chapter 4 layout

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  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    Chap 4 - Facility Layout:Manufacturing and Services

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout



    Facility layout means planning:for the loc a tion of all ma ch ines, u tilities, empl oyeework s ta tions, cus tome r se rvice a r eas, ma te r ials tor age a r eas, aisles, r es troo ms, lun chroo ms,inte r nal walls, off ices, and co mpu te r roo ms

    for the f low pa tte r ns of ma te r ials and pe oplea round, in to , and wi th in buildings

    infr as tr uctur e se rvices su ch as the deli ve ry of lineco mmuni ca tions, ene r gy, and wa te r and ther em oval of was te wa te r all ma ke up basi c utilities.

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    L ocate All Areas In and Around Buildings

    Eq uipmen tWork s ta tionsMa te r ial s tor age

    Res t/br ea k a r easUtilitiesEa ting a r eas

    AislesOff ices

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    Obj ectives of th e L ayout Strategy

    D e velop an e co nomical la yout which will mee t the r e quir emen ts of :

    produ ct design and volume ( produ ct s tr a teg y)

    Proc ess e quipmen t and capa city (proc esss tr a teg y)quali ty of work lif e ( human r es ource s tr a teg y)

    building and si te co ns tr ain ts ( loc a tion s tr a teg y)

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    R equirements of a Good L ayout

    A g oo d la yout r e quir es:an unde r s tanding of capa city & spa ce r e quir emen tssele ct ion of app ropr ia te ma te r ial handling e quipmen t

    de cisions r ega r ding en vironmen t and aes the ticsiden tif ica tion and unde r s tanding of the r e quir emen tsfor infor ma tion f lowiden tif ica tion of the co s t of moving be tween theva r ious w ork a r eas

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    Inputs to t h e L ayout Decision

    1 . S pe cif ica tion of obje ct ives of the s ys tem in te r ms of outpu t and f lexibility.

    2. Es tima tion of produ ct or se rvice demand on thes ys tem.

    3. Proc essing r e quir emen ts in te r ms of numbe r of ope r a tions and am oun t of f low be tweendepa rtmen ts and w ork cen te r s.

    4. S pa ce r e quir emen ts for the elemen ts in the la yout.5. S pa ce a vailabili ty with in the f a cility itsel f .

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    Slide 8 of 96

    M anufacturing Facility L


  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    Basic L ayout Forms

    Proc essPro du ctCellula r

    Fixed p osi tionHybr id (mi xed )

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    P rocess (Job Sh op) L ayouts

    Used w hen the ope r a tions s ys tem mus t handle awide va r iety of produ cts in r ela tively small vo lumes(i.e., f lexibility is ne cessa ry)D esigned to f a cilita te p roc essing i tems or prov iding

    se rvices tha t pr esen t a va r iety of proc essingr e quir emen ts.The la youts in clude depa rtmen ts or oth e r f un ct ionalgroupings in w hich simila r kinds of a ct ivities a r e

    pe rfor med. A manu f a ctur ing e xample of a p roc ess la yout is thema ch ine s ho p, w hich has sepa r a te depa rtmen ts for milling, g r inding, d r illing, and s o on.

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    Ch aracteristics of P rocess L ayoutsG ene r al-pu r pose e quipmen t is usedCh ange ove r is r apidMa te r ial handling e quipmen t is f lexible

    Ope r a tor s a r e highly s killedTe ch nical supe rvision is r e quir edP lanning, s ch eduling and co ntro lling f un ct ionsa r e ch allenging

    Pro du ct ion time is r ela tively longIn-p roc ess in ven tory is r ela tively high

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    P roduct (Assembly L ine) L ayouts

    Pro du ct layouts a r e used to a ch ieve a sm ooth and r apid f low of lar ge vo lumes of produ cts or cus tome r s thro ug h a s ys tem.

    A job is di vided in to a se r ies of s tanda r dizedtas ks, pe r mitting spe cializa tion of both lab or ande quipmen t.

    The la r ge vo lumes handled b y these s ys temsusuall y ma ke i t e co nomical to inves t hugeam oun t of mone y in e quipmen t and j ob design.

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    P roduct (Assembly L ine) L ayouts

    For ins tan ce, i f a p ort ion of a manu f a ctur ingope r a tion r e quir ed the se quen ce of cutting,sanding, and pain ting, the app ropr ia te pie ces of e quipmen t would be a rr anged in tha t samese quen ce.

