truth, king's palace clothing · vol. alexandria. va.,...

Post on 22-Jun-2020






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A (ìREAT TRUTH,.(fed living thing*», whether be-

.:r.ii to the animal or vegetable king-tela within themaelres the germ·«and decay.of diacaee are eftfri e^rfcratcd

the hnman ayatem through irnper-itloa of fhodr, producing varfouahieb «elentiata have denominated

tes. A »tomach weakened by abnae,? Itb over eatinff or orwr burdened

hot bread, too rich or greasy food* or

ï.vzaly aeaeoBod, Secóme« weakÍ mil· to thoroughly digest the

A a«ary·, epddên masa ia aocrnnn-ie »toaaach »o te-riMnt a· the nr»t

Ita decay, Civintr ofî foul guasee to

I« stomaco, aia poieou the blood,ecomee thin, week and lacking in

red corpnscl«· ao neceasary to perfectat diet»*«d-ed «tomech pre«ee« uponund the latter organ ie also dia-.ïugh «rrnpathr, the same ayatem

reive« being diatributeii to both cargans.i*i and irregular action of the

ta ita attendant ahortneas of breath,.«I'd in time, diacaae of the heart:

1» established.ise· and other poleone generated

...iti-d, fermenting and decay-in the »tomach becloud the¦Jog headache·, and pain in the

»beorbed Into the blood these pot¬ar» part and organ of the ays-

ItUñera are thereby poisoned,right'· di»«ase and diabete« Fil'.

h the »kin, troublesome akint -how themselvesand every nerve, depending

fol their nourishment anathe »totnecb, weak digestion

t u"t alone in loan of appetitebut also in nervouaucaa, debility,

implexiofl and many other «lerange-'. irrce'a Ooldec Medical Discovery

; rcfrolatea the »tomnoh ; stiniii-llyeetire Juice»; Invigorate» the

rei promote· inttetinal atrength;ti« poisons and diseased germs

ae ìrcul.ition; rives the blood·glaada keer. aasTmllatire power,* !i«a Nature with the frcah, abund-

oiit of which ehe mamifitc·tirsh. strong muscles, clear skin,

Inng tissue and nerve-fiber, and1 enduring, active energy to the



t«inmionwealth of Virginia,Governor's Offioc,

Jauoary lit. 1900. .«.on more or Ie*« troubled with

mi but since the use of OtterburnWater for over a month have beeniil.eVe-l and 1 think it principally

D ti the ettiiiev of the water. I cheerfnl-in-iid it."

J. HOGE TYLER,Undent of Public Instruction siys

I d.ire to U*>«r testimony to the gruntu. of tho OtL»rbarn Lithia Water of

ii poatety. In my own Mm· I hav<hi· water very bcnefli'ial in indigos


t'dirge Hun. Johnston, says;usi« it In Kont. rhooni itisni. dyspeftia.nie, snd all forms of renal and bladiter

1 en···. ;iU« no mineral water so

? hs the Olterbnrn."Dr J. O. Tnvillian saye:»tarerai of my caaes of kidney trouble havetre I urite rapidly under the nee of tho

r? Water than Bethesda or Buffalol ¡thie."

State Chonilit Rpeaks.Tbia spring is of the I'alcic-Magnesic-

? kaliae dtaaa of watora. waters which are ofvml efficacy in a raiiety of disorders, ea-

-tl!V of tbo ditestivn and urinary o gans."WM. H.TAYLOB. M. D,

.ritato Chemist.I have fonnd tbe Otterburn Lithia very

-..fui in my practice."WM M.RMITH. M. D.

1 regard Otterburn Lithia Water at one ofmoat valuable mineral water· on tbe

«rket and uso it extensively in my practice."HPtill MuO IT I BE, M. D.

nid by flau·.·» M. Lonnon, Sole Agt.OOt KINO 8TBEBT.

