combined 3-year education plan and annual education results … · 2017. 12. 19. · the annual...

Post on 28-Sep-2020






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Authority: 0175 Phoenix Education Foundation

Combined 3-Year Education Plan and Annual Education Results Report (AERR) for


The Annual Education Results Report for the 2016-2017 school year and the Education Plan for the three years commencing September 1, 2018 for the Phoenix Education Foundation were prepared under the direction of the Board in accordance with its responsibilities under the Private Schools Regulation and the Education Grants Regulation. This document was developed in the context of the provincial government’s business and fiscal plans. The Board has used the results reported in the document, to the best of its abilities, to develop the Education Plan and is committed to implementing the strategies contained within the Education Plan to improve student learning and results. The Board approved this combined Annual Education Results Report for the 2016/2017 school year and the three-year Education Plan for 2017/ 2020 on November 23, 2017.

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Authority: 0175 Phoenix Education Foundation

Foundation Statements The Phoenix Education Foundation is a publicly accredited and funded non-profit private school that is open to all learners K-9. Our mission statement is to : To provide unique learning opportunities for families so that each young person may develop into a life-long learner and an active, responsible global citizen.


We are a BlendEd school! There are 7 basic models for blended learning. We offer a combo of the "Flex" and "a la Carte" models.

While online learning is the backbone of the model, learning at Phoenix is enriched through the addition of great digital and physical resources, small group classes, field-trips, school-based celebrations and so much more! Teachers provide support, instruction and assessment on a flexible basis while students work through course curriculum and content.

Trends and Issues More and more schools are adopting technology in their classrooms and learning systems. “Blended” learning and its application is not well understood or regulated and as such Alberta Education has spent the last several years reviewing programs to discover best practices. As a recognized pioneer in this methodology, we have freely shared our knowledge and systems. It has, however, been a struggle to assist some ministry staff in understanding that this style of learning is the future! Further, the lack to regulation has created a very uneven playing field amongst the private schools and the public sector. Summary of Accomplishments These are just some of the interesting projects and ideas we implemented this year:

It was a hard year! Many of our staff lost family members. Calgary went through and continues to struggle through a recession and there was a great deal of hardship for many of our Phoenix families. This resulted in 31 referrals to our CARE program and for us to seek out additional community partnerships and sponsorship for our Breakfast Program. “Option B” by Sheryl Sandberg was the one of the books we read together as a staff!

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Authority: 0175 Phoenix Education Foundation

Despite these trying times, we put on 5 wonderful creation studio themes, dozens of curriculum camps, many fun events and celebrations. Our themes for this year were:

● Night of the Ninja ● Peru ● Muppets and Puppets ● Star Stories ● Viva La France!

We also expanded and refreshed our school garden and added a Food Forest. We now have apple trees, plum trees, bees and honey! The building got some new flooring (beautiful green linoleum in kitchen and front entrance, as well as, carpet in the offices) and some fresh painting inside (pickle green and sky blue!) Looking good inside and out!

We also saw several students who started with us 13 years ago graduate this year! We are super proud of these young people and look forward to following them on their life journeys! We continued to work with the Community Collaborative to enhance our community spirit!

Combined 2017 Accountability Pillar Overall Summary

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Authority: 0175 Phoenix Education Foundation

Outcome One: Alberta’s students are successful

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 Achievement


Overall 2018 2019 2020

Overall percentage of students in Grades 6 and 9 who achieved the acceptable standard on Provincial Achievement Tests

25.0 12.0 10.2 22.2 20.8 23.0

Very Low Maintained

Very Low

25.0 26.0 27.0

Overall percentage of students in Grades 6 and 9 who achieved the standard of excellence on Provincial Achievement Tests

8.3 1.1 1.9 2.8 5.2 5.4

Very Low Maintained

Very Low

5.4 6.7 6.7


● Communicate our expectation that all school-directed students shall participate. This is communicated on our registration forms, in 3-6 emails throughout the year, in our newsletter and on website. ● Explain and highlight benefits of the tests to parents in face-to-face interviews in January, through a parent information session and through email. ● Hang visual reminders (posters) throughout the school ● Send out via mail information packages regarding the PATS ● Mail out postcards to remind parents one week prior to first exam ● Offer practice sessions for students and encourage participation in these FREE classes. We will continue to offer alternative assessments such as the F&P and CTBS in addition to PATS. TARGETS ● Primary target - Our goal will be to have ½ of our school directed students write at least one exam. ● Secondary target - will be to have 66% of the 6/9 students who do write, write both a math and LA exam.

