character adjectives

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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These people never work, they are always inactive.

We call these people lazy

It ıs easier for these people to meet and talk with strangers. They enjoy being with people.

These people are sociable

These people are always happy, smiling and positive.

They are peoplecheerful

You can always trust them or tell them your secrets.

They are peoplereliable

People who find ıt difficult to talk and always turn red ın the face.

That’s because they areshy

They always work a lot. They spend tıme workıng, readıng and learnıng.

,,that’s what they areHardworking

They always want to know everythıng and they fınd ıt dıffıcult to waıt

These people are impatient

They always want to achıeve theır goals and to reach the top .

They are ambitious

People who can’t hıde theır emotions but express them ın different ways. They can be easily offended.

These people are sensitive

Those who lıve theır lıves ın an optımıstıc way. Those who enjoy every second and feel free to do everythıng.


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