? :î.u_For Oror Fifty Tetan

- · 'to and Wet.l-Tbikd Bimidy..Mra«7 u'lovr/'s ftoothing Hyrup haa been need for

ifty yetra by millions of mothers forHdron while teething, with perfect

?»*«««, It soothe* the child, softens the gums,s sfa all pain, euros wind oolic, fcnd ie thebest .nmf.'.f for Iriarrhma. Ia pleasant to theurte, Sold br DrnRKiau in every part of the.full. Twenty- fire conte a bottle. Ita vainali iCAicnlnhlo. iìe sii«*· aud rusk for Mr·. Wine·

»thing Syrup aod *ake ae ether kind.i*i>17 »».«Are/ivrSmall in sir.o snd great io results are De-

Witt's Little Early Itinere, the famous little«? that cicaline the liver and bowels. They

¦ripe.Itnuta with »on whfther yon cntlnno tho^ajjjgaMm? ?·.- kiill..,-|.,h»r,.,,hi,l,lt. NO-T«rM|IA<_»^P&^í.

il ?. r ?,.u-,ili tri·»«, eiin'linleo-^-afl ^ ||?*^^»%G»?*··«· Ilio ri^^^-efTJlk al'J^T.tùr).

»tiren lint niMih«iiid,^^at*Te| fj I mW^vt* lune*n:*ki.> toh Htr.,ri(K-^>«*rT lllAlJ^eold, «00.000... tu Aliti, iirrTP^^girsa/··« ti l|lf>a,>a»Mrur*>a Buy

1 ckrt>>i«'lBBVliVnrO-TOHAl' from»¦ ^-.»'jal'.^BT^J^'jOBr own dniRSlit. whoV*\i Ml |«**i««V>'wlllTi»nchforne.T»k»'lt«Tltt>

«.JM'-fJ ¦WLâWni will.patiently,p*»r»lstrntly ""*

¦tf Ä^tjii. »1, UAiiiklly cure·; Sboie», CM,g-.Ji^tr'ifrTaiiHTif toc'jre, orwercrunit money.¦»¦BW»*^ SUrllBt lia^r«,, ChlM«·, iMtnü, Imp 1er*.


W. A. 8MOOT At CO.»8High Grade

GOAL AND WOOD.Loare yonr orders at

OF Fit K. fi'29 ???ß ß?????.Wo aro paying special aUentioo to ordere

fur frtiiiily u«· W barros, foot of Prince«« street.

Tele-ahelea, Bull and Home, 67.

0 P. KOKiNHON. ORO.H. FBENOHPreeident clecretary.

Alexandria Fertilizerand ChemicalCompany,


vrtilizers, Fertilizer Materials and

Bin Windsor Ground Plaster,PKINCE88 8TBSET. BETWEEN ??G??


prjai.nteai) daily and t_i-w__eí,í a-j ItnUcltns.SlO a- «13 Frinì.« MTERMS:

. -,***»·* I Tbi-Wseklt.

Í. .>'.86 00 1 ? Year.83(g)£ "«"the. 2 50 6 Months. 1 50¦ M.°"th8. 1 £5 j I Monti:.. 75J Month. 43 1 Month 98IWcck. m jAll transient advHrtia«inenas must be paid forIn advance.

' «ntr», ? Hdver-atrs will not a· «wow*, to ·_·ceod their s|>aoe unleas the excem la paid foiat trensiont rato», and under no circum«tamo» will they be allowed to advertiesotbe» than their legitimate husmees In th«»pace contracted fot.

Marriage and death optine» must t* paid forin airanoe.

Reeointions in memoriate, of thank», tributesofrespoct, reeolctions adopted by societiesor peraou», anleai of o bile concern, wil1only be printed in th paper m advertise¬ment·.

The Oazjrrra office u connected with th·Telephone Exchangee. Advertisement«, or¬ders f. ' the paper, news or any inforroatioT,or buginone car bo sent by téléphona.

ttnterou at the Poetotfl-* AJexxn.lna, Ylrglci_. as socond-clnm matter.!

