comment 098 september 1996

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Appoint111ents (5 pro111otions and promorion~ hal'c recenrl~ beell announceu b\ rhe College, The~ ;Ire cfTectile from 1 Seprember 1996 unk" othef\1 i~e ,rared, !)r John Ikathridge ha~ been appoinred to the King 1':uw'lrd Chair of \Iu~ic, lie join, the College from Cambridge L'nil er,ity where he \\,1' a Reader in \Iu,ic, \ppoinrl11cnh to ch~lir.., been appoinred to the Chair of Palliaril e Care and Polic\ EI',duarinn, effective from IK Ocrober 1996, he following appOin[lllenr~ Litcrarurc,


KI G'SCollege

LO DOFoundedr829

ENTthe College NewsletterAppoint111ents(5 pro111otions

The following appOin[lllenr~

and promorion~ hal'c recenrl~

beell announceu b\ rhe

College, The~ ;Ire cfTectile from

1 Seprember 1996 unk" othef\1 i~e


\ppoinrl11cnh to ch~lir..,

!)r John Ikathridge ha~ been

appoinred to the King 1':uw'lrd Chair

of \Iu~ic, lie join, the College from

Cambridge L'nil er,ity where he \\,1' a

Reader in \Iu,ic,

!)r Irene Ilig,t:imon, Senior Lecrurer

at rhe London School of II~giene 'lIld

Tropicd \lcdicine and Director of

Re'earch 'Ind Del elopmenr ;It

Ken,ington anu Chel,ea 'Ind

\\'c~rmin'ter IIc,drh .\urhorir\, h.I'

been appoinred to the Chair of

Palliaril e Care and Polic\ EI',duarinn,

effective from IK Ocrober 1996,

[)r John Stoke" Re'luer in Engli,h ar

rhe ['nil er,it\ of \\'am ick, h'h been

appoinred to rhe Ch,lir of Engli,h


r;Olllilllll'f/ Oil /W!!.I' I,N)

,\ fir\'! J(mt!lIflli())f (nni/fii/\' /or /i({/!r I'/!Ol'/)I' (lilt!for "'i,,//, ('1'1' p(~!!.1' l)

1),I~e I

\ppoinrmenr" '~pronlOrion"mlllillUtt! ji-Olll jJiI,!..t Ollt

()r Brian Strcct h,l' been appnimed [()

the ne\\"h' created Chair in Language

Education. lIe \\"a,> IHCI iou,l~ Senior

Lccwrer in Social .\mhropologl ,n

Su'>'>cx l'niITr,itl.

Dr Hu'>'>el \\'inder. Header in Softll.lre

Enginccring at l'nil er,it~ Collegc

I ,ondon, ha~ bcen elppoimed W thc

Chair of Computer Science, efTceril'e

from 1 Je1nUar\ 19lJ7.

I) re) Jl1 e) riCl n"The following havc been conferrcd

11 ith per,onal chair,.

Dr John Burr. Header in Ili'pelllic

Studic,. ha~ been promoted [()

I'rofe\\or of ~Iodcrn Ili,panic Srudie,.

Dr Alan Collin~. Header in Ph"ic,. ha'

becn promorcd to Profc'>'>or of Phy,>ic'.

Dr Dell'id Cowan. Direcwr of the Drug

Comrol Ccntre, ha' bccn promotcd to

I'rofe\\or of PheHmaceutical


Dr Fafl:in Farzaneh, Senior Lecturer in

I\lolecular Icdicinc. ha'> hecn

promotcd to Profc~~orof I\lolecular


Dr Conor Gcarty, Headcr in Law, h,,,

hcen promotcd to Profc'>'>or of Law.

Dr Friedhelm I lardy. Hcader in

Theolog\' and Rcligiou'> Studic,. ha~

hcen promotcd to Profc"or of Indian


Dr Efraim Kar'>h, Hcadcr in War

Srudie'>. ha~ bccn promotcd wI'rofe\\or of 1\ Icditcrranean Studic,.

Dr :'\laleolm I\ladcn, Rcadcr in

Experimcoral Embr\'ologl. ha' bccn

promotcd to Profc~,orof

Del'elopmcntal Biology.

Dr Holand .\ la\cr. Scnior Lccturcr in

Cla'>'>ic'>, ha'> becn promoted to

l'rofe\\or of CL1~,>ic,.

Dr Rogcr Patient, Rcader in Genetic

Engineering, ha'> bcen promotcd wProfe\\c)f of I\lolecular Genetic'>.

Dr Charlc'> Polkcl', Senior I ,ccturcr in

~curologl. h.l' been promoted [()

Profc'>'>or of ,,"curo'urgcr\' of Epilcpw.

Dr I)al id Rohin'>on, Rcadcr in

:'\ lathem,nic', ha' heen promoted wProfe'>'>or 01':'\ Iathem,nic'>.

I)r Sarben SeHkar. Rcader in Ph~ ,ic'>.

he1' bccn promored to Profe'>'>or of

Thcorctical PhI ,ic'.

Dr Chri~[()phcrThur~ton, Scnior

Lccturcr in Lifc Scicncc" ha'> bcen

promoted to Profe,>~orof 1\ Iicrohiology.

Dr Philip \\'hitfield. Rcadcr in

l'elra'>iwlogl, ha' bcen promotcd [()

Profe'>'>or of Pare"itologl·.

Dr 1\ Iichelel Yiannc,>ki,>. Rcadcr in

Fluid :'\ Icchanic', ha, bccn promotcd

to Profc,>,>or of Fluid :'\Icchanic'>.

-\ppoinrJl1el1r" re> Re,ldcr"hip"Thc folloll ing appoi orment, wRcadcr,hip' hal c hccn melde:

Dr I\lichelel Chri,tic, Lecturcr in

Immu noge netic~, ha' been promotcd

to Rcadcr in I\lcdicinc.

Dr Timothy Clark. Hc,carch Fcllo\\" in

Intcrnational lanagemcnt at the Opcn

l'nil'cr~itv, ha~ been elppointcd to a

Readcr'>hip in I\lanagemcnr. cflccti\'c

from I Januar\' 1997.

Ur lichael Curti~, Lecrurer in

Phelrmelcolog\" ha'> becn promotcd w

Reader in l'harmacolog~.

Dr Jim Ilopkin,. Lecturcr in

Philo,>ophl. ha, bccn promoted [()

Hcadcr in Philo,ophy.

I)r Loui, I\lahadel'an, Lcctun.:r in

I\lolccular Biologl, ha' bccn promotcd

to Readcr in Cell Biology.

1\1, Elaine Pla~er, Lecturer in La\\', ha'

hecn promored [() Hcadcr in

Criminologl and CriminaIJu~tice.

I)r Ali Rc/.azadeh, Leeturcr in

Elcerronic and Electrical Enginccring.

ha' bcen promoted [() Rcadcr in

1\ 1icroll al e Photon ic,.

Dr \Iicc Hoger,. Lccturer in

1\ !athematic,. ha'> becn promotcd to

Headcr in :'\ !athematic,.

Dr Gabricl Sega!. Lecturer in

Philo,>oph~, ha' been promotcd to

Reader in Philo,ophl.

\ i"itor re,lppoinred

Her I\lajc'ty The Queen in

Council ha~ clpprOl'cd the

reappoimment of thc 1\ lo,t

RCI'crend and Right Ilonourable Dr

Georgc Carcy, Archbi,hop of

Cantcrburl, a, \'i,>iwr of the Collcgc

for a furthcr file \ear, umil31 Juh'


c: h,I ir Cl f rh e \ 1I d irCommittee

In thc itcm about the nc\\" Collcge

Fello\\", in the Junc 9(, cdition of

(:0/1//1/1'1I1 Sir Brian Pear,e 11 a'>

incorrcctl\' dc'cribcd a'> Chelirman of

the Collcgc'" Audit Committee a, \\"ell

a, College Trea'>urer. The Chairman

of thc l\udit Committce i, in fact Sir

Pctcr Baldll·in. \Vc apologi~c [() Sir

Petcr and Sir Brian.

(;radllariol1 (:ercl11on:mlllillUl'd 11'011I j)(/p.I /

In 1995. thc llnil'cr,ity of London

graored it~ con,titucnt collegc, thc

po\\'cr [() confcr dcgrce~ on bchalf of

thc l'nil·er~ity. Thi, IVa, thercfore the

fir't ~car thc College ha'> held full

graduation ccrclllonic,. at which thc

Principal. on bchalf of rhc \'icc­

Chancellor. confcrrcd dcgrcc'> and

orhcr qualification'>. Phoebc Pinner.

\I ho \I'a, born wcek, bcforc hcr

mothcr ;\'icoL! ,>at hcr final" I"" thcrc

in thc Ro"al Fc~tival Ilall on Z llgU't

to '>cc ;\,i<;ola rCl'eil c elll llppcr Second

in Illlman Biolog\'.

Profe"or Janer (jim\) el,on

of rhe Deparrmcm of

I1 i,[()~ \\ J' ekued .\ Fello\\

of the Briri,h ALJdem\ In J uh. "I he

Colle!!e 110\\ hJ' ren I, B \"

I'rofe,'or \:c\,on \\ ill JI,o he .1

nH:mher of the IlumJnltie,

l{e,cJrch HOJrd of the Hnmh

\t.lden1\ .

" 11 i.!!;h rh ood

Profe"m D.l\ id (;oldller!!,

Direcror of the Centre for

I{e,earch 'lnd De\ elo\lmcnt

of rhe In,rirure of I'''Lhl,I[I\,

hecamc a Knighr in rhe {Jueen',

Birrhd.1\ Ilonollr, in Junc fm hi,

,en icc' to medicine.

\ Ie,"cr m.lchil1cr\,-" "

I l1\cilin!!;ofrhc \J.l \\cll PLl(lllC

Pii IIIrerlfmll/ leji 10 r~!!hl ill fm((1 of Ihl 0/ d' . I1((\ ,n/Ipl((fjlle ((re: .Ill' f)t/6r! FOliaI',

'I'niSlI'e rJ{ Iflt )((11//-, Cll/I: .Ilrl\""ell FOII((r!((lirJl/, ProfrslfJr Rol' Pile FR.\', Ihe mnml

Cled: ,11((y","ell Pm/i:,wr 'f'lttf)(diml J>hl',in, ProklwJ/',llih II'e(/vrooJ:, l'ire-Pre,ir!mlof

Ihl' 1((,lilllle of Ph)'Sin, Pm/nlfJr Cl'ril f)OIl/V FRS, 'f'lti' Prillrip((1 ((((r! Profe\l'or (,'orr!o((

f)rfi;ii'.', I ht/r! of Iflt l)eprI/1I1/uJ! of J>hy..-in.

lare conference

AJoinr »olic~ (;ommirree

berween King', .lI1dl \IDS

h,,, been Jppoimcd to

derermine polie\ eonneued \\ irh

rhe propo,ed merger. It, memher'

\\ ill be:

Sir Jame' Spooner (Chairman)

Dr ~lalcom Codfre~ (l'\IDS)

(Ikpurv Chairman)

Sir Bri'ln »e,n,e

~Ir David Porrer (lJ~IDS)

I'rofe,~orArrh ur Luca'

I'rofe,~orSir Cvril Chanrler


Sir lan Gain,ford

.\Ir Bill Sladc

\Ir Ilarry \Iu"e"dlire (l'\IDS)

The rollO\\ ing bodie', al,o \\ irh

member,hip dta\\ n from ,raff of

rhe rwo in'rirurion" ha\e been

e,rabli,hed: an E,eeuri\e Group: a

Joinr I'rojecr Board, a Fin'lnce

\\'orking Group; a Sen ice, and

Facilirie, \\'orking Group: and

,\eademic CO\'CrJlance Group: .1

'CKT' (Guv'~, King', ThoOl''''')

Srrare/!;v (;roup and a Sraffing

Working Group,

On 24 June.: a blue plaquc

dedieared ro JaOle.:, Clerk

!\lax\\ell, and ,pommed h~

rhe In,rirure of I'h~ ,ic' a, parr of rheir

,chemc ro commcmorarc famou,

phv,ici~r" wa, 1111\ eile.:d ar rhe Strand

Campu,. The.: un\'ciling cer 'monv \\'a,

eonducred by I'rofe.,.,or Cyril Domb

FRS, rhe fir,r Clerk ~LI\\\elll'rofc"or

of Theorerical I'h~ ,ic, 'H King"', and

I'rok.,.,or \Iike \\'e,rbrook,.1 \'ice­

I're,idenr of rhe In,rirure of I'hy,ie,.

Jame, Clerk \laxwell i, acclaimed

," onc of rhe rop rheorerical pl1\ ,iti,r'

of rhe ninereenth century. During hi,

renure of rhe Chair of '.,'Hural

I'hilo,oph\ ar King'" hc publi,hed t\\O


Aconfcrcnce <lr King', (on 7

\:0\ el11bcr) on rhe ,hclt[ ,rorie'

of\\'alter de la \Iare celebrarc,

rhe publicarion of rhe.: fir,r \'ollll11e of

rhe aurhor', collecred ,Iwrr ,torie',

King\ i, a parricularh appropriatc

place for rhe eonlcrellce, \\ hich

paper, on rhe n,lrure of rhe

e1ectromagnerie field (in I 62 and

11'$(4) \\ hieh re,ulred in rhe formali,m

,rill known a, ']\Ia)(\\ell\ equarion,'

and produced rhe fir~r uniriGlrion of

field, (of magneri~m and e1eetriciry).

lie demon~trared rhe lir,r colour

photographY in 1 61. and during IH6Z

'Ind I 63 he ~upen'i,ed experimental

\\ork into defining e1ectriealunir,. lie

carried our rheorerical and

experimental work on rhe \ i,co,ir~ of

ga,e" pre,enring rhe re'ldr, in 1H66,

,\dditionall~ he de\ eloped hi,

'd\ namical rheor~ of ga~e.:,' during

I( 64/6,1, in \\ hich he ,ho\\ed ho\\ to

c,dculare rhe tran,porr of ga,e,.

include, reading, by rhe de b ~hlre

fal11il~, ,ince Profe.,.,or 1\lbinia (Tillv)

de la I'd are of I',liaeography i, rhe

aurhor', granddaughrer. For furrhcr

derail, 'cc page " of Waill'..- (jll!

(enclo'ed wirh rhi, i'~lIe of (:Ofllfllelll) ,

The new College Regulations 11 EFCE rc,lLhing qllalir~


CountrY's first ~ISci students.

F our King', language

dcparrmenr' IUle rccenrl\

been a"e"ed for rhe qualiry of

the educarion rhey prol ide by rhe

1I EFCE, The re'ulr, arc a, 1'0110\":

D uring rhe cour'e ofrhe

aGHJcmic \ ear IlJ(F,/lJ(' rh..:

College re\ ie\\ ed ,lIld

redefined rhe regularon' franK\\ ork for

rhc a\\ ard of Fir,r D..:gree, .Ind t.llIghr

po,rgradu,l[e award, in order to r..:cei\ e

delegared degree-aw.nding PO\\ er,

from the l'nil'er,iry of London, ,\t the

tim..: of wriring. the ne\\ reguLl[or~

documentarion i~ in the IHoce" of

being J1ubli,hed and ma\ hal e been

di'rribured b\ rhe rime \011 read rhi"

The Principal. aLh-i,ed b\ rhe Colkge

Commirree. reached cerrain deci,ion,

about rhe form, contenr and

di,rriburion of rhe puhli,hcd

documenr" .Ind rhe'e are ,ummari,ed


I) Each member of academic and

.IGldemic-related ,rafT \\ ill receil ca

cop~ ofa lolume conraining the

gencral ,Iradnllil' Rl"Klllflfifill.f of1111

r:olltgl' ({lid Ihl' Rl'pt!({lioll,' r:oll«'mill/!

SllIdmls, ,\dd iriona II~, rhe'c

rcgu I.ltion' wi II bc pu bl i,hed in rhc

r:olll'/!e Calmdal", which will bc al'ailablc

I.ltcr in the and which Il'ill be

di,rributcd ro all qaff. The publicarion

of rhc eft!elld({1" will b<.: anl1lu! in

furure, and will includc rhc g<.:neral

academic and ,rudenr regulation, - but

for thi, ~ear onl\' ir wa, rhoughr

adl i'able ro make rhe general

aGldemic and ,rudenr regularion,

al'ailablc to 'taff in .1 'eparate \ olume,

College \'er,ion of rhc l'ni\"Cr,it~ 'Red

Book' - although I hope ir II ill be more

u'er-fri..:ndh. Copie, of rhi, larger

\'olume \I'ill be made a\ailable to

School" Lihrarie" Srudcnh' l'nion

and Regi,tr\, Sccrcur\ "and

Principal'" Office" .\ddirionalh,

hound copic' of rhe programme

rcgularion, I1 ill be ,ent ro aGILkmic


I\I\" oflicc will .rI,o be able to m'lkc

alailablc copic, of indil'idual

regularion, - for e'\ample, rho'e for rhe

conducr of cxaminarion, - on reque't

for 'pecitic purpo,c',

:"<.:'\r \ <.:ar rhcrc i, furrher \\ ork ro

be undertakcn in defining rhe

College', rcgula[()[\ framel\()[k and

rhe procedure, \\ hich 'upporr ir and

rhi, \\ ill include regularion, for

\ll'hiljPhD .lIld for Diplom.I',

Sranding Commirrec ar ir, fir,r

me<.:ring in rh<.: ,\urumn \\ ill he ,eeking

to defin<.: hml .1I1d \\ hen 'uch i"ue'

I\'ill be addre"ed h~ rbe College,

IhclII hale am querie, regarding

thc College', .Icademic or ,rudenr

regulllrion" ple."e conract m\' office,

Virgini.1 \\'ain\\ right

I)epll[\' Academic Regiqrar





~ 1/~4




~) Srudenr, and re,earcher, II ill

receilc copie, of a Guidl'lO IIit­

Rlpt!({liollS, The Guidl' gi\ e, an outline

of rhe contenr of rhe regularion, .Ind

rheir applicahilir\' to i"ue, likel\' to he

of inr<.:re,r or concern to ,rudcnr, .lIld .1

nore of II here the regularion, Gill hc

con,ulred, Con·;ulr.ltion copie, arc

bcing made a\,.lilablc ro School,. Sirc

Librarie" the Srudenr,' l'nion, hall, of

rc,idence. Regi,rr\ and Principal', and\"·, Office, a, well a,

elccrronicall\" on rhe King\

Informarion S\',rem (K IS),

.).\ compendium lolume, con,i,ting

of rhe gcneral .lmdl'lI/if RI'/!ulflliol/\, Ihl

Re/!lfl({liollJ r:o/l{'rmill.1f. Sludml\' .1I1d thc

indi\ idual programmc regularion, II ill

.rI,o bc produced, Thi, II ill be .1

T hi' ,ummcr "II\' rhe

gr'luuarion of rhe counrr\",

fir't 1\ ISei ,ruuenr, graduaring

in phy ,ic', The 1'11\ ,ic' Deparrment

had 'e\'en ,rudcnr' gr'lduaring ,I[ rhc

cnd of rheir four ~ car ..:our,c, The

cour,c, operarcd b~ rhe I'h\",ic'

Deparrmenr anu ih parrner, in .1

l' nil er,ir\ of I,ondon con,orrium, ha'

'rarred .1 \ l:.n .Ihe.ld of all orher I'h~ 'ic'

Department' in rhe counrr~, Thl: aim

i, to inrroduce both a broader and .1

deeper ,tlId~ of ph~,ic" allo\\ ing

,rudenr, to graduate with a dcgree

\\ hich i, rccogni,nl rhroughour

Europc, The cOII[,e i, prm ing to be

c'\trem<.:h popular, anu preci,c1~

doublc rhe numher of King', ,rudenh

\\ ill enrer rhc cour,e rhi, \ear.

