concurrent error detection and...

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International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

159 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET





1 IV-YEAR , ECE STUDENT , Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad

ABSTRACT: In advanced electronic circuits the reliability has been a major concern. There are number of mitigation

techniques proposed to make sure that the errors do not affect the circuit functionality. Among them, to protect the memories

and registers in electronic circuits Error Correction Codes (ECC) are commonly used. Whenever any ECC technique is used,

the encoder and decoder circuit may also suffer errors. In this brief, concurrent error detection and correction technique for

OLS encoders and syndrome computation is proposed and evaluated. The proposed method efficiently implements a parity

prediction scheme that detects all errors that affect a single circuit node using the properties of OLS codes. The results

constitute simulation of Verilog codes of different modules of the codes in Xilinx 13.2. The results demonstrate that the CED

for OLS encoders & Syndrome Computation are very efficient for the detection and correction of burst errors.

Keywords: Error Correction Codes,Ols Codes,Ced,Ols


In the early days of computers, the failures due to

transient or intermittent faults were an accepted way of life.

Since then, as computers are more relied upon and as are

being used in the design of numerous systems, such failures

are no longer acceptable, especially in the case of critical

systems. The most sensitive part in computers is the

semiconductor memory which is susceptible to both, hard and

soft faults. The memory faults are caused by the high-energy

subatomic particles, commonly known as cosmic rays. These

splinters of shattered nuclei have been bombarding the planet

from all directions, but computer scientists did not pay them

any heed until the late 1970s, when memory bits get small

enough to be affected by the supersonic alpha particles that

can flip a bit from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1. The errors in the memory

are being successfully dealt with ECC

As computing and communications become

irreplaceable tools of modern era, one fundamental principle

emerges: The greater the benefits these systems bring, the

greater the potential for harm when they fail to perform their

functions or perform them incorrectly. High density of chips

have inevitably caused unpredictable system behavior and

increased the potential for multiple faults originating from a

single source. Most of the systems (whether critical or non-

critical) being designed these days are computer-controlled.

Critical systems must contain highly reliable semiconductor

memories. The computations, on which the functionality of a

critical system depends, may be frequently required to store in

such memories. Even a single bit error can affect the whole

computations and can subsequently cause a system’s failure

which in turn may cause catastrophes. This opens the way to

develop “Fault Tolerant Memories”.

Errors in general are categorizes into “Logic Errors”

and “Memory Errors”. The former is generally permanent in

nature, which may occur anywhere in the hardware including

processors and memories. By “Memory Errors”, we normally

mean the soft errors, caused due to many reasons.

According to a survey and research, the following

factors have a direct impact on error rates:

Increased complexity raises the error rate.

Higher-density (higher-capacity) chips are more likely to

have errors.

Lower-voltage devices are more likely to have errors.

Higher speeds (lower latencies) contribute to higher error


Lower cell capacitance (less storage charge) causes

higher error rates.

Shorter bit-lines result in few errors.

Wafer thinning improves error tolerance.

“Radiation Hardening” can decrease error rates but

several orders of magnitude, but these techniques cost

more, reduce performance, use more power, and/or

increase area.

This paper is confined to memory errors, as these are

most dominant over the other errors. Any small to large

systems such as super-computers and cell phones to video

games, contain memory, most often RAM. Reliability of

RAM during working is one of a key element in many

applications. The RAM chips may undergo physical defects

during various stages of its fabrication, including silicon

crystal formation, oxidation, diffusion, optical lithography,

metallization and packaging. If it is produced defect-free, still

it can get defects or permanent faults during its working life.

Such faults are called hard memory faults. The most common

results of defects are faulty logic or flaky connections which

usually manifest as opens, shorts or stuck at 1 or 0.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

160 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET

Semiconductor memories are more susceptible to

transient-faults (the faults which appear and disappear) due to

impingement of alpha particles, electrostatic discharges,

glitches, etc. among them alpha particles are the most

prominent one. In fact, DRAM chips can be exploited as

reliable and cheap alpha particle detectors. The intermittent-

faults (the faults which appear, disappear and reappear) can

occur due to resistance and capacitance variations and

coupling effects. The transient and intermittent faults cause to

generate soft memory errors. A soft memory error is defined

as a random event that corrupt the value stored in the memory

cell without damaging the cell itself. Such errors are being

successfully dealt with ECC, which has gained a tremendous

impetus during the recent past.

A memory can be made fault-tolerant with the

application of an error-correcting code, such as Hamming

code, Reed-Muller code, the proposed OLS codes, etc. the

mean time between “failures” of a properly designed memory

system can be significantly increased with an error-correcting

code. In this respect, a system “fails” only when the errors

exceed the error-correcting capability of the code. Also, in

order to optimize data integrity, the error correcting code

should have the capability of detecting the most likely of the

errors that are uncorrectable.

This paper presents the OLS scheme to deal with the

memory errors, mostly with specific to the critical systems.

The techniques have been developed independently and

present unique characteristics and advantages. This technique

makes use of the hardware and information redundancies

simultaneously in the design, which might not present the cost

effective solution, but since such techniques are mainly

targeted for critical systems, the cost becomes the secondary

factor. Employing ECC with the memories, generally

increases the cost between 10% to 20%, typically increases

the die-area around 20% and may also slow down the speed

around 3-4%, but the advantages obtained in terms of

reliability and accuracy are incomparable.



Schemes for Error Detection find wide range of

applications, since only after the detection of error, can any

preventive measure be initiated. The principle of error

detecting scheme is very simple, an encoded codeword needs

to preserve some characteristic of that particular scheme, and

a violation is an indication of the occurrence of an error. Some

of the error detection techniques are discussed below.

