chocolate war vocabulary map

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Chocolate War Vocabulary Map. By: Yve Olivier February 16, 2012 – April 13, 2012 Block 1 Chocolate War by Robert .Cormier. Lassitude. Benevolently. Languidly. Surreptitiously. Contemptuous. Ingratiating. Feigning. Audacity. Irrevocable. Inscrutable. Bewilderment. Nemesis. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


By: Yve OlivierFebruary 16, 2012 – April 13, 2012

Block 1Chocolate War by Robert .Cormier


LassitudeDefinitionLassitude- weariness of body or mind from strain, oppressive climate, etc.; lack of energy; listlessness; languor.

Evidence from the novel“ He was unwilling to abandon this lovely lassitude but he had to, of course.” pg.3

My SentenceWhen I woke up this morning I had so much lassitude.


BenevolentlyDefinitionBenevolently- characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings

Evidence from the novel“ Archie turned and smiled at him benevolently, like a goddam king out passing favors. “ pg.7

My SentenceMy friend Lalique had a benevolently attitude this morning.


LanguidlyDefinitionLanguidly- lacking in vigor or vitality; slack or slow

Evidence from the novel“ He moved with a subtle rhythm, languidly, the walk of an athlete although he hated all sports and had nothing but contempt for all athletes. “ pg.11

My SentenceI was very languid last night.


SurreptitiouslyDefinitionSurreptitiously- obtained, done, made, etc., by stealth; secret or unauthorized-

Evidence from the novel“ He studied the photograph surreptitiously and then closed the magazine and put it back where it belonged, on the top shelf. “

My SentenceToday I surreptitiously sneaked a pretzel from my moms room.


ContemptuousDefinitionContemptuous- showing or expressing contempt or disdain; scornful.

Evidence from the novel“ The guy’s voice was contemptuous. “

My sentenceThe contemptuous feeling I had when she walked in the building was stronger than ever.


IngratiatingDefinitionIngratiating- charming; agreeable; pleasing.

Evidence from the novel“ On the surface, he was one of those pale, ingratiating kind of men who tiptoed through life on small, quick feet.”Pg.24

My SentenceYve Olivier is a very ingratiating girl.


FeigningDefinitionFeigning- to invent fictitiously or deceptively, as a story or an excuse.

Evidence from the novel“ ‘My help?’ Archie asked, feigning surprise, trying to keep any trace of mockery out of his voice.” pg.26

My SentenceYesterday, a feigning excuse came from my brother’s mouth talking about Burger King.


AudacityDefinitionAudacity- boldness or daring, especially with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions.

Evidence from the novel“ Archie was surprised by Leon’s audacity.” pg.27

My SentenceThe stars of Jackass have the best audacity. no one can beat that.


IrrevocableDefinitionIrrevocable- not to be revoked or recalled; unable to be repealed or annulled; unalterable: an irrevocable decree.

Evidence from the novel“ ‘Thursday’ Archie said, a command in his voice, no nonsense, final, irrevocable.” pg.36

My SentenceThe act I did today in class is irrevocable.


InscrutableDefinitionInscrutable- incapable of being investigated, analyzed, or scrutinized; impenetrable.

Evidence from the novel“ ‘Ready’ Archie said, keeping his face expressionless, inscrutable as usual, even though he felt a bead of perspiration trace a cold path from his armpit to his rib.” pg.37

My SentenceI’m very inscrutable especially when I’m being interrogated by my mom.


BewildermentDefinitionBewilderment- a confusing maze or tangle, as of objects or conditions: a bewilderment of smoke, noise, and pushing people.

Evidence from the novel“ He looked at the kid Goober who stood there in bewilderment.” pg.38

My SentenceAs I pushed through the crowd I became confused and began to circle the crowd in bewilderment.


NemesisDefinitionnemesis- an opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome.

Evidence from the novel“ The black box was his nemesis.”

My SentenceMy nemesis emerged from the mist of the forest and stabbed me in the eye with a pencil.


SacrilegiousDefinition Sacrilegious- pertaining to or involving sacrilege; guilty of sacrilege.

Evidence from the novel“ ‘ I know you wouldn’t consider anything so sacrilegious.’ “ pg.45

My SentenceThe main character in the movie was found to be very sacrilegious.


WistfulDefinitionWistful- characterized by melancholy; longing; yearning.

Evidence from the novel“ He listened to it splashed dismally below, bidding a wistful farewell to the squandered buck and quarter.” pg.18

My SentenceIt was a wistful goodbye when my imaginary friend left that spring after noon.


Bedlam DefinitionBedlam- scene or state of wild uproar and confusion. An insane asylum or madhouse.

Evidence from the novel

My SentenceI escaped from the bedlam today. With all the other spirits. Booooooo!!!!!!!!


RangyDefinitionRangy- (of animals or people) slender and long-limbed.