;\uuitionalh rhe final ~' of thc cour,e

i, I er\ artracril e to ,ruJenr, \ i,iring

King', College from rhe El',

Shirle~ Ram,a\, Secretar~

Deparrmenr of I'h"ic'

lassi\ e support for European Court, King sconference coneludes

'1'//1 IJJlr! (,'//11 / )111'//(/ III 1;'1' ('!tal/' Ollr!. \(kOml/ (;/IIl'm/ I· aIm;, )(/(o!l, (Jr:. -':'!JrJ Ha

Ih/lFIOI of 1;'/' (,/111/1 of 1',lImpullI l.tI«"

M.I"i\ e ,upport for .lIld Llo,ed

r.lnk, In rhe Icg.d profe"ion

Jround rhe European COUrt

\\ a, rhe LOIlllu'lOn .1[ .1 c.:onfcrenn: on

(, J ul~ org.lIli,ed b\ The Cenrre of

I':uropean LJ\\ in rhe Cn:.\[ Ilall .1[

"in.!.:',..\mong rhe ,pe.lker, \\ ere rhe

mo,r ,enior Jud~e,. . 'Idlng

jud,!.:e'..11.Idemic.:'. b.llll,rel'. Ict:JILi\ il

,en'anr, .Ind 'olic.:iror, \\erc in rhe


The Lord Ch ief .I11,riLe. Lord

I\ingham of Corn hill, ,ummed lip rhe

c.:onference: '\\'e h.1\ e gor ro knc)\\ rhe

1':lIrope.ln Court in rhe ~.~ \l:dr, of

ml:mber,hlp. \Io,r of 11' rllInk rh.1[ Ir

lu, donl:. b~ .Ind I.lI'gl:. el good job. 1r

h.I' donl: ju,r ,I' !.:ood a job 'I' .1Il\ courr

I Lould rhink of. I \\ould likl: rhi, ro beknc)\\ n,'

I,ord Bingham an,\\ l:red rbe

rl:Lenr ul[ici,m of rhe 1',uropl:Jn court:

"1 ho,e bnlroLk dCli,l(lIl' prm idin/.!,

rhe found.lrion for CCllllmUnl[~ 1.1\\

\\l:re compktcl~ ine\ itabk. Thl:

outbur't 0\ er indi\ idual Llcci,ion, arl:

ju,t a, ab,unl el' \\ irhdra\\ ing from rhl:

1':lIropcln Iluman Right, COllrt ml:r

rhe C;ibraltar tlcci,ion.' I,ord I\inglulll

i, on rhl: Board of rhe (;l:nrrl: of

Europl:<In 1.,1\\,

Keynote speechLord S" nn Il.ltlle\, rhl: LJ\\ Lord

\\ ho \\.1' an .\t"ocare C;l:ner.d .Ind.\

Judge of the I·.uropean Court and \\ ho

i, Prl:,idenr of the Cenrre, undcrlincd

in hi, kc\nore 'pccch rhc ImpOrr,lIlec

of rhc dc\ l:!opml:nr of rhc jlldicied

mechani,m, prm idcd b~ rhc

Europe.ln Court.

Sir "ontcld Schienunn..1 I,ord

Ju,rice of .\ppeell. JnJh 'cd rhe general

princip.II, ofCommunir\ IJ\\ 'Ind rhclr

impacr on the de\ eloplllenr of Engh,h

la\\. lie dc'uibed rhc procc" '01'cro,,-fcrrili'arion of COlllmUIlI[\ la\\

I)\' 0111' 0\\ n Ia\\ and of our la\\ b\

Communir\ la\\ " I It: concludcd thell

'rhe general prineipk' ofCollllllunir\

1,1\\ repa\ ,rut".'

Sir Ilu~h Laddie. a Ju,ricc of thc

11 i~h Courr. looked ,I[ I.C

Compcrirl(!I1 1.1\\ in Ln~lI'h courr'. lie

,hc)\\ed ,omc of rhc problem' rhelr

could .1I'I'C and 110\\ rhe\ could be

rc,o"l:d. lie ,u~gc,rcd rhar Engli,h

.iud~c, Illadc more u,e of rhe

p(j'"ibilir~ of el,king for a"i,rancc from

rhc Europe.ln C:ommi"ion in ccrrelin

cOlllpcririon c.:a,c,.

Lords criticised\ Iich'lel Iklof'f VC:, rhc \ la,rcr of

Trinir\ Colkgl: O\[()rd. hel'

rcpre'cnred rhc l " (;m ernlllenr ill

man~ ca'l:' hefore the I~uropean

Court. III hi' p.lpcr hc empha,i'cd rh,1[

rhc COlllllllllllr~ Ic~ell ,\,rCIll i, Ilor a

federal ",rcm hur rhar I[ depend, on

rhc 'Ibdir\ and \\ ilhngne" of nJrion.d

LOUrt, ro h.lIldle i"lIc, of EC LJ\\. The

rc'pon,ihilir\ II1lrca,ingl~ re,r on

n.lrional c.:ollrr,. Ilc ulric.:i'ed rhe

IlolI,e of Lord, for Iluking [00 fe\\

rckrcllLe, [() rhl: I.uropcan COllrt.

I'rok"or 1krrick \\ \.1[[ VC.

Chford. poinrcd Clllr rh,1[ rhc cririLi,m

of rCCClll tkCl'l(ln'. 'lIch .1' rhelr ahour

cOlllpen",tion for rhe Spani,h

fi,hermen. \\,1' ror,dl~ mi,placcd, The

Court follo\\ed rhl: cOlln,cl for thc l'l,

Cjmctlll1lenr on ,Ill illlportanr legal

11oinr' Ia\ Ing do\\ n righr general

uircria for ,rJre li:lhilir\ I(lr breach of

!-.C. 1.1\\

I'rofc"or Paul Craig. Chford.

cririci'cd rhe Europcan Courr for nor

going Llr cllough \\'hcn ir rcfu,cd ro

c'\rend direcr ctTecr of EC dirccti\c' ro

claim, ber\\l:cn eiri/.cn,.

J)r I\l.ld, ·\ndena,. a I)irccror of

rhc C:cnrre of Europcan I ,a\\', "lid rhc

con ferenee prCJ\ l:d ho\\ 'rrong thc

,upporr i, rhar rhc I~uropcan Court ha,

in rhe Engli,h legal '''rem. Ir

complerel~ bclie, recenr attaek, b\ thc

Ilomc Secrcrar\ and orher euro­

,cepric, in rhe Con'cn"lti\e Part\. Thc

IlolllC Sccrerar\ ha' l1li,repre,cnrcd

.lIld di,rorred gro,," rhc \'ie\\, of

Ic.lding mel1lbcr' of the profc"ion and

.In C\ cor ,uch J' rhe conference .1[

"ing', i, an importanr conrribution

rm\ ard, 'erring rhe record 'rraight.

isit to Indonesia froll1 the School of F,ducation

t,l./i 10 li;!.III: Or Oil'/; P t,ijcrUl, Smwr 'tidlllillll ,l(h.-i'flr 10 Iltl ,lIilli.r/ll' fl! r,dllWIIfIlI

fIIlfl (:IIIIIIIl, Or, Idt:l', Iltl' ,1/illisllF fllld ,Ill' Ot!lrJlI

College Council

During .1 recenr I i,ir ro

Indone,i,1. r\\ 0 SLllOol of

Eduurion ,rafT J)r I'hlllp

\de\ 'lI1d \II' .Iu,rin Dillon, \\ere

il1\ ired ro .In .Iudience \\ irh rhe

\Iini,rcr of Educarion, I'rofe"or Dr

Ing \\'.lrdimJn Djojonegoro, J)r ,\de\

.Ind rhe \Iini,rer .Ire former coll<:'lglle'

- 1)1' •\dC\ \\ orked on ,elera I

eduLl(ion projeer, in Indone,ia during

rhe <:.Irh 191')(>-' The di'cu"ion

fOLu,ed on ch.lnge, in higher

educ:Hion in Indone,i:1.

Jl)()h/7 B.lnl Ilolid:\\(:ollcgc (.Io""rc'i


T he College Council h'I' four

nell la~ memher', elccred ,H

ir, 1..I,r meering in .Iuh for .In

inirial rhree-I car period from

Sepremher. The\ .Ire:

John .\d,hcld, I'er,onnel Direcror 01'.1

S.lin,hur\ .Ind formerh wirh rhe

Ibnker, Tru,r E\fc CHE FKC, Direcror of

rhe Ro\'al "arional Theatre and a

I're,elH,l(ion Fellow of King",

.Iererm II,rrdie CBE, Ch'lirman 01'\\'

11 l.)mirh, .1 ch.lf(ered account,lnr .lI1d .1

former FellO\I in Economic, ,I( Kehlc

Collcge (hford,

The Ih Ilon.lohn \;regor OHI':

\11' I:KC, \'ice-Chairman of Ilill

S.lmuel..1 Felll)\\ of King", and 1,,1\\

,1Illmnu, .lnd.1 former Seererar\ of

Sr.l(e for Educarion and for Tr:II1'pof(,

The 1'01101\ ing 1:1\ memher, \\ere

reappointed for 'I furrhcr period of

rhree \ear, from 1 Sepremher:

\11" .loan Olil ier (\ i,inn', nominee)

Profe"or I.ln Cameron (Sen:He

nom inee)

"rofe"or 'I 'reI or .I onc,

Sir Bri'ln 1'<,e

11.1~den I'hillip,

\ 1ich.le I Roger,

I.lin \\'.Hrer"

Ihme 1':li/'lherh Hurler-Slm' ha'

heen reappoinred for onc ~ car onh ar

her req uc,r.

I'rok"or I'hilip \\'hirfield, Ilead

of rhe Dil i,ion of I.ife Science"

replace, I'rofe"or Simon 110\\ ell,,,

rhe elecred profe"lni,lI memher for

fllllr,: and Dr Richard 01 erill of

rhe Dep,rrrmenr of Compurer Science

repl.lee, I'hilip \\ hirfield .1' rhe non­

profe"ori.lI 'Ieademic nH.:mher for rhe

'ame period,

The memher, nominared b\ rhe

l.)wdelH" I 'nion arc Dunc'ln Ra,or

(I're,idenr of KCL~1 l. '.:arali.1 Thorn

(\ 'ice-Pre,idenr. ,\d m ini,rr,Hion and

Srudent \fLlir,) .Ind Kennl I{oherr,

(\'ice-I're,idenr. Finance 'lI1d

Socierie'l.Sir C\ ril Chanrler ha, heen

il1\ ired ro ,mcnd meering, of Council

in hi, c.lp'lcir\ a, Principal of 1'\IDS,

\1, Lei,h.1 Fullick, rhe London

Horough I,e\\ i,ham nominee, ha,

,rood do\\ n from (:ouncil on heing

'Ippoirm:d ro rhe pmirion of Chief

E,eClJ(ile of 1,lingron COlll1cil.

T he p.mern of Bank Ilolid.I\'

and College Clo'lIfe d.l\' for

1'196/7 her\\ een 1 Ocrober

\1196 .Ind 3\ \ug,,,r 1997 \\ ill be ."

1'0110\\ ,:

Christmas 1996The College \\ ill el<he 'I r 16,00 on

Frid:" 20 Decemher Il)!)() :lI1d \\ ill re­

open on 'I'hur,da\' 2 .Ianuar\' 11.)1J7,

Easter 1997The College \\ ill cllhe ar rhe end of

norm.lI College hu,ine" on

\\'edne,da~, 26 \l.lrch 1997 and \\ ill

rc-open on \\'edne,da\ 2 ,\pril 11.)97,

Other bank holidays

\lond.I\, ::; \1.1\ \997 (\1:1\ J).I\

IlolitLI\ )

\lond.l\ 26 \1.1\ 1997 (Spring Ibnk

IlolidJ\ )

\lond,,,, 2S \ugu,r 1997 (Lare

Summer holid.,,)

\larjorie 'loung

Direcror of I'er,onncl e'Trainin,!!;

Third 1. nnual Education Lecture '1:1J1.1hc Ph.Hm;]L'()I()~\ Pri/cfor Profe or (:1 i\ L' P.i~c

Professor Patrick Chabal

TIll Pril/(ipfl!<."illt .IJlIItl'ff ,l!illl'lI. (,IJil'( 1·.lllIIlin O/Iltl 'It'mltt'r 'lifliJliJlI! ,II!IJlI1'. IIt/fl/l

,ItI rldi,tll rllltl' Iltird. IJlJlJlfl! 1·.dJlIllIIOJI I.nllllt' iJl JIIII'. 'Int lilll o! Itl'!' Illom ,<"Ill

I'edagog\ - rhe "I,r corner of rhe 'ecrer garden.

Profc"or Parriek Chabal, I lead of

rhe Ikparrmenr of I'orrugue,e

and Ikll.ilian Srudie,. ha,

recentl" complered rwo mi"icllh of

Cl aluarion in I'orrugal.

The tir,r. commi"ioned b~ the

\ Iin i'rcrio de Cicneia and Technologia

(\Iini,rr\ of Science and Technologl l.

lIa' inrended (() el'alu.He the pre'elH

.Ictil iric, and fururc pro'pecr, of rhe

In'riruro de Inl'e'rigal,'~lo Cienritica

Tropical Cl ICT) - rhe In,rirure for

Tropical Seienritie He,earch. The

I'orrllglle,e ,!!:(}\'ernmenr i, In rhe

proce" of Larrl ing our a '~,rem~HiL

el ,du'Hion of all cenrralh flJnded

re,earch centre, 01'11 hich the IICT i,

onc. I'rofe"or Chabal \l'a' parr of a four

per,on inrernarinnal el'aluarion re"m

\I hich 'IKnr one lIeek (/-1-+ .lull 1'Il)(,)

I i,iring rhe L'i re,e"rch u.:nrre, \I hich

form p~lrr ofrhe I leT. The re'lm i,

nOli 11 riring rhe prelimin'lr~ reporr and

\l'i II meer aga in in I'orruga I j n

Seprember ro cOl1'ulr 11 irh rhe

I'orrugue,e Cl alu~Hion tealll 'er up bl

rhe tllini,ul, The final report \I ill be

r~lbled ~It rhe C:"biner In rhe tllini,rer

of Science and Teehnologl larer in rhe


The 'econd mi"ion.

cOlllmi"ioned In rhe In'tirmo

"iuperior d'I' Cicnci'I' do Trab.dho e doI':mprq~o (I"iCTE) - onc of Portugal',

nC\l e,r unil er,irie' del (Hed to rhc

,ocial 'cience, .\Ild management. \1.1\

mc,\Ilr cl' an a"e"menr of rhc

.Iuil irie' ,Jnd 'cope filr del e10pmenr of

rhe ISCTI·:·, Cenrro de I':,rudo,

,\rrlcctno, (Cenrre of \fric.ln Srudie').

The internarion~da"c"menr ream orfil c \I ill I i,ir rhe ISCTI·: .H diffcrenr

[fme, rhi, lear bur I'rofe"or C:habal

complered hi, parr of rhe Cl alu.Hion on

9-12 .Iune It)t)6. Ili, reporr 11.1, .dreadl

been 'enr ro rhe ISCTI,:,

CItl e I'J!!e i, ro receil e rhe

'1 JnJbe ) oung 1nl e,rigator

\\I,lrd. ,!!llen elerl t\lO \ear,

under rhe au'pice' of rhe \merlLln(:ollege of(:linlc,d Ph.lrnutl,logl.

Profe"or I' Jge. \I ho hold, ,I

per,onJI Lh.lir in rhe I'harmaLologl

(;roup. \I ill be pre'enred 11 irh rhe

prifc' I\(>nh '1000, ,It a meering ro be

held on 26-2: c.,eprember in

I'hd'ldelphi.l. During rhi, conferenle.

he \I ill gile a leLrure outlining hi,

re,e'tr<:h concerned \I irh

under,r'lnding rhe cau,e, of 'I,rhma,

Thi, j, carried our .H rhe

I'h'lrnlacolog~ Croup (\ lanre'" Hoad

C'llllpU') and ar rhe "iackler In,rirure

of Pulmon.lrI "h'lrnueologl .H King"

College Ilo'piral (of \I hich he i, co­


lie i, parricularl~ inrere,red in rhe

re,l,on, underl~ ing rhe incre'I\e in

inlidenee of childhood a,thm,1 - rhe

,o-called 'a,rhnu epidemic', Ili,

re'earch ream ha' been a"e"ing thelontriburion' of pollur~Jnr, and orher

po"ible enl ironmenr,,1 agenr,

mighr be ri,k facror, for del eloping

rhe di,ea,e. Parrieular ,Hrenrion i, 110\1

being foeu,ed on \I herher rhe mOle

«)\lard, a more predomin~lntll indoor

life,r~ le in rhe l'lle l\\'enrierh eenrurl

mighr be imporranr.

Iri, for rhi, \I ork rh~1t I'rofc"or

''Ilge ha' been ,eleued a, anindil'idual \I ho 'ha, ,ho\l'n unu,u,d

progre" in re,eareh relaring to clinical

pharmacologl '.

Hobin Iloulr

Plurmacolog\ Croup

1 C\VS fr0111 thc King's Table

I' ,

King', Collegc London C,ncring

'-;Crl icc, \\ e !LOfl)C .111 nc\\ .lI1d

rcrurning ,r,IfT 'Ind ,rudcnh.

\\ e op<:rcne on IOGnion, rhroughour

rh<: Collegc I'm all ~our Gnering

r<:quircfl)enr,. Our 'rafT \1 ill gl\ e \ CHI 'I

\\ .1 rill ,md friendly \\ <:Icofl)<: 'lI1d \\ ill<:

kindll [() C1I1\" COfl)mcnr, m ,uggc,rion,

.IIJOur ollr ,<:rI ice, rh'lr \OU m,,, \\ i,h wmake I'lea,e enjO\ our facilirie,.

')rr~lnd (:ampll"Iknni, .\llen, C:ar<:ring \Ianager, c\r


G01 Coffee lounge, MacadamOp<:n: 'J.()O-IH.OO. (16.~.'i \\'<:dn<:,d'I~').

