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Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia Fourth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2020


A Novena of nine Masses will be said during the month of May for Mothers, living and deceased.

Spiritual Bouquet cards may be found at the back of the Church and Parish office. Mother’s names will be

placed on the Altar during the month of May.

Novena Masses

Sunday, May 10 12:45 PM Sunday, May 10 5:30 PM Monday, May 11 7:30 AM Tuesday, May 12 7:30 AM Thursday, May 14 12:00 PM Friday, May 15 7:30 AM Friday, May 15 9:00 AM Saturday, May 20 9:00 AM Saturday, May 20 5:00 PM

Cards and forms can also be downloaded at:



Today, on the Fourth Sunday of Easter, we commemorate the sixth anniversary of the return to God of our late Pastor, Fr. Richard Martin. Even though we are under the restrictions necessary to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, we remember him this weekend in a way he would love and appreciate – by continuing the parish tradition of taking the annual Operation Starfish collection on the Sunday closest to his anniversary, which is May 3rd.

This year, our second collection is virtual, using the Operation Starfish envelope by mail or drop-off at the parish office, or by online giving at If you need help, call the church office at 703-455-2400 or email us at

Operation Starfish began here at Nativity Catholic Church in 1998. Fr. Martin started this simple program by putting a wicker basket at the entrance to the church during Lent. That tradition has continued for 22 years. This year the basket is a virtual one! The funds from our second collection today will be used by Food For the Poor for both immediate food relief and to continue development of Nativity Village at Balan, our 12th Nativity Village project in Haiti. In 2019 the site was cleared, a community center was built and as of today the first 25 homes have been completed. When finished, this village will have 70 new homes with solar lighting, sanitation and clean drinking water, an elementary school, soccer field, basketball court, community center and animal husbandry business. For the first time, each new home will have running water. The villagers of Balan will join the more than 1,400 families living in new homes in Nativity Villages throughout Haiti.

In addition, this year’s Operation Starfish gifts will provide a generator at New Hope Hospital, a year of operating expenses at St. Anthony Clinic and scholarships for our Nativity Village schools and sewing centers, including the Georgette Martin Sewing Center, named for Fr. Martin’s mom, who taught apparel making to vocational education students.

Please join us for Mass today, continue to be inspired by Fr. Martin’s example, and reach out to those in need, across the street and around the world. Love and Easter Bessings, Fr. Bob Cilinski Pastor

Make Stella Marina Birthing Kids at Home Would you like to help and make 50 birthing kits on Mother’s Day to honor the midwives, moms, and babies in Haiti – all from the safety of your home? Please send your name and email address to to be added to our mailing list. A signup genius will be sent out on Saturday. The first 30 households to sign up will be able to pick up the supplies on Saturday, May 9.

Grief and Loss during Social Distancing Due to social distancing, isolating is the new norm for many. We need to reach out to others rather than remain alone when

we experience grief and loss. Reaching out gives us an opportunity to talk things over and share our sorrow.

We can cope better with loss when we realize that we are not alone. To make a teletherapy appointment with a Catholic Charities counselor, call 703/425-0109 or 540/371-1124.

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia Fourth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2020


Nativity is proud to support our neighbors during this uncertain time by partnering with local food distributors to provide a safe receiving point for groceries. Currently, two companies are offer-ing to drop off pre-ordered groceries to the Nativity parking lot.

Washington Lamb is a restaurant distributor bringing fresh meat, poultry, and other essentials right to Nativity. Skip the grocery-store gamble, Offering: No Contact Service, Wholesale Prices, Reduced Risk, Guaranteed Availability. Pick up: Parking lot of Nativity Catholic Church. When: Your date will be coordinated when you order.Call 703.339.7000,

Keany Produce during this time of uncertainty, Keany Produce & Gourmet doesn’t want members of our community to worry about sourcing food. They have created a Curbside Produce Pickup program and will be setting up food pick-up hubs for the foreseea-ble future to give you access to fresh commodities. Each box will contain a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables for you and your loved ones. Pick up: Parking lot of Nativity Catholic Church. When: Every Tuesday & Saturday | 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

For more information plus a list of available items and pricing please visit:

Meet St. Corona Patroness of Epidemics

She witnessed the martyrdom of

St. Victor, a soldier who was executed

by his brothers-in-arms for his faith.