(LOSING EXERCISES.The closing exercises of Mrs. Ewlng's

school were held at her residence on

Prince street on Tuesday evening inthe presence of a large number of the/rienda and relative** of the pupil«.Among thotie who gave recitations

were Misses Roberta Drewry, FloraLippe, of West Virginia, and Kathie«?Bitzer. The laut named little girt «I«lighted the audience, giving as her hi·«

ond number the dUleol Bandanna bn|-lad, "Beaten Biscuits."Thti programme ended with a little

cantata, "Mistres* Mary's (»arden," inwbicb a chorus if "pretty maids" of·fered tbtir II trai treasures in tbe son«·,"Who will buy ?" and the "SuiiHowert·"bloomed amid grottt applause from tbeaudienceTho prizes and distinctions were pre¬

sented by Kev. F. J. BrookeIn tbe preparatory and nraiieraio de¬

partments, when a pupil tren attainedthe required standard of 00 i>«-r cent,ou an examination, a oi-tiiu-tiou isawarded to her.Tbe lolluwing pupils obtained these

distinctions :

Maury's Physical Geography : FioraL'pps, Calli« Taylor »ml Nina Taunt-r.Kay's New Practical Arithmetic

(whole ib .ok) Flora Lipps and Calli*.Taylor.On une-half of the book: Géraldine

Taylor.Kay's New Elementary Algebra

Edith eiaut-iiury.History oi the United States: Géral¬

dine Taylor, Mary Bruin and AbbieSullivan.

????G? Rhetoric: Flora Lippe andCalile Taylor.Trench on the Study of Word*: E.ira

Joyce, Edith Stnu--hury and KuiliKodgers.American Literature: Edna JoyceCoppee's English Utorotoro: Edna

Joyce and Edith Stansbury.Peck's Garret's Physios: Edith StanF-

.ury and Ruth Ridgeis.History ol England: Edna Joyce,

Earle Taylor and Edith Stannhury.Milner's Higher Algebra: Edna

Joyce.American Word Book and Patter¬son's Speller and Analyzer: EtnaJoyce and Edith Stannbury.When a pupil shall have completed

the presorihed course in any ol the"pchoolri" ii t) which the presen ie« Icours« of study is divide«! a cwrtiticiít»of proGciency in awarded fco her. Inthe school of Boglieh Literature, eoi -

Sliding of Hill's Rhetoric, Trench on

the Study if Words, Am rio·· Liier*-ture, English Literature and Engli-ucomposition a cor liticate of proficient,was erwarded to Mies Edna ClayJoyce.

Special distinctions were awarded tothe following pupils:For improvement in handwriting:

Misses Mary Bruin, Abbie Sullivan,Nettie Rowen, Marie Porter Honshu*,Ethel Miles, Roberta Drewry, EdithStansbury and Géraldine Taylor.For perfect behavior during the en¬

tire session: Misses Earle Taylor andEdna Joyce.Reward cards were presented to C.

King for handwriting and to NinaTanner for improvement in music.

In the primary department a prizewas awarded or good batons in spell¬ing and geography to Miss Le lie TedHenshaw, and for excellence in theirstudies to Kathleen Batset and MyronHoward.In the preparatory department, a

prize for good lessons during the entiresession was awarded to Mary EllenBruiu.

In the aendemic department, a prizewas awarded Isr improvement in allher studies to Mias Edit ? Stansbury; al¬so to Miss Flora Boyd Lippe lor pei feetbehavior and never having been absenta day from school during the session.For excellence in all her studies and

examinations, as well as for her perfectdeportment in the school room, a goldmedal was awarded to Mies Edna ClayJoyce._mWould Not Suffer So Attain for Fitly

Timos Un Prii-e.

