cheektowaga, n.y. januer:>, 3rd, 1929. center/1929/1929_jan-m… · cheektowaga, n.y....

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Cheektowaga, N.Y.Januer:>, 3rd, 1929.

Adjourned meeting of December 28th, 1928, of the Town Boardancl Board of Highway Super int endents of the Town of Ch eektowaga.Vembers present:

Supervisor - tTohn C. Stiglmeier,Justice of the Peace - John J. Walt~r,.rusti ce of the Peace - tTacob R. Pawlak,Justice of the Peace - nenjamin Milne,Justice of the Peace - P. J. Inda •

. ~oved by Milne, and seconded by W~lter, that in the absenceof Town Cl erk Alois Schiesel, Peter J. Indo. BO·t as clerk of. thisBoar~ pro-tern. Ayes 5, Noes O~

l':ovod by Inda, seconded by Walter, that JUdge Milne act aschairman of this Board while aUditing the books of the Supervisorfor the year 1928. Ayes 5, Noes 0.



Balance of previous year, 1928----------_

General Prope~ty Taxes

Tax refunding bonds and lnterest----- __ ~~ 5,493.97Highway Bonds and interest------- 41,702.71General Town----------- 30,000.00Town House bonds and interest-------- __ 20,668.25Lights Town General------- 36,000.00

- -Special District Taxes

~~336 ,174.75


Fire Districts:District No.1District No.2"District No.3District No.4Dis tr ict Wo.5

Water Districts:District No.1Distr ict No. 2District No.3District No.4District No. 5District No.6

- Doyle------------ _- Walden----------- _- Forks------------ _

U- Crest------~----- __- Pine IIill------------_

- Doylo--------------- __- Walden---------------_- Forks------------------ U-Crest---------------- Pine Hill-------------- French Road-----------





Sidewalk Districts:Clinton Gardens------------------______ 504.30Walden Section----------------------___ 744.03Union Road-----------------------______ 1,035.14Ashman Tract------------------------___ 64.45Wagner Street---- - -- ---- -- ---- - - --- -----__..:.8_0_5...:;._2_4

street Paving: .Pine Ridge Road - extra width---------- 1,402.50Walden Avenue - extra width------------ 4,438.50Delevan Acres-------------------------- 9,900~OOPine Ridge Heights--------------------- 11,400.00Pine Ridge Heights No. 1--------------- '7,800.00Pine Ridge Heights No. 2--------------- 17,250.00~1alden Section------------------------- 28,200.00Krakus Boulevard------------------------ 6,600.00!\.rdmore Terrace------------------------ 2,775.• 00Roycroft Park-------------~------------12,300.00East End Avenue------------------------- 2,550.00x!~i~~ag%l..~~t v~{ir,;::::::::.:::::::: ::::::_1~ :§~~ :~4






















To'wn C

5,293.88 '



























Interest on Bank deposits-------~----Dog licenses------------- _Soft Drink Lioenses----------- _Town Clerk Fees------~--~------------Billiard Licenses~-------- _

Sewer Rentals to Buffa1o---- _Cayuga Road C.A.T.ll. 165------ _~tg¥ghS~P~rd WateriDistriot-- ~---

N " Ulstr ct No. 2-------- _Cochrane Street Paving----- _1928 Pavements------- _1928 Sewer Latera1s----- ::::::::Side~wa1ks-------- _

General Town------_______ ---------------------

storm Sewer Distriot------------------

Erie County Treasurer

street Lights Special: ~Pine Ridge Heights--------------------~

Delevan Acres------------------------­Cleveland Urive----------------------­Ardmore Terrace-~--------------------­

Tip Top Subdivision------------------­Harlem Avenue------------------------­Kensington Avenue---------- ---- .. - -- ---

Sanitary Sewers Lateral

District No.3:Andrew, Aris, Fredriok, Henry

and Parker Streets------------------­Rossler Street-----------------------­Delevan Aores------------------------­Ardmore Terrace----------------------­Pine Ridge Heights-------------------­Pine Ridge Heights No. 1-------------­Pine Ridge Heights No. 2-------------­Roycroft Park Sub-Div.---------------­Haller Street------------------------­Harlem "Park Annex---------~-----------

Special Assessments Paid

Hoerner Street Paving------~---------­

Cochrane Street Paving----------------

Storm Sewer District:

Mortgage Tax-------------------------­Business Corporation Tax-------------­State Inoome Tax---------------------­State Aid Sohoo1 money----------------

Justice Court Fines

Peter J. Inda-------------------------J6hn J. Wa1ter-----------------------­Benjamin J. Mi1ne--------------------~Jaoob R. Paw1ak-------------------- _Henry Besser--------------------- _


Lioenses and Interest

Department Earnings

















Per IPercE

Tovvn CJ

Per IOffic


Edward B. Jerzewslci------------------- 2,262.40Henry Felger-------------------------- 1,625.00John Kroth---------------------------- 1'1702150 •• 0000Joseph F. Holtz----------------------­Compensation of Clerks---------------- 1,780.00Offioe and other expenses------------- 7_1_._1_5


Compensation'of election officers----~ 1,614.68Rent of polling places--~----------- 150.00

" . 3' ,160.00Votingmachines-----------------------Other expenses-'----------~------------ 5_7_._8_0





DistJ'01 stJDistJDistJDistJDistJ




Town L

Bond I

?later .

Fire D,




60 00 ·l~• '1(





Janitors' compensation-----------------Repairs---~---------~---- _Coal------------------ ~ _Light-------------- _Power------------ ~-----------Tel~phone-~-~-------- _\Va ter----- -- - - -- .'_Other expenses and supplies--------- __

Justice of 'the p'eace'

~A~ Per Diem Compensation ~Peter J. Inda--------~--------~-----~-~

John J. Walter-----------------------­Benjamin P. Milne-------------::::=:=:Jacob R. Pawlak---------------,Henry Besser--------------------------

"B~ Fees and Salary 06 70Peter J. Inda------------------------- 4,0 •JohnJ. Walter------------------------ 2,711.55Benjamin Milne------------------------ 3,575.05Jacob R. Pawlak----------------~--,---- 2'ii~ :~gHenry Besser---~----------------------

235.65'Village of Sloan---------------------- 63.90Fines refunde~---------------~----------------_

"C" Rent of Court and 'Expenses. Office and, other expenses-------------

ToWn Hall







Heal th


IJigh ti,~









A. L. Cappola------- _John F. Mersman------- _Peter Rohr-------- _Boles1aus Osalkowski--- _Edward Yoesel------ _John Bogacki---- ~ _John Kozlowski---- _Andrew Hoerner----- _Marvin P. Davison------- _Christ c. Klenk---- _Frank Zalemski--- ~_~-- _Charles Lauer----- _

Supervisor's Bond-------- ~

Collector's Bond-------- ~ _Fire Insurance--- _Other Bonds------- _




Arthur Barrett------- ~

John 3. Carr--------- 'Anthony Peiffer----- _Walter Skie~ski------~------------_John Bauer------------- ~ _Ge orge Muell er---- - - --- _Other Constables-------- _




615.70 1t~ 19,150.13

TO\1Jn Police Far ce

Automobile and Motorcycles------ _Automobile and Motorcycle

malntenance---------------- _Constable telephone calls---------­Supplies------------------------- __


164.31478.2015.11 3,114.62

Town Locle-up





,Jani tors" compensation------------­Furniture and equipment------------Repairs----------------------------Meals to prisoners----------------­Other expenses----------------------------

Bond Issue F~penses

1,190.CJCJ .



Highryay Series 1------------------­Sewer Series 2--------------------­French Road Water District--------­Cayuga Road C.A.T.ll. 165----------­Bridge Bonds----------------------- --_-..:..-

Fire Distri cts'

District No. 1 - Doyle------------- 10,185.00District No. 2 - Walden------------ 5,648.14Distriot No. 3 - Forks------------- 5,000.00Distrlot No. Li: - u-crest----------- 2,72Sl.00District No. 5 - Pine Hill--------- 7,940.00 31,502.4:4

'.Yater Districts

Distriot No.1 - Doyle------------­District No.2 - ~~lden---------- ­Distriot No.3 - Forles------------­District No.·4 - U-Crest----------­Distti ct No.5 - Pine Hill--------­District No.6 - French Road-------

3,875.251,899.901,14CJ.373,099.962,600.001,100.04 14,066.52

Heal th Officer

Compensation----------------------- 2,667.80Examination of In~ane-------------- 5.00Office [:.11(1 0 t ber exp ens BS - - - - - - - - - -__r'_:,r'_J6_"._4_~_. 2,egCJ.24

Registrar of vital Statistics

Compensation----------------------- 103.25Fees to Physicians----------------- ;,;_/8_._7_5. 14:2.00

1ighti~0 Town - General

46 , Olar-: • '';0street lipht enerCy---------------- v-~ 187. '-;"3Lamp standDrcl repairs--------------___ v

Traffiq Signals ancl Controls

Installation of signals------------ 251.79J..Taintenal1ce of signals------------- 176.89Traffi c Sir:nal :Sn ergy- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8_7_0.• 38 1,29CJ.06

Lamp Standards - Special

Lamn standrrds--------------------- 2,790.00Notlces---------------------------- 49.20




storm S


Sewer D


CleveRowleTax R






131. 04 :l~




Delevan Acres ~------------ 1,103.80Contract-------------- - ~_______ 68.00Inspection--------.----.------- 23.42Supervisor and Legal Fees-------- . __

Pine Ridge lleights No.2. Contract-~--------~---------------------

Inspection-------------=================Notices---------------- _Supervis0r and Legal Fees----

Kennedi Road 1,241.22Contract---------~--------------- 62.00Inspection------------------------------ 18.80Notices--~------------------------------ 6 46Supervisor a~d IJegal Fees----··---------- 2_._.

Straley Street' .Contract--------------------------------Inspection-------------------------~----

Notices------- ---~---------------------Supervisor and Legal Fees---------------

wa~~~~r~~~::~--------------~-------------- 700.72-----107.50Engineer--------------------------_

Supervisor and Legal Fees--------------- 16.16

Overseer of the Poor.

Compensation otOverseer-------- ------- 1,150.00Office and travelin~ expenses----------- 109.50

~ 4· ,335.31Groceries---------- _Coal and wood---------------____________ 741.55Shoes and clothing-~----------__________ 113.68Medical AttentJon-.--- -.------ .. ----- ------ 3_



Pine Ridge Heights No. ~~ $. Contract------------- _

Inspection-------::=::::::=::: _Notice~----·----d--Lega1 fees------------­SuperVlsor's an ..

ATTEND~~CE Officers storm S

-John M. Rohr---------___________________ 315.00\Val ter B. Nowakowski----- 0_3_0_._0_0

Trans~ers and Refunds

Transfers -.":,,- - - .... _



Redemption of Debt--Temporary Loans

Cleveland Drive-extra width----- _North Town Special Improvements- _Town General--- _East End Paving---- _Fr~nch Road Water District-- _Cayuga Road C.A.T.R. 165----- _

Redempt.ion of Debt--Bollds

Tax refunding bonds--- _Pine Ridge Road, Kensington Ave.,Doat St., C~A.• T.H. 107-108-- _Sewe~ Distri6t No. 5---- _Highway Bonds Series 1----- _Walden Avenue - extra width-- _Rowley-Bennett Road C.A.T.H.153- _TO~l House Bonds---- _

Harlem Avenue part No.1 C.A.T.ll. 124--_





5,482. (204,0.,000.0069,550.00



Streot :


Super 1

':Valden ~

Ass eSfSuper,

Pine RicBnginESuper\

Pine rUeEngiruSuper1i

Harlem Ave. Part No.2 C.A.T.H.131------- $Cleveland Drive C.A.T.H. 141-------- _Highway and Sewer Eonds Series 2------------

Interest on Ternpol~ary Loans


16,800.00 ~~175 ,982 •20


Cleveland Drive-extra width~------ _North Town Special Improvernents--- _General Town------------- ~ _East End Paving----------- _French Road Water District------- _Cayuga Road C.A.T.R. 165---------- ~ ~

Storm Sewer District No. 2------------- _Cochrane Street Paving---------- _1928 Pavements------------~-----------------1928 Lateral Sewers-------------- _




1,579.00171.85889.00484.00 29,301.07

Interest on Debt Bonds

Cleveland Drive, C.A.T.ll. 141-------------__now1ey-Bennett Roads, C.A.T.H. 153---------­Tax Refunding Bonds Pine Ridge Road,

Kensington Ave. Doat st. C.A.T.ll.107-108--Sewer District No. 5-------------------- _French Roael '~fater District------------------Highway Bonds Series 1------------------ _Walden Avenue-extra width------------------­Town House Bonds---------------------------­Harlem Avenue Part No.2 C.A.T.Il. 131-------­Harlem Avenue Part No.1 C.A.T.Il. 124.l..------­Highway and Sewer Bonds, Series No. 2------­Cayuga Road, C.A.T.H. 165-----------t------­Bridge Bonds--------------------------------






Sewer Distr i(jts


429.00District No.1-Walden Section--------------­District No. 2-Coohrane street-----------------.--;..-

Storm Sewer District No, 1



Contrac t- - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - - - - -- -- --'- - - --- - - -­F.ngineer------------------------------------Supervisor and Legal Fees---------------.----_ -----

Storm Sewer Distript No.2






Notices-------------------------------------Supervisor and Legal Fees-------------------Easements----------------------------------­


Street Pavements

Cochrane streetContract-----------------------~-----------­Engineer------------------------------------Supervisor and Legal fees-------------------

11,848.70·35' ,00i

237.66 12,121.36

'Na1den SectionAssessment Ro11----------------------------­Supervisor and Legal fees-------------------

350.003,400.00 3,750.00

Pine Ridge Heights No.1Bngineer------------------------------------Supervisor and Legal Fees-------------~-----

960.772,524;.37 3,485.14

Pine Ridge He ights No.2Engineer------------------------------------Supervisor and Legal Fees-------------------


Notic i




Pine FConiSupe

Pine IConiSUpE










. T';ng ilNoti(SupeJ

Clover(1 ontJ~ngil



















, 675.84

Roycroft :Park Subdivision :~

Engineer----------------~------ "Supervisor and Legal fees---------------~

Ardmore TerraceEngineer------------------------------Supervisor and ~egal Fees---~-~---~----

Cayuga Road, C.A.T.H. 165Half Cost------------------------------

Krakus Boulevard~ngineer------------------------------- 1,279.01s'upervisor:,l:!.nd Legal fees------,.;,------- __..:.8..;:.8_0...:.._0_0

Cleveland Dr,ive - extra widthEngineer-------------------------------Supervisor and Legal fees--------------

Preston RoadContract---~--------------------------­Rngineer-------------------------------Inspoction-------------------- --------Notices--------------------------------Supervisor and tegal fees--------.,.-----

Delevan AcresSupervisor and Legal Fees--------------

Lamarck DriveContract----------------- 7 ------------­Engineer------- - - --- - - ----- - - .. -~... -----­Inspection----------------------------­Notices------------------------------~-Supervisor Bnd legal fees--------------

Royoroft BoulevardContraot------------------------------­Engineer-------------------------------Inspection-~---------------------------Notices----------------~----------- _Supertisor and legal fees--------------

Sanitary Sewers--Lateral

Kennedy Roadcontraot------------ _Inspection---------- _Supervisor and legal fees------------_


Viotor EstatesContract--------- _Inspection------- _Notioes---------- _Supervisor and IJegal Fees--------.,.- _

Crest View Subdiv.isionContract---.,.----~ _Inspeotion----- _Notices~---------- ~ _Supervisor and Legal Fees------- _

------Clinton-Harlem SubdivisionNotices----.,.- _

Union Roa.dContract----- _Engineer----- _Inspeotlon--- _

Supervisor and Legal fe~s------------------=-...:..

RuBEn~~~~t~~~~~~ _Inspection-- ::::::----------


18.1296.92 ~ 4,943.03

Notices----------------____ ~t ---------------~Supervisor & Legal fees~-- _

We11worth Streetcontract--------------- _Engineer--------------- _Inspection------------- ==============Supervisor and legal fees------ _


42.0050.~·12 2,556.37

Pine Ridge Heights No.2contract---------------- _Supervisor and legal fees-------- _ 1,853.40

360.00 2,213.40





Pine Ridge Heights No.1Contract-------------------- _Supervisor and legal fees------------ _

Roycroft ParI\: SubdivisionContract------------------------ _Supervisor and legal fees------------- __


185.76210.00 395.76


96.0013.4077.32 3,944.27

Genes ee streetcontract------------------------~------­F.ngineer--------------------------------.

Inspection--------------------------------Notices---------------------------------Supervisor and legal fees---------------

5,266.00263.30. 48.0017.00

111.88 5,706.18

Preston RoadContract----------~--------------------- 2,355.60Engineer-------------------------------- 117.78Inspection------~----------------------- 66.00Notices--------------------------------- 13.40Supervisor and legal fees---------------51.04-- 2,603.82

Harlem AvenueContract-------------------------------- 2,815.47T,ngineer-------------------------------- 140.77Inspection------------------------------ 30.00Notices--------------------------------- 28.40Supervisor and legal fees--------------- 60__.2_8 3,074.92


KoI<:omo P1ac eContract-------------------------------­Engineer---------------- --------------­Notices---------------------------------Supervisor Rnd legal fees------~--------

Aurora Road .Contract-------------------------------- 1,328.94

. Engineer-----~-------------------------- 132.89Notices--------------------------------- 15.20Supervisor and legal fees----------~---- 2_C_~_.5_4

. 956.52


Clover Place0ontract-------------------------------­~ngil1eer--- --" - - - - - - - - - ---- - - -- - - -- - - - -­Inspection-----------------------------­NoticBS---------------------------------Supervisor and legal fees---------------

0,935.89256.1230.0043.2085.30 4,350.51












Pr inc:InterlGaret!TempoJInterlTrans:Other

Ba18.l1c1928 ~

SewerIntereTempo:!Sale (



3,11:42, .80172.20108.0016.0074.80









5,531 .802,304.20

13,915.20695.76:~82 .00



BAldl.NCE --Dl~Cm,llmR 31, 1928----- :~~

State Aid School Money

School District No. l--Bel1evue---------­School District No. 2--Williamsvil1e Rd.­School District No. 3--Harlem Avenue----­School District No. 4--Forks------------­School District No. 5--Loosen Road------­School District No. 8--French Road-------·School District No.10--Walden----- _School District No.ll--Pine Hill---------

Sewer District No.5

U-Crest Subdivisioncontract--------------------------------­Engineer---------------------------------Inspection-----------------------··-------Notioes----------------------------------Supervisor and legal fees----------------

Frenoh Road Water.. DistrictPaid to Commiosioners--------------------Ji;ng --.- - - - ------ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ..Notices----------------------------------Supervisor and legai fees----------------

Hemenway Roadcontract--------------------------------- 1,792.26Engineer--------------------------~------ lZ9.23Inspection----------~---~---------------- DO.OONotices---------------------------------- 15.20

. Supervisor :and legal fees -- --- - --- - -- -- -- - ~~_~ 32.

DelevB.n Avenuecontract--~-----------------~-----------­Engineer---.------- --- ---- - - - ---- -- - -- ---­Inspeotion------------------------------­Notices----------------------------------Supervisor .ancl legal fees----------------

Oontract--~---------- 2 Cl 7 4A~ ~1., ;7 , '·.J:V •.r.Inspection_--------- ~_______________ 5 506 00, .

