chapter i- career motivation

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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Chapter I



There are so many choices today that it’s easy to become overwhelmed by thevast array of career possibilities. Paradoxically the more choices people have, the more

they paralyze themselves trying to find the right choice, and the less satisfied they are

with their eventual decision. The problem with this mindset is that it places too much of a

  barrier between decision and action, as if they’re two distinct phases in the career development process. In reality these phases are rarely distinct. Career decisions are

ongoing, and you’re free to change directions at any moment. Further down the road, a

career in game development became a natural extension of your hobby. As you made

additional career decisions, you can ask yourself, “What would be fun and interesting todo next?” as opposed to “What permanent career choice should I make?”

Nursing career is a wonderful calling — even with all the crises in healthcare in

this country right now — nursing is such an important career for those who have a desire

to help people. Every profession requires a special type of person to perform the job. For 

example, not everyone is cut out to be a firefighter. That job requires you to function wellunder severe stress and be able to change strategies at a moment's notice. The same thing

applies to people in the medical field. Not everyone can tolerate dealing with and helping

 people who are very ill or in a great deal of pain. Many ordinary people would be unableto cope with the emotional ramifications that go along with spending a lot of time around

those in trying physical and emotional situations. Of all of the worthwhile occupations inthe medical field, nursing is probably the most demanding and rewarding job there is. If you are thinking about becoming a nurse, in the process of going to school to earn your 

nursing degree, or looking to further your existing nursing career, determining the right

 path for your future is something you’ve probably thought about.

Every job has the potential to turn into something more. It all depends on if you

are interested in more money, more prestige, or just looking for the most rewarding

career you can possibly imagine. Once you have decided on the best place for you toadvance your career, remember the reasons you became a nurse in the first place and the

quality of care that is necessary to continue to help patients and meet your nursing career 

goals. The best way to determine how to proceed with your nursing career is up to you. Itwill require you to look at not just your career goals, but also the things you want from

life overall. In order to be the best nurse you can be, you have to make the choice that

will allow you to be in control of your quality of care and performing your job functions,along with allowing you to live the kind of personal life that inspires you to always be the

 best patient care giver possible. These two aspects of your life have a huge bearing on

how you feel in your position and how you pursue your goal.

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Career is a term defined as an individual's "course or progress through life or a

distinct portion of life". A career is mostly seen as a course of successive situations that

make up a person's occupation. One can have a sporting career or a musical career without being a professional athlete or musician, but most frequently "career" in the 20th

century referenced the series of jobs or positions by which one earned one's money. A

 person's worth is often measured by the career success or failings. It is not until anindividual matures and takes possession of their life that the realization of life balance

occurs. Life balance entails separating career activities, achievements and tasks from the

rest of a person’s life. For example leaving the job at work and having a home life.Learning that career is necessary to meet the needs of life and also have a life as well.

Most people would define a career as more than a job. Above and beyond a job,

a career is a long-term pattern of work, usually across multiple jobs. A career implies

 professional development to build skill over a period of time, where one moves fromnovice to expert within a particular field. And lastly, I would argue that a career must be

consciously chosen; even if others exert influence over you, you must still ultimately

choose to become a nurse or doctor or a lawyer or an accountant. If you didn’t make aconscious choice at some point, I would then say you have a job but not a career.

Motivation is the characteristic that helps you achieve your goal. It is the drive

that pushes you to work hard and reach whatever it is that you are after. It is the energy

that gives you the strength to get up and keep going - even when things are not goingyour way.

Motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic (internal and external) - With extrinsic

motivation, you are motivated by rewards from an external source - you will be inspired

  by the recognition that you will get from external sources. Intrinsic motivation is

something internal - you are motivated to reach your goal for your own internal benefits -Example - reading a book so that you can get the grade you are after versus reading a

 book so that you can learn something.

