mechanisms of cerebral injury and cerebral protection

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  1. 1. Presentor : Dr . Kumar Moderator : Dr.Prabhavathy Mechanism s of cerebral injury & Cerebral protection
  2. 2. PHINEAS GAGE first reported case of personality change after brain injury
  3. 3. Definition damage to the brain resulting from external mechanical force, such as rapid acceleration or deceleration, impact, blast waves, or penetration by a projectile
  4. 4. Cerebral physiology CEREBRAL METABOLISM: 1. brain is normally responsible for consumption of 20% of total body oxygen. 2. Most of cerebral oxygen consumption (60%) is used in generating adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to support neuronal electrical activity 3. The cerebral metabolic rate (CMR) is usually expressed in terms of oxygen consumption (CMRO2), which averages 33.8 mL/100 g/min (50 mL/min) in adults
  5. 5. high oxygen consumption and the absence of significant oxygen reserves, interruption of cerebral perfusion usually results in unconsciousness. The hippocampus and cerebellum appear to be most sensitive to hypoxic injury.
  6. 6. CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW: 1. CBF varies with metabolic activity. 2. It is most commonly measured with a -emitting isotope such as xenon (133Xe). 3. total CBF averages 50 mL/100 g/min, 4. flow in gray matter is about 80 mL/100 g/min, 5. white matter is estimated to be 20 mL/100 g/min. 6. Total CBF in adults averages 750 mL/min (15 20% of cardiac output
  7. 7. If CBF is altered 2025 mL/100 g/min - cerebral impairment 15 and 20 mL/100 g/min - flat (isoelectric) EEG 10 mL/100 g/min - irreversible brain damage.
  8. 8. REGULATION OF CBF Intrinsic mechanisms a) Cerebral perfusion pressure b) Auto regualtion Extrinsic mechanisms a) Respiratory Gas tensions b) Temperature c) Viscosity d) Autonomic influences
  9. 9. Cerebral perfusion pressure It is the difference between mean arterial pressure (MAP) and intracranial pressure (ICP) (or central venous pressure [CVP], whichever is greater). MAP ICP (or CVP) = CPP. CPP is normally 80100 mm Hg Moderate to severe increases in ICP (> 30 mm Hg) can significantly compromise CPP and CBF even in the presence of a normal MAP
  10. 10. CPP values 1. less than 50 mm Hg - slowing on the EEG, 2. 25 and 40 mm Hg - flat EEG. 3. less than 25 mm Hg - irreversible brain damage.
  11. 11. Autoregulation the brain normally tolerates wide swings in blood pressure with little change in blood flow. changes in MAP will lead to transient changes in CBF Normal MAP - 60 and 160 mm Hg Beyond these limits, blood flow becomes pressure dependent Pressures above 150160 mm Hg can disrupt the bloodbrain barrier and may result in cerebral edema and hemorrhage
  12. 12. Beyond these limits, blood flow becomes pressure dependent .Pressures above 150160 mm Hg can disrupt the bloodbrain barrier and may result in cerebral edema and hemorrhage
  13. 13. Myogenic and Metabolic mechanisms Myogenic mechanisms involve an intrinsic response of smooth muscle cells in cerebral arterioles to changes in MAP Metabolic mechanisms indicate that cerebral metabolic demands determine arteriolar tone. when tissue demand exceeds blood flow, the release of tissue metabolites causes vasodilation and increases flow
  14. 14. Respiratory Gas Tensions PaCO2 and PO2 CBF is directly proportionate to PaCO2 between tensions of 20 and 80 mm Hg Blood flow changes 12 mL/100 g/min per mm Hg change in PaCO2. effect is almost immediate and is due to secondary to changes in the pH of CSF and cerebral tissue.
  15. 15. Only marked changes in PaO2 alter CBF. hyperoxia may be associated with only minimal decreases (10%) in CBF severe hypoxemia (PaO2 < 50 mm Hg) profoundly increases CBF
  16. 16. Temperature CBF changes 57% per 1C change in temperature. Hypothermia decreases both CMR and CBF, whereas pyrexia has the reverse effect. for every 10 increase in temperature, the CMR doubles. the CMR decreases by 50% if the temperature of the brain falls by 10C,
  17. 17. At 20C, the EEG is isoelectric, but further decreases in temperature continue to reduce CMR throughout the brain. Above 42C, oxygen activity begins to decrease and may reflect cell damage
  18. 18. Viscosity Normally, changes in blood viscosity do not appreciably alter CBF. The most important determinant of blood viscosity is hematocrit. A decrease in hematocrit decreases viscosity and can improve CBF. a reduction in hematocrit also decreases the oxygen-carrying capacity and thus can potentially impair oxygen delivery.
