complications of cerebral angiographycomplications of cerebral angiography: prospective assessment...

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Franklin Earnest IV' Glenn Forbes'

Burton A. Sandok2 David G. Piepgras3

Ronald J. Faust4

Duane M . IIstrup 5

LaDonna J . Arndt'

This article appears in the November / Decem­ber 1983 issue of AJNR and the February 1984 issue of AJR.

Presented at the Symposium Neuroradiologi­cum, Washington, DC, October 1982.

, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN 55905. Address reprint requests to F. Earnest IV.

2 Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN 55905.

3 Department of Neurologic Surgery, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN 55905.

, Department of Anesthesiology, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation , Rochester, MN 55905.

5 Section of Medical Research Statistics, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Rochester. MN 55905.

AJNR 4:1191-1197, Nov/ Dec 1983 0 195-6108 / 83 / 0406-1191 $00.00 © American Roentgen Ray Society

Complications of Cerebral Angiography: Prospective Assessment of Risk


A prospective study of 1,517 consecutive cerebral angiographic examinations is reported. The incidence of all complications was 8 .5%, and the incidence of all neurologic complications was 2 .6%. The overall incidence of permanent neurologic deficit was 0 .33% .. The incidence of permanent neurologic deficit in patients referred for evaluation of symptomatic cerebrovascular disease was 0 .63%. Older age, in­creased serum creatinine concentration , and the use of more than one catheter all were significantly associated with serious neurologic complications. Although patients with a recent stroke or frequent transient ischemic attacks had a higher incidence of serious neurologic complications, this increase was not statistically significant for this sample.

We report a prospective study of complications occurring in 1,517 consecutive cerebral angiographic examinations. This study was initiated to provide more insight into the assessment of risk for an individual patient. Although previous studies reported the occurrence of complications in patients undergoing angiog­raphy [1-10], we believe that the following conditions are necessary for accurate statistical analysis: (1) prospective, rather than retrospective, accumulation of data; (2) neurologic assessment before and after angiography; and (3) the inclusion of all complications, particularly all neurologic events, that occur during or 24 hr after the procedure.

Materials and Methods

We evaluated 1,517 consecutive procedures accumulated in th e first 16 months of th e study, which began December 1, 1980. All patients needing cerebral angiog raphy for evaluation of intracranial abnormalities and cerebrovascu lar disease were referred to the section of neuroradiology. More than 95% of these patients were referred from th e neurologic and neurosurgical services, and all patients undergoing cerebral angiography had a neurologic evaluation performed by either of these services before cerebral angio­graphic examination .

Patients usually had nothing by mouth on the day of ang iography and received mild sedat ion intramuscularly before com ing to the angiograph ic suite. All patients were moni­tored during the procedure by a nurse anesthet ist or anesthesia technician, and an anesthesia record was maintained . The pulse , blood pressure, electrocardiogram, and neurologic condition of the patient were constantly monitored and were recorded at 5 min intervals. The nurse anesthetist or anesthesia tec hnic ian was closely supervised by a neuroanesthesiologist.

All patients had an intravenous line inserted in the angiog raphic suite, and diazepam and fentanyl were given through it to supplement the sedative previously administered intra­muscularly. Patients receiving med ication intravenously , elderly patients, and diabetics had continuous fluid supplementation intravenously before arriving at th e angiog raphy area . The total volume of fluid administered ranged from 500 ml to 1 .5 L, depending on the length of the procedure (mean procedure time, 46 min) and the volume of contrast med ium administered (mean volume , 77.6 ml).

The ang iographic examinations were performed by a staff neurorad iolog ist or under his

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direct supervision and with his assistance. The group of neurora­diologists used similar angiographic techniques with standard cath­eters, needles, and guide wires. A transfemoral catheterization was done in 1,453 procedures. Thirty-six direct carot id angiograms and 69 retrograde brachial angiograms were obtained, and two axillary catheterization procedures were performed . Twenty-six aort ic arch studies were performed to supplement selective catheterization of the carotid or vertebral artery or to demonstrate proximal lesions of the brachiocephalic vessels. Seventeen spinal angiographic pro­cedures performed during this study were not included in this data analysis of cerebral angiog raphy. Thus, 1,560 procedures were done in 1,517 angiographic examinat ions in 1,387 patients . In most transfemoral procedures, a 5 French, 45 ° hockey-stick-shaped , 100 cm catheter was used first, and 66% of the studies were completed without catheter exchange. In the other 34%, a second catheter, often a larger one with a Simmons curve, was used to complete the study. Arch aortography was performed with a 6 or 7 French pigtail catheter. A Viamonte-Hobbs power injector was used for transfemoral and brachial injections.

