cloud computing for education

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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a presentation on cloud computing


PowerPoint Presentation

Cloud Computing For Education: A new dawn?AbstractCloud computing is an emerging new computing pattern for delivering computing services. This computing approach relies on a number of existing technologies, e.g., the Internet, virtualization, grid computing, Web services, etc.

The provision of this service in a pay-as-you-go way through (largely) the popular medium of the Internet gives this service a new distinctiveness.What is cloud computing?It is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.

A study by McKinsey (the global management consulting firm) found that there are 22 possible separate definitions of cloud computing. In fact, no common standard or definition for cloud computing seems to exist

The Type of services offered by cloud computing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Products offered through this model include the remote delivery (through the Internet) of a full computer infrastructure (e.g., virtual computers, servers, storage devices, etc.)

Platform as a Service (PaaS): To understand this cloud computing layer one needs to remember the traditional computing model where each application managed locally required hardware, an operating system, a database, middleware, Web servers, and other software.

. Software as a Service (Saas): Under this layer, applications are delivered through the medium of the Internet as a service. Instead of installing and maintaining software, you simply access it through the Internet, freeing yourself from complex software and hardware management

Flexibility and costMany see huge potential of the technology in reducing the cost of IT to organizations and freeing them from the expense and hassle of having to install and maintain applications locally

Furthermore, a great proportion of the costs of running an IT infrastructure comes from electricity consumption (needed to run hardware e.g., PCs, servers, switches, backup drives, etc.)

cooling (needed to reduce the heating generated by the hardware). Cloud computing is likely to reduce expenditure in this areaCloud in the education1. The potential of cloud computing for improving efficiency, cost and convenience for the educational sector is being recognized by a number of US educational (and official) establishments.

2. Major cloud computing providers such as IBM and Google are actively promoting cloud computing as tools for research

3. The schools are now using cloud computing to transform old computers , that were ready for scrap, into fully functioning virtual machines. This was possible because cloud computing eliminates the need for a hard drive on the local computer.

4. Google has been very successful in targeting the East African educational market. For example, the giant cloud provider has partnered with a number of East African educational establishments

5. The ability of cloud computing to help African education, not only by reducing IT costs but also by making education more efficient than before, is likely to be a very powerful (and empowering) tool for the advancement of education in this under-developed continent.

6. Storage issues with network servers and email also meant that students were, more often than not, saving their work to USB memory sticks which are often loss or misuse

ConclusionCloud computing is an emerging computing pattern which promises to provide opportunities for delivering a variety of computing services in a way that has not been experienced before.Some of the laws (e.g., UKs DPA) that govern issues of data protection and data security need to be clear

References : Buyya, R., Yeo, C. S., & Venugopal, S. (2009). Market-oriented cloud computing: Vision, hype, and reality of delivering IT services as computing utilities. In The 10th IEEE international conference on high performance computing and communications (pp. 513). Carr, N. (2009). The Big Switch: Re-Wiring the World, from Edison to Google. New York & London: W.W. Norton. Chan, S. P. (2009). Microsoft cloud computing gets down to earth. East Africa Forum. -down-to-earth (accessed on: 1 August 2009).


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