cicentre catalog web

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    Premier Education and Training inCounterintelligence, Counterterrorism and Security



  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies

    An Education, Consulting and Research Company

    Serving Both the Government and Private Sector

    Alexandria, Virginia | 703.642.7450 | 1.800.779.4007

    WWW.CICENTRE.COMKnowledge Central to Securing Your World

    Copyright 1995-2008 David G. Major Associates, Inc. Reprinted by the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies with permission,

    not to be reproduced without express written permission.

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    CI Centre Mission:

    The Centre or Counterintelligence and Security Studies

    (CI Centre)provides dynamic, in-depth and relevant education, training and productson counterintelligence, counterterrorism and security.

    Our programs are designed to enhance your organizations mission andto protect your inormation, acilities and personnel rom oreign intelligence

    collectors, global terrorists and competitor threats.

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    About the CI Centre

    The CI Centre, a veteran owned, Virginia-based corporation, was ounded in 1997 by David G. Major.Mr. Major is a retired, senior FBI Supervisory Special Agent who spent his career (1970-1994)working, supervising, and managing counterintelligence and counterterrorism cases. Since 1976,he has become a nationally recognized counterintelligence educator and speaker to government andcorporate audiences. During the Reagan administration, Mr. Major was appointed the rst Director

    o Counterintelligence Programs to the National Security Council sta. Mr. Major brieed and advisedPresident Reagan, Intelligence Community leaders, and cabinet secretaries on counterintelligencepolicy and operational matters.

    At the CI Centre, students learn directly rom seasoned veterans who were successul in the coun-terintelligence, counterterrorism, security and intelligence proessions. Our experienced instructorsserved in the FBI, CIA, Deense Department, Military Intelligence, State Department, Department

    o Justice, Canadian RCMP, Cuban DI, and Soviet KGB. Many are also accomplished intelligencehistorians and authors. We have a proven track record o presenting dynamic, in-depth and powerulculture-changing courses that create a real buy-in and support o CI, CT and security disciplines.

    The CI Centre tailors courses to meet your organizations specic needs and knowledge levels. Theuse o state-o-the-art multimedia presentations, real case studies, and extensive student discussionsand interactive technology ensure courses are relevant and interesting. Our instructors synthesizecomplex issues and convey them in a deep and comprehensive way.

    You can choose rom a rich variety o hal-day to ve-day counterintelligence, counterterrorism,OPSEC, and security courses. CI Centre courses are convenient or the U.S. Government as we arean approved GSA Schedule (GS-02F-0210R) vendor. For more inormation about the CI Centre or ourcourses, please go to or call our Business Development team at 1-800-779-4007.

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    Core Competencies:Counterintelligence Strategy and Tactics

    Understanding Terrorism: Tactical CT Prevention Strategies

    Economic Espionage Protection

    International Travel Saety

    Security/OPSEC Awareness

    Key Points:Training is provided at our companys cleared headquarters in Alexandria, VAor at your acility.

    The CI Centre is easily accessible rom both the Capital Beltway and I-395and ree parking is provided.

    Key personnel have clearances with the U.S. Government.

    Courses are tailored to meet your organizations needs and specications.

    The CI Centre provides complete turn-key support to meet your requirements.

    Courses range in length rom a hal-day up to ve days.

    Registration support is provided.

    The CI Centre is on the GSA Schedule GS-02F-0210R or Government clients.

    For more inormation, contact our Business Development Team at 1-800-779-4007.

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    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    CI Strategy and Tactics

    101 Elicitation Techniques and the Recruitment Process rom the Intelligenceand Counterintelligence Perspective


    105 The John Walker Case: Implications and Lessons Learned or Todays Challenges 7

    113 Technological Espionage Wars 8

    115 SpyDrive

    : Washington, D.C. 9120 SpyMaryland 10

    121 SpyVirginia 11

    125 The SIGINT/COMINT (Inormation Assurance) Spies 12

    140 Women in Espionage 13

    150 Current Counterespionage Cases 14

    159 Cuban Intelligence: An Introduction to Cuban Intelligence and CounterintelligenceOperations and Methodologies


    191 Russias SVR/FSB/GRU Intelligence: An Introduction to Todays Russian Intelligence andCounterintelligence Operations and Methodologies


    200 Counterintelligence Realities or Analysts 17

    205 National Security Policy and Counterintelligence Implications o Denial and Deception Practices 18

    207 PCR Intelligence: An Introduction to the Peoples Republic o Chinas Intelligenceand Counterintelligence Operations and Methodologies


    208 Robert P. Hanssen Course and SpyDrive 20

    210 KGB/SVR 101: The Evolution o Russian Espionage Tradecrat Training 21

    220 Israeli Intelligence: An Introduction to Israeli Intelligence and Counterintelligence Operationsand Methodologies


    250 The Secret History o History: The Impact o Intelligence and Counterintelligence on World Events 23270 Iranian Intelligence: An Introduction to Iranian Intelligence and Counterintelligence

    Operations and Methodologies24

    350 Operational Games: The Espionage Wars 25

    501 An Overview o Critical Counterintelligence Issues (Our Flagship Course) 26

    502 Double Agentry: Oensive Counterintelligence Operations 27

    503 Counterespionage Today: Complexities and Decisions 28

    CI Centre Course Index

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    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    515 Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques or the New Millennium 29

    518 Espionage Investigations and Interviewing Techniques 30

    Security/OPSEC Awareness

    100 Deensive Inormation to Counter Espionage (D*I*C*E*) Brieing by Ray Semko 31

    500 The Security Proession: Dilemmas, Decisions and Advocacy 32

    Understanding Terrorism

    160 Current Counterterrorism Issues 33

    161 Counterintelligence Tools and the War on Terrorism 34

    162 Terrorist Attacks and Survival 35

    163 Dying to Kill Us: Understanding the Terrorist Mindset 36

    165 The Origins o the Arab-Israeli Conlict and the Israeli Intelligence Response 37

    220 Israeli Intelligence: An Introduction to Israeli Intelligence and CounterintelligenceOperations and Methodologies


    361 The War on Terrorism: Roots o the Conlict and Counterintelligence Response 39

    362 Inormant Development to Fight the War on Terrorism: Jihadist Islamic Doctrineor Law Enorcement Oicers


    561 The War on Terrorism: A Practical Response 41

    Economic Espionage Protection

    103 Security Brieing or the Global Corporate Employee 42

    170 Industrial Espionage 43

    International Travel and Saety

    202 Vulnerabilities o an Intelligence Proessional 44

    203 Vulnerabilities o Global Travel: Personnel and Inormation Protection 45

    204 Sae Foreign Travel 46

    Additional CI Centre Products and Services 47

    CI Centre Training Facility 50

    Beneits to Hiring the CI Centre 52

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    101Elicitation Techniques and the RecruitmentProcess rom the Intelligence andCounterintelligence Perspective

    Elicitation and recruitment are core capabilities and practices o

    intelligence, counterintelligence and security proessionals

    throughout the world o intelligence collection. Examined rom

    either an oensive or deensive perspective, both are interrelated

    disciplines that must be understood in order to successully mount

    human collection operations or deend against them.

    This course will explore how and why the elicitation disciplineworks and who it is directly related to in the ve-stage recruitment

    cycle. Understanding the basics o the techniques are essential to

    recognize when elicitation is being implemented against an

    individual. This course illustrates the recruitment cycle with

    dramatic, real world examples.

    It was really an eye opener. I never realized that things seeming

    so natural could be used as a collection tool by the adversary.I plan to be more mindul o who Im talking to and pay attentionto questions begin asked.

    This will assist in recognizing elicitation techniques while

    traveling overseas.