2.1.1 Parity Codes: These are the simplest form of error detecting codes,

with a hamming distance of two (d=2), and a single check bit

(irrespective of the size of input data). They are of two basic

types: Odd and Even. For an even-parity code the check bit is

defined so that the total number of 1s in the code word is

always even; for an odd code, this total is odd. So, whenever a

fault affects a single bit, the total count gets altered and hence

the fault gets easily detected. A major drawback of these

codes is that their multiple fault detection capabilities are very


2.1.2 Checksum Codes: In these codes the summation of all the information

bytes is appended to the information as bit checksum. Any

error in the transmission will be indicated as a resulting error

in the checksum. This leads to detection of the error. When

b=1, these codes are reduced to parity check codes. The codes

are systematic in nature and require simple hardware units.

2.1.3 m-out-of-n Codes: In this scheme the codeword is of a standard weight

m and standard length n bits. Whenever an error occurs during

transmission, the weight of the code word changes and the

error gets detected. If the error is a 0 to 1 transition an increase

in weight is detected, similarly 1 to 0 leads to a reduction in

weight of the code, leading to easy detection of error. This

scheme can be used for detection of unidirectional errors,

which are the most common form of error in digital systems.

2.1.4Berger Codes:

Berger codes are systematic unidirectional error

detecting codes. They can be considered as an extension of the

parity codes. Parity codes have one check bit, which can be

considered as the number of information bits of value 1

considered in modulo2. On the other hand Berger codes have

enough check bits to represent the count of the information

bits having value 0. The number of check bits (r) required for

k-bit information is given by

r = [log2 (k − 1)]

Of all the unidirectional error detecting codes that

exist suggests, m-out of-n codes to be the most optimal. These

codes however, are not of much application because of its non

separable nature. Amongst the separable codes in use, the

Berger codes have been proven to be most optimal, requiring

the smallest number of check bits.The Berger Codes,

however, are not optimal when only t unidirectional errors

need to be detected instead of all unidirectional errors. For this

reason a number of different modified Berger codes exist: Hao

Dong introduced a code that accepts slightly reduced error

detection capabilities, but does so using fewer check bits and

smaller checker sizes. In this code the number of check bits is

independent of the number of information bits. Bose and Lin

have introduced their own variation on Berger codes and Bose

has further introduced a code that improves on the burst error

detection capabilities of his previous code, where erroneous

bit are expected to appear in groups.



Concurrent Error Detection (CED) techniques are

widely used to enhance system dependability. Almost all CED

techniques function according to the following principle: Let

us suppose that the system under consideration realizes a

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

161 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET

function f and produces output f(i) in response to an input

sequence i.

A CED scheme generally contains another unit which

independently predicts some special characteristic of the

system-output f(i) for every input sequence i. Finally, a

checker unit checks whether the special characteristic of the

output actually produced by the system in response to input

sequence i is the same as the one predicted and produces an

error signal when a mismatch occurs. Some examples of the

characteristics of f(i) are: f(i) itself, its parity, 1’s count, 0’s

count, transition count, etc.

The architecture of a general CED scheme is shown

in Fig.1 Any CED scheme is characterized by the class of

failures in the presence of which the system data integrity is

preserved. By data integrity, we mean that the system either

produces correct outputs or indicates erroneous situations

when incorrect outputs are produced.

In the literature on fault-tolerance, this property has been

referred to as the fault secure property. It may be noted that

the general architecture of a CED scheme such as Fig 3.1

relies on the use of hardware redundancy (predictor and

checker circuits) for error-detection.

Time redundancy techniques like alternate data- retry

and recomputation with shifted operands can also be used for

concurrent error detection. Time redundancy directly affects

the system performance although the hardware cost is

generally less than that of hardware redundancy. The focus of

this paper is on CED techniques using hardware redundancy.

Fig 1: General architecture of a concurrent error detection


Several CED schemes have been proposed and used

commercially for designing reliable computing systems.

These techniques mainly differ in their error detection

capabilities and the constraints they impose on the system

design. All the CED techniques guarantee system data

integrity against single faults. However, these CED schemes

are vulnerable to multiple faults and common-mode failures.

Common-mode failures are a special and very important cause

of multiple faults. Common-mode failures (CMFs) produce

multiple faults, occurring generally due to a single cause; the

system data integrity is not guaranteed in the presence of

CMFs. These include design mistakes and operational failures

that may be due to external (such as EMI, power-supply

disturbances and radiation) or internal causes. It may be

argued that, unlike systems with duplication, concurrent error

detection techniques based on error detecting codes (e.g.

parity, etc.) introduces inherent diversity in the system. Thus,

qualitatively, these systems must be well-protected against

CMFs. In general, the CED techniques considered are those

based on identical and diverse duplication, parity prediction

and Berger and Bose-Lin codes. These techniques are general

and can be used for any system.

The existing technique in the paper “Concurrent

Error detection for OLS Encoders and Syndrome

Computation” is intended mainly for detecting errors in



3.1.1 Duplex System:

A duplex system is an example of a classical

redundancy scheme that can be used for concurrent error

detection. Fig 3.2 shows the basic structure of a duplex

system. Duplication has been used for concurrent error

detection in numerous systems including the Bell Switching

System, systems from companies like Stratus and Sequoia and

also in the IBM G5 and G6 processors. In any duplex system

there are two modules (shown in Fig 3.2 as Module 1 and

Module 2) that implement the same logic function. The two

implementations are not necessarily the same. A comparator is

used to check whether the outputs from the two modules

agree. If the outputs disagree, the system indicates an error.

