chronicle feb 2011

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Bi Annual CCA Publication


A Publication of Calvary Christian Academy May 2011 Issue IV

Stepping it Up!

Go West!

“We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ through a biblical school environment that prepares students to glorify God spiritually, academically, and socially.”

Scripture has great stories of leaders like Daniel, Joseph, Esther,

David, Paul, Timothy, and even Jesus, whose seasons of building and

preparation preceded calls to step up to the next level and lead. That

is the call that I believe God has placed on our staff and students:

to view each passing year as preparation for a call to step it up in

accomplishing our mission. As we prepare for record enrollment next


4UBGG�USBJOJOH�BOE�DVSSJDVMVN�JNQSPWFNFOUT�IBWF�MFE�UP�TJHOJmDBOU�growth in academic achievement across the board, from writing,

math, spelling, and history, to standardized tests. We improved

communications with more consistent e-mail, web, and printed

QVCMJDBUJPOT �BOE�XJMM�CF�SPMMJOH�PVU�TJHOJmDBOU�UFDIOPMPHZ�improvements over the next several years to prepare our students to

meet the needs of a rapidly changing world.

In the areas of discipleship and guidance, we strengthened our team

and provided a much higher level of support for students. We saw

the impact of chapels, small groups, and retreats and missions trips,

which, along with counseling and mentoring, propelled our students to

a commendable level of maturity and achievement.

In the arts, our students excelled on stage, in art, music, dance, and


the community.

In athletics, we had a very competitive year that culminated in our

mSTU�TUBUF�UJUMF�HJSMT�USBDL�BT�XFMM�BT�OVNFSPVT�EJTUSJDU�BOE�SFHJPOBM�victories, but more importantly provided countless opportunities for our

student athletes to grow and minister to others. Soon, they will be able

to step it up ‘at home’ because we recently broke ground on the new

BUIMFUJDT�GBDJMJUJFT�PO�UIF�XFTU�mFMETþ�8IBU�BO�BXFTPNF�PQQPSUVOJUZ�GPS�the community to step up investment in discipleship through athletics

this year.

8JUI�BMM�UIJT�UP�SFnFDU�PO �BOE�CFDBVTF�PG�(PE�T�HSFBU�MPWF�BOE�inspiration, how can we be anything but resolved to step it up as high

as we can for His glory?

Have a wonderful summer, and may God bless you.

Pastor Mark Davis

Head of School




Stepping it Up!



Book Fair


History Day


Small Groups Give Back


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The printing of this publication was generously donated by an

anonymous donor.

Contributing WritersEditorial BoardPhotographersManaging Editor

Maritza Cosano Gomez


Ceri Usmar

Graphic Designer

Michelle Anderson


Ceri Usmar

Naomi Peyton

Carolina Wiebe

Jodi Fairchild

Pastor Mark Davis

Chad Kauffman

Rob Lofthouse

Susan Alexander

David Salvatelli

Fred Gushue

Pastor Mark Davis

David Salvatelli

Rob Lofthouse

Susan Alexander

Aaron Mills

Sheri Hecocks

Go West!

“The Sonshine Book Fair was a

tremendous success this year.

Our record turnout allowed us to


Mrs. Webb’s Fourth Grade class

wrote, illustrated, published, and

presented their own story books. “It

was pretty easy for me because I like

XPSLJOH�XJUI�PUIFS�QFPQMF�w�4LZMBS�Pearcy, Co-author with Jonathan

Hardy of Stuck on the Bridge.

Our annual celebration of reading on

Dr. Seuss’s birthday involved plenty

of wacky dressing and culminated

JO�%�&�"�3��%SPQ�&WFSZUIJOH�"OE�3FBE�5JNF�PVU�PO�UIF�XFTU�mFMET��Our very own Mrs. Kavanaugh is


Six creative kids emerged victorious

JO�UIF�mSTU�FWFS�CPPLNBSL�EFTJHO�contest initiated to celebrate

National Library Month in April.

Check out the Library main page

of our website for their winning

designs, or pick up a bookmark in

one of the media centers.