E\r<:n,i\ c range of ',Ind\\ ich<:,. ,n,lck,.

lonfccrioner\. p.l,rric, ,Ind drink,.

Self-Service Dining Room, B1,Macadam()pcn: I 1.00-1 ~.'>O for hor .Ind cold

,n.lck, and be\er,lg<:" IlcH and cold

IlInch '<:rI ic<: including ,.II,ld b.1I 12.00­


The River Restaurant, B2,MacadamOpen: 12.00-1~.OO. \\ .Iim:,,/\\ .Iircr

'U\ icc. T'lhk:' mc" b<: rC,<:rI <:d in

.1111 ancc, if c,,·aibhle..'>pecial m<:nu, h\


('orn\\.dIIIOlI"cHill Hrigg,. J)cPU[\ Cn<:ring \1.1I1,lgcr,


Club 552, Ground floor, AnnexeOp<:n:, .OO-17A.'i (I.'iA.'i Flid.", C"

\ .Iurion,). Ilm .lI1d cold ,nack, .Iod

IlInlh ,<:rI ice.

The Stamford lounge. 2ndfloor, MB 219()pen: I(J.OO-I.'i.OO. (:ofk<: IOllngc.

The Refectory, First Floor, MB185Opcn: 1).OO-lh..\O. Full r.lng<: of hor

'Ind cold bc\ <:r,lg<:,. ,.uld\\ ilhc,. ,n'llk,

,11111.1 'p<:cicllir\ jack<:r pot,no b,lr.

.1 i', /If/ill/!. IN ... ·in i,' "IIIIIII,dollllt, llld

//001 ofllt, IIflill HIli/dill.!!.

I knnurl Ilill ( ..lInpll"\ brci'l LO\ i, '-;IIP<:rI i,m, e\r 7h-~On

The Medical School RefectoryOpen: 9.00-1 ~.OO .md 1~.'>O-I h..>O.

('he! L 1 pllJohn Bo"ino. C:,nering \1.1nJger. e\r


The College House RefectoryOpen: :-l.OO-17.00. (llr<:akL!'>r, earlicr

h\ cUT'lngclllelHl. l.ul1l:h II.~S-I ~.OO.

Fullnl<:cll '<:rI ic<: including.1 \\ ide

rClng<: of ,.IIHI\\ ichc" hurger,. ,n,ld"

.Ind he\ erage,.

The College House BarFulll licen,ccl. hHld ,l\,lil.lhk: 12.00­

I~.OO 'Ind 17.'>0-2.>.00.

"cn"ine:.fol1 (~.lmpll"

John HO"lno. C,nerin~ \I.m.l~cr, <:\r


Thc \l.lin Rd'ccw[\. \rkin, Huddin~.

Opcn: ".00-17.00 ( I().OO FmLI" l.

Lunch IIA.'i-I~.OO. hllll11LII 'crlicc

including.1 \\ ide r.lI1gc of ""lchI iche'.

'nack, 'Ind bc\ U'lgC'.

The Queen Elizabeth Bar\ lain Hullding. Opcn: 10.00-1 'i ..\O.

I)ming rh<: clo,"r<: of rhc "en'lll,l!,Wn

Soci.t1 C1uh I'm rd'urbi,hl11enr. rhc (JE

ILlr \\ ill opcn frolll 17..,0.

. \ r.nldill,!!, "1nl/' 11' fli'm/fI/J!, 011 lit, / ,I

.fIollr IIII/'Idl lit, l.lhlfllT.

I !.lInp"rc.ld ( ,lInpll"John Ho"ino, C.ncrlng \l.ln.lgcr

The Wolfson BuildingRefectoryOpen: ".O()-I~.OO dUrln~ c\,ullin,nion

pcriod, for ,n.llk, 'lI1d he\ CLlgC'.

r. \1/ ollllt /, 1111I1I 1I1I/If/1I1'/1I /- rit/iI\'.

11 ill'lIt/lllli/ili, , fliW/fI/J!, Itr mUlII,!!,mli Ill)

Special OffersFollo\\ ing rile \ erl 'lllcc"ful 'lh<:me<:n L!'>r \Llr. hookler, \\ nh.1

r,lngc of l.!rering .Ind r<:r.lil prol11orion.t1

ol'feh f,om bOlh Ihc "ing', T.lhk: and

n,nioncil cOlllp,lnlc, .Ir<: hcing

di,rrihulcd ro ,Ill ,LifT ,uHI ,wlknr,. \\ <:

hopc rlur \ Oll \\ ill r,lkc .llh .Inrage of


Chelsea Christmas lunchThe rr.ldirional Chcl,e,1 Chri,rma,

Lllnlh \\ ill he held ,n \IJnr<:,a Road

on TUC'IL!\ 171kcembcr 199h.

The \\ ill he ,imilar [()

pr<:\ iOIl' ycar,; a pre-Iunch drink \\ ill

hc ,erled in rhe \,,<:mhll 11.111 ,n 12

noon \\ irh rhe Carl <:r\ -,r\ 1<: luneh

eommencing ar 12.1.'i in rhe \ bin

Rd'<:cwr\. Th<: co,r \\ ill hc !i7 ..'O per

pcr,on inclu,i\ e.

Hooking liJril1' \\ ill he circlllarcd

,hortll and c"rll' booking i, C1111 i,,,bk

Cl' rhi, i, "n c\trcmell popular C\ <:nr.

Fllrrhcr informarion i, .1\ "ilablc from

rh<: Chel,e.1 c'lmpu, C'Il<:ring Office

e\t ~1)()7.

Function & Hospitality ServicesThe "ing', Tahle ofT<:r, 'I full .Ind

comprehcn,i\ e ho'pir.dir\ 'Illd

fllnuion ,en ic<: from dcli\ cred r<:.I'

Jnd coffee, w full hJnqucr,. \

hrolhllfc 'lIld ne\\ pric<: li,r gi\ ing full

der.ld, of rh<:,e ,en ice' i, ,1\ .Iil.lhl<:

frolll .dl College Gllerin~ oflice' m

dircC[ from Ccnrr.d c'n<:ring e,r 2.;.'i<).

New for 1996/97\\ e .Ir<: proud ro hc .Ihk ro offer ,I

'p<:ci:i1 ,ekcrion of ,"nd\\ ichc'

prmlllc<:d III Crclnk" on<: of rhe 1><:,t

kn()\1 n n.IIll<:' in \ egcuri'ln clling.

The,e prmlllch .Ire nudc ,rricrll in

.Iccord"nce \\ ilh Crclnk,',

IlncomIHomi,in~,pccilicClrion, ll"ng

pure \ egcr'tri,ln ingredielH'. org'lnic

nOllr '"1d fre<: r'lnge <:gg'.

Thi, i, jU'1 ,I p.1f[ of ollr r<:-

\ 'lInpcd r.lll~e of ,.Inlhl ich<:, .Ind roll,

tilr rhc loming \ e,lr. For rh'hc prcp.lred

[() p." ,I lirrk morc. \\ c \\ ill offer.1 lllllCh

\\ Ider r'lllgc of hn:.ld, ,Illd .1 Illlllh Illore

\.Iried 'Int! <:\mil ,cleuion or filling,.

()III' l!'>u,d ,<:kuion of compcriri\ <:11

priced roll, .Illd 'Cll1lh\ icllC' \\ ill. of

COil "c. ,rill h<: .1\ .Iil.lhk.

\1'0 a\ .Iil.lhk \\ ill hc \\ cckll

'pecial ofkr,. rhellled \\ eck, (for

e\.lmpk 'I.llion.i1 \ cgcuri.ln \\ cck 1.

h<:.drh\ c.llin~ di,hc, '11ll1 di,Il<:'

l.Ircring for ,pelifil dicr,lr\ rcqlliremenr­

'1llh 'I' 11,ILd or \ eg.ln. I'k'I'<: COIH:IC[

\ ollr loc,,1 c"rcring officc i1' \Oll h.1\ <:

~ln~ COn11l11.:nr.., CH "'-tlggc .... riof)"l.

I' J IlotTIll.ln, C:olkg<: C,llenng Ollicer

.\!!;C Concern In..,[([LJ[c ()f(;cronr()I()!!;~

"1'1'1I ynll:f of Ihl' j\~l' (:fllll'l'I"II III.flilllll' 0/ (,'I'I"fiIlIO/OKY - Ih!' slllrlml11'lllliflll ,c'flS helrl ill


T he \ge Conu.:rn In,riwre of

Geronwlog\ i, ren \, old

rhi, year. .\, parr of rhe

celehr.lrion".1 ,wdenr reunion \\.1,

held on 19 June. The \1 l In

(;eronwlog\ began eighr \eM' .Igo .Ind

nc)\\ h.I' .Iround 100 gr'ldu.lre'.\ lore rh.ln 30 of rhe,e - onc from

.I' far '1\\.ly .1' - joincd IHe,em

,wdcm, fora d:.ty of .Ic.ldcmlc .lnLl

profe"ional updaring .lI1d for rhc

in.ll1gur:.t1 meering of rhc \Iumni

Engineering Le<H.lcr..,hip~ledal

A'"n C Ch\·nO\\crh. a King',

Ph"ic, gr'HJuare (19.+K) h.I'

bccn a\\Ctrdcd rhc Enginccring

Lcader,hip :-'Icdal by rhe In,rirurc of

Electrical CS Elccuonic, Enginccr,

(IEEE) for in,pircd Ieadcr,hip in


Dr Chy no\\'erh i, a rerired \'ice

('re,idcm of Bcll Comlllllnicarion,

Rc,carch 1nl' (Iklleorel. :",C\\ Jcr,cy,['S.\.

Charlc, Turner

I': '\-Board of Dircctor,. lEE E

\"oci.lrion. \ Icmber, of ,rafT. led 1)\

rhe Direuor Profe"or \mh<.:.l TlIlker.

gJ\ <.: ,hon Ieuur<.:, on r<.:cenr

dc\ elopmem, in rheir pJrnlulJr Iield

of Gcromolo!.:\. Thc hubbub of

JninlJred con\ er'Jrlon .h old

fricnd,hip, \\cre redi'lCl\crcd during

lunch and e\ening drink, confirmed

rhJr rhe occcl,ion \\.h " !.:re.n 'Ulce".Ind ,wdem, J,ked for a repc.n

perfcHnl.1nce e\er\ couple ofycM'.

Centre for Philo'.;ophicalStudic.., ..,pon'lor'lhip

O r John \Iilwn alld Dr Tony

Dale of rhc Ccmre for

Philo,ophical ~wdie, ha\c

becn uLcc"ful in obrJining,pon,or,hip from. 'hell [ .K. Limircd.

Thc Cenrre \\ ill recci\ e rhe 'LlIll

01'.1::20,000 per annum lilr rhrcc year,


The .\ge Concern In'rinne of

(;cronrolog\ held r\\ 0 \ er\

,ucle"ful confcrence, on rhc

,ubjeu of elder allLhe in London and

BirminghJIll in June in UJIlJunulon

\\ irh rhe ocial "en icc, In,pel[CHare

of rhe J)qlarrmenr of Ilc.drh .lIld rhe

\"ociarion of Dirccror, of '>oci.d

.'-,en Ice,. Cl.ludine \IcCreadie.

re'e,lrch 'h,ociare ar rhe In,riwr<.:. \\ a,

onc of rhe principal 'peaker, .lIld g,l\ e

;1 "\ of hcr,r publilarion. a

comprchen,i\ c updare of re,e.lrlh on

eldcr "IHI,e. The orher ,, \\ ere

I'rofe"or Oli\'c Src\'cn,on, \\ ho ,poh.e

Oil rhc Ie"on, rhat might bc dr.l\\ n for

cldcr .dlLhe in rhc eOlllmunit\ from

rhe child protcLtion c:-.pericnee of thc

pa't t\\ cnty' \'car" Leo Quigley,

dc\ clopmenr oflieer fill' a policy on

\ ulncrablc 'Idult, \\ ith Sheflield

Family alld Communir\ Scn iec,

DCp.uTlllcnt and Ellcn :-. lalo, from

thc DOlllc,tie \'iolenee Re,e;jrch ['nit

.n thc [ ni\cr,it\ of Bri,wl.

.\\ ail.lble frolll rhe .\(;10(;:

Cl.ludinc :-'IcCre.HJie, 1-.I(H'l'Ilhllll':

IIprlllll' 0/ It·smlTh. JLJLJ6 (Pricc .£ I0.(0)

APP'iC;jriOn, arc invited fromIllclllbcr, of thc [lniver,iry

(orher rh'lIl pre,cnr

undergraduare ,wdenr, 'lIld rl1O'crcgi,rered for a raughr j\la,rer, degrec)

for Re,careh Granr, ro a"i,r ,pcci lic

projeer, of rc'carch \\ irh rhc prO\ i,ion

of c'\pcn'e' ,uch a, ,pccial 1ll,lrerial"appararu, and rr,1\ cl co,r,.

Thc c1o,ing d,ne for appliccnion,

\\ ill be:

.\uwllln rcrlll: Frida".+ Olwbcr ILJlJ6

Spring rCI'm: hida\ 17 January JlJLJ7

Forlll' of applie;jrion and funhcr

p.lrrieular, Illa' be obtained frolll rhe

Sccretary ro rhc .\cadclllic Tru,r

Fund, COllllllirrcc, ['ni\'cr,ir\ of

London. Ilou,c. Roolll 23'+,

:-. I.llcr Sucer. London \\'C 1E 711 I ,

rclephonc 0171-636 000 C,t 31'+7, ra,() 171-636 .+7.+lJ.

In thenews

I) :...e I tI

I~"I\ e"droppin,!!,The American ,i~nal, intelli~ence

gclthering facilir~ ba'ed near I !arrogare

\\'a~ rhe 'ubjecr of an ill\'e ... rigari\ e

I iece in rhe )'od:shire POSI, Ir daimed

rhar alrhough Brirain recei\ cd ... ignal ...

garhered from rhe rhree ....Hellire'. rhe\

arc being u...ed b~ rhe American ... ro

ea\ e ...drop on rhe Briri ... h :\rm~. Dr

Bhupendra Ja ... ani. Senior I{e,earch

Fellow in War Srudie .... wc" quored

,aYing he rhoughr Brirain would ha\ e

been berrer inve,rin~ in ir, own

,arellire and thc\[ the onlv informarion

wc get is whar the lIS cdlow 11' to ger.

Rad io d i"cu""ioll'tConor GeartY. Profe"or of Law. i,

currently chairing a ,eric, of di,cu"ion

programme' on Hadio 4 enrirlcd

(;OIllIllOIl Grolllld. I,'ue, ,uch a, rhe role

of rhe ,rare. rhe righr [() ,rrike and rhe

aesrheric' of moderni,r archirecrure

\\'ill come under 'cruriny.

\'i\ e"eltionClive Page. Profe"or of Pharmacology.

was inrervie\\ cd on Had io 4', The

Il'orld al Olle di'cu,~ing animal

experi mentcltion.

Crui"c mi"ilc"The recenr arracks on Iraq led 'I'lte

Smlslllall to write an irem on the

effecrivenes<' of crui,e miS'>ile' in

which Profe"or 1\ Iichael Clarke.

Director of rhe Cenrre of Defence

Studie~. wa~ quoted. lie said rhar

while the cruise wa, a mO,t effecrive

and efficienr weapon in modern

warfare, it, usefulnes<' wa, onlY again,r

fixed rarget' where its rerrain guidance

sy,rem could opcrate.

j..., there "ome\)ou-:- our there?Life on ;\ lar, ha' exerci ...ed [\\ 0

academic, from quite differenr

,uhjecr, recently. 7'1te Naplisl Tillles

reported rhat like Poole, \'isiring

He,earch Fellow in rhe School of

Educarion. ha' \I ritren a leaflet

enritled God t/lld Ihe Bi;!. Nt/IIK- and rhe

'cience-faith debare which seck ... ro

argue thar ,cience and fairh arc nor

enemie, but cdlie,. t\llan Penteco,r.

Lecrurer in 1\ licrobial Phy,iology. wa,

inrerviewed by Sf'l.'eno(/fs /\!t"IJ:'s abou r

hi, invo!\ emenr in a .l.'i- ...rron~ world­

\\ ide ream \I hich i, preparin~ to ...end a

mi"ion of [() 1\ la1'''' nexr ccnrur\, Ili,

re,earch area i, analvsing fo"ili'ed

depo,ir, from hor ...prin~, in IralY for

rhe pre,ence of organi,m,.

In the gene"An artide in rhe f)t/i~\' l~xpreJJ on gene

,urgery asked a number of expert'

abour rhe po"ibiliry of a gay ~ene.

:'\:igel Ilolder. Profc"or of

J)e\'e1opmenral Biology. wa, quored a,

sa\'in~ thar rhere \\'a, likel, to be a

whole range of gene, conrrolling ,ueh

complex behaviour a, ,e 'ual

orientarion, but rhey haven't yer been

located. o-one full. understands the

influence of environment. bur ir i,

cerrclin to be eomple . lie a 1... 0 fearured

in an article in the 1';veJlill!' ,S'lfllldarr/

abour rhe pracrice of breeding big~er

fi,h. lie commented on rhe rechnique

and implications of tran,genic"

Ethic.r1 dilcmn~l

Par Wal,h. Acring Director of rhe

Centre of ledical Law and Erhics.

wrore an arridc for rhe IlIdependenl on

rhe ... ubjecr of aborrion relared ro rhe

:\ Iandy AII\\'ood Gl'e. arguing rhar ir i~

an i"ue rhar wc have ne\'er come do,e

[() re'olving.

Ton-:- BLlir'>. tlMC"The public:.lrion of 7'1te 8Ioollls/JiI/)'

Ditliollt/ll' of (;olllelll/Jo/'{II)' S/alll! bv

Tonv Thorne, Director of rhe Engli~h

Language Unit, wa, reporrcd in mall\'

paper,. ParticularlY noted wa, rhe facr

that Tony I)lair h:.l' joined thar 'elecr

group who'e name, have become ,Iang

words: Tony I)Llirs arc flared trou,ers.

The revival the 19()Os :.Ind 70s in

popular culrure and rhe 'I)ririshne,~'of

rhi, phenomenon \\'as rhe ... ubjecr

under di,eu"ion rhe Radio 5 RIIs{'QI!

Shove: in which Tony Thorne rook parr.

lie appeared on .\'il!hl Ta/f too, al,o

Radio S. di,cu"ing how rhe interner

ha' changed rhe way \\'e eommunicare

and wherher ir i... deba~ing wrirren :.Ind

\'erbal communicarion.

IAlng-rerm careA ,[Ud\' looking ar rhe funding of long­

rCI'm care of rhe elderly in rhe l K,

daiming rhat ir wa, borh po"ible and

affordable from general taxarion. \\,a,

reporred 7'1te Lt/lire!. A contenrious

i"ued rai'ed b. rhe report wa~ rhclt of

mean,-re,ring by local aurllOririe,. In

IYii3 rhe N liS provided 20 per cenr of

all long-rCI'm care place,. in 19Y4 thar

figure \\ J~ per cent. Emil~ Grund~.

