thiH unequalled newspaper and Turn CATSKILL MOUNTAIN NEWS together one year loi $1.65. The regular subscription price of t h e two papers Is $2. AUTOMOBILE CUT IN HALF.—One steam mobile runabout; cost $1,000; last year's model; all the Improvements; steam, water and air pumps; will climb the steepest grades; put In first class repair; new tires, now chain, ete.; looks like new. A.. H. TOLL, Griffin Corners, N. Y. 42w4 B W'E HAVE A FINE LINE OF". Guns and Gun Implements, Loaded Shells, Cartridges, Shot, Shells, Powd or, Etc. We intend to keep well supplied in this line during the season. BARGAIN SEEKEES will find an El Dorado in Shoes, Hats and Shirts. A few of these articles that are a little out of style we are selling less than half the former who!esale cost. Fall and Winter Line of Men's Heavy THE NEWS prints more correspondence each week than any paper outside of Walton. O lU'UKMB OOtlHT, DKBAWAK J5 COUNTY C> -EycrlU. W, Hums vs. Chase Bells. Martha Ei'lls, Ruth JCella mill any siller liurn children of WilliiiiH H. Bells; Wilikiin 11. Bells, John M. Molls, Kllen M. Biivlow, John <,t. Uiirlow and George O. Mead. in pursuance and by virtue of a judgment of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, made herein and duly entered in tho olllcoof the Clerk oi Delaware Counly on the 27th day of August; 1009, 1, the undersigned, the referee duly appointed in and by said Judgment, will sell at puhllc auction at the law otllce. of Marvin & Hanford in Hie village and town of Wall on on the 2»th day of Oc- tober, liitili, at i O'clock In the afternoon of that day, the lnnd and iirenilsesin and by siaid 'lodgment directed to he sold, as follows: All that tool or parcel of hind situate in tlie town and village of Walton, Cuiiiify of Delaware, and Slide of New York, beginning at the south- westerly corner of a lot owned by Doct. Herle in 1848, ana now liiuiwn as ihe James Morris lot, and running thence noil b at dcg. east, eleven rods along the westerly side of said Morris lot; thence north 05 (leg. west, to 'J'ownscnd street, thence southerly along the easterly side of Townsciid street in the corner of 'iVnvnsend anil Mead streets: thence easterly along the northerly line, of Mead street to the place ef be ginning, containing forty-four rods of land, be the siimc more oi' less, and being the same lot nf land conveyed liv.lohn Townsciid anil wife to Mary Kclls by deed dated.Inly lst,18<ia, and re curded in Delaware County Clerk's olllce Aug list 90,18B3; In Liber ii of Heeds at page 481. Dated iSerilember Srd, 1(108, JOHN 8. MOKK, Beferoe, M.MIVIN S: llAXKonn, riaintill's Attorneys, Walton, Del. On., M. Y. sepll This fall we have a fine line of of every description. Steves The Red Cross Stoves and Ranges are well known. C. J. DICKSON MARCARETVILLE, N. Y. THE MUNN atii We are Still in PAINT BUSINESS. QUALITY BEYOND QUESTION, 5 Margaretville, N. Y. Of Margaretville, N. Y. No. turn. ESTABLISHED '1901. CAPITAL $ 25,000 BUKPLUB 7,000 DUPOSITS 150,000 L. O'Connor Prest. N. D. Olmslead , V. P. and Cash'r. H. D. Swart, Asst. Cash'r. MADE AT HOME. Few That Equal. NONE BETTER. Highly Recommended by Noted Musicians. Z—mmaaatUSk^ Buy of the Maker and save middleman's profits. —^- Seen at Margaretville Warerooms. James Munn. Ladies' $2.00, $3.50, and $3.00 Lines, V Full line of Underwear. MEN'S and B0YS' ; SWEATERS ih < FULL LINE. Osborn & Bussy. CORNER STORE, MARGARETVILLE, N. Y. Interest paid on time deposits. AueountBof firms and Individuals Boilolled. JSyoi'y accommodation iiffordod con- sistent with good banking. lie Mutual Life Insurance Company Of New York. j. In Washington on Monday Peter Elliott, a Swede, was arrested by Secret Hervloo ollloorB while trying to force hia way to the President. Ha was armed with a big revolver, a ltnil'o and a long pair of sols- sors, He uaine from Minneapolis, whore he Is known aa a Socialist and a danger- ous character. He was