End-hole catheters were connected to a continuous flushing system (C.F.S. Intraflow, Sorenson Research Co., Salt Lake City, UT) that used heparinized saline solution . A pressure transducer was connected in line to record arterial pressure. Multiholed cath­eters were manually flushed with heparinized saline solution at frequent intervals for arch aortography.

After completion of the ang iog raphic procedure, the patients were moved to an adjacent room. The catheter was removed, and pressure was applied at the puncture site until hemostasis was achieved; a pressure dressing usually was applied . Th e patients were taken directly to the surgical recovery area, where they were again c losely monitored for 30-60 min. If a high-grade internal carotid stenosis with slow flow was identified on the angiographic examination , anticoagulant therapy was intravenously admin istered in the surgical recovery area by means of a constant heparin infusion. After evaluation by a neuroanesthesiologist, the patients were dismissed to their room if no complications were evident.

A postang iograph ic neurologic evaluat ion was made by the hos­pital service for evidence of any angiographic complication . The next morning, the patient was evaluated by the attending hospital service and a member of the ang iographic team to assess the presence of a complication . They interviewed the patient for sub­jective changes regardless of type or duration , and they looked for objective change in the neurologic examination, physicians ' notes, nursing notes, and anesthesia record. They also examined the puncture site and the peripheral pulses .

Data Collection

A data sheet was fill ed out during the examination and was completed at the 24 hr evaluation unless a complication was iden­tified . The information obtained to complete the data sheet is shown in table 1.

Neurologic complicat ions were grouped according to type (hemi­paresis, blindness , aphasia , ataxia, or other) and duration (transient, revers ible, or permanent) . Neurologic complications that completely resolved within 24 hr of onset were c lassified as transient, while those that persisted longer than 24 hr but reso lved within 7 days were classified as reversible . Any neurologic complication with an onset of 24 hr after cerebral angiography that had not reso lved after 7 days was considered a permanent complicat ion for the purpose of this study.

In all instances, a change in the patient 's neurologic status, either subjective or objective, of any type or duration was recorded as a complicat ion. If there was a d isparity in the evaluation of the pat ient's cond ition by different observers, the least favorable ob-

TABLE 1: Information Obtained to Complete Cerebral Angiography Data Sheet

Pat ient identification Age, gender Indicat ion:

Cerebrovascular disease Tumor Subarachnoid hemorrhage, aneurysm Arteriovenous malformation Seizure Other

Risk factors: Diabetes Hypertension (> 160 mm Hg systolic) Stroke «30 days) Frequent transient ischemic attacks (> 1 / day) Creatinine >1.2 mg / dl

Neurovascular laboratory evaluation (oculopneumoplethysmogra­phy, bidirectional Doppler)

Staff neuroradiologist Approach:

Retrograde femoral Direct carot id Retrograde brachial Axillary

Catheters- one or more than one Procedure time Vessels stud ied:

Right or left carotid Right or left vertebral Aortic arch Spinal

Contrast med ium: Type Volume

Angiographic code Date of follow-up Complicat ions:

Local: Hematoma (regardless of size or excessive tenderness at the

puncture site) Thrombosis Infect ion Other (including iatrogenic dissection, perforation, and so

forth) Systemic or allergic:

Nausea, vomiting, transient hypotension Urticaria, rhinorrhea Chest pain, arrhythmia Anaphylaxis, c irculatory co ll apse Acute renal failu re Death

Neurologic-transient «24 hr); reversible (>24 hr, <7 days); permanent (>7 days):

Hemiparesis Blindness Aphasia Ataxia Other

servation was recorded . If the patient had a transient neurologic event typical of preangiographic transient ischemic attacks, the event was recorded as a complication to prevent subjective judg­ments and inconsistent data bias. If the patient had a neurovascu lar or neurosurgical procedure performed on the day of angiography , any persistent neurolog ic deficit occu rring before the operat ion was considered a permanent neurologic complication.


