comp prog assignment

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  • 7/31/2019 Comp Prog Assignment


    A computer is one of the most brilliant inventions of mankind. Thanks to computer

    technology, we were able to achieve storage and processing of huge amounts of data; we

    could rest our brains by employing computer memory capacities for storage of information.Owing to computers, we have been able speed up daily work, carry out critical transactionsand achieve accuracy and precision at work. Computers of the earlier times were of the size

    of a large room and were required to consume huge amounts of electric power. However,

    with the advancing technology, computers have shrunk to the size of a small watch.Depending on the processing power and size of computers, they have been classified under

    various types. Let us look at the classification of computers.

    What are the Different Types of Computers?

    Based on the operational principle of computers, they are categorized as analog, digital and

    hybrid computers.

    Analog Computers: These are almost extinct today.These are different from a digital computer because an

    analog computer can perform several mathematicaloperations simultaneously. It uses continuous variables

    for mathematical operations and utilizes mechanical orelectrical energy.

    Digital Computers: They use digital circuits and are designed to operate on two states,

    namely bits 0 and 1. They are analogous to states ON and OFF. Data on these computers is

    represented as a series of 0s and 1s. Digital computers are suitable for complexcomputation and have higher processing speeds. They are programmable. Digital computers

    are either general purpose computers or special purpose ones. General purpose computers,

    as their name suggests, are designed for specific types of data processing while general

    purpose computers are meant for general use.

    Hybrid Computers: These computers are a combination of both digital and analog

    computers. In this type of computers, the digital segments perform process control byconversion of analog signals to digital ones.

    This was the classification of computers based on their style of functioning. Following is aclassification of the different types of computers based on their sizes and processingpowers.

    Mainframe Computers: Large organizations use

    mainframes for highly critical applications such as bulkdata processing and ERP. Most of the mainframecomputers have capacities to host multiple operating

    systems and operate as a number of virtual machines. They can substitute for several small


    Microcomputers: A computer with a microprocessor and its central processing unit is

    known as a microcomputer. They do not occupy space as much as mainframes do. When

    supplemented with a keyboard and a mouse, microcomputers can be called personal

    Operational Principle

    1. Analog

    2. Digital3. Hybrid

    Processing Power

    1. Mainframe2. Microcomputers

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    computers. A monitor, a keyboard and other similar input-output devices, computer

    memory in the form of RAM and a power supply unit come packaged in a microcomputer.

    These computers can fit on desks or tables and prove to be the best choice for single-usertasks.

    Personal computers come in different forms such as desktops, laptops and personal digital

    assistants. Let us look at each of these types of computers.Desktops: A desktop is intended to be used on a single

    location. The spare parts of a desktop computer are

    readily available at relatively lower costs. Power

    consumption is not as critical as that in laptops. Desktops

    are widely popular for daily use in the workplace and


    Laptops: Similar in operation to desktops, laptop

    computers are miniaturized and optimized for mobile use.Laptops run on a single battery or an external adapter

    that charges the computer batteries. They are enabled with an inbuilt keyboard, touch pad

    acting as a mouse and a liquid crystal display. Their portability and capacity to operate on

    battery power have proven to be of great help to mobile users.

    Netbooks: They fall in the category of laptops, but are inexpensive and relatively smaller in

    size. They had a smaller feature set and lesser capacities in comparison to regular laptops,

    at the time they came into the market. But with passing time, netbooks too began featuring

    almost everything that notebooks had. By the end of 2008, netbooks had begun to overtake

    notebooks in terms of market share and sales.

    Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs): It is a handheld computer and popularly known as a

    palmtop. It has a touch screen and a memory card for storage of data. PDAs can also be

    used as portable audio players, web browsers and smartphones. Most of them can access

    the Internet by means of Bluetooth or Wi-Fi communication.