adjudged In- sane and looked up In an asylum. » *~*-«—~- The Littlo County Paper. "When the ovetiln' shades Is talllu' III the cndln' o' Itni (lay. An' a fellnr rests from labor smokln' at bin pipe There's iinl.l'illi' title's him so much goad, be for- tune ii|i or down, As the lltlln country parior from his 0]' Heine Town. 11 iitn't. a thing n' beauty an'IU print uln't al- ways olcini, Bui. It straightens out Ida temper when a teller's fonllh' iiion.li, It Inlies Hieivi'lukkifl "If hl» fUOO an' brushes oil Ihe I'rown, Thnt Utile etanifry pa per I'roin his Dome Town. If tells oi till llui ]im I tun an' llieballsof l't|in|ikln Itow, 'Hoiil whe Hiieiil. Humbiy wllli who's gal an' Imw Ih' crolni'll grow, I An'bow It deeps a I'cllcr ponied 'bunt wlin Is up an' who Is down, Thai in tie tioiiiifry paper from his 01' llmiiii Town, ACKERLY HOUSE BARBER SHOP. The only placo In town to get a GOOD SHAVE AND HAIRCUT. Witch Btaael, Bay Bum, Plorlda and Lavoudor Water, Taloum Pow- der, CoBiuel ins, Hue Toilet and Shav- ing Soaps, Brushes, etc., always lu atook and for sale. CHOICE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. "Tom Piatt," "Billy D.," " Quoeu Quality," Beat brands of ohow- lug ami Smoking. Pipes, file. Dllll.V I'i' '.i".p,i|i> I••'! mill lilncii'r.liii M. All I lie ropilllll' NPPICIH. (,';! ill im LAilNDItY, II.e 11 tlNUSi'ON li'l'|i:.\lll (mien mill slttlslautoi'y II. Tit. >-( ;i..» ti I,» I;(;. IMiip, Now, 1 like in read I lie tlallliiFt an' Hie ntury pllpel'll, Inn, Aii'iiMlmeii the yiillni' novels mi' some ntlier U'liali—(liui'l youV Hut when I wit ill- some reiitlln 1 I hat II inn .b away it frtiwn .1 waul that lltlln paper iro ry Hi 'I'nwn, —pouvci' I'usl), TO HOUSEKEEPERS Hond your address on a postal for our spoolal ptniuliim (liters and a liberal trlul (juaiitlty of ELECTRO-SILICON (i|is famous silver polish used by owners of valuable Sllvtu'waro all over tho world, " Hlbit'ON," 'la (HIM' HI reel, New Yol'lt. •1,'iwl (I'l'K'K 'I'd ('KI'IH'I'OKH. I'nrMiiiinl, to mi inib'i nl ' I' ill.' \ >;'l'. I in II i ir.ii 11 nf llir Cniiufy nf I lel.i'.Miiv. and tunairilliii; inibe Htlilnle for .inli ease made null provided, iintlee in herohj /ilveti Id all pni'souii havhm elalms iiiriila l (leiiruii (I. I >. r l. i. In Id of Ihe limn of Mlildleliiwil lu said (iimtdy, de- eeiisi'd, Mutt Ihi'V are I't'ipilreil In lUihllip Hill iiatiie, wllli Ihe vnneliors Mierenf, In Mm Hull- nerlbiii'M, Hie eiaietlloi's ot Mte litild ileiinilikiil. In Mni'iimel villi', nn or before lite '.illth day of Men lulu I lle.'.l. billed .Mine H, llid.'i. '.I.HWAICI' Huylers Conlections. If you want 'em you've got to go to LOCKWOOD'S, OHOIOB GKOOEBIBS, Always Fresh. OANNEDGOOns, Ileimi's. Vou know that means tho BHBT. Also the Old Homostoad Peas, Moans, etc Bottled Good Things lor tlio Table, Oiitohup, Oliowoliow, 0)1 veu, Oiiluus, Bto. PANOY OAKMB. Llko inothor used to liuilco. ii'BUlTU Lomonii, Orangos, Oi'iiiiburrlcft, Buiianaiiii Oysters, (Hums, Kwout PotalutiM, Ntituof alt kinds. LOCKWOOD. Will Protect Your Family. Will Provide for Your Old Age. FaJIingr Leaves Suggest cold weather. You will want a new Eangre, Stove or Heater. They also suggest glorious days afield with gun and dog. Shotguns, Rifles, xLmmunition.. All of t h e above, in the best makes, are to he found at my store. B. L. SEARX-dEy Margaretville, N. Y. inummmmm* Yoo Cannot Afford to Be 1 ithont a Policy. rp iiiiiinvifliuuiHiinousio. MATI'IAKINIC'II. VvMUliv DKIIIUCII, Kxeculors. HAHUAllKTVll.l.M, N, 1', 0. H. PRUSER Prop'r, Irut-olaaii iiimiiiiiianiliillinui, Kpneliil tmliten utontii touomiiininhil i.t'ivvolnrn. 'Iluu inenlii allU'UlUUallAiiivllie,, Name Address Date of Birth Married or Single, Fill out above slip,ami mail for free illustration of policy IXriFQT TP"V" "ETT T TQ District Manager, Geta NEW FALL HAT At A. S. BRINK'S, Halcottville E". Y. ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES, • -