    Increased my awareness o intelligence activities.

    LENGTH: 1 day

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    105The John Walker Case: Implications andLessons Learned or Todays Challenges

    John Walker, along with his brother Arthur, his son Michael and his

    best riend Jerry Whitworth were arrested or espionage in May 1985.

    He and eventually his network had spied or the KGB since December

    1967. CI Centre Proessor and ormer KGB Major General Oleg Kalugin

    supervised this case or the Soviet KGB rom beginning to end. Ater

    Walkers arrest, he was taken to the Baltimore Field Oce o the FBI

    where CI Centre Proessor David Major was the CI Supervisor and

    Program Manager.

    Starting with the Lipka espionage case in 1967, the story o these

    18 years will be explored as never beore. This course covers topics

    such as: how the case was handled by the KGB and its importance

    to the Soviets, why it lasted or so long, and how this case was

    uncovered. The damage to U.S. national security that resulted rom

    this extremely important case and its impact on the Vietnam War will

    also be explored. The arrest o the Walker espionage ring resonated

    within the national security community and in the White House. The

    end result was a series o presidential policy decisions to break the

    back o Soviet/Russian intelligence in the United States. The lessons

    o these events and their legacy or todays counterintelligence issueswill be discussed in this course.

    I now have a better understanding o why people become spies and

    the web they weave around them that may involve riends and amily.

    LENGTH: 1 day

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    113Technological Espionage Wars


    - RYAN - TRANSPONDER - MONOPOLY.....These are only a ew o some

    o the most sensitive, inventive and sometimes dramatic

    operations in the technological espionage wars. From sewers,

    buildings, bridges, basements, tunnels and railways to the depth o

    the ocean foor, around the world and in space, technical collections

    espionage operations have been implemented with amazing secrecy

    and bravado. The battles were waged out o the sight and sound o

    the public. The KGB, CIA, NSA, NRO, NASA, FBI and the U.S. Navy

    have conducted some o the most successul, productive and

    imaginative technical intelligence collections conceived. The

    development, deployment, productivity and subsequent compromise

    o some o these highly classied projects represented some o the

    most daring unknown battles in the espionage wars. The details o

    these operations and how they were compromised will be revealed

    in this course. Known and sometimes unknown espionage agentsoperating or or against the West such as Edward Howard, Robert

    Hanssen, William Weisband, Glen Souther, William Kampiles, Ron

    Pelton, Rick Ames, George Blake, Adol Tolkachev and Victor

    Sheymov all played signicant roles in these unseen and largely

    unknown espionage wars.

    Outstanding history classalso helped me better understand the

    nature o CI and how to be a better agent.

    I have worked Intel or about 24 years, now the gaps have been

    flled. Great class.

    LENGTH: 1 day

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM



    : Washington, DC

    This classroom-on-wheels shows you a side o Washington, D.C.

    youve never seen beore: where spies have lived, worked and

    operated in the Spy Capital o the World. This is the perect

    security awareness course that your employees are sure to

    remember. This course is also available in virtual ormat.

    Great overview o historical intelligence and CI operations in

    Washington. Real eye-opener on the connection o these almost

    mythic events to real, everyday people and places. Makes me takethe current intelligence threat more seriously.

    All the inormation was interesting. Made me eel that I need to be

    constantly aware o my surroundings and the people around me. Thiscourse has made me want to learn more about CI. I will defnitely bemore aware o my security practices.

    LENGTH: day with optional day pre-brie

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM



    This seminar takes attendees through a virtual presentation o the

    spies and operational sites used by oreign intelligence services

    operating in Maryland. Specic areas o Maryland became known as

    Spy Country to counterintelligence proessionals because o the

    propensity o intelligence ocers to use specic locations or

    clandestine operational acts. This seminar is an exceptional and

    unique addition to your security awareness program.

    This made me more aware o the act that operatives are active inMaryland and not just in the metropolitan areas.

    This training has helped me to be more alert and know what sort

    o things to look or and remember it is my responsibility to reportunusual incidents.

    I learned that the best prevention against spying is to harden thetargetme. I thank you or this eye-opening reminder that we needto keep our guard up.

    LENGTH: 1 day

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM



    This seminar takes attendees through a virtual presentation o

    the known and hidden spy and operational sites used by oreign

    intelligence services operating in Virginia. Highlighted in this

    dynamic presentation is the act that some o the most damaging

    spies in U.S. history lived and/or conducted espionage activity in

    Northern Virginia. Also covered is the espionage activity in other

    key areas such as Norolk, Virginia. This course is a one o a kind

    addition to your security awareness program.

    Excellent presentation eaturing real lie situations andcircumstances. This training illustrates and supports the

    requirements to sustain daily vigilance o good security awareness.

    This course should be mandatory training or everyone in our

    business. We tend to not see. I will make a point o being more


    LENGTH: 1 day

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    125The SIGINT/COMINT(Inormation Assurance) Spies

    This seminar will take you on an eye-opening journey covering

    historical and modern day espionage operations targeting SIGINT

    and COMINT (Inormation Assurance) crown jewels on land, in the

    sea and in space. This seminar examines how spies rom within and

    outside the U.S. Government have hurt national security and caused

    grave damagetrusted insiders who decided to betray their

    organizations, amilies and country. The spies identied in this

    seminar held the highest clearances and accesses in the NSA, FBI,

    CIA, State Department, U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy and the British

    MI-6 and GCHQ. Access to U.S. communication systems, signal

    intelligence platorms and their supporting inrastructures remains at

    the top o oreign intelligence services and terrorist organizations

    collection requirements. This seminar has value or anyone involved

    in or concerned with SIGINT and Inormation Assurance issues.

    I am continually amazed at how much I learn at the CI Centre. This isa great service provided to the Intelligence Community.

    Some olks know CI, but very ew truly know CI. The proessors hereat the CI Centre truly know CI and are true proessionals and experts

    at sharing their knowledge.

    LENGTH: 1 day

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    140Women in Espionage

    From Biblical times through the American Revolutionary War, the U.S.

    Civil War, World Wars I and II, the Cold War and Post-Cold War, women

    have played an important role in intelligence and espionage. Women

    have been spies, traitors, heroines and espionage enablers. This

    course provides an introduction to who these women were, what theydid, and whom they betrayed. It discusses the contemporary impact

    that women have on the eld o espionage, rom eld operatives to

    senior level Intelligence Community managers. Classic Cold War era

    operations in Moscow are highlighted, and the roles o women in

    these cases are discussed. The role in espionage o the modern

    seductress, ollowing in the ootsteps o Mata Hari, is updated with

    details on current cases. The impact o wives is discussed,

    including wives who betray their husbands, wives who are accomplices

    and emale ocers who use the role o wie as cover. Jonna Mendez,

    ormer CIA ocer, discusses her role in operations in the 1980s and

    early 1990s, using disguise, photography and surveillance detectiontools. The glass ceiling dynamic will be explored, with interviews

    rom women involved in the cases in the 1990s. Finally, the course

    will end with a discussion o the alleged outing o Valerie Plame

    and the consequences o that event.

    Fascinating course. Good inormation on history o women in spying.Reminder that women are oten overlooked but make good spies. Willhelp with good CI practices.

    This course was very interesting. It was nice to hear a emale

    perspective on espionage and counterintelligence.

    LENGTH: 1 day

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    150Current Counterespionage CasesThis course is designed to provide an introduction to the more

    recent espionage cases aecting our nations security. The

    predications o the cases, the spies backgrounds revealing both

    psychological insights into why he/she spied, as well as insights

    rom CI proessionals involved in the cases will be discussed.The course also covers the oreign intelligence collectors modus

    operandi and tradecrat, reviews the damage to our national

    security, and integrates lessons learned. Examples used in this

    course are updated as new espionage cases surace.

