ch. 24 illegal drugs health ed.. drugs chemically altering substance drugs are grouped according to...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Drugs• Chemically altering substance

• Drugs are grouped according to their affects on the body

What is Illegal?

Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970-

This act divided drugs into 5 categories based on abuse potential and medical use

Drug Schedules (I-V)

I. A. Drug has high potential for abuseB. No medical usesC. Lack of safety for use

II. A. Drug has a high potential for abuse B. The drug originally intended for medical

use/ can be prescribed with restrictionsC. Abuse of this drug leads to harmful dependence

III. A. This drug has less of a potential for abuse

B. The drug has current acceptable medical purposes

C. Abuse may lead to low physical, high psychological dependence

IV. A. Low potential for abuse

B. Used for medical purposes

C. Abuse may lead to low physical, low psychological dependence

V. A. Low abuse potential

B. Has medical uses

C. Very limited chance for dependence

Guess the Schedule?

1) Cocaine ( local anesthetic)

2) LSD

3) Heroin

4) Marijuana

5) Advil

6) Codeine (II, III, V)

7) Lunesta

Drug Abuse vs. Drug Misuse

Drug misuse- the unintentional or inappropriate use of a legal OTC (over the counter drug) – 1) taking the drug the wrong way– 2)taking the drug the wrong dose

Drug abuse- (substance abuse) taking an illegal drug

Problems of Drug Use1- Physiological dependence-

• tolerance- body adjusts to the effects of the drug/larger doses are needed in order to

achieve same effect

• withdrawal- symptoms occur when person stops using (vomiting, chills, ect)

Problems………2- Psychological dependence-

Person believes a drug is needed in order to feel normal

Problems……..3- Addiction- person has become

physiological/ and or psychological dependence

Early consequences

• Behavioral/social

• Depending on the drug/ chronic health risk-possible death

Stages of Drug Dependence

• 1) relief phase

• 2) increased use

• 3) preoccupation

• 4) dependency/addicted

• 5) withdrawal – then back to (1)

The Law

The penalties for illegal use depend on

- The drugs schedule

- The amount possessed

- Number of previous drug offenses

* See page 105 “ Drugs and Society”

Psychoactive Drugs

Affect the central nervous system and alter the normal functioning of the brain

3 types:

1- Stimulants

2- Depressants

3- Hallucinogens

Everyone is Not “Trying It”!



• “Uppers”

• What is does? Increases heart rate, headaches, blurred vision, sleeplessness, moodiness, restlessness

Types of “Uppers”

• Amphetamines- stimulants that have an affect similar to central nervous system

Types of Stimulants

• Methamphetamines- amphetamines that has been used to treat narcolepsy, Parkinson's Disease, and obesity

Also called: crank ice, speed

What does it cause? Paranoia, violence

• Effects are long lasting; food and water become unimportant; seizures can result in death

Types of Stimulants…

• Cocain- powerful stimulant, is snorted or injected; results in immediate high (20 min) followed by extreem let down

• Drug can interfere with the electrical impulses of the heart and result in death; tissue in nasal passages can be damaged causing holes in nasal septum

• Crack- form of cocaine that can be smoked, extremely addictive (10 sec)

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