classical painting

Post on 18-Jan-2017






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Neo Classical PaintingNeo – classical artist embrace the ideals of order

and moderation in which artistic interpretations of classical Greek and Roman history were restored to realistic portrayals. Neo – classical painter great importance gave costumes, settings and details of classical subject – matter without adding distracting details but with as much historical accuracy as possible

Jacques – Louis David(1748 – 1825) France

Jacques – Louis David is an influential French painter in the Neoclassical style, and considered to be the pre – eminent painter of the era. His subjects of paintings are more on history

The Death of Marat

David’s masterpiece shows the portrayal of a revolutionary martyr. This is a painting of the murdered French revolutionary leader Jean – Paul Marat

Napoleon Crossing the Alps (J. David)

The painting that showed a strongly idealized view of the real crossing that Napoleon and his army made across the Alps through the Great St. Bernard Pass in May 1800.

Oath of the Horatii (J. David)

It was a large painting that depicts a scene from a roman legend about the dispute between Rome and Alba Longa. The three brothers, all of whom appear willing to sacrifice their lives for the good of Rome, are shown saluting their father who holds their swords out for them.

Jean Auguste – Dominique Ingres(1780 – 1867) France

Ingres was a pupil Jacques – Louis David. He was influenced by Italian renaissance painters like Raphael, Nicolas Pousin, Botticelli, and his mentor, Jacques – Louis David.

His paintings were usually nudes, portraits, and mythological themes. He was regarded as one of the great exemplars of academic art and one of the finest Old Master of his era.

Portrait of Napoleon on the Imperial Throne

(J. Ingres)

The painting depicts Napoleon in his decadent coronation costume, seated on his golden – en – crusted throne, hand resting upon smooth ivory balls. During his reign, the painting was owned by the Corps Legislatif which was a part of the French Legislature. The painting was believed to be commissioned by Napoleon as King of Italy

The Apotheosis of Homer (J. Ingres)

The painting was a state – commission by Charles X to have him remembered in the building works of the Louvre. The painting depicts an image of Homer, receiving to brilliant men of Rome, Greece and contemporary times.

Antonio Canova(1757 – 1822) Italy

Canova was a prolific Italian sculptor who

became famous for his marble sculptures that

delicates rendered nude flesh.

He opened the idea for portraying discrete

sexual pleasures by using pure contours with his

mythological compositions.

Psyche Awakened by Cupid’s Kiss(Antonio Canova)

A marble sculpture portraying the relationship of Psyche and Cupid

Washington(A. Canova)

This is a marble sculptured of Washington currently displayed at North Carolina Museum of History.

Bertel Thorvaldsen(1789 – 1838) Denmark

Thorvaldsen was the first internationally acclaimed Danish artist. He executed sculpture of mythological characters.

ChristA marble sculpture image of resurrected Christ currently located at the Thorvaldsen Museum.

Lion of LucerneA sculpture of a dying lion in Lucerne, Switzerland that commemorates the Swiss Guards who were massacred in 1792 during the French Revolution

Most Famous Temple Style

Buildings of the Neo – Classical


Pantheon, ParisThe Panthéon to all the gods') is a building in the Latin Quarter in Paris. It was originally built as a church

dedicated to St. Genevieve and to house the reliquary châsse containing her relics but, after many changes, now functions as a secular mausoleum containing the remains of distinguished French citizens.

British Museum, LondonThe British Museum is a museum dedicated to human history, art, and culture, located in the

Bloomsbury area of London. Its permanent collection, numbering some 8 million works, is among the largest and most comprehensive in existence[3] and originates from all continents, illustrating

and documenting the story of human culture from its beginnings to the present.

White House White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States, located at

1600Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. It has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams in 1800.

United States CapitolThe United States Capitol, often called Capitol Hill, is the seat of the United

States Congress, the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government. It sits atop Capitol Hill, at the eastern end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C..

La Madeleine de ParishLa Madeleine de Parish is a Roman Catholic church occupying a commanding position

in the 8th arrondissement of Paris.

Library of Sainte – Genevieve

Henri Labrouste – His master piece in the Library of Sainte – Genevieve. Library of Sainte – Genevieve is a public and university library in Paris, which inherited

the collection of the Abbey of St Genevieve.

Palais garnier “PARIS OPERA HOUSE”

The Palais Garnier (pronounced: French About this sound is a 1,979-seat opera house, which was built from 1861 to 1875

for the Paris Opera..

New York Public Library is a public library system in New York City. With nearly 53 million items, the New York Public

Library is the second largest public library in the United States (behind the Library of Congress), and fourth largest in the world.

Boston Public LibraryBoston Public Library is a municipal public library system in Boston, Massachusetts, United States, founded in 1848. The Boston Public Library is also the Library for the Commonwealth (formerly library of last recourse)of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; all adult residents of the commonwealth are entitled to borrowing and research privileges, and the library receives state funding.

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