1~ngi neer -- - - - - - - - - - --- -- --- --- -_ _____ ____ 26 ,718.18Notices-------------____ . 120.00Supervisor and legal fee~================ 4 418 09

--~,-:::...:...:..;;.:...--_-:--~TOTAL DISBURS1%1ENTS TO DECEMBER 31st, '1928-------~::~2;193,356·1

Total reoeipts to Decemb er 31, 1928 - ---~~2 ,199,868.09

Total disbursemonts to December 31 1928 I) lcr; '7.r.:r. 78, • -- 1-.;, ;)t..J ~~:?:~

Lamarck Drive ~Contract--~------------------------------~

. Engineer----------------------===========Inspection--------------------Notices---~------------------------------

supervisor~d legal fees----------------

Leroy Road i •


Noti ces - ,.;. - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Supervisor and legal fees----------------

.. ".~.. \'

Dn.ted this 3rd day of ,January, 1928


Meauthor:year l~

payersof samE

Medir eatEfor thEthe ofj

Balance:I!. 186.71

129.4978.16 .,39.32

"~lrl "6';, ODr.;',( o,~ '-'.

'l~ 13 °6'/, 05~;y , ~ o.

Disburs ements~:)51, 729.3792,185.344,936.794,261.24


~)159 , 285 .54


Receipts-$51,916.08- 92,314.83



;i~172 ,548 .59


AcoountsPrimary AccountBridge Aooount~~achinery AoootmtMisoellaneous Account- and

Salary Highway Supt.Auto Registration Acct.--

Moved by Inda, seconded by Milrie, that the Supervisor'saccounts be approved and aUdited, and the following certificatebe attached to the Account Book. Ayes 5, Noes O.

state of New YorkCoun ty of F.r ie :as.:Town of Cheektowaga

We, the undersigned,.L:v.eing 1:. wajorityof -the memberst he Town Board, and 130ard of Highway Super intendents of the Townof Cheektowaga, do hereby oertify, that we have checkod and au~it·ed.the accounts of the Supervisor, and have founcl them to be cor-;rect, as to the acqOUl1ts audited by this Boal'>d during the past yeat'which were the amounts allowed and claimed. And we do further:

CERTIFY, that the balances of the respective accountsar6correct and. bal ra1ce with bank statement cat the close of business,December 31, 1928.

Total receipts to December 31, 1928--------$172,548.59Total Disbursements to December 31, 1928--- 159,285.54

P. J. INDA, .rustice of the pea.?611Benjamin lUlne, Justice of th~.~i':

John .T. Water, ,rustice of the;;·1'6Jacob R. PaWlak, Justice of~,h



--------------~15,655.16Balance of previous year---::::::: '16,237i38state aid----------------;- unt---~------------ 35,000.001928 Hi~hway Tax-Primary t~CCO 3 000 00