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HHM ,;„;'',," i, i f i i i 'v ip | f§ i 'fpfiif ::'":i Wi-fl

S)3®:%? SaS9BgBffl)ffllMW«WWTO*flWlwW»WfWW»wi« iwiwwniniw^imi)HaBfl|M

C A T S I O L L JMLOUKTAi^' N E W S , F R I D A Y , OCTO&EK 9, 1908. V


Editor and Publisher.


rlT3-.ijif.iHBI> KVIOIT I'lUDAT.

[ llnt-ered. July 10, tm, a" scconrl-ellitis matter 1 Marpiretville, K- V., art. (if

LBft).] In ifbe post ofiloe a. Cnhgie.HK of Mm eh


For Member of Assembly. H O N . JAMES U. 0 0 WAN

of Hub.nl

For County Clerk. W J J X I A M X. BLACK

of Bovlua.

For Sheriff. JOHN W. GIBBON

oi Meredith. For Coroners.

]>n. T. h. CRAIG of Davenport. I>K. 0 . T. BUNDY of Deposit »B. 8. 3. WHITE oi Franklin.

Republican Town Ticket.

For Supervisor. JAMES W- KITTLE.

For Town Clerk. THOMAS WINTER.


For Commissioner of Highways. GEORGE H. LASHER.

For Overseer of the Poor. S. KNICKERBOCKER.


For Collector. EDWIN C. JONES.



E>JSMIIV<•.« j.ufl ijiiM.lii.v eemteriiB Htcmeamildd mid wliil* urnvplfrom |/tie JC idne.ve Wifl bladder, BIOPJW trlic tptpuse juiiti (•li.ictim.v ColUOdup to tlieaeforeign bodiiw unci at'too HVIIUIK. 1,1K: una of the surgeon's knife, (talcum Solvent prevents the IITIIIIIIIOII pfjjtcwe mid grave]by dio-BolvlpgliliOTiriciii'lcliiiid cmr.vuig IU ull'l.liriuiKli liheuiiliirnl (ilmmiolR, fli in. pui'if.viug Hi'-' BSlm.il, luid eon-eel 1 n>j 1 llano uric acid ucuiclrUoni on.uesUiimtuli whii'.h produce uric acid poisoning, Gout, KbeuroutlMn, Noiirulght, ami JHII Kiflic.nl lioudiiolioEi of women. Oulcura Solvent

IS A UEW MEDICINE. 11 espnls gall utoimti,giving n timtlt.li; notion totlie Liver , relieves the pnin of ISiliiuis Colic .mid eurn.sCoiiiitiniil.ioii of the Bovreln. Dr. Diivid Iteniiedy hue Bald of it, "(taleum Solvent in the outcome of my long eicpurloiioci IIB II J'li.ysir.iiin mid Surgeon nod I consider this lUsoovury Ike greatest achievement of uiy lire." ttn^uoiUonp able teiBtJnionlnip neat on request. H.Oti bottle n|, nil druggists.

DAVID KENNEDY, op K E N W E K & N , .. v.

Sportsmen. lion.



C I R C U L A T I O N .

JUUY 3,1902 T H I S W E E K

3 9 9 9 7 5

The crop of caucuses th is year has been good If green corn was a failure!

^ . -»

Fr iendship Is a par tneishlp of luter-osts.—Reflestions of a Bachelor.

Mmturcd. "So you m e t the usual fate ," said the

ni.ni w h o sneers. "You wenl in to Wall street in tending to be a bull or n bear and hurt yourself merely a iamb."

"No," w a s the answer. ."I'm not. a lamb. I 've been on the losing side per­sistently for years. I 'm a sheep."—Ex­change.