Center at Broward College. Each student

was assigned a job and salary, and

budgeting help was on hand from parent

volunteers. “It’s like Wannado City but for

older kids. I made $42 thousand a year

so I was pretty well off. I was just hoping


The Sixth Grade Class enjoyed


Experience this March. “This

year’s trip was a wonderful

opportunity to enhance our

studies in science, social

studies, and Bible over two days

PG�FEVDBUJPOBM�GVOþw�,PSJ�&MMJT �6th Grade Team Leader/World

History Teacher

The Seventh Grade Class

mFME�USJQ�XBT�UXP�GVO�mMMFE�days of adventure learning

about God’s creation. “I got

to make new friendships, I got

to learn about God’s beautiful

hand in nature, and I got

to learn more about myself


Congressman, Lieutenant Colonel Alan West, visited

CCA where he took the time to answer student

questions. A strong leader with 22 years in the

military, the congressman shared his insights into the


“In life you will have to make decisions, but

remember that for every decision you make there

BSF�DPOTFRVFODFT�BOE�UIF�DPOTFRVFODFT�BSF�WFSZ�simple. You either gain more options for yourself,

maintain the options that you have, or you lose

options. But when you look in the mirror at the end

of the day, make sure you still have your honor, your

integrity, and your character. No one can take those



You are my Sonshine

Career Guidance

Hittin’ the Books


Wacky Wednesday

Meet the Author


Photo by MAC

Photo by MAC

Keys to the Kingdom

Learning and GrowingDavid Salvatelli, Director of Academic Advancement

In 2010-11 CCA premiered its Academic Advancement

Team, to focus on cultivating excellence in our

classrooms through teacher and curriculum

development. Personally, I have loved the opportunity

to work closely with the amazing Christian professionals

leading our classrooms. CCA teachers have a great

EFTJSF�UP�HSPX�QSPGFTTJPOBMMZ �XIJDI�nPXT�GSPN�UIFJS�passion to glorify God and bless our students, and there

were many opportunities to do just that. It has been a joy

learning and growing together in our love for Jesus Christ

and for teaching well.

We’re looking forward to building on the foundation

we’ve been able to establish in the next school year.

By God’s grace, we are determined to provide CCA

students with Christ-centered education characterized by

excellence and best practice. To God be the glory, and


Elementary Experience

Susan Alexander, Elementary Principal

With grateful hearts to our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ we bring this school year to

a conclusion. Answered prayer, outreach

opportunities, inspiring chapels, loving

teachers, engaging classrooms, dynamic

DVSSJDVMVN �mFME�USJQT �DMBTT�QBSUJFT �TQJSJUVBM�and academic growth in students, and God-

honoring families are all components that


In June, check out the CCA website’s

elementary academic page where you will

mOE�TVNNFS�QBDLFUT�QPTUFE�CZ�HSBEF�MFWFM�BT�XFMM�BT�B�i4VHHFTUFE�3FBEJOH�-JTUw�UP�assist you with your family’s summer learning

HPBMT��"MPOH�XJUI�i3FBEJOH w�i8SJUJOH w�BOE�i"SJUINFUJDw�XF�IBWF�JODMVEFE�TPNF�4DJFODF�ideas and online educational websites to help


Spelling it Out

CCA hosted the ACSI 1st – 4th

Grade Spelling Bee in March,

welcoming staff and students

from six other schools to our

campus. “Thank you to all

the parents who generously

gave of their time to make

this event a huge success. It

was a blessing to serve the

ACSI school community in this

XBZ�w�1FOOZ�#FBM �&MFNFOUBSZ�Assistant Principal

Fifth Grade Bee

In their ACSI Spelling Bee against area Christian


“Their victory was well-deserved—

I know they worked hard and they

represented our school and Jesus

well!”Computer Teacher


5XFMWF�PG�$$"�T�mOFTU�.JEEMF�4DIPPM�NBUI�NJOET�XFSF�recognized for their outstanding performance in the Florida Math

League Competition. “We competed to challenge our best math

students and to expose them to opportunities to excel in math.

Excellence in math opens the doors to many opportunities to



On May 3, CCA celebrated the High School Academic Awards

Photo by Ceri Usmar

Photos by MAC

The Next Level

Rob Lofthouse, Secondary Principal

This year has taken CCA Secondary to the next level

across the board. Under the leadership of the academic

advancement team, we made a concerted effort to take our

academic program to the next level by really investing in

professional development and supporting our faculty more in

the classrooms. We made great strides in arts and athletics

XJUI�B�DPVQMF�PG�CJH�TVSQSJTFT��PVS�HJSMT�XPO�$$"�T�mSTU�HPME�medals at the State Track & Field meet and the performing

arts musical producation of Joseph one-upped anything

they’d done in the past. Our student disciples attained new

heights through missions trips to Mexico and the Bahamas, as

well as intense and valuable spiritual retreats. They returned


1SPKFDUJOH�JOUP�OFYU�ZFBS�XF�SF�mMMFE�XJUI�BOUJDJQBUJPO�PG�doing this again, and more. The addition of the new athletics

facilities will send a clear message to the community that

XF�SF�TFSJPVT�BCPVU�XIBU�XF�EP�IFSFþ�*�UIJOL�UIF�-PSE�IBT�B�great sense of timing: we showed we could win gold medals

by practicing in a parking lot, and He is rewarding us with a

stadium and track so we can take it to the next level.