For a duplex system, data integrity is preserved as long as

both modules do not produce identical errors (assuming that

the comparator is fault-free). Since the comparator is crucial

to the correct operation of the duplex system, special self-

checking comparator designs (e.g., two-rail checker) that

guarantee data integrity against single comparator faults must

be used.

Fig. 2: A Duplex System

3.1.2Parity Prediction: Parity prediction is a widely used CED technique.

The even/odd parity function indicates whether the number of

1’s in a set of binary digits is even or odd. Techniques for

designing datapath logic circuits and general combinational

circuits with parity prediction.

Fig 2 shows the basic architecture of a system with

concurrent error detection using a single parity bit. The circuit

has m outputs and is designed in such a way that there is no

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

162 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET

sharing among the logic cones generating each of the outputs.

Thus, a single fault can affect at most one output bit position.

The parity of the outputs is predicted independently. The

parity checker checks whether the actual parity of the outputs

matches the predicted parity.

The restriction of no logic sharing among different

logic cones can result in large area overhead for circuits with a

single parity bit. Hence, the idea of using a single parity bit

has been extended to multiple parity bits. This technique

partitions the primary outputs into different parity groups.

Sharing is allowed only among logic cones of the outputs that

belong to different parity groups. There is a parity bit

associated with the outputs in each parity group. The outputs

of each parity group are checked using a parity checker.

Fig 3: Parity prediction using a single parity bit

Fig 4 shows the general structure of a combinational

logic circuit with two parity groups. In the circuit of Fig. 3.4,

there are two parity groups G1 and G2. The parity group G1

contains the outputs Z1, …, Zk. P1 is the predicted parity for

this parity group. It predicts the parity of the primary outputs

in G1. The parity group G2 contains the outputs Zk+1, …,

Zm. P2 is the predicted parity bit associated with this parity

group. There is sharing between logic cones corresponding to

the outputs Zk and Zk+1. No logic sharing is allowed among

the cones corresponding to outputs Z1, …, Zk (Zk+1, …,

Zm). Sharing is allowed among logic cones corresponding to

other output groups such as Zh and Zj, 1 <=h <=k, k+1<=j


Fig 4: Multiple parity bits for Concurrent Error Detection

3.1.3 Unidirectional Error Detecting Codes

CED techniques based on unidirectional error

detecting codes have been proposed in the past. A

unidirectional error detecting code assumes that all errors are

unidirectional, i.e., they change 0s to 1s or 1s to 0s but never

both at the same time. Two unidirectional error detecting

codes used for concurrent error detection are Berger codes,

and Bose-Lin codes.

For the Berger code, a code-word is formed by

appending a binary string representing the number of 0s (or

the bit-wise complement of the number of 1s) in the given

information word. Thus, for an information word consisting of

n bits, the Berger code requires [log2n]extra bits to represent

the number of 0s (or the bit-wise complement of number of

1s) in the information word. The Berger code has the

capability of detecting all unidirectional errors. Fig 5 shows a

concurrent error detection technique using Berger codes.

Since the Berger code is a unidirectional error detection code,

it is important to ensure that a single fault causes

unidirectional errors at the outputs.

This imposes a restriction that the logic circuits

should be synthesized in such a way that they are inverter-

free. Inverters can only appear at the primary inputs. In

general, for Berger codes used to detect unidirectional errors

on communication channels, the check-bits represent the

bitwise complement of the number of 1’s in the information

word. “However, since concurrent error detection techniques

are designed to guarantee data integrity in the presence of

single faults, a single fault can affect either the actual logic

function or the logic circuit that predicts the number of 1’s at

the output but never both at the same time (since there is no

logic sharing between the actual circuit and the circuit that

predicts the number of 1’s)”. Thus, we need not obtain a bit-

wise complementation of the number of 1’s.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

163 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET


ig 5: Concurrent Error Detection Using Berger Codes Bose-Lin codes are capable of detecting t-bit

unidirectional errors in the code-word. Design of logic circuits

with concurrent error detection based on Bose-Lin codes has

been reported in Fig 3.6 shows the architecture of a system

with concurrent error detection based on 2-bit unidirectional

error detecting Bose-Lin code. Just like Berger codes, we

want the circuit to be inverter-free (except at the primary

inputs), so that any single fault creates unidirectional errors at

the outputs.

Fig 6: Concurrent Error detection using Bose-Lin codes

We also need a restriction on the amount of logic sharing

since the code is capable of detecting at most 2 unidirectional

errors. The restriction is that, any logic gate in the circuit can

be shared by the logic cones of at most two primary outputs.


An ideal ECC is one that results in a high speed and a

simple decoding circuit, but speed and redundancy do not go

together, in fact these are inversely related to each other,

which means with low-redundancy, the design of a decoder is

likely to be complex.

Generally ECC is associated with two types of

redundancies, i.e., Hardware Redundancy and Information

Redundancy. Both of these redundancies are themselves

related inversely to each other, which means if the information

redundancy is increased in a given code without aiming to

enhance its error correcting capability then it will require less

hardware and will result in an efficient decoder circuit. The

reason is that high information redundancy results in low-

density parity check equations, which enable us to get fast and

inexpensive circuits. The LSCs (Latin Square Codes) are the

one which have the above attribute and not only this, but the

hardware is also convenient to develop through modular

approach. As far as the information redundancy is concerned,

it cannot be increased or decreased at will. It is governed by

lower and upper bounds on "r", known as Hamming and

Gilbert bounds respectively. The technique based on using the

LSCs, has remained in the theory for a long time. The initial

work on LSCs can be found in an old research done at IBM

research & development division. Such work remained in

theory for a long time.