H I . S u r i t r U e . Mr*. T.—What are you mak ing those

grimaces iu the glass for, my d e a r ? Mr. T.—I'm trying to practice a look

of astonisbnaent. Some of my fr iends are going to m a k e me a p resen t to­night, a n d I am supposed to know uotlilng a b o u t I t

James Chamberlain would like to cor­respond with all parties in want of a wind­mill, puinp, water motor, gas or heat.lug plant. 34t7

Foil SAMC.—Walton and Hanooelc buck-boards. New lot jus t arrived. Walton buckboards a re the best lu the world.

H. B. K E L L Y .

Dr, llanlovfs Remedy For Rheumatism.

p a s y to t ake (tablets)--Quick to rel ieve ""* —Has cured thousands—Will cu i e you. Money back If It does uot. SI per box. Write to-day if not a t druggists .

RUSSIAN BEMEDy: 0 0 . , Geneva, N. Y. ttw4

Three t imes In the history of Middle-town has J a m e s W. Kitllo been elected Supervisor. Now let 's make It " two pair."

*-*-* The charge Is made tha t the abutments

for the Arena bridge are not being put In according to contract. The mat ter should be investigated.

The renomiuation, by acclamation, of Supervisor Hall of Hancock shows that the Bepublicans In t h a t Democratic town are not scared by the howls of the " re ­formers."

» . •«

Exorcises In commemoration of Ihe MOOth birthday of Jona than Edwards, who graduated from Yale in the class of 1720. were held on Monday In Battell Ohapel at New Haven.

There seems to be no end to Helen Gould's purpose to do good iu the world. The latest we hear of her is that she Is a t the head of a movement to establish a gas plant for Boxbury.

, +~~-4

In a Nebraska town two young boys have been arrested for murder. In a souffle tha t accompanied their a t tempt to make 5-year-old Frederick Wagoner eat sand the la t ter ' s ueok was broken,

An Impression prevails tha t tlio "old boys" who came over from Andes last Suturd'ay to play ball wore not treated with the cordiality they had a right to expect, If this is eo whose fault was HV

_ _ _ » • +

As a result of Pos tmas ter Hltt 'e liber­ality with hie venison Margaretvll le peo­ple have for the pas t week boon caper­ing about like kangeroos, and the man who now doubts tha t he shot It Is a base iugrato.

• - • - •

The Republican Supervisors lu Walton, Hancock, Franklin, Meredith, Roxbury, Andes, Bovlna, Delhi, Kortrlght, Hamdeu and Masonvlllo havo been renominated, and tho other towns havo all put up good aien. I t now looks as though the Demo­crats may have two—possibly throe—men un tho board.



WILL MDNGLE, J B . , Aaiwi,


T o p M a r k e t a n d Q u i c k R e t u r n s . Established 1871,

A H R c » c t r ^ C o m m i s s i o n . U . A r j f c J U ) , ; M e r c h a n t ,

141 Reado Street, New York.

BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY&GAME. References by Permission—Second Na­

tional Bank, Jersey City; H. L. Dean, Pres't Tipton Savings Bank, Tipton, la . ; Edward Updike, Pres ' t Uulou State Bank of Harvard, Nob . ; New York National Exchange Bunk. 18

BargaiiT Counters. Konvoii, the Painter, has opened

5 and 10 Cent Counters in his store on Main street in this village.

Hie has a large assort­ment of goods usually' sold in New York 5 and 10 Cent Stores.

THE NEW YORK WORLD-Thrice-a-Week Edition.

Almost a Dally a t the Price of a Weekly

The president ial campaign Is over but the world goes on just the same and It Is lull of news. To learn this news, jus t as it Is- .promptly and Impartially—all t ha t you have to do IK to look in the columns cf the Thrlee-a-Woek Edition of The New York World which comes to t he sub­scriber 157 t i m e s tlmeB a year.

The Thrice-a-Week World's diligence as a publisher of llrst uews has given It circulation wherever the English langu­age Is spoken—and you want it.

The Thrice-a-Week World's regulaar subscription pr ice Is only $1.00 per year. We offer thiH unequalled newspaper and Turn C A T S K I L L MOUNTAIN N E W S together one year loi $1.65.

The regular subscript ion price of t h e two papers I s $2.

AUTOMOBILE CUT IN H A L F . — O n e steam mobile r u n a b o u t ; cost $1,000; last year 's model; all t h e Improvements; s team, water and a i r pumps; will climb t h e steepest g r a d e s ; put In first class repa i r ; new tires, now chain, e te . ; looks like new. A.. H. T O L L , Griffin Corners, N. Y. 42w4


Guns and Gun Implements, Loaded Shells, Cartridges, Shot, Shells, Powd or, Etc.