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Achievement


Overall 2018 2019 2020

High School Completion Rate - Percentage of students who completed high school within three years of entering Grade 10.

* * * * *

* * *

Drop Out Rate - annual dropout rate of students aged 14 to 18 3.4 11.3 7.7 3.0 3.0 4.6 High Maintaine

d Good 4.4 4.0 4.0

High school to postsecondary transition rate of students within six years of entering Grade 10.

* * * * *

* * *

Percentage of Grade 12 students eligible for a Rutherford Scholarship. n/a n/a n/a 62.5 * 75 * * * 75 75 75

Percentage of students writing four or more diploma exams within three years of entering Grade 10.

* * * * *

* * *

Strategies We will continue to encourage our teens to think outside the box and to explore post-secondary options. This year we only offered a home education program for high school. ● We will continue to share post-secondary open house dates and info and encourage parents to assist students in exploring these options. ● We will continue to offer FREE access to my Blueprint in order to assist students with planning for post-secondary. ● We will continue to provide students with a variety of resource materials that are available from government sources on post-secondary options, scholarships etc.

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Authority: 0175 Phoenix Education Foundation

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 Achievement


Overall 2018 2019 2020

Percentage of teachers, parents and students who are satisfied that students model the characteristics of active citizenship.

91.4 93.8 97.8 94.4 98.7 95

Very High Maintained Excellent 95 95 95

Percentage of teachers and parents who agree that students are taught attitudes and behaviours that will make them successful at work when they finish school.

85.7 92.9 91.7 92.1 95.7 95

Very High Maintained Excellent 95 95 95

Strategies ● We will continue to offer a wide variety of classes, events and programming that is of high interest with practical applications for students. ● The staff and leadership will continue to model for students the characteristics of good citizenship

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 Achievement


Overall 2018 2019 2020

Percentage of teacher and parent satisfaction that students demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for lifelong learning.

64.3 76.8 83.1 83.4 84.9 82

n/a n/a n/a 84 84 84

Strategies We will continue to offer a wide variety of classes, events and programming that is

of high interest with practical applications for students. ● The staff and leadership will continue to model for students the characteristics of

lifelong learning. ● We will teach students how to use technology such as G-Suite and schoology in

order that they keep abreast of current employment trends and skill requirements. We will continue to attend conferences and workshops that feature technology trends such as BlendEd and Google conferences.

● We will review our Student Evaluation Policy to ensure that our teachers continue

to utilize the TQS in the their practice and that evaluation assists students in achieving success through mastery of the outcomes as defined in the APS.

* Outcome Two: The achievement gap between First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students and all other students is eliminated (see Addendum)

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Authority: 0175 Phoenix Education Foundation

* Outcome Three: Alberta’s education system is inclusive (See addendum)

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 Achievement



2018 2019 2020

Percentage of teacher, parent and student agreement that: students are safe at school, are learning the importance of caring for others, are learning respect for others and are treated fairly in school.

95.7 94.3 98.9 96.8 100.0

Very High Improved Excellent

Strategies ● We will continue to offer programming that teaches about respect and diversity such as our social skills club, cultural programming and articles on diversity. ● We will continue to offer our CARE program that connects families with additional supports and services. ● We will continue to share information and resolve issues in a timely manner in accordance to our school policy and procedure.

Outcome Four: Alberta has excellent teachers, school & authority leaders

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 Achievement


Overall 2018 2019 2020

Percentage of teachers, parents and students satisfied with the opportunity for students to receive a broad program of studies including fine arts, career, technology, and health and physical education.