For general applications, simple SEC codes were

considered enough and the requirement of MEC code ceases

to exist. Moreover, the past technologies were not supportive

to develop a large and complex decoder. But now, SEC and

MEC codes have got much attention due to the high

complexity and high speed of the current technology.


The LSCs have some unique characteristics as follows:

The redundancy can be added systematically and

through a modular approach for enhancing the capability

of the codes. Thus moving from 1-bit error correction

capability to 2-bit error correction capability, we just need

to extend the existing hardware without changing the

existing circuit. Hence these codes are ideal for multiple

error corrections and provide design simplicity.

These codes are one-step-decodable majority codes,

providing the fastest parallel decoding.

These codes are self-orthogonal and non-cyclic.

The parity-check matrix possesses a uniform pattern

and results in a small number of inputs to modulo 2

adders (XOR gates).

For rn2 data bits, 2tm information overheads are

required. Hence for 4- information bits (k), 4 extra bits

(redundant bits) are required for 1-bit correction, which

means the code represents. (8, 4) code. Clearly, the

overhead percentage decreases as the "k" increases, as

obvious from the table 4.1.

From implementation point of view, exactly 2tm check

bit equations can be obtained from the relevant H-matrix,

but we normally implement 2t equations.

i.e., only those equations related to correct the data bits

(k) only.




International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

164 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET


Error correction codes (ECCs) have been used to

protect memories for many years. There is a wide range of

codes that are used or have been proposed for memory

applications. Single error correction (SEC) codes that can

correct one bit per word are commonly used. More advanced

codes that can also correct double adjacent errors or double

errors in general have also been studied. The use of more

complex codes that can correct more errors is limited by their

impact on delay and power, which can limit their applicability

to memory designs. To overcome those issues, the use of

codes that are one step majority logic decodable (OS-MLD)

has recently been proposed.

OS-MLD codes can be decoded with low latency and

are, therefore, used to protect memories. Among the codes

that are OS-MLD, a type of Euclidean geometry (EG) code

has been proposed to protect memories. Another type of code

that is OS-MLD is orthogonal Latin squares (OLS) code.

The use of OLS codes has gained renewed interest

for interconnections, memories, and caches. This is due to

their modularity such that the error correction capabilities can

be easily adapted to the error rate or to the mode of operation.

OLS codes typically require more parity bits than other codes

to correct the same number of errors. However, their

modularity and the simple and low delay decoding

implementation (as OLS codes are OS-MLD), offset this

disadvantage in many applications.

An important issue is that the encoder and decoder

circuits needed to use (ECCs) can also suffer errors. When an

error affects the encoder, an incorrect word may be written

into the memory. An error in the decoder can cause a correct

word to be interpreted as erroneous or the other way around,

an incorrect word to be interpreted as a correct word.

The protection of the encoders and decoders has been

studied for different ECCs. For example, in EG codes were

studied. The protection of Reed–Solomon, Hamming, and

BCH encoders and decoders has also been studied.

The ECC encoder computes the parity bits, and in

most cases the decoder starts by checking the parity bits to

detect errors. This is commonly referred to as syndrome

computation. For some codes, it is possible to perform

encoding and syndrome computation serially based on the

properties of the code. However, when delay has to be low,

parallel implementations are preferred. This is the case for

OLS codes that are commonly used in high-speed

applications. The reader is referred to for a detailed discussion

of ECC encoders and decoders. After syndrome computation,

when errors are detected, the rest of the decoding is done to

correct the errors. This means that generating and checking

the parity bits are important parts of the encoder and decoder

circuitry. Therefore, its protection is an important issue.

In this brief, the protection of the encoders and

syndrome computation for OLS codes when used in SRAM

memories and caches is considered. Based on the specific

properties of these codes, it is shown that parity prediction is

an effective technique to detect errors in the encoder and

syndrome computation. This is not the case for most other

block codes for which parity prediction cannot provide

effective protection. Therefore, this is another advantage of

OLS codes in addition to their modularity and simple



OLS codes are based on the concept of Latin squares.

A Latin square of size m is an m × m matrix that has

permutations of the digits 0, 1… m − 1 in both its rows and

columns. Two Latin squares are orthogonal if when they are

superimposed every ordered pair of elements appears only

once. OLS codes are derived from OLS. These codes have k =

m2 data bits and 2tm check bits, where t is the number of

errors that the code can correct. For a double error correction

code t = 2, and, therefore, 4m check bits, are used. As

mentioned in the introduction, one advantage of OLS codes is

that their construction is modular. This means that to obtain a

code that can correct t+1 errors, simply 2m check bits are

added to the code that can correct t errors. This can be useful

to implement adaptive error correction schemes. The modular

property also enables the selection of the error correction

capability for a given word size.

As mentioned before, OLS codes can be decoded

using OS-MLD as each data bit participates in exactly 2t

check bits and each other bit participates in at most one of

those check bits. This enables a simple correction when the

number of bits in error is t or less. The 2t check bits are

recomputed and a majority vote is taken. If a value of one is

obtained, the bit is in error and must be corrected. Otherwise

the bit is correct. As long as the number of errors is t or less,

the remaining t −1 errors can, in the worst case, affect t −1

check bits. Therefore, still a majority of t + 1 triggers the

correction of an erroneous bit. In any case, the decoding starts

by recomputing the parity check bits and checking against the

stored parity check bits.

The parity check matrix H for OLS codes is

constructed from the OLS. As an example, the matrix for a

code with k = 16 and 8 check bits that can correct single errors

is shown in Fig. 5.1. As discussed earlier, due to the modular

construction of OLS codes this matrix forms part of the H

matrix for codes that can correct more errors. For example, to

obtain a code that can correct two errors, eight additional rows

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

165 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET

are added to the H matrix. For an arbitrary value of k = m2, the

H matrix for a SEC- OLS code is constructed as follows:

Fig 7: Generalized H matrix of Latin square code

for SEC

Where I2tm is the identity matrix of size 2m and M1, M2 are

matrices of size m × m2. The matrixes M1 AND M2 have the

following forms:

Fig 8 : General form of Sub-matrix M1

M2= [Im Im …..Im] i.e., all are identity matrices of order m.

