cms 2 day siop overview version iv 2005 sheltering instruction for ells second language department...

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CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Sheltering Instruction for ELLs

Second Language DepartmentIvanna Thrower, CMS SIOP Coach

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

So, why are we here?


CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

There were over 5.1 million K-12

English language learners in the

U.S. in 2002-03.

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

ELLELL DemographicsDemographics

Nearly one of every 5 students entering U.S. schools speaks

a language other than English.

One in 3 school children is from an ethnic or racial minority group.

One in 10 is born outside the U.S. (2000 Census)


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1732 22592649


































North Carolina experienced a 700% growth in the # of LEP students from 1995 to 2003!

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

How can YOU help YOUR ELLs?

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

How can YOU help YOUR ELLs?

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

How can YOU help YOUR ELLs?

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Training Overview: Day 1

Participants will: Explore aspects of

SLA become familiar

with the SIOP®

Model engage in practice

with 3 or4 components of the SIOP® Model

Participants will: begin to develop a

SIOP® -related lexicon discuss aspects of

SLA, strategies for sheltered instruction and components and features of the SIOP®


Content Objectives Language Objectives

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Second Language Acquisition

At your table, discuss factors that affect language learning.

Assign a scribe, a reporter and a time keeper. (2 minutes)

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Second Language Acquisition

Motivation First language

development Language distance

and attitude Access to the


Age Personality and

learning style Peers and role

models Quality of Instruction Cultural background

Factors which affect SLA (SLA BLM#1)

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Social and Academic Language


(Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency)

Watch your BICS and CALP!


(Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills)

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Social and Academic Language

Cummins’ Model of Academic Language

Range of Communication

Context Embedded Lesson

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

The Iceberg Theory



CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Restate the following:

The authors book was rather

sesquipedalian. Clinching the

piece before the end of the

volation nonplused us

to say the least.

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005


The author’s book was full of long

words. Finishing the piece before

the end of the flight surprised us

to say the least.

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CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005


CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005


CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Restate the following:

The cat defenestrated the dog with an

echinated bat. However, the dog

purchased the sill to save himself.

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Program Descriptions

How many ESL students are in the program?

Where are the students from and what L1’s are in the school?

What are the proficiency levels in the school?

Likes and challenges Similarities and differences

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Teachers and the Integrated Approach

content related language skills + language skills related to the content +

curricula for content area +

curricula for language learning +

modified instructional methods + assessment =


Can’t we just look at Intro BLM#4? I

need a visual!

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

What is Sheltered Instruction?

Write your own

definition of sheltered


CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Multiple Meanings

What subject area might you find these words used with different meanings?

What can the teacher do to help clarify content-specific vocabulary?

Face Tree Cone Plane

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

In Science

Label Equipment

Illustrate Safety Regulations

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

In Social Studies

All students may not have lived in a democratic society….

Consider holding mock elections to “build” background experiences

HINT: The History Alivecurriculum does this for you!!

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005


4 divided into 2=

4 divided by 2=

or English Problem

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Word Problems

Math is NOT a universal language, is it?

Word problems are a

big problem!

What can the math teacher do?

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

How many ways can you say…

add subtract multiply divide

plus minus times quotient

and less product over

together few a factor gozinta

combine take away by

+ - X

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

The SIOP® Model


An Overview of the SIOP® Model

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

True or False

1. T

2. T

3. F: Can be used in ALL classes

4. F: More than highly qualified teaching!

5. F: Context=Meaning=Faster Learning

6. T

Ivanna Thrower

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

SIOP® Model Components

PreparationBuilding BackgroundComprehensible InputStrategiesInteractionsPracticeLesson DeliveryAssessment

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

SIOP® Pre-Test

OOPS! I Mean Checklist (RB pp. 209-210)

What do you already do well?What could you improve on to better

meet the needs of your ELL’S?

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005


WWII and the Atomic BombBarbara FormosoGunston Middle SchoolArlington, VA

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005


Clearly defined content and language ________. Content ________ appropriate for age and

educational background. Supplementary __________ used to a high

degree. Adaptation of _______ to all levels of proficiency. Meaningful _______ that integrate lesson

concepts with language practice in reading, writing, listening and/or speaking.






CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Writing Language Objectives

Make a list of action verbs that could be used to begin language objectives.

Discuss Organize

Analyze Explain

Debate Define

Ask Respond

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005


What is a blue tick?

What is the best method for catching catfish?

What is a Hana Butta?

What is Jun Ken Po?

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Building Background

The English Settle AmericaRobin Liten-TejadaGunston Middle SchoolArlington, VA

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Building Background

Concepts explicitly linked __ students’ background experiences.

Links explicitly made _____ past learning and new concepts.

Key vocabulary emphasized.



CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

•Let students create a Picture Dictionary.

•Post new vocabulary words.

•Have students practice academic vocabulary.

•Make students accountable for vocabulary!!

Building Background

Teach KEY Vocabulary

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Comprehensible Input

_peech appropriate for

students’ proficiency level._lear explanation of academic tasks._ variety of techniques used to make

content concepts clear.




CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Comprehensible Input

MagnetsAngela BennettGunston Middle SchoolArlington, VA

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Comprehensible Input

Vocabulary! ‘Sum’ and ‘some’ sound the same

in the South!

The math teacher said ‘SUM’ (that means total) but the ESL student heard ‘some.’


Southern’ Style

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Comprehensible Input

Model pronunciation and let students practice.