I awoke last oight with severe painsin my stomach. I never felt so bVmHjin all my lile. Wden I came down io

work this morning I felt so weak Ieoold hardly work. I went to Miller.& Mt Curdy? drug store and they p-

commended Cnamherlain's Colic, Chol¬era and Diarr'ioea Remedy. It workedlike manie and ou» «lone fixed me all

right. It certainly is the liuest thing I

ever ustd lor «tomad) trouble. I shallnot be without it il my home hereatterlfor I shoul I not care to endure the suf,ferings of Ust nigbt Hgmn for fifty time-it·« price..G. H. Wilson, Liveryman»Burgettstown, Washington Co., Pa.,This remedy is for sale by all druggists.


Unless food is cligented quickly it will fer¬

ment and irritate the atonia« h Atta· each

meal take · teaspoo?fu I of Kodol DyspeP«1*lure It digest» what you eat and will allow

you lo eat »II you need of what you like It

never fads to core the worst cases ..f dyspep¬sia It is pleasant to Uke.

« -»·*-

AliNOLl)- BKOMtMîhX-KY. Try thisan..valed remedy for Ha-dachea Neuralgia,fleepla-snaaw. IO cents

-«.··>»-Haw Ar*· > ? ? li»·» · '

Dr. Hobbe· Spar-gus Pillscure all *_"* .".¿d??/¦iosa··. IH! »w>rlir«iM>.nr.1fUfc.Ìfci«Ta»>«» »·


KING'S PALACE DEPARTMENT HtOBa-S,N«.s. Kl'_-1 t -evontli and Tl.".

Market ! pace,WASHINGTON, O. O.

Two Immense Shirt Waist BargainsHere are just two waist bargains that can¬

not be touched for real solid worthfulness.Must be seen to realize their we

urge an early inspection.Misses' 87c Waists,30c. 87c Ladies' Waists, 49c.60 doxi.ii Misses' Wbito India Limn Waiits An nnnsnslly fine lot of latins'Percale»ith four rows of Kwisi inserting.French

back of line tucks. A most « Uboratoly gotten up (arment.up to tie moment iu style.Every waist is · beauty-er.d would 1?-bo considered goo 1 value at 87c. ?peci»l

WVtt-i with hll-ovr tu· k.t-1 fio it »od hackand Dewey reliar -in 'marl s!ii|^. ami pret¬ty checka. Kvery garment 1 right, new sndink-renting f'Oiu any jxint of view. They fitmost perfectly, and are a wonder at. . AQr

$10, $15 and $20 Suits, $5.50.Final redaction in suit prices, Ladies' end Minee'Sorteci Bitiftdcloth,

Venetian·, Homespuns, < hoviots, Sei-^os-n'l leadingcolon- Inani trimmed and plain. Jackets doublebreasted fly front snd lined ; inverted sndboxed pleat back to the ß»irte. This i-the mea. re«markaoleeuil offer of the period. They formerlysoldat $10, $15 and 820. Choice for ..'....'.. $5.50Wash Skirts Worth Up to $5, «5c.Greatest of salee of sommer skirts. Ladie-' none, Covert, and Duck

SUrte.degan, forsu.t wear in blue and and Mark, plain â^â*\\and polka dots; artislhally nil ami mail·' thoroughly, :iih>II|Ia«reneronsly full; uiosl ^rarefili Italic. In short, :? sliirl lliat _f%vflfordinarily soils from $1.50 to $5.(m». nur Son>ationa.l I Be|rl_|Price.^»r W w

19c Organdies, 12J4c.Lovely Sheer white < irgandies -the line, filmy kind, which makes up

bo beautifully These organdie·) are 44 inches wide and cut up for dresséeor oostumes most economically. Not 19c, hut I2jc per yard

98c and $1.25 Wrappers, 68c.King's l'alai··· la noted for ¡tu genuine sales, and here is an honest trade

bringer,ondo/.. Ladle*' Wrappers in Percale. Lawn and Battete-and we offer 15

beantilul styles to select from. Some with double ruffles over shoulder-,finished with embroidery; others have pointed Ughi and darkpatterns; well worth 98c to $1.25, for 68c.

