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Confessions of Naval Intelligence Officer-JFKAssassination, UFO’s, ET’s, the Giza Pyramidsand Cydonia Mars Connectionsby Dave Hodges | October 25, 2015 4:37 am



In Part One, I promised an answer to two questions as a result of my father’s work in Operation PaperClip. By the way, they did not refer to their activities with captured Nazi scientists as Operation PaperClip.

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The two questions were:

Who killed JFK and why?1. What was the truth behind UFO sightings?2.

My dad did not know who specifically killed JFK. However, he knew it was a conspiracy because hequickly pointed out to me that whomever killed JFK, also killed MLK and RFK. Why? Because allthree major assassinations had the same cover story. Each man was killed by a man with a diary whostated his intentions. He also knew tha JFK was trying to penetrate the secrets of Majestic 12, a UFOworking group. JFK was completely shut out of this group. He was threatening to expose the group atthe time of his death.

My father believed that the sighted UFO’s were our reverse engineered craft. He did not believe, asdid his Nazi counterparts, that aliens were visiting the earth.

Hyperdimensional Physics


Michio Kaku

In the first three parts of this series, I related the chronology of a series of events which led to myfather’s involvement in the reverse engineering of advanced Nazi knowledge of HyperdimensionalPhysics as opposed to the Newtonian model that we largely teach today. However, mainstreamscience is catching up with the elite as evidenced by Michio Kaku’s Superstring, multi-dimensionaltheory in which it is demonstrated that there are least 26 dimensions. The bifurcation of science thathappened with the death of Tesla is about to be reunited. However, the Secret Space Program is, nopun intended, light years ahead of the discoveries of today’s mainstream physics.

Teleportation Experiments and Today’s UFO’s

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[4]At the Max Planck Institute[5] in Leipzig, Germany,there have been successful teleportation experiments involving various objects. In each case, theobject arrives at its destination prior to leaving it point of origin. The object is reportedly “out ofphase” at the time of the experiment. Well, this is exactly the technology my father worked on. Whena UFO is traveling at 10,000 mph and makes a sudden right angle turn, the inhabitants of the craftwould be crushed by the G forces. My father’s working group tried to solve this problem byemploying Tesla technology. At the moment of the right angle turn, the craft would momentarily blinkout, a commonly reported phenomenon from UFO observers, as the craft would temporarily go toanother dimension to avoid the G Forces in a form of teleportation. This is the working principle“discovered” by Newtonian science researchers earlier in this century. Abe Lincoln was correct in thatyou can’t lie to all the people all of the time.

The Max Planck experiments were briefly reported in the mainstream media, but ever so briefly. Yousee, you are not supposed to know about the existence of this type of science. If you want moreinformation on this science read up on the Tesla created Philadelphia Experiment.


One of the more fascinating revelations made by my father had to do with the pyramids at Giza andthe alleged pyramids at the Cydonia region of Mars. Do you remember the 1980’s movies, starringHarrison Ford in the old Indiana Jones movies? Well, it turns out that the Nazis did have a fascinationfor the pyramids and the promise of technology which was hidden inside these structures.

According to what the captured German scientists told my father, the Nazis were never interested inthe Holy Grail. To them, the Holy Grail contain information on how to teleport, from the pyramids, tothe vast regions of the universe. My father believed that the Nazis were somewhat successful becauseof the construction and use of the Nazi Bell which allegedly was both a time machine and ateleportation device. Author Jim Marrs has written extensively on this topic and I defer to hisexplanations except to say that the Nazis executed everyone connected to the Nazi Bell project in anattempt to cover up the escape of key Nazis including Hitler. Stalin bemoaned the fact that he nevercaught Hitler. Subsequently, I believe that it was likely that the key Nazis who escaped judgment atNuremburg did so through the Nazi Bell. To the best of my fathers knowledge, Operation Paper Clipwas not able to duplicate the Nazi Bell because everyone was killed. Only knowledge on the edge ofthe project remained.

Richard Hoagland of the Enterprise Mission, former NASA consultant, championed the similaritiesbetween the Mars Cydonia pyramids and the Giza Egyptian pyramids. After the Viking Explorer

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photos of the Cydonia region of Mars were released in the late 1970’s, my father was convinced thatwho built the pyramids on Earth, also built the pyramids on Mars. Why? Because the astronomicalalignment to key constellations in Earth folklore (e.g. the Egyptian Book of the Dead).