Statistical Methods

The associat ion between the risk factors and the incidence of complications was investigated with univariate methods: (1) two sample Student t tests [11] for associations of continuous variab les, such as age and procedure time, with complicat ions and (2) either chi-square tests [11] or Fisher exact tests [11] for associations of discrete variables, such as gender or previous transient ischemic attacks, with complications. The frequency of complications in the present sample was too low to warrant further mu ltivariate analysis, such as Grizzle-Starmer-Koch log li near categorical analyses [12] or linear discriminant analyses [1 3] for continuous variables. These methods wi ll be used in future publications when the frequency of complicat ions is sufficient to enable their use.


We reviewed a total of 1,560 procedures performed dur­ing 1,517 angiographic examinations in 1,387 patients. The complications encountered in these angiographic examina­tions are summarized in table 2.

A profi le of the patients in whom the 1,517 angiographic examinations reported in this study were performed is re­corded by indication in table 3. Patients with cerebrovas­cular disease as an indication were older than the others and predominantly male, and almost two-thi rds had one or more risk factors (table 4).

TABLE 2: Complications Encountered in 1,517 Cerebral Angiographic Examinations

Complicat ions

Local: Hematoma All other . . ..... . . .. .



Neuro logic : Transient «24 hr) Reversib le (>24 hr; < 7 days) Permanent (> 7 days) ......... . . .


No. (% )

66 (4.4) 8 (05)

74 (4.9)

28 (1.9)

33 (2 .2) 2 (0 .1) 5 (03)

40 (2 .6)

TABLE 3: Group Profile by Indication for Cerebral Angiography

No. of Mean % with

Indica tion Examin-

Age Gender

Risk al ions (M / F)

(% ) (years) Factors ·

Cerebrovascular disease 637 (42) 61 410/ 227 64

Tumor 414 (27) 47 210 / 204 28 Subarachnoid

hemorrhage 158 (10) 52 61 / 97 38 Arteriovenous

malformation 63 (4) 37 40 / 23 14 Seizure 38 (3) 31 17 / 21 11 Other ..... . .. . 207 (14) 49 115/ 92 39

Total 1,517 (100) 853 / 664 45

• Represents percentage of patients having one or more potential ri sk factors for angiographic complication as specified in table 1.

TABLE 4: Positive Risk Factors by Indication for Cerebral Angiography

Risk Factor (% )

Indicat ion Hypertension

Diabetes (systo le Stroke Frequent Creatinine

> 160 mm « 30 days) TtAs > 1.2 mg / dl Hg)

Cerebrovascular disease 15 48 6.0 8.3 27

Tumor 4 17 0.2 0.7 12 Subarachnoid

hemorrhage 8 30 4.4 1.9 9 Arteriovenous

malformation 5 8 3.2 0 0 Seizure 3 11 0 2.6 3 Other 10 28 1.4 2.4 15

Nole.- Association of each ri sk factor with cerebrovascular d isease in comparison with all other indications is significant : p < 0 .00 1, Fisher exac t test. TIAs = transient ischemic attacks.

Increasing age, increasing volume of contrast medium , and longer procedure time were each associated with an overall increased incidence of complications (p < 0 .01, t test). This relat ion primaril y resu lted from the association of these variables with local complications, almost always a small hematoma (4.4% of cases). When increasing age, increasing volume of contrast med ium, and longer proce­dure time were analyzed for systemic complications, only procedure time was significant (p < 0.03, t test). When these variables were correlated with neurologic complica­tions, the data showed no statistical significance for increas­ing volume of contrast medium or procedure time . Increas­ing age was a sign ificant risk factor for all neurologic com­plications of cerebral angiography (p < 0 .03 , t test) (table 5).

The incidence of neurologic complications for each indi­cation is outlined in table 6. More neurologic complications occurred in patients with symptomatic cerebrovascular dis­ease (4.2 %) than in patients with other diseases. We found a statistically significant association of neurolog ic compli­cations with cerebrovascular disease (p < 0.01 , chi-square) because of our criterion for inc lusion of all events for 24 hr after an angiographic examination. Seven patients experi­enced either a reversible neurolog ic complication (persisting longer than 24 hr but resolving within 7 days) or a permanent neurologic complication (persistent deficit 7 days after cer­ebral angiography). We tried to establish a statisticall y sig­nificant relation between the reversible and permanent neu­rolog ic complications and the angiographic ind ication of cerebrovascular disease in these patients . Although the incidence of comp lications was increased in the group stud­ied for cerebrovascular diJease, no statistically significant association could be found .