We intend to keep well supplied in this line during the season.

BARGAIN SEEKEES will find an El Dorado in

Shoes, Hats and Shirts. A few of these articles that are a little out of style we are selling less than half the former who!esale cost.

Fall and Winter Line of

Men's Heavy

T H E N E W S pr in t s more correspondence each week t h a n any paper outside of Walton.

O lU'UKMB OOtlHT, DKBAWAK J5 COUNTY C> -EycrlU. W, Hums vs. Chase Bells. Martha Ei'lls, Ruth JCella mill any siller liurn children of WilliiiiH H. Bells; Wilikiin 11. Bells, John M. Molls, Kllen M. Biivlow, John <,t. Uiirlow and George O. Mead.

in pursuance and by virtue of a judgment of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, made herein and duly entered in tho olllcoof the Clerk oi Delaware Counly on the 27th day of August; 1009, 1, the undersigned, the referee duly appointed in and by said Judgment, will sell at puhllc auction at the law otllce. of Marvin & Hanford in Hie village and town of Wall on on the 2»th day of Oc­tober, liitili, at i O'clock In the afternoon of that day, the lnnd and iirenilsesin and by siaid 'lodgment directed to he sold, as follows:

All that tool or parcel of hind situate in tlie town and village of Walton, Cuiiiify of Delaware, and Slide of New York, beginning at the south­westerly corner of a lot owned by Doct. Herle in 1848, ana now liiuiwn as ihe James Morris lot, and running thence noil b at dcg. east, eleven rods along the westerly side of said Morris lot; thence north 05 (leg. west, to 'J'ownscnd street, thence southerly along the easterly side of Townsciid street in the corner of 'iVnvnsend anil Mead streets: thence easterly along the northerly line, of Mead street to the place ef be ginning, containing forty-four rods of land, be the siimc more oi' less, and being the same lot nf land conveyed liv.lohn Townsciid anil wife to Mary Kclls by deed dated.Inly lst,18<ia, and re curded in Delaware County Clerk's olllce Aug list 90,18B3; In Liber ii of Heeds at page 481.

Dated iSerilember Srd, 1(108, JOHN 8. MOKK, Beferoe,

M.MIVIN S: l lAXKonn, riaintill's Attorneys,

Walton, Del. On., M. Y. sepll

This fall we have a fine line of

of every description. Steves

The Red Cross Stoves and Ranges are well known.



We are Still in


5 Margaretville, N. Y.

Of Margaretville, N. Y. No. turn.


CAPITAL $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 BUKPLUB 7 , 0 0 0 DUPOSITS 1 5 0 , 0 0 0

L. O'Connor Prest .

N. D. O lms lead , V. P. and Cash' r .

H. D. Swar t , Ass t . Cash'r .

MADE AT HOME. Few That Equal.


Highly Recommended by Noted Musicians. Z—mmaaatUSk^

Buy of the Maker and save middleman's profits.

—^- Seen at Margaretville Warerooms.

James Munn.

Ladies' $2.00, $3.50, and $3.00 Lines,


Full line of Underwear. MEN'S and B0YS'; SWEATERS

ih <



Interest paid on t ime deposits .

AueountBof f i rms and Individuals Boilolled.

JSyoi'y accommodation iiffordod con­sistent with good banking.

l ie Mutual Life Insurance Company Of New York.

j .

In Washington on Monday Peter Elliott, a Swede, was arres ted by Secret Hervloo ollloorB while trying to force hia way to the President. Ha was armed with a big revolver, a ltnil'o and a long pair of sols-sors, He uaine from Minneapolis, whore he Is known aa a Socialist and a danger­ous character. He was adjudged In­s a n e and looked up In an asylum.

» *~*-«—~-

The Littlo County Paper.

"When the ovetiln' shades Is talllu' III the cndln' o' Itni (lay.

An' a fellnr rests from labor smokln' at bin pipe

There's iinl.l'illi' title's him so much goad, be for­tune ii|i or down,

As the lltlln country parior from his 0]'

Heine Town.

11 iitn't. a thing n' beauty an'IU print uln't al­ways olcini,

Bui. It straightens out Ida temper when a teller's fonllh' iiion.li,

It Inlies Hieivi'lukkifl "If hl» fUOO an' brushes oil Ihe I'rown,

Thnt Utile etanifry pa per I'roin his

Dome Town.