ReJder. :\CIOG. pointed our rhe

erhical i~,ue~ regarding u~ing for-profir

~en ice, to prO\ ide long-rerm CMC. The

JCLountJbilil' of ,upplier~ \\J~ al,o J

nurrer for concern. ~he ~Jid.

pkndiLl i...oLtriof).\n Jrricle in rhe OIIJt'I'u're\..lJllined rhe

con~rirurionJI im pi iCJrion~ ,hould

Bri[Jin e\ er decide to \\ irhdraw from

rhe European [·nion. and rhe IH)~r of

legal problem, which \\ould follo\\ for

a narion in i~olarion. I. 'ored \ L1d~

:\nden~h. Director of rhe Cenrrc for

European Law.

Food pO\ert\Dr i\lichael Ael~on. Senior Lecrurer in

:"urrition e Diereric~. appeared on

IT\"~ current affair~ programme. "lilt:

. \Kl'llda. Ilc di~cu"ed rhe problcm~ of

food p()\'erry in rhe I99(h and

e\.plained thar rhe problem \\ a, a,

grear a~ in rhe 193(>-' lie urged rhc

Gm'ernmenr to adopr rhe

recommendarion~of ir~ own :"urririon

Ta~k Force and e,rabli,h a cro,,·

government forum [() di,eu~, rbe

effecr~ of Gm'Crnment polic\' on dier­

relared heal rh in low income familie~.

Dr I"el~on wa, al,o quoted in rhe f)ail)'

,l/ail which reporred on re,r, which :lre

abour [() ~rarr which will a~~e~~ wherher

rhe behaviour of criminal, can be

improved by taking vitamin

~upplel1lenr~. lie ~aid that \ itamin,

and mineral~ can make:1 difference to

intelligence and beha\·iour. but only in

GI~e, where people :lre known to have

,evere deficiencie,.

Ru ...... i.lJ1 election ...Dr Elaine Iloloboff, Leerurer in War

Srudie,. appeared on a ,peeial C0::"

programme Illonitoring rhc rerurn, on

the Ru"ian pre,idential elecrion,.

() r.!.!;L1 n d() i() n,\n arricle in the Sill/day 7dl'Kmplt about

organ donation highlighted the ,hort

time between a donor lh.·ing and an

organ deteriorating. Vital organ,

deteriorate rapidly un le" relllm'ed and

immer,ed in pre~ervative fluid \\ ithin

minure, of the hearr', ,topping.. \ new

rechnique, howcvcr, Illay allow them to

be lhed long afrer rhe donor ha' died.

Dr i\lichael Tredger, Lecrurer in the

In~tirure of Liver Srudie" e:o-plained

rhat. ar the mOl1lent, no rime ar all i,

Jllo\\ed between rhe pJrienr', heJrr

,topping and the li\er being uken.

The di,co\'er\ could enJble rhe \\ ider

u~e J~ donor~ of ho,picc pJtienr~ Jnd

pJrienh nor in inren,i\ e urc.

( .l ... ket u ...cDr .\nne Dugg:ln \\J' inren ie\\ed on

rhe ~ubjecr of rhe Ikcker CJ~ker for

rhe BBC World c.;en ice current affJir,

progrJIll me (JII!/nni:.

I, .dlin~ "'perm Lounr..,The tluear to man', reproducri\'e

abilitie~ wa' the ,ubjeer of an arricle in

the BBC Good Fnod,l/a/!.a~illl'in which

Profe"or TOI1l Sander~. Ilead of rhe

Deparrment of:'\J utrition e Die re tic,

,u.!:!;/:?;e'ted rhar 'perm COUIl[~ lllaY be

falling becau,e people arc getting

f:lt(er e'pecialh :1' obe~irY i, \\-ell

kno\\ n to ha\'e oe~rrogeniccfTeer, .

1,1\ Cl' tr.lI1"'pLlnr..,.\n article about li\ er tran,planrarion in

Tlte Times fearured Profe"or Roger

\\'illiam', Director of rhe In,rirure of

Li\er Srudie'. Within a generarion

li\'er tramplanrarion had become a

rourine operarion rarher rhan

pioneering ,urgerY. Briri,h ~urgeon,

C~lrrY our abour n.'iO tran,plant' a \'Car.

C 1'\ .., tell cl C.lI'

Work bv Profe,~orAlan Collin,. of the

Department of rhv,ic~, in the rc,earch

group which 'peciali,e' in examining

ery~talline Ill:Herial, for the defect~ and

impuritie~ that arc ~o important in

determining the eleerronic and optic:t1

propertie" wa~ the ~ubjeer of an article

in ,llo!eria!f. rhe EPSRC magazine.

ChilLI C.lIT

:"icola \Ie/.:I, Dep:lfrmental Secrerarv

for rhe School of Educarion. appeared

on Radio .1'~ Hlml{tIS! ,\'ltflu" talking

about rhe e'Gtlating co~t of child care

and the \'alue of ha\ ing \\orkplace­

~ub,idi,ed nur,ery place~.

R.ldio mU..,iL'Da\'id Trcndell, College Organi,r.

pre,ented r\\'() Radio 3 programme' of

13th and l.1th centur\ mu,ic Iw thc

En~embleGille, l1in(;hoi~ entitled

r:Ollll~)' 1.0['1:' clnd 7/te Sr!to/ms of Pari."

R.ldi.ltion e\.pcrimenr..,Claire Fo\[er, Cenrre for \ledical LJ\\

Jnd Ethic,. \\ J~ inren'iewed on ,e\'erJI

local rele\ i~ion Jnd radio progrJmme~

1'0110\\ ing the JnnOUnLemenr b~ rhe

\lediLJI Re'earch Council about ir~

creation of In enquif\ into a rele\'i"on

programme b\ ChJnnel -l called f)md/I'

1-,\jJt'rilllt'l/!f \\ hiLll :ll1eged thar rhe

\II{C \\a~ ill\o"ed in radiation

experiment' in the 19.-0, and n()., .. 'he

i, a member of rhe enquir~ committee.

Children\' !1o..,picc..,A Ilou,e of' Common~ debate on

children', ho~pice, referred to the

re~earch of r\li~on \\'hile. rrofe~,or of

COl11munit\, N ur,ing. which examined

the need~ and prm'i,ion of ho,piee Glre

for children.

Computer Fell()\\

O r Richard O\'erill, Senior

Lecrurer in COlllpurcr

Science. ha~ been elected a

Fellrl\\ of the Hriti,h Compurer


Rcgi..,tr'ltion \\ ith the collegedoc[()r

The regi,rr:ltion will rake place

on IYand ZO Seprember from

Y.OO to lA.OO in Roolm I BOI

and 11129.

I'.I.!.": I1

Students'lJnion ews

KCLSUKing's College London gtudent<;' Union

In tfod uction ...A, ;1 ne\\" academic year d;II\"11', King\

College London StlIdenr,' l 'nion

welcollle, rhe anil,;t! of four new

'>ClhbaricaJo." nalllel\':

Duneall Ha,or, Pre,idefl[

nr 1226

:"awlia Thorn, \'1' .\dmini,rrarion and

Srudel1t .\fTair,

e,r 1266

KenJl\ Hoherr,. \'P Finance. Sporr,

and Socierie,

exr 12-1-.::;

\Iichelle HoberNH1. \'P Publicarion,

;lIld COllllllunicarion,

exr 12-1-8

Togerher wirh rhi, \ ear', Execuril'e,

\\'e hope ro build on rhe con,iderable

,ucce,,> of la,r \'e;lr', re;lm \\"irh regard

ro celllenring rhe good relciriomhip rhe

llnion ha, wirh rhe College,

hlIT\\ ell ....\, one age [LI\I n" anorher age fade"

Le,ley Dixon, Ceneral \ (anger of

Kr:LSl' and head of rhe perlllanenr

,raI11ll0\e' on ro rhe l'llil'cr,ir~ of

~orrh London on 11 Ocrober. .\frer

\lorking ar King', for ,e\en ~ear" borh

\le ar rhe l 'nion and her friend, in

College \I ill be ,ad ro ,ee her go, \Ye

\I i,h Le,le~ rhe be,r of ILll'k and rhank

her for el er\ rhing ,he ha, done for

King', and ir, ,rudel1t',

Thank ... to, ouIr i, \I irh a glad hearr I \I rire ro you

abour rhe conrinued a[h-enrure, of

Heggie rhe Lion - KC LSl' llla'COL II'YOU ha\'e been following rhe ,rorv, \'ou

IVill kno\\" rhar afrer being recOl'ered

from Illlperial Ie"r ye;l1'. ir \\'a, decided

rh;l[ Reggie ,hould be re,rored ro hi,

former glory, John Iloul,ron (KCL).

\I ho 'culprured rhe Bu,r of De,mond

Turu. donared hi, rime ro rene\l our

beleaguered m;\'COL The good ne\l', i,

rhar rhank, ro rhe Kr:L Del'Clopmcnr

Tru,r', genero,ir\, rhe re'rorarion fund

nO\l ha, enough [() cOl'er rhe co,r of

rhe marerial, required, :'dr. Iloul,wn

ha, been able ro commence \lork and

Reggie ,hould be back \I irh u, ju,r

afrer Chri,rlll;\', \\'e are rherefore

indebred ro all rho,e Illember, of ,[;IfI'

\I ho h;1I e been il1l oh-ed in rhe

De\ elopmenr Tru'>t, and \\'ho h;1I e

made rhi, po-,.,ible, Prepare vour,eh'e,

for rhe '\\'elcollle Back Reggie'

fe,ri I irie, I

The \\'~1teffront h dCldLong lil'e rhe \\'arerfmnL O\'er rhe

,umlller, rhe llnion ,penr ir, enrire

tinancial ,urplu, on rhe cOlllplere

renol'arion of rhe \\'arerfmnr Bar and

Deli on rhe ,econd floor of rhe

\lacaL!;11ll Huilding, The ne\l look

\\'arerfmnr can no\\" hou,e Illore

1'.I!!.c 12

1.I',dl'l' f)i\o!! «"ilh Ihl' sllIff fI( j,.O ..\'{'

people, in a more congen ial

em ironmem, The I)eli ha, been made

Ictrger. enabling rhe qualiry and \ ,trier\'

of food on offer ro be inerea'ed a' \\ ell.

\\'e" e c\'{:n rcbuilr rhc (Oiler, on

rhar nom ro mcnch rhc Bar l Ir\ a \'el\r

impro\'cmenL (c\'Cn if I do ,a\' '0

m~,elt), Don'r feel rhi, i, ju'r for rhe

benefir of ,rudenr, ho\\'e\'er, I I' ,raff

wam ro u,e rhi, faciliry, rhey are more

rhan \\(:Icome, To rhi, cnd, \\ e elre

looking ar rhe pO"i,ibiliry of openin,~

rhe \\'arerfrom over rhe lunch rime

period during rhe holiday', For rho,e

per,on, who mav have any \'icw, on

rhi" do nor he,iwre ro conrelcr u"

Warch rhi, 'pace for morc informarion,

Pia, Scheme,-\, e\ er, \\'e \\'ill be organi,ing rhc I blf­

Term Play Scheme for fi\'e weighr

year old" The dare' for rhi, \'ear',

genheri ng' wi 11 be:

f\londe'" 21 - Frida\ 2,'i Oerober

l\londa~ 17 - Frida\' 21 FelHuar\

\Ionda\ 2(1 - Frid,,, 30 \Iay

,-\11 enquirie, ,11Ould be direered ro

:\aralia Thorn (e\;r 1200 or direer on

0171-S36 II.L), Th i, ,en ice i,

el\'ailable ro ,uff and 'rudem, alike,

Price, are:

£10,00 per da\

£-t'i,OO per week

Day, run from 9,{)() ro 17,00 during rhe

hed!' rerm \\ eek" Book early ra en-oid


K-1- Firnc""The long awaired gym in rhe Iw;emenr

of rhe Sramford Srreer hall, i, .. "rill

awaired! In order rhar rhe hall,

rhcm,eh-c' were complered on rime,

rhe complerion of rhe gym hel' becn

delayed ,Iighrh, 1100\'e\'er, I CIJ1 reil

\'OU rhar rhe gym ha, a namc: K-l

Firne\\ - K for King\; -l for rhe four

,ire, of King, and al,o 'for lIme',', Oh

\'e, - rhere a c1c\'er lor in 'nnrkering',

I can al,o reil YOlI rhen rhe g\ III will

comain 2.1 \\'ork,rari()Il' (half \I'CigIH'

re,i,rclnce and half cardio\'a,culeH

machine,), a, \\ell a, r\\o 'unbed, and

rhc obligaron ,howering and changing

facilirie" Probably rhe be,r ne\\',

h()\\e\'er. i, rhe faer rhar ,raff will be

charged no more rhan "iruclenr, to u,e

rhi, facilir\, Thi, i, ro repa\' rho,e ,raff

\I ho ha\ e generou,IY conrribured ro

rhe de\-clopmenr fund, from \\ hich rhe

gYIll equipmenr has becn pureha,ed,

.\ne! rememberKC:LSU will alll'aY, do ir, be,r for rhe

,rudenr, of King'''i, Thar ha\'ing been

'aid wc "re nor incapable of making

Illi~rake"i, Ifvoll have any feedback on

Jnyrhing which we do: inducrion

'pecchc" "iervice~, 'port, facilirie~­

plca,c Ier 1I"i knO\\, No onc ar rhe

I 'nion i, "b(l\'e a bir of con,rrucrive


I-:O.S(' direrl: (1/7/-836 7U!

Audio Visual Service UnitComputer generated slidesThe [Inir ha, no\\' replaced ir',

l\lomage Film recorder wirh a

Ll"iergraphic, f\IKIII modcl. Thi, i,

capable of producing 3,'imm colour

,Iide, wirh el re,olurion of ij 192 x ,'i-l61

ellld el colour deprh of 36 bit. Thi, i,

r\\'icc rhe IT,olurion of rhe original

\ lomage, Slide, can be imaged from

i\lac and PC: fIle, and al,o ,ome form,

of I)(),r,eri pr prod uced on l 'n ix


The cO'>r per ,Iide i, being held ar

£,>'00 and rhe marcrial i, rewrned

moumcd in Cepc anrri-nc\l ron gla\\


\Iarerial for ,Iide producrion me'"

bc ,cm parr" de,igned (\\ here rhe

lfnir would correcr la\'our and ch()(),e

,uirelble fom, and colour, erc,) or 'em

in a complered form \I here rhe [fnir

\I ould ,implY image rhe fIle"

\Vork maY be ,enr on di,k, (() rhc

Srrand, Kcmingron or Chel,ea ortlce,

or ,enr \'ia FTP ro our ,el,\,er:

a\ '\ ",uk, Email rhe(.nirfir.r

for login and pa'''Hlrd: a\'\,uk,

The rurnaround rime i, normall\ rhrec

1I'0rking da\', alrhough rhi, can bc

longer depending on workload and

amoullf of de,ign required,

f\lore derailed informarion abour

u,ing rhi, ,en' ice can be found in rhe

graphic, ,eerion of our Web pa!-,:e"i,

Thi"i i, available by going (() rhe King',

rap page and ,clecring ,11Ir/io li'lm/

li,recl under SII/l/l1!/1 SI'Iy.'irl'J

On-line booking forms,\, rhe meljoriry of reaching ,raff nO\\

hel\'c an erherner connccrion \I irh

acce\\ ro rhe King', \\'eh pagc, wc

ha\'c inrroduced on-line booking form"

Two form, arc el\ ailable, one for ,ingle

bookin,~' and onc for block 'Cllle"irer

hooking" Thi, i, nO\\ rhe preferred

\la\' of booking ,\\' cquipmenr in

ccmrall\' rimcrelhled and orhcr room,

alrhough \\ e 'rill ha\'c paper form, and

rhe relcphonc booking line (e'(r 12,)-+)

for ,raff \I ho do nor hel\T acee" ro rhe

on-I inc form"

Changes to equipment-bookingon the Manresa Road CampusFrolll n Seprember 1996 ir will be

nece"ell'Y ({) book all eludio vi,ual

equipmenr (including 3Smm ,Iide

projecror"i) wirh rhe Unir ar lea,r 2-l

11Our, before ir i, required, The one

cxceprion ({) rh i, j, o\'erhead projecror,

\\'hich are in all cenrral'" rimerelbled

room, and arc regularh' checked, Thi,

change i, (() ,randardi,e rhe booking

,\\rem wirh rhc Srrelnd and Kcmingron

Glml)LI'c" Thi, \\'ill mean rhel( rhe

l'nir', ,wfTlI'ill ,upph' rhe equipmenr

ro rhe rclc\·anr room in rime and

rcmO\'e ir afrerwart!"i. Thi, en,ure, rhar

a Iecrurcr ,11Ould alw,,\', find working

,\ \' equipmcnr \\ hen ir i, required,

I{od \\'ilkin'on


1',I!..c I,

Re~earch grants

T he "rJm, li,red belrl\\ \\cre

rec~i\ ed duri~g dle qUJrrer

ended.>O April 19%. Der,lIl,

.Ire nm gi\'cn of exren,ion, [() e"i,ring

grJm,. of ne\\ grJm, under £.'i,OOO. nor

of rhChe \\ hich Jre confidemiJI. bur rhe

Jllloum, Jre included in rhe [Owl for

rhe deparrmem or unir concerned.

The inforlllJrion for dlc,e li,ring,

i, ,upplied by "CL Emerpri,e, Lrd w

wholll all\' querie, on rheir comem

,hould be directed.

School of EduGltion

• Dr D \\'ilialll. £1-tOOO (School

Curriculum e "e"lllem Aurhorir\)

(() ,upporr J re,earch projcct emided

Cd/illK lJIore "sej,,1 illjorlJltl/ioll jrolJll'lld

ofhy slaKe J NW: 1996 IIIt1/helJla/in allrl(ril'lla: sofr<>2'{//'I' pilo/

• Dr J R War,on, £ I 5.1,(,02 (\\'ellt:ome

Tru,r (Wellcollle Centre for ~ Icdical

Science» (() ,upporr a re,ean:h project

eIHided IlJIplelJlell/illf{ sril'll{'l'

im:ex/if{a/ioll.( ill srhools

• Dr D \Viliam, Profe"or 1\1 Brown,

~I, J Boaler. £21,11/l (Re,earch

Srraregy Fund) [0 ,upporr J re,earch

projecr eIHided The illjllll'llre ofahili/yKrollpillf{ prar/irex Oil x/((dertrl' leanri((!! i((


Total amount awarded in thequarter (School of Education)£193,320Total number of awards in thequarter (School of Education)4

~c1wol of "umanitie ...

