chapter 6 sensation and reality table of contents exit

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Chapter 6

Sensation and Reality

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Key Questions

In general, how do sensory systems function?

What are the limits of our sensory sensitivity?

How is vision accomplished?

How do we perceive colors?

What makes hearing possible?

How do the chemical senses operate?

What are the somesthetic senses and why are they important?

Why are we more aware of some sensations than others?

How can pain be reduced in everyday situations?

How is balance related to motion sickness?

General Properties of Sensory Systems

Sensation: Information arriving from sense organs (eye, ear, etc.)

Perception: Mental process of organizing sensations into meaningful patterns

Data Reduction System: Any system that selects, analyzes, and condenses information

Transducer: A device that converts energy from one type to another

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Some More Key TermsPerceptual Features: Basic stimulus patterns

Sensory Coding: Converting important features of the world into neural messages understood by the brain

Sensory Localization: Type of sensations you experience depends on which area of the brain is activated

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No sound but video

Fig. 5.1 Visual pop-out. (Adapted from Ramachandran, 1992b.) Pop-out is so basic that babies as young as 3 months respond to it (Quinn & Bhatt, 1998)

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Fig. 5.2 An artificial visual system. Table of ContentsTable of Contents ExitExit


Absolute Threshold: Minimum amount of physical energy necessary for a sensation to occur

Difference Threshold: A change in stimulus intensity that is detectable to an observer

Just Noticeable Difference (JND): Any noticeable difference in a stimulus

Weber’s Law: The amount of change needed to produce a constant JND is a constant proportion of the original stimulus intensity

Photon: One quantum of energy

Hertz: Vibrations per second

Perceptual Defense and Subliminal Perception

Perceptual Defense: Resistance to perceiving threatening or disturbing stimuli

Subliminal Perception: Perception of a stimulus below the threshold for conscious recognition

Read pages 171-172

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Vision: The Key Sense Visible Spectrum: Part of the electromagnetic spectrum to which the eyes respond

Lens: Structure in the eye that focuses light rays

Photoreceptors: Light-sensitive cells in the eye

Retina: Light-sensitive layer of cells in the back of the eye

• Easily damaged from excessive exposure to light (staring at an eclipse)

Cornea: Transparent membrane covering the front of the eye; bends light rays inward

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Fig. 5.3 The visible spectrum.

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Fig. 5.4 The human eye, a simplified view. Table of ContentsTable of Contents ExitExit

Fig. 5.6 The iris and diaphragm. Table of ContentsTable of Contents ExitExit

Vision Problems

Hyperopia: Difficulty focusing nearby objects (farsightedness)

Myopia: Difficulty focusing distant objects (nearsightedness)

Astigmatism: Corneal, or lens defect that causes some areas of vision to be out of focus; relatively common

Presbyopia: Farsightedness caused by aging

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Fig. 5.5 Visual defects and corrective lenses: (a) A myopic (longer than usual) eye. The concave lens spreads light rays just enough to increase the eye’s focal length. (b) A hyperopic (shorter than usual) eye. The convex lens increases refraction (bending), returning the point of focus to the retina. (c) An astigmatic (lens or cornea not symmetrical) eye. In astigmatism, parts of vision are sharp and parts are unfocused. Lenses to correct astigmatism are nonsymmetrical.

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Light Control

Cones: Visual receptors for colors and bright light (daylight)

Rods: Visual receptors for dim light; only produce black and white

Blind Spot: Area of the retina lacking visual receptors

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Fig. 5.7 Anatomy of the retina. The rods and cones are much smaller than implied here. The smallest receptors are 1 micron (one millionth of a meter) wide. The lower left photograph shows rods and cones as seen through an electron microscope. In the photograph the cones are colored green and the rods blue.

© Omikron/Photo Researchers

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Fig. 5.8 Experiencing the blind spot. (a) With your right eye closed, stare at the upper right cross. Hold the book about 1 foot from your eye and slowly move it back and forth. You should be able to locate a position that causes the black spot to disappear. When it does, it has fallen on the blind spot. With a little practice you can learn to make people or objects you dislike disappear too! (b) Repeat the procedure described, but stare at the lower cross. When the white space falls on the blind spot, the black lines will appear to be continuous. This may help you understand why you do not usually experience a blind spot in your visual field.

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Light Control (cont.)

Visual Acuity: Sharpness of visual perception

Fovea: Area of the retina containing only cones

Peripheral Vision: Vision at edges of visual field; side vision

• Many superstar athletes have excellent peripheral vision

Tunnel Vision: Loss of peripheral vision

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Animation: Light and the Eye


Color VisionTrichromatic Theory: Color vision theory that states we have three cone types: red, green, blue

• Other colors produced by a combination of these• Black and white produced by rods

Opponent Process Theory: Color vision theory based on three “systems”: red or green, blue or yellow, black or white

• Exciting one color in a pair (red) blocks the excitation in the other member of the pair (green)

• Afterimage: Visual sensation that remains after stimulus is removed (seeing flashbulb after the picture has been taken)

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Figure On the left is a “star” made of redlines. On the right. The red lines are placed on top of longer black lines. Now, in addition to the red lines, you will see a glowing red disk, with a clear border. Of course, no red disk is printed on tis page. No ink can be found between the red lines. The glowing red disk exists only in your mind. (after Hoffman, 1999, p. 111.)