, e .Tax-Bridge Account---------- , h •1928 BIidg'·"'T M hineryaccount------------ 2,DOO.001928 Machinery aX-T~~ Miscellaneous account---- 8,000.001928 Miscellaneous ~- 348.10Interest on Bank deposits-------~;i~:es--------- 44,300.00Liberty Bank-Temporary Loan_~~: ~ 44,995.20Principal Bridge Bonds----- 61.80Damages to e quipment---------- 31.25

~~~~~~lr;~~;:t;~~;f;;-t;-;~~hi~~;;_~~~~~~~=:=:=2,3~g:~~Sale of ~asoline------------------- ..o , ,

TOTAL RECEIPTS TO DECEMlmR 31, 1928------ ------- ---- -- --~~172 ,548.01


A t '------------------~51,729.37Primary ccoun --------------- ., ~Bridge Account-----------------------------------92,18~.o4MaohinerY"Aoooullt-- --------------- -- ------ - - ---- -4, ~36 .79Misoellaneous Aocount---------------------------- 7,361.24Auto Registration-------------------------------- 2,472.80

TOTAL DISBURSWHi:N'rS TO DE'J111\ffiER 31, 1928----------------~~159,285Io!

Moved by Schiesel., seco nded by Walter thnt the jUdges'monthly report be received and placed on file.

, 'Carried. A~es 5, Noes O.

The follo,wil1e bills were presented for aUditing:

J .B.JGolse






















'.'/al te




73.9247.8110.5911.50, 7.286.50















Town Board and.. Board ofHall wi th the following

J .Waitel", Justices of>I'

John F. Netzel


Peter RohrFrank Zalemski

Fred Gaska


W.N.Y.GAS & Electric Corp.-for traffic lighting servicesfor December $

-for Town Hall power &lighting

-flasher signal at Geneseeand west Shore R. R.

Buffalo Gener~l Electric Co.-for traffic lightingservices for December

N.Y.Telephone Co.-for telephone services-Town HallDo -for telephone Services-Lanc.69Alvin P. Knoche-for insul~ance pol.icy on jan's house.otto Ulbrich -for stationeryDo -for supplies for Town Clerk's officeAlDis Sohiesel, -reoording deaths & births from May

1st to Sept.30th,1928 acoording toSeotion 390 of the public health law

-watching voting machine in EleotionDistrict No.7

-watching voting machine in ElectionDistrict No.5

-for telephone calls for Nov. & Dec._"" "from Nov. 25 to

Cheektowaga, N. Y.January 7, 1929.

Minutes of a regular meeting of theHighway Superintendents held. at the Townmembers present:

John c. Stiglmeier, Supervisor;Alois Schiesel, Town Clerk,Peter J. Ind.a, Benjamin Milne, Johnthe Peace; and absentJa'cob R. Pawlak, and John Kaufman.

Moved by Inda, seconde~:by Milne, that the Town Clerk'smonthly report be received and placed on file. ,

, Carried. Ayes 5, Noes o.

Decernb er 31Christopher J.Klenk-telephone oalls from November 25

to Deoember 31John Hogacki for telephone calls from Nov. 25 to

December 31John F. l'ersmal1l1 -for tel.ephone calls for months of

May and. December.Marvin P. Davison-telephone calls for Nov. & Dec. &

auto sel'vices for police d.epartmentin the month of May

Andrew Eoe:,'ner -telephone calls for months of Mayand November 25 to December 31

Charles H. Lauer -telephone calls from November 25to December 31

Edward Thompson Co. -for suppl'ement to McKinney'sN. Y. Laws

Louis ~ozlowski -for meals served to ~risonersGertrude D.ICBzrninski-services,as Clerk to Bd.of

r. Assessors and attending the swi tchbd.Amer i can Surety ,,0. -Supervis ors Bond covel'lng special

bond issue fundsDo. Super~isors Bond coverine'special

bond,lssue funds, bond #888694-BAnthony Peiffer -serVlces as police officer JTarlem

Avenue b:r idge for Jan. Feb. -lTar.l 928GeOl:' ge F. Fox -mak~ng copy of minutes in. t !.'le claim

of r.urlan C. H'll.tchin§on, Nov.13-14



















106.68 '







. 76.47

J.B.Lyon & Co.Colson & Brice

John M. ,Rohr




Depew HeraldDo







-for one cash book & ledger-for ~aking copy of minutes ofhear~ng before the Public Ser­vice Commission on the petitionof Zenos H. Hill to operate abus Line ' ,

-for maktng copy of minutes of hear-ing before the Public Service Comm­ission, in ,the elimination of cross­ings at grade by the Lehigh ValleyR.R., Erie R.R., & Delaware, Lacka-wanna & Western R.R .... in Union Road

-for making copy of minutes of hear­ing before the Public Service Commi­ssion in the elimination of orossingsat grade by the Lehigh Valley R.R~,Erie R.R., in William St~eet, heldNovember 21st-making copy of minutes of hearingbefore the Public Service Oommissionin the elimination of cr08si~g8 atgrade by the Lehigh Valley R.R. }~ie

R.R. in William street, Dec.17,1928-services as attendance officer formonths of September, October, Novem-ber and December

Stanley J. Walczak-for tires, motorcycle repairs,oil and gasoline •-for publishing minutes /-for publishing notices to property

owners in Sewer District No.5-for printing soft drink lioenseblanks

-for publishing notioes of proposeda.ssessment roll

-for accessories, auto parts-constable of Sloan, for servioesrendered Town of Cheektowaga

Walter Skierski -constable of Sloan, for servicesrendered Town of Cheektowaga

-oonstable of Sloan, for servioesrendered Town of Cheektowaga

Fahning Bros.& Sons Co.-for labor and material fur­nished for the construction ofsewer in Kennedy Road, est. #2

-for labor and material furnishedfor the construction of sewer inRupp Avenue, estimate No.2

-for labor and material furni'shedfor the construction of se~~r inGenesee street, estimate No.2

-for fabor and material flITnishedfor the construction of sewer inWinston Avenue, estimate No.2

-for labor and material furnishedfor the constructi6nof sewer inCunard Avenue, estimate No.·2

-for labor and material furnishedfor the construction of sewer in'Vegola Avenue, estimate No.2

-for labor and mate,rial furnishedfor the construction of sewer inHarlem Avenue and Wayne Terrace,estimate No,. 2

-for labor ill1d material furnishedfor the construction of sewer inPinehurst, estimate No.2

-for labor and material furnishedfor the construction of sewer inBriaroliffe Road

-for labor' ahd material furnishedfor the construction of sewer inHerrymont Ros.d

George D. Diehl -for surveying, and staking out &supervision, Kennedy Road sewer



,Tohn Netzel

.John PietrzakVincent Hejza



























RappearBoardmlssioupon wJanuo.ril1tererates


HelenSoft I




from t.Tointfane PNiagarNiagarbe recdirect

Moved.a softto issEvelyr:FrankhendziDoane,John 1<NeibersteveSzumanStanleKaufma


Alex 1<dellied


the Punajiionthe LeCo., 8­SupervJanuar

Rapp1ioits rabear t

Mfrom I'

a nuis:owned·


f{stagnaidiv is il


25,Ot '18,Ot18,Ot18,O~




-for surveying, staking out and supervisionof sewer In Pinehurst

-for suryey..tng, staldng out and. snper­vis ion of sewer in 1Tego1a, C:unard ,Genesee and. Winston Avenue,

-for surveying, staking out ~nd su~er-v ision of sewers in Br iarcllffe, J"erry­mont, Harlem Avenue and. '.'fayne Terrace


George O. Diehl



John Stack1 er

John Bogacki

K. F •. Piotrowsl<:i

P. MucoiaccioJoseph Aigner

A. Wojta.sekJoseph OwciarczakMichael SchickEdward Dobmeier,

Moved by Milne, seconde.d by Inda, that the foregoing bi11s'Qeaudi ted and paid and the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the"Supervisor for the respective amounts.

Carried. Ayes 5, Noes 0,

Moved by Mi1ne J seconded by Inda, that the following beadop~ed.i,

111:S0L V1.1D, that :the recommenda t ion of th.e Tovvn Attorney be a.doPand the. t he be au.thorized to compromise fo.r the sum of :MOO .00 ,th~ola1m of Peter Petrella against the Town of Cheektowaga for the sumof..:?933.83 •. And be it further

RESOLVED, that the Town 'C1erk be directed to draw an orderon the Supervisor in favor of M. Edwin ~,rerwin, Attorney for saidPeter Petrella, for the sum of :~j600 .CO, which sum is to be paidu.pon the execution and delivery of 8: general release approvedby the Town Attorney. . Carr ie d. Ayes 5, Noes

Moved by Inda, seconded by Walter, that the pet1tions permits be granted. and the 01 erk be directed. to issuepel: mi ts to the following petitioners to-wit. Anthony Dani tz .Herbert Ruff Robel't f' Abel I ,. ,and Eenry Repman. oj • " rene H. COok,. Anna As troV/slci ,

Peter Weber, for groceries furnished. to Qi1bert DeL?ngJoseph Barnhardt -groceries furnished to Peter Schs.of:er

and Tieon SackingerJohn::'Feher -groceri'es furnished to Cath.Saczynski

Joseph tT. Michalak -groceries i'urnis!led to Creo .Schorr,Leo' Hyrek, Andrew Olszewski an,d ~<rs.

. Clara BraidStephen Kopydlowski-for groceries furnished to Fran~

NapieralaF. L. Hemer1ein -groceires furn~shed to Horac~ Mapes.John Machowaki -groceries furnlshed to Thos .'RTarkievHczJoseph Gister -groceries furnished to Rose LadowskiEdward Dobmeier -groceries furnished to Rose Partyka and

Versal Wright-~roceries furnished to Dora Berardino-grooeries furnished to Henry We eel , LeoKraliok, Martin Bal'tschelt,.Horaoe Mapes

-grooer ies furnished to Mary I~aznicz

!""groceries furnished to Stella Bartschelc-shoes furnished to Rose Partyka

b -coal furnished to Dennis MarkuszewskiStan1 ey Lewandowski, B. Krywa1 ski andFrank Napierala

-coal fUrnished to Teofi1 Wander1ich,Agnes Kupicki, Dennis Markuszewski andAndrew Olszewski

-coal furnished to Mrs. Feiner 8~ LeoKra1ick

-coal furnished to V. Vfr ight, Art S·tnr1<:eRose Partyka and Joseph Xusche1

-coal furnished to Vincent Mill er-coal furnished to Josel)h Nowicki'-~oa1 furnished to Celia Prusiecki-coal f'urnishe~ to Barney Rogowsldand. 111rs. Shaf~r

Jaoob GardulaB. ConklinCharles Parl<:el'

. Steve. Markowski

Moved. by Inda) s ~condea. by Milne t that the appl icati ons to condm ta soft drink ~uslness be granted and that the Inspector be directedto issue perml ts, t~ the following applicants t to-wit: "Evelyn J3lalce t PhillP Grucza t victor (}ant~loff CharI es DispenzaFrank. Lortz t i\rth'lU'. Du:rr ihger) Frances, Mendei) Frank nyl ewski, t Thos'.,h'endzlora t Paul walkow~ki, Catherine Olszanowski, ,Tohn Gordon, '!GlmerDoane t Fra,nk Faloron"l.lois J. Blendinger t Joseph StUl~m, Viola RiedelJohn }(raxner t ,Joseph Galamb t Florenoe Barrett t 1~dward }Il'ay, Joseph"Neibert t John Heuschle, Bert Hoag, Frank nertzig, ,John 'Bauml er ,steve Schultz t John 1:'/i ttmcl.l1) }Uchael Leising t Joseph Soderer Fr.'Szumansld, steve. Przepio;:-a, ,Alex Kiliszewski, Dominick Aroha~ge;l'tStanley Torzewslu t Bmil Zapfel t Harry Sohafer, John lUeder, John .,',Kaufman. Carr ied. Ayes 5, Noes' 0.'

Moved by Inda) seconded by Milne, that the ~pplications ofHelen Polonski, and Ruth Smith be held and referred back to theSoft Drink ±nspector for further investigation. •

Carried. Ayes 5, Noes O.

Moved by Indo., seconded by Milne, that the applioation ofAlex Ki'l.t.szewski for aftel~ hour permit from 12 A.M. to 4 a.m. bedenied and a permit be granted from 12 a.m. to 2 a.m.

Carr ied.. Ayes 5, Noe's o.Moved by Inda t seconded by ~ilnet that the following be


RESOLVT~D, th~l t the Town of' Cheektowaga. condemn and oppose the'application o'f Iroquois Gas Corporation for permission to increaseits rates as unfair to the small consumer who can least afford tobear the proposed. inorease. And be it further

RESOLV1:D, that the Supervisor and Town Attorney be dlrec'ted toappear for an(l on behalf of the Town of Cheektowaga and of ,Board in the proceecling now pending befor'e the Public Service Com­mlssi on upon the 'applica tion of said Iroquois Gas 00rporation an dupon whcih a hearihg is sC~le(luled to be held on the' 21st day ofJanuary, 1929 t and cooperate with the City of Buffalo and. any otherinterested munlcips.lities in opposing the proposed increase ofrates sought by sald. Iroquois Gas Corporation.

Carried. Ayes 5, Noes O.

Moved. by Inda, seconded by Milne, that the communication fromthe Public Service Commission relative to a hearlng for the olimi­na~ion of c~ossings at grade by the New York Central,R. R. Co.,the Lehigh Valley E. R. Co. t Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R.R.,Co., anc1 }~rie R. R. on Transit RoucL, be received allcL filed and ·theSupervisor and Town Attorney be directed to attend. the hearingJanuary 19th, at 10. a .• m. Carl~ied. Ayes 5, Noes 0:.

1,.rr~ved by Walter, seeonc1ed by Milne t that the communicationfrom the Public Service Commission relEttive to a hearing on theJoint Petition of Niagara & Eastern Power Company, Lockport New­fane Power & 'Na t'er SUPl)ly Co., Buffalo f1.eneral Rlectri c Co., 'Niagara ~lectric Service,Corporation t Niagara Falls Power eo.,Niagara TJoclq)ort & IDntario Power Co., an(l Tonawanda Power CO. tbe recelved. [;1,l1(1 filed and. the Supervisor and. ~Iown Attorney bedirected. to attend t,lle he ari 'lg to beheld January 14th at 10 a.m. '

Carried. Ayes, 5 t Nos sO.

Moved. b," 'lialter seconded by Milne, that the communicationfrom resident taxpayers residing in Andrew street, relative toa nuisance on the .vacant lot on the east side of Andrew street t ­owned by IJudwig Kahle be received and placecL..on file.

Carried. Ayes 5, Noes Q.

Poved by 'VD.l tel' secon(led. by Milne t that the following beadopted. :

RESOLV1~D, that this Board find and deolare that the pool ofstagnant water located on vacant premises knoVin as part of.. Sub­diVision Lots 14 and 10, on the easterly side of Andrew street,


25,Ot '18,O~l8,O(l8,O~







Inda, 'bha t the fall owing res62~!;!/..:~:;;;'<i-

in the '.Town of Cheel~towaga, owned in whoI e or in. part hy LUdvn~'",Kahle, is a. public nuisance ancl a menace to publ~c health anciii,:;\);,!,comfort. And beit further ,.';(:;*J(x.

~'ESOLVED AND ORDERED , that ljhe ?w~er, or o"yners, of S~1~:;':{1!(~,premises upon which said nuisance eX1,sts, b~ ordered and. dueotl<edto abate said nuisance at once. And. be 1t further '''''!;:1::

RESOLVED AND· ORDERED. that ~h~ Town Clerk b ~, and he i;)1lt~,.h~reby, directed to merva a. cer'b1f:- coo. copy of tllls llpoi{rJ'tl,~,ithe owner, or' owners, of sald prem1ses. And be it further,{.I:j·?~;f

, RESOLVED, that, ,if s'aid nuisance ... shall not hav~ been ab'~'t~d;prior to the 7th day of March, 1929, vhe Town Su~er~ntendent:of~Highways of the Tow? of Chee1ctowaga, be, and he 1S b~reby,dl~~o~.ted to abate said nuisance and to cause the ex:pense ~ncurredJh:;'such abatement tOibe assessed against the preJ[l~ses upon whioh'!:l{:

. saie! nuisance is now located. Carr ied. Ayes 5, :Noe~':OI

Moved by Walter, seconded by Milne, that the supervisor'~~':;~rrauthorized and directed to have requ:isi tion blames printed and:(~:that all requisitions, for supplies given out shall be app;rove[i;"l\

. by the Supervisor or Town Clerk. Carried. Ayes 5 ,Noe~J<6j"":,'

Moved by Milne, seconded by'.:;,lutions be adopted:, ",".J;~/, " 0, , f.' "1 .~ " " ,'. :fr(?:;'~:}:',·

. WtIEREAS, th~"To~n ;f Oheektowaga dicl her etofor e enterlri~'d,;;valia. oontracts for the construction of local public improve~t);¥~J

., ments in said 'town and, for the purpose of financing said im~i??!provements, did make certain temporary loans from the Liberty:Ct':'Bank of BUffalo, and, to secure said loans did duly issue atld:\:';deliver 'to said bank a certificate of indebtedness for thesum(;'of ~~lO,OOO.OO, dated the 11th day of October, 1928, whichbel~!}':came, by its terms; due ana pa,yable, with interest on th e 9t~'·),})

,day of tTanuary, 1929, another certificate of indebtedness for>~~18,OOO .00, dated the 14th day of Oo'tobor 1~28, which will be'~.·oome, by its 'berms due and payable, with interest, on the 14thday of January, 1~29, and another certificated of indeb.tedness'for ~11,848.70,dated the 29th day of October, 1928, which will,',become, by its terms due and pa~rable with interest, on the 28th,'day of January, 1929; and '

, WHEREAS; it is necessary to renew said loans for a furt~~tYperiod of 90 days, pending the issuance and sale of bondsof.).)\f!:the Town of Cheektowaga and the levy and collection of ass ess.7(:;ments; n,ow,therefore, be it . ":;;i

, , :. ":\;:'!'{\':!:;:,RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Cheeldowaga"1'1,§'

be, and he is hereb,,!, authorized and directecl to"-execute,' iss~~;~and· Cleliver three certificates of indebtedness of the Town of:Wli'tCheektowaga, upon the faith and credit of said town. and under,;,:~;\;"

, its corporate seal; one of which said certificates shall. be"'~'~:rfor the sum of"':~lQ ,000 .00, and shall be dated as of the 19th,'"day of JanuarY',1\1929j another of said certificates shall be,;;for the sum of 'ril18 ,000 .00, and shall b e dated as of. th e 14th',),;day of January, 1929, and the third of said certificates shan:;,;be for the sum of $11,848.70, and shall be dated as of the 28WX,day of January 1929; each of which said certificates shall be~r;,

. interest fl~om their respective dates at the 'rate of six per,"':'oentum per annUl~, and shall be payable to the order of the';,""Liberty Bank of BUffalo, at its Broadway Office, in the GitY,Pt,;,Buffalo, New York, within 90 days from its date; which. saidq,~qirtifi cates of indebtedness shall be counters io-ned b:r the Town.;:~:"01er1<: of said town, who is hereby authorizedOto countersign>~ra:fsCahme"'tand to impress thereon, the corporate seal of the TOWl1,p..,...fv:...eeK owaga 0 ",r,,,

• Carried~ Ayes 5, Noes.,.!" ,

vmmediateagainstand Bascurrentmoneysfor the

RJI;~)18, 000IJibertyfurther

RErized atednessunCleI' iHJ29, ath,e ordin thera.te ofAnd be

REto counthereon

MoTown Cl

Hoout of

Cheektowaga, N.Y.Ja.nuary 21, 1929.

Minutes of a regular meeting of the To'wn Board and BOQ.......,,'~"·';"

Highway Superintendents held at the Town Hall with the follmembers present:

John c. stig1meier, Supervisor, Alois Schi~sel, Town 01PeterJ. Tnda, Benjamin p.:Mi1ne, John J. 'lifalter, JacPawlak, Sustice of 'the Peace. John Kaufman, Supeript ,__,uu"

of highways. A full quoJ:''WIl being present to transactbusiness that may come before the meeting.

Moved by Tnda, sem nded by Milne, that the m~rm tee' of thepreviousI~egular and special meetings be approvecl as publi~'H'u."""",in the official paper.: Carried. Ayes 7, NoesO.

Moved by Tnda, seconded by Milne, that the release ofwin Merwin, attorney fOIl Peter Petrella for damages sustainbe reoeived and filed. Carried. Ayes 7, Noes 0

Moved by rnda, seconded by Milne, that the claims of 1\lIO'~.. .'.",

v~ Wilson, Earl G. Schorb and Eleanor J. Wilson for damagestained, be denied and referred to the Town Attorney.

Carried. Ayes 7,

Moved by Tnda, s econcled by Milne, that the communi cationfrom Town Attorney relative covering compensation for theDel>artment, be received and filed. Carried. Ayes 7, ,Noes

. Moved b~r Milne, seconded. by Schiesel, 'that the order ofthe Public Service Commission relative to the crossing at _.... ,,'."by the Erle Rei lroad Co., and Lehigh Valley, Railroad Co.,William street and South Ogden st. in the Oity of Buffalo,

of Cheektowaga and Village of Sloan, F.r ie County (Cas e No. 47be reoeived, filed and printed in the minutes' of this session.

Carried. Ayes 7, Noes



At' a Session of the Public Service Commission,~(State Division, Department of PLlblic Service::'held in the City of Albany, on the 28th day .~of December, 1928. ,.',

KenlH. W.EnginE

Loolneys ::Lackav






ThisGommif:railroRailroStre etCheektings hDecembgineerthoseLehighthe Cossioning beOommispubliccrossi

0:at grar,ehigh

Streeof Slo,

2. Th:by dep:streetand bythe crldance,the Cor

By the


state ePublic(Stateof Publ

on iiI E

a carrE



Kenefi~k, Cook~, Mitchell: and Bass (by Mr. Bass), Attorneys,H. W. Sm~th, Asslstant General Solicitor, and W. R. Johnston,Engineer of Grade Cl~ossings, for Lehigh Valley Railroad. 00.:

Locke,' Babcock, :Tollister & Brown (by Mr. Babcocl\:), Attor­neys and F. L. Wheton, Division Engineer, for The Delaware,Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company: ,

Majo~~ T. M. Ripley, Chief 1!~ngineer for Ji:rie County GreaterMotorways System:

George L. Feldman, Deputy County Attorney:William Brennan, Jr. , Attorney for Town of Cheektowaga ane1.