Have students practice what they will say.

Say it as you think it or write it. (Verbalize your


Teach prefixes, suffixes, and root words.

Teaching Language

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Avoid complicated directions.

Stand near the student when possible.

Give examples.

Provide verbal and written directions.

Present only 1 or 2 directions at a time.

Comprehensible Input

Do you follow me?

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Did we cover our objectives?

Participants will: Explore aspects

of SLA become familiar

with the SIOP®

Model engage in

practice with 3 or 4 components of the SIOP® Model

Participants will: begin to develop a

SIOP® -related lexicon discuss aspects of 2nd

language acquisition, strategies for sheltered instruction and components and features of the SIOP®


Content Objectives Language Objectives

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Ticket Out

I still have questions about…

I learned …

I wish we had…

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Sheltering Instruction for ELLs

Second Language DepartmentIvanna Thrower, CMS SIOP Coach

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Ticket Out Follow Up

I still have questions about…

I learned …

I wish we had…

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Training Overview: Day 2

Participants will: engage in practice with

4 or 5 components of the SIOP® Model

begin to determine strategies for implementing the SIOP® Model in their class/school

Participants will: explore strategies that can

be used to build background, increase interaction, enhance student engagement and make content accessible to ELLs

critique lesson components of the SIOP® Model

Content Objectives Language Objectives

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005


_______opportunities for students to use strategies

Consistent use of _______ techniques throughout the lesson.

_______question types used, including those that promote higher-order thinking skills.




CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005


Achievements of the Sumerian EmpireRandi GibsonStanford Middle SchoolLong Beach, CA

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CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Mark important concepts on worksheets and notes.

Teach Highlighting/Underlining

Use sticky notes

on texts, novels, etc.


CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Venn Diagrams

Story Maps




Graphic Organizers

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Frequent opportunities for interactions and/or discussion between teacher/student and among students.

Grouping configurations support language and content objectives of the lesson.

Sufficient wait time for student response. Ample opportunities for students to clarify key

concepts in L1 (with peers and/or text).

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005


Frequent opportunities for interactions and/or discussion between teacher/student and among students.

Grouping configurations support language and content objectives of the lesson.

Sufficient wait time for student response. Ample opportunities for students to clarify key

concepts in L1 (with peers and/or text).

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005


Addition StoriesAngie AldrichRobert E. Lee ElementaryLong Beach, CA

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Interaction: Cooperative Learning


Jigsaw Activities


CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Practice and Application

Hands-on materials and/or

manipulatives for students to practice using

new content knowledge.

Activities for students to apply content language knowledge in the classroom.

Activities that integrate all language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking).

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Practice and Application

Parts of the CellGerry HoyosJordan High SchoolLong Beach, CA

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Lesson Delivery

Content objectives clearly

supported by lesson delivery. Language objectives clearly supported

by lesson delivery. Students engaged 90-100% of the

period. Pacing of the lesson appropriate to the

students’ ability level.

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Lesson Delivery

WWII and the Atomic BombBarbara FormosoGunston Middle SchoolArlington, VA

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Review and Assessment

Comprehensive review of key vocabulary.

Comprehensive review of key content concepts.

Regular feedback to students on their output.

Assessment of student comprehension and learning of all lesson objectives.

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Review and Assessment

Addition StoriesAngie AldrichRobert E. Lee ElementaryLong Beach, CA

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Review and Assessment

TPR (like Simon Says)Thumbs up/ pencils upResponse boardsResponse padsStand up/sit downGood for ‘silent period’

Active Response

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

SIOP® Lesson Plan Activity

Pair English Language Development Objective with Content Objective

List supplementary materials needed

Develop one meaningful activity that integrates lesson concepts with language practice in reading, writing, listening and/or speaking

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

The SIOP® Model


Summary of the SIOP® Model

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

NC Standard Course of Study for LEP Students Grades 9-12

Federal law requires LEP students be provided with an equal opportunity to access curriculum and instruction.

NC state regulations require LEP services while students meet content standards prescribed by the SCS and performance standards.

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Classroom Mods for LEP Students

LEP students may have:

extra time dictionaries electronic

translators abbreviated


CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Teacher Made TEST MODS

Extra timeAlternate test formatsTaping testsTaping responsesUsing notesReduced choices on multiple choiceWord list for fill-in-the-blankShorten test

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

No Teacher should FAIL an LEP student if that teacher has

not offered instructional and testing accommodations to the



CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005


What CMS faces with ELLs.

Second Language Acquisition and factors which impact the process.

The benefits of Sheltered Instruction.

The SIOP Model

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

More SIOP® Training !?!?

SIOP® Strategies Friday, August 19


Register on Line

Open to anyone with background in SIOP®

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

More SIOP® Training !?!?



CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

More SIOP® Training !?!?

SIOP® Site Coach Monthly Meetings

SIOP® School Level Team Meetings

(Schedule may vary by school)

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Did we cover our objectives?

Participants will: explore strategies that can

be used to build background, increase interaction, enhance student engagement and make content accessible to ELLs

critique lesson components of the SIOP® Model

Content Objectives Language Objectives Participants will:

engage in practice with 4 or 5 components of the SIOP® Model

begin to determine strategies for implementing the SIOP® Model in their class/school

CMS 2 Day SIOP Overview Version IV 2005

Ticket Out/Evaluation

Name _____________ E-mail

I came here expecting… (E)

I would suggest… (S)I really like… (L)

I got… (G)

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