    Very inormative. More aware o what motivated some individuals

    to spy and things to look or.

    Helps to open your eyes and be a little more vigilant.

    Great CI awareness and education!

    LENGTH: 1 day

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    159Cuban Intelligence: An Introduction to CubanIntelligence and CounterintelligenceOperations and Methodologies

    Through the real lie experiences o a retired Cuban intelligence

    ocer and a retired KGB ocer, this one-day introductory course

    ocuses on one o the most eective and least known o the

    Communist intelligence organizations: the Cuban Directorate o

    Intelligence (DI) o the Ministry o Interior. The course covers the

    ormation, development/evolution and current state o the

    intelligence gathering organizations that exist in Communist Cuba.

    The qualications, selection process, and training o Cuban

    intelligence ocers and their subsequent modus operandi,

    tradecrat, and targeting eorts are also reviewed. Other topics will

    include intelligence training o allied intelligence and CI services,

    biochemical capabilities, and cyber and radio requency weapons.

    Various case studies will demonstrate Cubas main intelligence

    target: America.

    The expertise o instructors and real lie experience o guest speakersis what sets the CI Centre apart rom other CI training.

    The lectures are always pertinent and the instructors are extremelyknowledgeable. I will defnitely be able to use the inormation romthis course on the job.

    LENGTH: 1 day

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    191Russias SVR/FSB/GRU Intelligence:An Introduction to Todays RussianIntelligence and CounterintelligenceOperations and Methodologies

    When the Soviet Union collapsed in December 1991 the

    conventional wisdom o some in the U.S. intelligence community

    was that the West had won the Cold War and the threat o Soviet

    KGB/GRU intelligence collection would become a problem o the

    past. Yet Aldrich Ames, Jim Nicholson and Robert Hanssen were all

    run by Russias SVR ater the Soviet Union was dissolved.

    The KGB and GRU did not go away but ultimately realigned into

    three organizations: the SVR, FSB and GRU. This course explores

    todays Russian intelligence and counterintelligence services, their

    evolution, structure, missions, operations, and methodologies.

    Excellent course inormation backed by frst-hand experience.

    This was an amazing opportunity to learn rom very skilled,knowledgeable and really ascinating proessionals. Ive very glad

    I took this course.

    LENGTH: 1 day

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    200Counterintelligence Realities or Analysts

    This course is designed or analysts or scientists, to provide them

    with a better understanding o counterintelligence and how to

    protect themselves rom becoming targets o oreign intelligence

    services. The course covers the recruitment process, dealing with

    liaison, understanding how vulnerable one is to elicitation, how toprotect against elicitation, why espionage is so important in world

    events, the impact o espionage on policy, targeting o analysts and

    other relevant issues.

    Excellent course. Enjoyed learning about the methods employedboth to target analysts and to recruit agents. Learned more about

    the recruitment cycle and made me more aware o the need to payattention to my surroundings more.

    This was an excellent and inormative course that I would

    recommend all analysts take early on in their careers.

    Gave a very comprehensive introduction to the world o CI toanalysts; very useul and inormative as well as enjoyable; would

    highly recommend to new IC analysts.

    It has helped me understand my vulnerabilities as well as increase

    my awareness o how recruitment might happen. I think this courseshould be given to all analysts.

    LENGTH: 2 days

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    205National Security Policy andCounterintelligence Implications oDenial and Deception Practices

    This Denial and Deception (D&D) awareness course is designed

    to introduce topics and examples which specically relate to the

    impact o D&D on national security policy ormulation, its impact

    on counterintelligence eorts, and an understanding o the cultural

    and multi-national attitudes on the use o deception. The course

    addresses D&D mounted against the U.S. by its allies and

    adversaries as well as methods and avenues available used to

    mount such operations. Agents o infuence, covert unding, control

    o the media, orgeries, double agentry, and manipulation o mass

    organizations are covered. This course provides a comprehensive

    and in-depth discussion o the D&D operations conducted to

    protect KGB spy in the CIA Rick Ames and KGB spy in the FBI

    Bob Hanssen.

    Inormation presented is o extreme importance to the training

    and career/operational enhancement o a proessionals career. Anextremely valuable, dynamic course which I will recommend to mycolleagues.

    Expresses the importance o considering D&D when ormulating ananalysis.

    Superb class presentation. The instructors colorully showed how

    D&D has been used, and can be used to eectively deceive USopponents in the Intel Wars.

    LENGTH: 3 days

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    207PRC Intelligence: An Introduction to thePeoples Republic o China Intelligenceand Counterintelligence Operations andMethodologies

    This course provides an introductory review o the evolution o PRC

    intelligence and counterintelligence practices. It ocuses on the

    signicant dierences as well as the similarities between Chinese

    intelligence collection and counterintelligence practices and Western

    and European models. The course looks at Chinese cultural

    considerations and PRC historical events, which are essential to

    understanding collection practices and counterintelligence

    operations employed by the Chinese.

    In addition to coverage o traditional espionage, the course also

    discusses the Chinese economic espionage threat. Companies and

    government agencies concerned with the thet o dual-use,

    proprietary inormation and technology will nd this courseparticularly useul in understanding this growing threat.

    The course did an excellent job o providing an overall picture o PRCintelligence and also distilling out key lessons and concepts rom thecase studies. I ound the course (as o all CI Centre courses) to be

    entertaining, inormative and o great beneft to my job.

    Interesting inormation and helpul to better understand culture,

    history and threats.

    LENGTH: 2 days

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    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    208Robert P. Hanssen Course and SpyDrive

    This course will explore the story behind one o the most complex

    and damaging espionage cases in U.S. history, given by those who

    knew him bestlongtime FBI co-workers and supervisors. Who was

    Hanssen? What were his motivations? How did he operate and what

    kind o damage did he do to U.S. national security? The highlighto this day is a tour o the actual dead drops and signal sites in

    Northern Virginia used by Hanssen to clandestinely pass over 6,000

    classied documents to the Soviet KGB and Russian SVR.

    The damage done at each dead drop is explained, along with a

    discussion on how Hanssen could operate or such a long period

    o time without being detected.

    I learned more in this class than 10 years o on-the-job training.

    Tour a must or all CI/CT ofcers.

    Learned new acts about the Hanssen case and gave me a more

    understanding o the importance o counterintelligence.

    This case cant be taught enough. Ive been through many Hanssenbries and by ar this is the most comprehensive and proessionalbries Ive seen. The tour was outstanding.

    Very much enjoyed the background on Hanssen, who I regrettably

    knew very little about. Tour was excellent--really brings the Hanssencase to lie. Great teaching tool.

    LENGTH: 1 day

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    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    210KGB/SVR101: The Evolution o Soviet/Russian Espionage Tradecrat Training

    This one-o-a-kind course is given by CI Centre proessors who

    were ocers in the KGB. What kind o training does a Russian

    intelligence ocer receive? Learn the theories, subjects and

    tradecrat a KGB ocer studies and gain better insight into theother side. The course has great value and application to today

    in light o the act that in addition to training its own ocers,

    the KGB trained many intelligence services antagonistic to the

    West and supported terrorist groups around the world. Given the

    continuities, this is as relevant today in understanding our

    adversaries as it was during the Cold War era.

    Extremely enjoyed this course. This is something my entireorganization should have. Just to be aware o how real these

    operations are and how vulnerable we are by not knowing isan eye-opening experience and can beneft anyone in theintelligence feld.

    This inormation is very valuable to any line o work.

    I think everyone in this Intelligence Community should be

    required to take this course. The inormation was staggeringand the presentations are incredible.