Village of Sloan:, ..J. C. Stiglmeier, Supervisor, Town of Cheektowaga and Mayor

Village of Sloan: "James Lalley ~fid Mrs.' Mary Lalley, Victor Reinstein,' Argelo

Carolo, G. Solbmaine and Frank Solomaine, Luisa GismondePrisco Cartenuto, Pearl Dulak" Mal~y lIarhigh, property low~ers.

ThiS' proceeding having been br ought by direction of. theCommission to consid·er· the elimination of the existing highwayrailr.oad crossings at grade of the railroads operated b,V T~ie "Railroad Company and Lehigh Valley Railroad Company and WilliamStreet and South Ogden street in the Oi ty of 13uffalo', Town, ofCheektowaga and 1Jillage of Sloan, Erie County; and. public' heal~­ings having been held on J1ay 25, June 22, OC'bober4, November 21,December 3 and 17, 1928, by ane1 before C. R. Vanneman, Chief ~n­gineer, specially authorized to conduct said hearings, atwh.i,chthose named hereinbefore appeared; and Erie Railroad Company,Lehigh Valley'Railroad Company, State Department of Public Works,the County of Erie, Grade Crossing and Terminal Stat.i,on Commi~ssion of' the City of BUCfalo, anti other interested personshav­ing been e1ven the recluired notice of said hearings; and theCommission having determined after due consideration, thatpublic welfare required the elimination of the said existing .crossings at grade, it is

ORDERED: 1. That the existing highway-railroad crossingsat grade of the railroads operated by Erie Railroad Company a~dr,ehigh Valley Railroad Company,. and William Street and So.Ogden 'street in the City of BUffalo, Town of Cheektowaga and Village'

of Sloan, Erie County, are hereb,Y designated for el·imination.

2. That the said existing orossings at grade shall be eliminatedby depressing" the grade and changing the alinement of William'Street and carrying it under the grade of the railroad tracks,and by changing the alinement and of llueen Street and.the creation of new connecting streets, 8.11 to be done in accor­dance wi th detail requirements to be hereafter promulgated bythe Cornmissibn.

By the Commission:

li1RANCIS E. ROB Jl:R TS ,(Seal) Secretary.

State of New York,Public Service Commission ss.::(State Division-Departmentof Publ'ic Service),

I have compared the preceding copy with the originalon file in this office, and I do hereby certify the sam~ to bea correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof.

Witness my hand and the seal ofthe Public Service Commission(State Division-Department ofPublic Service), a.t the City ofAlbany, this 1'5th d~y of January,one thousand nine hundred andtwenty-nine.

FR~~CIS E. ROBERTS;Secr etary.

Moved by Inda, ,seconded b ~r ':1/alte~ ~~a t ~het~Ommuni catfrom the Publ.ic Service comrnissio



ve a de "t~r~lssrade b' the New Yor]c Central Ra roa amp any an ~,~r em

g .... ( Y N 3519) of a revised general map be rece~ved\t ~~f' dcas~ ~h~ Town Attorney be directed to pr'ocure, a set of

rev~se~nmaps and plans. Carried. Ayes 7, Noes O.

Moved by Inda, seconded. by Milne that the Superv isor' bauthorized to purchase from Attorney Paul Batt a '" ~et.l~ of the

V Session Laws of the state of New York not to eXCE,ec1. .. ;65.00dollars. ",Carried. Ayes 7, Noes O.

Moved by Walter, seconded by Milne ,that Edward Yossel band he is hereby appointed a Constable in and f~n' the ToVl/.'n

V Cheek·towaga to fill the, vacancy of the deceased ~Tohn Bauer •., Oarr1ec1. Ayes 7, Noes O.

Moved by Milne, seconded by Schiesel, t~at J~seph Fbe and he is hereby appointed Tax ColI eC'bor ~n and for theTown of Cheektowaga to fill the vaoanoy caused by the resJ.~)UCl..".·

. tion of Jerome F. Rozan, at a salary nO'b to exoeed ~~3,000.

per year and this Board appoint such ~1ssistal1t~ as m~y beneoessary to properly fulfill the dut~es of sa~d off~ce.

. Carried. Ayes 7, Noes O. '

Moved by Inda, seconded by Milne that the Supervisor beauthorized to purchase a calculating maohine for a smf} which

,shall not exceed :j425.00 Carrie.d. Ayes 7, Noes O.. '

Moved by Milne, seconded by Pawlak, that the Supervisorbe directed, to have the radiators repaired in the janitor'shouse on 'the Town H01,l.Se site. Carried. Ayes 7, Noes O.

Moved by Walter, seconded bJ1 Milne the.. t this Board findthat Police Officer Carr was injured while on duty on January1, 1929 and that ,the Supervi~or be directed to pay him hissalary,wh.Ue incapac.i'tated from duty because of the injuri as80 reoe ived. Carr ied. Ayas 7, No es O.

Moved by Milne, seconded b.y 'Nal tel" that th e applica ti onsto cunduot a 80ft drink business be granted and the Inspeotor ,. be direoted to issue licenses to the folloN ing ap111icants:St~phen Rogowski, M.Hdred Sttollmeyer, William Richter, HaryGornildewi cz, Michael Lauer, st. Jos ephat Hall, Ste.phenSmigielski, Frank Rzykowlilki, Mm:'gy Provo]~, G·eer ge Gillig,.\nthony Danitz, Vincent Kowalewski, Joseph Kaufman, BaptistSohi~der, Philip Grucza, Henry Weber, Ca~oline Smith, Ruth'Smi th, Helen .Polonsky, neorge Kaufman, 1;:dward P. Fath, T,fartinNowinski, John Kroth, J as eph Vonikowski, ~~dw. A. Smi te.

Carried. Ayes?, Noes O. '

. The, Supervisor' presented his re110rt of collections madeby him of ass~ssments shown on the assessment rolls for local'i:pro~ements filed in the office of the Town Clerk on Novemblr,., 1928, and it was moved by rnda, seco"ded by lValter, thatthe report of the Supervisor be repeived, placed on file andpublished with the minutes of this mastin."'.

Carried.. ;\.Yes 7, Noes O.

To the Town Boar(l and Bm rd of Highway Supel' int endentsthe Town of Chcel<:towaga, Erie County, New,York.

,'I, John 'C. Stlg1meier, 8,S Su.pervisor of the 110wn a(' CheeJ:to­wagn, !~rie County, New Yrok, do hereby certify and reportto you, as follows:

1. That,?n DeceOibel' 12,1928, your ]3om:'cl dUly confirmec1,and ord.ered plaoed on ;file in the office of the TON n Clthe apportionments and assessments of ''the folloWing namedlocal publ *c improvements, to-VIi t: .

~. The ~u~ ?f .;,6,000.00, for the constl"lucti on of ale.teralS~l~hs§~~~ef\~n~a~~~GR~~a.sou~th side of Genes ee Str eet,

2. T~


long E

and tlof Hmrrown (

3. Tlsewernne t (northb ound~

4. T~

sewerto thEsani t~Union

:). T~sewertermir

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sewerto thE

7.' T!'sewerPlacenus ojsewer

'erly isanit~

Or iol E

8. TrsewerOrchar

9.. T!'sewer

10. TtsewerEland I

11. Tt:sewerAvenUERoarl;northVecolacons'tI'

. of 11IinVegoll.'J

12. Tsewerto 01'1

13. Tsewer85? fe

14. Tbtype sst. JaHurl em

15. TilwaterCh eek'

2. :he S~l.ln of ,"'6 ~,900 :00 ~~r the construction of a lateral sa~itarysewel in and al ono each SlQ6 of IJeroy Road, From Cleveland Dr1 v,e toAurora Road ~ the construction of 0.'18. teral salli tary sewer in ancl8.-'lor:e each s lCleof Aurora Road, from Leroy Road. to Marsd.ale Road,and the construction of a lateral sewer in. and along the west ~ideof Harl em Avenue, from Cl evelancl Drive to the north line of therrown of Cheektowaga.

3. Th~ sum" of ~~6, SOO .00, for the construction. of a lateral sah! tarysewer 1n 0.1'10. alon::!' the west sid.s of Preston Road, from Delevan Ave­nue to ~owa~ Road, and a lateral sanitary sewer in and along thenorth slde of Delevan Avenue, from Preston ROG.d to the westerlyboundary line of the Town of Che~ktowaga.. .

4. The sum of 016 ,000.00,for the construction of a lateral sanitarysewer in ane1 a~ong each slele of l\forthcrest Avenue, from Union Roadto the easterly terminus of said Nort hcrest Avenue, and a lateralsani tary sewer in So nd. along each side of Southcres t Avenue, fromUnion Road to the easterly ~ierminus of Southcrest Avemue.· : .

5. The sum of ~2,100.OO for the construction of a la.teral sanitarysewer in and along Hemenway Roael, . from Beach Road to the westerlyterminus of said Hemenway Road.


6. The sum of 04,SOO.00 for the constru~ti6n of a lateralsani~arysewer in and along each side of Lamarck Drive, from Cleveland Driveto the northerly boundary line of the Town of Cheektowaga. .

7.' The SUIa of :)9,600.00 for the constructIon of a lateral sanitarysewer in Clover Place, also known as Glover street, from W,oodbinePlace t 0 ~.'~eadovl Place, and from Meadow Place ·to the easterly termi.­nus of so.i d Clover Pla.:cej the construction of a lateral sanitary .sewer in !lncL along jwergreen Place,. from Woodbine Place to the. east-

'arTy terminus of EvergreenP1acej the construction of a lateralsanitary sewer in and alone Kokomo Place, from Clover Place toOr iol e Place.

S. The sum of $8,100.00 for ·the construction of a latero.1 sanitarysewer in B.nd along each side of Union / Road, from Genesee street .. toOrchard Place.

9~, The sum of 02,700.00, tor the construction of a lateral sanitarysewer in and along We11worth Place, from Unio,n Road to Meadow Place.

10. The sum of ;~'7, SOO .00 for the cons truction of a lateral sanitarysewers in and along If:errymont Road and Brial~cliffe Road, from Cleve­land Driv'e to the bourrlary line of Abbott and J3eymer's subdivision.

11. The sum/at :'~S,300.00, for the construction of a lateral sanitarysewer in al:1(1. along each siele of' Cunarcl Avenue and each siele of VegolaAvenue, fr g,m Genesee street to Winston Avenue, 0.1:;10 known as WinstonRoad; th~ construction of a lateral sanitary sewer in and alQng~henorth side of Genesee street, from a point about 124 feet east ofVegola Avenue to a point about 162 feet west of Cunard Avenuej theconstruction of a lateral sani ta..ry sewer .in 0.11(1 along the south side

. of 'Vinst on Avenue, also known as Winston Ho ad, from Peach Road toVegola Avenue.

12. The sum of :;;6,400.00 for t he construction of a la·teral sanitarysewer in and nlong Rupp Avenue and Pinehurst Avenue, from Genesee Oriole Place.

13. The sum of :J~3 100.00 for the construction of' alateral sanitarys ewer in and al O~g'Kennedy Road, fr am Will iam street to a 'IJoint about85? feet nor th of - Columbus Place. '

14. The sum of ;'1:1:,024.00, for t'e installation of a system of parktype street lanl))s in Loxley Road, Kaufman Road, Pendennis Place,st. James Road, south side of Genesee street and west side ofHarl em Avenue.

15. The sum 0 f ;;~7 9,000.00 for the COl:S truction of a system of stormwater sewers' in ,Drainage Sewer Distn. ct Number 2 of. the Town' ofeh eek'towaga.


, -'.d;-

3. FesEReaneReTc

4. FesEAItE1'-"ojeES1

5. FeSEReW~

6. Fls(f)1:

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SJ • PI81


10. F,i:f:A'

11. ' FsaStlsf:ttaKA

12. Fsh'p

" '.,and paving\,ithe northerly

.. \"draining and paving ofthe northerly boundary:

For the construction of a lateral sanitary sewer :, an~ ~.long the south side of Genesee s'treet, .. ,fron~ .:>m~th Street to Cayuga Road, the surn of •••.•••• ~6 ,000.0.0

For the co nstructi on of a la teral s8.11i tarv sevIerin and along each side of I,eroy ROtic... , frorn raeVf:-land Drive to Aurora Roadj the construction of a.lateral sanitary sewer in and alQng each side ofl~uror~ Road, :~om IJeroy Ro ad to }~al'sdaJ::: ,-, ond,and t ... e construction of a lateral saui tary sewer·~n and alons. the west side of Harlem Avenue, fror~,_,1 eveland. Dr 1 ve to the llOl'th line of the TON n ofCheek to'll/age., the sum of ••.•..•...•.....•...........•


5. That no person has paid any of saidassessments, except that)hesum of ~3 ,476.79, of the assessment for grading and paving Cochrane,'Street, has been paid, and the respective amounts for 1,'Ihich bondsof the Town of Cheektowaga should be issued ancl sold to raise th~'cost of said local impl'ovements are as follows: ",.'


4. That due notice was given of the final approval ancl filingof;said assessment rolls as a.foresaid.

'? 'That the said assessment rolls , showing saiel respective appor­tionments and assessments were duly fil edin the office of sa'id:TOVInClerk on the 12th day of December, 1928, and have remainecl on fi~eand open·to public inspection in the office of said Town Clerk con­tinuously for fifteen days s inoe said 12th clay of Decemb er, 1928,',and 8.11 e still on file in s aid. office.

3. That I .attended. at the said clerk's office at the Town Hall,:<in the Town of Cheeli.towaga, on' each day, from the inclucling 12th<:day of December, 1928, until and including the 9th day of January!,1929, f011 the purpose of receiving payment of any or all of said,assessments. . ..... '


of, Preston Road, from' Del evan Avenue to ~owan Roa~. ,17 The sum of ~21,000.00 for the drainlng, gradlngand improving La~arck Drive,fro~ Cleveland Drive toboundary line of the Town of Cheekto,',vaga.

18 •. The sum of :~36 ,000 .00 for the grading,:.Royoroft,Boul'evard, from Cleveland Drive toline of . the Town' of ,Cheektowaga •

'The . sum of ~~13 ,000 .00 for the grading ancl paving of Cochrane·,'from Clinton st., to Griswold st.,

20'. The sum of 07,360.79, for constructing sidewalks in and alohg.Loxley Roacl and, PendennisPlace, from Genesee st~eet to J'e~c~ Tree:·Road; in and along st. James Ren d, from Genesee vtreet to Kaufman"Road; in and along Kaufman Road, from Peaoh Tree Road to :Tarlem';Avenue;' in anel along the south side of Ger,lesee streot from JJoxleyto Harlem Avenue; in and al.ongthe west slde of Harlem Avenue, froinGenesee street to Geo. Urban Boulevarcl.

21. The sum of $1,337.20, for the construction of sia.swalks in aridand along a portion of Ivanhoe Road.

22. The, sum of ;'1,715.78, for the construction of sielewalles in andalong Lindbergh Court, from Rosewoocl Terrace to Eastland Parkway"arid in and along Centrel Boulevard, from Harlem Avenue to F.s.stlandParkway.

23. The sum of ~l ,531.16, for the construction of a sidewalkillol1gthe we~.~.~,~ide of Kennedy Road, fromWill.tam street to a857, feet nortn" of Cohunbus Place.

24~ The sum of ~2,144.21, for the construction of siclewalksalong Straley Street.


3. For th~ construction, of a lat~ral sanitarysewer ~n and along tne west s~a.e. of PrestonRoad J. fr o~ Del ~van Avenue to Rowan Road, anda lalJer~.l SE1.n~ tary sewer in and along the i.

north snle of Delevan Avenue from PrestonROCHI to the westerly boundary line of theTown of Cheektowaga, the sum of.......· '~6 800 00···········'li) ,. ·

4. For the construction of a lateral sanitarysewer in and along each side. at', from Union Roe.d to the easterlyterminus of sai d Northcrest Avenue, and., teral sEmi tary sewer in and along each sid 0of Southcrest Avenue, from Union Rood 'bo theeasterly terminus of Southcrest Avenue, the .swn 0 f •...... ' '. '. '. '....•. .• '•. ': .•. '.., . '. '. '. '.', .. -,-;, , 16,'000.00

5. For the construction of a lateral sanitary,.se\ver in and s.long Hemenway Road from BeachRoe.d to the westerly terminus of said. Hemen-way Rond, the sum of •••••••••••.•.•.•.•.•.•.••••.•••••••. 2,100.00

6. For the construction ofa lateral sanitarysewer in and along each siele of Lamarck Drivefrom 01 eveland Drive to th e northerly \10undary .lin e 0 f the rr own of Cheektowaga, the sum of...... 4,800.00

7, For the construction of a la~eral sanitarysewer ih Clover Plane, also known as CloverStreet, from 1

1!oodb ine rlace to J~eadow Place,a)1(l from Headow Place to the easterly :eel'1mi­nus of said Clover Place j the constructionof a lateral sanitary. sewer in and alongF.vorgreen Place, from '!!oorl.b'ine Place to theeas t0r~y 'terminus of Evergreen Place; ·theconstruction of a lateral sanitary sewer inancl along Kokomo Place, from Clover Placeto Or iole Place, the sum of •••••.• ~ •.• • .••• ~ .••••

8. For the construction of a lateral sanitarysewer in and along WellworthPlace fromUnion Road to Neadow Place, the sum of •.•••••••••• 2,700.0rr

For the oonstruction of a lateral. sanitaryseVJer in £U1d along each side of Union Road,from Crenesee street to Orchard Place, the811m of ••••••••••••••••• ·••••• ····,··f ' . 8,100.00



11 ..

For the construction of lateral sanitary sewersin and along ~~err.ymont Road .and Briarcliffe Rd;from' Cleveland Drive to tile boundary line ofAbbott- & Beymer's subdivis.ion, the sum of ••••••.• 7,800.00

For the construction of a lateral sanitary; .sewer in Et11Cl along each s ide of Cunard Ave •. ;and each siele of \regolD. Avenue, from Geneseestreet to Winston Avenue, also known as Wins- .ton Road; the construction o~ a lateral sanitarysewer in and along the north side of Genesee st~)from a point about 124 ft. east of Vegola Avenueto a point about 162 feet "vest of Cunard Avenue;the construction of a lateral sanitary sewer .in .and along the s Quth sid.e of Wins ton Avenue, also'knoVln as 'Yinst811 TIoa<;1., fr om Bench Hond to 1TegolaAvenue, . th 0 sum of •••••••••• ··••••••••·••••·•·•••

12. For the construction of ~. lateral sanitarys ewer in [Ind. along :':lupp' Avenue and Pine:­hlU'1st Avenue, from C'renesee street to Or~olePlace, 'tl1e Sllm of.· ••.••.• ··············,···········


Dated at the Town of Cheelct.ovraga, thi s 21s t clay of January, 1929.

22.alan'·'and IPal'kw:


20 • ~

IJoxle~11o['.cl;Road',s 1(le (alongUrban

19. ~


15. TwaterGh eelct

18. ~

of RaJary Ii

17. rr

impr ovboundD

16. TPresto

13. Ttary spoint

12. TIsewerstreet

14. Ttype sst. Jr..Harlem

11. Trsewer :gola A.1'Vinstolalong ,of Veglthe COl

south :Reach 1

9. ThEsewor iOrchaI'c

10. T~

sewer jland. 'OJ

8. Thesewer i

7. TheseVier iPlace tminus 0sewer ierly tesanitarOriol e

For the grading, draining and paving 0 f Roy­croft Boulevard, from Clevelanc1. "Drive to thenortherly boundary line of the Town of Cheek- r

.towaga,. .th.e .sumof 36,000.00

For the grading and paving of Cochrane st~ect,from Clinton street to Griswold street, tueS11m of ·········· 9 ',523'.21

For the ,draining " grad lng an\l llav ing andimproving TJamarolc Drive fr am 01 evelandDrive :f,'rom Cleveland Drive to th,e northerlyboundary line ,of ,the Town of Cheektowaga,"the, ,sum '"of t' ••••••••••• lIt • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • ••••• •

For the construction of a lateral ~anitary. sewer in and along . K~?nedy R~ ad,. fr~m1Villiam stree't to a point ab 0 LLt 857 feet~orth of 'Columbus Place, the sum of ••••••••.••• ~)3,100.00

For the construction of a system o~ st~rmwatersewers in Drainage SewerDi str 1C t .J', 0 •2 of the Town of Cheektowaga, the sum of •••••••• 79,000.00

'For'the"g~'~'dlng',"dra'i~in~andpaving ofPreston Road, from Del evan' Avenue to Row'un ~f

oRo ad , the sum 0 f • • • • • • • . • • • • • . • . • . • • • • . • • • • • • . • •~2 , 000 •


as Supervisor of the Town ofCheektowaga, ;~ri e County,New York.

It was mov0cl by Inda, seconded by Milne., that tihe follow~ngadopted:

'\VIIJi1RF...AS, the To'wn 130ard and Board of Highvlo.y Sure 1" intendantsof the Town ·o:f;Cheekto\Vcaga diel heretofore duly ascertain an~ de~termine th.e res11ective total amounts of the expenses of the here­inafter,named local public improvemen'ts, made in sala. town, to-wit:

1. '!the sum ,of <>0,000.00 for the construction of n lateral,tary sewer in ancl along the south siele of Genos oe street, fromSmith Street to 0ayu~a Road.

2. The sum of :;)6, 900.eO, for the construct ion of a lateral sani-~o.ry,sewer in and along each s i(18 of Leroy no :;'.d ~ .fi'bm Gl(,welandDrive to Aurora Road; the construction of n lateral sanitary seVierin and along each side of Aurora Road, from Leroy Road to MarsMle.Road, and the :oonstruction of a 10. tere.l sani tal"Y s ewer in and a­long the west 8i de of Harlem Avenue, from Glevelancl 1)r i ve to thencr,th line of the ~OWl1 or Cheektowaga. .

3. The sum of ::~6 ,800 .00, for 'the construction of a lateral sani-"tary sewer in and-ELLong the west side of Preston Road, from Del~·van Avenue to Rowan Road., ande. Ie. terel sanitary sewer in al1da:~long the north side of Delevan Avenue, from Preston 110[:l.d to thewestel'ly bound.ary l.ine of the Town of CheektoN ago..