Correlation of risk factors with all complications (neuro­logic and other) is outlined in table 7 . The association of significant risk factors and neurologic complications only is shown in table 8 . Hypertension was the only risk factor associated with local complications, usually small hemato­mas. Recent stroke, frequent transient ischemic attacks, and elevated serum creatinine were all assoc iated with a

1194 EARNEST ET AL. AJNR:4. Nov./Dec. 1983

TABLE 5 : Relation of Age to Neurologic Complications of Cerebral Angiography

Neurologic Complica tions (% )

Age (years) No. of Ex-

Re-aminalions Tran- Perm a-

None sient



0-9 20 100 0 0 0 10-19 58 100 0 0 0 20-29 108 97.2 2 .8 0 0 30-39 . . . . . . . . . . 138 98.6 1.5 0 0 40-49 202 97.5 2.0 0 .5 0 50-59 .. . .. ... .. 327 98.2 1.8 0 0 60-69 433 96.8 2 .5 0 .2 0 .5 70-79 - . . . . . . . . 214 96.3 2.8 0 0 .9 80- 89 17 88.2 5.9 0 5.9

Totals 1,517 97 .4 2.2 0 .1 0.3

TABLE 6 : Relation of Indication for Cerebral Angiography to Neurologic Complications

Neurologic Complications (% )

Indication Reversi- Perm a-

None Transient ble nent

Cerebrovascular disease 95.8 3 .4 0 .2 0.6

Tumor ........... 99.0 0.7 0 0 .3 Subarachnoid

hemorrhage 96.2 3 .2 0 .6 0 Arteriovenous

malformation 100 0 0 0 Seizure 100 0 0 0 Other 98.6 1.5 0 0

Totals . . . . . . . . . . 97.4 2 .2 0 .1 0 .3

TABLE 7 : Relation of Significant Risk Factors to All Complications of Cerebral Angiography


Tota ls

4.2 1 .0


0 0 1.5

Neurologic Risk Factor

Local Systemic Reversible All and Perma-


Diabetes Hypertension (> 160 mm

Hg) < 0 .01 Stroke «30 days) < 0 .01 Frequent TIAs (> 1 / day) < 0 .01 Creatinine > 1.2 mg / dl < 0.01 <0.01

Total no. 74 28 40 7

Nole. -AII values are for p < 0 .05, Fisher exact les t. TIAs = transient ischemic attacks.

statistically significant increase in the incidence of neuro­logic complications .

When the risk factors were correlated with reversible and permanent neurologic complications, only increased serum creatinine concentrati on remained significant (table 9). Al­though examinations in patients with frequent transient is­chemic attacks or recent strokes had increased risk of

TABLE 8: Relation of Significant Risk Factors to All Neurologic Complications

Neurologic Complicat ions

Risk Factor Yes

No (% Yes)


Stroke «30 days) : No 1,431 35 (2.4) 1,466 Yes 46 5 (9.8) 51

Totals 1,477 40 1,517

Frequent TIAs (> 1 / day): No 1,419 33 (2.3) 1,452 Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 7 (10 .8) 65

Totals 1,477 40 1,517

Creatinine > 1.2 mg / dl: No 1,224 26 (2 .1) 1,250 Yes . . . . . . . . . 253 14 (5 .2) 267

Totals 1,477 40 1 ,517

Note.-p < 0.01, Fisher exact test. TIAs = transient ischemic attacks.

TABLE 9: Relation of Significant Risk Factors to Reversible and Permanent Neurologic Complications

Risk Factor

Stroke « 30 days) ' : No .......... Yes


Frequent TIAs (> 1 / day)t: No Yes . . . . . . . . . .


Creatinine > 1 .2 mg / dl:j: : No Yes


Note.- TIAs = transient ischemic attacks. • p = 0 .2 1, Fisher exact test. t p ~ 0.26. Fisher exact test. t p < 0 .01. Fisher exact test.

Reversible and Permanent Neurologic Complications

No Yes

Total (% Yes)

1,460 6 (0.4) 1,466 50 1 (2 .0) 51

1,510 7 1 ,517

1,446 6 (0.4) 1 ,452 64 1 (1 .5) 65

1,510 7 1,517

1,248 2 (0 .2) 1,250 262 5 (1 .9) 267

1 ,510 7 1 ,517

reversible and permanent neurologic complications, this correlation was not statistically significant for the sample size .