Perceptions of the Nursing Profession

Today, the conceptualization by students of the nursing profession appears

uncertain, and the question asked by many students is “What is nursing?” (Wieck, 2000).Historically, nurses have been predominantly females who were easily recognized by a

white hat and uniform making the professional and the profession more visible. Today,

white uniforms and hats have been replaced by vivid colored scrub suits worn by both

male and female nurses, as well as the majority of other employees in healthcare.Students’ perceptions of nursing are based on visual images that are often limited to

 bedside care and drug administration instead of that of a highly skilled and well-educated

nursing professional with an important role to play in healthcare. Many students have notspent time with a nursing professional or volunteered in a healthcare setting to acquire a

 background on which to establish perceptions about nursing, and thus have limited their 

opportunities for more informed career decision-making skills. Literature suggests thatstudents’ career perceptions are highly individual, and are the product of contracted

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images of jobs they see for themselves, derived images from media, and delegated

images from parents and friends. Students often view the status of a job linked to value

  judgments about the visible dimensions of the job (e.g. skilled work instead of ananalytical partner in patient care) (Foskett and Hensley-Brown, 2000). Thus students’

career perceptions may be less defined, resulting in a decline of students choosing a

career in nursing.

Factors Leading to the Nursing Shortage

Nursing faces competition from many other career paths, which has made it

more difficult to recruit students into nursing. Students are looking for “high status”

careers, and because students’ perceptions of nursing are limited to visible images instead

of informed career decisions, many view nursing as bedside care and taking orders from physicians (Wieck, 2000). Understanding students’ perceptions of nursing can be helpful

in formulating curricula to empower students with excellent career making skills which

will determine the future of nursing. Many bright students are looking for advanced

degrees, and are often confused regarding academic tracks for nursing. These students areoften discouraged by the lack of standardization in nursing education, and choose

alternative curricula in medicine instead of nursing.

This study wants to identify how the first year nursing students batch 2013 of 

San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation Incorporated were able to perform on their 

studies whether they are intrinsically or extrinsically motivated in attaining their goal to become a professional nurse.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the Effect of Career Motivation in Academic Performance of First Year Nursing Students of San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation Incorporated

 batch 2013.

Specifically the study will answer the following questions:

1. What intrinsic and extrinsic motivation influenced the first year nursing students

to take up the nursing career?

2. What are the final grades of the respondents?

3. Is there significant difference in the academic performance when groupedaccording to their career motivation?

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There is a significant relationship between choosing a career and the factors influencing

student’s choice of nursing course

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be beneficial to the following:

To the Nursing Student

This will serve as a reference and will give them awareness and understandingconcerning the factors that influence student’s choice of nursing course. This study will

serve as a guidance for choosing their own field of interest.

To the Nursing Education

This will provide them further information regarding students’ interests and how

they can enhance and motivate in continuing their chosen course.

To the Future Researcher

To the future researchers, the data presented in this study will hopefully serve as

a helpful reference material subject to their further study and validation in the future

studies and researchers.

To the incoming professors

This research wills serve as a guide not only to then students but also to the

incoming professor especially those who are going to teach introduction to nursing


Scope and Limitation

This study is about the Effect of Career Motivation in Academic Performance of  First Year Nursing Students of San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation Incorporated 

during school year 2009 - 2010 and is limited to the nursing students of the college. The students should be officially enrolled in the program of BSN regardless of age and 

 gender in the first semester. The study was limited to the effects of intrinsic and extrinsicmotivation to first year nursing students in their academic performance. Cross – 

 sectional design using quantitative approaches was used to obtain necessary information

about the respondents.


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The researchers will conduct studies on the First Year Nursing Students of San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation Incorporated batch 2013. In consideration to the

researchers' convenience and availability. The researchers did not force the respondents

to write their names in the interview tool. The researchers respected the respondents' 

decision if they want their identities to be kept.

Definition of Terms:

For the purpose of clarity and better understanding of the study, the following terms weredefined:

Career- is a term defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as an individual's "course or 

 progress through life (or a distinct portion of life)". It is usually considered to pertain toremunerative work (and sometimes also formal education).

 Nursing- is a healthcare profession focused on the care of individuals, families, and

communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of lifefrom birth to the end of life.

Healthcare- refers to the treatment and management of illness, and the preservation of 

health through services offered by the medical, dental, pharmaceutical, clinical

laboratory sciences, nursing, and allied health professions. Health care embraces all thegoods and services designed to promote health, including “preventive, curative and

 palliative interventions, whether directed to individuals or to populations”.

Profession- is a vocation founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply disinterested counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite

compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain.

Course- (Course of study), in a programme of education leading to a degree or diploma

Hypothesis- is a proposed explanation for an observable phenomenon.

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