  19. 19. Elevated hematocrits with marked polycythemia, increase blood viscosity and can reduce CBF. Some studies suggest that optimal cerebral oxygen delivery may occur at hematocrits of approximately 30%.
  20. 20. Autonomic Influences Intracranial vessels are innervated by sympathetic (vasoconstrictive), parasympathetic (vasodilatory), and noncholinergic nonadrenergic fibers serotonin and vasoactive intestinal peptide appear to be the neurotransmitters . Innervation of large cerebral vessels by sympathetic fibers originating in the superior cervical sympathetic ganglia.
  21. 21. Intense sympathetic stimulation induces marked vasoconstriction in these vessels, which can limit CBF. Autonomic innervation play an important role in cerebral vasospasm following brain injury and stroke.
  22. 22. Pathophysiology of Brain Injury Two types of brain injuries Primary Brain Damage : Irriversible damage 2 types; -Focal-Direct impact of skull into brain causing contusion, laceration, or hemorrage. -Diffuse-Difused axonal injury due to internal shearing, streaching tearing forces
  23. 23. Secondary Brain Damage Factors that causing ischaemia and further brain damage. Potentially reversible-role of cerebral protect -Hypoxia -Hypotension -Hypercarbia -Cerebral edema-cytotoxic/vasogenic -Herniation
  24. 24. INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE The cranial vault - fixed total volume brain (80%), blood (12%), and CSF (8%) increase in one component must be offset by an equivalent decrease in another to prevent a rise in ICP
  25. 25. compensatory mechanisms (1) an initial displacement of CSF from the cranial to the spinal compartment, (2) an increase in CSF absorption, (3) a decrease in CSF production, and (4) a decrease in total cerebral blood volume (primarily venous
  26. 26. Monro- Kelly Doctrine The intracranial Volume is fixed apart from some minimal give due to meninges and foremina 60% fliuds; 40% solid All the structures are incompressible for practical purpose Increase in the volume one of the compartment must be buffered by others( spartial compensation) Later-Increase in volume within cranium lead to rapid increase in pressure(elastance) Raise ICP---reduce CPP Reduce CPP---Cerebral ischaemia---Infraction --- Brain death
  27. 27. Signs of ICP CUSHINGSS TRIAD a slow heart rate with high blood pressure and respiratory depression is a classic manifestation of significantly raised ICP. Anisocoria, unequal pupil size, is another sign of serious TBI Abnormal posturing, a characteristic positioning of the limbs caused by severe diffuse injury or high ICP, is an
  28. 28. Assessment of Severity
  29. 29. Cerebral Protection Methods attempt to reduce the effects of Cerebral Ischaemia and damage, in order to improve neurological out comes Protective measures before the second insults. Possible neuronal recovery after period of ischaemia Brain must be protected from such insult
  30. 30. Strategies : 1.Maintained adequate O2 supply-CPP & PaO2 2.Reduce/prevent raise in ICP 3.Reduce CMRO2 4.Reducing cell damage
  31. 31. Indications 1.Post successful CPR 2.Post carotid Cerebral Protection artery surgery 3.Head injury 4.Compression - Tumour,hematoma eg : Subdural Hematoma/Intraparenchymal. 5.Inflammatory Meningitis. 6.Metabolic encephalopathies eg : Reyes Syndrome. 7.CVA / Cerebral haemorrhage
  32. 32. Principles Of Management 1. Position - neutral position - head elevate to 30c to 45c. 2. Observation - vital sign, GCS and pupillary changes. 3. Maintaining O2 / Ventilation - hyperventilate ~ keep PCO2 30 35mmHg - maintain PaO2 100mmHg with low PEEP
  33. 33. 4. Control Blood Pressure - maintain MAP ~ 70 100mmHg - maintain adequate cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) CPP = MAP ICP 5. Diuretics - osmotic diuretic ( Mannitol 20% ) - loop diuretic ( Frusemide ) 6. Fluid Therapy - control fluid therapy ~ avoid hypovolemia - use Normal Saline or Hartmann
  34. 34. 7. Prevent Isometric Exercise - eg: give IV Fentanyl before suctioning or any procedure 8. Steroids eg. Dexamethasone - for brain tumour - reduce cerebral oedema 9. Treatment Of Epilepsy eg. Diazepam or Phenytoin - control seizures to reduce cerebral metabolic rate
  35. 35. 10. Temperature Control - maintain normothermia and avoid hyperpyrexia 11. Calcium Antagonist ( Nimodipime ) - for subarachnoid haemorrhage to reduce cerebral spasm 12. Surgery - to remove mass or lession eg. Craniotomy,evacuation of clot,CSF drainage.