    Minicomputers: In terms of size and processing capacity, minicomputers lie in between

    mainframes and microcomputers. Minicomputers are also called mid-range systems or

    workstations. The term began to be popularly used in the 1960s to refer to relatively

    smaller third generation computers. They took up the space that would be needed for a

    refrigerator or two and used transistor and core memory technologies. The 12-bit PDP-8

    minicomputer of the Digital Equipment Corporation was the first successful minicomputer.

    Servers: They are computers designed to provide services to client machines in a computer

    network. They have larger storage capacities and powerful processors. Running on them are

    programs that serve client requests and allocate resources like memory and time to client

    machines. Usually they are very large in size, as they have large processors and many hard

    drives. They are designed to be fail-safe and resistant to crash.

    Personal Computers

    1. Desktop

    2. Laptop

    3. Netbook4. PDA

    5. Minicomputer6. Server

    7. Supercomputer

    8. Wearable Computer9. Tablet

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    Supercomputers: The highly calculation-intensive tasks can be effectively performed by

    means of supercomputers. Quantum physics, mechanics, weather forecasting, molecular

    theory are best studied by means of supercomputers. Their ability of parallel processing and

    their well-designed memory hierarchy give the supercomputers, large transaction

    processing powers.

    Wearable Computers: A record-setting step in the evolution of computers was the

    creation of wearable computers. These computers can be worn on the body and are often

    used in the study of behavior modeling and human health. Military and health professionals

    have incorporated wearable computers into their daily routine, as a part of such studies.

    When the users' hands and sensory organs are engaged in other activities, wearable

    computers are of great help in tracking human actions. Wearable computers do not have to

    be turned on and off and remain in operation without user intervention.

    Tablet Computers: Tablets are mobile computers that are very handy to use. They use the

    touch screen technology. Tablets come with an onscreen keyboard or use a stylus or a

    digital pen. Apple's iPad redefined the class of tablet computers.

    These were some of the different types of computers used today. Looking at the rate of

    advancement in technology, we can definitely look forward to many more in the near future.

    A word processor is an application that allows you to type in, edit, format, save, and print text.

    The text shows on screen the same or very similar to how it will appear in hard copy format.

    Word processors are commonly used by students, writers, authors, desktop publishing

    professionals and layout artists. Before you purchase a word processor, try several out. Some

    can be downloaded for free, and other can be downloaded for a trial period.

    Word processing applications are among the most widely used software programs available.

    Different word processing applications are used with the various operating systems and

    platforms, but they all provide roughly the same functionality. Word processing applications are

    used within personal and business communications, to create many different types of

    document. Any word processor is generally expected to offer a few key features.

    Microsoft word ABI word Open office Zoho writer

    Ajaxworld Dark room Text edit Word perfect


    Microsoft Word is aproprietaryword processordesigned byMicrosoft. It was first released in

    1983 under the name Multi-Tool WordforXenixsystems.[1][2][3]Subsequent versions were later

    written for several other platforms includingIBM PCsrunningDOS(1983), theApple

    Macintosh(1984), the AT&TUnix PC(1985),Atari ST(1986),SCO UNIX,OS/2, andMicrosoft

    Windows(1989). It is a component of theMicrosoft Officesoftware system; it is also sold as a
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    standalone product and included inMicrosoft Works Suite. The current versions are Microsoft

    Office Word 2010 for Windows and Microsoft Office Word 2011 for Mac.

    AbiWord is afree and open source softwareword processor. The name "AbiWord"

    (pronounced [bi], like the name, "Abby" + [wrd]) is derived from the root of the Spanish word

    "abierto", meaning "open".[2]

    Abiword was originally started by SourceGear Corporation as the first part of a proposed

    AbiSuite but was adopted by open source developers after SourceGear changed its business

    focus and ceased development. It now runs onLinux,Microsoft Windows,ReactOS,

    Solaris,AmigaOS4.0 (through itsCygnixX11engine),MeeGo(on theNokia N9smartphone),

    and otheroperating systems.