While Victor was undergoing his

martyrdom, the brave 16-year-old

Corona cried out comforting words and

encouragement as Victor held fast to his

faith and gave up his life for the Lord.

Victor’s persecutors then turned on Corona and took her life as

well. And likewise, the young saint never surrendered her faith.

As the Coronavirus wreaks havoc and vexes us all, St. Corona

gives us an opportunity to lean into our faith and cling to hope,

no matter the turmoil around us.

Prayer to St. Corona in

a Time of Epidemic

Lord Jesus Christ,

You came into this world

for our salvation.

Look kindly on us now, we pray,

that we, and all those who serve You,

might be kept safe from this epidemic.

Heal those who are sick,

comfort the suffering, bring back

those who have gone astray, and

above all, increase our faith, O Lord.

Give us the grace to follow You and,

like the martyr St. Corona, who gave

her life for love of You, to take up our

crosses daily without fear or hesitation.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the

living God, have mercy on us and

on the whole world.

St. Corona, patroness of

epidemic victims, pray for us.

Offertory and Tax Deduction Changes for all Taxpayers

The ongoing support of parish offertory is so important in meeting our parish expenses. All taxpayers for 2020 may take

an "above-the-line" deduction for up to $300 in cash donations. If you do itemize, you may deduct up to the entire amount of

your adjusted gross income (AGI) for cash gifts in 2020, without reference to the 60 percent limitation that would otherwise apply. More information can be found here:

I love to pray the rosary but I like to give it my own twist. Here is an option you may enjoy. The large striped beads are the Our Father beads. If you are praying for someone else, color the beads with the colors that remind you of them. In the round medal, write a word or name, or draw a flower or other personal symbol. Stay calm and enjoy the peace that color can bring.

Brought to you by Bro. Mickey McGrath

Just download the App, register with

‘Nativity of our Lord’ and begin.

Thank you!

Notes of Encouragement

Our new Parish Pastoral Minister, Catherine Sands, has launched a new outreach program for those in need, from Nativity as a unified faith community. The goal is to let those in need know that we are thinking of them. Our parish residential facilities are Heather-wood, Sunrise & Burke Health & Rehab Center. How to Help:

• Anyone can write a note or draw a picture

• If you feel called to reach out to a certain group i.e. Staff, Resident or General please do so

• Collection bins are in the Narthex labeled Staff, Resident, General & Art

• For those under the age of 18 when signing remember first name only and no age or grade

• Bins will be emptied each Friday at 2:00 pm to get ready for distribution

The collection bins are plastic and can be/will be sprayed with disinfectant, just as the facilities do.

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia Fourth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2020

“The essence of our identity is that we are created in God's image and likeness and loved by Him. Nothing can

diminish the priceless worth of any human life. Every person is cherished.” USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, 2018-19 Respect Life Reflection.

Are you suffering from an abortion experience? PROJECT RACHEL offers spiritual and psychological healing. Call 703-276-0373 ( for a referral for private, sensitive and confidential counseling and/or

reconciliation. (Project Rachel is a post-abortion healing program open to all and sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Arlington).


"We are God's People" 1 Peter 2:10

Monday, May 4 † DaHye Lee

Tuesday, May 5 † Cathleen Conway Del Polito † Timothy John Modglin

Wednesday, May 6 Special Intention for Mayta Rizzo

(Sunrise) † Patti Bradshaw

Thursday, May 7 † James Lee & Grace Lee † Stacy Cramer

Friday, May 8 † Rico Robles (School) † Ed Connolly

Saturday, May 9 † Delapaz Punzalan † Anthony Kuders † Hector Villarraga

Sunday, May 10 Mothers Day Novena


† Madeline Casazza Mothers Day Novena

Mothers Day Novena

The priest schedule for Masses is found on our webpage:

In prayer, let us remember the sick and deceased of the parish.

2020 Car Raffle Results

Nativity’s Fr. Sikora Knights sold $62,060 worth of tickets. We came close to last years ticket sales which is incredible considering everything that

has been going on.

Nativity Parishioners WON 3 CARS and one of the cash prizes!