Cydonia Pyramids

Egypt Pyramids

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Orion stars

A striking characteristic of the pyramids and Sphinx of Giza is the way in which they are integratedinto a grand architectural plan, based on mathematical and astronomical data.

The two narrow shafts emanating from inside the Great Pyramid were directed to two specific stars:Zeta Orionis, one of the three stars in Orion’s belt, and Sirius, in the constellation of Canis Major.Both Cydonia and Giza pyramids share this commonality. I defer to Richard Hoagland for more adetailed explanation and comparison.

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Hoagland, with the help of experts has made the connection between a number of intriguingmathematical and geographical connections between Cydonia and Giza. Mathmetician Torun, whileworking for Hoagland, was first to realize that one of the large pyramids on Mars, the D&M Pyramid,contains a variety of functions and constants used in a sophisticated mathematical system known astetrahedral, sacred geometry which represents the Tesla science known as Hyperdimensional Physics.

Evidence of such advanced and non three-dimensional mathematics on both planets at the samerelative location on each planet, demonstrates a conscious design. Hoagland and his associatesdiscovered that the most important recurring feature found in the mathematics of Cydonia is the value0.865 – derived from the ratio of ‘e’ (an important mathematical constant equal to 2.7) and pi (themathematical constant of 3.142 used to calculate the properties of spheres and circles). This Hoaglandcalls the ‘message of Cydonia’ A trigonometrical function, that arc tangent of ‘e’/pi, gives the valueof 40.8 that is the Mars latitude on which both the D&M Pyramid and the NK Pyramid are sited.Amazingly, another trigonometrical function, the cosine of ‘e’/pi, gives the value 30, which is theexact geographical latitude of the pyramids of Giza on Earth. Hoagland has demonstrated that theGreat Pyramid of Giza contains tetrahedral or sacred geometry functions identical to those of theD&M Pyramid on Mars, and Torun has shown that the positioning of the Great Sphinx, relative to thepyramids, expresses the ‘Cydonian ratio ‘e’/pi. ‘The odds of such correlation happening bycoincidence on two neighboring planets are somewhere in the region of one in 7,000, says Hoagland.One of the key angles of Cydonia, repeated again and again, is 19.5 degrees. this is precisely thelatitude (19.5) degrees north. Which is also the exact latitude of the pathfinder-landing site. These areno coincidences despite what the Globalists would have you believe.

The presence of pi in the geometry of both sets of pyramids, demonstrates that the Egyptians did notbuild the pyramids at Giza. They did not have the expertise, in part, because they knew nothing of pi,in their mathmatics. In addition, the pyramid stones are multi-ton stones laid on top of other largermulti-ton stones with a margin of error of 1/50 of an inch and in some places, the error was 1/200th ofan inch. We, the engineers of today, cannot micro engineer structures with this kind of precision.Further, there is water erosion on the Sphinx and the pyramids. Climatologists tell us that there hasnot been enough water in the Nile River Valley to produce water erosion at that height, since before

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the last ice ago of over 13,400 years ago. Yet, Egyptologists tell us that the pyramids are no more thatabout 4,000 years old. Further, the Giza pyramid lined up perfectly with the constellation of Orion17,500 years ago at the Equinox and Solstice. This also happened at the same time at the otherpyramid structures on the Earth. My oh my, it is raining coincidences. The Egyptians did not build thepyramids. Who did?

Who Built the Pyramids?My father and I agree on one point, that aliens did not construct the pyramids. However, we boththink it is likely that mankind has risen up in prior times and ventured out to the stars only to meettheir demise here on earth with the survivors left to start over. Ancient Hopi legends,which matchancient Indian teachings state that we are in the fifth and final world. Events such as Noah’s Floodhave served to reduce mankind to the stone age.

Richard Hoagland once told me that he thought ET’s were originally from Earth and they had escapeda calamity and now they are coming back home to exert influence. I have no idea. However, I will tellyou that our history has been hidden from us and the resulting technology could wipe out all hungerand resource issues on the planet. Yet, there is a plot to keep this technology out of the hands of thepeople. It is all about control and the lid is ready to come of this conspiracy of silence and will revealall to those who are astute enough to listen.


Don’t wait for thecollapse of the dollarbecause it will be too late.

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[Image]: [Image]: [Image]: Max Planck Institute:



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Copyright ©2015 Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show unless otherwise noted.

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