college bound!!. college campus visits how many college campuses have you been to? what were some...

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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College Bound!!JL Long Students

College Campus VisitsHow many college campuses have you been to?

What were some highlights about the visit?

What are some concerns you might still have about going to college?

Turn and talk to a neighbor.

Top 10 things to Ensure you Get Into College

Be punctual to school and class.Organize time to meet goals and deadlines.Record accurately daily homework and assignments in planner.Keep organized notebooks.Finish and hand in assignments on due dates.Organize materials (locker, binders, workbooks, planner).

1. Be Organized:

Manage Time and Self

Science & Math Team Champs

Explore something that actually interests you, such as environmentalism, student government, religion, sports, music, theater Joining your schools debate team and hating every minute of it wont earn you points in the college admission game.

2. Pursue a passion:

Treasure Dance Company

Once you figure out where to get involved, go all in. Don’t just be a participant in a school club; throw your name in the hat for a leadership position.

3. Assume a le



Talk to your teachers to get extra help and learn more about the subjects that really interest you. And don’t forget to participate in class, teachers need to hear your voice to know who you really are.

4. Cultiv


relationships with


Colleges want to see that you have interests outside the classroom, but they’re also looking for students with strong character. Volunteering in your community (e.g., church, homeless shelter, after-school tutoring program) demonstrates a willingness and commitment to spend your time and energy on others. Volunteering is also an excellent way to combat self-absorption and expand your worldview.


Anything you post on Facebook and Twitter is in the public domain. Do post things you’re proud of (e.g., articles you’ve written, pictures you’ve painted). Use social media to highlight your strengths, not partying and relationship drama.

6. Manage your

online presence

7. Do mock interviews:

The college interview is still a key component of the admission decision, and its wise to prepare for this important conversation. Get together with a friend and take turns being in the interviewee hot seat. Better yet, ask an adult if he or she would be willing to practice with you. You can even record the interview so you’ll have a better idea how you look and sound.

If you’re not much of a writer and you’re dreading college application essays, start small by keeping a journal. Not only is journaling a great habit to get into you’ll love looking back at your ponderings years down the road! it can also help you organize your thoughts and brainstorm for your essays. Carry your journal with you so you can jot down ideas as they come, and even let out steam when you are feeling frustrated.

8. Start

a journal:

Invite, accept and respect others’ ideas. Listen to and understand others with compassion. Be aware of other people’s feelings and safety. Help others with their work. Help other people to improve. Know and use team mates’ strengths to achieve group goals.

9. Collaborative Skills:

Academics & Sports

Choose your words carefully because they reflect who you are. Present ideas clearly and coherently in a variety of formats – written,

oral, and visual. Provide and support a reasoned opinion. Read from a variety of sources – newspapers, books, novels, and

online literature.

10. Communicatio

n: On

the Field & in th



If you could plan the college trip, what are some things you would you like to


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