  36. 36. 13. Nutrition - early enteral feeding ~ high nutrient and protein ( to prevent infection ) 14. Electrolytes - regular monitoring of electrolytes,urea,creatinine,blood sugar, osmolality are important to determine fluid and electrolyte therapy.
  37. 37. Maintain CPP & O2 supply Subject to CPP=MAP-ICP and O2 Content 1. Maintain normotension, 2. Keep CVP 5-10 cm H2O 3. Reduce ICP-Head up 15-30 deg. with neutral position Consider inotropes 4. No PEEP 5. Hypotension & hypoxia significantly increase mortality and morbidity 6. Hypotension profoundly increase mortality up to 150%
  38. 38. Reduce @ preventing Rise in ICP -Reduce cerebral edema/ICF 1. Mannitol, frusemide 2. Fluid restriction -2/3 maintenance 3. IPPV /hyperventilation;Aim To maintain pCO2 between 30-35mmHg to prevent hypercapnia(Cereb.Steal Synd) 4. ICP reduces by 30% per 10mmHg reduction in CO2 5. Prevention hypoxia-cytotoxic cerebral edema 6. Acute change in hyperventilation return to normal value after 48H, normalise CSF pH and
  39. 39. 7. Surgical decompression - craniotomy 8. Normothemia/hypothermia at 35 C Reduce CMRO2 9. CSF Drainage-via ventriculostomy catheter 10. Encourage venous drainage-head at 15-30 deg & neutral position 11. Steroids 12. hyperglycaemia- to start insulin
  40. 40. Reduce CMRO2 1. Normothermia@Hypothermia 2. Barbiturate/sedation 3. Anticonvulsants phenytoin , Diazepam 4. Muscle relaxants-avoid pancuronium, succinyl choline 5. Adequate Analgesia
  41. 41. Reduce cell damage 1. Avoidance of hyperglycaemia 2. Ca2+ channel blocker-nimodipine 3. Free radical scavanger ie barbiturate,Vit C,E 4. Glutamate and NMDA receptor antagonist
  42. 42. Effect of Anaesthetic Drugs Barbiturates : Barbiturates have four major actions on the CNS: (1) hypnosis, (2) depression of CMR, (3) reduction of CBF due to increased cerebral vascular resistance, and (4) anticonvulsant activity
  43. 43. o principally to suppression of CMR o Barbiturate-induced EEG suppression o effects of CBF redistribution and free radical scavenging have been suggested to contribute, and there is evidence that CMR suppression is not the sole mechanism o various barbiturates (thiopental, thiamylal, methohexital, pentobarbital) have similar effects on CMR and have generally been assumed to have equal protective efficacy
  44. 44. Benzodiazepines: o Benzodiazepines cause parallel reductions in CBF and CMR o CBF and CMRO2 decreased by 25% when 15 mg of diazepam was given to head-injured patients o effects of midazolam on CBF (but not CMR) o Increase in CSF absorption , Decreases CBV & ICP
  45. 45. VOLATILE ANESTHETICS: o Isoflurane - a potent suppressant of CMR in the cerebral cortex, and EEG evidence suggestive of a protective effect in humans o More recent data have shown that long-term neuroprotection with isoflurane is achievable under conditions in which the severity of ischemia is limited and restoration of blood flow after ischemia is complete o Sevoflurane reduces ischemic injury o Desflurane also reduces neuronal injury to the same extent that isoflurane
  46. 46. Isoflurane, on the other hand, facilitates absorption and is therefore the only volatile agent with favorable effects on CSF dynamics circulatory steal phenomenon : Volatile agents can increase blood flow in normal areas of the brain but not in ischemic areas, where arterioles are already maximally vasodilated. The end result may be a redistribution of blood flow away from ischemic to normal areas. net effect of volatile anesthetics on ICP is the result of immediate changes in cerebral blood volume, delayed alterations on CSF dynamics, and arterial CO2 tension
  47. 47. Propofol : o EEG suppression can also be achieved with clinically feasible doses of propofol o Durable protection with propofol is achievable if the severity of the ischemic insult is mild o cerebral infarction was significantly reduced in propofol-anesthetized o propofol reduce ischemic cerebral injury
  48. 48. ETOMIDATE o It too produces CMR suppression to an extent equivalent to barbiturates. o administration of etomidate results in greater tissue hypoxia and acidosis o aggravation of injury produced by etomidate (an imidazole) may be related to direct binding of NO as a consequence of etomidate-induced hemolysis . o combined with direct inhibition of the NO synthase enzyme by etomidate. o no scientific support for the current use of etomidate for cerebral protection