Evidence from the novel“

My SentenceMy Great Dane is very fast, big, tall and rangy.


AdulationDefinitionAdulation- excessive devotion to someone; servile flattery.

Evidence from the novel

My SentenceThe adulation I get from my friends is sometimes a little bit to much and embarrassing.


EdificeDefinitionEdifice- a building, especially one of large size or imposing appearance. any large, complex system or organization.

Evidence from the novel“ He poured it on like Niagara-school spirit, the traditional sale that had never failed, the Headmaster lying sick in the hospital, the brotherhood of Trinity, the need for funds to keep this magnificent edifice of education operating on all gears.” pg.68

My SentenceThis is the largest edifice in he world. In the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


TumultuousDefinitionTumultuous- full of tumult or riotousness; marked by disturbance and uproar: a tumultuous celebration.

Evidence from the novel“ He watched Leon storming away, pushing his way through the tumultuous corridor, disappearing into the swarming stream of boys. “ pg.74

My SentenceThe tumultuous we had in this room a second ago was out of control.


SimonizingDefinitionSimonizing- to shine or polish to a high sheen, especially with wax: to simonize an automobile.

Evidence from the novel“

My SentenceToday I’m going out to simonize my truck.


CommiserationDefinitionCommiseration- to feel or express sorrow or sympathy for; empathize with; pity.

Evidence from the novel“ ‘I know,’ the teacher said, shaking his head sorrowfully, in commiseration. Pg.107

My SentenceEveryday I feel commiseration for Joy, even though right now she looks like the bad guy. But she’s just left out.


BuoyantDefinitionBuoyant- capable of keeping a body afloat, as a liquid. 2. not easily depressed; cheerful.

Evidence from the novel“He was still buoyant when he arrived home, or otherwise, he wouldn’t have had the courage to call all those Barrett's and to actually talk to the girl.” pg. 177

My SentenceToday, I hope, is going to be a very buoyant day. I doubt that.


PandemoniumDefinitionPandemonium- wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos.

Evidence from the novel“ Suddenly, pandemonium reigned.”

My SentenceThe pandemonium in the hallways after 1st block is crazy.


FarceDefinitionFarce- a light, humorous play in which the plot depends upon a skillfully exploited situation rather than upon the development of character.

Evidence from the novel“nobody wants to sell chocolates in the first place and it’s turned into a kind of farce in some classes.” pg.147

My SentenceToday I watched a farce play in the Garrett Middle School Theater.


ScapegoatDefinition Scapegoat- a person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place.

Evidence from the novel“He had the feeling that Brother Leon was that kind of character, that he would need a scapegoat and Brian would be closest at hand.” pg.151

My SentenceOn Monday when I was watching Smash one guy was scapegoating the other.


CalisthenicsDefinitionCalisthenics- gymnastic exercises designed to develop physical health and vigor, usually performed with little or no special apparatus.

Evidence from the novel“ The nearby gym was occupied by fellows either practicing basketball or boxing calisthenics the walls echoed with thudding's, bouncing’s and whistles blowing, like a grotesque sound track.” pg.166

My SentenceI usually do a lot of calisthenics during gymnastics.


QuotaDefinitionQuota- A proportional part or share; share or proportion assigned to each; any required or proportionate single contribution to a total sum, number, or quantity.

Evidence from the novel“And last year ,the quota was half of what has to be sold this year.”

My SentenceThey say the word quota a lot in business meetings.


SibilantDefinitionSibilant- Hissing; making or having a hissing sound

Evidence from the novel“Brother Leon said, his voice a sibilant whisper.” pg.155

My SentenceThe snake was sibilant all day toady.


ApathyDefinitionApathy-Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference.

Evidence from the novel“Infected by a disease we would call apathy.” pg.155

My SentenceMy first block , I would describe it as apathy.


BellowsDefinitionBellows- An apparatus for producing a strong current of air, as for sounding a pipe organ or increasing the draft to a fire, consisting of a flexible, valved air chamber that is contracted and expanded by pumping to force the air through a nozzle.

Evidence from the novel“His chest rose a fell like human bellows.” pg.158

My SentenceBellows, who cares?


DisembodiedDefinitionDisembodied- simple past tense and past participle of disembody.

Evidence from the novel“He had never spoken to Leon on the phone before and the disembodied voice at the other end of the line had caught hi off balance.” pg.161

My Sentence Image

PrecariousDefinitionPrecarious- Dangerously lacking in security or stability.

Evidence from the novel“Funny, he knew Leon was in a precarious position and yet there was always the danger of underestimating him.” pg.165

My SentenceMy neighborhood is very precarious.


ExultancyDefinitionExultancy- The act of exulting; lively joy at success or victory, or at any advantage gained; great gladness; triumphant delight; triumph.