A retrograde transfemoral catheterization was performed in 1,453 (95.5%) of the angiographic procedures. A 5 French catheter was used in 66% of the examinations. A catheter exchange usually indicated the use of a larger catheter, most often with a Simmons curve. Statistically significant increases in local complications (p < 0 .01 , chi­square) and systemic complications (p < 0.03, ch i-square) were associated with such an exchange.

The association of catheter exchange with neurologic complications is shown in table 10. There was a borderline increase in the incidence of all neurologic complications in examinations requiring a catheter exchange for completion of the angiographic study (p = 0.051 , chi-square). This


TABLE 10: Relation of Catheter Exchange to Neurologic Complications

Neurologic Complicat ions

Catheter Exchange All Reversible and Permanent

No Yes

(% Yes) Total No

Yes To tat

(% Yes)

Transfemoral catheters' t: One 945 19 (2.0) 964 963 1 (0 .1) 964 More than one .. . . ... .. 471 18 (3.7) 489 484 5 (1.0) 489

Totals 1,41 6 37 1,453 1,447 6 1,453

More than one catheter:j: : Cerebrovascular disease 274 4 (1.4) 278 All other indications ......... . ..... ......... . . 210 1 (0.5) 211

Totals 484 5 489

. All complications: p = 0 .051 , chi-square lest. t Reversible and permanent complica tions: p < 0 .0 2. Fisher exact test. t p ~ 0 .28, Fisher exact test.

association became statistically significant when only re­versible and permanent neurolog ic complications were con­sidered (p < 0 .02, Fisher exact test). The data were then correlated with angiographic ind ication to determine if the severity of vessel tortuosity and diffuse atherosc lerosis pre­sumed to be present in patients with symptomatic cerebro­vascular disease was the underlying factor responsib le for the increased incidence of reversib le and permanent neu­rologic complications. The incidence of reversible and per­manent complications in patients with cerebrovascular dis­ease and a catheter exchange was greater than that in patients with all other indications, but this increase lacked statistical sign ificance for the sample size (p = 0 .28, Fisher exact test) .

Patients with an indication of aneurysm or subarachnoid hemorrhage had a high incidence of transient neurologic complications after cerebral angiography but experienced no increased risk of permanent neurologic defic it (table 6).

There was no statistically significant increased risk for local, systemic, or neurologic complications when they were analyzed for the vesse ls studied . In addition, 297 patients referred for symptomatic cerebrovascular disease had a preangiographic evaluation by oculopneumoplethysmogra­phy and bidirectional Doppler sonography. In 54% of these exam inations, a pressure-significant lesion in the carotid circu lation or abnormal f low (or both) was detected . Such an abnormality was of no value in predicting an inc reased risk for neurologic complications in this group.

Renal failure developed in one patient as part of a sys­temic process that resulted in death, presumably due to atheroembolism, in the postangiographic period . No other patient had clinical evidence of diminished renal function after cerebral ang iography. To determine the incidence of transient renal fai lure , we reviewed the histories of 122 consecutive patients with elevated serum creatinine levels before angiography. Forty-nine patients had no further anal­ysis of serum creatinine and were dismissed without evi­dence of clinically overt deterioration in renal function . A serum creatinine determination was made in 73 patients after cerebral angiography. None had an elevation of serum creatinine concentration greater than or equal to 1 mg / dl. Ten patients had a slight increase in serum c reatinine con-

TABLE 11 : Serious Complications and Death After Cerebral Angiography

Type of Complica tion

Local: Hematoma:

Prolonged hospitalization Surg ica l evacuation

Arterial thrombosis: Surgical thrombectomy and repair Heparin th erapy with resolution

Infect ion-septic right knee after angiog raphy


Systemic: Atheroembo lization (died of acute renal failure

and bowel infarction 3 days after angiog raphy)

Transient hypertension (increase of 40 mm Hg systolic; treated with nitroprusside)

Transient hypotension (decrease of 40 mm Hg systolic ; three required pressor therapy in

No. o f Pat ients


add ition to bolus of fluids intravenously) 5 - - ----

Total 7 / 28'

Neurologic: Hemiparesis and aphasia Hemiparesis and blindness Hemiparesis



5 / 40'

• Second value represents total number of pati ents with complicati ons of this type, regardless of degree or duration .

centrat ion (less than 1 mg / dl), and 63 patients had either no change or a decrease in serum creatinine concentration . Table 11 li sts permanent neurologic complications and deaths occurring in our study .