    LENGTH: 2 days

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    220Israeli Intelligence: An Introduction to IsraeliIntelligence and CounterintelligenceOperations and Methodologies

    This course provides the background necessary to understand and

    interpret events currently unolding in the Middle East and around

    the world, relating to the Israeli-Arab confict and the Global Waron Terrorism. This course is designed to provide an introduction to

    the Israeli intelligence services and intelligence community origins,

    evolution, structure, leadership, missions, operational methods, as

    well as successes and ailures. To understand Israeli intelligence, it

    is essential to understand that its intelligence services have been

    at war with deadly outside threats since beore Israels ormation in

    1948. The role o Israeli intelligence in the our conventional

    Israeli-Arab Wars between 1947 and 1973 and the terrorism war to

    the present are examined. This course provides a deep

    understanding o why human intelligence is king in the Israeli

    intelligence services and why the motto o the Mossad isEverything is Possible.

    The course discusses how Israeli intelligence and counterintelligence

    services operate worldwide and recruit support agents to ulll

    high-risk and dramatic intelligence operations. The course

    examines the operational imperative o Israeli intelligence.

    Numerous high and low prole worldwide Israeli intelligence

    operations are examined to illustrate the methods o operation and

    the aggressiveness o the Israelis. The course attempts to convey

    How you might see the world i you were in Israeli Intelligence or

    were an Israeli citizen, and how you would respond.

    LENGTH: 2 days

    The amount o inormationpresented in this course is staggering.

    Ive learned more in two days thanI have in eight months covering thisissue. This class was incredibly useul

    and educational.

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    250The Secret History o History:The Impact o Intelligence andCounterintelligence on World Events

    Does intelligence and counterintelligence have an impact on world

    events? This course is a historical journey through some o the

    most dramatic events in history and shows with actual examplesthat the answer is YES. The course begins with the Elizabethan

    Era and the importance o her spymaster, Sir Francis Walsingham.

    The course continues with a discussion o the only U.S. President

    held captive in the Tower o London, the importance o double

    agents and deception in the American War o Independence and

    the decisive role o intelligence in the Civil War. Also discussed

    is the role o espionage against the U.S. in the nuclear age, the

    impact on U.S. national nuclear strategy and policy and the two

    times the U.S. came close to nuclear war. Implications or national

    security resulting rom the damage caused by a number o high

    and low prole U.S. espionage cases are explored. The courseprovides numerous examples o the power o intelligence and the

    policy implications when intelligence gaps exist, such as in the

    Middle East.

    This presentation quite literally changed my world-view overnight.Thanks to him, I now see history, and all inormation in general, in

    a completely dierent light because he made me aware that there isalways a story behind the story.

    LENGTH: 2 days

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    270Iranian Intelligence: An Introduction toIranian Intelligence and CounterintelligenceOperations and Methodologies

    This course serves as an introduction to the Iranian Intelligence

    and Counterintelligence Services and examines the origins,

    structure, missions, operations and methodologies o theseservices. Beginning with the modern history o Iran and the SAVAK,

    which viewed many o its own nationals as enemies o the state,

    students will learn how the Shah was overthrown and Khomeini

    took power, transorming Iran into a Shia theocracy. These events

    led to a closer relationship between Islamic terrorist groups

    and the Iranian intelligence services. The course explores these

    relationships and implications or the world today, as well as the

    eorts by Iran to control its own increasingly dissatised citizens.

    Iranian collection targets in the U.S., the Middle East and around

    the world are also explored.

    Very interestingreal concerns, current issues. What we in theIntel Community need to know to do our jobs better.

    Thoroughly covers the key topics, very impressive course.

    LENGTH: 2 days

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    LENGTH: 3 days

    350Operational Games: The Espionage Wars

    This course chronologically examines signicant cases o Russian

    intelligence ocers who spied or the United States and American

    intelligence ocers who spied or Russia and how their cases

    aected one another. The course connects the dots o the past

    50 years o counterintelligence: the recruitment o agents, ocerswho volunteered to spy, the sophisticated use o operational games

    or deception operations to protect spies (including an in-depth

    look at the Soviet/Russian deceptions to protect their prized spies

    Rick Ames and Bob Hanssen), and nally the arrest and sometimes

    execution o these spies. Both sides ought hard and had an equal

    share o successes and ailures. For the rst time, you will be able

    to see a chronological birds-eye view o the espionage battles, what

    went right, what went wrong and why identiying what went wrong

    is ar more complicated than most realize.

    This is an intensive, advanced course and is recommended orstudents who have some amiliarity with the important espionage

    cases o these two countries over the past 50 years.

    Simply phenomenal!

    Super presentation and goes into great detail on these complex

    spy cases. Interesting how the other world events and the variousoperations interconnected.

    Absolutely outstanding. I wish I could grab every American CI

    investigator by the neck and yank them into this course.

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    501An Overview o CriticalCounterintelligence Issues

    OUR FLAGSHIP COURSE. This course ocuses on the evolution o

    the legal, organizational and ethical aspects o counterintelligence

    and security over the past 100 years. It is designed to increase the

    number o personnel who have a broad and currentunderstanding o the development o the counterintelligence

    discipline in the U.S. The course highlights the historical

    consequences o ignoring counterintelligence and the strategic

    importance o a robust national CI program. The period rom 1916-

    1954, including intelligence collection by the U.S., the response

    to the German IIIB during WWI, the enactment in 1917 o The

    Espionage Act, and Japanese and Nazi espionage beore and

    during WWII are discussed. A comprehensive examination is made

    o the nexus between communism and Soviet espionage during

    the period the USSR was our ally. This course examines in-depth

    a number o the 235 spies exposed by VENONA, highlighting thedeep penetration o the OSS, and later the impact on CIA/FBI

    relationships and the political and government response and lack

    o response to the truth o espionage. Students examine the

    ethical implications o doing it wrong with a detailed discussion

    o the Angleton era and its impact on the CIA covering the period

    1954 to 1974. A detailed analytical case study o the widely held

    myth o The False Deector and asset validation is included to

    challenge the students ability to evaluate the key concept that CI

    is the art o the probable, not the art o the possible. The course

    includes a detailed examination o the CIAs actions in the Ames

    case and concludes with a discussion o CI today.

    LENGTH: 5 days

    This course is an excellentintroduction to the world o

    counterintelligence. I learned so

    much valuable inormation in thiscourse and I will apply thisknowledge in my everyday duties.

    A great course that provided muchneeded inormation and perspective

    about counterintelligence in the US.

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    LENGTH: 5 days

    502Double Agentry: OensiveCounterintelligence Operations

    Building on the oundation orged in our 501 Course, 502

    primarily ocuses on counterintelligence events that changed

    history and the value and need to conduct oensive double

    agent operations. There is a deliberate eort to acilitate thecourse participants ability to understand and overcome

    institutional cultural opposition to double agentry. The students

    participate in a day-long case study o the Oleg Penkovsky

    CIA/MI6 operation. They are exposed to two conficting analyses

    o Penkovskys bona des in consecutive nightly readings and

    the impact such assessments can have on national policy. This

    culminates in a detailed case study in which the students draw

    conclusions on the validity o the intelligence produced by this

    operation. Students study two successul double agent

    operations, and draw conclusions concerning the value o each

    to the USIC. The course includes a detailed examination o themethods used by oreign intelligence/security and

    counterintelligence services to assess and conduct recruitment

    operations against U.S. government personnel assigned overseas.

    The course illustrates the complex inter-connectivity o

    espionage, double agentry and penetration operations.

    Because o this course, I have learned

    to think deeper, and in all directions.