In summary, the encoder takes k = m2 data bits (di)

and computes 2tm parity check bits (ci) using a matrix G,

which is derived from Latin squares and has the following


1) Each data bit participates exactly in 2t parity checks.

2) A pair of data bits participates (both bits) in at most one of

the parity checks.




Before describing the proposed error detection

technique, the standard definition of self-checking circuits that

are used in this section is presented. During normal, or fault-

free, operation, a circuit receives only a subset of the input

space, called the input code space, and produces a subset of

the output space, called the output code space. The outputs

that are not members of the output code space form the output

error space. In general, a circuit may be designed to be self-

checking only for an assumed fault set. In this brief, we

consider the fault set F corresponding to the single stuck-at

fault model.

A circuit is self-checking if and only if it satisfies the

following properties:

1) It is self-testing, and 2) fault-secure.

A circuit is self-testing if, for each fault f in the fault

set F, there is at least one input belonging to the input code

space, for which the circuit provides an output belonging to

the output error space. A circuit is fault-secure if, for each

fault f in the fault set F and for each input belonging to the

input code space, the circuit provides the correct output, or an

output belonging to the output error space.

The fault-secure property guarantees that the circuit

gives the correct response, or signals the presence of a fault

that provides an output in the error space. Faults are always

detected, since there is an input that produces an output that

identifies the presence of the fault.

This property is related to the assumption that the

interval between the occurrences of two faults is enough to

permit to all the elements belonging to the input code space to

appear as circuit inputs before the occurrence of the second

fault. Thus, an output belonging to the output error space

appears at the circuit output before the occurrence of the

second fault.

Fig 9: Parity check matrix for OLS code with k = 16

and t = 1

The error detection technique is based on the use of

parity prediction, which is one of the techniques that are used

to detect and correct error in typical logic circuits. In our case,

the problem is much simpler, given the structure of the OLS

codes. For an encoder, the proposed is that the parity of the

calculated check bits (ci) is set against the parity of all the

check equations. The equation obtained by calculating the

parity of the columns in G is simply the parity of all check

equations. Since for OLS codes, each column in G will have

exactly 2t ones, so null equation is obtained (see, for example,

Fig 5.1). Therefore, the concurrent error detection (CED) is

normally to check

c1 ⊕ c2 ⊕ c3 ⊕・ ・ ・⊕c2tm = 0 (1)

r1 ⊕ r2 = 0 (2)

This enables an efficient implementation that is not

possible in other codes. For example, in a Hamming code a

significant part of the columns in G has an odd weight and for

some codes the number is even larger as they are designed to

have odd weights. The input code space of the OLS encoder

corresponds to the input space, since the encoder can receive

all the possible 2k input configurations. The output code space

of the OLS encoder is composed by the outputs satisfying

eq(1) and eq(2), while the output error space is the

complement of the output code space.

A fault that occurs in one of the gates composing the

OLS encoder can change at most one of the ci check bits.

When this change occurs, the OLS encoder provides an output

that does not satisfy (1) and (2), i.e., an output belonging to

the output error space. Hence, this guarantees the fault-secure

property for this circuit. Additionally, since the encoder is

composed only by XOR gates, no logic masking is performed

in the circuit. Therefore, when a fault is activated the error is

propagated to the output. This ensures the self-testing property

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Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

166 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET

of the circuit. In order to check if the output of the OLS

encoder belongs to the output code space or the output error

space, a self-checking implementation of a parity checker is

used. The checker controls the parity of its inputs and is

realized with a repetition code. The two outputs (r1, r2) are

each equal to the parity of one of two disjoint subsets of the

checker inputs (ci). When a set of inputs with the correct

parity is provided, the output code (r1, r2) takes the values 00

or 11 and are compared against checker to get to know that the

output is error free.

When the checker receives an erroneous set of inputs,

the checker provides the output codes 01 or 10 and the output

would e would be 1. Also, if a fault occurs in the checker, the

outputs are 01 or 10 and so the output e=1. This guarantees

the self-checking property of the parity checker. The existing

encoder is illustrated in Fig 5. 2 for the code with k = 16 and t

= 1.

Fig 10: Existing self-checking encoder for OLS

code with k = 16 and t = 1

The existing circuit can detect any error that affects

an odd number of ci bits. For a general code, in most cases

there is logic sharing among the computations of the ci bits.

This means that an error may propagate to more than one ci

bit, and if the number of bits affected is even, then the error is

not detected by the existing scheme.

To avoid this issue, the computation of each ci bit

can be done separately. This, however, increases the circuit

area of the encoder as no logic sharing is allowed. Another

option is to control the logic in such a way that errors can only

propagate to an odd number of outputs. This would also

increase the cost compared to an unrestricted implementation.

Additionally, even if the error propagates to an odd number of

outputs, the delay of each path can be different. This may

cause registering of only some of the output errors at the clock


For OLS codes, a pair of data bits shares at most one

parity check. This guarantees that there is no logic sharing

among the computation of the ci bits. Therefore, the existing

technique detects all errors that affect a single circuit node.