The 0 .33% incidence of permanent neurolog ic compli­cations in th is report approx imates the incidence of perma­nent paresis reported by Olivecrona [1] (0 .2%), who used similar criteri a for inc lusion of all neurologic events 24 hr after angiography as neurolog ic complications. Our inc i­dence of permanent complicati ons in ang iographic exami­nations for symptomat ic cerebrovascular disease was

1196 EARNEST ET AL. AJNR:4. Nov. / Dec. 1983

0 .63% , which is similar to that reported by Huckman et al. [7], who noted complications in 0 .5% of patients with tran­sient ischemic attacks. We had more permanent complica­tions than those reported in the studies of Kerber et al. [3] and Ei senberg et al. [8], who had no permanent comp lica­tions in a total of 904 patients studied for cerebrovascular disease. These authors attributed their success to immac­ulate technique, hydration of crit ically ill patients, and, in particular, the exc lusive use of 5 French catheters in per­forming these examinations. They assembled their data retrospectively , using criteria by which the rel ation of a neurologic event to angiography cou ld be judged

" c linica ll y. " Our highly controlled referral system, which uses a patient population almost exclusively from neurologic and neurosurgical services, provided an opportunity for c linical neurologic follow-up that may not have been possi­ble in previous studies.

Faught et al. [10] reported their experience in evaluating the risk of angiography in patients with symptomatic cere­brovascular disease. Their approach was unique, and it served as the foundation on which this study was formu­lated. Studies by Olivecrona [1] and Faught et al. [10] eliminated inconsistent data bias present in other studies [2-9] by avoid ing "clinical " judgments on the relation of a change in neurologic status to a preceding angiographic procedure. They included any worsening of neurologic sta­tus within 24 hr of an angiographic study as a neurologic complication. Faught et al. also specified that thorough preangiographic and postangiographic neurologic exami­nations be performed in all patients.

In the 147 ang iographic procedures reviewed in patients studied for stroke or transient ischemic attack, Faught et al. [10] identified a neurologic complication in 12.2 %; 5.4% of these were permanent. They noted that temporary compli­cations in these patients often represented an exacerbation of a previous deficit or a transient ischemic attack resem­bling a preangiographic one, which is a necessary conse­quence of their criteria for neurologic complication . Our results were similar: transient neurologic complications in 10.8% of patients with frequent transient ischemic attacks and 9.8% of patients with a recent stroke (table 8). The reported incidence of permanent complications in their pa­tients exceeded that observed in our study. Although an increase in reversible and permanent neurologic complica­tions for the frequent transient ischemic attack and recent stroke groups was identified, this increase was not statisti­cally significant for the sample size (table 9) .

In discussing the relation of card iovascu lar disease to neurologic complications, Faught et al. [10] noted that " most patients were rendered relatively normotensive at the time of study, to minimize bleeding at the arterial puncture site. " Patients with symptomatic cerebrovascu lar disease are often hypertensive, as shown by both the data of Faught et al. [10] and the data assembled in our report (48%). Almost all local comp lications in our series and most other reports are insignificant to the overall well-being of the pati ent, and maintenance of perfusion pressure through hemodynamically significant lesions is a critical part of an­giographic technique. Rendering hypertensive patients nor­motensive may upset a delicate perfusion homeostasis, with

deleterious results. This practice may have contributed to the high incidence of permanent neurologic complications reported by Faught et al. [10] and may have been especially critical in their patients with high-grade stenosis who suf­fered permanent complications (35% ). Hydration of patients with symptomatic cerebrovascular disease and constant monitoring and maintenance of blood pressure are essential for cerebral angiographic procedures. In patients with high­grade stenosis and slow flow , we routinely institute antico­agu lant therapy after completion of the angiographic pro­cedure (usually a constant heparin infusion), a practice also reported by Eisenberg et al. [9].