75c Corsets, 49c. | 10c Ribbed Vests, 5c.One l«.t of Warnei'x (or»eti .iui «nnimer GoO Ladie«' Splendid Swim Uilihed Vest

wcii-lit and coutil.doublo f-tay.he* vil vboned.well strapped.laco trimmed-shortand long lengths. 7Ge would l>o cheap.botKing's Palace has docroefltho Brie· to bo 49c.

full bleached.with drawing rap«». This offer,ladies, is without parallel.for every vestís

worth 10c Onr price G«·.

KINO'S PALACE DEPT. STORES,812=814 7th Street. 715 Market Space.

Washington, I). C.


(1 ET TOUB eSFBIOKKATOB AND It EIl CHttTti f« ni uh. Tbey ho w«* tu ·

Htrtictcd ami fiTe Beffai aail faction Theico cniiMiuipl ou i» email. W·* bivi* lue«hnn iltn« tho i-Hiñe nnki-·? for Iti year· Teelines hate late·» nnpiovi-.i erery m l'on, Alithat uso tlin /.EBOorBvLhWIN Mir.«litbem.

Miih B. W. Arnold fays: "I hav.» rxon

train« the Zto f· r a ? umber of y<< ? !i

givoa p.«rfii't satinfartion. The lei c.infuin'vlion ia fcrnsll **

'Tho Baldwin ?.-frici^rit«>r p*troha«ed ofyou docs all you duini far »l; keep· iwry-thiuKcooi." Tooa. Hot.Mrh. c. L. ?a???ett My»· ' Tuo Zafo ???-

frigomtor is on« 1 aai reconuneud to every»me roqoiring a liist-tl»-» artici« "

We could name bu ini ? ili who have pur¬chased Ice Chests and iiofri-;«raLprs from usand speak of thorn in the highest term·.

M.Ruben §Som*001 KINO 8TKEET.

DOB9IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP?A cheap remedy lor coughs und colds

ia all right, but you want bomt-thingthat will relieve aud cure the mure se¬

vere and dangerous result.»· oi throataod lung troubles. What snail you do?(Jo ? a warmer and more regularclimate? Yes, if possible; if not possi-ble for you, then in either case take theONLY remedy that has been introducedin all civilized countries with success insevere throat anil lung troubles, "Bo···chee'e Uerman Syrup." It not onlyheals and stimulait*« the liseiues lo de¬

stroy the germ aisua-ie, hut allays la·Hammalion, causes easy expectoration,gives a good night's rest, aud cures the

patient. Try onk botile, llecorn-meuded mauy years ago by alldruggists io ine world. For sale byUrnesl L Allen, Claud M. Li-nuon,VVarheld & Hall, Cuarles ? i. lu .,

VV. F.Oreigbton & Ik)., taiid RichardH i boon.


Wholesale and retail dealers in natiir*l atdmanufactured 11 K.

Office.Comer King and Union Ptroots.Country trailo arni i-arloail Iole a *pe«'Jal>y.We propose lo furniah the ettàaiia of Ani

nudila vniii the beat (pulity ot natura ni

ninnula« tored Ice. an tboy may «Inet, al tbe

«alno Mi ? lo families aa laat eeasoo.IO ptiuinli at fte,'S> p«.u mix at ??ß.BU pounils at 90aKM) | ..uiut« and over 4(V per 1(»0 lb·.

Our aim la to ditupi»oiul no ouo. Pleasemake all complaint» ilirivt to our ottice.

Bell Pheee No. 51. llomo phone No. 17 em_^_

WE HELL TEAS LIKE WE Do EVEUTTH1NO ELHK at r.aeonable pr..t,t'

Our Oreen lea at 40c equal to any BO« 1Min Uii« city. W. P. WUOLL» «k 8UN

LCBD TEA .For leed Tea try am BlendedTees at ·>''¦> and tiOc por p. unii.