( :1.1 ...... ic ...• Profe",or G B Waywell, £5,000

(Re,earch Srraregv Fund) w ,upporr a

re,ean;h projeer emided Spar/a.Irropolix f:x(,(('1:{(/io((s

• Dr D W Rarhbone, 1\1, .-\ Bell

(LibrJry), £5,000 (Re,earch EquipmeIH

Fund) cOIHriburion rO\nud, rhe

pun:ha,e of edirion, of doculllelH, on

papyru' (and o,rrakJ and in,eriprion,)

from Graeco-Rolllan Egypr

Total grants: £10,675

1'.Il:c l-t

FrenLhTotal grants: £1,130

(J co~raph ~

• Dr G A \\'il,on. 217.100 Ecu

(European Commi"ion) w ,upporr a

re,earch projecr emided IlJIplelJll'II/a/iolla((rl ef!er/i,:elll'l'S of F ( '-(/f;ri-l'IIt'imlllJleJJ!al

sdtell/es ex/ahlisherl III/rler 1'I'!!"la/ioll

lc178/9l• Profe",or J B Thorlle,. Dr J f\ 10

Scurlock, Profe",or D 0 Ilall (Life

Science,). £ 19,(,2.) (Re,earch

EquipllleIH Fund) cOIHriburion

(()ward, rhe purcha,e of an airborne

digiral phowgraphic ,y,rem

Total grants: £27,963217,100Ecu

( ;crm,lI1Total grants: £3,311

Ilum,lnitlc ... Rc ... e,lrLll ( entreTotal grants: £132,778

~P,lI1 i... 11 .::: ~P,lI1 i... h-. \ III e riun'-iwd ie ...• Profe",or I) I look, Profe"cH J ~ I

Barelv (Engli,h), Profe,>,or JA Roberr,

(Engli,h). £.'i,OOO (Re'earch Srrarcg\'

Fund) (() ,upporr a rc,earch projecr

eIHirled KC!. illedil"cal S/lIrlies

• Profe",or B W I fe, f\ I I' S P Turner,

£9.(,07 (Re,e'lrch Strareg\, Fund) (()

,upporr a re,c~trch projecr cnrirled

Saoll{( Ship'UC'lnl:s

Total grants: £14,706

\\'<11' Swdie ... (include'" Centrefor Defence ~wdie... )• Dr C Smirh (COS>. £ I 0,000 (Paul

Ilamlvn Foundarion) w 'upporr a

re,earch projecr emirled The lJIili!{(ly

((/ili/)' of Irll/rllJli((es

• Profe<,<,or L F Frccdman, Profc<,<,or

~ I C1arke (CI)S). £.>/l,17(, (Rc,carch

Srrarcgy Fund) [() ,upporr a re'carch

projeer cIHirled Pl'O!!'tllllllle 011 ('.V PI'((('I'

opem/iollsTotal grants: £71,476

Total amount awarded in thequarter (School of Humanities)£435,620Total number of awards in thequarter (School of Humanities)16

LIlO0 I of L,l\\

• Dr R. \\ BLlLkburll. £22, '7('

(Rc,cJrch rrare~~ Fund) [0 'UppO([ a

rc,earch projeu enrirled IllIlIlan rij!h"illmlpom/ifill

Total amount awarded in thequarter (School of Law)£31,419Total number of awards in thequarter (School of Law) 4

~chool of Life, B~I iL \lcdicale I kalth Science ...

Life '-icicnce ... I )i\ i-;io!l(inLludc ... \Ioniwring e.\ ...... e ...... lllcnt Re ...earchCentre)• I)r J I{ ~LI,on. £27.20-t (lWSRC) ro

'upporr a re,earch projecr enrirled x­my x/nrrlllll' ojthe m/al)'/i,. ailllpOlletJ/ of

fJnt;::,etle dio\l'f{etI(iSe

• Profewlr D 0 Ilall. %.000 Eeu

(EuropcJO Co III III i",ion) [() ,upporr a

rc,earch projecr cIHirled Elll'Opeml

/r:n'l'x/rialeIOSl's/elll lIlodellillg ((rli'L,ill'

• Dr A \V Bark, £31.21-t (Re,earch

Straregy Fund) conrriburion ro\\'ard,

provi'ion of a full-rime applicd

cnvironlllcnral rc,earch direcror/ liai,oll

officer for KES• Or J f\ I 0 Scurlock, Profc.,.,or J BThorllc, (Geo~raph,,), Profe<,<,or DO

Ilall, £I(,.O()() (Re,earch Strareg" Fund)

(() ,UpPO([ a re,carch projecr enrirlcd

S/m/e!!i,. rln-efopllletl/ oj{( jlexi!lle. 10'&'-/'0.11

rli!!i/al Inllote SetlSillg /edllliqlfe for

cegela/ioll moni/orillg alld lIlodelling

• Dr ({ J f\lilc" 1-t9,(,OO EClI (European

COlllmi"ioo) (0 'UpPO([ a rc,carch

projecr enrirled Dn.:eloplllnt! ofnl"'U:' alld

illlpl'Oud di({!!llos/ir /es/x for COll/agio({s

Bm:ille 1'Il'lIl'OPlletllllOllio (CBPPj ill

I': lll'Ofil'

Total grants: £158,101245,600 Ecu

Bi()ll1edic~d ScienLe"I )j\ i"i()nAllerg~ e A.,thma Rc.,earch

• Or B J Sutwn. £16.>,14 (BB 'RC) to

.,UppOrt a re.,earch projcct cntitled

X-my Jlruclll/"!' of Ihe mlalrlic rOll/pOlIl'/I1

of I,et/;;;,et/t' dio\)'J{.et/(/St'

• Dr B J Sunon. £9 .924 (.-\rthriti., and

Rheumati.,m ,ouncil) to ,uppOrt a

re.,earch project entitled Slruclllml {lilt!

fllllcliollalsllldies of rht'/lll/aloidff/("/ol:\"

(/lId Iheir lOlI/plexes 'l!:'ilh IxC

Total grants: £262,258

I )c\Tlopmcnul Biolog,:­RC"C~trch Ccnrre• Profe.,-,or 1 11 K Ilolder. Dr S

\\'il,on, £177.~64 (HBSRC) to ,upport a

re.,earch project entitled KCI./ishfarililY

Total grants: £267,316

End()uinolog,:- eReproducrion Rc"carch• Or P Jone." £7. 59 (Ro~'al SCH:iet~) to

.,upport a re.,e::tr<:h project entitled

COlllllllllli({/lioll belf£'ulI hela-rells

Total grants: £7,859

\lu"LIc -'""Cell \Iorilir\ nir• Dr ~I In'ing, £21 .142 (\\'ellcol11c

Tru.,t) to ,upport a re,earch project

entitlcd 1110liollS of Ihe li/(hl d/tlill 1~'Kioll

ofII/yosill ill Ihe II/erhallisll/s of /llIlsde


Total grants: £290,573

'curodcgcnerari\T Di"ca"c"Re"c.lI"ch Cc nrrc• Profe-,.,or B llalliwell, Dr 0 I

Aruoma, £ \2~,~OO (r-. Iinimv of

Agriculture, Fi.,herie., 13 Food) to

,uppOrt :1 rc,earch projcct entitled

IJOprOJ/f/lle,... Jele(li'1.:e mad:ers of

peroxidf/liOIl ofdifferet/I f(/II)' arid, ill Ihl'

hllll/all body

• Profe.,-,or P G Jenner. £57. S(\\'cllcollle Tru,t) w ,upport a rc.,earch

.,tudent,hip entitled .lIerhalliJlI/s of

II-he.\alle loxiril)' 10 lIi/(ml dOj!all/il/('('QlIllIillill/( rells

• Profe.,.,or B llalliwell. Profe-,.,or P G

Jenncr, I)r P B i'\unn, Profe-,.,or R C

Ilider (Pharmacy). Profe."or R

Cammack (Life Science,). Profe.,-,or T

J Peter., (Clinic,,1 Biochemi,rrv),

£SO,OOO (Re,e:lrch Equipment Fund)

contribution toward, the purcha.,c of

an inductivelv-coupled pla.,ma

emi.,.,ion "pccrrollleter

Total grants: £264,302

ellro,\ClcnLe Rc,"carch( enrrc• Dr 0: J Abhot[, J)r J) J Beglcy,

£27,000 ( Limited) to "Upport.1

re,earch .,rudent.,hip entitled Role of

P-/!/l'rOpmleill ill dru/( t'\-r!tHioll froll/ Ihe

!lmill: sllIdieJ 011 {1II01l/(/101IJ 1't'htKiollr of

dm!! cOlI/polllld\"

• Dr 0: J Ahbon, Dr D J Begle\·. £ ,000

(\Iayda\' l·ni\cr.,itv Ilo"pital) to

.,UppOrt a re.,earch ,tudent,hip entitled

Role of P-f!~l'ropmleillill drllK ew/l/Jiollfrom Ihe hrai/l: sll/dieJ 011 {/IIOII/(t!OIlS

llifhaviollr ofdnrK rOll/polllld,

• Dr H D Piggin" £~,()OO (Rov:d

Society) to .,upport a re.,earch project

entitled"all/sler heh(/viol/ml rhylhms

Total grants: £43,000

\ .1 " Biolog,:- Rc,"c,lIchCenrrcTotal grants: £25,830

OIl/lFflnl/S o/Hi()/11It1im/SliUta'" '• Dr l\ I R • ander.,on. Dr H J Sutwn

(Allerg\' and A,thma Rc,earch).

£,).1,13.1 (\\'cllcollle Trll.,t) contriburion

towards the purcha,e of X-ray mirror,•

cryo-cooling and dynamic light

,e,Htering equipment for protein


• Or I:{ \'is,e, Dr 1\ I Sander,on, 4~,911

Ecu (European COl1ll11i."ion (1luman

Capital & I\lobility)) to suppOrt a

re,earch fellowship entitled Reglllatioll

of"11' tmll,miplioll Ill' .\'I-'-AB SIrt/rtllrtll

(ma~l'sis ofthe .\IF-KB protrill !lilt! the .VF­KB-D,VA rOlllplex

• ~Ir P J lar.,h, £40,000 (Re,earch

Equipment Fund) contribution

toward., rhe purcha.,c of an automated

1)0: ,equencer HI:77

Total grants: £79,35348,911 Ecu

IIc~drh Science" I )i\ i"ionAge Concern In.,titLltc of Geronrolog\'

• Dr J Askh:lm, Ir I 'orman (:"Jur,ing

Studies), Profe,sor S Redfcrn (Nursing

Re,earch Unit), £70,4S3 ( forth

Thame., Regional Ilcalth Aurhority) ro

.,UppOrt a re.,earch project entitlcd

Socialory;allisatioll ofmr"!' {I/ Irol/le fordmmilia sll[fel"l'/:f

• I)r J A.,kham, 1\ I., H Ilancoek,

Profc.,.,or A Tinker, £S.1,49 \ (Jo,eph

Rowntree Foundation) to ,upport a

re,earch project entitled Tire/illallcial

{'(}J(.i ofO'l!:'l/er ocml)(/tiol/ il/ latl'r liji'

• Profe.,'or Tinker, ;.. he\IcCreadie. £19.777 (King', Fund) to

,uppOrt ,I rc.,earch project entitled

I';xplrmltol)' ,,/lid)' ofCPI" Imo'l!:'It'r/Ketl/ld

experit'l/re of Ihe allllse ofoMer people il/

Iheir O~'II hOllles

• I)r J A.,kham. \I., R Ilancock.

Profc.,-,or A Tinker. £h4.5 7 (jo.,eph

Rownrrce Foundation) to .,upport a

re.,earch project entirled Perceptiolls,

(lIIillldeJ (/I/d hehm:iollr ofoMer hOll/e

Ou"l/elJ alldtheirfall/ilies

• Profe.,.,or A Tinker, 1\1., R Hancock,

£7,092 (lIni\'ersitv of Cambridge

(European Commi.,.,ion Subcontract))

to .,upport a re,earch project entitled tI

1~'lIrOpe(1/1 lIet/efit-tax II/odel l/IId sor'i(/I


• Dr E Grllndy, Dr K Gla.,er, £I.Li.lO

(RC.,e:Hch Strategy Fund) to 'llppOrt:l

re,earch project entitled

Ileallh/hollseholds (/lidfall/i~)'

l"i'.I-polIsillilities ill lale lIIiddle a/!e: a

Blilish/l S (oll/pIl/iroll

Total grants: £231,530\• Dr P J IloughtOn. £30.000 (Re,e:lrch

Srrateg~ Fund) to .,upport a re.,earch

project entitled Cmlre for hioa(Ii'l.:ily

le,aill/! of lIatl/{rt! prot!lItls

Total grants: £856,681

Total amount awarded in thequarter (School of Life, BasicMedical and Health Sciences)£2,051,412Total number of awards in thequarter (School of Life, BasicMedical and Health Sciences)62

School of \lcdicinc eDc nri" rr\

Child Ilcalth

Total grants: £29,000

c: Iin iGtI Bjochc 111 j" rr\• Dr I Bjarmon, Or C Taylor

(~Iedicine), Dr A I\lacPher.,on

(1\Iedicinel. £4S,600 (South Thame,

Rcgional Ilealth Authoritv) to "UppOrt

a re,earch project entitled COlIlIlIl/llity

!lased star/y ofpeK tulleIn:dill/! r.:J oml,l'IIpplell/mtalioll ill pf/tiellts fe'ith 1111'

itifet1iollTotal grants: £45,600

COl/lilmed Oil pa!!e 16

Re., grant., fOlllill/(ld

jiwlI p(~!..l I:)

Iknr~t1 e.,l ience.,• Dr (; ProLCor. Dr D" hori.

(lrofc"or D "clllcm (1IllIl1unolog\ l.

£~"iA7I (f{c,<:.Hch tr.H<:g\ FunJI to

,uppOrt j r<:,c,Hch proJCLC cntltleJ flit

(ollllll/lIt! (01, of lit ri.'I\ tlllrI tTlol:lIlI',' III

/t'f.!III((III/J! till npn'\'J101I 0/ prJlrlll1 Il(

1lIlIlIlIlIOglolJillll/llltPIIJ) ((1Ir1 '1Ildioll o(

d!!.l 111' ,((11,'(((1 rd/,

• I)r " .\ 1101llcr. Profc.,.,or D

Ikighton. ()r 11 Il.lIllhle\

t1l.lclll.Hological \lcdicin<:l. 'i-W ..143

(Hriti,h Ilc,m Foundation) to 'UppOrt.1

rc,c'lrlil projcct cntitlcd .llorlllll(lioll

{(1Ir1'l1ili"lllOlI f)(pl/lltld!!./rllJpmlt'ill

tIIlli/!II/' lir "/lp'omlnll' Ollllll' {(,wOIII,rI

~'ilh 1l1!i:I!I<'l' ,"rlrmllrlil/I

• I'rofc.,.,or ~ Gclbicr. 'i 171.< 17 (~outh

'('ham<:, Rcgional Ilcalth \uthorit\) to

,uppOrt a re,<:.lrch projeLC elltitled Oml

ht'{(llh IInt!,. tll/ill/flr" 1I1t/1I1'/1 III ((11i {(lIrI

pm,:i,ioll IIl'I/I:in' If) pl'oplt o/dlll/il

1II11/0lltr /!fWIP" re"rlf/l1 11/ SlIlIlh '11i((1IIi'\"

I/eallh 1l'J[11I1I

Total grants: £278,711

Ceneral Practice _<"J Primar\CareTotal grants: £3,018,662

Ilcalth C~trc of the Elderl\Total grants: £15,000

ImmunologyTotal grants: £4,000

l\ Icdical Engineering '':'1

PI1\.,ic..,• Dr ,-\ Turn<:r-Smith . .\:: 171.937

(Dcpartll1cllt of Ile.dth) to ,upport a

rc'e.nch project cntitled .III IIP'II/IIIIII

lIIorlelflit pmC'i,ioll ofm ".1m', Inhlllllogy

- ~'hnllh{(/I:'

Total grants: £171,937

\Iedical \licr()bi()log~

• Profe.,.,or \ I \ \' Ca,e\\ cl I. £6ii.OnO(South Th.llne, Regional Ilcalth

\lIthorit\) to 'lIppOrt.1 rc,<:arch

training fellcl\\ ,hip clltitlcd 1',lIh((I/('IIIg

Ihe illlp!eI/(/'III((lirJl/ 0(polilin ((1Ir1

pmlullllesfor Ihe Plri.'('//Iill/l IIfhl)lpil((l.

{/lljllil1'(1 ill/alillll I~r ((II(I!r,l/lI/!. Iht'

I:llo,dfrlr.e ((1Ir1 ((llilllrl!'1' li/heallhmrf

u"rJ}I:n:, ~'hirh IIlIrll'lpill dilliml pm(lill

Total grants: £68,060

(l.I!.:C 1h

\ Icdicinc• J)r P Cro"C\ . .\:: 11., ' 4 (Joint

I{c,cMch Co III 111 Itt<:e ) to ,upport a

re,earch ,ruJcnt,hlp cntltleJ (),tr

nplhl'((1/I o( - I!rI 11'p' tlllrllIll/lfll/llI/,"lill

III:l' :L1Ou.lh ({/{ IIN (/(, I· ) IJlllrlill;': pmlm"

ill Ilm/l:~t1I/( 111/11: IIlIpliltlliOll1 /Iit /dtll

rlt:r:lloplllml ((1Ir1 po'IIIIII(I! u.1 IIIIIII/~

• Dr P \1 \\ Bath. £7"i.,"'> Writi,h

Ilc.nt FOllnd.nion) [Cl 'lIpport .1

rc,e'lrch projcLC entltkd 1I,:!!((!:tt/10t1k

ploirl\'. ).Wf IIlIrIpmlulI I IpII\\'II)1I 1/1

pl'llll((ry hp,/(holl'lft mlm 1111(( III/{I

('llllllitll hrpl1ll1l\llJII. IIlIrllht f/FII o( lipirl

- tlllr! Moor! P)/,HIII< - lou.'tl'lllg IIUIIIIII:III

Oil 1111:111

• I)r P \I \\' B,nh. 'i.H5()() Writi,h

IIe.m Foundation) to ,upport .1

rc,carch project enmled !.I plllld" II::e 11

rid"f({(IIJr If)r nnl/nlll ,'lll{//IIII rlm'((ld)

1I(l'l!l'JlllfIIl illlh, !'/UJ(,'N I·,SS Ili((1

• I)r S E Jo,cph. I'rol'c"or ~ \ \mlel.

.\::<)4.71)9 (Hriti,h I )1.lbetic \.,.,ociation)

RI) L.lI\r<:ncc Fcll()\\,hip cl\\.lrdcd to

I)r C; E Jo,eph

• Profc"or 'i.\ \Illlel. 'i2'>,:ih9 (\I RC)

to ,upport a re,eardl IlroJCLt <:ntitleu

I hp/llil' (IJIIIIIIIII,f,lt!((llflll 10

lI\,po/!/1'mllllill: Ih, IIJ/PfJI /(11/1 I IJ( 1,,'1'/

IJ/I/( ('(:((1ilJII

• I)r I) I)c Lord. J)r J) L ~cott. J)r C

PitJ:ali,. £ 13 1.On2 ( \rthriti, 'Ind

Rheumati'lll Coullcil) to ,upport a

clinical rc'c.trch I'ellc)\\ ,hip clltided

NolI! of,I'e!I't'lii.'1! 1\'lIIphol1'/f lIIi;ualioll ill llit

p((lhoKeJlesi, 0/ ill!I((/lIll1l1lioll ill I'hmllil'


• I)r I C Zachary . .'i7I,04h (Briri,h

lleart Foundation) to ,upport a

re,earch projcct entitlcd '1'(,'1" - f3 ((J/r!