Fifth Grade Bee

In their ACSI Spelling Bee against area Christian


“Their victory was well-deserved—

I know they worked hard and they

represented our school and Jesus

well!”�Laura Morris, Spelling Bee Coordinator,

Computer Teacher

Making History

$$"�4FDPOEBSZ�4DIPPM�RVBMJmFE�OJOF�IJHI�TDIPPM�BOE�UISFF�middle school students for the 2011 National History Day Fair.

We sent four students to the State Competition this May, where

they were acknowledged with three Excellent ratings and one

Superior. “CCA was the top Broward school in placements at

the senior level with the most First Places in this division where

many topics had a very strong world view. They represented


The highly anticipated Fifth Grade History Fair in April did not

EJTBQQPJOUþ�i8IBU�B�XPOEFSGVM�KPC�UIF�mGUI�HSBEF�UFBDIFST�EJE�with the history fair. The students did a phenomenal job of their

scrapbooks, dance presentation, and speeches. I have been

teaching for 23 years and have never seen anything quite


$PSFZ�.D$BMM�$MBTT�PG������TIBSFE�UIF�TFDSFUT�PG�his academic and vocational success with our top

UFDI�TUVEFOUT�QSFQBSJOH�GPS�DPMMFHF��i*G�ZPV�DBO�mOE�something you love to do and there’s a college track

for it that’s great. You’ve also got to choose your friends

and choose to go to church, because everyone’s very




Photo by MAC

Athletics 2011—To God be the Glory!

By Dana Ridenour

&WFSZ�ZFBS�CFHJOT�XJUI�IPQF�BOE�B�OFXMZ�EFmOFE�QVSTVJU�PG�excellence. Pastor Mark challenged his team to allow God to

do a work in us so He could do even more through us. The

athletics department is stronger and more focused because of

the work God did in us this year.

Like any sport, 2010 – 2011 athletics took a few bumps

and bruises. But, every step of the way, God’s hand was

comforting, leading, and rewarding. The year was so amazing

because of this faithfulness. In times of great sorrow, He

was there. In times of great turmoil, He was there. In times of

disappointing defeats, injuries, and division, He was there.

In times of great victories, record-setting performances, and

championships, He was there.

We are so blessed to serve and play in the presence and

power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This year we had

420 student-athletes and over a hundred coaches prepped

and ready for God to do a work in them. The most rewarding

part of being the Athletics Director is hearing from parents from

other schools about the character of our athletes and coaches

and sharing those on the athletics blog. We expanded the

NJTTJPO�mFME�CZ�BEEJOH�MBDSPTTF�BOE�TXJNNJOH�This year also provided numerous individual and team

achievements. Javan Shashaty broke the Broward County

all-time career passing yards record. Jahlani Callender was


championships at the state track meet in the girls’ varsity high

KVNQ�"MJB�)BNNFS�BOE�HJSMT���9�����SFMBZ�&NJMZ�(SPFOFWFME �3BDIFM�4JFSBE[BO �$BSPMJOF�1BVMT �BOE�%PNJOJRVF�,FMMZ�XJUI�an incredible time of 4:00:63. The boys soccer team and the


the singles title for the second year in a row.

But, it was the work God did through us that set CCA apart:

athletes pointing heavenward after losing a match; a team

raising a player on their shoulders after winning the district


SFHJPOBM�TFNJ�mOBMT�Sports can be so rewarding, but the pursuit of excellence

isn’t about records or medals, it’s about manifesting the

DIBSBDUFS�PG�$ISJTU�XIP�QFSGFDUMZ�NPEFMFE�MPWF�BOE�TBDSJmDF�GPS�others. May God continue His work in us, so we can continue