  49. 49. OPIOIDS : o opioids generally have minimal effects on CBF, CMR, and ICP, unless PaCO2 rises secondary to respiratory depression o hypotension Significant decreases in blood pressure adversely affect CPP regardless of the opioid selected o Normeperidine, a metabolite of meperidine, can induce seizures, cardiac depression
  50. 50. Ketamine: o dilates the cerebral vasculature and increases CBF (50 60%) o Ketamine may also impede absorption of CSF without affecting formation o Seizure activity in thalamic and limbic areas is also described o Increases in CBF, cerebral blood volume, and CSF volume can potentially increase ICP markedly in patients with decreased intracranial compliance
  51. 51. CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS o administer nimodipine orally beginning as soon as possible after subarachnoid hemorrhage. o it has not yet become standard practice to administer nimodipine or any other calcium channel blocker routinely after neurologic stroke o stroke victims have confirmed the benefits of nimodipine
  52. 52. XENON: o inert gas xenon exerts its anesthetic action by noncompetitive blockade of NMDA receptors o neuroprotection against excitotoxic injury o simultaneous administration of subanesthetic doses of xenon in combination with either hypothermia or isoflurane significantly reduces neuronal injury and improves neurologic function o specific use of xenon for the purpose of neuroprotection awaits results from outcome studies
  53. 53. LIDOCAINE: o Intravenous lidocaine decreases CMR, CBF, and ICP but to a lesser degree than other agents. o decreases CBF (by increasing cerebral vascular resistance) without causing other significant hemodynamic effects. o The risks of systemic toxicity and seizures, however, limit the usefulness of repeated dosing
  54. 54. VASOPRESSORS: o normal autoregulation - vasopressors increase CBF only when MAP is below 5060 mm Hg or above 150160 mm Hg. o absence of autoregulation: -vasopressors increase CBF by their effect on CPP. Changes in CMR generally parallel those in blood flow o Adrenergic agents have a greater effect on the brain when the bloodbrain barrier is disrupted. o central B1-receptor stimulation increases CMR and blood flow.
  55. 55. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents: o lack direct action on the brain but can have important secondary effects o Hypertension and histamine-mediated cerebral vasodilation increase ICP, while systemic hypotension (from histamine release or ganglionic blockade) lowers CPP. o Succinylcholine can increase ICP, result of cerebral activation associated with enhanced muscle spindle activity o increases in ICP following administration of an NMBA are the result of a hypertensive response due to light anesthesia during laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation
  56. 56. OSMOTIC DIURETICS: First line treatment to decrease high ICP Induce plasma expansion i. Reduced hematocrit ii. Reduced plasma viscosity iii. Reduced CBV iv. Mobilization of ECF Early high does of mannitol shown to improve long term outcomes
  57. 57. MAGNESIUM: o Membrane stabilizer o Suggested protective mechanism: Reduction of presynaptic release of glutamate Blockade of NMDA receptors Smooth muscle relaxation Improved mitochondrial Ca2+ buffering Blockage of Ca2+ entry o Protection depends on: Time of treatment initiation Type of cerebral ischemia
  58. 58. STEROIDS: o Suggested protective mechanisms: 1. Increase lipid bilayer 2. Free radical scavenging 3. Reduces cerebral edema 4. Anti-inflammatory effects 5. Prevents FFA accumulation 6. Inhibits lipid peroxidation o Not shown to decrease morbidity of mortality in acute cerebral ischemia o Not recommended for head trauma o Methylprednisolone: mild benefits in acute spinal cord injury
  59. 59. EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE Hypothermia o Reduce CMR in a temperature-dependent fashion o Mild hypothermia(32-35) ; negliable effect on CMR o But, in several studies mild hypothermia produce major protection ; meaningful neuroprotection o Deep hypothermia(18-22) ; highly neuroprotective o In normothermic brain ; only a few minutes of complete global ischemia cause neuronal death o In deep hypothermia before circulatory arrest ; brain can tolerate over 40 min and completely or near- completely recover
  60. 60. To be Monitored.. Haemodynamic; CVP,MAP, CPP Haematological ; PCV 35-40 Oxygenation; Above 60mmHg Ventilation ; CO2 30-35mmHg Temperature; -BUSE I/O chart ICP; keep less than 20mmHg EEG-2 parietal electrodes Other organ function