(ydil' .1.1/!' regllltllioll o!l1dill-rllpmrlwl

bll((,e tll'li,:il)' ((1It1 (:..1/)'(, npal'"iOIlIl/

uI.l'ul!tlr slIIoolh 1II1I111r Id/,'

• [)r .\ £79. "iOO (I "lInbcth

South\\ ark ..... Lc\\ i,ham llealth

COlllmi"ioll) to 'upporr.1 r<:,c'lrch

project cntitled ,ljlimll (OIlI/III1II/I({,'

rlmloKmpflr /lI/rll I 1\' tpiflt lIIiolo,!,,'l'

• Dr \ POJ:niak. £4C).940 ('.,.nion.d

llealth ~<:n le<: I~thllic llealth l nit) to

,upport a rc,c.lreh IJr0Ject entitled .111

t"'i:tllllllli{)JJ o( 1111' IJlIIIlI/{fl ,;'11/1.' ill Ifll'

{!!.((IIt11111 ('1)/111111111111'

Total grants: £578,125

\ loleClllar \ Icdicinc• J)r I) C 1).lrling. J)r.l C;akcll. I)r F

FarJ:anch, £1 <)4.:i<)2 (Lcuk.lcllli.l

I{c,earch Fund) to 'Upport.1 rc,e.Jrch

project clltitkd IlItllIIlllllI o/III/Ii-

Imf:'lt IIIi(( ({1I111/11I1 IIIPJJII " I hI'

,illlllll((lImll' IU//I,rlllt/ioll fJ( Hi I/II.-.! il/


• Dr" I·md. '<7, .~lJ\ (Lcukacl1l1a

Rc,<:arch Fund) to ,upport a re carch

proJcct cntltleJ fi(//N 1I1'IIfJl/al

Jipl,"'fJIIO( Ifll pH/c) H( N-.IH/ ~,lIt

plw/ll{lll\lIl;' iI IllI".!,tfttl I H II

Total grants: £272,890

· .ellrol()g~• I)r 11 \l.lrku'. I)r J )- I'o\\ell.

!i~h.\':i7 (L,rrok<: \"OCi.ltion) to 'UppOrt

,I rc,c.Hch projcct <:nritlcJ I/IJIIIfJf1"'l1l1t·

((lItI Iflt' IJ/dh\'IIIIt'/t'lmflrrlmli)1111t "rllIllll\{

POI\'IIIII/Pfllllll: tI mlll/I/OII IIU(lilh/i gl'/II'!({

ri4.. ftlt/fJI.llIl Ilmlt!

• J)r I1 C; \l.lrku,. J)r c..; \\'illi,lIn,. J)r \1

Bu,\ton-Tholl1.I, . .\::X ',7.'>X ('>trok<:

.\"oci.ltion) to 'llppOrt ,I rc,e,lrch

projcct enritlcd ,IIUI\IIIWIUlI 0/ Inllmt!

flm I/If)tI\'IIIIJ/I/I' 11 I ill/! ,11RI

Total grants: £115,615

Pcri()d()ntol()g~ e c..;ch()o! ofI huicnc.1->

Total grants: £3,000

P..,~ch()l()giL~d \lcdiLinc• J)r C; \\ e"ch. \I, R Churchill. \I, J

\Ionctil'c . .\::~() .."i~,' (Re,e.lrch '>tratcg\

Fund) to ,upport a rc,eareh projcct

cntitled 1'.,I!II!JI'lfll/lg II mlfll(//({'Il'LiIUC'

g('l)lIp for dIPIHIIOJ/ IIlItllIl1l/'o"i,

• [)r.\ J)a\iJ ..'i2L"iXI ("ing', Funu)

to ,upporr.l re,carch project <:ntidcd

/)elflmillflll!S 0/ rldll)' ill Il'ef..illg II'ftl(llIml

jill' 11/1'(1,1'1 l'I'IIIIJloIIII

Total grants: £46,463

Public Ilcalth eEpidc 111 i()l()g~

• J)r \1 er.unpin. £II,~O() (Lambcth

South\\ .lrk C Le\\ i,h'llll Ile.dth

Commi"ion) to 'Upport.1 re,carch

projCLt entitled !'(/{di(llli( tlllrlil;/O/!)'

illlUft/{1 (II/fhl

Total grants: £11,200

Total amount awarded in the

quarter (School of Medicineand Dentistry) £4,658,263

Total number of awards in thequarter (School of Medicineand Dentistry) 32

( hCIl1I'>rr,

01)1' I\: .\farinkiJ. £6LOS9 (LeH:rhull11e

Tru't) to 'Upport.1 re,c,lrch project

cntitled t.II(lIIlmSllulli.'/ Wlllhr"l.l' IHIII"

a-h10phOl'phOIl(/IH ,-

01)1' \ \1 !Iill. ·.~7.101 (Re,c.lrch

(.)tr.ltcg~ Fund) to 'Upport.1 re,c,m:h

projeLt entitled 1'h, 0101)'1111111/1 01

,\'o/llfllllll.\1 '

Total grants: £126,967

(;()ll1pllrcr Se iCl1ccol)rCS Iliopoulm. .£<.J.I()() (EI'SIH:)

ro ,uJlJlorr .1 rc'c.lI'ch projcct entirled

f)/.li'.!lI 01 (/Igontllll/l)ol' 1/;111'11" (III(i/\,SIS

o 1)1' l' \Idhien. 1().OO() I':cu (SII eden

I'o,t (Europe.ln Conllni"ion

Sllhcontracr) to 'UJlpOrt .1 re,e.lrch

projcct cntitled Ild/I'fI.'.!/lIt'f)//1

(J1,1!.(lIIil'(/lioll of d(/I(/ (1IOf»)

Total grants: £13,30020,000 Ecu

EIcctrol1 il' -<-' \', kcrrica ILn~il1ccrJl1,~

o Profe"or \.1 RogLr'. ~77.371

(EI'SI{Cl to ,UPJl0rt.1 re,clfch Jlroject

enritled Fl'f/l'/hlill'/f)I'(/ disll'ilJIII/d

()fill('(i/ li/JlI' 1I/lIfi/ nlllln s/lIl'ill,'.! Il'Ihlli(IIII

1I,lill,!!. 1,,"o-li!t(JI()// jllIO/ll'flll1i

o 1)1' I' \\'.Irhurton. Profe"or C \\.

Turm:r. l)r I J) Rohert,on. \:-J.().37K

(I{e,e.lrch ~tr.ltq.!,\ Fund) to 'UJlport .1

re,e.lrch Jlroject entirled 'lilllmlJl/

III /(ror"'(/i 'I' ji111'/:1' jol' 1/ kmIII III 1111 /(lIlmll,

Total grants: £285,398

\ Llthcl1l.tric,>o 1)1' \ Roger,. ~9.S9-J. (Re'clI'ch

"trateg\ Fund 1 to 'upport .1 re,e.lrc h

project entitled . IfJP III (/11011 \ (JI

IIIU""I'!II,!!. (·(Jt/(!!..t IUrl'

Total grants: £9,594

Ph, '>Ie

o I'rofe"or I·: R Pikc. £ 17S.,Ht)

(1-:/'(.)I{Cl to '1IpJl()[t .1 re,eJrch project

entitled Slip/Id/Ill' oplilli/ I'/O/ll,'.!/ .

o J)r S (.).lrk.11". ,\::-J.9'<1.~-J. (Le\crhull11c

Trt"r) to ,uJlIHlrt .1 re'c<lrch projel'l

entitled 'I'h"mliml 1!lId\' ofmndlllioll

/ Ilu I' III f/1I/IIIIIII1/ doll' (/lId (111111111111/ dol

(IIr(/\, I

01)1' \ (; \Iichene. 00.000 (He'e'lrch

"tr.ltcg\ Fllndl 1'0 'UJlPOrt.1 re,e.uch

plolecr enflrled Ififlli/'tIIIOIl Of(/IO""/

10111 ""l/I) 1'1 op\' 10 (/ 1I111,'.!/ ofllllldllll/I/I/(i/

flmM"I/1'1I/ I'h.\'I//(/1 S/il//lII', 1./(, Sl.i/"",


o J)rC.I Huckln. J)r \ (; \lichcrrc.Dr

\1 \\' Rohin, (I'h\\iolog\ (;rouP)

~J2.-J.2() (Re,e.lfch Equipel11enr Fund)

Contriburion rml .II'd, the purcha,c of

.In ;\-1'.1\ difkluion gr.lting

Total grants: £557,826

Total amount awarded in thequarter (School of PhysicalSciences and Engineering)£1,009,085Total number of awards in thequarter (School of PhysicalSciences and Engineering)26

Grand total amount awarded inthe quarter£8,379,119Grand total number of awardsin the quarter (includingextensions and supplements)144

~ ih Cl 111 Cd.1I \\ 111 nC r

M.11'\ C.IIl.lllllcr \\!w

g.r'ldluted thi, ,Ul11ll1cr in

Ln\ Ironl11clltal 11e.llth ha,

heen all ardcd onc of thc prc't1giou'

n.ltion.II ROl1ald \\'illi"I11' \\\.Ird, of

rhe Chartered In'fltllfe of

EIl\ ironlllenul !Ie.llrh for the bc,t

1':1l\ ironlllcnr,1I 11e.llth gradu.ltc, in

rhe 1'1-':,

'.:olllin'ltion, \1 ere recTi\ cd frolll

1-1 uni\ er,itle, te.lching .Icnedlted

IIl1dergr'lduate .Ind po'tgr.ldu.lrc

dCt.:ree, in EIl\ ironmenr.II 11e.llrh,

'<,omincc, II ere then ,uhmirred to.1

f1l:orOIl' ,cleuion pmce" \1 hich

il1cluded .In e".I~ .Ind .1 \ 1\.1 \ oce


\1.11"\ 11.1' IHe,enrcd \\ ith the

Sih er \Ied.1I .It the In'titllte\ .lnnual

conference in I Llrrmlgate, Thi, i, the

third ,ucce"i\e \ th.It.1 King',

gr.ldl"ltc h." rccei\ ed .In .1\\ .1nl.

Fr,lIlL'e' I )oll,e

Di\ i,ion of Life Science,

Bool '> \\ .tlltcd

A'.1 rc,tllt of ,e\cre cut, in the

education budget .It

I'CJ1(OIl\ ille I'ri"on. the librar\

i, de'per.ltch ,hoft of bonk" '

II' \ OU h.l\ c all\ un\\ .1Ilted

p.lperh'lck,/hardh.lck, on all\ 'ubject.

fiction or nontiuion. Engli,h .md/or

forcign I.lngu.lge. Jnd \\ ould like to

don.lte them to the lihr'lr\ ple'I'e

conr.lct \11'.1 (;recnberg. Departlllcnt

of I'h\ ,ic' nr n CJ7,

I I' l11a\' he po"ihle to arrangc

collectiol1 if~oll h'l\e .1 large nUlllher

of hook"

King's Collegecrystal

From \Ionda~ 7 Octoher. King',

College Cr\\ral 11 ill he

.1\ .Iil.lhle c\clu,i\ eh from thc

KCI.SI ,hop in rhe \I.IClLi.11ll

Building, Thi, I.lrge rJnge of h.lnd

cr'lfred I).lltington Cr~ ,t.II elllho"ed

1\ ith the Collegc Cre't h.I' prm ed .I

ler\ gifr for \ i,itor, to. and

,r.IIl le.l\ ing. Ikpartl11ent', The ,hop

.11,0 ,tock,.1 \1 ide r.lnge of I\:ing\

Illerch.lndi'e including: IIl11hrell.l'.

tie,. 'c"ll"\ e,. \\ .111 plaque, and

clothing, For further det'lil, ple.l,e

l'Ollf.ILt I'hilip Engli,h. Reuil

\ 1.1n.lgcr .It the I\:CLSI ,hop on () 171­K7; 1-J.(,O,

1'1,.. I

1',Igc IK


E\l~ 11 ne I· i ... k (/{ I 11 I) )/ / Jtll!lI{/!T jf) / () -/ / JIII\' / f)f)()

E\C \\.1, born in Ilom,c\'. "orrh

London, .Ind arrended Crouch

End I1 igh ~chool for t:irk \'.1child. ,he \\ on m'ln\ mcJ;II, ,md pri/e:,

li,r hcr dr'l\\ ing', illcluding. .Ir age: I", .1rem.lrkJblc ,kerL!l of hcr Llthcr, .\1<:\

Rhind, ullcd 'The: ~rubborn '-;rud'.

Thi, \\ 'I' Lho,cn for" po,re:r ro

.tlh"erri'e a Lhildren'" an e\hibirion ,lrrhe (;uildh.dl. \1' 17, E\e \lenr on ro

,rlllh tillc arr .Ind ,udprure ar rhe

~ladc ~chool of \rr. l pon gr.lduaring.,hc ,rarred \\mk for .1 e:o,merie:, firm,

.I, .I chemi,r. \\ herc ,he re, red our

producr, on her,e:lf I .\' ,he h;lu no

formal rraining, ,hc bcgan c\cning

chl"c, in chemi,rr\. Shc rhcn ,rarrct!

\\'orking for ,,"cil. on rhc monrhh

periodical P(/illl 'li'l'llllolol!..1'. In 19·W

rhe~ \\ cn: marricd and 1ll0\ cd ro

Pinncr. Thc\ conrinued \lorking

rogerher on rh<.: nwgal.ine for nlan\

\'Car'. f-:\<.: wa' rhc bu,inc" manag<.:r.and al,o did a gr<.:ar ekal ofcdirorial \lork.

:\ kan\l hi le, E\ e ,rarred doing a

degree in Ill;trhcmaric, and chellli,rr\

ar Birkbed,. She complered rhe m;trh"

bur droppeu rhe chemi,rr~ h<':<':;llI,e ofrhe war. I,;trer Oil. ,he rried again ro

eomplere a degree ar Birkbeck, rhi,

rime in marl1' and Ih\eholog\, .\gain,

.. he ;\chie\ cd rhe marh" bur droppedrhe pwcholog\',

E\ e ,ropped working \\'irh reil on

rhe magal.ine in rh<.: SO.., [() ,r;\\ ar home

and look ;,frer rhe famih, alrhough ,he

did do ,on"\C illu,rrarion \lork during

rhi, period, Sh<.: illu,rrared a children'",rol'\' hook, and ,ome wmk·,heer, fi)r

reaching Engli'h a.. a foreign bnguage,which \I<.:re al,o u'<.:d a, pll',[er,. ;\1101'

rhe'e arc ,rill in prinr ro·ehl~,

;\round 1970, E\e \Iorkeu for a

\,ear a, cleri<.:al and admini,rr;trion

,upporr ti,l' rhe graph ic ck,ign

departmenr of rhc Cenrr;d School of

Arr. Shc rhen mOl cd ro rh<.: Ph~ 'ic'I)epartmenr ;Ir King'" Colkge, wh<.:r<.:

,he work cd a' an ;I"i,rallr ro I'rofc"orI)om for many \ <.:ar,. During h<.:r rime

ar "ing'" ,h<.: 11";1' all a<.:ril<': member of

,,".\LGO, and 'Cried on rhc c.\eeuri\'Ccommirree ;Ind j'\C:, ;1, \Iell ;1, orher

commirr<.:e,. l',ing her ,kill, ro byom

anu illll,rrar<.:, ,h<.: rook (WCI' prmhl<.:rionofrhe \:.\L(;() ne\l,lerrer for;1 rime:

and h<.:r r,denr.. ;h a poliric;d GlrrOOlli,1

\I ere \cr~ mllch in dem.lnd duringIInion reuuirm<.:nr camp.lign,. ~he \I a,

much mi,'ed h~ her union coll<.:.lglll:,and m.ln\ friend, \I h<.:n ,he rerir<.:d inrheearl~ 1l),'O,.

\\ 11Ik E\<.: \lorl,nl ar "ing'" ,he

\Ia, paid h\ h<.:r profe ....or'" re'<.:ctrLhgranr. \1 hich \Ia, deri\cd frolll rhe l ~

.Irm~, 'fhi, \I .1' ironic, kno\l ing hO\l

,he felr .dloltr " \TO and rh<.: l'~

arm\. Shc \I a, an acri\"<.: nH;mb<.:r of

I Ltr[()\\ C:\ I).•llld .d,o parr of rhe

,m,dler Pinncr .Ind I Ltreh End group.

E\ <.: \1.1' onc of rl1O'e \1 ho kqn rhing,

going rhrough rhe kan \ <.:ar" in rhe

IlJ7(h. She regularl\ .mended locd

meering.. , helped \I irh proof-rc.ldingrhe ne\l ,Ierrer ;Ind ir, deli\ er\ in rhe

Pinner area, ,<"he \I a, pa"ion.tre in herbelief, going ro Gr<.:enh,lm Commoll

and prore,ting ar m;ln~ other big dem()'"

In r<.:eenr year,. 1·:\<.: becanH:ill\ oh eu in rhe Okkr Femini,r

\:crwork, She regllLtrl~ arrelllkd rhe

monrhly Illeering" held in cenrr,d

London, and cnjo~ <.:d rhe ,Iwri ng of a

meal \\ irh her \I omcn c'omraelc" Shchelpcd \1 irh rhe ne\1 ,krrcr production

anu collarion, and acri\'eh p;trriciparcd

in rheir e\cnr" E\ <.: had a rruc gifr for

\Hiring. She could find exactl\ rherighr \I'md, for rhe lerrer, rhar rhe

OF\: ,cnt ro \'arioll' \lP, and

,uchlike. on currenr i"II<.:'. Indi,cu"ion,. ,he \1 a' ver\ good .II'

pulling cveryonc b;lck [() rhe poinr.She ;Ilw;lv, Ill;ln;lged ro ,ay rhc righr

rhing - cllcour"ging and ,upporri\e.The friclltl,hip and ,uppon ,hc gor from

rhe OF\: \I"a, \'ery imporrant ro E\l:.

I':\"e \\"a' " II onderful \I'oman, She \1".1,

de\'()r<.:d to her hll,b'lnd ;'\<.:il for rhe .::'0

\car, of rheir Illarri"ge. I~\'c had a

caring. pO'iri\ e and under,randing

arrirud<.:. J)lIring her illne", ,hc

relllained amal.ingly cheerful ;Ind f"ccd

ir 1\ irh extreme br;11 er\. She \I'a' agrc;lr friend to 1ll;ln~ peoplc. allll I\'a,

rc,pecred, IO\TtI and aUlllired b~ Illan~.