OOB ????ß? KXTKA HMALL CANNEDPEAS» are cheap at 15c Ber can.


G?.??? <>¦ M,-.^^

OFFJOB « µ? Qtm?????????, 11!» N. Washington

Mie« «\.? xiinlm Vi; il-. June lit 1 !l(l(>.Seul«! proposal' In dopimi· fe* l'iumhing.Hcnlin.; ai-d ? l'i ne Wiring iu fix vets ofOffirrrV (Jiiurtei-, »nd i»o »eta f HnrrackBoildioa te be ei ad il Pert Waahi*«_leai,Maryland, wiH be ree v.,1 st line ottico until12 o'clock noon Jn ? li!, UHM). Knvelopeecontaiiiiiii; prop a il» Mimili Im! endorM.l"Propoli r Ho ting and Elec¬tric Wiring'' In.«, illation regarding plan»»nd spcciti. ationi rn<i> b'· <.ittaine«l on appli¬cation to tliis olii'". AHI- S. HI« KHAW,Mxjor »nd Qiiari« riii'Rtrr, U. 8. Vols.

jil.'l.lU »,16iyll«Stl_



(ìreenlirier White Milplmr Springs,WEST V I It « I ? I A .

Op« JUNK 15th to MFITEMRER 15th.Tho great entrai point of « Union for the In» tsociety of tbe North, Soliti, Eaxt and Weft$40.000 worth of imp ov« linnts for this sea-eon. Modern pliiiniinu'. Private baths New9'hole golf colirio, with prnf.vwional in charge.Write for illustrated booklet

HAKKlNOT'iN MILL",j«'J lm Manager.

Atlantic City,NKW JERSEY.



A comfortable, well appointed hotel, with

excellent cuiiine, olectrt«' ? levptor, Ac.M. H. M M1KI.S, Prop.(UAH. H. PEASE. Manager.

tnylO 4m

No Questions Asked.You pay for wh*t jou get and you git all y« ?

pay ter with the

Prepayment Gas Meter,in uso in ail tnu prl »af-J. dtfu Yoo can

buy '-·"· conta' worth of gts ij tini m tb<>d(lit·, in as eeor.nrui.·-*! as «a-Oline »nd a^aolutn-

ly fr.« fr«.in danger. I * ? be "eon at

J.A.&W.W.COGAN'SGaa <<m km«; __4 hiaimg "Pi· ihik·.?, (In¬

dili ?·-·.· «kc.A call solicit.·). p?t-ß·????

Canning House.Wo intend to eetab:i,ih a cainery for pack-

ili|( ti«*toe* in AliXan ¡r,-». Will Want aboOl-O.OOo bushel* kimatoeri. Farmers interestedplease wiite (ml in person.

( HAKI.ES KINO A SON,215 north Lee m reef,

Je7 lw_Alea-ndria, Va.


before the advance in price.1 dosen quarts OOc.t doaen half gallons, 75c.1 «loaen Jelly Olaaae» -5c. Packed 1 doc

eu in a box. W. P. W001,LS ? SONS,Royal and Wolfe street*.



In all the latest styles and mostreasonable prices.

Spring SamplesFor custom work now ready.

All goods marked in plainfigures.

R. Lee Field,One-Price Clothier and Furnisher,

No. 304 King street


SEASONABLE???.??????- AND MADRAS, h»nd«otne

line, light weight and faat colora, for -hlrt

waists, 8, 10 and.l24e.PERCALES, 1 yard wide, ß to l'J-Jo,40-lnck SEKRsnOKEB, He.PIQUES, something extra at prices, 10.