4. The sum of :1~16,000.00 for the construction of a lateral sani-,tary sewer in 8.n(l along each sid.e of Northcrest .Avenue, from unionRoad to the westerly terminus of said Northcrest Avenue, and. a .lateral sanitary sewer in:and along eD.oh side of Southcrest Aye~11ue, from Union Road to .the easterly terminus of Southcrest Avenue,

5. T!le sum of !~2 ,lOa .00 for the construction of a lateral scwi­tary sewer in and along Hemenway Road from Be~ch Road to the wesferly terminu.s of 8ai(l Hemenway Road,:

6. The sum, of :~4,800.00 for the construction of a lateraltllry sewer, 1n a nd along each sid.e of TJamarck Dr i ve, from 81evDrive to t.le nort.herly boun(l~JY line of the ~~O'Nn of Choe1~tov~aga

t t ' 1 o·f sidewalks in and22. The sum ~):r ;":1715.78 for ·the cons "!'\W'10ralon:~ Lincl.b er6h Co~rt, from Ro sewood Terrace to East~ancl Parkway)and in 81111 along Central Boulevard) from Harlem Avenue to J~astland "-


15. The sum of 079)000.00 for the construction ~ a system of atwater sewers .in' Drainage Sewer Dis tr ict Number 2 of the Town oX(ih eekbowe.e;a •

16. The S'llIn of ~~22, 000 .00 for ·the grading draining andPreston .Ro[:l.d., from Delevan Avenue to Rowan Road.

17. The sum of :~2l,000 .00 for the draining, and pavingimproving IJarnarclc Drive) from Clevele.ncl Drive to th.e northerlyboundary line of the Town of Cheektowaga.

18. The sum of .;::36, 000 .00) for ·the grading, draining ancl ~pavingof Roycroft Boulevard, from Cleveland Drive to the J?or the! ly bound-ary line of the Town of Cheektowaga.

19. The sum of r~13 ,000 .00, for the grading and pa~ring of CochraneAtreet., from Clinton st. to Griswold st.)

20. The sum 0 f .... 7,360.79 for co ns tructing s ia.ewalles in aml alongIJoxley TIoro (1 and. Pendennis Place, from (~enesee st~~et to pe~ch Tr eeRoacl; in ant1 along st. ,Tames from (1,enesee .:>treet to IaufmanRoad; from Peach Tr ee RO::',cl to lIar1 em Avenue) in anc1 alon~~h: .s outh~i(le of Genesee street from IJoxley Hoad to Harlem Ay,.enue,. In ~11a.,.·,along the we::;t sid.e of Harlom Avenue, from Genesee ..>treet to reo.Urban 13o'l.llevarcl.

21 tl "',ons·tr'·lc't~on of. sidewalks in ant1". The sum of ~1)337.20 for JG.. ~ ~

along a portion of Ivanhoe Road.

10. T~e sum of t~7 ,800 .00 for the ~ol1struetiol1 of lateral sanitarysewer in and along Merrymont Road BndBr iarcliffe Read) from Cleveland Drive t o the boundary line of Abpott and Beymer's subdivision.

11. The sum of :1~8) 300.00 for the construction of a lateral ssewer in al1(l along each side of Cunard Avenue and each side' of' Jre­gola A.venue, from Genesee street to Winston Av~nue).also known as 'Winston Road; ·,the construction of a lateral sanitary sewer ine.ndalong the north side of' Genesee, from a point about 124 feet eastof Vegols. Avenue to a, poin't about 162 feet west of Cunard Avenue;the cons trnction of a la teral sani tarv sewer in and alan$" thesouth side of Winston Avenue, also known as Wins~on Road~ fromBeuch TIpacl to vegola Avenue.

12. The sum ar :!~.6, 400, for the construetion of 8. lateral sanitarysewer in o.ncl along nupp Avenue and Pinehurst Avenue)' from Gene'seestreet to Oriole Place.

13. The sum of ~3)100.00, for the construction of a lateral ~ani­tary sewer in and albng Yennedy Road) f~om'William street to apoint ab out 857 feo·t north of Cohunl1us Place.

14. The sum of ~1)024.00 for the installation of a system of p~rktype street lamps in Loxley Roucl,Kaufman Road, Pendennis Place,.st. James Road, south side of Genesee stree~ and west side ofEarl em Avenue.

7.' The sum' of' :~9)600 .• 00 for the cons'truc'bion of a lateral'S8V'ler in ~loyer,Pla.ce, also known as Clover 'street) from 1I·rooPlace to ]\e~clow Plac~) ancl from }/T,eadow Place to the easterlyminus of sald ClovElr Place; tf:1e ,construction ofa latoralsewer in. ,?,nd alon~£ Bv~rgreen Place) from V/o.odb Place to. theerly terrn1nus o~ J,,vergreen Place; the construction of alatsani tary sewer 1n £\.l1c1 alone Kokomo Place) from, Clover 1'lo.C6 :boOr i ole Place.

8. The sum of ~2)700.00, for the construction of a lateral sansewer in and along Wellworth Place from Union Road to Headow PI

9. The sum of ~.38 ,100 .00 for the construction .of a lateral' "'<:1..11.1.,.>1,"

sewer in 8long each side of Union Road) from Genesee S'brorchard ph-tee.


rii­a. >.eVierMIa.a- .he .

Will il










Dr. A


Depew 1





Fred (Town:' c




Tlmoved 1just!OI

, M~n"1ghwa;ymernb ers


ALOIS S'::EI::':S~1,

TO\'.'11 8121'k.

RBSOLVED , thnt -the plans, specifications,\1c~-te of the ex~pense El:l1d proposed. f01'111 of contraot for tbe imnl'OVemo:lt of theq}lt~~etof the SewaD0 Disposal Plant in Sewer Di str let Number 5, of.·f~t~e-I.own of Cheek~ow8.Ga, pl'epared by the Town 1:':n5ine6r, VIi th the assl~­tanoe of the .. own Attorney, be' approved <1nel placed on file in'th,e,o~fiee of the Town Clerk and that the Town Clerl( be directed to'i!~';,.v~te 11-' oposals ~o1' the construction ~f said. iml)l'O~rement by the~~9tlioatio!l of an lnvi tation' to submit proposals therefol' in The Dep6lyHerald and. Ch€!ektoi'lu{;f\ News I the official lleV/S1)8. Dor of the To':m"pfiCh eek~o~!;::sa I a::d in the Bu~!:'falo Gour ier Express,· 8. ic daily' {,<;,'newsp<pt,r 1)'\.lbllshed in the adjoinins City of Ruffalo and be it';~:,further. c;, . -\

, R'3S0::"~:ED, t!ln t this Bo~rcl meet at the TO'o'Jl1 1:£.11 in the TOVln'6~Chee:\'to\,,·:'.'.[;R at 2 0 1 olock in the aftel'noon on the 11 til d8.~r of Feb;"l'U~U'Jr, 192~) I for the l1Ul':pose of receiVing ::'1.nd. pu1):'lcly co nsideringsuch pl'opos!' t'.8 shall be made for said \'Jork. .'

"'"'1'1' I' ee~L \u "'S 7 ']loT 0 es' 0;'','''' • j oJ ~, .. r'\

:~OVdd. by Indn. I. seen ~".d.ed. by Yilne, thE'.. t this HI ee~..; ins 9,djourn.';,I'r,l:.:,:.'i,\'


.~. ., . REstOur ED', that the Supervisor of the To':m of eh eelctoWagn,;,~~,and he is heI'eb~T authorized and di1'ectecl to offer said' bonds for{t\"sa,:Le and to sell the snme at publicauct ion, in 1'(lo.11ce VI ith:,yhest~\tutes 1'elo. tlr1{1 thereto, Carried.' ,\.ye8 7, Noes p',",

Itwns move(l b.'· Inda, seconded bv 1,'lalte1' tl1D.t the follO'ling',',adopted: ., v,"


""".VlHERF~S, the time within which ~he said. assessments may be',:~inhas :expiredt a,nd the -SUR.erv isor of t~le Town 0 f Cheekt owaga hasrepor\,ed,to this' Board that ." ..3,476.79, of the assessments havebeen i

'paidand,thatassessmei:lts aggregating the sum of :~271,236.35, :rem~in,·1.l.npaid., and that it is necessary to raise the ~U~l of ;:)271 ,23~ ~35ito

pay the ~ostof said public improvements, speclfled in the said"r:e~

por,t of said su-perv is or j an d

WHEREAS, the Town of ere ektoVlage. has no avc.ilabJ. e funds wi thwhich to pay the cost of said improvemen.ts, 8.nd ~ t is necessary~~issue and sell bonds of the Tovm of Cheektowaga of the agGreg~te;'par value of :~256 ,123 .21 to pay the same, and the Superv isor hasso reported; now,therefor~, be it

RESOIJVED. thn:t bonds of the Town of CheektoVJaga of the a,.,ggr'e~gate par value of :;)256,123.21, to be dated as of the 1st day 0:(::'January, 1~)29, :to,bear interest from their date, payable semi-annu­ally, on the fil~st day of each January and July, at such lawful.,;

,rate as the successful bidder theretor shall specify in his bid":Q-nd whioh said bonds 8l1all be numbered consecutively and so issuedthat bonds of the aggregate lUI' value of 1~88,523.21 sh8.11 mature.>,within 10 years from their date, and b on(ls of the aggree;ate par,,:value of ~167 ,600 shall mature 15 years from their date, in s'l1:ch((installments and of such denominations uncl in such form, or forms';,as this Board shl:'.ll hereafter determine, shall be issued anc1 sol~/U1)011 the faith and credi t of the Town of Cheektowaga 8,no. underHfcorporate seal. And be it further

;'.,:;·'i.:(l'-', ./;\-,:,.,;,

d'>l 531 16 for the construction of slCLewalks ih')~B~~~i~e' of K~nnedY Road from lNilliam street to a pettit:':of qolurnbus Place. ..-;i::i

"". ':",:-\"f"", ,\."",.'".'

24. The sum of~2,144.21, for the construction of siclevmlks in:"L"

and along straley street • ~ . <','"d.didon the 12th day of Novernb ~r ,.1928, duly maLe and. f ile.iil

~he .offloe of the Town Clerk of s~l1d town, an apportionment and".,, of the expense of each of saiel respective,puh,~

'",", ,-' against the respective par eels of pro perty bene:.1~Yin accordance with the statutes relating theret6;:'·~i!and make .f'inal each of said approtionments. and'-"":."

file the same in the office 'of the rrown Olerk,/;:open to' public inspection and payEtble for 15 days,

Cheektowaga. N.Y~February 4. 1929"

. M~nutes of a regular meeting of the Town Board and Board ofHighway ·superintendents held at the Town Hall with the followingmembers present:

John C. Stiglmeier. Supervisor; Alois Sohiesel. Town Clerk;Peter J. Inda. Jaoob R. Pawlak. Justioes of the Peaoe; JohnJ. Walter. Benjamin Milne. Justioes of the Peaoeo and JohnKaufman. Town Superintendent of Highways; the fui+ Boardand a quorum being p~esent.

Themoved byjustices

Supervisor called the meeting to order at 2 P'.M. It Was'Inda. seconded by Milne. that the monthly reports.pftheof the Peace and Town Clerk be reoeived and filed.. " . Carried.


















165.00 -


Do .


Andrew Hoerner

John 'E. Carr

Peter Rohr.

John Bogacki

The following bills were presented for auditing:Depew Herald -for publishing minutes and Supervisor'S

annual report- - - - - - - - - - - - - $Do -for publishing notioes to contraotors -Reynders-Fisher-for repairing stoP-&~go signal at

Clinton and Harlem Ave- - - - - - - - ­-for repairing stop-&-go signal atGenesee and Transit.Road-.- - - - - - ­

-for repairing traffio signals at Gene-see and Union. Genesee and Harlem Ave ••Cleveland Drive and Harlem Avenue. Wil­liam and Harlem Ave •• Wal den Avenue andPine Ridge. Genesee and Pine Ridge. Doatand Pine Ridg~ Road - - -- - - - - -

Buffalo General Ele·o. Co.-eleotrio ourrent furnishedfor traffio signals-mo. of Deoember

West.N.Y.Water Co.-water s~rvice at Town Hall - - - - ­McCarthy Bros.&Ford-repaiving pump No.2 at Disposal

Plant. Sewer Distr.iLot Number 5- - - - ­Zaepfel Bros. -for oil. grease and oil pump-Sewer Dist.

Number 6 - - - ~ - - - - - .'. - - -- -Fre~ C. Herkey -for one carload of soft ooal - - - -- ­Town'of W.Seneoa-to pay t cost of installing traffic

signal and operation at Harlem Avenueand Clinton st. from July 1. 1928 toJanuary 1. 1929.- - - - - - - - - ~- -

Adams & White Co-for stationery -. - - - - - - - - - - ­Edward S~ Smith-for services spreading speoial distriot

taxes - - - - - - - - - - - - - _. - - -William E.Shaddook-forrepairing bridge wall in boiler

and oheoking up5 h~a.t·ing~ system:'"atrTownHall - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dr. A. W. Wagner-for health work serv ices for months ofOotober. November. December 1928 and

\January 1929-\- - - i - - - - - - - -

Louis Kozlowski -for meals served to prasoners- - - --­ D.Kozminski-for serv'ioes as Clerk to Board of

. . Assessors and attending the :awitoh~ oardMarvin P. Davison-for telephone oalls during month of

January - - - - - - - - -'.- - - - - - --for telephone calls during month,1 ofJanuary - - - - - - - - - _.- - - - -

John F. Mersmann -for telephone oalls during month ofJanuary - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ­

John F. Mersmann -for gasoline and oil and use of auto­. mobile during the month of May. 1928­-telephone oalls during the month ofJanuary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-telephone calls during the month ofJanuary - ~.- - - - - - - .- - - ~ -

-telephone calls during the months ofNove~ber and Deoember. 1928.- - - - -

Moved by Inda, seoonded by Milne, that the foregoing billSb~\audited and allowed and the Clerk be direoted to issue orders on"the Supervis9r for the respeotive amounts. ce.rr~e:d:,

, Moved by M11ne, seoonded by' Inda. that the claim of Anthony'i\:Pokrywozynski. tor1njur1es sustained while attending a fire amQ~iing :to $64.80 be al;1..owed and oharged to Wal.den Fire Distr iot ~~e~:,.Two. Ca.",

MIfrom Rdeoeasbaok treport

:Ming re


B$5,24Cdue ar:a.nd ttan.d djsaid 1:seal,$5.24Cbear jannum I

BuffaJNew Y<

~rAutomaon Vot

Ra.ppoinon' anywhenev'legisla char

MeChief 0the Polbe dire

Mequeststable j

Mefor bujissue]and M1J

Mlto oon<tor beCather:kownikBolinsl

Moform thand fil

Mofrom thbe rece

Mofrom ththe petoeivedted toa. m.







35.0( !





44.00, '24.00'

35.0018.00 "

6 .OO~'; '~'J;' '

~' : ',:'" .


58.00:,6 Aof:,,'6 ~.~5~




. 5~551'7~40:,

, . '8'~98',,·

, 5112;t, /'

2il,16;i.. ; ~ ',I : ':

21.70,, :~:-'

-for telephone oalls' dur ing themonth of January - - - - - - $

-for telephone calls during themonth of January - - - ,- - - - - - ­

-for repairs on Polioe Automobile - ­~for t,elephone services Lanc. 69­~for telephone services - - - - - - ­-Constable of Sloan for services ren-dered Town of Cheektowaga- - - - - ~

~Constable, of, Sloan for services ren~

, dered Town of Cheektowaga-- - - - -

,"POOR ORDERS"-coal furnished to Horaoe Mapes andM. Feiner - - - - - - - - - - - - ­

,,-g~oceries furnished to Ignaoy Pawlak-ooal furnished to Rose Partyka.Stanley Suzow. Ann Kendziora. H. E.Baker; Joseph Kusohel. Roy PettigrewFrank Koulmeier - - - - - - - - - - -

-grooeries furnished to A.Eioh. H. E.Baker and P. Sohaefer - - - - - - - -

-coal furnished to Leo Dominozak.Dennis Markuszewski, Jos. Nowioki,Mrs. Wm. Oolby, B.J.Wierzbowski, A.Cirl1mo;A. Eich and Mary RUbe.s

-grooeries fUrnisned to FhllipLalco\Veki"", .. ~' -":':~. - - - - - - ­

,-grooeries furnished to Vinoent Miller;.grooeries furnished to John Ostrowskiand C. Prusiecki. - - - - - - - - - ­

-groceries furnished to Mrs. Nowickiand Stenaley Wojnlecki- - - - - - - _

-grooer'les furnisheCl to Leo Dominczak-grooeries furnished to Henry Wieoh ,Horaoe Mapes, Leo Kralick, MartinBatsohek, Mrs. ICubioka- - - __

-groceries furnished to Dora Berardinoand Ahtonio Oirino - - ;

-grooeriesfurnished to Mrs. MiohaelJaskowiak - - - _-grooeries furnisheCl to Dennis Marku-,szewslti - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _-grooeries furnisheCl to Mary KaznicB'and EClward Kanki ewi cz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._

-grooeries furnished to Theo.Szczecho-wskl and Wm. Colby _-groceries furnished to Joqn Bednarski'~grooeries furnished to Geo. Schorr, .and Anthony Olszewski _ _ _ _ _ _ _' _

-groceries furnished to Anna Kendziora-grooeries furnished tdJ.Przybyszczy-grooer ies furnished to Versal WrightMichael Orwat, Rose Partyka, stanley,Suz ow .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' _ _ _

-ooal furnished to Mrs. C. Prusiec~a _-ooal furnished to Mrs. Kubicka- _-ooal furnished to Mary ICrzwica, andJoseph Nowioki- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-ooals furnished to Edward Kankiewiozand Ignacy Pawlak _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;'ooal furnished to Vinoent Miller andJoseph Moskal- _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

P. Muooiaooio


Frank Galantowioz

John Barnhardt

steve Markows ki

Adam Glowloki

John' Ciepiela

J. Garduiolo

Frank A. Stepniok

J. XubikFrank Wojtaszek

John· Milon

Adam Meder,joseph' Aigner

L. SzkotniokiJoseph J. Miohalak

John SobolewskiAnthony RolinskiEdward Dobmeier

Miohael SohiokK. F. PiotrowskiJoseph Owozarozak

Stanley Miohalski

Anthony Wojtaszek

Moved by Walter, seconded by Milne ,that, the communioationfrom the Public Service Commission relative for a hearlng onthe petition of the New York State Eleotrio Corporation, bere-,.oeived and filed and the Supervisor and Town Attorney be direo­ted to attend the hearing on the 11th day of February at 10:30a. m. Carried.

Moved by Inda, seoonded. by Milne, that the oommUnioationform the Lumber Mutual Casualty Insuranoe Co. be reoeivedand filed. ' Carried •.

Moved by Inda, seoonded by Milne, thatfrom the Publio Servioe Commission relativebe received. and filed.


the communioationto Case No.' 4094

Carried.. , ,

Moved by Inda, s eo onded by Milne, .that the request· fromChief of polioe, Amedeo Cappolarelative to Stationery ~orthe polioe Department be received and filed and ~he Supervisorbe direoted to purchase all the neoessary stationery. Carried.

Moved by Inda, seoonded by Miine,t~~t the further re­quests from Chief of Polioe, Amedeo Cappola, be laid on thetable for further consideration. Carried. .

Moved by Milne,for building permitsissue permits to theand Milton Snell.

seconded b~ Walter, that the petitionsbe granted and the Clerk be direoted tofollowing petitioners: Fred E. Steeg,

Carried •.Moved by Inda, seoonded by Milne, that the applioations

to oonduot a soft drink business be granted and the inspeo­tor be direoted to issue permits to the following applioants:Catherine Brauner, Jacob Sohuh, Frank Greinauer,Clara Pul­kownik, Mrs. Edward Monin, U-Crest Hose Co., and StanleyBolinski. Carried.

Moved by Milne, seoonded by Walter, that the oommunioation;from Rescue Hos~ Co. No. 1, relati~e to compensation for the Vdeoeased Polioe Officer John Bauer, be reoeived and referred·baok to the Town Attorne~ and the Town Attorney be di~eoted. toreport baok to this Board at the next regular meeting. Carried•.

~roved by Walter, seconded by Inda, that the bill of theAutomatic Registering voting Maohine Company, for balanoe due.on Voting Maohines, amounting to ~~5 ,240 .00 be allowed. Carried.

Moved by Mr~ Walter, seoonded by Mr. Inda, that the follow-ing resolution be adopted: .

RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be authoriz~d and direoted toappoint a oommittee and direct the Town Attorney to go to Albanyon' any Legislation matters affe'oting the Town of Cheektowagawhenever he shall deem it neoessary or :Droper'during the present'legislation session at Albany, and that tne expense inourred be.a charge against the town. ,Carried. Ayes 7, Noes O~

Moved by Inda, seconded by Walter, that the following beadopted:

RESOLVED, that the Town of Cheektowaga borrow the sum of$5,240.00, from the Liberty Bank of Buffalo, to pay the balanoedue and owing for voting mao hines purohased for use in said townand that the Supervisor of the Town of Cheektowaga be authorizedan.d directed to execute, issue and deJLiver, for and on behalf ofsaid town, and upon its faith' and credit, and under its corporateseal, a oertificate of indebtedness of said town,.for the sum of$5,240.00, to b'e dated as of the .llth day of February, 1929, tobear interest from its date, at the'rate of six per centumjer .annum and to be payable to' the order of the Liberty Ba.nlt 0 "

~uffaio, at its Broadway BranohitOffditcee~ ~~i~~esgI~yo~~t~~f~~~~"",rJ"ew York, within 90 days from sa, '

WHEREAS ,the· Town of Cheektowaga, efid. heretofore dU1YElnt~~":;·.';writtencontraots w.i th \V, J. Irwin & Sons, Ino., andJ0hn'.·,\;·

Raccuie:,respectively",for the oonstruot,ion o:f' oertain publio,,,,'sewers in 'said town; and .

,·WHJmF.AS, the said town being indebted to said oontr~otors'-·tor work done and materials furnished under the aforesaid oon.·

·traotsand' for engineering servioes and inspection oharges; rerYlatlngtp said improvements ·in the sum of $33,000 .00, and havipg'i'}no available tunds with whioh to pay and satisfy said indebted":,il'!riess, did.borrow and reoeive the said sum, temporarily, from .the:',:Liberty Bank of Buffalo, and did. duly issue a oertifioate of in~:".'.debtednes~ as evidenoe of and seourl ty for said loan; and I>.'{~j

,., ~ :. ':.",

WHEREAS, the said certifioate of indebtedness will become{'!byits terms due and payable on the lOth day of February, 1929, and.:1t is neeessary to 'renew the said loan, pending the issuanoe andt