Fig 11: Existing self-checking syndrome

computation for OLS code withk = 16 and t = 1

For the syndrome computation, the parity prediction

can be implemented by checking that the following two

equations take the same value

r1 = s1 ⊕ s2 ⊕ s3 ⊕・ ・ ・⊕s2tm (3)

r2 = c1 ⊕ c2 ⊕ c3 ⊕ ・・ ・⊕c2tm (4)

f= r1 ⊕ r2 (5)

where si are the computed syndrome bits. The existing circuit

is shown in Fig. 5.3 for the code with k = 16 and t = 1.

For syndrome computation, the input code space is

only a subset of the possible 2k+2tm input configurations as

only up to t errors are considered. This subset is given by the

valid OLS code words and the non-valid OLS code words that

are at a Hamming distance of t or less from a valid codeword.

Those correspond to the input configurations in which there

are no errors or at most t errors on the di inputs such that the

errors can be corrected.

The output code space of the OLS syndrome

computation is composed by the outputs given by (3), (4) and

(5) satisfying r1 = r2, while the output error space is the

complement of the output code space and then these are

compared together with an XOR. So whenever output is 0(e)

then there will not be any error and if 1 then there is an error.

The fault-secure property for the syndrome

computation is easily demonstrated for the faults in F by

observing that the circuits that compute r1 and r2 do not share

any gate and both circuits are only composed of XOR gates.

Therefore, a single fault could propagate to only one of the

outputs, producing an output on the output error space.

To prove the self-testing property for the syndrome

computation, suppose that a fault occurs in one of the gates

computing (3). If the input configuration is a valid OLS

codeword, all the syndrome bits are 0, detecting all stuck-at-1

faults in the XOR gates computing (3).

Instead, if the input is a non-OLS codeword that is

affected by a t or less errors, some syndrome bits are 1,

allowing the detection of a stuck-at-0 faults in the XOR gates

computing (3). Finally, suppose that a fault occurs in one of

the gates computing (4). Since any combination of the 2tm

check bits is allowed, any fault can be activated and the error

propagated to the output r2.

For OLS codes, the cost of the encoder and syndrome

computation in terms of the number of two-input XOR gates

can be easily calculated (note that for the calculations an

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

167 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET

l−input XOR gate is assumed to be equivalent to l − 1 two-

input XOR gates). For a code with k = m2 and that can correct

t errors, there are 2tm parity check bits and the computation of

each of them requires m − 1 two input XOR gates. Therefore,

the encoder requires 2tm (m − 1) two-input XOR gates. For

the syndrome computation, an additional XOR gate is needed

for each parity check bit, giving a total of 2tm2 two-input

XOR gates. The existing method requires 2tm−1 two-input

XOR gates for the encoder and 4tm-2 two-input XOR gates

for the syndrome computation. This means that the overhead

required to implement our method for the encoder is

Oencoder = (2tm-1) (6)

(2tm (m-1))

and for the syndrome computation it is

Osyndrome = (4tm-2) (7)




k m Encoder Syndrome

16 4 29.17% 87.50%

64 8 13.39% 46.87%

256 16 12.91% 24.21%

For large values of m, the first equation can be

approximated by 1/m and the second by 2/m. This shows that

as the block size of the code k = m2 grows, the overhead

becomes smaller and independent of t. This is illustrated in

Table 5.1, where the overheads predicted by eq(6) and eq(7)

are illustrated for t = 1 and different values of k. The overhead

in terms of delay is significant as the proposed parity

computation is done over the results of the encoder or

syndrome computation. This means that the delay of the new

logic adds directly to the encoding or syndrome computation

delay. However, the effect on the memory access time can be

minimized by noting that for the encoder the error checking

can be done in parallel with the writing of the data into the

memory. Then if an error is detected, the data is encoded and

written again. For the syndrome computation, the error

detection can be performed in parallel with the majority logic

voting and the error correction such that again, the impact on

access time is minimized.


As discussed in Chapter 2 regarding different types

of Concurrent techniques. Here parity prediction scheme is

used for this method.

The proposed method is very similar to the existing

method, here we are going to duplicate and calculate the check

bits for the circuit without CED technique for both encoder

and syndrome computation circuits and then compare them

with the check bits of CED circuit.


Fig. 12: Proposed self-checking & correction encoder for

OLS code withk = 16 and t = 1

For correction of the errors in the encoder, first the

circuit is partially duplicated till the generation of check bits

by giving the same input combinations. Then the check

bits(cj) of the duplicated circuit are compared against the

check bits(ci) of the original (CED) circuit by using the 2X1

multiplexer, where the original circuit check bits (ci) are

connected to the first input while the check bits (cj) obtained

from duplicated circuit are connected to the second input of

multiplexer and the selection bit for that is given from the

output(e) of the original circuit, whenever the selection bit is

0, then the original circuit is selected and if it is not equal to 0

then the duplicated circuit gets selected.

c_output=e~(ci)+e(cj) (8)

where ci are the check bits of the original circuit and cj

represents the check bits of the duplicated circuit.

This gives an efficient implementation which is not

possible in other ECC codes. For example, in the Hamming

code a major part of the columns in G have an odd weight and

for some different codes the number is even larger as they are

designed to have odd weights and also in that codes we need

to correct the codes manually, but in this case the codes are

automatically corrected.

The input code space of the OLS encoder corresponds to

the input space, since the encoder can receive all the possible

2k input configurations. The output code space of the OLS

encoder is composed by the outputs satisfying (1), (2) and (8),

while the output error space is the complement of the output

code space.