    Excellent review o case studies andsurvey o oensive CI principles.

    This course helped widen myappreciation o DA operations and thenumber o questions they can be used

    to answer.

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    LENGTH: 5 days

    503Counterespionage Today:Complexities and Decisions

    This course ocuses on the discipline o counterespionage. It

    covers selected modern cases rom the more than 200 espionage

    prosecutions o the past ve decades, including a number o

    non-Russian espionage cases. Students explore the very complicatedand oten time consuming process o investigating an espionage

    lead. The course describes legal principles and protection o sources

    and methods during the conduct o a counterespionage

    investigation. Students learn about the complexities o

    investigating when not only several U.S. intelligence agencies

    are involved, but when oreign CI and intelligence services must

    become involved or successul resolution. Students study the

    investigative cycle, illustrated through many dierent cases, not all

    o which were neutralized through prosecution, driving home the

    reality that arrest and prosecution is but one method o

    neutralizing a threat. The course also examines the complexity oconducting espionage overseas and who the U.S. is orced to deal

    with in these types o cases. The last two days o the course ocus

    on the complexities o the Hanssen case and include a Hanssen

    SpyDrive to his operational sites.

    This course has given me ideas or how to pursue current CE casesand has reinvigorated my zeal or doing counterespionage work.

    This inormation will help me to eectively do my job.

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    LENGTH: 5 days or 3-dayabbreviated version

    515Interviewing and Interrogation Techniquesor the New Millennium

    In this interactive course, students learn strategies to successully

    interview both cooperative and hostile suspects to gain maximum

    inormation. Interviewing and interrogation techniques have evolved

    into proessional interactions that draw heavily uponpsychological principles or overcoming resistance. The course

    ocuses on ve areas: rapport-building skills, questioning

    techniques, clues to nonverbal deception, clues to verbal deception,

    and strategies or overcoming resistance.

    Students try out new techniques via practical exercises. Successul

    interviews oten result rom a careully planned interview strategy.

    Thereore, all students will receive a personalized interview plan

    outline or the suspects they interview.

    The interview training took an art orm and provided a scientifc


    Well taught and I learned an enormous amount throughout the


    New perspectives on amiliar topics. The sta/acilityultimate

    proessionals. Thank you!

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    LENGTH: 5 days

    518Espionage Investigations andInterviewing Techniques

    This course is designed to provide an introduction to the

    complexities o and the decision making processes associated

    with investigating and prosecuting espionage cases in the United

    States in the 21st Century. The course examines the psychology oespionage and the basis or opening espionage investigations. It

    explains the evolution o key legal and policy decisions associated

    with prosecuting espionage cases. The course provides insights

    into and tools or interviewing in the new millennium. These tools

    include a sel assessment o the agents behavioral skills,

    interpersonal communication, interviewing techniques and

    detection o deception, interviewing uncooperative subjects, and

    some practical exercises in interviewing espionage suspects. This

    course provides espionage investigators in the U.S. national

    security community a deeper understanding o the status o

    counterespionage today and their individual roles in the protectiono our nations most vital secrets, plans, and programs.

    I dont have enough room in this area or the whole page to conveyhow helpul this class has been to enable a career, proession, or


    I will use these new skills and knowledge to enhance my

    communication and analysis skills as well as my interviewingtechniques, i.e. rapport building, matching, etc.

    I learned something new, not just every day, but almost every hour

    I was in this class.

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    100Deensive Inormation to Counter Espionage(D*I*C*E)

    Counterintelligence, OPSEC, Inosec, Counterterrorismand Security Awareness Briefng

    Recharge your employees about the importance ocounterintelligence and security with an innovative, dynamic

    brieng sure to capture their attention. The D*I*C*E Man Ray

    Semko presents his amous, dynamic security awareness brieng

    tailored to the needs o your organization. His objective is to help

    your employees recognize Americas adversaries, their targets and

    methods o operation and how to prevent these adversaries rom

    exploiting our nations security by eectively protecting classied,

    proprietary and sensitive inormation.

    The D*I*C*E Mans goal is to increase your employees

    security awareness o threats rom espionage (including cyberand industrial espionage) and terrorism, as well as enhance

    employee awareness o OPSEC (operations security) and

    inormation security.

    I always enjoy the D*I*C*E briefng and listening to Ray. He is somotivational and energizing that you want to go back to your

    company and make your employees eel as strongly aboutprotecting our nations security and the warfghter as he does.

    Having Ray come and speak is sky rocketing my OPSECprograms awareness. My workorce has been charged up ater anoutstanding perormance.

    LENGTH: 2 hours

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    500The Security Proession:Dilemmas, Decisions and Advocacy

    This course is designed or security ocers to help them

    gain the critical cooperation they need rom people in their

    organization. Topics include: security and the law, espionage

    investigations, physical security lessons rom embassies, therecruitment process, security implications o various spy cases,

    dealing with disgruntled employees, industrial espionage, ten

    years that changed America, and the importance o security

    awareness. The course examines the dilemmas aced by

    security ocers and the need to make educated personnel

    security decisions. Methods o enhancing the security

    proession in the eyes o their co-workers and within the

    culture o the organization are addressed.

    I cannot speak highly enough about the CI Centre, thecurriculum and the aculty.

    Excellent material and presentations. Very nice acility. Great

    support sta. This is my second CI Centre course and I havebeen impressed throughout. Excellent team teaching!

    LENGTH: 5 days or 3-dayabbreviated version

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    160Current Counterterrorism Issues

    This course explores denitions, theory and the relationship

    between counterintelligence and counterterrorism. The importance

    o CT training and pattern analysis, paradigm shits ater 9/11, the

    challenges o terrorism to a democracy--the impact o terror on civil

    liberties--are addressed. International state supporters o terrorism,U.S. adversaries in World War IV - the Global War on Terror (GWOT)

    and current terrorism statistics are explored. The course also takes

    an in-depth look at the evolution o the 9/11 attacks by Al Qaeda,

    the origins o the Arab-Israeli confict, and several recent terrorist


    Gave be a better understanding o why/how things were started withAl-Qaeda. Very inormative; gave broader knowledge o terrorism issues

    within todays world.

    Increased my knowledge o terrorist organizations and why they dowhat they do.

    I enjoyed the course and gained a wealth o ino which I can use inmy current job and uture assignments. I would defnitely recommendthis class to others.

    LENGTH: 1 day


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    161Counterintelligence Toolsand the War on Terrorism

    The successul counterintelligence method o identiying,

    penetrating and neutralizing threats has been used or years to

    stop spies. This same method can be applied to counterterrorism

    and preventing attacks. Following a discussion to dene whothe enemy is in todays war on worldwide terrorist networks, a

    comparison o current CI and CT techniques as well as classic

    counterintelligence techniques that were successully used by

    the FBI against the KKK and the British MI5 to thwart PIRA

    terrorists in Irelands counterterrorism war are presented.

    This was a stellar course. It made me realize the eect o

    counterintelligence. Because o this course, I am going to urthermy studies in CI.

    This is a great course, especially ater 9/11.

    LENGTH: 1 day; see coursenumber 361 description or amore in-depth version o thisseminar


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    LENGTH: 1 day

    162Terrorist Attacks and Survival

    Learn what to do and what not to do in order to survive. Illustrated

    by the use o case studies, this tactical-level, scenario-based

    training examines a wide variety o terrorist attacks, assassinations,

    kidnappings, and hijackings and the lessons learned rom them.

    The course also provides the knowledge and skills necessary toidentiy attack sites and scenarios, as well as the recognition o

    pre-incident/pre-attack indicators.

    Essential inormation or this time.