sale of bonds of the Town of Cheektowaga, and the levy 'a:nd oolle.o.tlon of· assessments; now, therefore be it .

,.j':'! 1',)

RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Cheektowaga,~eand .he is hereby, authorized and direoted to execute, for and on,behalf of the Town of Cheektowaga and upon its faith and .credit:,,;:..:

:andunder its oorporate seal, a certificate of indebtednesst.obe'.dated as of the 10th day of February, 1929, and. to provide for/thepayment of $33,000.00,- with interest· thereon at the rate of six 'f.per oentum per annum, to ~he order' of the Li berty Bank of Buffll.10,at its Broadway Branoh Office, in the City of Buffalo, New York,":within 90 days from its' date, and to deliver the said oertifloEL~~~

. of _indebtedness to said bank in payment of the oertificate of"i~'.:

debtedness of the. Town of Cheelctowaga dated the 13th day of Nov~';:~mber, 1928, now held by it; which said oertificate of indebt~d.!';ness shall be oountersigned by the Town Clerk of the Town of Cheek,towaga, who is hereby authlrized and directed to oountersign the'.same, and to impress thereon, the oorporate seal of the Town Of~1Chee~towaga. " Carried. Ayes 7, Noes )0. ,:;~.:

• I </1,';-

. . Moved by Milne, ·seoonded by Inda, that the following be .'adopted: ,.. . .

WHEREAS,. the Town of Cheektowaga did heretofore enter into';wri tten oon traots with various persons for local public improve­ments" pursuant to the statutes · suoh .cas es made and prov i~e,d;and

WHEREAS, purusuant to said written contracts work was .doneand ma.terials furnished i~ and about the construction of oertainlooal improvements and the Town of Cheek towaga having no avail·able funds, did borrow and reoeived the sum of :J~53,224.84, fr.omthe Liberty Bank of Buffalo to pay for said. work done and mate~;rials furnished under the aforesaid contracts and did issue .therefor, the oertifioate of indebtedness of the Town of Cheektorwaga, dated as of the 17th day of November 1928 for the said ....sum of $53,224~84, paj~able to the order of ' said banlc within 90days from its date; and

b i t\VH.~iRF..AS, the said c~rtifioate of ·indebted.ness will beoome,-y s erms, due and payable on the 14th day of Februro:'y, 19~9~

and it is neoessary to renew the said loan for a further perlod'..of 90 days, pending the issuanoe and sale of bonds of the Townof Cheektowaga and the levy and col~eotion of assessments; noW. )therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Cheektowaga,and he is hereby authorized and directed to exeoute, issue andliver, for and on behalf of the T

own of Cheektowaga and upon

.,fal th anaindebtedrJas of theorder ofOffice, 1date; wh1signed.b~by authoI'thereon,cate of jday of ~c

MOVEbe adoptE

wnEIwritten (paving' OEbeing incfurnisheclat ing tehaving n(debtednelBank of ]thereforoate of ,for the i

from its

WHElwill beciand it i:and salecolleoti

RESand he ibehalf 0and .undebe datedthe paymsix,percBuffalo,New Yorkoertifictifioate01 erk ofdireotedcorporat


, . " "... 'I

faith and' cr,edit, and under its corporate seal,' acerttfioateindebtedness of said town ~or the 'sum of$53,224'.e4,tob'e datedas of the 14th day of February, 1929 .. and tp be:,payable to ,the'order of the Liberty Bank of BUffalo, at its ,Broadway Branoh,Offioe, in the City of Buffalo, New York , within 90 days; which said certificate, of indebtedness shall' be counter .. , 'signed. by the Town Clerk of the Town of Cheektowaga, whols here~by authorized and' direoted to countersign the same and to impressthereon, the corporate seal of said town, andwhichsaidcertifl~cate of indebtedness of the Town of Cheektowaga, dated the '17th , '.day of November 1928, now held by it. '

, , Carr,ied. Ayes ,7, ~oes O.

Moved by Mr. Milne, second,ed by Mr~ .Inda, that the following,be adopted: '

WHERJi'.J!S, ,the Town of Cheektowaga did heretofore enter into ei 'written contract with ¥ayer &'Meyer CorporatlOl;l torgrading'a:nd' ,paving' certain public nighways in the Town' of Cheektowaga, and,'being indebted to the said oorporation for· work done and materialsfurnished, and for engineering servioesand inspecti0rl0hargesre"".lating to said publio'improveme!'l:ts, ·i-ll the sum of $27',POO';00",a.ndhaving no ava.ilable funds with 'whioh to pay, and satisfy Bald in­debtedness, d~d borrow and reoeive the said sum from the Li~ertyBank of Buffalo and as evidenoe of said loan and asseouri ty ,therefor ,did' issue and deliver to the said bank, ,a' oertifi­cate of indebtedness, dated as·of the 13th day of November, 1928,for the sum of $27,000.00, payable, with interest, within 90 daysfrom its date; and '

WHEREAS" the said oertifioate of indebt,edness ,by its t.erms,will beoome due and payable on the lOth day of February, 1929, !:"and it is neoessary to renew the said loan, pending the issuanoe,and sale of bonds of the T,own of Cheektowaga, and, t~e levy and,collection of assessments'; now, ~here.fore, <be it ' "

RESOLVED, that th~ Supervisor of the.Town.of ahee~towaga, b~,and he is hereby,authorized and direoted. to exeoute~ for" .andpn' ....behalf of ,th,e Town of Cheektowaga and upon i tsfaith andcredltand ,under its corporate seal, a certificate of lp.debtednesstp>:be dated as of the lOth .day of February, 1929" and to provide forthe payment of $27,0,00.00 with interest thereon at the J,"ate ,of "six. peroentum per annum, to the order of the Liberty Bank of ' ,Buffalo, at its Broadway Branch Office, in the City of Buffalo,New York, within 90days from its date, and to deliver the ,saidcertifioate of indebtedness to said bank in .payment of the oer­tificates of indebtedness shall be countersigned by ,the TownClerk of the Town of Cheektowaga, who is h~reby authorized anddireoted to countersign ,the same, and to impress thereon,thecorporate seal of the Town of Cheektowaga. '

Carried. Ayes 7, ,'Noes' O.

Moved by Mr. Inda, seoonded by Mr. Milne, that this Board'adjourn. Carried. Ayes 7, Noes'O.


20 36" RE, 0-6


10-1221 'Std. ~



22 M. H.0-66-88':'1(


23 Reinf24 Picket

pe:, Picket


pe:25 Wire F

j' peWire F

peWire F

pe26 Lumber

pe27 Transp28 'Steel29 stone

30 Tampin

31 Round

14 6" V. T.:0-66-88-10

10-1215 8" V. I


, 8-1010-12

16 10" Jr.0-66-88-10

, 10-1217 12" V.


, 10-1218 24" Re


10-1219 30" Re



',,;...F,'iF:.85 ;'::l.O~

5 .09~5;~~15 .00 ~d;~~20 •00'i6!O~


1: :::'i'~~"3'~\~~

1 .50i:~"

1 •00 ~~;~~'6:}O;~6.00 ,',:",~ :,;~~'::l"




II "" "" "II "II II

" II



~~o ~

~ ~l. (\- ....2. (Ii

II ~



4.50 .
















Lump sum bid

, eo(P,

ofi ~~~~l (\ ';

~~ 0l.<:..

I~ :»

.64 .8012~00.: 15.0018.00 20.0020.00 30.00

4.00 8.00

10.25 14.00

1.50 4.00

1.25 3.00

20.00 5.00

1.50 2.00

4.00 6.00

50.00 15.00

75.00 17.00


~'ids,'R'eoe~vedFebrul3J:'Y 11, .1929::"., , .' .', .,: \

Earth'.l1!xoavation per .eu .yd.Rook exoavation II " II'

Plain oo'norete II.""

Reinforoed aonc. ", " "Reinforoedooncrete pavement,9" per' square yard

6 Re1nforoedconcrete pavement18" per squar~ yard '

7 Reinforoed oon~rete pavement, , removed per square yard;

8 Plain aonQrete .pavementremoved per square yard

9 Rubble stone pavement1011 per square yard

10 Rubble stone pavement,removed per square yard

11 Cast iron steps in ioebreak ers, each

12 Nosing oomplete in ioe .bre~kers, per lin. ft.

Latohand suppo'rt for':raok, per pair

Be~6;Engineering&Aug.1,. 1929,'ContraotingCorp.

tTohnRaaouia " , Sept. 1, 1929'Fran'ois J. Downing Dea. 1, 1929Vinoent Sohiavi. Ina. Sept. 30,1929Moody L. R1tpp 150 working days

',The Sohaaf ao'. Oot. 1. 1929Wi11iamL. Lose' Aug. 1, 1929

'.-'Buffa10 Dredging &", Construotion Corp. 300 working days

Crawford &:.Simme Inc. 90 working days


Che ekt oWaga ,it:;!" , F~bruary ,11,,'1:929',,' ,< , ~ l ' "! :: { , " ,.'. • :t~'·'~;S~.~{·f~.t,

',",i, of'e.'spetHal meeting of the Town Board and Board ,'Of'f;;,\1\i;:::' Highway, Superintend~nts of the Town of Cheektowaga duly and reglll~~~1.,:,~oalled 'and held at ,the Town Hall in said town ?n the 11th day 'ot~,~p:-;!::;X:rllary,192,9'wi~hthef'ollowi~g,mem~ers. present. ,'>'V')'\,H1}

;'i'::i:,":,":':idtili<Hjstl~lrn~ier; supe;v!sor; Alois Schies el, Town Clerk;~;:~~~'\'~:/:.;:,:',."j.;;"Iri;~e.,~:,{ao~b';~~,:pawlak, John, J • walter, Benjamin Milne 'i~;US~,WII'V;,;'of,the:"peaoel"andJohrl Kaufman. Town Supt. of Highways. Afull"q~o:rum'

'li-:,:_;,'P~J~g,""~re~~en~:~:' ""~;'" '" ': . , ' ' ,""'1-:.2\%;Meeting' was'oalled to order at 2 0' clock P. M. by the Supervlso'H

Who':p~esidedatthe' •. Meeting wa~ 'called for the purpose,,:0.t::'"reoeiving~roposals for the improvement o:f the outlet of theDiElp~S~1,:p1ant,inSew,er District Number Five in the Town of Cheektowaga,"'\:\

\ ",,) ",."" """,' ",'", ' ',::X,:';:~~.,:The"Tbwn,'"C1erk ,then read, a printed copy of the no ticeinvi t1ngt~i

,s~ale<l;,pr9P6salsforthe.constructionof the said impr'ovement~#~y,;':;submit,ted1>roofs,ofpub1ioatlon of said not ice in t he DepewHel'~ld\\:

,a#Ci.:'Cheektowaga News and in Buffalo Courier-Expres~, whereupon:,ll~WQImoyed/by Inda, tandseoondedby Milne, that the inv~,tation to ,bldde~8for ,the 'oonstruation of the said improvement as read by. the Town[\;h.C!~rk,;a;ndthe proofs of pubIi oat ion of said nptice in ,the Depew'H~ral

,and Cheektowaga News. the off ioial paper', of the Town of Cheektowaga'i,and, in 'Buf.fa10, Courier-Express be placed on ,file in the offiae.of;:t~1'Town Clerk of the Town' of. Cheektowaga. Carri ed • Ayes 7, >Noe8~

" , I ,,;.rj::.';

The following sealed,prop~.'~ .' ': ~\,,<,:"

"" "





1.501.702.002.50 '.


















" ."" "" ,"." "

" "." II

" """

" "" ",

" "" ",

" ""-/" "" "" "

." "" ",If ",

" "


" "" 11 .

" "\


deep-per" "" "" "

14 6" V.T .Pipe0-6 feet6-8 "8-10 "

'10-12 "15 8" V. T. Pipe

0-6 Feet deep6-8" "8-10" "

10-12" ,"16 10" Y. T~' Pipe

0-6 feet deep "6-8 " " "8-10" "

. 10-12" "17 12" V. T. Pipe

0-6 feet deep ",6-8" "8-10" "

'10-12" "18 24" Re.Conc.Pipe

0-6 teet deep "6-8 ", " "8-10" "

10-12" "19 30" Re. Cone. Pipe

0-6 feet deep "6-8 " " " ~8-10" " "

10-12" " "







1.00 1.50

1'.00 1.75

.75 1.00

.75 1.25

.75 1.50­

80.00 100.0025.00 2.00









8.00 12.001;50 1.00

10.50 6.0011.00 6.00,11.50 6.0012.00 6.00

60.00 100.0060.00 100.0065.00 100.0070.,00 100.00

85.00 125.0090.00 125.0095.00 125.00

'150.00 125.00200.00 125.00225.00 ' 125.00

4.50, 4.00 '

1.50 1.002.50








, 2.50







" 75~00" 90.00" 100.00

, " 115.00" " 130.00,

" 145.00sq~yd 3.75'


20 36" Re. Cone. Pipe0-6 feet deep "6-8 " " "8-10" " ,"

10-12 " " ~21 'std. Manhole

0-6 Feet deep per each6-8 " " ""8-10" " ,,"

, '10-12" " ""22 M. H. with Gr. Cham.

0-6 F~et deep per6 -8 " " "8~10" " "

10-12" " "12-14" " "14-16" " "

23' Reinf~Qopc.Mattress Per24 Picket Fence 5Ft.high

per lin. ft., Picket Fence 6 Ft. high

per lin. ft,.Picket Fence 7 Ft. high

per lin. ft.25 W~re Fence, 3 ft. high

, per lin. ft.Wire Fence, 4 ft. high

per lin. ft.Wire Fence, 5 ft. high

per lin. ft.26 Lumber in timber struct

per M. B. M.27 Transplanting trees, per ea.28 'Steel Sheet' piling,per lin.ft.29 Stone rip rap-l:2:3 cone.

per i3quare yard30 Tamping conc.-~:8:mix.

per cu. yd. '31 Round piling (wood)per lin.ft.


Mobe heldTime 1'0:

24 Piak. Piok

Piok25 Wire


26 Lumb27 Tran28 stee29 ston

30 Tamp31 Roun

. lit, r,·,·~













3.83 '3.934.034.33

4.805.305.706 '.20






, .S910.00lS.0025.00









































ft .,If




,lin. ft.

." .."/""

~~" "


" "" "nIT

" "


" II

II "

.""" ."


" ."" II

" "

per lin.If "

. " fI "

." .11

per eaoh." ". .

II "

" ". "

per lin. ft.,II If "

"" ",If" "

Re1nf~ Cono. Mattress, per SA ,·yet ••·,}~ ...~ "-"1. ~".':'l :.':':_.'~':.\ '3;

:;is'':,UNITPRICES:(~CU""·,·.,, '.', .. " '

•.,.~l".••·•••"..i".. ···,,:.'·•••..·\.·..·:,..,'·,.•..•..,.•,.•,••.•.,.'••,.,.••..,••.••.,,;..'.••.••,.'.•1'~5.'.• '. ··Rg;~~ii~gitt!::e::~~~~.,: ••••• ".' ,:'R'elnfOr()fldOOnar~~epavement

.'" ' /9~persquape, yard.

.Relnforo~doonar~tepavement18"per square. yard

'7 Rein:t'oro.edoonor~te pavement· ' . l' ,emo:ved. per. sq • yd.

'8'" Plain'oonorete pflvement .· ,remo:ved. ''per: sq. yd,.

9 Rubble stone pavement 10"" . :,'p:ersquare yard ,10<"Rubb1est6ne pa:vement

" . r,emo:ved,' per, sq. yd.. 3.0011 ..Castiron steps, in ioe breakers:-ea.6 .0012 Nosing, oomplete in ioe breakers '

. per lin. ft 0; , IS .5013 Latoh& support for rao~ per pair 20.0014 61f V.• T•. ,pipe

, 0-,6 . feet de,ep,6~8 .J' "8-10," ,II

10l"'12:" ",V.T •. Pipe'0~6. fee:b deep per lin'. ft.6-8 " ,"" ""8-10 ,If '" ." Jt II

· 10~i2, II' ,II " II "16 ,10" Vi T. Pipe ,.~

0-6 . feet deep per6;.8 . If ,II. ,If

8-10," ;n "· 10-12" ,,,,,

17 .12'" ~. T• Pipe ., , 0~6. feet deep· . 6-8 ." "

8..10" :"" ,,10-12 ~"

1824"Re. Cono. Pipe0-6. feet' deep6l"'8." "8-10. ," '~II

10-12" "".1930" Re •. Cono. pi~e

0-6 feet deep6-8 ," 1,8-10 ,II '"

10 -12 ""20 36" Re. Cono. Pipe

0-6, feet deep6-8" "

, 8\'"10 'II II

10-12'" "21.Std. Manhole

'0-6 feet d~ep6-8 ." "8-10 II"

10-12. " If

22·M. H. with Gr. Cham.0-6. feet deep6 -S II "8-10 II II

.10 -12" ,If

12-14 II ."

14-16" ' II

.60 4.00 1.25

.70 5.00 1.50.•80 6.00 1.75;50 1.00 .90.60 1.25 :1~16~70 1.50 1.25

80.00 100.00 95.0050.•00 25.00 25.00

2.00 2.00 2.10

3.00 1.50 17.005.00 8.00 8.501.75 1.00 ,1,.50

24 Pioket Fenoe 5 ft.high per lin.ft., Pioket Fenoe 6 Ft.l1igh per lin.ft.

Pioket Fenoe ,7 Ft .high per lin.ft.25 Wire Fenoe 3 ft. high per lin.ft.

Wire Fence 4ft. high" ""Wire Fenoe 5 ft. high " ~ '"

26 Lumber in timer struot." M.B .M.27 Transplanting trees, ,per eaoh28 steel Sheet piling, per lin. ft.29 stone rip rap 1:2:3: oono.

per square yard30 Tamp.oono. ~:8 mix. per ou.yd.31 Round piling (wood) per lin.ft.

Moved by J;nda, se0.onded by Milne, that all proposals submittedbe held over until February 18, 1929 at 2rno'olook P. M.Time for further consideration and oompilation.

Carried. 'Ayes 7, Noes O. '

Moved by Inda', seoonded b.y Wal tar that this 'meetingjourned until February 18, 1929, at 2 o'olook P. M.




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, WItl1929,'d';to thispublio tfrom Germent fOl

"., .... ,./' .. ,'":';':1:<1):

Moved by Milne, sec onded by Inda,' that the Buildingbe grant.ed and the Cl erkbe directed to issue per~its tolowingpeti tioners: R. :Matzek, George Umhauer.

Moved by Inda, seoonded by Milne, that the Supervisor. be dl"gYrec.ted to purohase the neoessary supplies for the' EngineeriM.....',D.....el...·~..·..·.d:.:.·.:.··

. partment. ',ca.rri"i~I

Cheektowag~, ~~t:j~iliFebruary 18, 1929j'd.',:;

-'"t':'-:/.. -..' .

Minutes of a regular meeting .of the Town Board and Board'ofijii~~.way held .at the Town Hall with .the :f'ollowingmembe.~~

present:'. ./''JohnC~ .Stiglmelher, Supervisor; Alois schiesel: Town Clerk;:pet~~",.J • Inde. , John 'J.. Walter., Benjamin Milne, Jaoob .R. Pawlak, Justioesof the .peaoe,J,ohn Kaut:man Supt. of ,H~ghways. ' . ,',

Meeting was :called -boorder ,by the Supervisor at 2 0,' olock ~';M,r','-'

Moved ,by Indra, seoc ijdedby Walter' that th~ minutes 'of the pre.vious 'regular anc1, specie.~ meetings ,be .approvec1: as published ,in the,'Qf,fiolal,paper. ' . . " , i

Moved by I~da, seconded b,y':Milne, that the' propo~als for the.;,improvement Qf Scajaquada Creek in SElwer District No. Five, be latA,on the table until M~rch 4th, 1929 at 2 o,,~clock P •. M., for furtherconsideration. . Carried.

.. . Moved by lnde., seconded by Milne, that ,the communication fromDelaware,. Lackaw~nna & western R. R.. Co., ,b e reoe ived

, . iMoved byWaltel', seoonded by Milne that the Building petitionof Adam Sowinski be laid on the table, until the next regular meet~,

..····ing. . .. , Carri~;, . :,- -:',',:-,;,.


Carr'i,e'dt' .",b,

., •• J'

...Movedby Mllne" seoondedby Inda,. that the applications tp;"{':oonduot a soft drink business be granted and the Soft .drink Inl:l~eH~tor be d,ireoted to issue permits to .the following applioants:",>­·Homeworth Park Improvement & Taxpayers Assooiation; Walter J~<Brzoskows,ki,' Joseph Meyer, William Buozynski, Joseph DrozdzYtl'~kl'

Jesse Halph • ' . . . .' Carried!\:,"';,::',1 ,' .. '-'; >,

i" . <MI'~M DII".1[ilne, seoonded by Inda that the communiOs.tlon~()~jH':At1iprney: Riohard H. Templeton r,elative to the crossing at grade~y,;;N'e'..rYorkCentral Railroad and Union Road be received and file:da~%;:t,hatthe Supervisor be direoted to notify Mr. Templeton that thMx::,Board is of the same attl.tude it was at the hearing before the,'/<'Public Servioe Commlssi,on and is in accord with the order ofs~i~,~,Publio Servioe Commission. . ,carri,~~,

Moved by Milne, seconded by Wal ter t~at the communication fr.omtheU~Crest Community Taxpayers' Assooia tlon be reoe ived and: filed

"~h(lthe Clerk be directed to notify W. J. Irwin & Sons, oontrp.otofStrelative to condition of streets west of Union RO,ad where sewers Li

.:.\'iere construoted. Carried .. :'

,< Moved by rnd.£!., s~oonded by Milne, that the communi cat ion from':'theV::prest Community Taxpayers' Assooiation relative to half hour,busservioe: by the Buffalo, Akron Transit Ca., be referred to Judge,lohnJ. Walter and he to report to this BOELrd at the next.

, ,regular me etin5~Carrled.

• ,."",.. ' , ' . ,.. ' Moved by Milne , seoonded by Walter that the c orrununi cation from­i~;i{".',<"th~ Polish Amerioan qi tizen,s & Taxpayers Assooiation relative t.o*(:,),<:!\.!t~eextens.ion of Doat ~treet from A1ELX:ander Street to Woodell Ave.,~iH:~,;\~iJl";:b'e r ..eferred to JUdge Jaoob R.Pawlak 'and he be directed to report;,lJ,',i,\)t:'i'::' "baok :to this Board at the next regular meeting. carri~d"~,t~:}::.":< ':;-,;,.;' \ ',", ' , ' '0 ',:; .,I t

Moved by Inda, seoonded by Walter, that the Supervisorwith the Town Attorney be direoted to oonf'er with the AttornDaigl er Sand and Gravel Co., relative to the proposed :Certd.,Prooeedings.

Moved by lUlne, seoonded by Walter, that the cOnlmunioa'tion, ,f.rom Mrs. John Bauer presenting bill ,from ]lnerge~:cy, Hos 'medioal servioes rendered by Dr. JosephP.,Brennan, DrMulholland be laid on the table for further oonsid~rati

, It was .moved by Inda:, seoonded by Walterthat the followingadopted: '

, WHEREAS, a written petition dated' the 18th daY. of February,1929,'duly exeouted, as required by statute, has been presented'to this Board, asking that it oause George Urban Boulevard apublio highway of the ~own of Cheektowaga" to be graded and ,pavedfrom Genesee street to Kaufman Road with reinforoed oi:moret~pe.V'e-,ment for a width of 30 feet between ourbs, wi th ourbs' and " ," ," ,

WHEREAS, the estimated expense of said improvement will 'be$15.00 per lineal foot of frontage along eaoh side of said por-tion ,of said highway; now, therefore, be it '

,RESOLVED, that the said petition be reoeived and plaoed onfile, and that this Board meet at the Town Hall at Broadway, andUnion Road, in the Town of Chee,ktowaga , at 2 b:!!olook P. M.East­ern' Stan'dard Time, on the 18 day of Maroh 1929, for the purposeof oonsidering the said petition and hearing all persons 'intted in the sub j eot thereof ooncerning the same. And be it +~......+h

, '

RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk, be and he is hereby dirQnot'Qrlto give notice of the time, place and purpose ,of said,meetingthe manner prescribed by law, and that the first publioationsaid notioe of hearing shall be on th~ 28th day of Febru~ry,

, Carried.' Ayes '7, Noes

, The Town Olerk then read a oommunioation from the Departmenof Publio Works of the 01 ty of Buffalo, as'king that permission begiven to the City of Buffalo by the Town of Oheekto\vaga. to cv~u~... v