12*, 15 and 25c.OLP'K, in plain white, 10c yd.40-inch DO« I. reiloced to 12V·COTTON OOVEBT OLOTH, CRASH, Ac.

for (iklrt".STRIPED MINI.INS, »»tin ani I.»ce

Stripec, very handsome, at 10 and 1 'iicBEMNANT8.Diniltins and Checked and

Striped sfu-dine- et 20 per cent, lees thanregular prices.8 and 10».INDIA LINENS, regular widths, 5, 0,8,

10, 12*, 15 to2<lc.INDIA LINENS, 40 inches wide, special

vaincs 10c and 1 2'n»·.WHITE ORGANDI F, 10 and 18c.UNBLEACHED COTTON, 1 yard wi»le

special vainc, 6c.

Summer Underwear.LADIES' RIBBED VESTS at 5, 10, 12*

to 25<».8UMMEB CORSETS at 50c and $1. Lor .?

and short-waiated.FINE LINE OF HOSIERY of all kinds at

all pricea.UMBRELLAS at SOc, 75c, $1, $1 25,

ani $1.50 ? p.Price« war mirri] the lowest.




Buy Diamondsand Watcheson Credit.Wo let you make the terms- a dollar or co

a week. Select what you want from our

IMMENSE STOOh.Railroxd Watch.21 jowols.our «pccislty.

Our representative is in Alexandria everyFriday aud will call with fatnpio« if you «Iropus a line. All business coiiCdetttiral.

Castelberg National Jewelry Company,9.1.r> PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE,

WASHINGTON, D C.Estai.! ¡ali««) 1846.



When getting tip time hae arrived it signalsto the cook and stops to see if the tarns over

for another snoozo. If she does, it calls her

again, waita awhile and calle her again, and

keeps it np nntil the cook roust get np or go

en ay. It ie also guaranteed to wake any-

Imdy who is not past waking. Price #1.50.




NO. 517 KINO STREET,Alexandria, Va,

Inform*^ kin friends that he is prepared tofnrnish

HUiTH IN THE LATEST STYLESat very reasonable pri<*e.He guarantees satisfaction ia livery particu¬

lar, and reiioeete a »all and iuepection ofHamde«. rok.5 3m

Wall PapersAND

Window ShadesIf YOU WANT


From the beet manufacturer«, go to the OldReliable Store. Katehlieh«! 1850.

JOHN P. CLARKE,m*»221m 612 Klagst, Alexandrie, Va,

HEINZ'S PICKLE*·..A fine assortmentof Hein«'» bottled Pick lee, Sauce« and

tauapa Ju«t leoeivtsd byJ. C. MILBDRN



We place on sale for this week *bout «40 píese* f^nefePercales and fine light weight Mal-a·, regular 17% tn«J 15cgoods. Price for the sale 9c per yard, and at ««hie price ¡fetigoods are much cheaper than ordinary 5c prints and «re en*

cellent for waists, wrappers or bop' ahirte,BARGAIN NO* 2.

4 pieces of very extra value in rVt Uten pille* &jàa£ cutnarrow sheeting, goods also oxc'Ucet Sor boy»1 tttwaendblouses or for gentlemen's undcrw at* Former price* oay^j95c and $1. Sale price 60c for cho/oe,

BARGAIN NO«A3 pieces fine 36 inch linen lawn. . 'inner price *«.fO, ft,«te-

ami $1.40. Sale price 75c. Notier coaxes such a dentiti,summer waist. The goods are ais imitable tor haedkcrcWnél·,

BARGAIN NO_4wAll our Scotch Ginghams, regolar 15c goods» 00 wMei» am

price has been 17c. Sale price 1.: V»'cBARGAIN WO.6.

A continuation of the emVou^. *y aale. We ti^rw pa* t»this sale all the short pieces of e/gfoge acid toierting« a«_4slightly soiled and mussed £oods at aboot one halt fah-vmtprices ; also a large lot of narro*" 5 yard stripe at G5 and IJClor the strip. Customers generally pronounce- the tmìo ofembroideries as the best values rv«· altered.