    The course re-opened my eyes to what goes on everyday. I will

    defnitely re-evaluate my approach to my daily activities.I will defnitely be less complacent.

    An eye-opener in regards to everyday travel threats overseas.

    Very helpul.

    It got me thinking about what to do i caught in similar situations/attacks. Good preparation or overseas travel.


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    163Dying to Kill Us: Understandingthe Terrorist Mindset

    This course is an overview o the threat rom suicide bombers.

    The psychology and motivation o these devastating

    bombers as well as the perennial question, Why do they hate

    us? is addressed. This course is a discussion o the use, types andeectiveness o improvised explosive devices and vehicle-borne

    improvised explosive devices: how terrorists abricate them,

    various delivery systems, and the operational tactics o the

    terrorists. Another critical training component included in this

    presentation is how one can saely determine i there is a bomb

    in or under their vehicle.

    Extremely thought-provoking. An excellent intro into themotivations o terrorism.

    Good insight into terrorist mindset.

    LENGTH: 1 day


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    LENGTH: 1 day

    165The Origins o the Arab-Israeli Conict and

    the Israeli Intelligence Response

    Israel has literally been at war beore, during and since its

    ounding in 1948. The operations o its intelligence and security

    services refect this war mode, both in the training o its ocers

    and implementation o operations in Israel and around the world.

    The course covers operations o the three Israeli intelligence

    services, the Mossad, Aman, and Shin Bet and what they reveal

    about the capabilities o Israeli intelligence. The establishment o

    Israel as a nation and the roots o the Arab-Israeli confict are

    reviewed and provide a ramework or understanding todays

    ongoing war with Jihadist Islamic terrorism.

    Excellent and balanced approach to coverage o what can sometimes

    be controversial and emotional subjects. Very well done!

    Excellent. Comprehensive. Breadth o inormation wasoutstanding.

    Loved the ironies that suraced, e.g. role o USSR/KGB in Middle Eastevolutionone never hears o this involvement!


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    220Israeli Intelligence: An Introduction to IsraeliIntelligence and CounterintelligenceOperations and Methodologies

    This course provides the background necessary to understand and

    interpret events currently unolding in the Middle East and around

    the world, relating to the Israeli-Arab confict and the Global Waron Terrorism. This course is designed to provide an introduction to

    the Israeli intelligence services and intelligence community origins,

    evolution, structure, leadership, missions, operational methods, as

    well as successes and ailures. To understand Israeli intelligence, it

    is essential to understand that its intelligence services have been

    at war with deadly outside threats since beore Israels ormation in

    1948. The role o Israeli intelligence in the our conventional

    Israeli-Arab Wars between 1947 and 1973 and the terrorism war to

    the present are examined. This course provides a deep

    understanding o why human intelligence is king in the Israeli

    intelligence services and why the motto o the Mossad isEverything is Possible.

    The course discusses how Israeli intelligence and counterintelligence

    services operate worldwide and recruit support agents to ulll

    high-risk and dramatic intelligence operations. The course

    examines the operational imperative o Israeli intelligence.

    Numerous high and low prole worldwide Israeli intelligence

    operations are examined to illustrate the methods o operation and

    the aggressiveness o the Israelis. The course attempts to convey

    How you might see the world i you were in Israeli Intelligence or

    were an Israeli citizen, and how you would respond.

    LENGTH: 2 days

    The amount o inormationpresented in this course is staggering.

    Ive learned more in two days thanI have in eight months covering thisissue. This class was incredibly useul

    and educational.


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    361The War on Terrorism: Roots o the Conict

    and Counterintelligence Response

    This course is essential to understanding the current Global War

    on Terrorism the U.S. is ghting. It explores current

    counterterrorism issues and counterintelligence tools that can be

    used to successully pre-empt and respond to terrorism threats andneutralize terrorist networks. Islam and its relationship with

    militant Jihadists who have declared war against the West is

    addressed in-depth, as well as the origins o the Arab-Israeli

    confict. This course covers the emerging problem known as

    Eurabia and its impact on U.S. national security and intelligence

    policy. A discussion o the role o the security ocer in

    background and vetting investigations is included as a signicant

    element o this course. Topics include current denitions, theory

    and the relationship between counterintelligence and

    counterterrorism, the importance o CI training and pattern

    analysis, the challenges o counterterrorism, identication o whothe enemy is and current terrorism statistics. Classic

    counterintelligence techniques used successully by the FBI

    against the notorious KKK and BPP terrorist organizations in the

    1960s and British MI5 to thwart PIRA terrorists in Irelands

    counterterrorism war are discussed in-depth. The Israeli response

    to terrorism, both in training o its ocers and implementation o

    CI/CT operations in Israel and around the world are also addressed

    in-depth. Recommendations on how to wage this war using CI

    tools are highlighted throughout the course.

    LENGTH: 5 days

    I wish I had this course prior to mydeployment. It would have given me

    a distinct advantage.

    Course helped me understand the

    root o Islam and terrorism, as wellas many dierences and history Ididnt know beore. The

    understanding o what to look orwill be essential in my uture career.

    This course better prepares myseland others who deploy to the Middle

    East and Islamic states.


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    362Inormant Development to Fight The War on

    Terrorism: Jihadist Islamic Doctrine or LawEnorcement Ofcers

    All law enorcement ocers know that inormant/source

    development and handling is essential to identiy, prevent and/or

    solve terrorist attacks on their community. Law enorcementocers also know it is essential to understand the mindset and

    belie structure o any individual they are trying to recruit as a

    source o inormation. This seminar is specically structured to

    provide these skills to law enorcement ocers recognizing that

    homeland security is local security.

    The development o a terrorist inormant is dierent in many

    ways rom the development o general criminal inormants. It is

    essential that law enorcement ocers are provided the tools and

    tactics to target and recruit inormants in this new evolving war

    with Jihadist terrorism. Accordingly it is essential that the ocerhave a working knowledge o this belie base threat to understand

    and discuss the Jihadist justication or their actions based on the

    Jihadist interpretation o Islamic Doctrine. This important course

    includes an honest, detailed background discussion o what the

    radicalization process teaches about Islam to potential jihadist

    recruits and how Islam is used by extremists to justiy the Militant


    LENGTH: 3 days


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    561The War on Terrorism: A Practical Response

    This course combines classroom study, course 361 The War on

    Terrorism: Roots o the Confict and Counterintelligence Response,

    with two days o practical eld exercises. The CI Centre teams with the

    Hamilton Trading Group (HTG), recognized experts and practitioners o

    surveillance awareness and countersurveillance, to provide an

    important course or todays threats. HTG instructors give students

    practical detection and protection examples that have served others

    well in deending organizations, inormation, buildings,

    transportation, events and/or people. The student will learn how

    Jihadi terrorists have used the internet and other open source material

    to train themselves in intelligence, counterintelligence andsurveillance. Learn how terrorist organizations prepare to visit a

    targeted city to gather inormation by casing pre-selected targets,

    reporting this inormation to their higher authorities, re-casing the

    sites they intend to attack and nally ormulating an operational plan

    in order to succeed. This Phase One o intelligence gathering prior to

    a terrorist attack is the most opportune time to detect, deter and

    disrupt their plans. The course goal is to provide street smart ideas

    and advice. Students will be shown some o the common proles,

    behaviors and actions o terrorists in Phase One and develop

    appropriate eective responsesprocedures to improve the chance

    o catching the terrorists in the acts o planninglong beore anyacts o death and destruction. The course enorces the message to be

    more aware o potential suspicious behaviors and incidents. Classroom

    lectures and briengs will prepare attendees to observe and then take

    part in practical, on-the-street exercises identiying what a terrorist

    casing prole looks like and the role-playing o a Phase One

    terrorist casing operation.

