chapter 18 the progressive movement

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Chapter 18 The Progressive Movement. Section 1 The Roots of Progressivism. 1. Historians refer to the years between 1890 and 1920 as the….. Pg 546. Progressive Era. 2. Progressives believed that _________ principles could produce solutions for society. Pg 547. Scientific. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Chapter 18 The Progressive Movement

Section 1 The Roots of Progressivism

1. Historians refer to the years between 1890 and 1920 as the…..

Pg 546

• Progressive Era

2. Progressives believed that _________ principles could produce solutions for

society. Pg 547• Scientific

Populists, Socialists, Progressives


3. Efficiency Progressives believed that cities should be run by ….. Pg 548

• City managers or commissioners

4. Why was Wisconsin known as the “laboratory of democracy”? 549

• Because of its reforms which broke the power of party bosses

5. According to the Constitution who would be responsible for electing U.S.

Senators? 549• The legislatures of each


6. What did Alice Paul want to use to force President Wilson to take action on suffrage?

550 • protest

Women’s Suffrage

7. What amendment gave women the right to vote? 551

• 19th

8. What happened as a result of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire?

• New York passed strict building codes dealing with fire hazards for example building codes now required fire escapes.

9. ________laws were a method of dividing a town or city into sections to regulate how the

land and buildings could be used.

• zoning

Temperance Movement

*Carrie A. Nation• 1846• Moore• Dr. Gloyd – drunk• Daughter• Mr. David A. Nation• Temperance crusade• 6’ – 175 lbs.• 30 “Hatchetations” arrests• "a bulldog running along at the feet of

Jesus, barking at what He doesn't like“• McKinley got what he deserved• "Faithful to the Cause of Prohibition,

She Hath Done What She Could.“• 1911

Section 2 Roosevelt in Office

Theodore Roosevelt

1. In regards to international affairs, Roosevelt was considered a …? 555

• Social Darwinist

2. How did President Roosevelt feel about trusts? 556

• He felt that trusts were efficient and helped create American prosperity.

3. What did the Supreme Court rule in Northern Securities v. the United States? 556

• Northern Securities had violated the Sherman Anti Trust Act

4. Theodore Roosevelt saw the 1902 coal strike as an example of…? 557

• Groups pursuing their private interests at the expense of the nation

5. What two acts were passed as a result of Upton Sinclair’s book, The Jungle?

• Meat Inspection • Pure Food and Drug

Roosevelt leaves the White House

Section 3 The Taft Administration

*William Howard Taft• 1857• Ohio• Yale• 6’ – 300 lbs• “Big Lub”• “Old Bill”• “Smiling Bill”• Lawyer/judge• Sec. of War• Governor of Philippines• Lonely in the White House• Returned to the bench• Lost 80 lbs• 1930

William Howard Taft

1. Why didn’t Taft like high tariffs? 564

• He believed that they limited competition, hurt consumers, and protected trusts.

2. Why did Roosevelt warn Taft to stay away from tariff reform? 564

• Because it would split the Republican party

3. How did Progressives feel about the passage of the Payne – Aldrich Tariff? 564• They felt betrayed and

outraged by Taft because he supported it.

4. What event destroyed Taft’s popularity with reformers? 564

• Ballinger – Pinchot Controversy

5. Who did Taft announce a lawsuit against in October 1911? 565

• U.S. Steel

Section 4 The Wilson Years

1. Why did Roosevelt try to win the Republican nomination from Taft? 567

• Believed that Taft had failed to live up to Progressive ideals

2. What was the nickname given to Roosevelt’s Progressive Party?

• Bull Moose

3. Who won the 1912 election?

• Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson Becomes President

*Woodrow Wilson• 1856• Virginia• Late reader• Dyslexia• Law • Stroke at 39• Reform governor New Jersey• WWI• Hated hyphenated Americans• 1921

4. What was an important section of the Underwood Tariff Act? 568

• Levying an income tax

5. Wilson believed lower tariff rates would lead American companies to..? 568

• Improve their products and lower their prices

6. The Keating – Owen Child Labor Act prohibited the employment of children

under the age of …? 569• 14

7. Why did NAACP leaders have to meet in Canada?

• No hotels on the American side would accept them

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