chapter 6 notes. new france 1608 one year after jamestown. quebec was the first settlement father...

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Chapter 6 notes

New France 1608 one year after Jamestown.

Quebec was the first settlement Father of New France was Samuel de

Champlain He was friendly with the Huron

Indians but he will make lasting enemies of the Iroquois.

The French motive for empire was to compete with the Spanish in America.

Feudalism was common in New France

large estates along the rivers continued medieval customs this autocracy allows for better

military defense there were no popularly elected

assemblies and the colonies were strictly controlled by the crown

Population grew slowly because of scanty immigration

Protestants (Huguenots that were given limited toleration by the Edict of Nantes) were not allowed to have refuge in the colonies

discouraged by the climate

Fur was the crop of New France (primary economic pursuit) This will lead them into competition with

the British fur trapping was cannibalistic it causes the rapid spread of the population

further and further into the interior, this will dilute the French inhabitants

Indians were important to the fur trade and trade with them was stimulated with firewater ( get the Indians hooked and you had a trading partner)

France's American Empire at Its Greatest Extent, 1700

Catholic missionaries (Jesuits) came to try and save the Indian (often from the trappers) they became the enemy of the trapper. play an important role as explorers and geographers. Father Jacques Marquette explored the miss. Father Isaac Joques discovered lake George in New York

slain by the Iroquois he was declared a saint by the church.

La Salle was probably the most famous French explorer, he will float down the Mississippi and claim it all for France in 1682, he will name the territory Louisiana after Louis XIV.

Map 6.2: Fur-Trading Posts

The French legacy Spread much to thin to have much effect Religion--as a result of the missionaries the catholic

church will become firmly established in the new world.

Language and custom-- Many people in northern New York and New England and in the Canadian providence of Quebec speak French and observe French Customs. In Louisiana, counties are called parishes as they were in the days of French Control. Mardi gras is still held the last day before lent.

Names Many geographic names in the U.S. are of French Origin--Detroit, St. Louis, Vermont, Duluth, Lake Champlain, Baton Rouge.


the gulf of Mexico to Canada

people-- small scattered population 80,000

govt.-- centralized, autocratic

military-- able leadership, alliances with the Indians

econ.-- fur trading, scattered trading posts

area-- concentrated along Atlantic coast

people-- large stable population 1.5 mill.

govt.-- disunited, numerous colonial governments.

military-- old world tactics few Indian alliances

econ.--varied, relatively stable


Underlying causes were conflicting territorial claims and competition over the fur trade.

From 1689 for the next 74 years France and England will fight four wars King Williams War (1689-1697) Queen Anne's War (1701-1713) King Georges War (1744-1748 During these wars the French and

their Indian allies often raided English Frontier Settlements and the British will try to capture Canada as the wars spread from Europe

Map 6.3: British Territory After Two Wars, 1713

This is the First to start in North America Washington starts this war when he

commands a Virginia Militia that encounters French troops about 40 miles from Ft. Duquesne his mission (given him by Gov. Dinwiddie) was to seize FT. Duquesne in 1754.

French Commander was killed in the skirmish Washington quickly establishes a Ft. and

awaits their return French return with reinforcements and

Washington was forces to surrender Ft. Necessity.

The Ohio Country, 1753–1754

Albany Congress with the threat of war reps. from seven colonies meet at Albany

N.Y. to: secure the allegiance of the Iroquois Confederacy. unite the colonies in matters of defense Ben Franklin came up with a plan called The Albany Plan of Union it provided for a congress of delegates representing the colonies this grand council would have the power to maintain an army, levy

taxes, deal with the Indians and control westward exp. Both the colonies and the British reject the plan the British because they feared it made them to powerful the colonists because they did not want to give up any power to

the grand council. The plan was however, an important milestone on the road to


The English suffer early defeats Braddock was defeated trying to take Ft.

Duquesne when he marched into a trap. Braddock’s aid Washington rallied the troops and brought them back to safety. 850 F&I defeat 2500 English

After Braddock’s defeat the Indians go wild burning and looting settlements.

The French take Ft. Oswego, Ft. William Henry, and also stop the British at Ticonderoga and Louisbourg in Nova Scotia.

The turning point. William Pitt becomes prime minister

organizer of victory), sent reinforcements and supplies

gave the people new spirit both at home and in the colonies

The British conquer Louisbourg, drive the French from FT. Duquesne (rename it Ft. Pitt) Capture Ft. Niagara and seize Ticonderoga

The Treaty of Paris 1763 France ceded Canada and all the land east

of the Miss. (except New Orleans ) to the British

New Orleans and the area west of the Miss. went to Spain

Spain an ally of France ceded Florida to England in exchange for Cuba.

France kept two small Islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and several islands in the West Indies.

North America Before 1754

North America After 1763 (after French losses)

RESULTS OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR For the Colonists the colonists had born the brunt

of the fighting at first Fought well against the French

and the Indians along with the British and gained valuable experience.

Discovered that the British were not invincible

They resent the treatment by the British regulars, no American was recognized above a captain--Gen Wolfe called the colonists the dirtiest, most contemptible, cowardly dogs that you can conceive.

Americans felt that they were the cutting edge of British Empire and they deserved better treatment and a chance to move west which they had fought for.

For the British Concerned by the colonists lack

of total support ( they smuggled with the French west Indies)

Sometimes they refused to provide men to fight and money.

British incurred a huge debt Had now a much larger empire to

rule Americans that move west now

want protection from the Indians. Pass the Proclamation of 1763 to

deal fairly with the Indians. Prohibits colonial settlement west of the Appellation Mts.

Settled Areas at End of French and Indian War, 1763

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