    Ope r a tions a r e a rr anged in the se quen cer e quir ed to ma ke the p rodu ct

    Pro du ct layouts a ch ieve a high deg r ee of lab or and e quipmen t utiliza tion.

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    Ch aracteristics of P roduct L ayouts

    S pe cial-pu r pose e quipmen t a r e usedCh ange ove r is e xpensi ve and leng thyMa te r ial f low is co ntinu ous

    Ma te r ial handling e quipmen t is f ixedL ittle di r e ct supe rvision is r e quir edP lanning, s ch eduling and co ntro lling f un ct ionsa r e r ela tively s tr aig ht-for wa r dPro du ct ion time for a uni t is r ela tively s hortIn-p roc ess in ven tory is r ela tively low

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    C ellular M anufacturing ( C M ) L ayouts

    Cellular manufacturing is a type of layout inwhich ma ch ines a r e g rouped in to wha t isr e f e rr ed to as a cell.

    G roupings a r e de te r mined b y the ope r a tionsneeded to pe rfor m w ork for a se t of simila r items, or part families tha t r e quir e simila r proc essing.

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    C ellular M anufacturing ( C M ) L ayouts

    These r ela te to the g rouping of e quipmen t andinclude f as te r proc essing time, less ma te r ialhandling, less w ork -in-p roc ess in ven tory , andr edu ced se tup time.

    Used w hen the ope r a tions s ys tem mus t handle amode r a te va r ie ty of produ cts in m ode r a tevo lumes

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    Fixed-P osition L ayouts

    In f ixed-p osi tion la youts, the i tem being w ork ed onr emains s ta tiona ry, and w ork e r s, ma te r ials, ande quipmen t a r e m oved as needed.Fixed-p osi tion la youts a r e used in lar geco ns tr uct ion p ro je ct s (buildings, p owe r plan ts, anddams ), s hipbuilding, and p rodu ct ion of lar geaircr a ft and spa ce missi on rock e ts.Fixed-p osi tion la youts a r e widel y used for f a r ming ,f ir e f ight ing, road building , ho me building,r em odeling and r epai r , and d r illing for oil.

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    H y brid (mixed) L ayouts

    Actuall y, m os t manu f a ctur ing f a cilities use aco mbina tion of layout types.

    An e xample of a hybr id la yout is w he r e depa rtmen tsa r e a rr anged a ccor ding to the types of proc essesbu t the p rodu cts f low thro ug h on a p rodu ct layout.

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    H y brid (mixed) L ayouts

    For ins tan ce, supe r ma rke t layouts a r ef undamen tally of a p roc ess na tur e, and ho we ve r wef ind m os t use f ixed-pa th ma te r ial-handling de vicessu ch as ro ller -type co nve yor s b oth in the s tockroo mand a t ch e cko uts, and bel t-type co nve yor s a t thecas h r egis te r s.

    Hospi tals als o use the basi c proc ess a rr angemen t,

    al tho ug h fr eq

    uen tly pa tien t ca r e in vo lves m or e of af ixed-p osi tion app roa ch , in w hich nu r ses, d octor s,medi cines, and spe cial e quipmen t a r e b roug ht to the pa tien t.

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    N ew Trends in M anufacturing L ayoutsD esigned for quali ty and f lexibility

    Ability to quick ly s hift to diff e r en t produ ct modelsor to diff e r en t produ ct ion r a tesCellula r layout within la r ge r proc ess la youts

    Au toma ted ma te r ial handlingU-s haped p rodu ct ion linesMor e open w ork a r eas wi th f ewe r walls,pa rtitions, or oth e r obs ta clesS malle r and m or e co mpa ct f a ctory layoutsLess spa ce p rov ided for s tor age of inven tor iesthro ug ho ut the la yout

  • 8/8/2019 Chapter 4 Layout


    P roduct L ayout-Advantages/Disadvantages

    A dvantages:Low co s t va r iable co s t pe r uni tL

    owe r ma te r ial handlingco s tsr edu ct ion in w ork in-proc ess in ven tor ieseasie r tr aining andsupe rvision

    D isadvantages:High vo lume r e quir edbe cause of lar ge ini tialinves tmen tWork s toppage a t an y point ties up the w ho leproc essLa ck of f lexibility in

    handling va r iety of produ cts or produ ct ionr a tes

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