$100 Prize – Marsha Runningen; Nativity Honda Civic – Joseph & Amy Soos; Nativity Honda CRV – Susan Miller; Nativity Honda Odyssey Van – Robert Clark; Nativity

Fairfax Memorial Park regrets to announce that, due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the annual

Memorial Day Mass has been cancelled. We look forward to seeing you again in 2021!


News reports showing long lines of people waiting for food distribution tell the story of a terrible side effect of Covid-19 it is the story of hunger. ECHO continues its 50 year mission to alleviate hunger in our community. In March we were grateful to receive over 700 bags of donated food but we gave out 4,266 bags. At the current rate, we will give out more than 4,500 food bags in April. While many donors have responded generously to our pleas for help, the supply chain itself hampers ECHO’s ability to obtain food and serve the hungry.

ECHO has been unable to order food or supplies in bulk because of the shortages, so we must count on many donors who are able to find and donate just a few items each. Our volunteers assure everyone that those few items will help. Here are some things to remember: - Giant-sized items are difficult to use because it is hard to safely divide or repackage foods. Please donate “family-sized” or medium sizes of foods. - Health and hygiene items such as dish detergent and hand soap don’t feed people, but often are vital for maintaining health. You could conduct a “safe and personal food drive for ECHO" by asking members of an organization you belong to, or people in your neighborhood to bring a few food or hygiene items and place them in a box outside your home on a certain day. Then, you can deliver the box to ECHO during our hours of operation. We are looking for pictures and stories about local food drives to post on Facebook from time to time. If you would like to share yours, take a photo of yourself and your project and email it with a short description to We may be able to use it on our ECHO Facebook page

The list of ECHO’s most-needed items changes as supplies diminish and donations come in, so you can always find it on ECHO’s website: Watch for any food drives that are being organized by Fairfax County, businesses, or congre-gations and participate with whatever you might have to share.

ECHO is still unable to accept donations of clothing or household items at this time.We are only, but gratefully, accepting food and financial donations. ECHO is currently closed on Wednesday evenings, but is open to receive donations on weekdays from 9:30am to 12:30pm, and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Donors do not even have to get out of their cars, or bring bags or boxes to the door. Volunteers will come to your vehicle to get the donated foods.

People needing food or financial assistance should call 703-569-9160 during the hours shown above.

Website: Fourth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2020

NATIVITY CATHOLIC SCHOOL A Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Colonial Times In Corona Times Due to the Covid-19 School Closure, 4th Grade almost missed out on a signature event: Colonial Week

Several activities had been planned, e.g., dancing; daily chores, such as stacking wood, fetching water, and grinding corn; building houses from wattle and daub, and creating silhouettes from the period. However, since we could not celebrate Colonial Week at school, we celebrated Colonial "Week" at home. Each student selected six activities and created a Digital Colonial Collection Book using Google Slides. Additionally, our 4th Graders missed their field trip to Jamestown; so, similar to our Middle Schoolers' Future City Pro-ject, our 4th Grade students created a replica of Jamestown in their own homes, using ONLY materials they could find around the house.

Below are photos of student Colonial Collection Books and Jamestown models

Website: Fourth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2020

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia Fourth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2020

"Os aseguro que yo soy la puerta de las ovejas. Todos los que han venido antes de mí son ladrones y bandidos... Yo soy la puerta: quien entra por mí se salvará y podrá entrar y salir, y encontrará pastos. El ladrón no entra sino para robar y matar y hacer estrago; yo he venido para que tengan vida y la tengan abundante". (Jn 10,1-10)