    TheMac OS Xport has remained on version 2.4 since 2005,[3]although the current version

    does run non-natively on Mac OS X

    AbiWord is part of theAbiSourceproject which develops a number ofoffice-relatedtechnologies.[4]

    Apache OpenOffice Writer formerly known as Writer is theword

    processorcomponent of theApache OpenOfficesoftware package. Writer is a word processor

    similar toMicrosoft Wordand Corel'sWordPerfect, with some of their features.

    As with the entire Apache OpenOffice suite, Writer can be used across a variety of platforms,

    includingMicrosoft Windows,Linux,FreeBSD,IrixandSolaris. Released under the Apache V2

    license, Writer isopen source software.

    The Zoho Office Suite is a Web-basedonline office suitecontainingword

    processing,spreadsheets, presentations,databases, note-taking,wikis,customer relationship

    management(CRM),[1]project management,[1]invoicing and other applications developed

    byZOHO Corporation(formally AdventNet Inc.), a US-based[2][3]company.[4][5][6]It was launched

    in 2005 with a web-based word processor. Additional products such as spreadsheets and

    presentations, were incorporated later into Zoho.[7]Zoho applications are distributed assoftware

    as a service(SaaS).[1]

    AJAX Word ProcessingAJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), is a web development technique for creating

    interactive web applications. The intention of AJAX is to exchange small pieces of data with the

    server without the necessity of reloading the entire web page.
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    AJAX is a perfect technique for handling word processing applications in a browser and is

    currently being deployed by companies and governments to move legacy data collection

    applications to the Internet.

    AJAX word processing can be integrated into different applications to build elements of

    document management.

    In combination with TX Text Control Server for ASP.NET (incl. Windows Forms), it is possible to

    author AJAX word processing applications that enabled documents to be displayed in the

    browser, without any plug-in, such as Adobe Reader or an MS Word viewer.

    Dark room On Friday I linked to a little app for OS X calledWriteRoom, which is aminimalist word processor for writers. A few of the commenters didn't quite "get" it(sorry, folks, but maximizing Word and changing the colors isn't remotely equivalent to adistraction-free writing environment*), but a lot of writers certainly do, including one

    developer who missed it so much when he had to use Windows that he just built aWindows version.Dark Roomis a WriteRoom clone for Windows that's just as minimaland just as free. Dark Room is a full screen, distraction free, writing environment. Unlike

    standard word processors that focus on features, Dark Room is just about you and your text.

    Basically, Dark Room is a clone of the original WriteRoom that is an OS X (tiger) exclusive

    application. It is a child of necessity, as there were no viable alternatives in Windows to produce

    the same behavior.

    A text editor is a type ofprogramused for editing plaintext files.

    Text editors are often provided withoperating systemsor software development packages, and

    can be used to changeconfiguration filesandprogramming languagesource code.

    Plain text files vs. word processor files

    There are important differences between plain text files created by a text editor,

    anddocumentfiles created byword processorssuch asMicrosoft Word,WordPerfect,

    A plain text file uses a simplecharacter setsuch asASCIIto represent numbers, letters,

    and a small number of symbols. The onlynon-printing charactersin the file, usable to format

    the text, are newline, tab, and formfeed. Plain text files are used for commands to, and

    reports from, computers; and rarely in interpersonal communication.

    Word processor documents generally containformatted text, adding content that enables

    text to appear in boldface and italics, to use multiplefonts, and to be structured into columns
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    and tables. These capabilities were once associated only withdesktop publishing, but are

    now common in the simplest word processor. Web pages addHTMLtags to plain text to

    achieve formatting.

    When both formats are available, the user must select with care. Saving a plain text file in a

    word-processor format will add formatting information that could disturb the machine-readabilityof the text. Saving a word-processor document as a text file will lose formatting information.

    WordPerfect is aword processingapplication, now owned byCorel.