If tells oi till llui ]im I tun an' llieballsof l't|in|ikln Itow,

'Hoiil whe Hiieiil. Humbiy wllli who's gal an' Imw Ih' crolni'll grow, I

An'bow It deeps a I'cllcr ponied 'bunt wlin Is up an' who Is down,

Thai in tie tioiiiifry paper from his 01'

llmiiii Town,


The only placo In t o w n to get a


Witch Btaael, Bay Bum, Plorlda and Lavoudor Water, Taloum Pow­der, CoBiuel ins, Hue Toilet and Shav­ing Soaps, Brushes , etc., always lu atook and for sale.

C H O I C E C I G A R S A N D T O B A C C O .

" T o m Piat t ," "B i l l y D.," " Quoeu Quality," Beat brands of ohow-

lug ami Smoking. Pipes, file. Dllll.V I'i' '.i".p,i|i> I••'! mill lilncii'r.liii M.

Al l I lie rop i l l l l l ' NPPICIH.

(,';! i l l i m LAilNDItY,

II.e 11 tlNUSi'ON li'l'|i:.\lll ( m i e n mill sltt lslautoi 'y

II. Tit. >-( ;i..» ti I,» I;(;. IMiip,

Now, 1 like in read I lie tlallliiFt an' Hie ntury pllpel'll, Inn,

Aii'iiMlmeii the yiillni' novels mi' some ntlier U'liali—(liui'l youV

Hut when I wit ill- some reiitlln1 I hat II inn .b away it frtiwn

.1 waul that lltlln paper iro ry Hi 'I'nwn,

—pouvci' I'usl),

TO HOUSEKEEPERS Hond your address on a postal for our

spoolal ptniuliim (liters and a liberal trlul (juaiitlty of

ELECTRO-SILICON (i|is famous silver polish used by owners of valuable Sllvtu'waro all over tho world,

" Hlbit'ON," 'la (HIM' HI reel, New Yol'lt. •1,'iwl

(I ' l 'K'K 'I'd ( 'KI'IH'I 'OKH. I'nrMiiiinl, to mi inib'i nl ' I' ill.' \ >;'l'. I in II i ir.ii 11

nf l l ir Cniiufy nf I lel.i'.Miiv. and tunairilliii; inibe Htlilnle for .inli ease made null provided, iintlee in herohj /ilveti Id al l pni'souii havhm elalms iiiriila l (leiiruii ( I . I >. r l. • i. In Id of Ihe limn of Mlildleliiwil lu said (iimtdy, de-eeiisi'd, Mutt Ihi'V are I't'ipilreil In lUihllip Hill iiatiie, wl l l i Ihe vnneliors Mierenf, In Mm Hull-nerlbiii'M, Hie eiaietlloi's ot Mte litild ileiinilikiil. In Mni'iimel villi', nn or before lite '.illth day of Men lulu I lle.'.l.

billed .Mine H, llid.'i. '.I.HWAICI'

Huylers Conlections. If you w a n t 'em you've go t to go to



Always Fresh .


Ileimi's. Vou know tha t means tho BHBT. Also t he Old Homostoad Peas, Moans, e t c

Bottled Good Things lor tlio Table,

Oiitohup, Oliowoliow, 0)1 veu, Oiiluus, Bto.


Llko inothor used to liuilco.

i i 'BUlTU

Lomonii, Orangos, Oi'iiiiburrlcft, Buiianaiiii Oysters, (Hums, Kwout PotalutiM, Ntituof alt kinds.

L O C K W O O D .


Protect Your Family. Will

Provide for Your Old Age.

FaJIingr Leaves Suggest cold weather. You will want a new

Eangre, Stove or Heater.

They also suggest glorious days afield with gun and dog.

Shotguns, Rifles, xLmmunition..

All of t he above, in the best makes, are to he found a t my store.

B. L. SEARX-dEy Margaretville, N. Y.


Yoo Cannot Afford to Be 1 ithont a Policy.

rp iiiiiinvifliuuiHiinousio.


DKIIIUCII, K x e c u l o r s .

HAHUAllKTVll.l.M, N, 1',

0. H. PRUSER Prop'r, Irut-olaaii iiimiiiiiianiliillinui, Kpneliil tmliten

utontii touomiiininhil i.t'ivvolnrn. 'Iluu inenlii allU'UlUUallAiiivllie,,



Date of Birth

Married or Single,

Fill out above slip,ami mail for free illustration of policy


District Manager,


At A. S. BRINK'S, Halcottville E". Y.