the sewerage of the Buffalo Airport with the sew,eragesystem ofTown qf Cheektowaga. Whereupon it was moved by Inda, seconded by

, Milne, that the follOWing be adopted:, '~ . • . ;,; ;.,\ :'::j;':~::,~'!' '

RESOLVED, thn,t ,the communice;tlort"'from the Department ofWorks of the Oity of Buffalo be r,eoeived and plaoed on file .• and',that the Town Attorney, be, and he is hereby direoted to prepare a ,proposed form bf agreement to be entered in~o between the City of,Buffalo, amd the Town of Cheektowaga. licensing the City of Buffaloto discharge theeffluent from its sewerage system ?-t the Buffalo '.,,'Airport, into the sewerage system of the Town of Cheektowaga, andthat ,he submit the, said proposed form of contract to this Boardfor its approval 'at the next meeting of :this Board. 0'

Oarried~ Ayes J, Noes.

It was moved by Milne, seoonded by Walter, tha,t the following'be adopted:

... r.'·

MIEREAS it is necessary to borrow te~pora~ily and make ~11I1I1"'-diately avail~be, the sum of tj~lO ,000 .00, to pa:yvalid claims,the Town of Cheektowaga, duly audi ~e,d by the Town Board andBof Highway Superintendents of said town, and to pay current ~~J"~~'and fixed expenses, pending the collection of moneys levied f~raforesaid purposes upon the County tax roll for the year 1929,therefore, be it

RESOJJVED, the. t the TOW~ of Cheektowaga porrow the sumoi'000.00, and such interest as shall accrue thereon, form theBank of BuffaJlo for the aforesaid purpo ses. And be it further


Moved by Inilia, seoonded by.Walter, that this Board standaad~j ourned • Carr i edt ...•,




John M




BuffaloIJouis 1The Sa!J os ephWalter




CharlesJohn F.StoddarBuffalc

Depew EChriatoEdward

Depew H

Depew 11Depew 11



Mo'of the I

MilHighwaythe 1'01:


A full I

. Bacon &

is hereby authorizedof' indebtedness andTown of Cheektowaga.

Ayes 7, , Noes 0', ..,

RESOLVED; that the Town Clerk be and heand direoted to oountersign said oertifioateto impress thereon the oorporate seal of the


. ' " . ':'::,: ~/\:,-,:.

RESOLVEP, that the Supervisor, be, and ~e is hereby authorfz~aand direoted to exeoute and deliver a oeI'tif~oa te of indebtedness,of :the Town of Cheektowaga, up'on its faith and oredit and'lts'oorporate seal, to be dated as of the 26th da~ of ,Februar}[:, 1929'and to provide for the payment of the eum of .pIO ,DOD .00 to the a'!'d,of the Liberty Bank of Buffalo, at its Broadway Branoh Offioe,lri.


the Gityof Buffalo, New'York, wi th .interest thefreon. at the rate ,.ofsixpe:t' oentum per annum, within 90 days fIlom its date •. And be'·it further .J

Cheektowaga, N. ,Yo .. March 4, 1929. ,

Minutes of a. Regular Meeting of the Town Board and Bo'ard ofHighway Superintendents' held at the Town Hall March 4 1929 'with.the following membe!.'s present: ' ,

John C. Stiglmeier, Supervisor; Alois Schiesel, Town Clerk1Peter J. Inda, J.ohn J • Walter, Ben. P. Milne" Jacob R. Paw­lak, Just'ice of, ,the Peace, and John Kaufman, Highway Supt.

A full quorum being present. '

Moved by Inda , seconded by Milne • that the monthly "repor,tsof the Town CleJr1k and Justices of the Peace be received and file:d.

, , Car!,led.

Moved b,y In de. , seconded by Milne, that all prQPosalsfor,the'.improvement of Scajaquada Creek in Sewer Dis trict No. 5 be rej ected.

Carri edt

Moved by Inde. , seconded by Milne, that all certified checks bereturned to the respective bidders.. Carried.

The following bills were presented for auditing;

John M. Rohr

Depew Herald

Michael Nagy

Gertrude D.Kozminski

Depew Hers.J:.dDepew Herald,

Depew HeraldChristopher J. KlenkEdward Yoesel

American Surety Co.

~apfel Bros.Zallfel Brtlls '. •

-printing requisition blan]cs, transfercards and tax colleotor's notices.

-for publishing minutes .-for publishing notio,es of heariilggrading" and pav ing Ge orgeUrbanBoulevard .

-publishing notioes to contractors-telephone oalls for ,month of Feby.-Phone 6alls-Jan.23 to ,31st ~ndmonth of February

Charles H. Lauer -Phone calls for January & Feby.John F. Mer'srnann -T,elephone calls for mOl.lth of Feby.Stoddard & noll, Inc. -repairs of body & doors-police oarBuffalo Speedomer Servic e-tes ting & repairing speedometer' on,

motorcycles 'Bacon & Vdlncent Co. Inc .. -boom ordered by Overseer of ,Poor,

R. J. Dobbins-auto service taking Valentine Tor .to City Hospital "

-services as, Clerk to Board of Asse­ssors and attending to switchboard

BU~lo Courier-Express -publishing noticesLouis Kozlowski -meals served to prisonersThe Sanitary. Products Co. -for, jani tors suppliesJoseph Barnhardt -for oak polish and cleanserWalter B.Nowakowski -services as attendance offioer for

months of Dec.' Jan. and Feb.y.-services as attendance offiQer formonths of Jan. and Feby.

Sullivan &, McKeegan Co. -blue lines on cloth for Engineers'Department

SUllivan & McKeegan ,Co. -for nagatives & blue prints forEngineer's Department

Sullivan & McKeegan Co. -engineer's supplies .William Brennan Jr,. -reoording Supervisor's bond and,

railroad'fare from Buffalo' to NewYork Oity and return on t?wn matters

-premi'\i.m on bonds of superv.isor,TownClerk Justices of the Peace andbond ~f International Railway Co.

_~~t~P~~~~ssories, gasoline & o~l_for.motorcycle tires and tubes

WdUly eboard,


MIthe In'sipgtoJthe To'ration

RJwri ttelYork C:Bonds I

that tlpurcha:

MoA. VI. w:Garfielquest e:No. 2 t

the Supsaid fi:

MeagreemEfrom thSupervjbehalf


MeJames Ithe Tov~~6.00 ]

MoA. W. 1ft!Anthonyrequ;,estNo. 2 ~the Supfire di

Mothe SUI:ed t,o l:a survebaok te

:Mo'JvIaj ews k,outed b;the ToW]to $68.1ed to oj

MoEmergendered t

, dation·riot Nothat thforesai


, ...' ,i'·'i·


,'.. '"











.1~'r60. - ';':

. 46.30, • I

",,2io~-fof traffio Lighting servioe $?3i4~-for flasher signal Genesee &west shore railroad

-for town hall power, townhall and tool house lighting

'-for making copy of minutes

~~re!~~ig~~rs:1~riPubliC , 'J.J:,~O-repairing motoroyoles; gaso.'line and oil,May 1928 ,

-repairing lamp standardsKensington Avenue

-traffio lighting servioes-for moving pole' north of ,Doat street West from Aleoc-

, ,ander Stree,t-for telephone servioes-For telephone services-Lano.69-oonstable of Sloan, for ser-vioes rendered Town of Cheekto~waga.


-groceries furnished to J.Staohowski"" " J.Sobozynski" " " M. Kubas" " " T. Wanderlioh" ," " F .Kohlmeier" " " Dora Berar-

dino and'Miohael Kendziora "-grooeries furnished to Leo Hyrekand Joseph Polak

-grooeries furnished to J.Przybyszozy" "',, Andrew Eiah

and Gilbert peLong-groceries furnished to M. Orwat,Celia Suzon, John Sobiesiak, and,V.B. Wright

-groceries furnished to B.Fuller-grooeries furnished to Andrew OsuchMiohael Jaskowiak~grooeries furnished to John Ostrow­ski and Celia Prusieoka

-grooeries furnished to Mrs. V.MilJ,er" " " Roy' petigrew

-shoes furnished to John Reitmeier-ooal furnished to John Staohowski- " "" EhoThomas- " " ",D. Marlroszewsld,Andrew Osuoh, Mary Kubas, Leo', Do:­minozak, Alioe Krywalski, JosephNowioki

Frank D. StepnickJohn FeherWilliam ZaidelRose KurasFrank TokaszP.Muooiaooio

Joseph Miohalak

A.PolinsltiJoseph Barnhardt

Edward Dobmier

Christopher J. Klenk

Buffalo,Gen.Eleo. Co.q.

N.' Y. Telephone Co.N. Y~Teleph6ne ,Co.Walter'Skierski

t' N Y Ga's & Elec ~ (Torp:Wes .' .'.West. N.T.Gas & Eleo.'Corp.

west. N.Y.Gas &Elec. Corp.

Colson &Brio~

Buffalo Gen. Eleo. Co.,Buffalo Gen. Eleo .Co.

Catherine PiekarskiAdam Glowi oki

Frank Wojtashek

'J. KubikJoseph AignerChar:\. es KnappJohn M. RohrE. H. Hoppe:,~Stephen Markowski

Moved by Milne, seoonded by Walter, that the foregoing ~iil~ijaudited and allowed and, the. Clerk be directed to issue orders ontM,Supervisor for' the respeotive amounts. Carried. Ayes 7,NP'f3s:0,

Moved by Walter, seoonded by Milne, that the applications to'::.oonduot a soft drink business be granted and the Soft Drink' Inspeotor

. be direoted to issue permits to the following applicants: Pine'Ml1~Hose Co. No. 5 Carried,. Ayes 7, Noes I

Moved b~r Milne, seoonded b~' Wal ter , that the petitions, for'bu1!ing permits be granted a.nd the Clerk be direoted to issue permitstQ\the following petitioners: Louis Gambin: Fred Sc'hauf Laokawa.nnaS~~I'Construotion Co. 'Carried~ 'Ayes 7, Noes",1

. ,,~"">

Moved by Milne, seoo'nded by Walter, that the corhmunicationJ'r.,i~1the Central Counoil of Citizens Taxpayers Assooiation r~lative tO~fnatural water oourse in Clinton he reoeived and filed and the Hi g

USuperintendent take the matter up with the State Department o.:t' ]?Ub,~O,Works, Bureau of Highways. Carried. Ayes 7, Noe~i.i


, ['\}i~'

0,00• ,.','i


. Moved by Milne, seconded by Wal ter, that EdwardS~i'S1Jlith,andJames Halligan be appointed as Clerks to assist Joseph]1~Holtz, 'the Town Tax Collector in the colleotion of taxes at a salary of~6 .00 per' day as per' reoommendation of the Tax Colleotor.

Carried. Ayes 7, . Noes O.",

Moved by Milne, seconded by Schlesel'~ that the following re~,~olution be adopted: '

RESOLVED , that the Town .A.ttorney be authorized to ~eoure thewritten approving opinion of Clay, Dillon & Vanderwater ~fNew ,York City oovering the legality of the issue of looal ImprovElmentBonds of the Town of Cheektowaga about to be offered for. sale andthat the approving opinion of said attorneys be furnished toth~purohase of said bonds. Carried.. Ayes 7, ~o~sO.

Moved by Inde. seconded by'Milne, that the applioation ofthe International ~us Corporation to operate motor buses upon,KEln~sl~gton avenue between the westerly and northerly town lines ofthe Town of Cheektowaga be laid on the table for further oonside-ration. ' Carried. Ayes 7, Noes 0 ~

Moved by Milne, seoonded by Inia,' that the following beadopted:

WHERJTIAS, a written petition, dated the 4th day °te~a~~hthI;~9,'dUly executed as required by' statute, has been ~r;s:~ 1'n width, 'toboard, asking it to cause a ooncrete sidewalk, e, '

Moved'by Walter, seconded by Milne, that the claim ofMajewski, accompanied by a written recommendation and requestcuted by the Fire Commissioners of WeJ.<lI.en Fire Distr lot No 2the. Town of Cheektowaga, for' injury sustained at a fir'e' • I

to $68.00 be audited and allowed' and that the Superviso;beed to charge the same against the aforesaidfir~distriot

Carr·i ed. Ayes 7, .' No

Moved by Milne, seen nded by Walter , that the statementA. W. Wagner for the sum of $26.50 for medioal servicesr~u\~~l~eQGarfield Majewski, acoompanied by a written reoommendatquest executed b.y the Fire Commissioners of Walden EireNo.2, of the Town of Cheektowaga, be aUdited 'and allowedthe Supervisor be directed to charge the same' agalnstthesaid fire, district. Carri,ed.Ayes7,·

Moved by Milne, seconded by Walter,A. W. Wagner, for the sum of :~24.00 for medical, servioes renderAnthony Pokrywozynski, aqcompanied by a written reoommendation,reqmJ,est executed by the Fire Commissf.onersofWalden Fire'DistriotNo. 2 ~ of the Town of Cheektowaga, be audi,ted and allowed and thatthe Supervisor be directed to charge the same against the aforesaidfire distr ict. Carri ed. 'Ayes ,7, 'Noes' O. '

Moved by Milne, seconded by Walter, that the statement ofEmergenoy Hospital for the sum of ~$13 .00 for hospital' se'rvice'sdered to Anthony Pokrywczynski, ace ompanied bN a written 'UUlnlIltln

, dation' and request of the Fire Commissioners of Walden Firiot No.2', of the Town of Cheektowaga', be au(1jjjed:, and 'that the Supervisor be direoted ~o oharge the same against ~he

foresaid fire district. ' Carried.· Ayes ,7, ~oo's.O

Moved by Inda, .seoonded by Milne. that the communioe.tronfx:a,mthe Supervisor be reoeived and filed and the Supervisor bedireot'~ed to appoint a committee to consult aoompetentengineerto make"a survey of all Public Service ,Corpiorations valuations and ,reportback to this B0ard at the next regular meeting. '

Carried. Ayes 7,

Moved by Milne, seconded by Wal ter, that the proposed form ofagreement and contract for Sewageoonneotion by the Cit'y of Buffalofrom the airport and the Town of Cheektowaga be approved and ,the .,Supervisor and Town Clerk be authorized to exeou te same for, and.onbehalf of this Board. Carried. Ayes 7, iNoes O.

, ,


~\~~",We'~siOI,. ::':;';'

":-':; ~': ,':



,'bliptoS, .. \



'6~66.Co 76u •..


~:J~~TJ,~~.i,~."n{?r):'.~:;,; ':.':; 'H', .

. '·;.i' . :'.:',;:;:, /"

.,;. '. ';i,i;j;f,i0";

be ,laid in and along the westerly side of Rossler S~reet, a pu~ti~~,hi hwayofthe Town of Cheektowaga, from William street to a pq1htj'ab~ut 1,116 feet southerly from William Street, in accordanoe\'{tt~~<the rules, regulations andspecifications relating to sidewal~~!.·i~':';;~

"anfiIe in. the office of the Town Cler,k of the TOW~ of Cheektow~~a,r,andto,a;ssesstheexpensethereof against the. prem~ses frontipg,;,or:Jiabuttlng;inand1alongthe westerly ~l'ide of sa~d portion of said;';}!;"Rossler ,Street ;" and "',i,'>.

WHEREAS, the estimated expense. of said improvement will b~~'2:5iper' square foot of sidewalk; now, therefore, be it,:::


,RESOLVED,th~tthe said petition be reoeived and placed oll;,rm,.and:thatthis Board meet at the Town Hall at Broadway and .:unlonR,oQd,,in,the"Town of: Oheektowaga, at 2 o'olock P. M., Eastern Standar.~i:}\:r

,Tiine~'oilthe18th day of Maroh 1929, for the purpose of oonsidering•·•• 'the<sa;id pe.tition and h~aring all persons interest in t~e sUbjeo~,:<',thereof oongerningthe same • And be it further "Lt.,:

,"-,'. ','.'·:'i/:,,:n.:'

,'. 'RESOLVED, that the 'Town Clerk be and he is hereby, directed)~()give due notice of the time, 'place and pur~ose of said hearingin;,';'~,

the mann,er presoribed by law, and that the first publication ofaaldhearing will be,onthe 7th day of March, 1929. ~

. Carried. Ayes 7, Noes 0,

Moved by Inda, seoonded by Milne, that the following be adopte~i

.WHFRF.AS, the Town of Cheektowaga, being indebted underta.l1d,oontra.otsfor work done and materials furnished in and aboutthe/oon.

,;,stl'uotl'onoflooal pubIi 0 improvements in the Town of Cheektowaga;:r. and; having no available funds .with which to pay said indebtedness,,',did borrow" temporarily, from the Liberty Bank of BUffalo; the sUmofY$34,OOO.OO, and, as, evidenoe of and as seourity therefore,\dididuly issue and deliver to said bank a oertifioate of indebtedness.}\,of,theTown of Oheektowaga dated the 6th day of December, 1928,1'p~

. the.sumof$34 ,000.00, andsu9h interest as should accure there0.llland. . .. .

WHEREAS, th~ said oertifi~ate of indebtedness will·',its terms due and payable on the 6th day of Maroh, 1929, and it':~.s>

l,i~~Ji~,i.iif:~~r!~~~:~~~i;t~~g~~;~:;~~fm~~~~~r;H;:~~h~~~~~i~~t!,i(tJ!:i:." ' .. RESOLVED,that the Supervisor of the Town of CheektoWaga"::1>'~,\,ji;;ji:' ~nd:he is hereby, authorized and dire'oted, for and'on behalfof,t~e,

:-,TownofOreektowaga, and under its':corporate seal, to. ex:eouteand;;issue a oertifioate of indebtedness of the Town of Cheektowaga,',for.

. the.sumo:f' $34,000.00, to be dated as. of the day of Maroh,1929and to be payable Fto the order of the Liberty Bank of Buffalo, at'its Broadway Offioe., in the City of BUffalo, New York, wi thin9Q,'i"days from its date , with interest thereon at the rate of six p~r'\:i',o.entumperannum; whiohcertifioate of indebtedness shall be coun~er·signed by: the TownClerk,who is hereby authorized and directed,tQ:,'oountersign' the same, and to impress thereon the oorporate seaLO~;J,

,the Town qf Che~'ktowaga, and which said oertificate of indebtedn.~~~,.,shall be delivered to. said bank in renewai of the certifioateo':f'/:,'indebtedness of the Town of Cheektowaga , dated the 6th day ofMa.~grl192.9, now held by said bank. '.'. Carried. Ayes 7,No6S<.O,

. ::\(:,>

Moved by Inda, seoonded by Milne, that the Following be adoptedl

"WHERF..AS, this Board did heretofor.e enter into a 'written oontl'e.o\wi th·Meyer & Meyer Corporation for the grading and paving of prestpnRoad. a publio highway in the, Town of Cheektowaga, and did b~oome .....indebted to s~id oorpo:ratlon for work done in and about the saidJJnIIprovement Under,:: the, af'bresad.d:~contract, in the sum of $6,884.30, wh C

olaim was duly audited by this Board; and .

WHERpay the Etem,porarjbonds ofassessmer.

WHEFon the 2I:the saidther perjand collE

RESCrized.ancand undeJof indeb1884.30, 1be payabJBroadwayfro m itstum per I

Isigned b;

.to count I

seal ofindebtelNovembe:


WHa writtvariousindebteexeouti$10,000availabborrow,as shouof Che esale ofraise tloan ar.tednesEday offor a j

RJand heTown ojissue E~lO ,OOCbe pay~


from i 1annum,by thesign tlthe ceJthe 5tl



I 0;




IUID .'Ld ,:,'~:!';'for~'I;;: ,



f','ii, 1

,..... '."


WHEREAS, this Board, h~ving no available funds with whio"pay the said claim, was obl~ged to and 'did borrow the said h ~otemporarily, from the Liberty Bank of Buffalo, pending the :~e'bonds of the Town. of Cheektowaga and the levy and'oollection of ofassessments to ra~se the cost of said improvement; and '

WHEREAS, the said loan from said bank became due and. paya.bleon the 25th day of February, 1929, and it is neoessary tobthe said sum, and such interest as shall aocrue there'on fororr:tw,ther period of 90 days, pending t!:J.e sale' of bonds and the le~ ur-and oollection of assessments; now, therefore, be it Y

RESOLVED, thnt the Supervisor, be and he is her~by, authorized.and ~irected, for and on behalf of the Town of Ch~ektowa~a,and under ~ts corporate seal, to execute and issue a oertifioateof indebtedness of the Town of Cheektowaga, for the sum of ~6

884.30, to be dated as of' the 26th day of February ·1929 a~d'iobe payable to the order of the Liberty Bank of Buffalo ' ~t its .Broadway Office in the City of BUffalo, New York, Within 90 daysfro m its date, with interest thereon at the rate of six per oen"tum per annum; which certificate of indebtedness shall be oounter­signed by the, Town Clerk, who is hereby authorized and directed

.to oountersign the same, 'and to impress thereon the corporateseal of the Town of Cheektowaga, and which said c,ertificate ofindebtedness of the Town of Cheektowaga, dated the 27th day ofNovember, 1928, now held by said bank.

Carried. Ayes 7, Noes 0.

Moved by Inda, seoonded by Milne, that the following beadopted:

~{F.R~S, the Town of Cheektowaga did heretofore enter intoa written contract for the oonstruotion of sanitary sewers invarious public highways in the Town of Cheektowaga, and, beingindebted for work done and materials furnished in and about theexeoution of the contract for said improvements in the sum of$10,000.00., on claims duly audited by this Board, and having noavailable funds with which tD pay ~nd satisfy said claims, didborrow, temporarily, said sum of :~lO,OOO.OO, and s'\lch interest'as should aocrue thereon, upon the faith and oredit of the Townof Che ektowaga, fr om the Lib erty Bank of B'Q.ffalo, pending thesale of bonds and the levy and oolleotiori of assessments toraise the cost of said improvements, and as seourity for saidloan and as evidence thereof, did issue a certifioate of ~ndeb~tedness, Will, by its terms, become due and payable on the 5thday of March, 1929, and it is necessary to renew the said loanfor a further period of 90 days; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Cheektowaga, be,and he is her.eby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of theTown of Cheektowaga ,and under its corporate seal, to exeoute andissue a certifioate of indebtedness of said town, for the sum of~lO,OOO.OO, to be dated as of the,6th day of March, 1929, and tobe payable to the order of the Liberty Bank of Buffalo, at ,its ,Broadway offioe, in ,the City of Buffalo, New York, within .90 daysfrom its date 'with interest at the rate of six per centum perannum, which ~ertificate of indebtedness shall be oountersigned ,by the Town Clerk, who is hereby authorized and oountersign the same, and shall be delivered to said bank in renewal ofthe certificate of indebtedness of the Town of Cheektowaga, datedthe 5th day of Deoember 1928, now held by said bank.