95.5 96.6 96.0 93.8 86.4


Very High Declined Good

95 95 95

Comment on Results For the 2016/2017 school year, Alberta Education no longer allowed schools to reimburse parents for supplemental resources in school-directed programs. This had been common practice for many years and many parents were upset. Further, there has been unequal application and enforcement of this new rule across the school authorities. This continues to be an issue and we expect to see its effects for at least one - two more years until Alberta Education fairly enforces this ruling. Strategies ● To continue to advocate with Alberta Education, the Ombudsman and others for fair and equitable application of the standards. ● To create excellent resource packages for our program based on teacher and parent feedback.

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Authority: 0175 Phoenix Education Foundation

Outcome Five: Alberta’s education system is well governed & managed

Performance Measure Results (in percentages) Target Evaluation Targets

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 Achieveme

nt Improveme

nt Overa

ll 2018 2019 2020

Percentage of teachers, parents and students indicating that their school and schools in their jurisdiction have improved or stayed the same the last three years.

92.9 65.2 91.7 95.7 91.3 95

Very High



95 95 95

Percentage of teachers and parents satisfied with parental involvement in decisions about their child's education.

95.7 100.0 97.5 98.7 96.6 95

Very High



95 95 95

Percentage of teachers, parents and students satisfied with the overall quality of basic education.

88.1 97.1 97.7 99.1 92.7 95 Very

High Mainta

ined Excell


95 95 95

Strategies ● We will continue to engage our parents on a variety of levels to ensure they are satisfied with the overall quality of their student's educational journey. This will be achieved by hosting interest-focused workshops, parent meetings, class and school surveys, phone call follow ups and by responding to comments in our beak-off box. ● We will continue to participate in initiatives and session sponsored by the government and AISCA to provide our perspective and share our best practices. ● We will continue to do our best and to be the best!

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Authority: 0175 Phoenix Education Foundation

Summary of Financial Results

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Authority: 0175 Phoenix Education Foundation

Budget Summary

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Authority: 0175 Phoenix Education Foundation

Capital and Facilities Projects ● Changing and upgrading lighting and electrical in the building, as well as, new flooring and storage in the gym.

Parental Involvement ● This document will be emailed out to parents. ● We will continue to request parent feedback and involvement in

our educational programs through survey instruments, parent-teacher-student interviews, email and our beak off box.

Timelines and Communication ● This document was approved by the Board of Directors on November 23, 2017. ● The finalized report will be

posted to the website as of November 30, 2017. ● The Zone Director will be notified of the posting with a weblink.

Whistleblower Protection ● No incidents reported.


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Authority: 0175 Phoenix Education Foundation


Outcome Two: The achievement gap between First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students and all other students is eliminated


● Students and teachers learn about First Nations, Métis and Inuit perspectives and experiences, treaties, and the history and legacy of residential schools through a variety of curriculum camps, the celebration of Aboriginal Day and the “We are All Treaty People” project.

● School leaders learn more through attendance at AISCA workshops throughout the year. ● We will apply for the grant offered by AISCA for the purchase of additional resources and creation of PD


Outcome Three: Alberta’s education system is inclusive Strategies: While Phoenix is not a special needs school, the following strategies are implemented to ensure that all children and students have access to meaningful and relevant learning experiences that include appropriate instructional supports to demonstrate that the accredited funded private school authority is meeting its obligations as stated in the Inclusive Education Policy.

● Access - Where appropriate, Phoenix will continue to provide our students with special education needs access to a variety of supports for their education program in accordance with the School Act

● Identification - We will include parents and, when appropriate, students need to be involved in the screening,

identification and referral process.

● Initial Assessment - We will share the results of assessments with the parent, the Learning Coach and others involved with students’ programming. We use results of assessments to make decisions, develop Individualized Program Plans (IPPs) where appropriate, assign support services and/or determine adapted or modified programming for students.

● Specialized Assessment - We use qualified professionals to conduct specialized assessments, interpret results, and provide program recommendations to you, our Coaches and others involved with students’ programming.

● Coordinated Services - Phoenix will work together with members of the community, including students and their families, community agencies, organizations and associations, other education authorities, regional health and children’s services authorities to meet the special education needs of students.

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