cephalus and procris by: heidi morgans. the javelin: phocus asks cephalus about his unique javelin...

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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By: Heidi Morgans

The Javelin:

Phocus asks Cephalus about his unique javelin

The javelin is very beautiful But it also always hits its mark and then

returns to the hand that threw it

Cephalus tells his Sad Story:

Married to Procris)

They were very happy

Two months after marriage, Cephalus was hunting when the Dawn (goddess of the morning) carried him away

However, he would only speak of Procris

the Dawn released him but warned he would regret his decision

Aurora (Dawn) and Cephalus

Cephalus took this warning to mean Procris was being unfaithful

with the help of the Dawn, he disguised himself and tempted her

at one point she hesitated, he revealed himself and she ran away to join Diana

regretted this action

Procris returned and brought one of Diana’s hunting dogs (Laelaps) and the javelin

Side Story about Laelaps Beast terrorizing Thebes Let loose Diana’s hound both turned to stone

The Downfall: Cephalus would hunt and take only his

javelin would rest and call to the breeze, which he

gave the name “Aura” someone overheard and believed he was

being unfaithful with a nymph told Procris who decided to spy on him to

be certain

Cephalus hunted then called to the breeze

Procris stirred in the bushes

thinking it was a beast, he throws the javelin

as she is dying, she asks him not to bring Aura into their bedroom

realized mistake

Procris dies

Procris dies

Shakespeare: In a Midsummer Night’s Dream Pyramis: “Not Shafalus to Procrus was so


Thisbe: “As Shafalus to Procrus, I to you.”

Modern Uses: Aurora (Northern Lights)

Moral Encourages faithfulness and


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