    The program was originally developed under contract atBrigham Young Universityfor use on

    aData Generalminicomputerin 1979. The authors retained the rights to the program, forming

    Satellite Systems International (SSI) to sell it under the name WordPerfect in 1980. A port

    toDOSfollowed in 1982 and several greatly updated versions quickly followed. The

    application's feature list was considerably more advanced than contemporary DOS applicationslikeWordStar, and it rapidly displaced most other systems, especially after the 4.2 release in

    1986. By 1989's 5.1 release, WordPerfect had become a de-facto standard in the DOS market.

    At the height of its popularity in the 1980s it was a dominant player in the word processor

    market, but has long since been eclipsed in number of users byMicrosoft Word. While best

    known in itsDOSandMicrosoft Windowsversions, its popularity was based in part on the fact

    that it was available for a wide variety of computers and operating systems, including Mac

    OS,Linux, theApple IIe, a separate version for theApple IIgs, most popular versions

    ofUnix,VMS,Data General,System/370,AmigaOS,Atari ST,OS/2, andNeXTSTEP.

    The common file name extension of WordPerfect document files is.wpd. Older versions of

    WordPerfect also used file extensions .wp, .wp7, .wp6, .wp5, .wp4, and originally, no

    extension at all.

    iWork is anoffice suiteof desktop applications created byAppleforOS XandiOSoperating

    systems. The first version of iWork, iWork '05, was released in 2005. The suite originally

    bundledKeynote, apresentation programwhich had previously been sold as a standalone

    application, andPages, a combinedword processingandpage layoutapplication.[1][3]In 2007,

    Apple released iWork '08, which contained a newspreadsheetapplication,Numbers.[4]iWork

    also includes access, which came in iWork '09 (released in 6th, January 2009), a

    beta service that allows users to upload and share documents online with others, who can

    download them and give feedback.[4]iWork integrates with existing applications from

    Apple'siLifesuite through the Media Browser, which allows users to drag and drop music

    fromiTunes, movies fromiMovie, and photos fromiPhotoandAperturedirectly into iWork

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    Although iWork is billed by Apple as "a successor toAppleWorks",[1]it does not replicate the

    functionality of AppleWorks'sdatabaseand drawing tools

    A spreadsheet is acomputer applicationwith tools that increase the user'sproductivityin

    capturing, analyzing, and sharing tabulardata sets. It displays multiple cells usually in a two-

    dimensional matrix or grid consisting of rows and columns (in other words, a table, hence

    "tabular"). Each cell containsalphanumerictext, numeric values, or formulas. Aformuladefines

    how the content of that cell is to be calculated from the contents of any other cell (or

    combination of cells) each time any cell is updated. A pseudo third dimension to the matrix is

    sometimes applied as another layer, or layers/sheets, of two-dimensional data.

    IBM Lotus Symphony was asuite of applicationsfor creating, editing, and sharing text,

    spreadsheet, presentations and other documents,browsingtheworld wide web, and is currently

    distributed asfreeware. First released in 2007,[1]the suite has a name similar to the

    1980sDOSsuiteLotus Symphony, but the two programs are otherwise unrelated. The previousLotus application suite,Lotus SmartSuite, is also unrelated.

    IBM Lotus Symphony was discontinued in January 2012 with the final release of version 3.0.1.

    Thesource codewas sponsored to theApache Software Foundationto get merged

    toOpenOffice.orgwhich should be done in 4[5]and IBM plans to release a

    'Apache OpenOffice IBM Edition' after 4 is released.[6]On March 27, 2012 a

    fixpack update for Lotus Symphony 3.0.1 was released

    WordPerfect Office is anoffice suitedeveloped byCorel Corporation. As of April 2012, the

    latest version is WordPerfect Office X6 (representing 16), which is available in four editions:

    Standard, Professional, Legal, and Home & Student.

    Its predecessor was WordPerfect Suite, assembled byNovellin 1994 and sold to Corel in


    Calligra Sheets (formerly KSpreadand Calligra Tables) is afree

    softwarespreadsheetapplication that is part ofCalligra Suite, an integratedgraphic

    artandoffice suitebyKDE.

    Among Sheets features are multiple sheets per document, assorted formatting possibilities,

    support for more than 300 built-in functions, templates, chart, spell-check, hyperlinks, data

    sorting and scripting withPython,RubyandJavaScript.