    What an eye opener. This course hasshown me just how much I didnt

    know, and just how quickly I MUSTlearn.

    LENGTH: 5 days

    Because o the streetexercises and personnelinvolved, this course can only

    be held in the Washington, DCarea and has a special price.


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    103Security Briefng or the Global

    Corporate Employee

    Todays economy demands that corporations must think, operate,

    hire, produce, market and sell on an international scale. Global

    corporations are challenged to nd a meaningul, believable and

    acceptable mechanism to ensure employees rom many nationalities,cultures, religious belies and living in nations around the world, are

    supportive and loyal to the corporate mission. Protecting proprietary

    inormation and assuring personal saety o corporate employees

    is a challenge in todays world. A strategy must be implemented to

    accomplish these objectives. This course provides practical tactics,

    themes and strategies that can be employed by global corporations

    to obtain understanding, support and buy-in by their employees, to

    accomplish these essential mission critical security practices.

    Practical course well presented; presenters are knowledgeable.

    Useul discussion on how to deal with situations Im likely toencounter in and out o work.

    LENGTH: 1 day


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    170Industrial Espionage

    This course is designed to provide an introduction to the threat

    posed by economic espionage. The course examines and denes

    terms applicable to economic espionage, reviews signicant

    cases, ocuses on economic collection by both adversaries and

    allies, discusses the threat rom the trusted insider, and also

    addresses the penetration o oreign government agencies. The

    course presents an overview o the Economic Espionage Law o

    1996 and examines the scope o our national losses resulting

    rom economic/industrial spies.

    Its amazing the eorts put orth to acquire technologies andhow easily they can be obtained. This course is a real eye-opener.

    I will be more mindul o the things I saw and do, as well asbeing more observant o other activities.

    Course is very important in the DOD world. Economic espionageaects our mission. This inormation is truly vital in the

    acquisition o new equipment.

    This course makes me think and reinorces the need or ongoing

    diligence at all levels and areas. It allows me to step back rommy daily tasks and reminds me that each o us bear responsibility

    or inormation security and we must be on constant guard.

    LENGTH: day


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    LENGTH: 2 days

    202Vulnerabilities o an Intelligence Proessional

    The rules are dierent overseas. Learn how to protect yoursel rom

    being identied, targeted, recruited or manipulated by oreign

    intelligence/security services. Step inside their shoes and learn how

    to think like them. Be aware o the techniques they use to get close

    to you without your knowing it. The course includes a discussion

    o the missions, methods and means o CI services. Students have

    the unique opportunity to participate in two case studies directed

    toward understanding how CI services deploy CI collection resources

    and to hear rsthand rom a ormer FBI access agent on how he was

    utilized to target, assess, and successully manipulate numerous

    oreign intelligence ocers, as well as their clandestine agents.

    Ive had my eyes opened!! Things that I never gave a second thoughtturned out to be necessary or everyones saety.

    I will be more aware o my environment and those around me.The actions o others I will look at more closely.

    Very good class that really gets you thinking about all o the pitallsthat we can unwittingly ace.

    This course has helped me to heighten my awareness both at home

    and abroad.


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    203Vulnerabilities o Global Travel:

    Personnel and Inormation Protection

    In todays international market place and global national security

    environment, global travel is an essential and absolute

    requirement or the corporate, military or government employee/

    contractor. U.S. personnel, who travel internationally orpersonal or proessional reasons, ace enhanced threat

    realities rom oreign intelligence collectors, unscrupulous

    business competitors and terrorists. This essential course

    provides practical inormation and usable tactics to assist the

    global traveler. This course covers pre-travel preparation,

    strategies to decrease individual proles while traveling,

    plus arrival and personal conduct advice while at the travel

    destination(s). Included in this course are strategies to recognize

    recruitment and elicitation operations, technical collection

    operations to assess the traveler and/or compromise their

    inormation, and/or criminal/terrorist pre-attack prole


    This course made me aware o the importance o situation

    awareness! I ound the course to be well-thought out and detailed.As a result o taking this course, I will become more aware and

    careul, especially during my oreign travel.

    This class was very inormative and helps to get the students to

    think outside o the box with what kind o tactics the adversarieswould use against us.

    LENGTH: 2 days


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    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    204Sae Foreign Travel

    The course provides practical sae travel tips or both rst time

    and experienced travelers. You will learn how to minimize your

    risks by lowering your prole overseas. Learn also to recognize

    and avoid high-risk locations and situations as well as the pre-

    incident indicators that warn o a threat to your personal saety.

    Learn how to deuse and manage potentially violent street/

    criminal conrontations. This dynamic, multimedia presentation

    covers pre-trip preparations, all modes o travel and

    accommodations, as well as in-country business and social


    Great course! Will be able to apply knowledge in proessional and

    personal travel.

    I will be much more aware when I travel overseas; I will be

    better prepared. Great tips or oreign travel.

    Valuable inormation or what to do and what not to do whentraveling not only to hazardous areas but anywhere.

    Defnitely made me think, or re-think about my current strategiesand uture strategies when traveling.

    LENGTH: 1 day

    Additional CI Centre Products & Services

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    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    WEBSITE Our popular website,, receives nearly 70,000 visitors per month withover 1.5 million pages viewed last year. Every work day, we search worldwide media onthe internet or the latest news articles about counterintelligence, espionage, economicespionage, cybersecurity, U.S. and oreign intelligence, homeland security,counterterrorism, jihads, terrorism trials and much more. It has become a must-read or proessionals. Our online news archive goes back to the year 2000 and is anexcellent resource. In addition, there are hundreds o resources on CI, spy cases (whena spy is arrested, we create a page and collect all articles and documents pertainningto the case), original articles, CI and security reerence materials, CI and CT books andmore. A ormer head o counterintelligence or an Intelligence Community agency saidthe CI Centres website is a national asset.

    RESEARCH The CI Centre conducts analysis and can work onunclassied and classied projects upon request.

    We are also able to expertly design and producethe nished product. The CI Centre researched,designed and wrote the widely-usedIntelligenceThreat Handbookand the Terrorism Threat Hand-bookpublished by the Interagency OPSEC SupportSta. These publications provide rich, useulinormation about oreign intelligence services, terrorist organizations, operational

    methodology and real case studies/examples o OPSEC indicators. The CI Centre has alsoused our unique expertise and sta to conduct special studies and red team exercisesidentiying vulnerabilities o an organization.

    CONSULTING The CI Centre is available or consulting and can advise on setting up proessional multi-aceted training programs or company OPSEC programs. The CI Centre has severalproessors who are on the Board o Advisors o the International Spy Museum inWashington, DC. We are also corporate members o the Association or Intelligence

    Ocers (AFIO) in McLean, VA, and the International Association or IntelligenceEducation. David Major is a member o the AFIO National Board o Directors. CI Centreproessors have been consultants to numerous television documentaries and authors obooks about counterintelligence and espionage cases. We were also technicalconsultants to the movie, Master Spy: The Robert Hanssen Story, which was written byNorman Mailer and produced by Lawrence Schiller.

    SPEAKERS The CI Centres Intelligence Speakers Bureau specializes in providing knowledgeableexperts in intelligence, counterintelligence, counterterrorism and security to give

    h /l i i i i ll

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    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    speeches/lectures at conerences, meetings, conventions, organizations, colleges,schools, special events, etc. Our speakers have served in the FBI, CIA, DOD, DOS, U.S.

    Military Intelligence, Canadian RCMP and Russian KGB and have a wealth o knowledgeand experience to impart to your group.