BARGAIN NQ.&Continuation of the lace sai"· wHo the addition o* a SorjJPT

variety of Torchon Lace? at abom -alf of former price·.Merchant Tailoring DepartmentWe have secured some extra valaoi In blue and black timi*

which we will make up into $20 suit«, beeide« apeqalif attracv,»tive values in fancy suits. For reasons very geaear*^' 'AM$ßttstood, we have made a change in our catter and de*UT *r> V*\troduce to our customers and the cubile generally ottr _wVcutter, Mr. Gustave Hollman, who «comes to U8 with e«LCettm4recommendations. Mr. Hollman baa been cutting for Ae pan*six years for a firm in Baltimore, H, located in the «_wt p»y}tion of north Charles street, and ih.« shoald give --»earance olhis capacity to serve our trade with garments of saperia*: «t%ish and style. We guarantee all u-rn-fc |q this «department «$give pertect satisfaction.


RICH CUT GLASSIs expensive, but wo have just received a

BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF PRESSEDGLASS that is to nearly liko the REA LTHING that it take« an expert to till thidifference. Wo have a foil line on tho verynewest ahapee inWater Potties 40<*, Milk Pitchers <5<;

Fruit Bowl« 35e, Berry Bowls 25c, HandledOlivos 8c, Fruit Saucers 4c.

Don't let the low price make you think th'sis low quality waro. There ia nothing betterthan the Genuine Cut Glase, and !» nut of 10

people will think it cut. .We keep tbo fu.Iline, to which we invite your inspection.


It EclipscsallOtherBrand?

^Is the verdict of eil uuùmiwiv'i,", « ",?*^eoníectioner** who have need the

Globe Mills Flourfor breedmsking or cek<i>. It i* unsorpm·'. din rhoice quality, because it is ground fnmtho best winter wheat that is raised, and 1»?the beet proceas to retain all the nutriment..fthe grain.

JNO. W. EMMERT A CO..Union etreet

ncnt»-MlW} H-mmJIË:_CRANBERRIES..Fancy Cape Cod Iran.

berne·just received byJ. O. MILP.URN.

7<G£a?? BUTTER and FLESH KGOS laja)leoelved ky J. 0. MILBURN.E

poo re AK!


80 CENTSWiMwnao« sell; hot we de er-11 at» '^Mff.-- «:**H«wt ea* (Ma-aWy be an» <ea ta* ejejyj»Vii fee ike money.

If «-te went «oMetai«*· eoaaf er* L re «alitu yea. It yea «real mmetkla*, a-a-fig

wo .»ve it. If yon wen« inaexfaief em tèe**mircnee· ia town kae get ee*B« a» ae fe» M

...Jiee, ase enr High P«e|a far/ «'ieri *rW«%*·.Vie ear ila* of Oafe-J« Pd«e T5* *eft

? nek Meel 1-eniog ??*** HI ejaefMii'iji eetket.

leaaea. aee «tar tin· e< He·» law k\?*ßk%at ft and |?

1 um» Leeíker Oxftede f«, -fr«L«l |tt a·*·*I».

Wt Ui aere aaayje Clotkief te» -era*** eatwiL ac'Lawtew KMUfelarerV «ajt a* <-*-»*».

J.AaMarshail&Bíüe«UaMHng Uf>ro date awe

Deal«·*4« King tilTa^t


Dinner Sets» Tea Sgtjjj».Chamber Sete*^

VkT« yee «ae» ike

Tf>y Ice Cream Frc*«*^·*««VT

Çrirteri& Howard'af?

Exchange¿BaM.OPEN DAY AKO WOtTf.

.«¡eked leeae· fa* rea> «oat 1.*ß%M*$1*'i\*à-

irirrTHLSG guktr-cumheOABTAL CELRAmATMD V* ****;·}

i^XKialty. Call end I**·*·** «a. *ee**terve*

.ouBWaad beard $1* ¦*** ttmek »·«***·%1 .slcpheaje ??5.ÇDWIN TOBIN*


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