    Sheets native file format has beenOpenDocumentsince version two and previously used its

    ownXMLformat, compressed withZIP. Sheets also has the ability to import several

    spreadsheet formats, including XLS (Microsoft Excel),Applix Spreadsheet,Quattro Pro,CSV,

    dBase,Gnumeric, SXC ( XML), Kexi and TXT. It supports export of
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    OpenDocument Spreadsheet, SXC, Tables document, CSV, HTML, Gnumeric, TeX and TXT.

    Sheets does not support export of XLS

    Kingsoft Office, commonly known as KSO or KSOffice, developed by Zhuhai-

    basedChinesesoftware developerKingsoft, is anoffice suiteforMicrosoft WindowsandAndroid

    OS.[1]KSOffice include Kingsoft Writer, Kingsoft Presentation and Kingsoft Spreadsheet.[2]

    Kingsoft Office Suite Free is free to use.[3]A charged Pro version is also available. The current

    version is ksoffice 2012.[2]

    The product has had a long history of development in China, where it is still sold as WPS

    Office. "ksoffice" is the company's attempt to crack, primarily, the Western and Japanese

    markets. Since Kingsoft Office 2005, theuser interfacebears resemblance to theMicrosoft

    Officeproducts, and the suite reads and writes the files generated by Office in addition to its

    native documents.

    Numbers is aspreadsheetapplication developed byApple part of theiWorkproductivitysuite alongsideKeynoteandPages.[1]Numbers 1.0 was announced on 7 August 2007 and thus

    it is the newest application in the iWork suite. Numbers runs onMac OS X v10.4 "Tiger"or

    newer. On 27 January 2010, Apple announced a new version of Numbers for iPadwith an all

    new touch interface.[2]

    Numbers uses a free-form "canvas" approach that demotes tables to one of many different

    media types placed on a page. Other media, like charts, graphics and text, are treated as peers.

    In comparison, traditional spreadsheets likeMicrosoft Exceluse the table as the primary

    container, with other media placed on it. Numbers also includes features from the seminal Lotus

    Improv, notably the use of formulas based on ranges rather than cells. However, it implementsthese using traditional spreadsheet concepts, as opposed to Improv's use of multidimensional

    databases. Numbers also includes numerous stylistic improvements in an effort to improve the

    visual appearance of spreadsheets. At its introductory demonstration,Steve Jobspitched a

    more usable interface and better control over the appearance and presentation of tables of data.

    ZCubes is free web-based software that is intended for the creation of documents includingweb

    pages,web sites,spreadsheets,presentations,drawings,albums, andportals.

    Resolver One is aSpreadsheetprogram created by Resolver Systems[1]with

    theIronPythonprogramming language. It is a desktop application, with a web server version,

    and intended as a platform for the rapid development of business applications[2]. It runsonMicrosoft Windows, and is free for use in Open Source projects.[3].

    Resolver One combines the functionality of a spreadsheet and anIDE.[4]Spreadsheets are

    turned into Python code and executed in real-time.[5]Code can be mixed, using

    bothPythonand.NETlibraries.[6]Spreadsheets can also be exported as stand alone programs.
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    GNU Oleo is a lightweightfree softwarespreadsheet[2]originally designed as a text-based

    spreadsheet using thecurseslibrary. The last development version of Oleo, 1.99.16, was

    released in 2001.

    Database type examples

    The following are examples of various database types. Some of them are not main-stream

    types, but most of them have received special attention (e.g., in research) due to end-user

    requirements. Some exist as specialized DBMS products, and some have their functionality

    types incorporated in existing general-purpose DBMSs.

    Active database

    Main article:Active database

    An active databaseis a database that includes an event-driven architecture which can respond

    to conditions both inside and outside the database. Possible uses include security monitoring,

    alerting, statistics gathering and authorization.