Color Blindness

Inability to perceive colors; lacks cones or has malfunctioning cones

• Total color blindness is rare

Color Weakness: Inability to distinguish some colors

• Red-green is most common; much more common among men than women

• Recessive, sex-linked trait on X chromosome

Ishihara Test: Test for color blindness and color weakness

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Fig. 6-11 Negative afterimages. Stare at the dot near the middle of the flag for at least 30 seconds. Then look immediately at a plain sheet of white paper or a white wall. You will see the American flag in its normal colors. Reduced sensitivity to yellow, green, and black in the visual system, caused by prolonged staring, results in the appearance of complementary colors. Project the afterimage of the flag on other colored surfaces to get additional effects.

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Fig. 6-12 Firing rates of blue, green, and red cones in response to different colors. The taller the colored bar, the higher the firing rates for that type of cone. As you can see, color sensations are coded by activity in all three types of cones in the normal eye. (Adapted from Goldstein, 1999.)

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Fig.6-13 Color blindness and color weakness. (a) Photograph illustrates normal color vision. (b) Photograph is printed in blue and yellow and gives an impression of what a red-green color-blind person sees. (c) Photograph simulates total color blindness. If you are totally colorblind, all three photos will look nearly identical.

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Fig. 6-14 A replica of the Ishihara test for color blindness.

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Dark AdaptationIncreased retinal sensitivity to light after entering the dark; similar to going from daylight into a dark movie theater

Rhodopsin: Light-sensitive pigment in the rods; involved with night vision

Night Blindness: Blindness under low-light conditions; hazardous for driving at night

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Fig.5.13 Notice how different the gray-blue color looks when it is placed on different backgrounds. Unless you are looking at a large solid block of color, simultaneous contrast is constantly affecting your color experience.

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Fig. 6-15 Typical course of dark adaptation. The black line shows how the threshold for vision lowers as a person spends time in the dark. (A lower threshold means that less light is needed for vision.) The green line shows that the cones adapt first, but they soon cease adding to light sensitivity. Rods, shown by the red line, adapt more slowly. However, they continue to add to improved night vision long after the cones are fully adapted.


Sound Waves: Rhythmic movement of air molecules

Pitch: Higher or lower tone of a sound

Loudness: Sound intensity

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Fig. 6-16 Waves of compression in the air, or vibrations, are the stimulus for hearing. The frequency of sound waves determines their pitch. The amplitude determines loudness.

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Hearing: Parts of the EarPinna: External part of the ear

Tympanic Membrane: Eardrum

Auditory Ossicles: Three small bones that vibrate; link eardrum with the cochlea

• Malleus a.k.a. hammer• Incus a.k.a. anvil• Stapes a.k.a. stirrup

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Fig. 6-17 Anatomy of the ear. The entire ear is a mechanism for changing waves of air pressure into nerve impulses. The inset in the foreground shows that as the stapes moves the oval window, the round window bulges outward, allowing waves to ripple through fluid in the cochlea. The waves move membranes near the hair cells, causing cilia or “bristles” on the tips of the cells to bend. The hair cells then generate nerve impulses carried to the brain.)

Hearing: Parts of the Ear (cont.)

Cochlea: Organ that makes up inner ear; snail-shaped; organ of hearing

Hair Cells: Receptor cells within cochlea that transduce vibrations into nerve impulses

Once dead they are never replaced

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Fig. 6-18 A closer view of the hair cells shows how movement of fluid in the cochlea causes the bristling “hairs” or cilia to bend, generating a nerve impulse.

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Fig6-19 Here we see a simplified side view of the cochlea “unrolled.” Remember that the basilar membrane is the elastic “roof” of the lower chamber of the cochlea. The organ of Corti, with its sensitive hair cells, rests atop the basilar membrane. The colored line shows where waves in the cochlear fluid cause the greatest deflection of the basilar membrane. (The amount of movement is exaggerated in the drawing.) Hair cells respond most in the area of greatest movement, which helps identify sound frequency.

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How Do We Detect Higher and Lower Sounds?