The relation of catheter sizes and numbers to angio­graphic complications and the severity of atheroscl erosis is a complex question, but trends in our data lend credence to the contention of previous authors [3-6, 8, 9] that the use of smaller, softer catheters is associated with a decreased rate of neurologic complications. This benefit is greatest in patients with cerebrovascular disease, who presumably have diffuse atheromatous disease readily traumatized by larger catheters (table 10). In a large, multihospital retro­spective study, Mani et al. [4-6] attempted to correlate the incidence of complications with clinical diagnosis, arterio­graphic findings, arteries studied , type and volume of con­trast medium, age of patient, and duration of procedure. They noted only one death and two permanent neurologic complications in 5,000 cerebral angiographic procedures reviewed , and their overall permanent complication rate was 0.1 %. They did not find a higher complication rate for patients with a clinical diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease or arteriographic diagnosis of vascular occlusive disease, but they did note an increasing risk with age and duration of procedure beyond 80 min . We found no statistically signifi­cant correlation between the length of procedure and neu­rologic complications, an observation also made by Olive­crona [1]. Mani et al. [4-6] found a significantly higher complication rate in training institutions studied than in private hospitals. It would appear from the incidence of normal exami nations studied in the private hospital group (50%) compared with those in the teaching hospital group (23%) that the populations used to compare complication rates were statistically different. We found no abnormalities in 17% of 1,517 angiographic examinations.

We found no statistically significant difference in the in­cidence of neurologic complications among direct carotid, brachial, and transfemoral techniques. This finding is biased by selection of these techniques for a small group of pa­tients, usually with advanced atherosclerosis. Huckman et al. [7] showed a lower incidence of neurologic complications with direct carotid and brachial techniques, although no spec ification of statistical significance was indicated. We find all these techniques useful in examination of selected patients with cerebrovascular disease. In addition, we could find no statistically significant difference in the incidence of complications with vessel studied. This finding agrees with that reported by Mani and Eisenberg [6] and is contrary to that of Olivecrona [1].

In patients with compromised renal function manifested by a preangiographic serum creatinine level of more than 1 .2 mg / dl, clinically overt renal failure did not appear to


develop. In a review of 1 22 consecutive patients with ele­

vated serum creatinine levels, 73 had postangiographic serum creatinine determinations. None had a transient ele­

vation of serum creatinine greater than or equal to 1 mg / dl. This result supports previous findings of Eisenberg et al. [14] and Kumar et al. [15].

The single death in this report was attributed to diffuse atheroembolization (cholesterol embolization). This entity has been a recognized complication of major angiography since its initial description by Flory [1 6] in 1945. Subclinical atheroembolism occurs in many patients undergoing major angiography, as revealed in an autopsy study [17], at a rate far above that seen in age- and disease-matched controls.

It is a potential complication of catheter introduction and manipulation and pressure injection in patients with diffuse atheromatous disease. In his study of complications of cer­ebral angiography, Olivecrona [1] reported one death due to embolism of cholesterol material from a cervical carotid atheroma. Stroke, renal failure , bowel infarction, pancrea­titis, and ischemia of the lower extremities are recognized complications of atheroembolism [18-22]. Fortunately , such complications are infrequent.

We noted no statistically significant relation between the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease and reversible or per­manent complications, a finding also reported by Mani and Eisenberg [5], but trends in our data suggest that there may

be increased risk for neurologic complications in this group. We found a significant correlation between reversible and

permanent neurologic complications and both older age and increased serum creatinine concentration. The latter asso­ciation is previously unreported . We speculate that these factors not only may correlate with the severity of systemic

atheromatous vascular disease but also may represent a level of small vessel disease that precludes the formation of pial or transcortical collateral flow to areas of isc hemia. This collateral supply and endogenous thrombolysis are probably protective factors that prevent permanent neurologic com­plications in young patients, as noted in studies of angio­

graphic complications and in reports reviewing the inci­dence of iatrogenic embolization in both adults [23] and ch ildren [24]. Systemic heparinization of patients having evidence of advanced atherosclerosis and elevated serum creatinine concentration may be a means of decreasing neurologic complications at the cost of an increase in local

complications [25]. Heparinization would not be of benefit in embolization of dislodged atheromatous debris, which may be the responsible embolic material in most permanent deficits occurring after cerebral angiography in adults.


1. Olivecrona H. Complications of cerebral angiography. Neuro­radiology 1977;14 : 175-1 8 1

2. Miller JDR, Grace MG, Russell DB, Zacks OJ . Complications of cerebral angiography and pneumography. Radiology 1977;124 : 741-744

3. Kerber CW, Cromwell LD, Drayer BP, Bank WOo Cerebral ischemia. I. Current angiograph ic techniques, complications, and safety. AJR 1978;130 : 1 097-11 03

4. Mani RL, Eisenberg RL, McDonald EJ Jr, Poll ock JA, Mani JR. Complications of catheter cerebral arteriography: analysis of

5,000 procedures. I. Criteria and incidence. AJR 1978;131 :861 - 865

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