Tomando pie de la experiencia de Israel, el título de pastor suena para muchos, hoy, a dirigismo, a autoridad, a mando... y, como consecuencia, a obediencia y sometimiento. De la experiencia nómada, en que el pastor guía a su rebaño, el pueblo hebreo transporta este contenido a los que reciben cierta responsabilidad sobre el pueblo: reyes, profetas... Y, por la experiencia vivida con estos, lanzan su mirada hacia el futuro atribuyendo al tema del pastor un sabor claramente escatológico: Yahvé intervendrá definitivamente a favor de su pueblo. Aquí enganchan, y desde ahí se explican, las palabras de Jesús en textos evangélicos como el de hoy. Jesús es el único que puede atribuirse el título de pastor, dada su entrega total a su rebaño. Él se preocupa de procurar buenos pastos a su rebaño, él lo hace entrar en una nueva vida, él conoce personalmente a sus ovejas, él da su vida por ellas... En definitiva, él vive por y para el rebaño, sin aprovecharse para nada de él. Por eso, todos los hombres están llamados a entrar en el único rebaño del único pastor. Sólo desde ahí, podrá el hombre contemporáneo aceptar a Jesús como el centro de su vida. No resulta tarea fácil. Porque ondeamos con tanta fuerza la bandera de la libertad, que no admitimos nada que interpretemos como recorte para la misma. Porque nos vemos tan autosuficientes, que no soportamos la presencia de nadie que consideremos como competidor. Porque estamos convencidos de tener las ideas tan claras, que no estamos dispuestos a someternos a ningún dirigismo... Esta es la gran dificultad del hombre de nuestros días: su excesiva autosuficiencia. Por eso está en crisis la figura del padre, del maestro, del líder político o religioso... Casi todos luchamos por que no nos roben nuestra autonomía, nuestra capacidad de opinión y de decisión. Sin darnos cuenta (o sin querer reconocerlo) de que, y esto es lo grave, no ha habido, quizá, ninguna época en que el hombre haya sido más esclavo y más dependiente que ahora. ¿No habla de esto la moda, la música, los modos de diversión...? Nunca hemos estado tan uniformados como ahora, que alardeamos, más que nunca, de ser libres.

La certeza de los creyentes es que el único que no se busca a sí mismo buscándonos a nosotros es Jesucristo, que el único que nos ofrece verdaderos caminos de libertad y de superación es Jesucristo, que el único que potencia nuestras capacidades sin anularlas lo más mínimo es Jesucristo... Todos los demás, frente a él, son "ladrones y bandidos", que nos roban lo que más estimamos, porque se buscan a ellos y a sus intereses, sin que nosotros les preocupemos nada en absoluto. Es una buena ocasión para que cada uno examine la experiencia de libertad y de realización personal que ha conquistado siguiendo las voces a las que dado cabida en su vida. Y, por supuesto, una buena ocasión de experimentar a dónde conduce el seguimiento de Jesucristo, el Buen Pastor. Miguel Esparza Fernández

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia Fourth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2020

Meditación del Papa Benedicto XVI Jesús que dijo de sí mismo que había venido para que nosotros tengamos la vida y la tengamos en plenitud, en abundancia, nos explicó también qué significa "vida": "Ésta es la vida eterna: que te conozcan a ti, único Dios verdadero, y a tu enviado, Jesucris-to". La vida en su verdadero sentido no la tiene uno solamente para sí, ni tampoco sólo por sí mismo: es una relación. Y la vida entera es relación con quien es la fuente de la vida. Si estamos en relación con Aquel que no muere, que es la Vida misma y el Amor mismo, entonces estamos en la vida. Entonces "vivimos". 28. Pero ahora surge la pregunta: de este modo, ¿no hemos re-caído quizás en el individualismo de la salvación? ¿En la esperan-za sólo para mí que además, precisamente por eso, no es una esperanza verdadera porque olvida y descuida a los demás? No. La relación con Dios se establece a través de la comunión con Jesús, pues solos y únicamente con nuestras fuerzas no la pode-mos alcanzar. En cambio, la relación con Jesús es una relación con Aquel que se entregó a sí mismo en rescate por todos noso-tros. Estar en comunión con Jesucristo nos hace participar en su ser "para todos", hace que éste sea nuestro modo de ser. Nos compromete en favor de los demás, pero sólo estando en comu-nión con Él podemos realmente llegar a ser para los demás, para todos. (Benedicto XVI, Encíclia Spe salvi, nn. 27-28). Estoy delante de la Puerta Santa y pido: «Señor, ¡ayúdame a abrir la puerta de mi corazón!». No tendría mucha eficacia el Año Santo si la puerta de nuestro corazón no dejara pasar a Cris-to que nos empuja a ir hacia los demás, para llevarlo a Él y su amor. Por lo tanto, igual que la Puerta santa permanece abierta, porque es el signo de la acogida que Dios mismo nos reserva, así también nuestra puerta, la del corazón, ha de estar siempre abierta para no excluir a ninguno. Ni siquiera al que o a la que me molesta: a ninguno. (Homilía de S.S. Francisco, 16 de diciem-bre de 2015). Reflexión Él nos lo dice: Yo soy el Cristo. Pero muchas veces no lo escucha-mos. Él nos habla siempre con hechos más que con palabras. ¿Cuántos milagros se han realizado a lo largo de los siglos en la Iglesia y cuán poca confianza a veces tenemos? Es Cristo quien nos está hablando a través de todas estas obras. Nos habla sobre todo en el silencio, en un atardecer en el mar, en la brisa cargada de fragancias de los campos, en el canto de los pajaritos... son las palabras de Dios que utiliza para comuni-carnos su amor. Dios no nos habla en la fuerza de la tormenta, ni en el huracán, nos habla en el susurro de la brisa. Además el Señor es nuestro Pastor, con Él nada temeremos, porque nos protege bajo su mano. Él se olvida de sí mismo para darnos su amor, como un verdadero Pastor sufre frío, calor, can-sancio, sed, hambre... por amor.

