complicaciones del tratamiento y de la propia infección · complicaciones del tratamiento y de la...

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Complicaciones del tratamiento y de la propia infección

Eugènia Negredo

Fundació Lluita contra la Sida

Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol


5 Març 2015


Plenary 134 (Inflamación)

Oral abstracts 136-140

Themed Discussion 746-749, 750-751 (Guías ACC/AHA)

Posters 729-751

739 Impact of Antiretroviral Drugs on Hypertension in HIV-Positive Persons: D:A:D Study Camilla I. Hatleberg (P Reiss; W El-Sadr; J. Lundgren… D:A:D Study )

D:A:D study. 33.278 pacientes���� 7636 (22,9%) HTA

749LB Abacavir Use and Risk for Myocardial Infarction in the NA-ACCORD Frank J. Palella




The model was adjusted for age, sex, race, HIV

transmission risk, calendar year, cigarette smoking,

hypertension, diabetes, renal impairment, high total

cholesterol, high triglycerides, statin use, CD4 count, HIV

viral load, previous PI use, and cohort, all measured prior

to, or at the time of study entry (which was ABC initiation

for ABC users).

140 Body Composition Changes After Initiation of Raltegravir or Protease Inhibitors Grace A. McComsey (ACTG 5257 substudy)

733 Rosuvastatin vs PI Switch for Hypercholesterolemia: Randomised Trial Frederick J. Lee (J. Hoy; E Martinez; A Carr…)

6 centros Australia + BarcelonaRandomizado: - Añadir rosuvastatina 10mg/d + IP (n=23)

- Cambio IP por raltegravir o rilpivirina o atazanavir (no potenciado) (n=20)12 semanas seguimiento.

Fasting total cholesterol >5.5 mmol/L (>213 mg/dL)

Framingham risk score ≥8% at 10 years OR DM OR a family history of premature coronary artery

disease in a first-degree relative


Oral abstracts 47-48

Themed Discussion 778 (inflamación y obesidad)

Posters 312-323 (predictores de evolución y mortalidad)

752-756 (asociación a aterosclerosis)


47 Inflammation Persists Despite Early Initiation of ART in Acute HIV Infection Netanya S. Utay

134 Cardiovascular Disease in HIV Patients: An Emerging Paradigm and Call to Action Steven Grinspoon

#752 – 756

Asociación inflamación con aterosclerosis

136 Statin Therapy Reduces Coronary Noncalcified Plaque Volume in HIV Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial Janet Lo, Grinspoon Randomization: - N=72 Rosuvastatin

- N=75 placebo

137 Rosuvastatin Arrests Progression of Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Treated HIV Grace A. McComsey

FDG PET/TCRandomization: - N=19 Atorvastatin 20mg

- N=21 placebo


Oral abstracts 141 (FRAX subestima riesgo)Oral abstracts 141 (FRAX subestima riesgo)

Posters 765-777

776 Heel Quantitative Ultrasound to Cut Down on DXA Costs in HIV-infected Patients Marilia R. Pinzone

Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) of the heel is a radiation-free, easy-to-perform technique,

which has been proposed as an alternative method to DXA for assessing bone status.

Cross-sectional study 244 HIV-infected patients.

769LB Less Bone Loss With a Maraviroc Regimen in HIV-Infected Treatment-Naïve Babafemi Taiwo (Tsibris; Eron; Brown,…ACTG A5303 Study Team)

ACTG A5303 Study: Phase II, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 48 week study

766 Bone Turnover on DRV/r + Either RAL or TDF/FTC as First-Line ART: NEAT 001 / ANRS 143 Jose I Bernardino (Mocroft; Arribas1; Raffi… NEAT study)

DRV/r+RAL (N=65) vs DRV/r+TDF/FTC (N=68)DRV/r+RAL was associated with significantly less BMD loss than DRV/r+TDF/FTC (ICAAC 2014,H1198)

767 Tenofovir Replacement in Patients With Osteoporosis Increased Sclerostin Levels Eugenia Negredo (osteoTDF study)


Oral abstracts 142, 143LB (TAF), 144


Posters 792-797, 798-799 (transplante renal)

142 Exposure to Antiretrovirals and Development of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Amanda Mocroft (D:A:D Study Group)

Tras 6 años de exposición, el

riesgo relativo de ERC se

incrementó en

- 97% para TDF,

- 320% para ATV/r

- 140% para LPV/r.

143LB Renal and Bone Safety of Tenofovir Alafenamide vs TDFPaul E. Sax

Changes in eGFR (CG)

Changes in spine and hip BMD

795 Safety of Tenofovir Alafenamide in Renal Impairment Anton Pozniak Tailandia, España, Inglatera, US


Muchas GraciasMuchas Gracias

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