    Most modern relational databases include active database features in the form of database


    Cloud database

    Main article:Cloud database

    A Cloud databaseis a database that relies oncloud technology. Both the database and most of

    its DBMS reside remotely, "in the cloud," while its applications are both developed by

    programmers and later maintained and utilized by (application's) end-users through aWebbrowserandOpen APIs. More and more such database products are emerging, both of new

    vendors and by virtually all established database vendors.

    Data warehouse

    Main article:Data warehouse

    Data warehouses archive data from operational databases and often from external sources

    such as market research firms. Often operational data undergoes transformation on its way into

    the warehouse, getting summarized, anonymized, reclassified, etc. The warehouse becomes

    the central source of data for use by managers and other end-users who may not have accessto operational data. For example, sales data might be aggregated to weekly totals and

    converted from internal product codes to useUPCsso that it can be compared

    withACNielsendata. Some basic and essential components of data warehousing include

    retrieving, analyzing, andminingdata, transforming,loading and managing data so as to make it

    available for further use.
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    Operations in a data warehouse are typically concerned with bulk data manipulation, and as

    such, it is unusual and inefficient to target individual rows for update, insert or delete. Bulk

    native loaders for input data and bulk SQL passes for aggregation are the norm.

    Distributed databaseMain article:Distributed database

    The definition of a distributed databaseis broad, and may be utilized in different meanings. In

    general it typically refers to a modular DBMS architecture that allows distinct DBMS instances to

    cooperate as a single DBMS over processes, computers, and sites, while managing a single

    database distributed itself over multiple computers, and different sites.

    Examples are databases of local work-groups and departments at regional offices, branch

    offices, manufacturing plants and other work sites. These databases can include both segments

    shared by multiple sites, and segments specific to one site and used only locally in that site.

    Document-oriented database

    Main article:Document-oriented database

    A document-oriented database is a computer program designed for storing, retrieving, and

    managing document-oriented, or semi structured data, information. Document-oriented

    databases are one of the main categories of so-called NoSQL databases and the popularity of

    the term "document-oriented database" (or "document store") has grown with the use of the

    term NoSQL itself.

    Utilized to conveniently store, manage, edit and retrieve documents.

    Embedded database

    Main article:Embedded database

    An embedded databasesystem is a DBMS which is tightly integrated with anapplication

    softwarethat requires access to stored data in a way that the DBMS is hidden from the

    applications end-user and requires little or no ongoing maintenance. It is actually a broad

    technology category that includes DBMSs with differing properties and target markets. The term

    "embedded database" can be confusing because only a small subset of embedded database

    products is used inreal-timeembedded systemssuch astelecommunicationsswitchesandconsumer electronicsdevices.[3]

    End-user database

    These databases consist of data developed by individual end-users. Examples of these are

    collections of documents, spreadsheets, presentations, multimedia, and other files. Several

    products exist to support such databases. Some of them are much simpler than full fledged
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    DBMSs, with more elementary DBMS functionality (e.g., not supporting multiple concurrent end-

    users on a same database), with basic programming interfaces, and a relatively small "foot-

    print" (not much code to run as in "regular" general-purpose databases). However, also

    available general-purpose DBMSs can often be used for such purpose, if they provide basic

    user-interfaces for straightforward database applications (limited query and data display; no real

    programming needed), while still enjoying the database qualities and protections that these

    DBMSs can provide.

    Federated database and multi-database

    Main articles:Federated database systemandHeterogeneous Database System

    A federated databaseis an integrated database that comprises several distinct databases, each

    with its own DBMS. It is handled as a single database by a federated database management

    system(FDBMS), which transparently integrates multiple autonomous DBMSs, possibly of

    different types (which makes it aheterogeneous database), and provides them with an

    integrated conceptual view. The constituent databases are interconnected viacomputer

    network, and may be geographically decentralized.

    Sometime the term multi-databaseis used as a synonym to federated database, though it may

    refer to a less integrated (e.g., without an FDBMS and a managed integrated schema) group of

    databases that cooperate in a single application. In this case typicallymiddlewarefor distribution

    is used which typically includes an atomic commit protocol (ACP), e.g., thetwo-phase commit

    protocol, to allowdistributed (global) transactions(vs. local transactions confined to a single

    DBMS) across the participating databases.