In order to check whether the output of the OLS encoder

belongs to the output code space or the output error space, a

self-checking implementation of a parity checker is used. The

checker and correction unit controls the parity of its inputs and

is realized with a repetition code. The two outputs (r1, r2) are

each equal to the parity of one of two disjoint subsets of the

checker inputs (ci). When a set of inputs with the correct

parity is provided, the output code {r1, r2} takes the values 00

or 11 and the two bits are compared against each other using a

checker to get the output 0. When the checker receives an

erroneous set of inputs, the checker provides the output codes

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

168 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET

01 or 10 and so the output checker e will be equal to 1. Also,

if a fault occurs in the checker, the outputs are 01 or 10 and

the final checker output will be 1. This guarantees the self-

checking property of the parity checker. The proposed encoder

is illustrated in Fig. 5.4 for the code with k = 16 and t = 1.

For correction of the errors in the encoder, first the circuit

is partially duplicated till the generation of check bits by

giving the same input combinations. Then the check bits(cj) of

the duplicated circuit are compared against the check bits(ci)

of the original (CED) circuit by using the 2X1 multiplexer,

where the original circuit check bits (ci) are connected to the

first input while the check bits (cj) obtained from duplicated

circuit are connected to the second input of multiplexer and

the selection bit for that is given from the output(e) of the

original circuit, whenever the selection bit is 0, then the

original circuit is selected and if it is not equal to 0 then the

duplicated circuit gets selected.


Fig 13: Proposed self-checking & correction syndrome

computation for OLS code with k = 16 and t = 1

The operation of the syndrome computation circuit is

very similar to that of the encoder circuit.

In the syndrome computation, first develop the

circuit for generating the syndrome bits with the same inputs

of the Existing CED for syndrome computation and then after

compare the syndrome bits with syndrome bits that are from

the CED for syndrome calculation by the 2X1 multiplexer

connecting “0” to the CED and “1” to the circuit without

CED, the purpose of multiplexer is to give the output from

any of the two circuits that produces output=0 i.e., from eq(3),

eq(4), eq(5) & eq(9) the selection line is given from the

output(e) of the CED encoder circuit.

S_output = f~

(si) +f(sj) (9)

Where si are the syndrome bits of the original circuit while sj

are the duplicated circuit syndrome bits.

The output code space of the OLS syndrome

computation is composed by the outputs given by eq(3), eq(4),

eq(5) and eq(9), while the output error space is the

complement of the output code space. The fault-secure

property for the syndrome computation is easily demonstrated

for the faults in F by observing that the circuits that compute e

do not share any gate and both circuits are only composed of

XOR gates. Therefore, a single fault could propagate to only

one of the outputs, producing an output on the output error


Though the circuits are different for encoder and

syndrome computation, the syndrome computation circuit

operation is similar to that of the operation of encoder, except

that in encoder we calculate check bits, here in syndrome

computation, syndrome bits are generated. The duplicated

circuit of syndrome computation circuit is that partial circuit

of the original syndrome circuit i.e., upto the generation of the

syndrome bits. The inputs of the duplicated circuit are taken

from the original inputs bits.

For OLS codes, the cost of the encoder and syndrome

computation in terms of the number of two-input XOR gates

can be easily calculated (as each l−input XOR gate is assumed

to be equivalent to l − 1 two-input XOR gates). There are 2tm

check bits for a code with k = m2 and that can correct t errors,

and the computation of each of them requires m−1 two input

XOR gates. Therefore, the encoder requires 2tm (m − 1) two-

input XOR gates. For syndrome computation, an additional

XOR gate is to be needed for each parity check bit, giving a

total number to 2tm two-input XOR gates.

The proposed method requires 4tm−2 two-input

XOR gates for the encoder and 8tm-4 two-input XOR gates

for the syndrome computation. This means that the overhead

required to implement,

Our method for the encoder is

Oencoder = (4tm-2) (9)

(2tm (m-1))

and for the syndrome computation is

Osyndrome = (8tm-4) (10)


For larger values of m, (9) can be approximated by

2/m and (10) can be approximated by 4/m. This shows that

whenever the block size of a code k=m2

grows, the overhead

will become smaller and independent of t.




k m Encoder Syndrome

16 4 58.33 87.50

64 8 26.78 46.87

256 16 12.91 24.21

The overhead in terms of delay is important as the

proposed parity computation is done over the results of the

encoder or syndrome computation. That means the delay of

the new logic adds to the encoding or syndrome computation

delay directly. However, the effect on memory access time is

reduced by noting that for the encoder the error checking and

correction can be done in parallel along with the writing of the

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

169 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET

data into the memory. For the syndrome computation, the

error detection and correction can be performed in parallel

with the majority logic voting and so the impact on access

time is minimized.

Finally, it is worth noting that the overhead of

implementing the proposed technique for other codes is much

larger. This is because the CED check becomes more complex

and also because logic sharing must be avoided in the parity

check computation


The proposed CEDC mechanisms have been implemented

in Verilog for codes with t = 1 and the values of k used in

Table 6.1. The designs have been implemented in Xilinx

design compiler for synthesis and simulation.

From the Table 5.1 & 5.2, it can be observed that the

as the number of bits are increased and so the overhead has

also gradually reduced, and for calculating the impact on

delay, synthesis is run on delay optimization. The results are

shown in table 5.1 and table 5.2. From that it is observed that

the proposed technique introduces a significant delay. This is

expected from the discussion in the previous section.

However, the impact on memory access time can be largely

reduced by performing error checking and correction in

parallel with the writing of the data for the encoder. For the

syndrome computation, the checking and correcting can be

done in parallel with the majority voting and error correction.



k m unprotected With CEDC overhead

16 4 6.236 9.028 44.7

64 8 6.579 9.401 42.89

256 16 6.771 9.783 44.48




k m unprotected With CEDC overhead

16 4 6.446 9.346 44.98

64 8 6.574 9.544 45.17

256 16 6.785 9.801 44.45

It is mentioned in the previous sections that the

circuits of encoder and decoder are duplicated for correction

of the check bits or syndrome bits. This results in a significant

area increase. As an example, from the previous work, an

encoder for a parity extended Hamming code with k = 32

implementation with and without logic sharing is considered.

