center for experimental research in computer systems iab meeting and industry workshop oct. 2006...

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Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems

IAB Meeting and Industry WorkshopOct. 2006

Karsten Schwan, Calton Pu, Douglas Blough, Sudhakar Yalamanchili

IUCRCERCS NSF Industry University Co-operative Research Center








Lead the innovation of new information, computing, and service technologies, to construct the interactive information systems and services of the future, and to create the

intellectual capital that can fuel future advances.

Information Services anytime, anywhere Timeliness!Quality!Security!Robustness!

Remote Information Servicesand Access

CERCS Strategic Thrusts

• Three strategic technology domains:– Scientific/Technical Computing

• Data- and Compute-Intensive • Focus: Computational Science Venues

• New: High Performance I/O Services– Enterprise Computing

• Service- and Information-oriented: Science, Theory, and Engineering

• Focus: Complex dynamic systems, self-management, rich metadata

• New: Virtualization, Server Scale-out, Service-based Systems– Embedded/Pervasive Computing

• Extending Information Services across wireless systems

• Focus: Software/system services for remote, pervasive access to information with quality properties (e.g., energy)

• New: Future Platform Capabilities

Strategic Thrusts - Highlights

– Scientific/Technical Computing -- Focus: High End Services• Computational Science Venues (existing cluster machines, new Intel donation for campus

initiative, multi-core computing)• DOE:ORNL, Sandia (joint efforts); RNET SBIR (high performance communications)• Dell, HP (Gelato involvement); IBM (architecture, OS); Intel (multicore); CISCO (high

performance communications)• News (New CSE faculty, high performance I/O initiative, joint with DOE ORNL, Sandia, and

Univ. of New Mexico; IBM Cell research)

Strategic Thrusts - Highlights– Enterprise Computing -- Focus: Autonomic/Service-Based Systems

• Planning for new curriculum and facilities (i.e., Service-oriented Computing)• IBM, Intel, TCS (utility-driven management, reliability services, middleware for content

distribution, virtualization and server scaleout, testing)• HP (application deployment and management, system monitoring and performance

understanding, RADI – rapid access to dynamic information)• Cisco, Intel (network-level information services, virtualized communications)• Case studies and research drivers:

– Worldspan (runtime data updates, dynamic behavior diagnosis and isolation)– Delta (robust operation, dynamic symptom detection, end system reliability)

• News/Outreach (Imperial College, NTU Singapore)

Strategic Thrusts - Highlights

– Embedded Systems/Architecture/Compilers• Boeing (testing, anomaly detection, component composition)• Federal (pervasive applications (transportation), mobility, middleware)• Intel (3D chip architectures, platform manageability, system-level

power management, self-virtualizing devices)• IBM, Sony (Cell processor)• Motorola (mobile applications and middleware)• GT (Case studies and research drivers: robotics, transportation)

image quality,end-to-end delay,jitter, loss rate

Server Cluster

throughput,response timeenergy usage



CERCS Personnel

• Core Faculty: GT Colleges of Computing and Engineering:– Mustaque Ahamad, Mostafa Ammar, David Bader, Doug Blough,

(Brian Cooper), Constantinos Dovrolis, Richard Fujimoto, Jon Giffin, Alexander Gray, Mary Jean Harrold, Hsien-Hsin Lee, Wenke Lee, Ling Liu, Gabe Loh, Pete Manolios, (Mike Niemier), Alex Orso, Henry Owen, Santosh Pande, Milos Prvulovic, Calton Pu, Kishore Ramachandran, George Riley, David Schimmel, Karsten Schwan, (Olin Shivers), (Yannis Smaragdakis), Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Ellen Zegura, Hongyan Zha

• Research Faculty/Research Staff– Ada Gavrilovska, Greg Eisenhauer, Steve Ferenci, Phil Hutto, Matt

Wolf– Supported by DARPA, DOE, NSF, (CoC), (ECE)

• Associated Faculty: – GT CoC: Irfan Essa; GT COE: Robert Butera, Steve DeWeerth, Kang

Li, Sung Kyu Lim, Vincent Mooney; DOE ORNL: Jeff Nichols, Jeff Vetter

Industrial Relations

• IUCR CERCS Center – Contributors: Boeing, CISCO, Delta, DOE, HP, IBM, Intel,

(Microsoft), RNET, TCS, Worldspan– Industry Workshops and Industrial Advisory Board

• Joint Initiatives– recent ICDE 2006 Scientific Work- and DataFlow Workshop;

upcoming ICAC 2007; Event-based Systems Conferences and Workshops

– HPC workshop (IAB meeting, Spring 2007)

• Internship Program– ATT, Delta, DOE, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Radisys, TCS,


• Evolving relationships:– Dell, DoCoMo, LogicBlox, Motorola, Netronome, Network

Appliances, Raytheon, Sony

CERCS Highlights

• Substantial Funding– New multi-year federal funding received since Fall 2005 exceeds

$2,500,000– New industry funding received since Fall 2005 exceeds $800,000

(includes equipment)

• Investing in New Directions– see IAB agenda: health systems, multi-core– Embedded Systems Program in Korea– Specialized systems (e.g., heterogeneous multi-core, information

appliances, communication assist, ...)

• Partnering– DOE ORNL, Sandia– GTISC– Ohio State– more to come...

• Intern and Graduate Placements– ATT, Delta, Google, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Worldspan


• Venues– Hotel– Keynote and Poster Session: College of Management

• Meals – Breakfast: informal– Box lunch Thurs – IAB dinner Thurs– ‘Talk’ lunch Fri

• Evaluation– LIFE Forms– Survey – Thurs Lunch

• Thanks: Susie Mcclain, Jennifer Chisholm, Matt Wolf, Ada Gavrilovska, ...

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