“The goal was to stock diapers

for “the littlest of these” and we

were able to do it because of the

generosity—and ‘fashionsense’—

of our Secondary School

students!”—Naomi Peyton



No Trivial PursuitsAaron Mills, Director of Discipleship

5IJT�TDIPPM�ZFBS�IBT�CFFO�B�ZFBS�PG�i1VSTVJUw�BU�$$"��Students have embraced the challenge to pursue high

achievement in the classroom, success in the arts and


Spiritually, the pursuit of growth as disciples is clearly

evident in the students and school community. The

spiritual fruit of many shared worship, teaching, and

service opportunities is visible and immeasurable, and the

JOnVFODF�JT�VOEFOJBCMF��*�MPWFE�XBUDIJOH�TUVEFOUT�SFBMJ[F�that God could use them no matter how old they are,

whether serving at Golden Acres, praying for one another

during small group, or sharing the gospel overseas.

An exciting accomplishment was the $30,000 raised by the

F.I.G.H.T. Club to help build an education center in India

through the Dalit Freedom Network. It’s been amazing to

watch what has been achieved when the students have

united and functioned as the body of Christ. Whether you

encounter them in the halls, the classroom, the theatre, or

PO�UIF�mFME �JU�JT�DMFBS�UIBU�UIF�DVMUVSF�PG�$$"�JT�B�SFnFDUJPO�of students who aspire to pursue God and live out His plan

for their lives.

In God We Trust

Every year, the sophomore retreat revolves around relationships, with a focus on honorable dating and trust. This year was no different as students raised their trust levels through tackling the infamous ropes course, and, after much planning and preparation, went on a date with an assigned partner. “My small group leader was Mr. Ellis; we had good discussions and I felt very comfortable UP�PQFO�VQ�w�(BCF�Tchividjian, sophomore student

Photo by Naomi Peyton

Small Group Big Blessing

Mrs. Peytons’ 9th grade small group’s Jeans Day



Stepping Up

Sheri Hecocks, Theatre Production Manager

The most amazing thing I’ve observed this year is how the

students have taken responsibility for the details of productions.

They have become such professionals in their craft that they

can manage not only the performance side of a show, but the

technical details as well. Year one of the Endorsement Program

has pushed the level of professionalism beyond what is common

at the average high school level of performance. It has been an


Playing the PiperCCA band students garnered

record-breaking evaluations

in this year’s MPAs. From a

total of 48 performances our

students received 22 Superior, 19

Excellent, and four Good ratings.

All the World’s a Stage

CCA Thespians took top honors

from the State Festival in Tampa,

but also shared the love of

God through Love Bags they

distributed to the local homeless


The Write Way

CCA excelled in this notoriously

selective regional contest, open

to students in 4th-12th grades.

Best of Show

CCA students from K-12

participated in the ACSI Art

Festival, where they received

GPVS�PVU�PG�UIF����i#FTU�PG�4IPXw�awards, and brought home

one Good rating, 11 Excellent

SBUJOHT �BOE����4VQFSJPS�SBUJOHT��“It was wonderful to see so many

Christian schools celebrating

the arts, and glorifying God,

the source of our artistic


Excellent Exhibitions

The Middle School Art Exhibition

created a stir with students

WPUJOH�GPS�UIFJS�GBWPSJUF�mOBMJTUT�in the Students’ Choice Awards

and winners in each grade

coming from the Patrons’

Choice voting on opening

night. “This inaugural event was

very special: we had a great

turnout on opening night and

UIF�WPUJOH�XBT�B�IJUþ�&WFSZPOF�really enjoyed themselves,

and they were impressed with

UIF�BSUXPSL�w�.ST��)FBUIFS�Camargo, Middle School Art Teacher

CCA’s 5th Annual

Art Exhibition

displayed the remarkable talent

of our students in grades 1 – 12,

opening to coincide with Joseph

and the Amazing Technicolor

Dreamcoat. “God rejoices in

our creativity, and this exhibition

was an opportunity to celebrate

our students’ talents and to give

)JN�HMPSZ�w�/PFNJ�,MJQGFM �)JHI�School Art Teacher

Kindergarten Class Act

In their annual reminder of

how blessed we are to live in

America, the Kindergarten

classes brought tears to eyes

and stirred up patriotic pride in

every heart in this year’s Patriotic

Production dedicated to fallen

navy pilot, Matt Lowe. “What a

blessing to see our little ones

honor the men and women of

this nation who care for and

protect the red, white, and


i0G����UPUBM�FOUSJFT �POMZ�mWF�superior ratings were earned

and CCA garnered two of

them. We also brought home

four Excellent and three Good


Writing Coordinator


Photo by Jodi Fairchild

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