    PODCASTS The CI Centre has a popular podcast channel on our website delivering analysis andcommentary by CI Centre proessors on current counterintelligence, counterterrorism orsecurity-related news and events, book and movie reviews, and historical discussions.

    VIDEOS The CI Centre can research, ilm and produce videos. We are the creator o the popularU.S. Government CI-TV programs with over 150 episodes. We also researched, lmedand created a DVD called Critical SecurityIssues: The Reality o Economic Espionage ororganizations to teach employees howcompanies and countries can steal intellectualand economic assets.

    STORE The CI Centre online store has a wide selectiono items, including Counterintelligence Clas-sics books and audio lectures, original designCI, CT and Security posters, as well as mugs,hats, magnets, pins, apparel, clocks, book bags,mousepads, notecards, and more with specialdesigns relating to counterintelligence,

    intelligence, D*I*C*E and counterterrorism.Visit the store via our website ( or go directly to

    EVENTS The CI Cente can plan and host special events.We have held numerous counterintelligence

    book signings and lectures eaturing the authors. We have planned and presented multi-day conerences with lectures rom our proessors and guest speakers at dierent specialvenues, such as The Homestead Resort and on dierent cruise lines. The classrooms inour training acility are available or rent or our clients own needs.

    DESIGN The CI Centre can create designs or your internal CI and security communications, suchas posters, pens, notepads, bookmarks, table tent cards, lyers, brochures and manyother items. We can work with vendors to get the design produced or you.

    POWERPOINT The CI Centre is well known or its powerul, innovative, multimedia PowerPointpresentations. We can redesign your existing presentation to give you the mosttt ti tti i t h t

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    attention-getting impact when you present.

    PRESENTING The CI Centre can teach you how to motivate through communication and how to deliveran eective presentation that gets results. Learn techniques to keep the attention oyour audience and get them involved and listening.

    SALES Recruitment and elicitation techniques and knowledge used by CI Centre Proessorswhen they served in counterintelligence and intelligence in the government can be usedby those in sales to identiy a potential client, ind out their needs, pitch them and

    then close the sale. Our proessors are available or lectures, consulting and one-on-oneadvice to help you succeed in your business.

    This poster is one o the many original designs which may be purchased at the CI Centre Store.

    CI Centre Training FacilityAlexandria VA

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    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    Alexandria, VA

    CI Centres ully-equipped, cleared by the government,training acility in Alexandria, VA eatures two classroomsthat each t 25 to 30 students. The rooms are arranged in aU-shape to acilitate discussion and interaction.Multi-media presentations with embedded video, sound andintense graphics are displayed on a state-o-the-art wall-

    mounted projection screen. Surround-sound speakers ensureexcellent audio quality or the presentation. An interactiveelectronic voting system with immediate results shown onthe screen is used throughout the courses to encourageactive participation and is very popular with students.

    Our classrooms t 25 to 30 students. Flagson the tables represent countries whosespies against the US have been convictedin US courts.

    The CI Centre library holds over 3,000 books and over 2,000 hours o videoon counterintelligence, espionage, intelligence, security, counterterrorismand terrorism subjects The library is or students to use during the course

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM


    and terrorism subjects. The library is or students to use during the course.New books and videos on CI and CT subjects are continuously being added.

    The training acility includes a large breakroom with complementarycoee, tea and assorted morning and aternoon breads and cookies.There are phones and a computer or student use during breaks andample, ree parking.

    The library is orstudents to use

    during the course.New books andvideos on CI andCT subjects arecontinuously beingadded.


    Training is provided at our companysheadquarters in Alexandria, VA orat your acility.

    Facility is cleared to the SECRET leveland approved or storage.

    The CI Centre is easily accessible romboth the Capital Beltway and I-395 andree parking is provided.Key personnel have TOP SECRET/SCI

    clearances with the U.S. Government.

    Courses are tailored to meet yourorganizations needs and specications.The CI Centre provides complete turn-keysupport to meet your requirements.Registration support is provided.Contracts are Firm-Fixed Price,so no unexpected costsThe CI Centre is on the GSA ScheduleGS-02F-0210R.

    Benefts o hiring the CI Centre to provide high-quality training

    Highly-experienced CI CT OPSEC and Security subject matter experts

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    CI CENTRE | 703-642-7450 | 1-800-779-4007 | WWW.CICENTRE.COM



    Highly experienced CI, CT, OPSEC and Security subject matter expertsWe are ormer government intelligence ocers who spent our careers in the CI eldworking, managing, investigating, analyzing

    CI cases, issues, plans, strategy and operations. Now retired rom 25 to 30+ years in the USG, we are ready to impart our knowledge andexperience to the younger generation. In-house trainers usually dont have this kind o experience-level.

    2Consistent and dedicated trainingOur subject matter experts provide consistent, high-quality training over many years enabling more employees to have the sameknowledge base. We have had our careers and now we are dedicated to one thingCI, CT and Security training. In-house trainers maybe available to give CI briengs or only one or two years beore they move on to other jobs. Training becomes uneven, inconsistentand soon non-sustaining over a long period o time. Even while they are trainers, they may be called away by more pressing job missionduties and not be able to teach. This wont happen with the CI Centreit is our mission to always be available to provide training to

    you at any time.

    3Saving money, people and time resources in the governmentIt costs a great deal o money and time or a team o in-house trainers to develop and teach a training course. This includes theirsalary and man-hours and takes them away rom other vital missions that can be done inside an organization. The CI Centre can providean agency with the best quality training without tasking the resources o the training oce. We do all the work, all the preparation andprovide the training acility, and our own instructors do all the teaching. The training oce benets rom providing top quality trainingto their employees.

    4Development and course updating costs covered by the CI Centre, not by your organizationAs a ollow-on to the above, the CI Centre always develops, updates and enhances our courses on our own time and money and

    we do not charge the client or this. This is another way you save money. We purposeully develop and own our courses so we can keepthem resh, relevant, and up-to-date or you. Because we are solely ocused on training, we have the time (which is rare inorganizations) to do in-depth research and reading about course topics.

    5GSA ScheduleThe CI Centre is on the GSA Schedule, Contract GS-02F-0210R, ensuring the government has the best priced, most cost-eectivetraining available, right now. No waiting six months or courses to be developed.

    6Experience mattersWith the rapidly changing workorce and large numbers o new hires, the experience level is diminishing. These new, young ocerscan take advantage o the vast experience and knowledge o the counterintelligence experts o the CI Centreand get this vitalknowledge at the very beginning o their careers.

    7Immediate trainingHave an urgent CI, CT, OPSEC or Security training requirement? With the CI Centre, our courses are already there, ready to teach,ready to go wherever you need them. There is no start-up time or getting up-to-speed on the subject. The CI Centre already has over 30courses ready to provide to you. We can also quickly tailor the courses to meet the specic needs o an agency or company.

    8Dynamic, interesting trainingThe CI Centre wants to make its courses highly inormative as well as entertaining so employees enjoy the experience and retainthe inormation. We invest in new technologies to ensure our presentations are sophisticated, modern and rich in multimedia. This isespecially true with the younger generation who demand highly interactive, graphic-intense visuals to aid in learning.

    9Highly-rated trainingYour organization will receive very positive eedback rom your employees about CI Centre training courses. We collect and closelymonitor student eedback. The CI Centre will always be sure our training delivery is o the highest-quality so the customer is always

    satised. You can demand a very high standard rom the CI Centreand get it.

  • 8/14/2019 Cicentre Catalog Web


    The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies

    An Education, Consulting and Research Company

    Serving Both the Government and Private Sector

    Alexandria, Virginia | 703.642.7450 | 1.800.779.4007

    WWW.CICENTRE.COMKnowledge Central to Securing Your World

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