    Graph database

    Main article:Graph database

    A graph databaseis a kind of NoSQL database that usesgraph structureswith nodes, edges,

    and properties to represent and store information. General graph databases that can store any

    graph are distinct from specialized graph databases such astriplestoresandnetwork databases.

    Hypermedia databases

    TheWorld Wide Webcan be thought of as a database, albeit one spread across millions ofindependent computing systems. Web browsers "process" this data one page at a time,

    whileWeb crawlersand other software provide the equivalent of database indexes to support

    search and other activities.
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    Hypertext database

    Main article:Hypertext

    In a Hypertext database, any word or a piece of text representing an object, e.g., another piece

    of text, a picture, or a film, can be linked to that object. Hypertext databases are particularly

    useful for organizing large amounts of disparate information. For example they are useful for

    maintaining onlineencyclopedias.

    In-memory database

    Main article:In-memory database

    An in-memory database(IMDB; also main memory databaseor MMDB) is a database that

    primarily resides inmain memory, but typically backed-up by non-volatile computer data

    storage. Main memory databases are faster than disk databases. Accessing data in memory

    reduces the I/O reading activity when, for example, querying the data. In applications where

    response time is critical, such as telecommunications network equipment, main memory

    databases are often used.[4]

    Knowledge base

    Main article:Knowledge base

    A knowledge base (abbreviated KB, kbor [5][6]) is a special kind of database forknowledge

    management, providing the means for the computerized collection, organization,

    andretrievalofknowledge. Also a collection of data representing problems with their solutions

    and related experiences.

    Operational database

    These databases store detailed data about the operations of an organization. They are typically

    organized by subject matter, process relatively high volumes of updates usingtransactions.

    Essentially every major organization on earth uses such databases. Examples includecustomer

    databasesthat record contact, credit, and demographic information about a business'

    customers, personnel databases that hold information such as salary, benefits, skills data about

    employees, Enterprise resource planning that record details about product components, parts

    inventory, and financial databases that keep track of the organization's money, accounting and

    financial dealings.

    Parallel database

    Main article:Parallel database

    A parallel database, run by a parallel DBMS, seeks to improve performance

    throughparallelizationfor tasks such as loading data, building indexes and evaluating queries.
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    Parallel databases improve processing andinput/outputspeeds by using multiplecentral

    processing units(CPUs) (includingmulti-core processors) andstoragein parallel. In parallel

    processing, many operations are performed simultaneously, as opposed to serial, sequential

    processing, where operations are performed with no time overlap.

    The major parallel DBMS architectures (which are induced by the

    underlyinghardwarearchitecture are:

    Shared memory architecture, where multiple processors share the main memory

    space, as well as other data storage.

    Shared disk architecture, where each processing unit (typically consisting of

    multiple processors) has its own main memory, but all units share the other storage.

    Shared nothing architecture, where each processing unit has its own main

    memory and other storage.

    Real-time database

    Main article:Real time database

    If a DBMS system responses users' request in a given time period, it can be regarded as a real

    time database.

    Spatial database

    Main article:Spatial database

    A spatial database can store the data with multidimensional features. The queries on such datainclude location based queries, like "where is the closest hotel in my area".

    Temporal database

    Main article:Temporal database

    A temporal database is a database with built-in time aspects, for example a temporal data

    model and a temporal version of Structured Query Language (SQL). More specifically the

    temporal aspects usually include valid-time and transaction-time.

    Unstructured-data databaseMain article:Unstructured data

    An unstructured-data database is intended to store in a manageable and protected way diverse

    objects that do not fit naturally and conveniently in common databases. It may include email

    messages, documents, journals, multimedia objects etc. The name may be misleading since

    some objects can be highly structured. However, the entire possible object collection does not fit

    into a predefined structured framework. Most established DBMSs now support unstructured

    data in various ways, and new dedicated DBMSs are emerging.
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