In that the area overhead of avoiding logic sharing

was 35%. The cost of the checker is also larger for Hamming.

In this particular case, the total overhead for the proposed

scheme would be over 80%. This confirms that the proposed

technique is not effective in a general case and relies on the

properties of OLS codes to achieve an efficient






THEENCODER: The software used to perform compilation and

synthesis is Xilinx 13.2. A test bench is created to execute the

simulation. The software used to simulate the encoder is

Xilinx ISim.


Orthogonal Latin square (OLS) codes have many

communication and memory applications and are very

powerful in dealing with burst errors. In this thesis, OLS code

has been implemented in Verilog.

The encoding and decoding of the OLS code using

various modules and their simulation results are given in this



The encoding process has been described in section

7.2, so now the Verilog module of the encoder is considered

here.The encoder has been designed using Structural style of



ENCODER The Encoder is designed by dividing it into different modules:

4 - input XOR gate

Sub module of Encoder

Sub module of Encoder

Module of Encoder without CED

Module of Encoder with CED

Module of Encoder with CCD


Fig. 7.1: 4 input XOR gate

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

170 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET

Fig. 7.2: Simulation results of 4 input XOR gate

Fig. 7.3: RTL Schematic of 4 input XOR Gate


Fig. 7.4: Sub module of Encoder

Fig. 7.5: Simulation results of Sub module of


Fig. 7.6: RTL Schematic of Sub module of Encoder


Fig. 7.7: Sub module of Encoder

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

171 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET

Fig. 7.8: Simulation results of Sub module of


Fig. 7.9: RTL Schematic of Sub module of Encoder


Fig. 7.10: Encoder without CED

Fig. 7.11: Simulation results of Encoder without


Fig. 7.12: RTL Schematic of Encoder without CED


International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

172 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET

Fig. 8.13: Encoder with CED

Fig 7.14: Simulation results of Encoder with CED

Fig. 7.15: RTL Schematic of Encoder with CED


Fig. 7.16: Encoder with CCD

Fig. 7.17: Simulation results of Encoder with CCD

Fig. 7.18: RTL Schematic of Encoder with CCD

The Syndrome computation is designed by dividing it into

different modules:

Syndrome Computation without CED

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

173 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET

Syndrome Computation with CED

Syndrome Computation with CCD



Fig. 7.19: Syndrome Computation without CED

Fig. 7.20: Simulation results of Syndrome

Computation without CED

Fig. 7.21: RTL Schematic of Syndrome Computation

without CED


Fig. 7.22: Syndrome Computation with CED

Fig. 7.23: Simulation results of Syndrome Computation with


Fig. 7.24: RTL Schematic of Syndrome Computation with


International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

174 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET


Fig. 7.25: Syndrome Computation with CCD

Fig. 7.26: Simulation results of Syndrome Computation with


Fig. 7.27: RTL Schematic of Syndrome Computation with



In this brief, a CED technique for OLS codes

encoders and syndrome computation was proposed. The

proposed technique took advantage of the properties of OLS

codes to design a parity prediction scheme that could be

efficiently implemented and detects all errors that affect a

single circuit node. The technique was evaluated for different

word sizes, which showed that for large words the overhead is

small. This is interesting as large word sizes are used, for

example, in caches for which OLS codes have been recently

proposed. The proposed error checking scheme required a

significant delay; however, its impact on access time could be

minimized. This was achieved by performing the checking in

parallel with the writing of the data in the case of the encoder

and in parallel with the majority voting and error correction in

the case of the decoder.

In a general case, the proposed scheme required a

much larger overhead as most ECCs did not have the

properties of OLS codes. This limited the applicability of the

proposed CED scheme to OLS codes. The availability of low

overhead error detection techniques for the encoder and

syndrome computation is an additional reason to consider the

use of OLS codes in high-speed memories and caches.


1. Which Concurrent Error Detection Scheme to Choose?

Subhasish Mitra and Edward J. Mccluskey.

2. A Method To Extend Orthogonal Latin Square Codes Pedro

Reviriego, Salvatore Pontarelli, Alfonso Sánchez-Macián,

And Juan Antonio Maestro.

3. Error Detection In Majority Logic Decoding Of Euclidean

Geometry Low Density Parity Check (Eg-Ldpc) Codes,

pedro Reviriego, Juan A. Maestro and Mark F. Flanagan.

4. Latin Squares and Their Application in Coding Theory,

Artemis Toumazi.

5. Fpga Prototyping By Verilog Examples Xilinx Spartan Tm-3

Version, Pong P. Chu.

6. New Methods of Concurrent Checking Michael Goessel,

Vitaly Ocheretny, Egor Sogomonyan and Daniel Marienfeld.

7. Introduction to Error Correcting Codes, Ling-Pei Kung.

8. Efficient Error Detection In Double Error Correction

Orthogonal Latin Squares Codes, P. Reviriego, S. Liu, S. Lee

And J. A. Maestro

9. Concurrent Error Detection Of Binary And Nonbinary OLS

Parallel Decoders Kazuteru Namba And Fabrizio Lombardi.

10. “Test and Diagnosis for Small-Delay Defects”, Mohammad

Tehranipoor, Ke Peng Krishnedu Chakrabarty.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015

175 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET





TECHNOLOGY from JNTUH. His areas of interests includes

VLSI,Wireless and Mobile communications,Digital signal pro

cessing,Image processing,Telecommunications,Embedded

systems, network security.

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