(.\Iore rh;IIl"O pcoplc, including pa,r

;Ind pr<':,cll( mcmber, of "illg\,

atrcntiL:d hcr funer;J1 '<.:r\'ice on 26 Jul\'in Hlli,lip), E\e lilc, on, nor onh in

rh<.: Illemoric' of rhe'c 1ll;ln~, 1ll;ln\

people, bur in \I har rhe~ rhink andholl' rhc\ acr rhrollgh h;lving knoll'n


Fmll/ Ilte/III/I'ml addnJJ /!if'l'I/ Ill' I',n'\')/im'. ,1)/1/ 1.1111/11'.1', ~"illt 11/1";:'" addilio)/III

)/OII'S Ill' Flow J.:I'I'I"(!!.(I/I,

cws fro111 the Librarv

Opening hoursThe Librar\" i, plea'ed [() announce

,ome inerea,c, in openin~ hour' on

Sarurd.I\·" For rhi, ,e"ion borh rhe

Ilumanirie, Libr~lr\ anti Coleridge

Libr~H\ I' ill be open on Sarllfda~,

during ,eme,rer from ()<.J.)O - 17.)().

Ken,ingron I ,ibrar\" I' ill be open from

0930 - UOO for rhe Ia,r five S~Hurda"

of rhe fir,r r\\ 0 ,eme,rer,. Thi, I' ill be

in ~lt1dirion ro rhe normal S.Hurda\"

opening of rhe Old Librar\". The,e

exrell'ion, ~Ire on ~1 pilm ba,i, fur rhe

\'Car. linaneed from non-recurrenr

nlOnie,. I ,ibr~H\ ,rafT I' ill be

moniroring u,e \'Cr~ c'lfefull\ .lnd \\ill

need ro re\ ie\\ rhe \ ~i1ue of rhe

exren,ion, ar rhe cnd of'e"ion. \\'e

.lfe hoping rhar bmh ,rudenr, ~Ind qalT

I' ill find rhi, e\rra opening rime

helpful. I'lea'e dra\\ rhe change, ro rhe

arrenrion of \ our ,rudenr... perh.lp'

rh rough SralT/Srudenr commirree'

I' here\ er po"ible.

Sheer.. gi\'ing full derail, of

opening hour, in all parr, of rhe

Librar\ arc a\ ~Iilable from .i11 i"ue


Priority Search surveyThe I ,ibrar\ h~l' conrr~lered I'riorir\". .

Search. a firm wcll rc'pecrcd in rhe

~IGldemie library world, ro C'II"I"Y our rhe

fir,r full 'c,de ,urve\' of u,er vieI" on

rhe Libnlf\ ,cn ice e\ er undcrraken

ano" rhe whole of King', College

Librar\. Work ha, alrcllh begun and

I' ill conrinue rhroughour rhe ,e"ion.

The ne\r ,uge in rhe proee" i, I'ork

b\' four ,mall fOl:lh group, compo'ed

of academic ,ralT. ,rudenr' and I ,ibr~lr\,rafT. The'e ~roup, \\·ill mecr during

:"m ember .Ind I' ill produce rhe paired

,rarel1lenr, I' hich form rhe ba,i, of rhe

,un e\. Thi, I' ill, in rurn. be run earh

in 1997 and I' c hope ro h'l\ e ()\'er 2.000

re'pon,e'. repre'elHing \ ie\\, from all

~Ire~h of rhe Collcge. Prioriry Search

I' ill rhen be re,pon,ible for anah ,ing

rhe dara and prep~lring rhe final reporr

I' hich ,hould be a\'ailable around

I·:a,rer. \Ye hope ir \\'ill be made

I' idel\ a\ ailable ro member, of rhe

College. Ir I' ill. of eour'e. be Ihed [()

help rhe I,ibrar\" plan ir, q;n'ice, for

rhe furure and ro make informed

choice, I' hen re,ource, ~Ire in'uffieienr

ro prm ide e\ er\ rhing i, \\anred.

Thank \ ou in alh anee ro all I' ho

.Ire am I' '1\ il1\ oh cd in rhi, proce".

\\'e hope ir I' ill help ro make Librar\

,en'iee, more u,eful ro \ Oll. Furrher

derail, can be obr.lined from \"i\'ien

Roberr,on (e\r 2.\ 1.1).

Senate House Library.\c~ldemic ,rafT e~ln no\\ rene\\ rheir

Senare Ilou,e I,ibr~IfY riel,er, for

,e"ion 1996/711\ raking la,r ,e"ion',

ricker ro rh~1[ libr~lr\. rogerhcr \\ irh a

currenr blue I,ing\ Colle~e Libr~If\'

ricker. :"e\\ ~IGldemie ,ralT I' i,hing roenrol ,hould r~lke rheir blue Kin.g·'

College Librar~ rieker ro Senare Ilou,e

Librar\ .

Periodicals reviews\Ye hare been for[lln~l[e ro recei\ ca

,ufticienr increa,e in our non-pa\

budger for rhe coming ,e"ion ro

enable u, ro rene\\ periodical

,ub'criprion' for 1997 I' irhour an\"

major di,ruprion ro rhe ,en ice.

1100\e\ cr. ir i, planned ro carr\' our a

major re\ ie\\ of all our 'ub'criprio1l'

during rhi, 'e"ion. bmb ro en,ure all

rhe rirle, I' e r~lke ~lre being \\'ell u,ecl

~Ind ro look ar ~lnY new rirle, rh~1[ mighr

be berrer u,ed rhan rho'e on rhe

,hel\'e, ~Ir pre,enr. In addirion. rhi,

re\ iew I' ill help inform furure

expendirure deei,ion,. The exerei,e

I' ill be underraken b~ rhe member, of

librar\" ,r.tlT re,pon,jble for rhe \'ariou,

School library budger, in conjllnerion

I' irh rhe School, I,ibrar\" Liai,on

ClImmirree,. Thi, will mean a

con,ider'lble ~Imounr of work 'lOd wc

look fom ard ro ~i11 rhe help. ad\ ice and

cooperarion I' e ,h,i11 need ro enable u'

ro make Ollf ,ub'eriprion, a, rele\'anr

ro u,er, a, po"ible.

Sion CollegeDuring rhe '"l1lmCr wc h~1\ e been

forrunare ro reeei\ e ~III rhe marerial,

publi,hed ,ince Itl.'i() and former'"

held b~ Sion College, E~lflier marerial,

h~I\'e gone ro rhe Lamberh I'abee

Library. Si on College w~" eqabli,hed

inl623 and ir, librar\ dare, from 1630.

Ir \\a, originall~ ~I generallibrar\ for

rhe clerg\" '0 conrain, .1 I' ide range of

nureri~i1, in .1ddirion ro rheolo/.(\. Po,r

19.')() on" rheolo~\ and ,omc

phil(hoph\ ll1c1rcrial, I' ere pllrch,l,ed,

.\Ire.ld~ 'OIl1C n.O()() \'olull1e, .lfe in rhe

Emhankmenr Lihrar\ and nu\" he

horro\\ cd. Thi, marerial i, main"

duplicclfe rexrhook, piu, ,()file irem,

I' c h~I\'e I' anrcd for a lon~ rime bur

I' hich arc 'our of prinr.· The rem~linder

of rhe Kin~', parr of rhe Sion Librar\

h~h gonc ro Il.ullp,read and I' ill he

held in rhc 'oon ro he ereared ne\\

I ,ihrar~ Srore in rhe former Caroline

Skccl I,ihrclfy building, Thi, marerial

I' ill evenrual" be caralogued ,0 rh'H ir

call be rr~lccd Oil L1BERT:\S.

\ 1c~IIl\\ hile. a,k eirher E\ cl~ n

Comell (e\r 2.; 12) or librar\' ,raff in rhe

Emh~lIlkmenrLibrar\ for furrher

der~lil" The acqui,irioll of our parr of

rhe Sion I.ihrar\ complemenr,

admirahl~ our e\j,ring Theolog\ ,rock.

making King', Collegc I,ihrar\ "

Theolog~ collecrion of major narional

im porr,lIlce.

ReclassificationDurin,g rhe ,umlller all parr, of rhe

Librar\ heg~11l cla"il\'ing ne\\ book,

h~ rhc 'amc ,eheme for rhe fir..r rime

,inee rhe mer~er in 19t1S, Thi, ha,

meanr a change from rhe I)e\\'e\'

cla"ilic~l[ion ~Ir Ken,ingron, rhe

Ilni\er,~i1lkcimalcla"ificarion ar

Chel,ea 'lIld Colerid~e alld rhe Barnard

cLI"ificarion :If l\.'ormanl)\". The

,y,rem no\\ in uni\'er,al 1I,e i, rhe

Librar~ of COllgre" e1a .... ificarion. wirh

rhe 0:arion~I1 Librar~ of:-r Icdicine

e1a"ificarion for book, on medical

'uhjecr,. Since rhi, Iarrer 'y,rem i,

fulh inrcgrared I' irh rhe Librar\ of

Congrc", reader, will nor norice am

di,rincrion ber\\een rhe r\\o (e.\eC\H

inirial" ar rhe Srrand I' here l1lediGII

hook,. pre\'iou,l\" e1a"ilied b\ Library

ofCongre". will be locared in a

difTerenr area).

The ch~lnge i, being implemenred

no\\ a, parr of rhe prepararion for

mergcd lifc ,cience librarie, on rhe

SOlifh Bank car" next cenrur\'. bur \\'ill

make con,iderahly ca,ier al1\

I11O\'el11enr of ,rock ber\\ cen ,ire"

Inirial" rhe ch'lIlge will affecr onl~

ne\\ book,. ~I1rhough rhere \\'ill be a

ceruin ~Jmounr of recla"ific:.trion of

CO/lfi/l/lul 0/1 p{/p/it I

1'.I~e III

l:\\.., from rhe l,ihl,ll\{OI/I/l1II1 d (I ()/JI jJtl_{ It;

older \ro~k. 'T hl\ \\ IIlmeJn rhe

e'.l rence of r\\ 0 \equence.. in .111 rhe

Jb(n e librarie .. tilr ..ome tI111e.

Oln lou\h rhl\ \\ ill ~Ju ..e \ome

IIlulll\enience to reJtler... for \\ hl~h lIe

.Ipologi ..e ..1I1d II e \\ ill en .. ure rh.1t rhe

dl\ruprion " kepr ro J minlJlll1m.

Ilml Cl er. \\ e Jre certJln rh,1t rhe long

rerm benefir\ of rhi .. Lil.ln;.:e \\ III

OIlt\1 eigh Jnl\ hort rerm

diftiullrie ...

Pilot site license inititative) ou m'l\ hal e be'lrd of rhe Folkrr

report on rbe furllre of 'Icademic

liburie... and of F I(; IT. rhe group

lip ro \pon ..or ne\\ I enrure.. in lI .. in;.:

informJrion rechnolog\ ro imprm e

.Ic~·e .... ro informarion in rhe 11I:.:her

edue.ltJon communir\. Onc Jre.1 no\\

being e'.ploreu i.. rh.1t of prm iding rhe

rrJdirional r\ pe\ of .K.lueml~

publi ..hIllg In ekcroni~ form - de ..krop

pllhli .. hing on rhe re.lder'" r'lther rh.1I1

rhe pllhli .. her· .. de .. "rop.

There h'l .. been inrere\r in

delil ering rhi\ r~ pc of IIlform.ltion

(rarher rhan bibliographic li .. rin:.:..... uch

a.. BIDS or \IEDLI"El ro rhe

inuil idual academic or .,rudenr for

..ome rime. bur progre.... renued [() be

bloekeu h\ concern., abour cop~ righ r

infringemenr. rhe impaer on

puhli .. her.,· income anu I ariou.,

rechnical problem.,. "0\\. ho\\ Cl cr. rhe

'oinr Informarion S"rem .. Commim:e

i.. deleloping a ..erie" of iniriaril·e., in

co-operarion wirh pllbli .. her.. \lIch ,1\

.\eademic pre..... Hl.lek\\ ell .. anu rhe

In.,rirure of Ph~ .. ic.. Publi .. hin:.: ro

\\ har \\,ork .. be.. r for Cl Cri onc inl oheu.

from rhe aurhor of rhe academic p.lper

[() ir.. publi .. her. rhe in .. rirurion \\ ho..e

.. r'lff,lnd .. ruuenr.. Il.lnr ro read rhe

paper and rhe librar\ 'Ind eompuring

"Cri Ice ,,[;Iff \\ ho help rhem loe.lte It.

The form of 'Cri I~e rhe lIlirl.lr1\ e

prm ide.. I Jrie .. in rhe rhree Ite

Llcen,e, currenrh Jlalbbk. bur in JII

CJ,e rhe re.ltler m.l\ freeh u..e rhe

mJreriJI. prlnr ir our .Inl! nl.lke furrhcr

u,e of It In re.lchlng .md re,eJrch. In

JII CJ..e\ .d ..o. rhe ..Cri ILl: rcquire' rhc

u,e of J \\ orld \\ iue \\ cb Imm ,cr.

preferJbh J grJplllcal bro\\ 'er ,uch 'I"

-"'er.,c.lpe or \ lo\.lJc. bur re,mcted lI.,e

i, al\o JI .lil.lhk 11.1 L\ n'.. In rhe ca..e of

HIJck\\c1I, .1Jld rhe In\tirure ofph~,ic.,

Publi .. hing. rhe 1.lcen e ,11,0 prm Ide, 'I

reuuced r,lte .,Ub\cr'lHion to .I0urn.d .. III

prinr form. '0 Cl en rechno-'c'qH1C'

,11Oulu h'1\e ,ome rhin:.: ro cheer .Ibollr!

The inirl'It1\ e' arc onh ju,r

del eloping rheir full .,el'l ice. bur

.lIread\ rhe eqllil .lIenr of 17~iourn.t1,

Jre .1\ .;il.lhk. 'I 0 find (Hlr \\ h,lr rhe\

arc. 'IIlU mOle der.lil, of ho\\ [() ll\e

rhe'e .,erl Ice'. pk."e loo" ,It rhe

LiIHa[\ .,ection of" 1<". p.lrtlull.lrh

h rrp:!l\\ \\ \\ .h.c l.'ILU k/kl ,/," pport/l ihi 'Cl

I ice'/ide,lI.hrml for rhe 11 )1" \I. ,crI ice

or hrrp:!l\\ \\ \\ .lop.or~EJ/\\ elcome f(lr

rhe In,rirllre of phl,ic' Pllhli.,hing

inrrouuction. (The 1~l.ld.\\ell, 'Cri ice

\\ ill he I.lllnched \\ irhin rhe ne,r fe\\

monrh.,). {\lrern.It1\ ch. a.. k for further

derail, in anI p.ll"[ of rhe I,ihrar~ or

'cnd an c-m.l iI l1le .....Ige to

Iihrar~ enq uir\ (g)k~

lr mu.,r he ., rhJr rhe ..e

..erl·ice, arc for CIII renr ,rafT and

.. ruuenr .. of "in:.:', Colkge onh, .lIld

ma\ generall~ onl~ he .Iece....ed from

ma~hinc.. linkcu ro rhe Colkge

ner\\ork. \\ hile indil itlil.ll irem' ma\

he I le\\ cd .Ind prinred. ,ror,lge in

elecrronic form I" nor gcner,lIl\

pernllrred. nor ,hollld irem .. be

incorporared inro departmenr,t1 \\'eb

"crl'cr.. or pril .Ire ekctroniL collection'

\\ irhour \ecking full permi .... ion from

rhe pubh .. her...

\ il ien Roberl\(ln. Perer \\ .1I,h e .\nn

ni\ cr..,ir of l,onL!on

Vice Chancellor1 he I n1\er'lt\ Counul h.1 JppOlnred

Profc ....or (;r.lh.lm ZelhLk a, \ Ke­

Cll.Incellor for rhree \ Llr.. from I

eprember 1tltI7 to" \ugu .. r ~()()() in

'ucce .... ion ro profe ....or \nure\\

Rurherford ( HI" \\ ho \\ III be reririn;.:.

profc"or Zellick \\ ill holu rhe

.Ippoinrmenr ~'onLllrrenrh \\ irh hi,

pre'enr .Ippoinrl1lenr J' PrincipJI of

Vllecn \IJrl ':\\e,rficld Colkge.

Th" i.. in .ILLord'lnce \\ irh a de~i,ion

of rhe COlln~illn \IJrch rh,1t rhe \ ice­

ChJllcellor .. hould normalh be 'I I kau

of.1 College of rhe I nil er.. ir\.

Deputy Vice-ChancellorThe C:oun~il ha .. reappoinred

profc....or ZelhLk .1" Ikpur\ \ lee­

Ch'lncellor for rhe perlOu I <"eprember

Iti'l" [Cl 1I \1I1-:1I,r 1'197.

Pro-Vice Chancellor forMedicineThe COllnLII re-'lppoinred !'rofc"or

Sir Colin I)oller\ .... !'ro-\ iLe­

(:h.lIlcellor for \ Icdieine for onc

fllrther 'Ind fin,d \ from

I Sepremher 1'196 to 31 .\u;.:u,r 19'17.

\Icmhcr..,hip of the ~cnior Common Room ]<)()6/7

Name & ToAcademic Unit

I)r Cli\ e HII,h ., I July 99


Dr '\.;orrnan Borren -,IJul\' ()9

~lech~lnical Engineering+

31 Jul~ 9Y

-' I Jul~ Y'

-' I July Y7

.lI Jul~ Y9

J)r Colin Bu,hnell

\ larhern3ric'

\1, Carol Dibhen


~Ir Del\'id Granr

~ bnagelllenr

Hcadships ofacaden1ic units

T he Chairman ha, elppro\ed on

behalf of Council the

follo\\ ing appoinrmenr, to

rhe head,hip of academic unih from

.\ugu,r 1<)46:

Profe"or I\mick Chabal


,ub'criprion, \\ ill norrnall~ he

ded ucred from ,a lan .

The Srund Campll' Senior

Common Room occupie' ~I

comforrablc. 'elf-conrained 'uite

located at rhe ,outhern end of [he

Quadrangle. \\ ith \ ie:\\, of the:

Elllbankmcnr and rhe Ri\ er. Thi,

,uite i, for the u,e of rnemher, on"'. ,-\

good ,elecrion of dai Iy paper' and

pcriodie~li, i, prO\ idcd. ~Iorning and

lunch time colTce, ,anch, ieh lunche,

and afrernoon rea' arc ,en·ed. Price,

arc \'er\' cornpetiri\'e a' pan ofrhe

,en ice co,t i, mcr frorn rhe

'ilb'criprion income, ;\ lirnired bar

'cn'ice i, al,o a\ aibhlc,

Thc Cornmon Roorn prO\ idc' a

range of 'ocial opponunitie, for

memher' including an :\nnu~li Dinner.

a Chri,rrna, and a Summer p~trr" and

\\'ine ra,ring, or ~Iucrion,. ;\Iember,

rmy al,o hook all or pan of the SCR

'lIirc for pri\'are funcrion" eg book

bunche,. receprion" panic,. in the

e\ening, (frorn I '.(0) or ,H \\cekenck

Detail, arc a\"lilahle from rhe lion


I're,idenr: The I'rincipal

Chairrnan: \Ir Srephen IlarrO\\ e\,r


lion Seerewn: \Ir, .\brgarer \1 Brc)\\"Il

exr 2 67

lion Trea'urer: \Ir lan Clark,on e'Xr


Ste\\ard: \Ir \\'illiam C1eary e\,r 1017

~!cm her,h ip of the Strand Ca rn pu,

Senior Common Room i, open w ~lil

rnernher, of,r~lfT(includingr1lO,e

ha'ed ,I( mher Clrnpu'e' of the

College) and cenain po,rdoctoral 'rafT.

