colonization and slavery in the americas ap world history mr. charnley

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Mr. Charnley

Age of Exploration

The Columbian Exchange Disease Agriculture Livestock

European Commercialism Battle of Lepanto (1571): Europeans

became dominant naval power Europeans set up coastal trading posts in

Africa and Asia


Iberia Urban Patriarchal Slavery Bureaucratic theocratic

New World Social stratification

Economically based Ethnically based Plantation-style



Caribbean Hispaniola (1493) Puerto Rico (1508) Cuba (1511) Template for future

conquest and colonization

Depopulation due to slavery, epidemics, and harsh labor conditions weakened Spanish Caribbean


Spain Late 15th century: West Indian

Islands (Caribbean) Panama

Vasco de Balboa Mexico

1518 - 20 Hernan Cortes conquered Aztec Empire

South America 1532 Francisco Pizarro conquered Incan

Empire in Peru


Hernan Cortes (1519) Led 600 men into

Mexico Used native allies

to destroy Aztec Empire

Replaced Tenochtitlan with Mexico City

By 1535 Mexico had been brought under Spanish control = New Spain

Spain Francisco Pizarro (1532-

1533) Led 200 men into Peru Captured Cuzco in 1533,

but moved capital to Lima By 1540 most of Peru was

under Spanish control


Encomienda Grant of native forced laborers

to European settlers Imported African slaves to

replace depopulated native laborers

Spanish women emigrated to New World

Hacienda Large rural estates Used native laborers who had

left their communities Basis of wealth and power in

New Spain


Sociedad de Castas Peninsulares Creoles Mulattoes Mestizos Natives African slaves Also based on

gender, age, and social class


Social Effects Spanish government

banned all conquering expeditions

Outlawed enslavement of natives

Discontinued encomienda system

Bartolome De Las Casas Argued natives were

humans Criticized Spanish

colonial treatment of native laborers


Political Effects Rivalries with France, Netherlands, and

England Lost many Caribbean Islands to rival

nations Continental wars with other European



Economic Effects 50% of silver from Americas went to Spain Silver made up 25% of Spain’s revenues Most silver went to paying debts or

supplying colonies


Brazil Settled between 1500-

1549 Government issued

feudal grants to landowners

Mainly a sugar plantation colony

Leading producer of sugar in world

Large scale slavery-based plantation colony

Social system based on race


Decline 1695 Gold Rush

Overspent on trade goods from England No domestic manufacturing

Age of Exploration

World Economy Mercantilism Shift from Trans-Saharan and

Indian Ocean trade routes to Trans-Atlantic trade

Asia China only participated in

international trade secondhand; resisted new technologies

Japan after initial openness returned to isolationist policy

North American Colonization

North American Colonization European expeditions

led by enterprising adventurers

Loose imperial control over colonies

Tributary system with local native rulers

Christian missionaries Colonial administrators

North American Colonization

British North America 17th Century Religious

refugee colonies Massachusetts:

Calvinists Pennsylvania: Quakers Maryland: Catholics

Royal land grants encouraged recruitment of settlers

English captured New Netherland from Dutch in 1664 New York

North American Colonization British North America

Modeled after European society Self sufficient

Local government Local manufacturing and trade

Society structured around family Southern colonies modeled after West Indies

colonies Slave labor Cash crops = tobacco, sugar, cotton plantations

North American Colonization

French North America New France Manorial estates

Landowner elitePeasantry

Quebec Strong Catholic

influence Jesuit missionaries

North American Colonization

International Conflict Seven Years’ War (1756-1763) French and Indian War (1754-1763) France lost Canada and Mississippi


North American Colonization Atlantic colonies

Secondary in importance to European powers More interested in Caribbean and African

outposts Society

Strong merchant class Western European culture

Ideals of political, religious, and economic freedom

Segregated from native population ¼ population African slaves

European Colonization

African colonies Restricted to coastal outposts Portugal sent expeditions to

capture slaves Netherlands colonized Cape

of Good Hope Cape Town Boers = Dutch farmers

Asian colonies Spain settled Philippine

Islands Dutch East India Company

settled Indonesia and Taiwan


India Mughal Empire weakened British and French built

fortified outposts along Indian coast

British East India Company Calcutta Naval supremacy

Seven Years’ War removed French influence

from India British allied with local

Hindu princes

European Colonization

Global Impact Western Europe

Extended international conflicts Colonial trade goods

Sugar Salt

Domestic manufacturing and industrialization Colonies provided raw materials and markets for goods

Social Inequality North American Slavery Latin American Serfdom African diaspora


Mr. Charnley

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Europeans Established trading

posts and military bases along west coast of Africa

Transitioned from attempting to capture slaves to trading with African kingdoms for captives

Demand increased when sugar plantations were established in New World

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Data 12 million Africans exported to Americas

from 1450-1850 6 million Africans died during slave raids or

forced marches to coastal ports 2 million Africans died on Middle Passage Made up 25% of North American population

and 80% of Caribbean population 42% of Africans were shipped to Brazil

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Demographics Majority of imported slaves were men

Decreasing population caused high demand Only form of population control was to increase


Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Africans Kingdoms close to the west

coast became more powerful due to ties with European traders

Waged wars to meet high demand for slaves

Middle Passage Journey from Africa to

Americas 18% mortality rate

West Africans highly sought due to job specialization

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Social Effects Social Hierarchy

Creole and mulatto slaves given more freedoms than Africans

Segregated based on tribal affiliations Political Effects

England banned slave trade and used navy to enforce

African kingdoms exported alternate trade goods

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