civil engineering for liu – ps shielding of route goward

Post on 04-Apr-2015






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Civil engineering forLIU – PS

Shielding of route Goward

Status – 22 may 2012

• Document « Civil engineering for increasing the radiation shielding on the route Goward. Passage over the PS » completed → EDMS approval procedure ongoing (25 may 2012)

• CE execution drawings completed → EDMS approval procedure ongoing (22 may 2012)• Tender documents completed → EDMS approval procedure completed (16 may 2012)• Market survey completed → list of firms to be finalized ( translation in english of the tender

documents to be confirmed depending on the nationality of the selected firms)

NEXT STEPS • Launch call of tender• Organize an information campaign to the attention of the occupants of the center of the ring

NEW ! • Two “sondages” requested by RP to determine if the ground around the PS is contaminated →

potential impacts on the method of execution and the cost / delay of work Reminder: the assumption for this project was that there was no RP constraints for materials and/or workers

Installation de chantier

Démolition et démontage

Terrassement et accès provisoire



Mur bâtiment 365

Mur de soutènement du parking

Mur de soutènement sud-est

Situation finale

Profil en long de la route

Marquage et signalisation

Provisional Schedule

Travaux préparatoires avant chantier de génie civil:

-Evacuation des transformateurs –EN/EL-Abattage des arbres GS/IS-Dépose des candélabres – GS/SE-Dépose des moniteurs RP - DGS/RP- Autres??

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