Evidence from the novel“For the first time, the word brought exultancy to him, a lifting of a spirit.” pg.177

My SentenceJesus is the main example of exultancy.


DerisionDefinitionDerision- Contemptuous or jeering laughter; ridicule.

Evidence from the novel“The chuckle turned into a hoot of derision.” pg.192

My SentenceThe derision in my class after I say something is so crazy.


CamaraderieDefinitionCamaraderie- Goodwill and lighthearted rapport between or among friends; comradeship.

Evidence from the novel“Jerry felt a rush of camaraderie for the teacher.” pg.195

My SentenceThe camaraderie between me and my friends is like the best.


WaylayingDefinitionWaylaying- to intercept or attack from ambush, as in order to rob, seize, or slay.

Evidence from the novel“However, he’d seen some of the more prominent Vigil members waylaying kids in the corridors, checking on their sales, whispering menacingly to those who had sold only a few boxes.” pg. 198

My SentenceWaylaying is kind of like a sneak attack.


MaverickDefinitionMaverick- a lone dissenter, as an intellectual, an artist, or a politician, who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates: a modern-dance maverick.

Evidence from the novel“ He shuffled to the back of the bus, grateful that it wasn’t one of the crowded school buses but a maverick bus that appeared on odd hours.” pg.215

My SentenceA Maverick is a type of car too.


LuminousDefinitionLuminous- Emitting light, especially emitting self-generated light.

Evidence from the novel“ Instantly awake, he glanced at the alarm clock’s luminous face.” pg.218

My SentenceLuminous is such a stupid word.


DisheveledDefinitionDisheveled- . Hanging in loose disorder; disarranged; in disarray; not made neat; -- used especially of hair or clothing.

Evidence from the novel“ The harassment had taken its toll on his father’s face, his hair disheveled, purple crescents under his eyes.

My SentenceMy closet is very disheveled during school because I’m so tired.


DesecratedDefinitionDesecrated- simple past tense and past participle of desecrate.

Evidence from the novel“The desecrated poster had been removed ad the wall scrubbed clean.” pg.224

My SentenceI hated that desecrated poster.


TabulationDefinitionTabulation- The act of forming into a table or tables.

Evidence from the novel“Brother Leon entered the office at moment Brian Cochran finished his final tabulation.” pg.226

My SentenceTabulation is not a word I hear a lot but it is cool.


RancidDefinitionRancid- Having a rank smell or taste, from chemical change or decomposition; musty.

Evidence from the novel“Leon’s rancid breath- did he ever eat anything else but bacon- filled the air as he stood beside Brian looking over the tabulations.” pg.226

My SentenceWhen a person has rancid breath it probably means they don’t have a toothbrush.


SanctimoniouslyDefinitionSanctimoniously- Sacredly; religiously.

Evidence from the novel“Ah, the hell with it, Brian thought as Leon’s voice droned on sanctimoniously.” pg.228

My SentenceMy mother and older brother are very sanctimoniously proud that they are Christians.


CajolingDefinitionCajoling- To urge with gentle and repeated appeals, teasing, or flattery; wheedle.

Evidence from the novel“Archie pressed on, silencing his voice, cajoling, leading him on.” pg.232

My SentenceSomeone I know was cajoling someone else all day yesterday. (Don’t think nasty.)


DesecrationDefinitionDesecration- The act of diverting from a hallowed purpose or use; deprivation of a sacred character or office; sacrilegious or profane treatment or use.

Evidence from the novel“After he desecration of his locker.” pg.235

My SentenceMany abandoned sites are the main one that are desecrated.


SubmissivenessDefinitionSubmissiveness- . the trait of being willing to yield to the will of another person or a superior force etc..

Evidence from the novel“The kid was quick to comply and Archie was pleased to his submissiveness.” pg.239

My SentenceI am not submissive at all.


ElementalDefinitionElemental- Pertaining or relating to first principles; simple; elementary.

Evidence from the novel

My SentenceThis project is in no way elemental.


PremeditatedDefinitionPremeditated- Characterized by deliberate purpose, previous consideration, and some degree of planning

Evidence from the novel“He had never struck anyone like that before, in fury, premeditated, he ‘d enjoyed catapulting all his power toward the target, the release of all his frustrations, hitting back at last, lashing out, getting revenge finally, revenge not only against Janza but all that he represented.” pg. 251

My SentenceThat murder was premeditated.


CatapultingDefinitionCatapulting- A military machine for hurling missiles, such as large stones or spears, used in ancient and medieval times

Evidence from the novel“He had never struck anyone like that before, in fury, premeditated, he ‘d enjoyed catapulting all his power toward the target, the release of all his frustrations, hitting back at last, lashing out, getting revenge finally, revenge not only against Janza but all that he represented.” pg. 251

My SentenceI catapulted through the sky.


WORKS CITED• All images from: Google Images• Definitions from: and

• THANK YOU AND GOOD BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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