circuit design & spice simulations

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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Circuit design & SPICE simulations

That's the name of the course that I just launched (or, I would say, pre-launched) on Udemy. And

here's the link for the samehttps://

You would be a bit surprised to see, that within few days, this course crossed more than 50 people

and has great reviews already. You will be more surprised to see that, in contrast to my previous

courses, I am offering this course at $11. Why did I do so? There's lot of thought that went behind

this, and one of them is to give something back to the community. I know, what would be the next

question, that will pop-up in your mind. Why even $11? Why not free? Well, write to me, and I will let

you know the thought behind this as well :)

I feel, learning or working in VLSI domain without transistor model knowledge is like flying an

helicopter with low fuel in a deserted region, not knowing where the hell you will land up. 

Also, when I say, pre-launch, I have uploaded only few lectures, and everyday uploading new video.. Reason - Do not want to burden with all 50 videos

in one shot. Want to give everyone a slow and strong learning experience. 

Here how the course goes. I start with asking few questions, on why do we need SPICE

Then, I introduce and (literally) derive models for threshold voltage and ..... (sentence continued

after below image)

.......(sentence continued from above) drain current models for resistive and saturation region

of operation

Eventually, I end up, developing the SPICE setup, and from there on-wards, there is no stopping us

from reaching the final goal, where we derive delays for cells. 

So, this looks to be a slow start, but "Don't be discouraged by A SLOW START. It offers the time and testing you need to lay the right foundation

for success" --Michael Hyatt

For more, please refer to below courses

Circuit design & SPICE simulations

Physical design flow

Clock tree synthesis

Signal integrity

VLSI – Essential concepts and detailed interview guide


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