Frequency Theory: As pitch rises, nerve impulses of a corresponding frequency are fed into the auditory nerve

Place Theory: Higher and lower tones excite specific areas of the cochlea

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Conduction Deafness: Poor transfer of vibrations from tympanic membrane to inner ear

• Compensate with amplifier (hearing aid)

Nerve Deafness: Caused by damage to hair cells or auditory nerve

• Hearing aids useless in these cases, since auditory messages cannot reach the brain

• Cochlear Implant: Electronic device that stimulates auditory nerves; still not very successful

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Fig.6-20 A cochlear implant, or “artificial ear.” Table of ContentsTable of Contents ExitExit

Preventable Hearing Problems

Stimulation Deafness: Damage caused by exposing hair cells to excessively loud sounds

• Typical at rock concerts• By age 65, 40% of hair cells are gone

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Fig. 6-21 A highly magnified electron microscope photo of the cilia (orange bristles) on the top of human hair cells. (Colors are artificial.)

© Dr. G. Oran Bredberg/SPL/Photo Researchers

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Fig. 6-22 Loudness ratings and potential hearing damage.

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Diagrams of the Eye and Ear


Smell and Taste

Olfaction: Sense of smell

Anosmia: Defective sense of smell for a single odor

Taste Buds: Taste-receptor cells

Gustation: Sense of taste

• Four Taste Sensations: sweet, salt, sour, bitter • Most sensitive to bitter, least sensitive to sweet• Umami: Possible fifth taste sensation; brothy taste

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Fig. 6-23 Receptors for the sense of smell (olfaction). Olfactory nerve fibers respond to gaseous molecules. Receptor cells are shown in cross section at the left of part (a). (c) On the right, an extreme close-up of an olfactory receptor cell shows the fibers that project into the airflow inside the nose. Receptor proteins on the surface of the fibers are sensitive to different airborne molecules.

© Richard Costano, Discover Magazine, 1993

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Fig. 6-25 Receptors for taste: (a) Most taste buds are found around the edges of the tongue. Stimulation of the central part of the tongue causes no taste sensations. Receptors for the four primary taste sensations can be found in all of the shaded areas, as well as under the tongue. That is, all taste sensations occur anywhere that taste buds are found. Textbooks that show specific “taste zones” for sweet, salt, sour, and bitter are in error. (b) Detail of a taste bud within the tongue. The buds also occur in other parts of the digestive system, such as the lining of the mouth.

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Somesthetic Senses

Skin Senses (Touch): Light touch, pressure, pain, cold, warmth

Kinesthetic: Detect body position and movement

Vestibular: Balance, gravity, and acceleration

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PainPhantom Limb: Missing limb feels like it is present, like always, before amputation

Visceral Pain: Pain fibers located in internal organs

Referred Pain: Pain felt on surface of body, away from origin point

Somatic Pain: Sharp, bright, fast

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Fig.5.28 Visceral pain often seems to come fro mthe surface of the body, even though its true origin is internal. Referred pain is believed to result from the fact that pain fibers from internal organs enter the spinal cord at the same location as sensory fibers from the skin. Apparently, the brain misinterprets the visceral pain messages as impulses from the body’s surface.

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Types of Pain

Warning System: Pain carried by large nerve fibers; sharp, bright, fast pain that tells you body damage may be occurring (e.g., knife cut)

Reminding System: Small Nerve Fibers: Slower, nagging, aching, widespread; gets worse if stimulus is repeated; reminds system that body has been injured

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Getting the point


Vestibular SystemOtolith Organs: Sensitive to movement, acceleration, and gravity

Semicircular Canals: Fluid-filled tubes in ears that are sensory organs for balance

Crista: “Float” that detects movement in semicircular canals

Ampulla: A wider part of the canal

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Fig. 5.29 Hold a variety of elongated objects upright between your fingertips. Close your eyes and move each object about. Your ability to estimate the size, length, shape, and orientation of each object will be quite accurate. (after Turvey, 1996)

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Fig. 5.30 The vestibular system.

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Vestibular System and Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is directly related to vestibular system

Sensory Conflict Theory: Motion sickness occurs because vestibular system sensations do not match sensations from the eyes and body

• After spinning and stopping, fluid in semicircular canals is still spinning, but head is not

• Mismatch leads to sickness

Medications, relaxation, and lying down might help

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Adaptation, Attention, and Sensory Gating

Sensory Adaptation: When sensory receptors respond less to unchanging stimuli

Selective Attention: Voluntarily focusing on a specific sensory input

Sensory Gating: Facilitating or blocking sensory messages in spinal cord

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Gate Control Theory of Pain

Gate Control Theory: Pain messages from different nerve fibers pass through the same “neural” gate in the spinal cord.

• If gate is closed by one pain message, other messages may not be able to pass through

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Fig. 5.32 A sensory gate for pain. A series of pain impulses going through the gate may prevent other pain messages from passing through. Or pain messages may relay through a “central biasing mechanism” that exerts control over the gate, closing it to other impulses.

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Controlling PainFear, or high levels of anxiety, almost always increase pain

If you can regulate a painful stimulus, you have control over it

Distraction can also significantly reduce pain

The interpretation you give a stimulus also affects pain

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Coping With Pain

Prepared Childbirth Training: Promotes birth with a minimal amount of drugs or painkillers

Counterirritation: Using mild pain to block more intense or long-lasting pain

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