;\lcmher, ha'ed on rhe Suand Carnpu,

who arc full-rirne ,rafT pa\' a

,uh,eriprion of £ 1 ',00 per annum:

rho'e ha'ed c1'e\\ here ~lnd ~III parr­

rime ,rafT pa~ a ,uh'criprion 01'£4.00

per annum, \!crnIKr, ofrhe

Ken,ingwn Camplh SraflA"ociarion

arc enrirled to u,e rhe facilirie, of rhe

Srrand Campu, ,'enior Common

Room. ~e\\' ,raff and orher' \\ ho \\ i,h

ro join or \\ ho prefer w pay rhe

'lilJ,criprion h~ cheque ,11Ould

complere rhe forrn helO\\' ~Ind rerurn ir

to rhe lion Seererar\' \\'irh rhe

appropri~l(e 'ub'criprion. Suh,equcnr

Prnfc"or Richard Griffith," -'I July 9'

FrenchFmberShiP application form

I1 'il."l~1"1t 10 flPP~1' forll/ell/lJelsltip ofIh Sl'IIior <-(iIIIII/OII RoolI/ for lite .\'/:'{/r 1996/7

II'IIr/oSI! (I dll'qllefor E_forrlfll-lill/l'/Pflll-lill/I'/ollter ((III1PflS II/ell/lln:"ltip (E 18/lfll­

lill/e: E9 f!fll1-lill/e/ollter ('fllI/f!flS)

Dr ~Llrk Sandler+

Electronic e Elecrrical


.)J Ju" <)9

Profe"or ~Iichael Silk"


-' I July Y7

f)1'f!fll1l1/l'IIl I'rofe:"or Graharn Sranton 31 JIII~ YY

Theolog\' '. Religiou' Srudie,

.11d 1/141/.1'/01/1)1'0/ (plea.l"e tlelde ((I" 1I1l'l:'(I"(II.l')I'rofc"or Keirh \\'c1),rer -' 1 Jul\' 99

Anarom~ ell uman Biolog~


I)r \Iike Yi~lIlne,kiH

Di"i,ion of En~incering

-' I JIll\' Y4

"I agree (() my ,uh'criprion heing deducgred from m\' ,~liary cheque from Ocrober

1447, \I\' payroll number i,

+ a... a 1'1:'...,,11 of IHe (nalio" ofIhe f)it'

fir t-:"gillmi"J[


l'l)clere if necC"~try

I'lea,e rcrurn to ~Ir, \Iarga((:r j'd Bro\\ n, lion Seerer:\n', Senior Common Room.

Srrand C~lmIHI'

,>L1lllol of \kdicinc ..,..,Dcnr'''rr\ - Po"r~-':r~ldll~HLPo rer DJ.\

i\nnual Fund - up-date report

\L1king a gift to The \nnll,1! Fund

T here Me rhree month, w go

before \Ie llo'e rhc hook, on

rhe 1t)lJ6 \nnucll I·und. \\'e

ha\ e L.II'CU lt2IlJ..')OO rill' \ CJr anu our

rJrger for rhe \ car I' 'i240.00{) \\ hlLh I am

lon fidenr \\ e \\ ill .ll h le\ e II' not c'leeu.

I \\ould Ii"c to rh.ln" all ,uff

memhcr, \\ ho hell C 'lIpporreu rhe

Fund thi, \ .lOd I/nite .10\ mcmber,

of'rJff\lho h'l\e nor alrc'llh nudc.1

gift 'lnu \\(Hduli"c w, (() r.I"c

.Ilh anr'lge of rhe form belm\ \\ hiLil

,hould he retllrncd to the Ik\ c1opmel1t

Ofliu:, Corn \1 all I lou,e.

\, \1 ell a, h.1\ ing rluee ne\\

h:CL \ re,eMlh ,rudenr, anu one I

\Ia,rer, 'dlOlahhip ,rudenr ,urtln,g III

Ouoher. rhe h:log\ Collegc London

I)c\c1o!lmenr I ru,r ha, allol.ltcd 'ill7.i".'"to 14 proJelt'. \1 hllh are li,rcd oppo'lre.

Thc '\ fll,r \\ ill he hJ\ Ing It, ne,r

mcering on 12 '.,0\ ember I t)l)6 .lOd I'

'Iu:epring Jpplil.ltion, up to Frida\. 2.:;Ocrohcr. \ppliearl(lO form, ,Ire

cI\ ,li!.lble from '.,ieo!'l Cnr\\ righr in rhe

Ik\ elo!lmenr Offile in Corn\1 ,Ill

Ilou,e. (nt ,,00.') or from ~ ollr "cho,,1

.\dmini,trJri\l: Ol'ficer.

I (lrolfld lih IO\lIjJjJoll !lr/l!!.·, (:olle.!!;/' I.o/lr/rlll . \/I/I/lltll-ll/lr/ Ifj%.

You can make your gift by Mastercard/Eurocard/AccessNisa orby cheque payable to The King's College London DevelopmentTrust

l.rlrolllr/ !tI:1' illjOI/l/(/lioll 0/1 1f/\-l'r(iriull payroll j!,if..'illJ[

1.I'lroulr/ lii:e 101//111:1' III{/\-r/jiril'lll ('{J;"I'I/{/fll !or/o/lryl't/I'I'

r I

O ~r()._ ....

Gifl aid: lire la\-I'/filillll

,,"(/1' Ir/I!i;"1 - Ilrl' (:lilll'}!:1' .nll


I lT



'l'hi,' I'fI/(all'l 10

Efl l jJlr (l/o/lllr


rExpir\ dare

Plmfl' (f/rr/ r/i/{/il, 10 1//1'.

Please print your name and department


Cifl air/: Ilrl (:rtlll,!!'

rc·ill rnl'if..·1' E6.:;8·

o £,,()

'I'hl' POI/I'!' f){l)',!!i'i.'l'l 1/" OjJjJOllllllily/rJ!

n:I/'tlldl (Ilfr/ml( 10 (lrou" Ihil rc'OrA:.

T he School of \Ieuieine Jnu

Denri,rry helu ir, JnnuJI

Po,rgr'lduJre Po,rer Da\ on

Friucl\ 26 Jul~ ar \\ hich 0\ er 30 po,rer,

\\ ere exhibired. illu,rraring rhe currenr

high qualiry ofrhe acri\ irie, of

re,earch ,rudenr, within rhe School.

Li"l Thomp,on and Solomon Ofori­

Acquah, from the Deparrmenr of

llae matologiccll \ Iedici ne, were joi nrl~

awardeu rhe prize for be,r 'cienri fie

conrenr for rheir po,rer, enrirleu 'The

t\lolecular Ih,is of Wiskort-r\ldrich

Syndrome' anu 'Ci,-<!nive

uererminanr, of IlbF level in Sickle

Cell Anaemia' re'peetivelv \\ hile

Daniella Pitei, from the Deparrmenr

of Diabcre" \\'a' <!warued rhe Ilunr

\lcmorial Prile for .\rri'ric Di'pla~ for

her po,rer enrirled 'Do Surgil,d Shoe,

Efficienrh Reduce thc Iligh Foor

Pre"ure, in rhe Diaberic Foor;'


Dep'lrtmcllt _


Telephonc numher

I 'if:iflr Ill)' !!ifllO Ill' r/irnkr/ 10 Librar~ re,ourcc,



o Orher

(;r~\I1t-. made -'0 Ln In \996 h\ rhe King\ College LondonDe\ eloplllenr 'Ii,u-.r.

DJ \nt" Colli ...on - The'I iT\ irhi'ck Premium \ Icdal19%

HumanitiesPhilo,opl1\": Computer Ha,ed Le:Jrning ,h:Jllenge­

Computer Sofr\\'are De\'elopment for Teaching

Theology: Hook,

LawIntcrnational IT Facili(\'

I\lulrimedi:J International Learning Facilirv

Recording Facilit, for I\lo()[, Training

Medicine and DentistryLibrar\' Book,

\Iulrimedia Inreraeri\'e Clinical J)emo!hrrarion Equipment

Physical Sciences and EngineeringChemi,try: Encyclopcledia of Inorganic Chemi,rr\

Electronic e Elecrrical Engineering: Enhanced Compurer ;\.'er\\ork

Facilirie, for Teaching

Phv,ic,: Compurer B,,,ed Learning Dcmon,trarion, Equipmenr

Life, Basic Medicine & Health SciencesPharmacy: Plaque i§ W:Jrercolour to commel11or:Jre 100 veal',

of Ph'Jrm'lcy ar Ch cl ca Cclmpu,

LibraryCompurcr Ba,ed Learning Development Laboratorv

Students' UnionI\lulri-Gym cquipment for rhe ne\\ College G\'m loured in

Sramford Streer Appartmenr,

Re,rorarion of Reggie



Three KCLA Re,earch Srudent,hip,

L:J\\' Jukb Snell

Sharon Jowirr

Geograplw Robinct 1\ lohamnl:ld



£5. :10




£ 1-t,OOO

£ t .3.'iO









OI' ,\ndv Colli,on of rhc

Department of Geographv

ha, bcen awarded rhe

Trel irhick Premium I\ledal of rhe

In,rirure ofCi\'il Engineer" Thi,

medcll i, awarded for rhe be,r papcr

pre,enred to rhe In,rirure in cl rhree

veal' period, . rhe paper - 'Impc\Cr of

vegerarion on ,lope ,rabilirv in a

humid rropical environment: a

modelling approach', de,cribe, rhc

dcvelopment and applicarion of a

computer ,imularion model1'o predict

the effect' of u,ing \'egerarion to

prelenr land,lide, in \laLII',ia and

Ilong Kong. Although rhe paper i,

joint with 1\1 G Ander,on and f) 1\1

L1o\d (,econd and third author,

re,pecri\'ely) it c"entiall\' ari,e, from

Dr ,olli,on', PhD work, Thi, i, a

comiderable di,rinerion and bring,

credir 1'0 rhe Department. rhe School

and rhe College,

Profe,>,>or John Thorne,

Department of Geograph\'

Remote pm-.ibiliric ...

wc recentlv purcha,ed a clr

with remote control

operated door lock, and

iml11obili,er, I park thi, occa,ionally in

rhe Strand quadrangle, I ha\'e noticed

rhat at King\ the rem ore control

need, to be /Ill/In c1o,er to rhe car than

when ir i, parked el,ewhere. When

thi, fir,r happened I ,u,pected rhe

IXl[[ery, :'\011' rhat ir ha, happened

repeatedly I ,u,pect cl high lel'el of

radio ,ignal in rhe quad!

11'1' anyone el,e had thi,

problem, \\'ho i, generating the noi,e'

lIS I\la,rer, Scholar,hip

I'erforma nce Srud ie,


J)c\'clopmcnt I)ireeror

Rachel Halko £1,330

D,II'id I)ol'er


Peter H.lkcr Dinin:-, (,llIb

T he nexr meeting of rhe Perer

Ibker Dining Club hJ' been

JrrJnged for Tue,d.l\. 1Z'\.0\ ember Jr 1 '.~.') for 14.1.'i In rhe

I{ 1\ er,ide I{e,uur'!nr ( \ IJudJm

Builtling). Tbe ,peJker. \Ir DJ\ id BJII

IIkpur\ College euerJr\). \\ill r.llk

"boil[ rhe college tinJnce,.

The IJre Perer Ihker concel\ cd

rhe ideJ of J dining dub \\ here ,enior

member, of rhe College, from all ,ire',

could meer in a rela>.ed infnrm.i1

armO\phere. Such garhering" he felt.

cOlild pla~ In imporranr role in

imprO\ ing rhe cohe,ion of rhe

enl.lrged College. The Club i, open [()

,enior member, of rhe College. The

dinner i, informal (lounge ,uir,. long

or ,horr dre.,.,e, ,ugge,red), Jnd rhen;

i, onc 'IH.:ech of appro'\im.Heh l.'i

minure, durarion. The aim ofrhe Club

i, ro bring rogerher ,enior member, of

rhe College. from .i11 ,ire,. in a rel.l'\ed

,ociJI .Hmo'phere. There .lte no

gue,r,. e'\cepr for rhe ,peJker. On

joining member, m'lke an iniri.i1

pJ\ menr of a ,ingle, non-recurring, fee

of ~ 10 \\ hich enrirle, rhem ro arrend

all Club dinner, for rhe durarion of

rheir ,ra~ ar King', College.

Thi, i, rhe renrh ~ear ,ince rhe

foundarion of rhe Perer Baker Dining

Club, \\ hich mer fir,r in 14~7. The

,peaker ar a ,eeond meering rhi, \'ear

\\ ill be Prof'c.,.,or Le\\i, Wolperr.

If~ou inrend ro come [() rhe

dinner, plea'e cur our and ,cnd rhe

booking ,lip ('cc below) ro J'lne

I{oberr" Engli,h [)eparrmenr, before

Frid,,, , <' "member 1946.

T here i, a COP\ of Whtll', Oil III

I\ill/(s li,ring e\enr, from

Sepremher 1996 [()\

1997 [() .Iccompall\ rhi, i"uc of

(:01111111111. Plea,e refer to I1 ntll'" 011 for

rhe e\ enr, for rhi, monrh. There \\ ill

he an e\'enr, page in rhe ne'\r i.,.,ue of

(:1)lIIlIIlIIl (rhe deadline for cnrrie, i, I1


/ {/Ill aNt'lo (Olllt I1I lIlt tlillllt'1" Oil

'/ilt'Stla)'. /l.\'fI ..HIII,t') 11;1)1). / a;:.nt' Ihal

Iht msl 11( Iht' dillllt'1" Ia/J/lIlJ\llIIalt'1r

E3l',t'C) IIIdltdill;:' ./ltll1' alld"-illnlllltl\'

ht tlt'dltlftfl (111111 Ill\' 'aim)' ~

PlttlSt lid; hot' il \"JII "-OIlItlIJl:t'

....t';:.t'f{(111111 FJIJd.::J

(PleJ.'e rick ,.., Jppropn.lre)

.\'fI thflll!1' ~'JlIht lIIadt ./ill wllrdltlli'J/H

I"t'("ind //I1)1/' Ihall ';8 holt/\' IJt{flll Ihl'


SiJ!lIul _

f)1'/l11I1/11tllf _

College \\ orkpL1CC\"'Lhcme

T he College h,l' I.') plJce, Jr

,uh,idi,ed r.lre, for children

of ,ralT Jnd \[udenr, ar

King,,,,,,,, Children', Cenrre near rhe

SrrJnd CJmpu" The '\.ur,er~ pro\'ide,

e'\ce11 enr care and faciliric' for

children ber\\ een rhe age, of r!uec

monrh, Jnd fi\e year, old. Furrhcr

inforlll,nion i, a\'ailable from "ico!a

:\Iel-J.. \\ ho ha, t\\O children ar rhc

'.:ur\en, (c,\r .)167) or 1\larion I lodge'

rhe :--.: ur,cr\ :\ Ianager on 0171- 31


,\<..1\ crri ... ing in ('Ollfllfl'll!

CfI/II/IIfIIl i, \\ illing [() carr\

.Id\erri'ing 'H rhe Ediror',

di,ererion for good, or ,en ice,

rhar \\ould be of inrere,r ro King',

,rafT. The co,r, arc ,.., 1'0110\\ ,:

Full-page ,Ith err 'dOO

Ilalf-pJge ad\ err £ I.'iO

QlIarrer-p"ge 'Itl\ err £7.1Small ad, (nor more rhan .10 \\ ord,) "re

frce ro all ,r,tlT

Plea,e conracr rhe Prc.,., &:

Publie,nion, Office on e\r ,),ZO,Z if\tlll

h'I\'c am querie, allOur atil erri,ing or

(;O/llIllt'1I1 in generJI.

(Juiet. ,cLilldcd. r\\o bedroom cmuge

(Ll, ZO>, \denhJIll. ,ourh ea,r

London. J·lllh-fllrni,hed. g'I' cenrrJI

he,Hin". g"rden Jnd p.trking. lllUblc

for \ I\HlIlg JL"dCllliL LIlUple. £~OO per

LJlcndar l11onrh, piu, eIcLrriLlr\. ,ga,

Jnd phone bill" COllnLil TJ'\

(Lurrcnrh £.'iO per monrh) "nd \\ Jrer

rJre, (ulHenrly £ZO per 1110nrh L

T\\enry minure, rr"in w Charing

ero" \ i'l l.ol1dol1 Bridge. \\ clil.tblc

September I 99f>. Conr"cr I.ind,.l\

Elliorr Smirh, Conference

\d III in i,rrawL \'acJrion Hllre,IU, .1.1Z

King', Rn.ld 011 (17)-,),')16011 (d.I\) or

01, I-Z~I lilJ.) (e\ening,).

Ilolid.l\ .lccomnwdatioJl'erjJ, be.luriful SpJni,h cO,I,ul w\\ n.

Sp.lciOlI' \ ilia. ,leep, ,i'\. Srunning

l110unUln \ ie\\,. \\,Iil"blc for cheap

\\inrer .1Ilt! ,Ul11l11er Ier,. Tel 01, I-.WO


(fllIIlIIllIl I' rhc Collc!!;c', IC!!;lll.lI

IlC\\ ,lcrr<':I, i"llcd b\ rhe I'rc.,., ~

I'llbllL.trllllh OrtiLC e.lch 1I111lllh

during '<':l11e,rcr,. \\ e \\ckome

,mILIc, ,Ind(or pltoro!!;r.lph, lLolollr 01

bl.ld ,111.1 \\ 11Irc 11I1IH' 1,Ic,I\L') flOlll

.dl ,..:LtlCllh of rltc ('ollc!!;c 11 po ,iblc

L111HrlbIIlIOn, ,holJid be ,elH ill Oil .1

i,') dl,k 111 IIl1fur1l1.trred rc L

I'lc.l\e nllfe rh,1l rhc edltllr rc,cn "

li e r1!!;hr lo Lltr 01 Jlllel1d .trridL' .1'

Cop~ dcadline...I ue <J'J I1 (>Lr ,bL[

I,,"e IlIO Il\ 'llll'cr

I"ue IIlI "I kLcmllL'1

Prc ... .., .l.J Publication ... OfficcC:orl1\\'~lIl Ilou ...cI r L~Il.?


1.111,IJi fcll.lpm,ll1(akLi ,IL.llk

top related