, , Carried.. Ayes 7 , Noes O.

Moved by Inda, seconded by Walter, that this Board adjourn.Carried. Ayes 7, Noes 0.

ALO IS SCIl I]~SJi.::L "

, Town Clerk.

Cheektowaga.March lS. 1929

" Minutes,jof a regular meeting of the Town B~ard and Bm rdHighway Superintendents held at the Town Hall, 1\larch lS. 19292 p. m. with the following members present:Alois'Schiesel. Town Clerk; Peter J. Indo., Jacob R. PaWlak.:r • Walter, Benjamin Mi+ne. Justi ces of the Peace. and John Tr..",.p;.;.",:Superintendent of Highways., ,Absent: John C. Stiglmeier, Supervisor •.

bleeting' was called to order by the Town Cl erk at 2 p. m., inthe' absence of John C. Stiglmeier on public business, it was,by JUdgeWal<terand seconded by John Kaufman, that Peter J. Indac·.':aot ,as ohairman of this meeting. ' Carried~,,::


Moved by' Sohiesel. seconded by Pawlak, that the minutes Of,')the last regular and special meetings be approved as published 1ri.:the offioial paper. Carried. Ayes 6, Noes O.

Moved by Milne, seconded by Walter that the communiaation fromthe Clinton Garden, Taxpayers Association relative to people' poor orders be received and filed and the Overseer of the Poor'be direoted to make a thorough investigation.

Carried. Ayes 6, Noes 0.'

Moved by Walter, seconded by Milne , that the communication fromthe Public Servioe Commission regarding No. 4094, be receivedand referred to the Supervisor and Town Attorney.

Carried. Ayes 6, Noes O•.

Moved by Wal tel', seconded b,y Milne, that the request of Chiefof Police Amedeo TJ. Cappola for a filing babinet be granted and. theSupervisor be d.irected to purohase a file made up as follows: 2<drawers for oOPY s.lze for filing reports of misdemeanor arr.ests, 'i.oll:pping reports and oase reports; 1 drawer for S"xS" finger prin.t''oards; 1 drawer for history of case oards and 3 drawers for S"x5t1blue oomplaint oards. And the Supervisor is also directed to p~.ohase for the Polioe Department, 500 S"xS" 1'lnger'p:rlnt .cards; 1set primary S"XS" guides for indeXing finger print cards and anout~fi t for taking finger prints. Also 500 folders for newspaper ol1p­pipgs and other information and 6 tear gas bombs.

Carried. Ayes 6, Noes, O.

, Moved by Walter,from Harold Rolan forStreet be referred toTown Attorney.

MovAdam Sowsion ofcertainand Cham

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. Moved by Schiesel, seconded by Milne, that the appltoatlonofAdam sowinski for a building permit be withheld pending thed 1sion of the Supreme Court in the litigation now pending betwe:~'~certain owners of property on Pine Ridge Terraoe and Messrs. Ashman'and Chamberlain. Carried. Ayes 6, NoesO~

Moved by Milne, seoonded by. Pawlak, that the apPl1o~tionsforpermission to oonduct Eli soft drink business be granted and theInspector be directed to issue permits to the following applioants.Katherine Napieralski, John Drozek, Edward Weiglein, Mary WOdoWSkl'·Joseph Sob owiclci. Carried. Ayes 6, ' NoesO.

Moved by Milne, seoonded by Walter, that the request from therepresentative of the Pine Hill Taxpayers Assooiation asking thisBoard to cause Ell light to be plaoed on the west side of Pine RIdge­Road between Genes ee Street ~nd Peach Tree Roo: d be referred: to theSupervisor, and the. oommunication of said association relative tostreet signs be referred to Highway SUp3rintendent.

Carried. Ayes 6, Noes

Moved by Milne, seconded by PaWlak, that the Town Attiill'lney bedireoted to communicate with the Publio Servioe Commission relativeto the application of Buffalo Valley Bus Lines Inc., for a fran- .chise to operate thru the southern part of the Town~ Cheektowaga.

Carried. Ayes 6, No.esO.

Moved by Milne, seconded by Pawlak, that the communioationfrom Geor. Mueller, Soft Drink Inspeotor, requesting this Board ,torevoke the soft dr inIt license of Ruth Smith at 1845 William Streetbe approved and that the said license be revoked •.

Carried. Ayes 6, Noes O." .

The Town Clerk read the printed notioe of hearing appointedto be held today upon the petitions for the following improvementsto-wit: The grading and construction of a reinforoed concrete pave~

ment in and along George Urgan Boulevard from Genesee street toKaufman Road.

The Town Clerk submitted proofs of publioation of· said noticesof said hearings in the Depew Herald and Cheektowaga News, theoffici!;!.l paper of the Town of Cheelctowaga and his certificatesof posting copies of eaoh of said notices as required by statuteand it was moved by Mr. Milne, seconded by Mr. Walter, that thenotices of said hearings and the proofs of publioation and ofposting thereof be plaoed on file in the office of the Town arerkof the Town ofChee let owaga. ' Carried. Ayes 6, Noes O.

The Chairman then announced that the hearing on the petitionfor the grading and construction< 'of a reinforoed oonorete pavementin and along George Urban Boulevard from Genesee street' to KaufmanRoad in the Town of Cheektowaga was then opened.1. for;'dil~J'cussionand that anyone who wished to speak upon the subjeot matter of saidpetition and all present were in.favor to the granting of saidpetition. '

At the oonclusion of the hearing it ,was moved by MiJJne, secon-,ded by Walter, that the following preamble and re~olution be adopted:

¥ffiEREAS: a written petition, duly executed and acknowledged asprovided by Statute has been presented to the Town Board and Boardof Highway Superintendents of the Town of Cheelctowaga, asking it t,ocause the following named Public Improvement to be made in and a~long George Urban Boulevard in the Town of Cheektowaga from Geneseestreet to KaufInan Road at an estimated expense of ~~15'.OO per lineal,foot and asking this Board to cause the expense of making and main­taining said improvement to be assessed against and collected from'the real estate fronting or bounding upon said respective publiohighway 01' portions thereof in and along which said respeotive'im-provement shall be made: and~mEREAS, This Board did on the 18th day of March 1929, duly atol;nan order reciting the receipt and filing of the aforesaidh~:;i~

, for the said local improvement and did duly order tr~t ;own Hall, 'be held on the subjeo't matters of said petition at e .

in the Town of Cheektowaga, on the 18th day of ~arch, 1929,

WIUrioue peby the. ~

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said petitlon, It ,Walter, that the'

The Chairman then announced that the public ,hearing on thepeti tion for the construotion of sidewalks in and along the afore­said publio highway was open and that anyone who wished to speakon the subjeot matter of said petition would be hearcl. No onespoke in opposit:b:>n to, the proposed improvement and all presentwere in favor of granting the same.

At the oonclusion of the publio hearing onwas moved by Justioe Milne, seoonded by Justicefollowing be adopted: .

WHF.RF..AS: A written petition, duly executed and acknowledgedas provided b.y statute, has been presented to this Board asking itto cause a sidewalk to be laid in and along the westerly s ide of'Rossler Street from William Street to a point 1116 fee't south of'\William Street; and '


oommenoing at 2 o'olookp. m. Standard Time, .and did order thatt~~Town Clerk oause a oertified copy of the aforesaid resolution and.:',order to be published, in the 0 ff'ioial newspaper of the Town o1'\Ohe8't and to be posted in aooordanoe with the statute in suchoas{made andpro,vided;and'

WHEREAS: Said orders were duly published in the min:ites 0t..this, Board in the Depew Herald and CheektOVlaga News the offiolal newspaper

of the Town ofOheektowaga and certified oopies of said orderwas/::'likewise duly published inl said newspaper and were duly posted in;.,aooordanoe with the s ta~ute and with the orders of this Board, adopt.'ed as aforesaid on the 18tp day of Maroh, 1929; and .....,

, WHEREAS: A publio hearing has been duly held uponon, this day; now, ,therefor e, b e it

RESOLvEiJ: ,that this Board find and determi,ne that the realproperty liable for the oost of the oonstruction of said improve,;ment is of suffioient value to pay the oost of the oons truotionthereof and that the prayer of said petition be granted by thisBoard,and be it further

RESOLVED: that the Town Engineer be and he is he'reby, direotedto prepare detailed plans and speoifioations for the oonstruction,of said improvement, a oareful estimate of the 'cost thereof and,with the assistanoe of the Attorney for this Board, a proposedcontraot oovering the said work, and that he submit the same tothis Board for approval ata meeting thereof to be held at the .Town Hall in the Town of Cheektowaga on the 15th day of April, 19291 '

at 2 o'clook P. M." Standard Time. Carried. Ayes' 6. Noes 0

At 2 o,'olock p. m.: Standard Time, the Town Clerk read the;printed notioe of hearing to be held today on the petition, dated ..Maroh4th, 1929 ,asking the Town Board and Board of Highway super~

intendents of the Town of Cheektowaga to cause sidewalks to beoon­struoted in and along the west side of Rossler Street to a point1116 feet south from William Street.

The Town C1 erk submitted oerti±' i ed proof of tl!lle pub1 ioationof notloeof said hearing in the Depew Herald and Cheel<:towaga,New8the offioial n'ewspaper of the Town of Cheektowaga, and his certi­ficate of posting oopies of said notice as required by statute Elledit was moved by Walter, seconded by Pawlak, ..~hat the said notioe,of hearing and the proof ofpublioation and posting thereof be . '"plaoed on file in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Cheek-towaga. Carried. Ayes 6, Noes O.

WHERF.AS: This Board did on the 18th day of March, 1929, duly'adopt an order, reoi t ing the receipt and filing of the aforesaid,,:peti tion for sa id improvement and di d duly order, tha t a publiO :,.'hearing be hel~ upon the sub,ieot matter of said petition at the ".

" Town Hall in the Town of Cheektowaga at 2 0' clock P. M. standardtime, and did order that the Town Clerk oause a oertified ooPY .of said resolution and order to be published in the offioialnewspaper of said Town and to be posted as provided bv statute;and .


~!TR~~~: Said order was duly published with the minutes ofthis Boara. ...!1 the Depew Herald and Cheektowaga News the off' i 1newspaper 0 f. sald Town and a certi:ei ed copy thereof was dul~op~b_lished in sa~d newspaper and duly posted in acoordanoe with the'statute and with the order of this Board' and. ,

RTISOLVE~, that the Town Enginee~ be and he is hereby direot­ed to establish the proper':,~ grade for the construction of saidsidewalk and prepare detail ed plans, speoifioations oover ing'the work to bed one, a. careful est 1mate of the axpe~se thereofand, with the assitance of the attorney for this Board, a oon­'traot oover ing the said work and submit the same to this Boardfor its approval on the 15th day of April, 1929.

Carr i ed • Ayes 6, Noes o.

It was moved by Sohiesel, Seconded by Walter~ that thefollowing be adopted:

1~mREAS: The Town of ,Cheektowaga, being indebted to va­rious persons and,oorporations for valid 'claims cmly auditedby the, Town Board and Board of Highway Superintendeli,'bs of saidtown in the sum of $22,000.00, and having no: ava.ilable funds',with whioh to pay and satisfy said olaims, did borrow the saidsum of :1~22,000.00, temporarily~ pending the levy and'oolleotionof said sum by taxes to be levied upon and oolleoted form thetaxable property .of the Town of Cheektowaga and, as e,v.:l:denoe ofsaid loan and as: security therefor ,did cause to be duly .irssuedand delivered a certificate 'of indebtedness of the Town ofCheelctowaga for the SUIll of $22,000 .00, dated as of the 24th day,.of Deoember, 1928, and payable to the order of, said bank within90 days thereafter; and

WInillF~S: The said certificate of indebtedness, by its termswill beoome due and payable on the 26th day of March, 1929, andthe said town has no available funds with whioh to pay and satisfythe same, and it is neoessary to renew said loan for a furthe;r pe..,riod of not to exceed 90 days, pending the oolledtion of taxeslevied and outstanding against the t~able property against thetaxable property of the Town of Cheektowaga; now, therefore, beit

v~{EREAS: A public hearing was duly held upon saidthis day; now, therefore, be it ,

RESOLVED: That this Board find and determine that the realproperty liable for the ,cost of the construction of said propos-(,'ed improvement is of sufficient value to pay the cost ttlereofand that the said petition be granted by this Board. And be itfurther

, RESOLVED: That the Supervisor, be, and he is hereby, autho ..rized and directed to execute a oertificate of indebtedhess for$22,000.00, for and on behalf of the Town of Cheektowaga and un....der its corporate seal, to be dated as of the 26th'day of March, ,1929, and to be payable to the order of the Liberty B~nk of Buffalo

, at its Broadway Branch Office, in the City of Buffalo, New York,with interest at the rate of six per oentum per annum, within 90 .days from i ts date; which said certificate of indebtedness shallbe oountersigned by the Town Clerk, who is hereby authorized anddirected to countersign the same. Carried. Ayes 6, noes O.

It Was moved by Schiesel, seconded by Walter, that the be adopted:

WHEREAS: The Town of Oheektowaga being indebted for work donein and ab out the construction of a sys tern of storm water sewers inDrainage Sewer District Number 2, of the Town of Cheektowaga,inthe sum of ~~48,000.00, and having no available funds with whichto pay and satisfy said indebtedness, did duly borrow the said su~temporarily, from the Liberty Bank of Buffalo, and, as evidenoedo 'said loan and as securl ty therefor, did cause to beexecu~ed an '00delivered a certificate of indebtedness of said town for t:;p4~hOO'0;derdated as of the 11th day of December, ,l928, and payable 0' e 0of said Liberty Banlcof Buffalo at its Broadway Office, in the Cityof BUffalo, New York, within 90 days from its date; and


I:r{~r:th€lh~lh~'ek:laSe. '""




,929 ', j

0.:, .,'





V.The oonst~uotion.of a sanitary sewer in and along eaoh sideof East Grand Boulevard, from Genesee street to George UrbanBoulevard.


f 11e, eUnion FEasterrpurposEpersonsthe san

Rlto giVEin thenot ioe1929, j

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12. ThepavinGeo:

The oonstruotion of a sanitary sewer in and along eaoh side ofGran.d Boulevard~f~om West Grand Roul evarq. to East Grand Blvd.

The Construotion of a sani,tary sewer in and along eaoh side,of Kilbourne Road, from East Grand Boulevard to George UrbanBoulevard.



.wHJJREAS, the said oertifioate of indebte.dness b eCl;, by 1teterms', due and payable on the 18th day of Ma~oh, 1929, and it isneoessary ·to renew the said loan temporarily, for a furthet periodof not to exceed 90 days, pending the sale of bonds of the Town ofCheektowaga and the 0011 eotion of the proceeds thereof; now, there~

fore, be it

RESOLVED, That the $upervisor be and he is hereby authorizedand direoted to exeoute, issue and deliver, for and on behalf of theTown of Cheektowaga and under its corporate seal, a cert if ioate ofindebtedness of said town for the 'sum of $48,000 .00, to be dated a~of the 18th day of Maroh, 1929, and to provide for the, payment. ofsaid sum of $48,.000.00, with interest thereon at the rate of s'1xper centum per annum, to the order of the Liberty Bank of BUffaloat its Broadway Office, in the City of Buffalo, :New York, within90 days from its date, whiohsaid oertificate shall qe countersignedby the Town Clerk, who is hereby:authorized and direoted to counter.sign the same', and to impress thereon the oorporate seal of the Townof Cheektowaga, and whioh Baid oertifioate shall be delivered to .said bank in ,ps.vment of the oertificate of indebtedness of the Townof Cheektowaga now held by it, maturing on the 18th day of Maroh,1929. Carried.' Ayes 6, Noes O.

Moved by 'Sohiesel, seconded by Walter , that the following beaCID pted: .

WHEREAS: Written petitions duly exeouted, as required by sta­tute, have been presented to this Board, asking it to oause thefollowing named looal publio improvements to b~,oons:bruoted andmaintained in and, along the hereinafter named publio highways ofthe Town of Cheektowaga, to-wit:--


The oonstruotion of a sanitary sewer in and along eaoh sideof Midland ~rive, from Grand Boulevard to George Urban Blvd.

T~e oonstruotion of a sanitary sewer in and along eaoh sideof Rosewood Te~raoe, from Grand Boulevard to George Urban ,Boul evard, ·

The 'oonstruotion of a sanitary sewer in and along eaoh si deof Westland Terraoe, from Grand Boulevard to George UrbanBoulevard.

6. .The oonstruotion of a sanitary sewer in and along eaoh side.,of West Grand Boulevard, from Genesee street to George UrbanBoulevard. ' ,

ALO IS SCHIESl% ,Town Clerk.


pavement, with curbing" of a width of 28 feet between curbsin and along Midland Drive, from Grand Boulevard to'George •Urban Boulevard. '

VffiEREAS: The estimated expense of oonstructing sanitary sewersin and along the aforesaid publi 0 highways will be $2.50, per lin­eal foot; and

~mERF~S: The estimated expense of grading, draining and con­struoting reinforoed concrete pavement, with curbs, in and along'the aforesaid public highways will be $14.00, per lineal foot;now. therefore, be it

RESOLVED: That the said petitions be received and plaoed on,file, and that this Board meet at the Town Hall, on Broadway~ atUnion Road, in the Town of Cheektowaga, at 2:GO o'clock P. M.Eastern Standard Time, on the 15th day of April, 1929, for thepurpos e of cons idering the aforesa id petitions and hearing allpersons interested in the subject matters thereof ooncerningthe same. And be it further

RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk, be, and hels hereby directedto give due notice of the time, place and purpose of said hearingsin the Maimer presoribed by law and that the first publication ofnotice of said hearings shall b~ made on the 28th day of' Maroh,1929, in the official newspaper of the Town of Cheektowaga.

Carried. Ayes 6, Noes O.

Moved by Milne, seconded by Walter, that the meeting adjourn.Carried. Ayes 6. Noes O. . ,


The grading, drainage and pavement with, reinforced concretepavement, with curbing, of a width of 28 feet between curbsin and along Rosewood Terrace, from Grar;1d Boul evard, to ',.George Urban Boulevard. ' ' ,

The grading, drainage and pavement with reinforced concretepavement,. with curbing, of a width of 28 feet,betwe.en curbs,in and along Westland Terrace, from Grand Boulevard to 'George Urban Boulevar~. .

The grading, drainage and pavement with reinforced concretepavement, with curbing, of a Width of 28. feet between curbs,in and along West Grand Boulevard, from Genesee street toGeorge Urban Boulevard. '

The grading, drainage and pavement with reinforced concretepavement, with curbing, of a width of 28 fee't between curbs,in, and along East Grand Boulevard, from Genesee street toGeorge Urban Boulevard.

The g'I'ading, drainage and pavement with re'inforced concretepavement, with ourbing, of a width of 28 feet between ourbs;in and along TIastland Parkway, from East Grand Boulevard toGeorge Urban Boulevard.

17. The grading drainage and pavement with reinforoed ooncretepavement, with ourbing, of a width of 28 feet between and along Woodbridge Avenue, from Cleveland Drive to HuthRoad. '






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