4º Domingo de Pascua - A Evangelio de la Misa: Jn 10,1-10 - El Buen Pastor

La parábola del Buen Pastor es una de las más expresi-vas para conocer a Cristo, y sigue siendo fácilmente comprensible aún en los ambientes poco rurales. Cristo se compara a Buen Pastor, que cuida de sus ovejas, que somos nosotros. El nos procura cuidado y cariño, alimento y protección. Nos advierte de los peligros de la vida y nos orienta para sortearlos, nos lleva a los mejores pastos, que son su doctrina y su ejemplo y sobre todo el alimento espiritual de la gracia santifican-te a través de los sacramentos. Ahora son los sacer-dotes y obispos, y el Pastor común, el Papa, quienes hacen las veces de Cristo-Pastor entre nosotros. No se les puede ver y juzgar de otra manera.

Oración para cada día de la semana Señor, que nos aleccionaste con la elocuente parábola del Buen Pastor, para que mejor te conozcamos, y te tratemos, y más fácilmente acudamos a Ti. Gracias, Señor, por los cuidados que nos proporcionas, para que el error, o los enemigos de la fe y de la verdad no nos dañen. Gracias por el alimento de la Palabra de Dios, que yo debo conocer en profundidad; y por alimento de la Eucaristía que nutre y fortalece mi vida interior. Deseo participar siempre en la Eucaristía dominical, y también frecuentemente a diario, pues ahí nos ofreces la Mesa de la Palabra y la Mesa de tu Cuerpo y Sangre. Sin ellos sé que no puedo vivir y perseverar en la fe y el amor cristiano. Dame hambre de tu Palabra y de tu Cuerpo Eucarístico. Hazme obediente y fiel a tus ense-ñanzas, que ahora siguen predicando los sacerdotes, nuestros pastores en medio del Pueblo de Dios. Te pido por el Papa actual, Benedicto XVI, el Pastor de toda la Iglesia, para que sea fiel a su misión y nos aliente con su palabra y su ejemplo de santidad y en-trega. Te pido por todos los obispos, sucesores de los Apóstoles, para apacentar las parcelas de la Iglesia, o Diócesis, que hay en todo el mundo, para que sean diligentes y valientes defensores de la Palabra de Dios. También deseo encomendarte a los sacerdotes: primero para que no nos falten y por tanto abunden las vocaciones sacerdotales; y en segundo lugar para que sean ejemplares en su conducta y en su dedicación de servir al Pueblo de Dios. Padre Segismundo Fernandez Rodríguez

Nosotros somos las ovejas de Cristo, fuimos entregados a Él por el mismo Padre celestial. Tanto es el amor de Dios que en todo momento se recuerda de nosotros. Nunca seremos arre-batados de la mano del Padre. Él nos protege y nos cuida en-tre sus manos. Él y el Padre son uno. Uno que significa unidad, reflejo e ima-gen de la unidad que tenemos que vivir entre nosotros. Los hijos con los padres, los padres entre sí, los hermanos, los amigos, los que no conozco, los enemigos. Es el ejemplo de Cristo el que debemos imitar.

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia Fourth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2020

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia Fourth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2020

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